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Atomic feed on the development plan 081-2 No. 85 of the municipality of Wardenburg Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 081-2 No. 85 of the municipality of Wardenburg

Issued on 2022-11-25

Atomic feed on the development plan 081-2 No. 85 of the municipality of Wardenburg details >

WFS On the side Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “On the side” of municipality Bisingen.

Issued on 2022-12-05

WFS On the side details >

WFS) — BPlan 118 — Apen, Easter end (original) of the municipality of Apen Open Data

WFS) — BPlan 118 — Apen, Easter end (original) of the municipality of Apen

Issued on 2022-11-29

WFS) — BPlan 118 — Apen, Easter end (original) of the municipality of Apen details >

WFS to the development plan 115, "GE-Langendamm — TEXTL. Change", 01. Amendment — City of Varel Open Data

WFS to the development plan 115, "GE-Langendamm — TEXTL. Change", 01. Amendment — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WFS to the development plan 115, "GE-Langendamm — TEXTL. Change", 01. Amendment — City of Varel details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 164, “GLP”, original — City of Varel Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 164, “GLP”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

Atomic feed on the development plan 164, “GLP”, original — City of Varel details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Erich-Schumm-Stiftung-NEW” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-12-17

XPlanung dataset BPL “Erich-Schumm-Stiftung-NEW” details >

Development Plan Esterwegen No. 56 “Am Heuweg — Expansion Part I” Open Data

Esterwegen is a member municipality of the velvet community Nordhümmling

Issued on 2010-09-30

Development Plan Esterwegen No. 56 “Am Heuweg — Expansion Part I” details >

WMS) — BPlan 123 — Edewechter Straße (2nd change) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn Open Data

WMS) — BPlan 123 — Edewechter Straße (2nd change) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn

Issued on 2022-12-14

WMS) — BPlan 123 — Edewechter Straße (2nd change) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Sportanlage Whyler” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-12-22

XPlanung dataset BPL “Sportanlage Whyler” details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 217, “Kindergarten”, original — City of Varel Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 217, “Kindergarten”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

Atomic feed on the development plan 217, “Kindergarten”, original — City of Varel details >

Statutes IB001 Benthullen West Open Data

Statutes IB001 Benthullen West

Issued on 2022-11-26

Statutes IB001 Benthullen West details >

51/81 “Before the Eyssel”, subdivision 5 Open Data

The development plan defines the structural use for a part of the municipal area.

Issued on 1985-05-31

51/81 “Before the Eyssel”, subdivision 5 details >

WFS) — BPlan 103B -Commercial area Östlich Industriestraße (2nd change) of the municipality of Bad... Open Data

WFS) — BPlan 103B -Commercial area Östlich Industriestraße (2nd change) of the municipality of Bad Z

Issued on 2022-12-14

WFS) — BPlan 103B -Commercial area Östlich Industriestraße (2nd change) of the municipality of Bad... details >

Development plan 421 Open Data

Full title: Development plan 421 — for the area south of the Alte Dorfstraße and east of the Flachsr

Issued on 1994-07-14

Development plan 421 details >

Inspire data set BPL “Friedrich-List-Straße” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Friedrich-List-Straße” of the municipality of Dei

Issued on 2023-01-23

Inspire data set BPL “Friedrich-List-Straße” details >

WMS on the development plan 062, “Dangast”, 05. Amendment — City of Varel Open Data

WMS on the development plan 062, “Dangast”, 05. Amendment — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WMS on the development plan 062, “Dangast”, 05. Amendment — City of Varel details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Schafgrün Mühlfeld Hemp Roasts 3. Change Open Data

WFS service of the urbanisation plan “Schafgrün Mühlfeld Hanfrötzen 3 rd change”, which was transfor

Issued on 2023-01-12

WFS INSPIRE BPL Schafgrün Mühlfeld Hemp Roasts 3. Change details >

Development plan No. 56 “Biener Straße” of the municipality of Geeste OT Geeste Open Data

The municipality of Geeste is located in the district of Emsland and comprises the districts of Bram

Issued on 1997-01-15

Development plan No. 56 “Biener Straße” of the municipality of Geeste OT Geeste details >

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 172 — Former brick grounds, Jeddeloh I (original) of the municipality of Edewecht Open Data

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 172 — Former brick grounds, Jeddeloh I (original) of the municipality of Edewecht

Issued on 2022-12-20

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 172 — Former brick grounds, Jeddeloh I (original) of the municipality of Edewecht details >

Development plan Krummendeich No. 2b Im Hoffeld Open Data

Development plan Krummendeich No. 2b Im Hoffeld

Issued on 1998-12-10

Development plan Krummendeich No. 2b Im Hoffeld details >

WFS) — BPlan 029-Mosleshöhe (2nd change) of the municipality of Edewecht Open Data

WFS) — BPlan 029-Mosleshöhe (2nd change) of the municipality of Edewecht

Issued on 2022-12-20

WFS) — BPlan 029-Mosleshöhe (2nd change) of the municipality of Edewecht details >

Development plan No. 3 “Mühlenkamp” of the municipality of Lachendorf Open Data

In order to comply with the legally binding provisions for the urban planning order, it was necessar

Issued on 1964-08-05

Development plan No. 3 “Mühlenkamp” of the municipality of Lachendorf details >

Inspire data set BPL “Red” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed urban development plan “Red” of the city of Ettlingen based on an X

Issued on 2022-11-24

Inspire data set BPL “Red” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Mühlfeld 5. Change” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Mühlfeld 5th Amendment” of the municipality of Me

Issued on 2023-01-12

Inspire data set BPL “Mühlfeld 5. Change” details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 222, “Seniorenzentrum Waldviertel”, original — City of Varel Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 222, “Seniorenzentrum Waldviertel”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

Atomic feed on the development plan 222, “Seniorenzentrum Waldviertel”, original — City of Varel details >

WFS Binsenwiesle-Zaunaecker-Lower Gaerten Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Binsenwiesle-Zaunaecker-Untere Gaerten”, which was transformed

Issued on 2022-12-05

WFS Binsenwiesle-Zaunaecker-Lower Gaerten details >

WMS to the development plan 074, “Part A parking lot — Maschal”, original — City of Varel Open Data

WMS to the development plan 074, “Part A parking lot — Maschal”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WMS to the development plan 074, “Part A parking lot — Maschal”, original — City of Varel details >

Development plan No. 13 of the island municipality Juist 2. Amendment Open Data

The 2nd amendment to the Building Plan No. 13 regulates, in its scope, the manner in which land can

Issued on

Development plan No. 13 of the island municipality Juist 2. Amendment details >

Development plan 62 Drochtersen Open Data

Herb sand — South

Issued on 2007-12-13

Development plan 62 Drochtersen details >

Development plan Meckelfeld 01 — municipality Seevetal Open Data

“Local centre”

Issued on 1969-09-22

Development plan Meckelfeld 01 — municipality Seevetal details >

Development plan Esterwegen No. 7/II “Mühlenkamp” Open Data

Esterwegen is a member municipality of the velvet community Nordhümmling

Issued on 1982-06-30

Development plan Esterwegen No. 7/II “Mühlenkamp” details >

WFS on the development plan 237, “Project-related BPlan — Full-sortimenter-Obenstrohe — original”,... Open Data

WFS on the development plan 237, “Project-related BPlan — Full-sortimenter-Obenstrohe — original”, o

Issued on 2022-11-22

WFS on the development plan 237, “Project-related BPlan — Full-sortimenter-Obenstrohe — original”,... details >

WFS to the development plan 229, “Kindergarten Waldviertel”, original — City of Varel Open Data

WFS to the development plan 229, “Kindergarten Waldviertel”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WFS to the development plan 229, “Kindergarten Waldviertel”, original — City of Varel details >

Amendment of the development plan no. 12 “Grundesch” of the city of Freren Open Data

Amendment of the development plan no. 12 “Grundesch” of the city of Freren

Issued on 1986-10-31

Amendment of the development plan no. 12 “Grundesch” of the city of Freren details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Gunninger Straße” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2023-01-19

XPlanung dataset BPL “Gunninger Straße” details >

Development Plan No. 160/III “North Central Canal/Easter Canal, Part III” City of Papenburg Open Data

The development plans of the city of Papenburg with the districts of Papenburg, Bokel, Tunxdorf, Nen

Issued on 1999-08-13

Development Plan No. 160/III “North Central Canal/Easter Canal, Part III” City of Papenburg details >

Garden baker 1st change Open Data

The development plan contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning system. In p

Issued on 2022-11-22

Garden baker 1st change details >

Development plan No. 16 “In the forest, part II” of the municipality Geeste OT Geeste Open Data

The municipality of Geeste is located in the district of Emsland and comprises the districts of Bram

Issued on 1978-07-31

Development plan No. 16 “In the forest, part II” of the municipality Geeste OT Geeste details >

Hunting districts (District of Göttingen) Open Data

Legal basis: § 4 Federal Hunting Act (BJagdG). The right to hunt is the exclusive power to breed, hu

Issued on

Hunting districts (District of Göttingen) details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Reiser, Nellenburger Weg, Breitle Change 1” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Reiser, Nellenburger Weg, Breitle Change 1” of the town of Stoc

Issued on 2022-12-09

WFS XPlanung BPL “Reiser, Nellenburger Weg, Breitle Change 1” details >

Development plan No. 41.2 “Between Neustadtstraße and bypass road, Part III”, 2nd amendment Open Data

The city of Haselünne has a total of 165 development plans.

Issued on 2005-05-31

Development plan No. 41.2 “Between Neustadtstraße and bypass road, Part III”, 2nd amendment details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Sport Grounds Short 1st Change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Sportgelände Kurzll 1. Amendment” of the municipality of Meißen

Issued on 2023-01-13

WFS XPlanung BPL “Sport Grounds Short 1st Change” details >

Development plan No. 2 “Between Meppener Straße and Sandstraße” Open Data

Development plans of the city of Haselünne

Issued on 1964-07-09

Development plan No. 2 “Between Meppener Straße and Sandstraße” details >

Residential area barn rows — Amt Dahme/Mark Stadt Dahme/Mark OT Dahme/Mark (WMS) Open Data

The development plan implements the land use concept of the municipality as a binding construction p

Issued on

Residential area barn rows — Amt Dahme/Mark Stadt Dahme/Mark OT Dahme/Mark (WMS) details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “West of Karlsruhe Road — 2nd Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “West of Karlsruher Strasse — 2nd change” of the city of Ettling

Issued on 2022-11-23

WFS XPlanung BPL “West of Karlsruhe Road — 2nd Amendment” details >

WFS) — VBPlan 006 — Riding facility (1st change) of the municipality of Apen Open Data

WFS) — VBPlan 006 — Riding facility (1st change) of the municipality of Apen

Issued on 2022-11-29

WFS) — VBPlan 006 — Riding facility (1st change) of the municipality of Apen details >

WMS to the development plan BPlan 103A — west side field line (1st change) Open Data

WMS to the development plan BPlan 103A — west side field line (1st change)

Issued on 2022-12-14

WMS to the development plan BPlan 103A — west side field line (1st change) details >

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 108 — Augustfehn, Ironworks site (1st change) of the municipality of Apen Open Data

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 108 — Augustfehn, Ironworks site (1st change) of the municipality of Apen

Issued on 2022-11-28

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 108 — Augustfehn, Ironworks site (1st change) of the municipality of Apen details >

Amendment of the development plan no. 14 “North of Lindenstraße” of the municipality of Thuine Open Data

Amendment of the development plan no. 14 “North of Lindenstraße” of the municipality of Thuine

Issued on 2009-03-13

Amendment of the development plan no. 14 “North of Lindenstraße” of the municipality of Thuine details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Old settlement 1. Change -Kornstraße— Open Data

WFS service of the urbanisation plan “Old settlement 1. change -Kornstraße-” of the municipality of

Issued on 2023-01-18

WFS INSPIRE BPL Old settlement 1. Change -Kornstraße— details >

Development plan Hauptstraße — Bohlenbergerstraße No. 31 Open Data

Development plan corner Hauptstraße — Bohlenbergerstraße

Issued on 1984-05-05

Development plan Hauptstraße — Bohlenbergerstraße No. 31 details >

WFS INSPIRE PLU Unterer Brühl II Part 1 Open Data

Inspire PLU Unterer Brühl II Part 1

Issued on 2023-01-13

WFS INSPIRE PLU Unterer Brühl II Part 1 details >

WFS on the development plan 080 GE-Luchsendamm of the municipality of Wardenburg Open Data

WFS on the development plan 080 GE-Luchsendamm of the municipality of Wardenburg

Issued on 2022-11-25

WFS on the development plan 080 GE-Luchsendamm of the municipality of Wardenburg details >

Inspire-Dataset BPL “Lower Sheepscheuer Change” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Lower Sheepscheuer Change” of the city of Murrhar

Issued on 2022-12-20

Inspire-Dataset BPL “Lower Sheepscheuer Change” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Ackerrain-Buehl” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-12-29

XPlanung dataset BPL “Ackerrain-Buehl” details >

WFS to the development plan BPlan 076-Baumschulenweg (1st amendment) Open Data

WFS to the development plan BPlan 076-Baumschulenweg (1st amendment)

Issued on 2022-12-20

WFS to the development plan BPlan 076-Baumschulenweg (1st amendment) details >

WFS to the development plan 148, “Lütt Enn”, original — City of Varel Open Data

WFS to the development plan 148, “Lütt Enn”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WFS to the development plan 148, “Lütt Enn”, original — City of Varel details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 123, “Möörte”, original — City of Varel Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 123, “Möörte”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

Atomic feed on the development plan 123, “Möörte”, original — City of Varel details >

Development plan No. 511 Bocksberg Open Data

The city of Goslar has about 600 analogue and digital development plans.

Issued on 2013-11-20

Development plan No. 511 Bocksberg details >

Inspire data set BPL “Am Hölzle extension” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Am Hölzle Expansion” of the city of Wehr based on

Issued on 2022-12-29

Inspire data set BPL “Am Hölzle extension” details >

Development plan No. 72 Extended quail gate Open Data

The city of Goslar has about 600 analogue and digital development plans.

Issued on 1978-05-22

Development plan No. 72 Extended quail gate details >

Bronnbühl Open Data

The development plan contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning system. In p

Issued on 2022-11-23

Bronnbühl details >

WMS to the development plan BPlan 176 — Rotthornweg (original) Open Data

WMS to the development plan BPlan 176 — Rotthornweg (original)

Issued on 2022-12-20

WMS to the development plan BPlan 176 — Rotthornweg (original) details >

Land use plan of the city of Hann. Münden (District of Göttingen) Open Data

Land use plan of the City Thann. Let’s go. The data are for information purposes only and do not cla

Issued on 2019-04-04

Land use plan of the city of Hann. Münden (District of Göttingen) details >

WFS to the development plan 010, “Gumbinnener”, original — City of Varel Open Data

WFS to the development plan 010, “Gumbinnener”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WFS to the development plan 010, “Gumbinnener”, original — City of Varel details >

Development plan 346/1-1. amendment Open Data

Full title: Development plan 346/1-1. change — Hahle, residential district Drosselstieg

Issued on 2013-11-16

Development plan 346/1-1. amendment details >

Bplan 081-4 No. 68-2 Open Data

Bplan 081-4 No. 68-2

Issued on 2022-11-25

Bplan 081-4 No. 68-2 details >

WMS on the development plan 081-3 No. 117 of the municipality of Wardenburg Open Data

WMS on the development plan 081-3 No. 117 of the municipality of Wardenburg

Issued on 2022-11-25

WMS on the development plan 081-3 No. 117 of the municipality of Wardenburg details >

Inspire data set BPL “Commercial area Mühlwiesen I” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Commercial area Mühlwiesen I” of the city of Murr

Issued on 2022-12-20

Inspire data set BPL “Commercial area Mühlwiesen I” details >

WMS to the development plan 041 1st amendment (sometimes overscheduled by 3 rd Amendment) of the... Open Data

WMS to the development plan 041 1st amendment (sometimes overscheduled by 3 rd Amendment) of the Mun

Issued on 2022-11-25

WMS to the development plan 041 1st amendment (sometimes overscheduled by 3 rd Amendment) of the... details >

Bplan 034n-Edewecht (original) Open Data

Bplan 034n-Edewecht (original)

Issued on 2022-12-20

Bplan 034n-Edewecht (original) details >

Development plan no. 013 Spitalstraße Open Data

The city of Goslar has about 600 analogue and digital development plans.

Issued on 1968-12-13

Development plan no. 013 Spitalstraße details >

WMS to the development plan BPlan 036-Hauptstr. (Recast) (1st amendment) Open Data

WMS to the development plan BPlan 036-Hauptstr. (Recast) (1st amendment)

Issued on 2022-12-20

WMS to the development plan BPlan 036-Hauptstr. (Recast) (1st amendment) details >

WMS on the development plan BPlan 090 — Augustfehn II (2nd amendment, textual) Open Data

WMS on the development plan BPlan 090 — Augustfehn II (2nd amendment, textual)

Issued on 2022-11-29

WMS on the development plan BPlan 090 — Augustfehn II (2nd amendment, textual) details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Long distance East Open Data

WFS service of the “Längelenweg Ost” development plan of the city of Spaichingen, transformed accord

Issued on 2023-01-19

WFS INSPIRE BPL Long distance East details >

Childcare Facilities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (WMS) Open Data

Locations of childcare facilities (Kindekrippe, Kindergarten, Hort) in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Issued on 2014-12-12

Childcare Facilities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (WMS) details >

WFS on the statutes Abrenzungsgesetzung Achternholt of the municipality of Wardenburg Open Data

WFS on the statutes Abrenzungsgesetzung Achternholt of the municipality of Wardenburg

Issued on 2022-11-26

WFS on the statutes Abrenzungsgesetzung Achternholt of the municipality of Wardenburg details >

WMS) — BPlan 131 — Apen, special area exit Westerstede (original) of the municipality of Apen Open Data

WMS) — BPlan 131 — Apen, special area exit Westerstede (original) of the municipality of Apen

Issued on 2022-11-28

WMS) — BPlan 131 — Apen, special area exit Westerstede (original) of the municipality of Apen details >

Inspire dataset BPL “Niederfeld (original)” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Niederfeld (original)” of the municipality of Eim

Issued on 2023-01-10

Inspire dataset BPL “Niederfeld (original)” details >

Development plan Meckelfeld 30 — municipality Seevetal Open Data

“Hillenklint Nord”

Issued on 1984-07-10

Development plan Meckelfeld 30 — municipality Seevetal details >

WFS to the development plan 061, “Part A — Dangast”, 01. Amendment — City of Varel Open Data

WFS to the development plan 061, “Part A — Dangast”, 01. Amendment — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WFS to the development plan 061, “Part A — Dangast”, 01. Amendment — City of Varel details >

WFS) — BPlan 054-Sandberg (1st change) of the municipality of Edewecht Open Data

WFS) — BPlan 054-Sandberg (1st change) of the municipality of Edewecht

Issued on 2022-12-20

WFS) — BPlan 054-Sandberg (1st change) of the municipality of Edewecht details >

06_12 South. Meadow reason (1.Change) Open Data

Selected documents for the development plan 06_12 Südl. Wiesengrund, 1.Change are published in the G

Issued on 2004-02-05

06_12 South. Meadow reason (1.Change) details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 063, “Varel-Stadt”, 03. Amendment — City of Varel Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 063, “Varel-Stadt”, 03. Amendment — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

Atomic feed on the development plan 063, “Varel-Stadt”, 03. Amendment — City of Varel details >

WFS to the development plan BPlan 046 — Ekern Süd (partially lifted) (partial termination) Open Data

WFS to the development plan BPlan 046 — Ekern Süd (partially lifted) (partial termination)

Issued on 2022-12-14

WFS to the development plan BPlan 046 — Ekern Süd (partially lifted) (partial termination) details >

Development plan No. 6 “Sports centre” of the municipality of Beesten Open Data

Development plan No. 6 “Sports centre” of the municipality of Beesten

Issued on 1984-03-12

Development plan No. 6 “Sports centre” of the municipality of Beesten details >

Inspire data set BPL “Panoramaweg — Modification (1980)” Open Data

Building plan “Panoramaweg — Modification (1980)” of the city of Murrhardt based on an XPlanung data

Issued on 2022-12-20

Inspire data set BPL “Panoramaweg — Modification (1980)” details >

Development plan No. 138 “Northern Easter Canal” City of Papenburg Open Data

The development plans of the city of Papenburg with the districts of Papenburg, Bokel, Tunxdorf, Nen

Issued on 2003-11-14

Development plan No. 138 “Northern Easter Canal” City of Papenburg details >

VBPlan 006 — Riding facility (1st change) Open Data

VBPlan 006 — Riding facility (1st change)

Issued on 2022-11-29

VBPlan 006 — Riding facility (1st change) details >

WFS to the development plan BPlan 006 — Augustfehn (original) Open Data

WFS to the development plan BPlan 006 — Augustfehn (original)

Issued on 2022-11-29

WFS to the development plan BPlan 006 — Augustfehn (original) details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Badstraße Untere Talstraße (1977) Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Badstraße Untere Talstraße (1977)” of the city of Bad Tei

Issued on 2023-01-09

WFS INSPIRE BPL Badstraße Untere Talstraße (1977) details >

WFS on the development plan BPlan 041Ia industrial area (1st amendment, textual) Open Data

WFS on the development plan BPlan 041Ia industrial area (1st amendment, textual)

Issued on 2022-12-20

WFS on the development plan BPlan 041Ia industrial area (1st amendment, textual) details >

WMS to the development plan 0 313 rd amendment (Kuhlmann area) of the municipality of Wardenburg Open Data

WMS to the development plan 0 313 rd amendment (Kuhlmann area) of the municipality of Wardenburg

Issued on 2022-11-25

WMS to the development plan 0 313 rd amendment (Kuhlmann area) of the municipality of Wardenburg details >

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 019 — Apen (1st amendment) Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 019 — Apen (1st amendment)

Issued on 2022-11-28

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 019 — Apen (1st amendment) details >

Development plan Ohlendorf 13 — municipality Seevetal Open Data

“To the book”

Issued on 2014-10-17

Development plan Ohlendorf 13 — municipality Seevetal details >

WMS to the development plan 016, “Part area sheet 1 East Rathaus_Post”, original — City of Varel Open Data

WMS to the development plan 016, “Part area sheet 1 East Rathaus_Post”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WMS to the development plan 016, “Part area sheet 1 East Rathaus_Post”, original — City of Varel details >

Development plan No. 9 of the island municipality Juist 9. Amendment Open Data

The 9th amendment to the Building Plan No. 9 regulates in its scope the manner in which land can be

Issued on

Development plan No. 9 of the island municipality Juist 9. Amendment details >

Points of Interest of the City of Osnabrück Open Data

This dataset contains the locations of many “interesting” facilities in Osnabrück. These are e.g. h

Issued on 2014-02-17

Points of Interest of the City of Osnabrück details >

WMS to the development plan BPlan 079-Husbäke (1st amendment) Open Data

WMS to the development plan BPlan 079-Husbäke (1st amendment)

Issued on 2022-12-20

WMS to the development plan BPlan 079-Husbäke (1st amendment) details >

Zero points Lower Saxony Open Data

This spatial data set contains the zero points on classified roads, which are within the competence

Issued on 2010-12-01

Zero points Lower Saxony details >
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