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WFS XPlanung BPL “Kissinger Str./Taubenheimstr./Reichenhaller Str./Marienbader Str. Cannstatt” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Kissinger Str./Taubenheimstr./Reichenhaller Str./Marienbader St

Issued on 2021-06-09

WFS XPlanung BPL “Kissinger Str./Taubenheimstr./Reichenhaller Str./Marienbader Str. Cannstatt” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Construction Line Change on Main Street” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Construction line change on the main road” of the municipality

Issued on 2021-02-15

WMS XPlanung BPL “Construction Line Change on Main Street” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Steinhaldenstraße Cannstatt” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Steinhaldenstraße Cannstatt” of the city of Stuttgart from XPla

Issued on 2021-07-04

WFS XPlanung BPL “Steinhaldenstraße Cannstatt” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Learn — 2nd Change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Lache — 2nd change” of the city of Heubach from XPlanung 5.0. D

Issued on 2021-05-20

WFS XPlanung BPL “Learn — 2nd Change” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Reisenbach (East) 1st Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Reisenbach (East) 1. Amendment” of the municipality of Mudau fr

Issued on 2022-02-09

WFS XPlanung BPL “Reisenbach (East) 1st Amendment” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Pitch Settings” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Pitch Settings” of the city of Freiberg am Neckar from XPlanung

Issued on 2021-01-04

WMS XPlanung BPL “Pitch Settings” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Early measurement furrow — 1.Change Open Data

WMS service of the INSPIRE urban development plan “Frühmessfurche — 1.Change” of the city of Vaihing

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Early measurement furrow — 1.Change details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Pepper Blade” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Pfefferkblade” of the municipality of Cleebronn from XPlanung 5

Issued on 2020-07-06

WFS XPlanung BPL “Pepper Blade” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “In the area of the mark line Kornwestheim and Stuttgart-Mühlhausen, Vic.W. 9,... Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “In the area of the Markungsgrenze Kornwestheim and Stuttgart-Mü

Issued on 2021-01-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “In the area of the mark line Kornwestheim and Stuttgart-Mühlhausen, Vic.W. 9,... details >

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Höhäcker Plan (XPlanGML 5.0.1)... Open Data

Inspire service for the development plan service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for the plan Höhäcker of the munic

Issued on 2021-02-22

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Höhäcker Plan (XPlanGML 5.0.1)... details >

WMS INSPIRE PLU Area Kohltor Open Data

Inspire PLU area Kohltor

Issued on 2021-05-07

WMS INSPIRE PLU Area Kohltor details >

Municipality of Weimar: Construction management planning Open Data

Construction planning district Marburg-Biedenkopf. Municipality of Weimar.

Issued on 2020-07-19

Municipality of Weimar: Construction management planning details >

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Upper Riedwiesen Plan, 1st Amendment... Open Data

Inspire Service for the Building Plan Service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for the Upper Riedwiesen Plan, 1st Am

Issued on 2021-07-20

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Upper Riedwiesen Plan, 1st Amendment... details >

WFS Carnation Trail Open Data

WFS development plan ‘Nelkenweg’ of the municipality of Gärtringen.

Issued on 2021-06-18

WFS Carnation Trail details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Cross Path Open Data

WMS service of the city of Calw’s Cross Path, transformed according to INSPIRE, based on an XPlanung

Issued on 2021-02-22

WMS INSPIRE BPL Cross Path details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Steinbrunnenwiesen, No. 2.19” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Steinbrunnenwiesen, No. 2.19” of the city of Mosbach from XPlan

Issued on 2020-07-29

WMS XPlanung BPL “Steinbrunnenwiesen, No. 2.19” details >

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Plan Building Lines Pfahlheim... Open Data

Inspire Service for the Building Plan Service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for the Plan Building Lines Pfahlheim

Issued on 2021-05-17

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Plan Building Lines Pfahlheim... details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Pfärchäcker Change Open Data

WMS service of the urbanisation plan “Pfärchäcker Change” of the municipality of Mudau, transformed

Issued on 2022-02-09

WMS INSPIRE BPL Pfärchäcker Change details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Front Strut — 8th Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Vordere Strut — 8th Amendment” of the city of Heubach from XPla

Issued on 2021-05-20

WFS XPlanung BPL “Front Strut — 8th Amendment” details >

XPlanung Service for the Haussbach Plan, 3 rd Amendment (XPlanGML 5.0.1) Open Data

Service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for the Haussbach Plan, 3 rd change of the city of Gaildorf

Issued on 2021-07-21

XPlanung Service for the Haussbach Plan, 3 rd Amendment (XPlanGML 5.0.1) details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Balzhalde/Rosswager Straße — 5th Amendment Part 2 Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Balzhalde/Rosswager Straße — 5th Amendment Part 2” of the

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Balzhalde/Rosswager Straße — 5th Amendment Part 2 details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Top Baldersäcker 1.Change 1.Extension” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Obere Baldersäcker 1.Change 1.Extension” of the city of Schilta

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Top Baldersäcker 1.Change 1.Extension” details >

LGRB-BW INSPIRE LED: Induced earthquakes since 1994 (Natural Risk Zone: Observed Events) — Dataset Open Data

In addition to natural earthquakes, the earthquake catalogue of the Land Earthquake also includes ot

Issued on

LGRB-BW INSPIRE LED: Induced earthquakes since 1994 (Natural Risk Zone: Observed Events) — Dataset details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Ob dem Stürzweg II” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Ob dem Stürzweg II” of the town of Freiberg am Neckar from XPla

Issued on 2021-01-04

WFS XPlanung BPL “Ob dem Stürzweg II” details >

B-Plan No. 58, 6th Amendment — Flensburg Open Data

Nikolaus-Matthiesen-Straße, installation decision: 15.02.2018, Statute resolution: 21.03.2019

Issued on 2019-04-05

B-Plan No. 58, 6th Amendment — Flensburg details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Brühl” Open Data

WMS service of the “Brühl” development plan of the municipality of Neckartailfingen from XPlanung 5.

Issued on 2021-03-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “Brühl” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Burrberg Change betr. Flst. 225/1» Open Data

Building plan “Burrberg Change betr. Flst. 225/1" of the municipality of Rosengarten based on an XPl

Issued on 2021-01-10

Inspire data set BPL “Burrberg Change betr. Flst. 225/1» details >

BPL 068 13 Old Vineyard (WMS) Open Data

The development plan implements the land use concept of the municipality as a binding construction p

Issued on 2019-12-05T00:00:00Z

BPL 068 13 Old Vineyard (WMS) details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Halde” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2020-12-31

XPlanung dataset BPL “Halde” details >

Inspire data set BPL “South of Rappenauer Straße — 1st amendment and extension of the development... Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “South of Rappenauer Straße — 1st modification and

Issued on 2021-01-10

Inspire data set BPL “South of Rappenauer Straße — 1st amendment and extension of the development... details >

Development plan Sonnenrain, 1st change Open Data

Description of the development plan

Issued on 2021-07-20

Development plan Sonnenrain, 1st change details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Wasen IV — 3 rd modification” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Wasen IV — 3 rd modification” of the municipality Dotternhausen

Issued on 2020-08-13

WMS XPlanung BPL “Wasen IV — 3 rd modification” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Kirchstrasse GebNr. 11” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Kirchstrasse GebNr. 11” of the municipality of Bitz from XPlanu

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Kirchstrasse GebNr. 11” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Am Rennweg” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Am Rennweg” of the municipality of Berkheim from XPlanung 5.0.

Issued on 2020-08-21

WMS XPlanung BPL “Am Rennweg” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Sailegaerten — 2nd modification” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Sailegaerten — 2nd modification” of the city of Geislingen from

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Sailegaerten — 2nd modification” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Schwab-/Rotebühlstraße (Südwestbank) West” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Schwab-/Rotebühlstraße (Südwestbank) West” of the city of Stutt

Issued on 2021-06-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “Schwab-/Rotebühlstraße (Südwestbank) West” details >

WMS Between Rohrweg/Max-Eyth-Straße & Goethestraße Open Data

WMS Development Plan ‘Between Rohrweg/Max-Eyth-Straße u. Goethestraße’ of the municipality of Gärtri

Issued on 2021-06-18

WMS Between Rohrweg/Max-Eyth-Straße & Goethestraße details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Mühlbuckel reassembly 1st change” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Mühlbuckel Neustellung 1. Change” of the municipality of Billig

Issued on 2021-01-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “Mühlbuckel reassembly 1st change” details >

XPlanung service for the Sheepbuckel I plan — 2nd amendment (XPlanGML 5.0.1) Open Data

Service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for the plan Schafbuckel I — 2nd amendment of the municipality of Untereise

Issued on 2021-02-17

XPlanung service for the Sheepbuckel I plan — 2nd amendment (XPlanGML 5.0.1) details >

Urban development plan Ottendorf (1907) Open Data

Description of the development plan

Issued on 2021-07-21

Urban development plan Ottendorf (1907) details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Vohental I” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Vohental I” of the municipality Zimmer ob Rottweil from XPlanun

Issued on 2021-01-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “Vohental I” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Oberhausen, Amendment 1” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Oberhausen, Amendment 1” of the municipality of Rechberghausen

Issued on 2021-07-27

WMS XPlanung BPL “Oberhausen, Amendment 1” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Helsenäcker” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Helsenäcker” of the municipality of Erolzheim bas

Issued on 2021-01-10

Inspire data set BPL “Helsenäcker” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “North of Friedrich-Kraut-Straße — 3 rd change” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “North of Friedrich-Kraut-Straße — 3 rd change” of the city of V

Issued on 2021-01-04

WMS XPlanung BPL “North of Friedrich-Kraut-Straße — 3 rd change” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Commercial area West I” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Commercial area West I” of the municipality of We

Issued on 2021-01-11

Inspire data set BPL “Commercial area West I” details >

Locations of SW and MW introductory points in the Segeberg district Open Data

Presentation of the locations of SW and MW initiators

Issued on 2009-09-01

Locations of SW and MW introductory points in the Segeberg district details >

Inspire data set BPL “Kühäcker, 1st change” Open Data

Building plan “Kühäcker, 1st change” of the city of Schwäbisch Hall based on an XPlanung dataset in

Issued on 2021-01-10

Inspire data set BPL “Kühäcker, 1st change” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Town building plan” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Ortsbauplan” of the municipality of Hardthausen a

Issued on 2021-01-10

Inspire data set BPL “Town building plan” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Old Town Expansion II — 1st Expansion” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Altstadt Expansion II — 1st expansion” of the city of Meßkirch

Issued on 2021-01-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “Old Town Expansion II — 1st Expansion” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Schlossgassenäcker” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Schlossgassenäcker” of the municipality of Riedhausen from XPla

Issued on 2021-03-15

WFS XPlanung BPL “Schlossgassenäcker” details >

WFS Furt Open Data

WFS development plan ‘Furt’ of the municipality of Ehningen.

Issued on 2021-06-21

WFS Furt details >

Inspire data set BPL “Mühlhalde” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Mühlhalde” of the municipality of Seewald based o

Issued on 2021-01-10

Inspire data set BPL “Mühlhalde” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Obere Hardt — 1st change” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2021-08-31

XPlanung dataset BPL “Obere Hardt — 1st change” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Amusement facilities and cheeks” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Amusement facilities and cheeks” of the city of Stuttgart from

Issued on 2021-05-25

WFS XPlanung BPL “Amusement facilities and cheeks” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Langgasse (partial change (1985)” Open Data

Building plan “Langgasse (partial change (1985)” of the city of Überlingen based on an XPlanung data

Issued on 2021-06-30

Inspire data set BPL “Langgasse (partial change (1985)” details >

Inspire service for the development plan XPlanung service for the plan Construction lines... Open Data

Inspire service for the development plan service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for the plan construction lines Gr

Issued on 2021-07-21

Inspire service for the development plan XPlanung service for the plan Construction lines... details >

XPlanung BPL “Brühl — Forecourt Castle, 4th change” Open Data

Service of the development plan “Brühl — Vorplatz Schloss, 4th Amendment” of the municipality of Alt

Issued on 2021-10-01

XPlanung BPL “Brühl — Forecourt Castle, 4th change” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Under Jennung II” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Unter Jennung II” of the city of Tuttlingen from XPlanung 5.0.

Issued on 2021-02-16

WFS XPlanung BPL “Under Jennung II” details >

Inspire-Dataset BPL “Behind the Saege — 7th Change” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Behind the Saege — 7th modification” of the munic

Issued on 2021-01-11

Inspire-Dataset BPL “Behind the Saege — 7th Change” details >

Inspire dataset BPL “Brentenghau 1 Amendment 4” Open Data

Building plan “Brentenghau 1 Amendment 4” of the municipality of Erolzheim transformed according to

Issued on 2021-01-10

Inspire dataset BPL “Brentenghau 1 Amendment 4” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Streitfeld-Schneiderlessee II” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2020-12-31

XPlanung dataset BPL “Streitfeld-Schneiderlessee II” details >

Inspire dataset BPL “Weidig I and Weidig II Amendment” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Weidig I and Weidig II Modification” of the munic

Issued on 2021-01-10

Inspire dataset BPL “Weidig I and Weidig II Amendment” details >

“Sports and leisure facilities on the Waldstraße” Open Data

The available data is the development plan “Sports and leisure facilities on the forest road” of the

Issued on 2021-06-30

“Sports and leisure facilities on the Waldstraße” details >

Potential post-compression surfaces (referred to parcel) Open Data

Potential post-compression surfaces (referred to parcel)

Issued on 2021-03-26

Potential post-compression surfaces (referred to parcel) details >

Inspire data set BPL “Schüth-Schüthrain et al. Change Schüthrain” Open Data

Building plan “Schüth-Schüthrain et al. Change Schüthrain” of the city of Lauda-Königshofen based on

Issued on 2021-06-08

Inspire data set BPL “Schüth-Schüthrain et al. Change Schüthrain” details >

WMS Public plots City of Bremen Open Data

Presentation Service (WMS) Public plots City of Bremen. Public plots based on the real estate reg

Issued on 2020-10-26T23:00:00Z

WMS Public plots City of Bremen details >

Inspire data set BPL “Weidachstraße in Leibling 1st Amendment” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Weidachstraße in the Leibling 1st Change area” of

Issued on 2021-01-10

Inspire data set BPL “Weidachstraße in Leibling 1st Amendment” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Behind the brickworks (1st change)” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Behind the brickworks (1st change)” of the town of Weilheim an

Issued on 2021-04-20

WFS XPlanung BPL “Behind the brickworks (1st change)” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Cleebronner Weg-Nordstraße” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2021-02-15

XPlanung dataset BPL “Cleebronner Weg-Nordstraße” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Oberried V (1st Part Change)” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Oberried V (1st Part Change)” of the city of Überlingen from XP

Issued on 2021-04-21

WFS XPlanung BPL “Oberried V (1st Part Change)” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Alzenberg North-East, Change II, Höhering” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Alzenberg North-East, Amendment II, Höhering” of the city of Ca

Issued on 2021-02-18

WFS XPlanung BPL “Alzenberg North-East, Change II, Höhering” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Upper Meadows 1st Amendment” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-02-09

XPlanung dataset BPL “Upper Meadows 1st Amendment” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Recovery Area Tapach Münster Plan 465.52” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Recovery area Tapach Münster Plan 465.52” of the city of Stuttg

Issued on 2021-05-26

WFS XPlanung BPL “Recovery Area Tapach Münster Plan 465.52” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Schloßberg, 1st Amendment” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Schloßberg, 1st Amendment” of the municipality of Untermünkheim

Issued on 2020-08-27

WMS XPlanung BPL “Schloßberg, 1st Amendment” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Flying path (Flst.1274/1) Stammheim” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Fliegeweg (Flst.1274/1) Stammheim” of the city of Stuttgart fro

Issued on 2021-05-28

WFS XPlanung BPL “Flying path (Flst.1274/1) Stammheim” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Schauinsland — Pitches” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Schauinsland — Pitches” of the city of Ludwigsburg from XPlanun

Issued on 2021-06-14

WFS XPlanung BPL “Schauinsland — Pitches” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Bathroom” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Badäcker” of the municipality of Erlenbach from XPlanung 5.0. D

Issued on 2020-07-08

WMS XPlanung BPL “Bathroom” details >

Building Plan Weck II — 3. Simplified Change Open Data

The development plan contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning system. In a

Issued on 2021-05-18

Building Plan Weck II — 3. Simplified Change details >

WFS INSPIRE PLU Gärtlesäcker Open Data

Inspire PLU Gärtlesäcker

Issued on 2021-10-05

WFS INSPIRE PLU Gärtlesäcker details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Pforzheimer Straße Dachgaubensatzung” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Pforzheimer Straße Dachgaubensatzung” of the municipality of Fr

Issued on 2021-10-05

WMS XPlanung BPL “Pforzheimer Straße Dachgaubensatzung” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Krotenbach (3 rd change)” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Krotenbach (3 rd change)” of the municipality of Bempflingen fr

Issued on 2020-07-15

WMS XPlanung BPL “Krotenbach (3 rd change)” details >

Development plan industrial park Kappelfeld — 1st change Open Data

The development plan contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning system. In a

Issued on 2021-03-08

Development plan industrial park Kappelfeld — 1st change details >

XPlanung Service for Plan Weck II — 1. Simplified Change (XPlanGML 5.0.1) Open Data

Service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for Plan Weck II — 1. Simplified change of the city of Ellwangen (Jagst)

Issued on 2021-05-18

XPlanung Service for Plan Weck II — 1. Simplified Change (XPlanGML 5.0.1) details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Pfärchäcker” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Pfärchäcker” of the municipality of Mudau from XPlanung 5.0. De

Issued on 2022-02-09

WMS XPlanung BPL “Pfärchäcker” details >

Development plan Sonnenberg II Open Data

The development plan contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning system. In a

Issued on 2021-05-18

Development plan Sonnenberg II details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “On the highway” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “An der Autobahn” of the municipality of Mühlhausen in the valle

Issued on 2021-05-21

WMS XPlanung BPL “On the highway” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Eigental 2. Change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Eigental 2. Amendment” of the municipality of Epfendorf from XP

Issued on 2020-09-03

WFS XPlanung BPL “Eigental 2. Change” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Mühläcker II” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2021-01-01

XPlanung dataset BPL “Mühläcker II” details >

WFS Expansion Großer Heerstraße Open Data

WFS development plan ‘Extension Great Heerstraße’ of the city of Pfullingen.

Issued on 2021-07-20

WFS Expansion Großer Heerstraße details >

Inspire dataset BPL “Bütze (original)” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Beet (original)” of the municipality of Efringen-

Issued on 2021-01-10

Inspire dataset BPL “Bütze (original)” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Röte Rain (1st change)” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2021-01-19

XPlanung dataset BPL “Röte Rain (1st change)” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Heinestr./Bodelschwinghstr./Degerlocher Str./Schöttlestr.... Open Data

Building plan “Heinestr./Bodelschwinghstr./Degerlocher Str./Schöttlestr. Sonnenberg/Degerloch” of th

Issued on 2021-05-10

Inspire data set BPL “Heinestr./Bodelschwinghstr./Degerlocher Str./Schöttlestr.... details >

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Plan Bühläcker, Modification and... Open Data

Inspire service for the development plan service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for the plan Bühläcker, modificati

Issued on 2021-07-20

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Plan Bühläcker, Modification and... details >

Inspire data set BPL “Westlich der Goethestraße” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Western der Goethestraße” of the city of Aichtal

Issued on 2021-01-21

Inspire data set BPL “Westlich der Goethestraße” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Muldenweg” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Muldenweg” of the city of Vaihingen an der Enz from XPlanung 5.

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Muldenweg” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Oberhof und Alte Weilheimer Straße” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Oberhof und Alte Weilheimer Straße” of the city of Kirchheim un

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Oberhof und Alte Weilheimer Straße” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Cologne East, 3 rd Amendment” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Költrain-East, 3 rd change” of the municipality Mutlangen from

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Cologne East, 3 rd Amendment” details >

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Behind the Village Plan, 2nd... Open Data

Inspire Service for the Building Plan Service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for the Behind the Village Plan, 2nd

Issued on 2021-09-14

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Behind the Village Plan, 2nd... details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Education Center” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2020-12-31

XPlanung dataset BPL “Education Center” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Amusement venues and more Obertürkheim (Ob 41)” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Amusement venues et al. Obertürkheim (Ob 41)” of the city of St

Issued on 2021-05-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Amusement venues and more Obertürkheim (Ob 41)” details >
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Yes, you can.
All important information such as time of last update, license and other information are in response of each API call.
In case of major update that would not be compatible with previous version of API, we keep for 30 days both versions so you will have enough time to transfer to new version. We will inform you about the changes in advance by e-mail.

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API Store provides access to European Open Data via scalable and reliable REST API interface.
Copyright © 2025. Made with ♥ by Apitalks