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Am Kleve (2. Änderung) Open Data

Bebauungsplan Nr 7, 2. Änd., Am Kleve, Stadt Dassel

Issued on 1985-09-13

Am Kleve (2. Änderung) details >

Blumenstraße-North-East (4th change) Open Data

Change Development Plan in General Residential Area

Issued on 1989-09-21

Blumenstraße-North-East (4th change) details >

Herrhausen 4a: At the mill pond (4th partial amendment and repeal) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 2000-07-13

Herrhausen 4a: At the mill pond (4th partial amendment and repeal) details >

Sondergebiet Biogas Markoldendorf (Urplan) Open Data

Bebauungsplan Nr 16, Sondergebiet Biogas Markoldendorf, Stadt Dassel

Issued on 2013-07-05

Sondergebiet Biogas Markoldendorf (Urplan) details >

Noise pollution caused by rail traffic at night Open Data

The file is a building block of noise mapping according to the Environmental Noise Policy. It contai

Issued on

Noise pollution caused by rail traffic at night details >

South of the Lindenweg (copy) Open Data

South of the Lindenweg

Issued on 1997-06-30

South of the Lindenweg (copy) details >

Land plot list of the city of Hamm Open Data

This file contains all the parcels with the full description of the parcel, the size in square meter

Issued on 2010-03-26

Land plot list of the city of Hamm details >

Seesen 56: Sea Pump Camp (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 2003-02-27

Seesen 56: Sea Pump Camp (original) details >

Auf dem Hopfenkamp (Urplan) Open Data

Bebauungsplan Nr 1, Auf dem Hopfenkamp, Stadt Dassel

Issued on 1967-01-02

Auf dem Hopfenkamp (Urplan) details >

Bündheim 201: Am Heiligenholz — East (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1957-01-01

Bündheim 201: Am Heiligenholz — East (original) details >

Burgdorfer Straße-Nordost (copy) Open Data

New identification of mixed areas

Issued on 2005-03-24

Burgdorfer Straße-Nordost (copy) details >

Control structure Open Data

Control structures (examples: various types of defence installations or protectors) are important fo

Issued on

Control structure details >

Digital Orthophotos 2017, City of Hamm Open Data

Digital orthophotos (aerial images) 2017 for the entire urban area in undolished condition, 7.5 cm s

Issued on 2017-09-04

Digital Orthophotos 2017, City of Hamm details >

Voting districts of the city of Hamm Open Data

the official voting districts of the city of Hamm, which were formed in accordance with § 5 of the m

Issued on 2020-01-06

Voting districts of the city of Hamm details >

Bült-West (4th change) Open Data


Issued on 1992-08-31

Bült-West (4th change) details >

Liebenburg 12: In the Great Camp (6th change) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 2009-09-01

Liebenburg 12: In the Great Camp (6th change) details >

Flower road-south (1st change) Open Data

Amendment Building plan (extension of the building boundary)

Issued on 1993-11-25

Flower road-south (1st change) details >

Gaußstraße (Urschrift) Open Data

Neuausweisung Gewerbegebiet

Issued on 1990-07-05

Gaußstraße (Urschrift) details >

EKIS: Development Cost Administration City of Hamm Open Data

The file contains the operation numbers of the development cost department with assignment to the in

Issued on

EKIS: Development Cost Administration City of Hamm details >

District Pachthof northern part (original) Open Data

District Pachthof northern part

Issued on 1983-05-15

District Pachthof northern part (original) details >

Southern extension Bült (original) Open Data

Southern extension Bült

Issued on 1966-12-09

Southern extension Bült (original) details >

Compensation areas municipality Stolzenau Open Data

Shown are the areas available for nature conservation measures

Issued on

Compensation areas municipality Stolzenau details >

Obere Trift (Urplan) Open Data

Bebauungsplan Nr 6, Obere Trift, Stadt Dassel

Issued on 1992-06-01

Obere Trift (Urplan) details >

Cemetery Street (Urplan) Open Data

Development plan no. 1, cemetery street, town of Dassel

Issued on 1995-12-30

Cemetery Street (Urplan) details >

Bündheim 237: Mountain Road South (1st change) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 2012-10-05

Bündheim 237: Mountain Road South (1st change) details >

Passage between Burgdorfer Straße and Mittelstraße (copyright) Open Data

Re-identification of the core area

Issued on 2001-03-08

Passage between Burgdorfer Straße and Mittelstraße (copyright) details >

Engelade 2: Am Seckauberg Mitte (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1980-05-14

Engelade 2: Am Seckauberg Mitte (original) details >

Langelsheim 129: Kleines Sültefeld I (Urschrift) Open Data


Issued on 2001-07-26

Langelsheim 129: Kleines Sültefeld I (Urschrift) details >

Langelsheim 314: Before the Burghagen II (copyright) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1990-09-25

Langelsheim 314: Before the Burghagen II (copyright) details >

Wide Charging West (4th Amendment) Open Data

Amendment Building plan for the extension of the building boundaries

Issued on 1993-11-11

Wide Charging West (4th Amendment) details >

Hinter dem Dorfe (BE) (Urplan) Open Data

Bebauungsplan Nr 5, Hinter dem Dorfe (BE), Gemeinde Katlenburg-Lindau

Issued on 2004-04-01

Hinter dem Dorfe (BE) (Urplan) details >

Langelsheim 401: Am Wagenberg (Urschrift) Open Data


Issued on 1996-07-10

Langelsheim 401: Am Wagenberg (Urschrift) details >

Seesen 65: Sonnenberg (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1999-09-09

Seesen 65: Sonnenberg (original) details >

Small garden Schwanenburg (original) Open Data

New certification of permanent small gardens

Issued on 1991-03-21

Small garden Schwanenburg (original) details >

Langelsheim 110: Monk meadows and Hackelbring (1st change) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1980-04-18

Langelsheim 110: Monk meadows and Hackelbring (1st change) details >

Fig. 1: Petersberg (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1964-11-08

Fig. 1: Petersberg (original) details >

An der Lehmkuhle (MAC) (Urplan) Open Data

Development Plan No 2, An der Lehmkuhle (MAC), City of Dassel

Issued on 1991-10-18

An der Lehmkuhle (MAC) (Urplan) details >

Lehrte-West (4.vereinfachte Änderung) Open Data

Änderung Bebauungsplan (teilweise Neufestsetzung der Baugrenze)

Issued on 1981-12-03

Lehrte-West (4.vereinfachte Änderung) details >

Seesen 52: Kleingartenanlage_Schildberg (Urschrift) Open Data


Issued on 1993-07-15

Seesen 52: Kleingartenanlage_Schildberg (Urschrift) details >

Kreispachthof (Urschrift) Open Data


Issued on 1967-08-29

Kreispachthof (Urschrift) details >

Bahnhofstraße-Nord (copy) Open Data

New identification General residential areas

Issued on 1969-08-23

Bahnhofstraße-Nord (copy) details >

Münchehof 8a: Am Griesebach Süd (copy) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 2002-12-19

Münchehof 8a: Am Griesebach Süd (copy) details >

Meisterfeld (Urplan) Open Data

Development plan no. 8, Meisterfeld, municipality Katlenburg-Lindau

Issued on 1997-04-04

Meisterfeld (Urplan) details >

Liebenburg 11: Klappe (Urschrift) Open Data


Issued on 1985-02-27

Liebenburg 11: Klappe (Urschrift) details >

Bad Harzburg 3: Eastwards of Sachsenbergstraße (6th change) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 2007-10-25

Bad Harzburg 3: Eastwards of Sachsenbergstraße (6th change) details >

Bad Harzburg 46: Radau (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1994-05-11

Bad Harzburg 46: Radau (original) details >

Bad Harzburg 40: Southern Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße (copy) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1985-12-04

Bad Harzburg 40: Southern Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße (copy) details >

Langelsheim 119: Wifo (Urschrift) Open Data


Issued on 2006-07-19

Langelsheim 119: Wifo (Urschrift) details >

Langelsheim 110: Mönchewiesen und Hackelbring (Urschrift) Open Data


Issued on 1993-12-13

Langelsheim 110: Mönchewiesen und Hackelbring (Urschrift) details >

Northeimer Stieg (1. Änderung) Open Data

Bebauungsplan Nr 3, 1. Änderung, Northeimer Stieg, Gemeinde Katlenburg-Lindau

Issued on 1993-03-19

Northeimer Stieg (1. Änderung) details >

Town passages in the city of Hamm Open Data

The data set contains the road categories and represents the local passages within the meaning of th

Issued on

Town passages in the city of Hamm details >

Wilkensgartens (1st amendment) Open Data

Amendment Building plan (extension of building limits and increase GRZ)

Issued on 2009-04-09

Wilkensgartens (1st amendment) details >

Behind the room seat (2nd change) Open Data

Building plan No 2, 2nd change, Behind the room square, City of Bad Gandersheim

Issued on 1964-06-16

Behind the room seat (2nd change) details >

Bündheim 201: Am Heiligenholz — East (1st simplified amendment) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1963-01-01

Bündheim 201: Am Heiligenholz — East (1st simplified amendment) details >

Seesen 49a: Schildautalklinik (1st change) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 2007-07-26

Seesen 49a: Schildautalklinik (1st change) details >

Wasteland or other natural land (district of Hameln-Pyrmont) Open Data

Wasteland and other areas close to nature belong to the legally protected landscape components (acco

Issued on 2015-03-26

Wasteland or other natural land (district of Hameln-Pyrmont) details >

Bad Harzburg 23: Am Kupferbach (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1984-04-30

Bad Harzburg 23: Am Kupferbach (original) details >

Hunting districts Open Data

depicted are the communal hunting districts in the city of Hamm

Issued on 2010-01-01

Hunting districts details >

Pfingstanger industrial area (Urplan) Open Data

Development plan no. 19, industrial area Pfingstanger, town of Dassel

Issued on 1992-05-22

Pfingstanger industrial area (Urplan) details >

Baumarkt Gewerbestraße (original) Open Data

Redefining Special Area

Issued on 2002-10-24

Baumarkt Gewerbestraße (original) details >

In the meadow ground (1st change) Open Data

In the meadow ground

Issued on 1993-10-15

In the meadow ground (1st change) details >

Digital Orthophotos 2009, City of Hamm Open Data

Digital orthophotos (aerial images) 2009 in an unsolicited state, 10 cm floor resolution

Issued on 2010-03-01

Digital Orthophotos 2009, City of Hamm details >

Rhüden 09: In the mash (2nd amendment) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 2009-03-26

Rhüden 09: In the mash (2nd amendment) details >

Langelsheim 140: Ringstraße_Harzstraße (Urschrift) Open Data


Issued on 2012-12-07

Langelsheim 140: Ringstraße_Harzstraße (Urschrift) details >

Rühlerfeld-West (5th change) Open Data


Issued on 1996-09-16

Rühlerfeld-West (5th change) details >

Langelsheim 213: Am Laddecken (Urschrift) Open Data


Issued on 2016-07-26

Langelsheim 213: Am Laddecken (Urschrift) details >

Contaminant cadastre: Former railway areas in the city of Hamm Open Data

The file is a building block of the legacy register as defined by the LBodSchG NW. It contains exten

Issued on 2010-04-06

Contaminant cadastre: Former railway areas in the city of Hamm details >

Ringstraße (1. Simplified change) Open Data

New identification (determination of the different structural use)

Issued on 1980-07-24

Ringstraße (1. Simplified change) details >

Bad Gandersheim West, Kleines Feld (1. Änderung) Open Data

Bebauungsplan Nr 5, 1. Änderung, Bad Gandersheim West, Kleines Feld, Stadt Bad Gandersheim

Issued on 1964-12-17

Bad Gandersheim West, Kleines Feld (1. Änderung) details >

Breeding bird mapping 2014, City of Hamm Open Data

Listed are locations (breeding habitats) of up to 15 protected bird species. The Environmental Agenc

Issued on

Breeding bird mapping 2014, City of Hamm details >

Nauen 402: Am Nauer Berg (Urschrift) Open Data


Issued on 1981-07-29

Nauen 402: Am Nauer Berg (Urschrift) details >

Liebenburg 15: Hopfenkamp (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1958-03-29

Liebenburg 15: Hopfenkamp (original) details >

Landscape map Hamm-West, development map Open Data

The development map represents the objectives of the landscape plan for the development of certain a

Issued on 2010-04-15

Landscape map Hamm-West, development map details >

Bornhausen 6: Unterm mastberg (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1994-08-16

Bornhausen 6: Unterm mastberg (original) details >

Blumenstraße-North-East (1st change) Open Data

General Residential Areas and Pure Residential Areas

Issued on 1983-02-24

Blumenstraße-North-East (1st change) details >

Am großen Steinberg (Urplan) Open Data

Bebauungsplan Nr 1, Am großen Steinberg, Stadt Dassel

Issued on 1966-04-27

Am großen Steinberg (Urplan) details >

Östlich des Sportplatzes (3. Änderung) Open Data

Bebauungsplan Nr 7, 3. Änd., Östlich des Sportplatzes, Stadt Dassel

Issued on 2001-07-13

Östlich des Sportplatzes (3. Änderung) details >

Auf dem Hopfenkamp (1. Änderung) Open Data

Bebauungsplan Nr 1, 1. Änd., Auf dem Hopfenkamp, Stadt Dassel

Issued on 2003-12-16

Auf dem Hopfenkamp (1. Änderung) details >

Kirchlahe-Süd (Urschrift) Open Data

Neuausweisung Allgemeine Wohngebiete

Issued on 2015-10-01

Kirchlahe-Süd (Urschrift) details >

Herrhausen 4: Beim Mühlenteich (Urschrift) Open Data


Issued on 1984-10-25

Herrhausen 4: Beim Mühlenteich (Urschrift) details >

Bad Harzburg 32: At the Kurpark (3 rd amendment) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 2016-05-27

Bad Harzburg 32: At the Kurpark (3 rd amendment) details >

Topographical city map 1:1000 of the city of Hamm Open Data

The City Ground Map (SGK) is a uniform map of the city of Hamm and complements the Automated Propert

Issued on

Topographical city map 1:1000 of the city of Hamm details >

Bündheim 245: Grubenweg/Silberbornstraße (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 2003-11-27

Bündheim 245: Grubenweg/Silberbornstraße (original) details >

Bült (Urschrift) Open Data


Issued on 1993-06-15

Bült (Urschrift) details >

School and Sports Centre (Urplan) Open Data

Development plan no. 16, school and sports centre, Katlenburg-Lindau municipality

Issued on 1991-06-06

School and Sports Centre (Urplan) details >

Langelsheim 311: Wolfshagen (Urschrift) Open Data


Issued on 1961-06-15

Langelsheim 311: Wolfshagen (Urschrift) details >

Langelsheim 314: Vor dem Burghagen II (2. Änderung) Open Data


Issued on 2006-06-29

Langelsheim 314: Vor dem Burghagen II (2. Änderung) details >

Small field, extension (1st change north) Open Data

Development plan no. 6, 1st change north, small field, extension, town of Bad Gandersheim

Issued on 1983-08-12

Small field, extension (1st change north) details >

Excavations Open Data

Surface representation of the excavations with an indication of the vintage

Issued on 2012-03-12

Excavations details >

Hüpperpäulen (1st change) Open Data

Development plan No. 5, 1st amendment, Hüpperpaulen, stains Bodenfelde

Issued on 1986-06-20

Hüpperpäulen (1st change) details >

Kapellenberg (Urplan) Open Data

Development plan no. 4, Kapellenberg, Katlenburg-Lindau municipality

Issued on 1970-08-18

Kapellenberg (Urplan) details >

Seesen 25: Bornhäuser Strasse (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1975-10-23

Seesen 25: Bornhäuser Strasse (original) details >

Seesen 45: Braunschweiger Strasse West (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 2002-10-30

Seesen 45: Braunschweiger Strasse West (original) details >

Constituencies of the city of Hamm Open Data

these are the official electoral districts of the city of Hamm, which were formed in accordance with

Issued on 2020-01-06

Constituencies of the city of Hamm details >

Köhlerheide-Nord (original) Open Data

New identification General residential area

Issued on 1994-08-18

Köhlerheide-Nord (original) details >

Bornhausen 7: Flöteberg Ost (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1995-04-07

Bornhausen 7: Flöteberg Ost (original) details >

On the Driving Field (Urplan) Open Data

Building Plan No 10A, On the Driving Field, Spots Bodenfelde

Issued on 1967-12-05

On the Driving Field (Urplan) details >

Harriehausen, Ortsmitte (Urplan) Open Data

Bebauungsplan Nr 4, Harriehausen, Ortsmitte, Stadt Bad Gandersheim

Issued on 2000-05-11

Harriehausen, Ortsmitte (Urplan) details >

Bad Harzburg 17: Am Papenberg (1st amendment) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1980-10-13

Bad Harzburg 17: Am Papenberg (1st amendment) details >

Langelsheim 304: Breslauer Straße (original) Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 1960-08-23

Langelsheim 304: Breslauer Straße (original) details >
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