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XPlanung dataset BPL “Seeboden 7. Amendment” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-12-22

XPlanung dataset BPL “Seeboden 7. Amendment” details >

WMS to the development plan BPlan 056 — Aschhausen East (partially lifted) (partial termination) Open Data

WMS to the development plan BPlan 056 — Aschhausen East (partially lifted) (partial termination)

Issued on 2022-12-14

WMS to the development plan BPlan 056 — Aschhausen East (partially lifted) (partial termination) details >

Bplan 132-Commercial area Kampweg/Grünstreckendamm (copy) Open Data

Bplan 132-Commercial area Kampweg/Grünstreckendamm (copy)

Issued on 2022-12-20

Bplan 132-Commercial area Kampweg/Grünstreckendamm (copy) details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 036, “Ebkenriege — Townhouses”, original — City of Varel Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 036, “Ebkenriege — Townhouses”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

Atomic feed on the development plan 036, “Ebkenriege — Townhouses”, original — City of Varel details >

Bplan 168 — Friedrichsfehn/Northeast Blendermannsweg (original) Open Data

Bplan 168 — Friedrichsfehn/Northeast Blendermannsweg (original)

Issued on 2022-12-20

Bplan 168 — Friedrichsfehn/Northeast Blendermannsweg (original) details >

WMS) — BPlan 119 — East of August-Hinrichs-Straße (original) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn Open Data

WMS) — BPlan 119 — East of August-Hinrichs-Straße (original) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn

Issued on 2022-12-14

WMS) — BPlan 119 — East of August-Hinrichs-Straße (original) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn details >

Bplan 133 — Southwest Azaleenweg (copy) Open Data

Bplan 133 — Southwest Azaleenweg (copy)

Issued on 2022-12-14

Bplan 133 — Southwest Azaleenweg (copy) details >

Real Estate Price Calculator Lower Saxony Open Data

With the help of the Real Estate Price Calculator, you can quickly and easily estimate the price lev

Issued on 2010-12-01

Real Estate Price Calculator Lower Saxony details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Am Waldsee II” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Am Waldsee II” of the town of Murrhardt from XPlanung 5.0. Desc

Issued on 2022-12-13

WFS XPlanung BPL “Am Waldsee II” details >

Bplan 082 — Kayhausen Am Mühlenhof (copy) Open Data

Bplan 082 — Kayhausen Am Mühlenhof (copy)

Issued on 2022-12-14

Bplan 082 — Kayhausen Am Mühlenhof (copy) details >

WFS Ortskern Großengstingen 2. Amendment and recast Open Data

WFS Development Plan ‘Ortskern Großengstingen 2. Amendment and recast’ of the municipality of Engsti

Issued on 2023-01-13

WFS Ortskern Großengstingen 2. Amendment and recast details >

WFS) — BPlan 072 — Dreibergen (original) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn Open Data

WFS) — BPlan 072 — Dreibergen (original) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn

Issued on 2022-12-14

WFS) — BPlan 072 — Dreibergen (original) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn details >

WFS to the development plan BPlan 089 — Apen (original) Open Data

WFS to the development plan BPlan 089 — Apen (original)

Issued on 2022-11-28

WFS to the development plan BPlan 089 — Apen (original) details >

XPlanung-Dataset BPL “In the Marketer Bridge-Bruckacker (1_1 change)” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2023-01-09

XPlanung-Dataset BPL “In the Marketer Bridge-Bruckacker (1_1 change)” details >

WFS Frongraben Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Frongraben” of municipality Bisingen.

Issued on 2022-12-05

WFS Frongraben details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 181, “Plus-Markt, Hafenstraße”, original — City of Varel Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 181, “Plus-Markt, Hafenstraße”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

Atomic feed on the development plan 181, “Plus-Markt, Hafenstraße”, original — City of Varel details >

Bplan 088 — Industrial area Augustfehn II (copy) Open Data

Bplan 088 — Industrial area Augustfehn II (copy)

Issued on 2022-11-29

Bplan 088 — Industrial area Augustfehn II (copy) details >

Rehabilitation and assisted areas of the city of Osnabrück Open Data

This data set contains the demarcation of the rehabilitation and assisted areas in the city of Osnab

Issued on 2014-02-14

Rehabilitation and assisted areas of the city of Osnabrück details >

Heat demand — Municipalities Open Data

Modeled annual heat demand (hot water and room heat) of all buildings in the municipalities.

Issued on 2022-11-24

Heat demand — Municipalities details >

Low-voltage network Stadtwerke Winsen (Luhe) GmbH Open Data

The low-voltage network includes all supply and home connection lines, cable distributors and transf

Issued on

Low-voltage network Stadtwerke Winsen (Luhe) GmbH details >

Development plan No. 410.2 Jerstedt Ost IV -2. Amendment Open Data

The city of Goslar has about 600 analogue and digital development plans.

Issued on 2002-01-31

Development plan No. 410.2 Jerstedt Ost IV -2. Amendment details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Breitmatt Monastery 1st Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Breitmatt Monastery 1st Amendment” of the city of Wehr from XPl

Issued on 2022-12-29

WFS XPlanung BPL “Breitmatt Monastery 1st Amendment” details >

WMS) — BPlan 064-Ortskern (1st change) of the municipality of Edewecht Open Data

WMS) — BPlan 064-Ortskern (1st change) of the municipality of Edewecht

Issued on 2022-12-20

WMS) — BPlan 064-Ortskern (1st change) of the municipality of Edewecht details >

WFS INSPIRE PLU Müllersberg Open Data

Inspire PLU Müllersberg

Issued on 2023-01-13

WFS INSPIRE PLU Müllersberg details >

WMS on the development plan 081-2 No. 89 of the municipality of Wardenburg Open Data

WMS on the development plan 081-2 No. 89 of the municipality of Wardenburg

Issued on 2022-11-25

WMS on the development plan 081-2 No. 89 of the municipality of Wardenburg details >

Wallhecken in the district of Oldenburg Open Data

Wallhecken are protected in accordance with Section 22(3) of the NAGBNatSchG. Wall hedges are all

Issued on 2013-12-09

Wallhecken in the district of Oldenburg details >

Inspire data set BPL “Haldenwasen (1978)” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Haldenwasen (1978)” of the city of Bad Teinach-Za

Issued on 2023-01-10

Inspire data set BPL “Haldenwasen (1978)” details >

Development plan Glüsingen 09 — municipality Seevetal Open Data

“At the Sandkuhle”

Issued on 1983-06-23

Development plan Glüsingen 09 — municipality Seevetal details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Value road” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2023-01-24

XPlanung dataset BPL “Value road” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Pestalozzistraße” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Pestalozzistraße” of the town of Stockach from XPlanung 5.0. De

Issued on 2022-12-08

WFS XPlanung BPL “Pestalozzistraße” details >

WFS Wall meadows/Aischbachstraße Open Data

WFS development plan ‘Mauerwiesen/Aischbachstraße’ of the municipality of Jettingen.

Issued on 2022-11-22

WFS Wall meadows/Aischbachstraße details >

WFS) — BPlan 095 — Südlich Jückenweg (2nd change) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn Open Data

WFS) — BPlan 095 — Südlich Jückenweg (2nd change) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn

Issued on 2022-12-14

WFS) — BPlan 095 — Südlich Jückenweg (2nd change) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn details >

WFS to the development plan 203, “Hullenweg”, original — City of Varel Open Data

WFS to the development plan 203, “Hullenweg”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WFS to the development plan 203, “Hullenweg”, original — City of Varel details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 131, “Cemetery”, original — City of Varel Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 131, “Cemetery”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

Atomic feed on the development plan 131, “Cemetery”, original — City of Varel details >

WFS Industrial Park Nördlich Stumpenweg Open Data

WFS Development Plan ‘Commercial Area Nördlich Stumpenweg’ of the municipality of Jettingen.

Issued on 2022-11-22

WFS Industrial Park Nördlich Stumpenweg details >

WMS) — BPlan 052 — Rostrup Klampereck (1st change) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn Open Data

WMS) — BPlan 052 — Rostrup Klampereck (1st change) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn

Issued on 2022-12-14

WMS) — BPlan 052 — Rostrup Klampereck (1st change) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn details >

Inspire PLU South of Öschelbronner Straße Open Data

Inspire PLU South of Öschelbronner Straße

Issued on 2022-11-22

Inspire PLU South of Öschelbronner Straße details >

WMS to the development plan 233, “Wiefelsteder Straße”, original — City of Varel Open Data

WMS to the development plan 233, “Wiefelsteder Straße”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WMS to the development plan 233, “Wiefelsteder Straße”, original — City of Varel details >

WMS) — BPlan 035B-Nord Edewecht (2nd change, textual) of the municipality of Edewecht Open Data

WMS) — BPlan 035B-Nord Edewecht (2nd change, textual) of the municipality of Edewecht

Issued on 2022-12-20

WMS) — BPlan 035B-Nord Edewecht (2nd change, textual) of the municipality of Edewecht details >

Development plan Glüsingen 11 — municipality Seevetal Open Data

“Sports Center/Appenstedter Weg”

Issued on 1990-06-14

Development plan Glüsingen 11 — municipality Seevetal details >

Regional spatial planning programme of the district Friesland 2020 Open Data

Regional spatial planning programme of the district Friesland 2020

Issued on 2021-01-29

Regional spatial planning programme of the district Friesland 2020 details >

Development plan No. 98 “Südlich Gasthauskanal” City of Papenburg Open Data

The development plans of the city of Papenburg with the districts of Papenburg, Bokel, Tunxdorf, Nen

Issued on 1985-05-31

Development plan No. 98 “Südlich Gasthauskanal” City of Papenburg details >

Inspire data set BPL “Habiken Ost” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Habiken Ost” of the city of Wehr based on an XPla

Issued on 2022-12-29

Inspire data set BPL “Habiken Ost” details >

Development plan No. 4 “Weekend and recreation area” Municipality Geeste OT Klein Hesepe Open Data

The municipality of Geeste is located in the district of Emsland and comprises the districts of Bram

Issued on 1971-12-27

Development plan No. 4 “Weekend and recreation area” Municipality Geeste OT Klein Hesepe details >

Development plan Over 02 — municipality Seevetal Open Data

“Sand II”

Issued on 1977-09-23

Development plan Over 02 — municipality Seevetal details >

Development plan Bockhorst No. 6 “Rehbocksheide” Open Data

Bockhorst is a member municipality of the velvet community Nordhümmling

Issued on 1978-11-15

Development plan Bockhorst No. 6 “Rehbocksheide” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Hofener Öschle I — 3 rd amendment” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2023-01-19

XPlanung dataset BPL “Hofener Öschle I — 3 rd amendment” details >

Development plan Bächinger Straße Open Data

The development plan receives the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order. In pr

Issued on 2023-01-13

Development plan Bächinger Straße details >

WFS) — BPlan 042 — Kayhauserfeld industrial area (original) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn Open Data

WFS) — BPlan 042 — Kayhauserfeld industrial area (original) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn

Issued on 2022-12-14

WFS) — BPlan 042 — Kayhauserfeld industrial area (original) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Red” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Red” of the city of Ettlingen from XPlanung 5.0. Description: R

Issued on 2022-11-24

WFS XPlanung BPL “Red” details >

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 021A-Edewecht (5th amendment) Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 021A-Edewecht (5th amendment)

Issued on 2022-12-20

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 021A-Edewecht (5th amendment) details >

Statutes of the Municipality of Apen — XPlanung 5.1.2 Open Data

Statutes of the Municipality of Apen — XPlanung 5.1.2

Issued on 2022-11-29

Statutes of the Municipality of Apen — XPlanung 5.1.2 details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Free Protestant community Rebland VEP (copy) Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Freie Evangeliche Gemeinde Rebland VEP (original)” of the munic

Issued on 2023-01-10

WFS INSPIRE BPL Free Protestant community Rebland VEP (copy) details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Friedhofstraße 1st Amendment” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2023-01-18

XPlanung dataset BPL “Friedhofstraße 1st Amendment” details >

WFS) — BPlan 048 — Weißer Weg (2nd change) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn Open Data

WFS) — BPlan 048 — Weißer Weg (2nd change) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn

Issued on 2022-12-14

WFS) — BPlan 048 — Weißer Weg (2nd change) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn details >

Development plan Freiburg No. 7 Open Data

Development plan Freiburg No. 7

Issued on 1976-01-22

Development plan Freiburg No. 7 details >

District Jork Development Plan No. 14 “An der neue Wettern III” Open Data

District Jork Development Plan No. 14 “An der neue Wettern III”

Issued on 1972-09-13

District Jork Development Plan No. 14 “An der neue Wettern III” details >

Inspire PLU Mühlwiesen, 5th Amendment Open Data

Inspire PLU Mühlwiesen, 5th Amendment

Issued on 2022-11-23

Inspire PLU Mühlwiesen, 5th Amendment details >

Development plan No. 145/D “Test site Part C” City of Papenburg Open Data

The development plans of the city of Papenburg with the districts of Papenburg, Bokel, Tunxdorf, Nen

Issued on 1994-12-30

Development plan No. 145/D “Test site Part C” City of Papenburg details >

28. Change of the F-Plan of the SG Lachendorf “Biogas plant Hohnhorst” Open Data

The 28th modification of the land use plan was necessary in order to build a biogas plant south of H

Issued on 2006-05-18

28. Change of the F-Plan of the SG Lachendorf “Biogas plant Hohnhorst” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Spital Fountain Gardens 1986” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Spital Fountain Gardens 1986” of the town of Murrhardt from XPl

Issued on 2022-12-14

WFS XPlanung BPL “Spital Fountain Gardens 1986” details >

Development plan wiping port No. 2-2 Am Brack Open Data

Development plan wiping port No. 2-2 Am Brack

Issued on 1978-11-09

Development plan wiping port No. 2-2 Am Brack details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 081-1 No. 100 of the municipality of Wardenburg Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 081-1 No. 100 of the municipality of Wardenburg

Issued on 2022-11-25

Atomic feed on the development plan 081-1 No. 100 of the municipality of Wardenburg details >

Bplan 081-Main./Wallstr. (Original) Open Data

Bplan 081-Main./Wallstr. (Original)

Issued on 2022-12-20

Bplan 081-Main./Wallstr. (Original) details >

B-Plan No.: 124 of the city of Braunlage Open Data

Development plan No.: 124 of the town of Braunlage for the district Braunlage with the name “Kurpark

Issued on 2015-10-01

B-Plan No.: 124 of the city of Braunlage details >

Development plan — B plan no. 24 — Vehrter Spitze II Open Data

Development plan

Issued on 2022-02-28

Development plan — B plan no. 24 — Vehrter Spitze II details >

Gosbach — Mitte Süd Open Data

The development plan contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning system. In p

Issued on 2022-11-23

Gosbach — Mitte Süd details >

Inspire data set BPL “Bulzen I — 10. + 11st Amendment» Open Data

Building plan “Bulzen I — 10” transformed according to INSPIRE. + 11. Change’ of the city of Spaichi

Issued on 2023-01-19

Inspire data set BPL “Bulzen I — 10. + 11st Amendment» details >

2. Modification of the development plan No. 3 “Heckenstraße” of the city of Freren Open Data

2. Modification of the development plan No. 3 “Heckenstraße” of the city of Freren

Issued on 1976-10-31

2. Modification of the development plan No. 3 “Heckenstraße” of the city of Freren details >

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 141 — SO Shopping and service centre (original) Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 141 — SO Shopping and service centre (original)

Issued on 2022-12-14

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 141 — SO Shopping and service centre (original) details >

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 081 — south Kornstraße (original) Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 081 — south Kornstraße (original)

Issued on 2022-11-28

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 081 — south Kornstraße (original) details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 041 (Ammerländer-/Korsorsstr.) of the municipality of Wardenburg Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 041 (Ammerländer-/Korsorsstr.) of the municipality of Wardenburg

Issued on 2022-11-25

Atomic feed on the development plan 041 (Ammerländer-/Korsorsstr.) of the municipality of Wardenburg details >

Bplan 065 — Aschhausen, Nördl. der Windmühlenstr. (1st amendment) Open Data

Bplan 065 — Aschhausen, Nördl. der Windmühlenstr. (1st amendment) Bplan 065 — Aschhausen, Nördl. der

Issued on 2022-12-14

Bplan 065 — Aschhausen, Nördl. der Windmühlenstr. (1st amendment) details >

Bplan 016B — August Fehn I (1st amendment) Open Data

Bplan 016B — August Fehn I (1st amendment)

Issued on 2022-11-28

Bplan 016B — August Fehn I (1st amendment) details >

WMS on the development plan 094, “Riesweg-Schwarzeweg — see text document 1st amendment”, original —... Open Data

WMS on the development plan 094, “Riesweg-Schwarzeweg — see text document 1st amendment”, original —

Issued on 2022-11-22

WMS on the development plan 094, “Riesweg-Schwarzeweg — see text document 1st amendment”, original —... details >

WMS) — BPlan 009B-Friedrichsfehn (original) of the municipality of Edewecht Open Data

WMS) — BPlan 009B-Friedrichsfehn (original) of the municipality of Edewecht

Issued on 2022-12-20

WMS) — BPlan 009B-Friedrichsfehn (original) of the municipality of Edewecht details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Ziegelhütte” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2023-01-18

XPlanung dataset BPL “Ziegelhütte” details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 212, “Part A Deichhörn Nord”, original — City of Varel Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 212, “Part A Deichhörn Nord”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

Atomic feed on the development plan 212, “Part A Deichhörn Nord”, original — City of Varel details >

WMS to the development plan 081-5 No. 32 of the municipality of Wardenburg Open Data

WMS to the development plan 081-5 No. 32 of the municipality of Wardenburg

Issued on 2022-11-25

WMS to the development plan 081-5 No. 32 of the municipality of Wardenburg details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 056, “Obenstrohe”, 02. Amendment — City of Varel Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 056, “Obenstrohe”, 02. Amendment — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

Atomic feed on the development plan 056, “Obenstrohe”, 02. Amendment — City of Varel details >

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 005 — Apen (1st amendment) Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 005 — Apen (1st amendment)

Issued on 2022-11-29

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 005 — Apen (1st amendment) details >

WMS on the development plan 055, “Büppel”, 05. Amendment — City of Varel Open Data

WMS on the development plan 055, “Büppel”, 05. Amendment — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WMS on the development plan 055, “Büppel”, 05. Amendment — City of Varel details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Behlesklinge (garden house area)” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Behlesklinge (garden house area)” of the municipality Schwaikhe

Issued on 2022-12-06

WFS XPlanung BPL “Behlesklinge (garden house area)” details >

Construction plan pick shop no. 91 Open Data

Development plan picking shop

Issued on 2008-06-30

Construction plan pick shop no. 91 details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Industrial area Plochinger Straße — 5th change” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2023-01-23

XPlanung dataset BPL “Industrial area Plochinger Straße — 5th change” details >

Digital terrain model 50 (DGM50) Open Data

The Digital Terrain Model (DGM50) consists of the collection of site points arranged in a regular po

Issued on 2010-06-01

Digital terrain model 50 (DGM50) details >

WFS on the development plan 068, “Obenstrohe”, 01. Amendment — City of Varel Open Data

WFS on the development plan 068, “Obenstrohe”, 01. Amendment — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WFS on the development plan 068, “Obenstrohe”, 01. Amendment — City of Varel details >

Development plan No. 19 ASD “Tunxdorfer Straße” City of Papenburg Open Data

The development plans of the city of Papenburg with the districts of Papenburg, Bokel, Tunxdorf, Nen

Issued on 1969-09-04

Development plan No. 19 ASD “Tunxdorfer Straße” City of Papenburg details >

WFS on the development plan BPlan 178 — North of Lajestraße/North Edewecht II (original) Open Data

WFS on the development plan BPlan 178 — North of Lajestraße/North Edewecht II (original)

Issued on 2022-12-20

WFS on the development plan BPlan 178 — North of Lajestraße/North Edewecht II (original) details >

Inspire data set BPL “Kleinfeldele II 1st Amendment” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Kleinfeldele II 1st Amendment” of the municipalit

Issued on 2023-01-12

Inspire data set BPL “Kleinfeldele II 1st Amendment” details >

Development plan No.34 “Meerstraße” Open Data

The city of Haselünne has a total of 165 development plans.

Issued on 1988-04-30

Development plan No.34 “Meerstraße” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Inner Au Extension — 1st Change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Inner Au extension — 1st change” of the municipality Mundelshei

Issued on 2023-01-17

WFS XPlanung BPL “Inner Au Extension — 1st Change” details >

WMS) — BPlan 005 — Apen (6th change) of the municipality of Apen Open Data

WMS) — BPlan 005 — Apen (6th change) of the municipality of Apen

Issued on 2022-11-29

WMS) — BPlan 005 — Apen (6th change) of the municipality of Apen details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Offenau Nord 3 rd change” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2023-01-18

XPlanung dataset BPL “Offenau Nord 3 rd change” details >

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 027-Wildenloh (1st change, textual) of the municipality of Edewecht Open Data

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 027-Wildenloh (1st change, textual) of the municipality of Edewecht

Issued on 2022-12-20

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 027-Wildenloh (1st change, textual) of the municipality of Edewecht details >

WMS) — BPlan 034n-Edewecht (1st change) of the municipality of Edewecht Open Data

WMS) — BPlan 034n-Edewecht (1st change) of the municipality of Edewecht

Issued on 2022-12-20

WMS) — BPlan 034n-Edewecht (1st change) of the municipality of Edewecht details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Stollen Width-Goldäcker-Wettweier Change 6 Open Data

WFS service of the INSPIRE transformed development plan “Stollenwidth-Goldäcker-Wettweier Amendment

Issued on 2022-12-08

WFS INSPIRE BPL Stollen Width-Goldäcker-Wettweier Change 6 details >

WFS) — BPlan 017 — Lieneworth, overhauled by 017_01 (1st change) of the municipality of Bad... Open Data

WFS) — BPlan 017 — Lieneworth, overhauled by 017_01 (1st change) of the municipality of Bad Zwischen

Issued on 2022-12-14

WFS) — BPlan 017 — Lieneworth, overhauled by 017_01 (1st change) of the municipality of Bad... details >

Bplan 052 — Jeddeloh I (copy) Open Data

Bplan 052 — Jeddeloh I (copy)

Issued on 2022-12-20

Bplan 052 — Jeddeloh I (copy) details >

WMS on the development plan 014, “Varel-Stadt — 2 Scopes”, 01. Amendment — City of Varel Open Data

WMS on the development plan 014, “Varel-Stadt — 2 Scopes”, 01. Amendment — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WMS on the development plan 014, “Varel-Stadt — 2 Scopes”, 01. Amendment — City of Varel details >
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