Odprti podatki Slovenije Open data in a single API request

Open Data portal Slovenia datasets available on official portal for European data

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Bus lines in the municipality of Cerknica Open Data

The collection collects data on bus routes in the municipality of Cerknica.

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Bus lines in the municipality of Cerknica details >

1.2. Monetary Review — Consolidated Monetary System Balance Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata sourced from the BANK OF SLOVENIA and corresponding to

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1.2. Monetary Review — Consolidated Monetary System Balance details >

Selected claims of other monetary financial institutions by sector (Dairy sector S.121, S.122) Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata sourced from BANK OF SLOVENIA and corresponding to the

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Selected claims of other monetary financial institutions by sector (Dairy sector S.121, S.122) details >

1.4. Balance sheet of other monetary financial institutions — Passive (estimates from Jan. 1994 to... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata sourced from BANK OF SLOVENIA and corresponding to the

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1.4. Balance sheet of other monetary financial institutions — Passive (estimates from Jan. 1994 to... details >

External debt (BPM6) — net — EUR million — quarterly Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata sourced from BANK OF SLOVENIA and corresponding to the

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External debt (BPM6) — net — EUR million — quarterly details >

Ecological islands in the municipality of Mežica Open Data

The collection collects data on ecological islands in the municipality of Mežica.

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Ecological islands in the municipality of Mežica details >

Grave records — cadastral Open Data

The municipality keeps a register of graves — cadastre.

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Grave records — cadastral details >

Register of local communities in the Municipality of Novo mesto Open Data

The register contains a list of all local communities in the Municipality of Novo mesto

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Register of local communities in the Municipality of Novo mesto details >

Customer records of the Municipality of Osilnica Open Data

On-going collection, maintenance and updating of a collection of records of customers and suppliers

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Customer records of the Municipality of Osilnica details >

Records of accommodation facilities in the municipality of Rogatec Open Data

Record of active accommodation facilities in the municipality of Rogatec.

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Records of accommodation facilities in the municipality of Rogatec details >

Record of the structure of civil servants by title in the Municipality of Novo mesto Open Data

The records shall contain the following information: — municipal administration body or internal or

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Record of the structure of civil servants by title in the Municipality of Novo mesto details >

Records of subsidies for the purchase of small urban waste water treatment plants, domestic pumping... Open Data

The leaflet contains information on the subsidies paid for part of the cost of purchasing small urba

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Records of subsidies for the purchase of small urban waste water treatment plants, domestic pumping... details >

Records of operating times of catering establishments in the Municipality of Pivka Open Data

The municipality shall keep a record of operating times.

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Records of operating times of catering establishments in the Municipality of Pivka details >

Public and green areas in the municipality of Šmarje pri Jelšah Open Data

Public and green areas in the municipality of Šmarje pri Jelšah

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Public and green areas in the municipality of Šmarje pri Jelšah details >

Public and green spaces in the municipality of Vojnik Open Data

Public and green areas in the municipality of Vojnik.

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Public and green spaces in the municipality of Vojnik details >

Amount of waste collected in the municipality of Semič Open Data

The collection collects data on the amount of waste collected in the municipality of Semič.

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Amount of waste collected in the municipality of Semič details >

Corruptio — incompatibility of functions Open Data

The database shall contain data on perceived suspected breaches of the incompatibility of functions.

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Corruptio — incompatibility of functions details >

Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Komen Open Data

Records of accommodation facilities for tourists in the municipality of Komen.

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Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Komen details >

Last test of disguised faecal bleeding among persons aged 50 to 74 by sex and year, Slovenia, 2007... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSPE

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Last test of disguised faecal bleeding among persons aged 50 to 74 by sex and year, Slovenia, 2007... details >

Indicators by municipalities — Health status, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Indicators by municipalities — Health status, Slovenia, annually details >

2.2.2 Number of diagnostic strips issued for blood glucose meter, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTE

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2.2.2 Number of diagnostic strips issued for blood glucose meter, Slovenia, annually details >

2.4.1 Family medicine clinics — teams with graduate nurses, by regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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2.4.1 Family medicine clinics — teams with graduate nurses, by regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Sickness stock indicators by sex and disease groups, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTI

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Sickness stock indicators by sex and disease groups, Slovenia, annually details >

Indices of Legal Unit Registrations, Slovenia, monthly Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Indices of Legal Unit Registrations, Slovenia, monthly details >

Indices of the beginnings of bankruptcy of legal units, Slovenia, monthly Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Indices of the beginnings of bankruptcy of legal units, Slovenia, monthly details >

Nominal value indices of stocks in industrial production (month/average of 2015) by field and... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Nominal value indices of stocks in industrial production (month/average of 2015) by field and... details >

Sales of industrial goods and services by sector and 2-digit codes and 4-digit CPA codes (EUR),... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Sales of industrial goods and services by sector and 2-digit codes and 4-digit CPA codes (EUR),... details >

Energy for residential and sanitary water heating by mode of heating (%), households, Slovenia,... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Energy for residential and sanitary water heating by mode of heating (%), households, Slovenia,... details >

Electricity consumption (kWh) by type of customer, municipalities, Slovenia, monthly Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Electricity consumption (kWh) by type of customer, municipalities, Slovenia, monthly details >

Turnover from the sale of goods (EUR 1 000) by main activity of enterprises and other organisations... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata sourced from the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENI

Issued on

Turnover from the sale of goods (EUR 1 000) by main activity of enterprises and other organisations... details >

Turnover from the sale of goods (EUR 1 000) by type of customers in retail trade, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Turnover from the sale of goods (EUR 1 000) by type of customers in retail trade, Slovenia, annually details >

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries, municipalities, Slovenia, 2008M01-2017M12 Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries, municipalities, Slovenia, 2008M01-2017M12 details >

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by groups of tourist accommodations and by countries,... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by groups of tourist accommodations and by countries,... details >

Population of Slovenia by participation in tourist trips and by age (in 1000), Slovenia, quarterly Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Population of Slovenia by participation in tourist trips and by age (in 1000), Slovenia, quarterly details >

Residents of Slovenia who have not taken part in private trips by the most important reason for... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Residents of Slovenia who have not taken part in private trips by the most important reason for... details >

Private journeys by destination and main reason, Slovenia, 2000Q1-2020Q4 Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Private journeys by destination and main reason, Slovenia, 2000Q1-2020Q4 details >

Tourist trips by destination and number of overnight stays, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Tourist trips by destination and number of overnight stays, Slovenia, annually details >

Inhabitants of Slovenia by participation in one-day trips abroad and by sex (in 1000), Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Inhabitants of Slovenia by participation in one-day trips abroad and by sex (in 1000), Slovenia,... details >

Foreign tourists by countries of residence and opinions on the amount of expenditure, by selected... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Foreign tourists by countries of residence and opinions on the amount of expenditure, by selected... details >

Number of foreign travellers who left Slovenia at road border crossing points, by country of... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE STATIS

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Number of foreign travellers who left Slovenia at road border crossing points, by country of... details >

Number of foreign one-day visitors leaving Slovenia at road border crossing points, by country of... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata from which the REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIJE STATISTIČN REPUBL

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Number of foreign one-day visitors leaving Slovenia at road border crossing points, by country of... details >

Structure of average expenditure (%) of foreign transit passengers leaving Slovenia at road border... Open Data

This database automatically contains metadata from which the REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIJE STATISTIČN REPUBL

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Structure of average expenditure (%) of foreign transit passengers leaving Slovenia at road border... details >

Rail goods transport, transit of goods by countries of loading and unloading of goods, main railway... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Rail goods transport, transit of goods by countries of loading and unloading of goods, main railway... details >

Trucks and trailers, buses at the end of the year (31. 12.) and the first registrations of these... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Trucks and trailers, buses at the end of the year (31. 12.) and the first registrations of these... details >

Truck traffic across road border crossings, Slovenia, monthly Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Truck traffic across road border crossings, Slovenia, monthly details >

Number of enterprises by type of innovation activity by NACE activity and enterprise size, Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Number of enterprises by type of innovation activity by NACE activity and enterprise size, Slovenia,... details >

Number of enterprises by share of turnover of adjusted and co-created products, by NACE activity, by... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number of enterprises by share of turnover of adjusted and co-created products, by NACE activity, by... details >

Number of innovation active enterprises by location and importance of type of partner/partner for... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number of innovation active enterprises by location and importance of type of partner/partner for... details >

Number of innovation active enterprises by importance of partner (partner) for cooperation and... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Number of innovation active enterprises by importance of partner (partner) for cooperation and... details >

Number of enterprises by type of organisational innovation, by activity and size class, Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number of enterprises by type of organisational innovation, by activity and size class, Slovenia,... details >

Number of researchers by sector of employment and age groups, Slovenia, 2007-2016 Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Number of researchers by sector of employment and age groups, Slovenia, 2007-2016 details >

Expenditure on R & D in the business sector (EUR 1 000) by source of financing and size class of... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Expenditure on R & D in the business sector (EUR 1 000) by source of financing and size class of... details >

Exports and imports by Standard International Trade Classification, by countries, Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Exports and imports by Standard International Trade Classification, by countries, Slovenia,... details >

Indices of average values of exports and imports by sectors, sub-areas and divisions of the Standard... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata sourced from the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENI

Issued on

Indices of average values of exports and imports by sectors, sub-areas and divisions of the Standard... details >

Indicators of production and consumption, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Indicators of production and consumption, Slovenia, annually details >

Waste indicators, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Waste indicators, Slovenia, annually details >

NAMEA emissions to air (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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NAMEA emissions to air (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually details >

Land prepared for irrigation [ha], cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Land prepared for irrigation [ha], cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Value added of the environmental goods and services sector (EUR 1 000), Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Value added of the environmental goods and services sector (EUR 1 000), Slovenia, annually details >

Outbound traffic from a fixed location by user status and by type of network (1000 minutes),... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Outbound traffic from a fixed location by user status and by type of network (1000 minutes),... details >

Internet access by status of user and type of access, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Internet access by status of user and type of access, Slovenia, annually details >

Operators, infrastructure and employment in the field of electronic communications, Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Operators, infrastructure and employment in the field of electronic communications, Slovenia,... details >

Value (EUR million) in enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type of electronic... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Value (EUR million) in enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type of electronic... details >

Number of employees and self-employed in enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number of employees and self-employed in enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed... details >

Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type of cloud computing... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata sourced from the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENI

Issued on

Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type of cloud computing... details >

Number of households by causes of non-access to the internet, by type of household, Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number of households by causes of non-access to the internet, by type of household, Slovenia,... details >

Frequency and place of use of computers by individuals, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2007-2017 Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF REPUBLIC OF

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Frequency and place of use of computers by individuals, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2007-2017 details >

Number of online purchases made by individuals in the last 12 months, by country of seller and... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number of online purchases made by individuals in the last 12 months, by country of seller and... details >

Number and estimated value of online purchases made by individuals in the last 3 months, by age... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number and estimated value of online purchases made by individuals in the last 3 months, by age... details >

Number of individuals by buying a physical product in the last 3 months by origin of online seller,... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Number of individuals by buying a physical product in the last 3 months by origin of online seller,... details >

Number of individuals by purchasing a physical product in the last 3 months by origin of the online... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Number of individuals by purchasing a physical product in the last 3 months by origin of the online... details >

Number of individuals by number and estimated value of online purchases made in the last 3 months,... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number of individuals by number and estimated value of online purchases made in the last 3 months,... details >

Number of individuals by reasons prevented from shopping online in the last 3 months and status of... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number of individuals by reasons prevented from shopping online in the last 3 months and status of... details >

Number of individuals by problems encountered by e-buyers who purchased online in the last 3 months,... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number of individuals by problems encountered by e-buyers who purchased online in the last 3 months,... details >

Individual skills for using software, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2007-2019 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Individual skills for using software, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2007-2019 details >

Number of individuals by awareness of cookies and activities to limit the monitoring of Internet... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Number of individuals by awareness of cookies and activities to limit the monitoring of Internet... details >

Number of individuals by security when using smartphones in the last 3 months for private purposes,... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number of individuals by security when using smartphones in the last 3 months for private purposes,... details >

Number of individuals by using electronic identification procedures in the last 3 months for private... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number of individuals by using electronic identification procedures in the last 3 months for private... details >

Number of individuals by using electronic identification procedures in the last 3 months for private... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number of individuals by using electronic identification procedures in the last 3 months for private... details >

Number of individuals by use and type of smart devices or systems for private purposes, by age... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Number of individuals by use and type of smart devices or systems for private purposes, by age... details >

Number of individuals by use of software, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Number of individuals by use of software, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually details >

Indicator of investment in development, Slovenia, statistical regions, 2003-2014 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Indicator of investment in development, Slovenia, statistical regions, 2003-2014 details >

Basic indicators of poverty and social exclusion, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Basic indicators of poverty and social exclusion, Slovenia, annually details >

Total expenditure on social protection (mio. EUR), Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata sourced from the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVE

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Total expenditure on social protection (mio. EUR), Slovenia, annually details >

Sources of funding for social protection (mio. EUR), Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Sources of funding for social protection (mio. EUR), Slovenia, annually details >

Slaughter of livestock in slaughterhouses, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Slaughter of livestock in slaughterhouses, Slovenia, annually details >

Households, urban settlements, Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Households, urban settlements, Slovenia, multiannually details >

Headline indicators of the EU’s development strategy, Europe 2020, in the field of education and... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Headline indicators of the EU’s development strategy, Europe 2020, in the field of education and... details >

Inflation index, Slovenia, monthly Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Inflation index, Slovenia, monthly details >

Producer price indices for domestic sales, Slovenia, monthly Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Producer price indices for domestic sales, Slovenia, monthly details >

Transactions by persons liable for public information Open Data

The database contains data: the serial number, the date of payment, the amount, the currency, the re

Issued on

Transactions by persons liable for public information details >

Tourist tax in the municipality of Divača Open Data

The collection collects information on tourist taxes in the municipality of Divača.

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Tourist tax in the municipality of Divača details >

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Vransko Open Data

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Vransko

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Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Vransko details >

Organised cycling routes in the municipality of Medvode Open Data

Records of organised cycling routes in the municipality of Medvode. The collection contains linear s

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Organised cycling routes in the municipality of Medvode details >

Kindergartens and elementary schools in the municipality of Ravne na Koroškem Open Data

The collection collects data on kindergartens and primary schools in the municipality of Ravne na Ko

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Kindergartens and elementary schools in the municipality of Ravne na Koroškem details >

Kindergartens and schools in the municipality of Kostel Open Data

The collection collects data on kindergartens and schools in the municipality of Kostel.

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Kindergartens and schools in the municipality of Kostel details >

Database of qualification certificates issued for the pursuit of regulated professions in the field... Open Data

The database shall contain the following information: first name (forename, surname), sex, date of b

Issued on

Database of qualification certificates issued for the pursuit of regulated professions in the field... details >

Health facilities in the municipality of Prevalje Open Data

The database collects data on health facilities in the municipality of Prevalje.

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Health facilities in the municipality of Prevalje details >

Health centres and clinics in the municipality of Metlika Open Data

The collection collects data on health centres and clinics in the municipality of Metlika.

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Health centres and clinics in the municipality of Metlika details >

Health centres and clinics in the municipality of Sodražica Open Data

The collection collects data on health centres and clinics in the municipality of Sodražica.

Issued on

Health centres and clinics in the municipality of Sodražica details >
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