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Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 021A-Edewecht (original) Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 021A-Edewecht (original)

Issued on 2022-12-20

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 021A-Edewecht (original) details >

Building plan no. 14 “Am Bahnhof” original, municipality Wietzen Open Data

The development plan contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning system. In p

Issued on 2001-08-08

Building plan no. 14 “Am Bahnhof” original, municipality Wietzen details >

Bplan 004r — Rostrup (4th amendment) Open Data

Bplan 004r — Rostrup (4th amendment)

Issued on 2022-12-14

Bplan 004r — Rostrup (4th amendment) details >

Protected landscape components (Landkreis Osterholz) Open Data

Representation of all protected landscape components (GLB) in the district Osterholz in accordance w

Issued on

Protected landscape components (Landkreis Osterholz) details >

WFS Industrial Park Ankental-Süd 2. Change Open Data

WFS Development Plan ‘Commercial Area Ankental-South 2nd Amendment’ of the Municipality of Jettingen

Issued on 2022-11-22

WFS Industrial Park Ankental-Süd 2. Change details >

Bplan 012-Wildenloh (original) Open Data

Bplan 012-Wildenloh (original)

Issued on 2022-12-20

Bplan 012-Wildenloh (original) details >

Development plan No. 1 (Staulsen township) “Between cityveen and sports field” Open Data

The city of Haselünne has a total of 165 development plans.

Issued on 1999-10-15

Development plan No. 1 (Staulsen township) “Between cityveen and sports field” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Alm I — Change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Alm I — Change” of the city of Murrhardt from XPlanung 5.0. Des

Issued on 2022-12-17

WFS XPlanung BPL “Alm I — Change” details >

87/99 “The Water Tower” Open Data

The development plan defines the structural use for a part of the municipal area.

Issued on 1999-07-30

87/99 “The Water Tower” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Seestraße SO fruit recycling” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Seestraße SO fruit recycling” of the town of Stockach from XPla

Issued on 2022-12-09

WFS XPlanung BPL “Seestraße SO fruit recycling” details >

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 131 — Apen, special area exit Westerstede (1st change) of the municipality of... Open Data

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 131 — Apen, special area exit Westerstede (1st change) of the municipality of Ape

Issued on 2022-11-28

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 131 — Apen, special area exit Westerstede (1st change) of the municipality of... details >

(T) Local Museum Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “home museum” of municipal administration Pfalzgra

Issued on 2023-01-05

(T) Local Museum details >

WMS to the development plan 055, “Flachsweg”, original — City of Varel Open Data

WMS to the development plan 055, “Flachsweg”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WMS to the development plan 055, “Flachsweg”, original — City of Varel details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Special area of energy production” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Special area energy production” of the municipality Freudental

Issued on 2022-12-12

WFS XPlanung BPL “Special area of energy production” details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 054, “Bushgast”, original — City of Varel Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 054, “Bushgast”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

Atomic feed on the development plan 054, “Bushgast”, original — City of Varel details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Shepgreen Mühlfeld Hemp Roasts 3 rd Change” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2023-01-13

XPlanung dataset BPL “Shepgreen Mühlfeld Hemp Roasts 3 rd Change” details >

Land use plans of the municipality of Hambühren Open Data

The municipality of Hambühren currently only has a land use plan for the entire municipality

Issued on 2013-02-11

Land use plans of the municipality of Hambühren details >

WFS) — BPlan 097 — Godensholt, Jordenweg (original) of the municipality of Apen Open Data

WFS) — BPlan 097 — Godensholt, Jordenweg (original) of the municipality of Apen

Issued on 2022-11-29

WFS) — BPlan 097 — Godensholt, Jordenweg (original) of the municipality of Apen details >

Rounding Statute Eschede East of the Aschau Open Data

The rounding set Eschede East of the Aschau serves the clear demarcation from the interior and exter

Issued on 1978-03-06

Rounding Statute Eschede East of the Aschau details >

Building plan No. 501.1 Rathausstraße -1. Change Open Data

The city of Goslar has about 600 analogue and digital development plans.

Issued on 1982-09-30

Building plan No. 501.1 Rathausstraße -1. Change details >

WMS to the development plan BPlan 043 — Rostrup, Alte Str. (1st amendment) Open Data

WMS to the development plan BPlan 043 — Rostrup, Alte Str. (1st amendment)

Issued on 2022-12-14

WMS to the development plan BPlan 043 — Rostrup, Alte Str. (1st amendment) details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL expansion home bakery (2019) Open Data

WFS service of the urbanisation plan of the city of Bad Teinach-Zavelstein, which was transformed ac

Issued on 2023-01-09

WFS INSPIRE BPL expansion home bakery (2019) details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 081-4 No. 71 of the municipality of Wardenburg Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 081-4 No. 71 of the municipality of Wardenburg

Issued on 2022-11-25

Atomic feed on the development plan 081-4 No. 71 of the municipality of Wardenburg details >

WFS to the development plan BPlan 013 — Eyhausen spa area (original) Open Data

WFS to the development plan BPlan 013 — Eyhausen spa area (original)

Issued on 2022-12-14

WFS to the development plan BPlan 013 — Eyhausen spa area (original) details >

Amendment Building plan No. 36 “Industrial area at Hampoel” City of Papenburg Open Data

The development plans of the city of Papenburg with the districts of Papenburg, Bokel, Tunxdorf, Nen

Issued on 1995-05-31

Amendment Building plan No. 36 “Industrial area at Hampoel” City of Papenburg details >

Bplan 057 In the middle of Esch Open Data

Bplan 057 In the middle of Esch

Issued on 2022-11-25

Bplan 057 In the middle of Esch details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 055 (completely overplanned by BP 55 1Change) of the... Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 055 (completely overplanned by BP 55 1Change) of the municipalit

Issued on 2022-11-25

Atomic feed on the development plan 055 (completely overplanned by BP 55 1Change) of the... details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Construction Line Change Corner Linden- and Ulmenstraße” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Construction line change corner Linden- und Ulmenstraße” of the

Issued on 2022-12-07

WFS XPlanung BPL “Construction Line Change Corner Linden- and Ulmenstraße” details >

Bplan 075 — Innerörtl. Main traffic street. (revised) (2nd amendment) Open Data

Bplan 075 — Innerörtl. Main traffic street. (revised) (2nd amendment)

Issued on 2022-12-14

Bplan 075 — Innerörtl. Main traffic street. (revised) (2nd amendment) details >

Development plan Südburgweg No. 6 Open Data

Development plan Südburgweg

Issued on 1964-02-29

Development plan Südburgweg No. 6 details >

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 004-Hempen/Wiemken (1st change) of the municipality of Edewecht Open Data

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 004-Hempen/Wiemken (1st change) of the municipality of Edewecht

Issued on 2022-12-20

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 004-Hempen/Wiemken (1st change) of the municipality of Edewecht details >

Development plan 131, “Varel-Stadt”, 01. Amendment — City of Varel Open Data

Development plan 131, “Varel-Stadt”, 01. Amendment — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

Development plan 131, “Varel-Stadt”, 01. Amendment — City of Varel details >

WFS on the development plan BPlan 080 — West of the Aue (original) Open Data

WFS on the development plan BPlan 080 — West of the Aue (original)

Issued on 2022-12-14

WFS on the development plan BPlan 080 — West of the Aue (original) details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “August-Hagen-Weg II — 2nd Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “August-Hagen-Weg II — 2nd change” of the town of Spaichingen fr

Issued on 2023-01-19

WFS XPlanung BPL “August-Hagen-Weg II — 2nd Amendment” details >

7. Amendment Building Plan No. 2 Bokel “Kerstens Tannen” City of Papenburg Open Data

The development plans of the city of Papenburg with the districts of Papenburg, Bokel, Tunxdorf, Nen

Issued on 1955-01-01

7. Amendment Building Plan No. 2 Bokel “Kerstens Tannen” City of Papenburg details >

E. Change Building Plan No. 23 “Westlich Splitting” City of Papenburg Open Data

The development plans of the city of Papenburg with the districts of Papenburg, Bokel, Tunxdorf, Nen

Issued on 1976-08-09

E. Change Building Plan No. 23 “Westlich Splitting” City of Papenburg details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Beautiful — 4th Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Beautiful — 4th Amendment” of the municipality of Ubstadt-Weihe

Issued on 2022-11-29

WFS XPlanung BPL “Beautiful — 4th Amendment” details >

Development plan Residential development Triftweg Briest — Amt Beetzsee Municipality City Havelsee... Open Data

The development plan implements the land use concept of the municipality as a binding construction p

Issued on 2022-11-06T00:00:00Z

Development plan Residential development Triftweg Briest — Amt Beetzsee Municipality City Havelsee... details >

WFS to the development plan BPlan 001S — Specken (original) Open Data

WFS to the development plan BPlan 001S — Specken (original)

Issued on 2022-12-14

WFS to the development plan BPlan 001S — Specken (original) details >

Bplan 155 — Museum Portsloge (original) Open Data

Bplan 155 — Museum Portsloge (original)

Issued on 2022-12-20

Bplan 155 — Museum Portsloge (original) details >

No. 1.1 “Südlich Marienstraße” 1st amendment Open Data

B-Plan No. 1 “Südlich Marienstraße” 1st amendment of 6.2.1986, district Uetze.

Issued on 1986-02-06

No. 1.1 “Südlich Marienstraße” 1st amendment details >

WFS on the development plan BPlan 003A-Am Dobben (3 rd amendment) Open Data

WFS on the development plan BPlan 003A-Am Dobben (3 rd amendment)

Issued on 2022-12-20

WFS on the development plan BPlan 003A-Am Dobben (3 rd amendment) details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Offenau South 10th Amendment” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2023-01-18

XPlanung dataset BPL “Offenau South 10th Amendment” details >

WFS on the development plan 002, “Dangastermoor”, 05. Amendment — City of Varel Open Data

WFS on the development plan 002, “Dangastermoor”, 05. Amendment — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WFS on the development plan 002, “Dangastermoor”, 05. Amendment — City of Varel details >

Development plan Osttangente II Open Data

The development plan receives the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order. In pr

Issued on 2023-01-13

Development plan Osttangente II details >

Bplan 108 — Augustfehn, Ironworks (original) Open Data

Bplan 108 — Augustfehn, Ironworks (original)

Issued on 2022-11-28

Bplan 108 — Augustfehn, Ironworks (original) details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Gewann Brückeläcker — Change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Gewann Brückeläcker — Change” of the city of Ettlingen from XPl

Issued on 2022-11-29

WFS XPlanung BPL “Gewann Brückeläcker — Change” details >

WFS) — Articles of Association § 34 Apen Godensholterweg (original) of the municipality of Apen Open Data

WFS) — Articles of Association § 34 Apen Godensholterweg (original) of the municipality of Apen

Issued on 2022-11-29

WFS) — Articles of Association § 34 Apen Godensholterweg (original) of the municipality of Apen details >

Water supply area City of Bad Münder Open Data

The water supply area comprises the supply area of the city of Bad Münder for the water sector. The

Issued on

Water supply area City of Bad Münder details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 053, “Varel-Stadt — Buschgastweg”, 03. Amendment — City of Varel Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 053, “Varel-Stadt — Buschgastweg”, 03. Amendment — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

Atomic feed on the development plan 053, “Varel-Stadt — Buschgastweg”, 03. Amendment — City of Varel details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Badstraße Untere Talstraße 2nd Amendment (2021)” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Badstraße Untere Talstraße 2. Amendment (2021)” of the town of

Issued on 2023-01-09

WFS XPlanung BPL “Badstraße Untere Talstraße 2nd Amendment (2021)” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Alarmmat 2nd Change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Alarmmatt 2. Amendment” of the city of Wehr from XPlanung 5.0.

Issued on 2022-12-22

WFS XPlanung BPL “Alarmmat 2nd Change” details >

BP-No. 49 Biogas plant Flecken Hage Open Data

Development plan No. 49 Biogas plant Flecken Hage

Issued on 2007-08-31

BP-No. 49 Biogas plant Flecken Hage details >

Hechinger Strasse Open Data

The available data is the development plan “Hechinger Strasse” of the municipality of Bisingen.

Issued on 2022-12-05

Hechinger Strasse details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Schillerhöhstraße/Jahnstraße” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-07-11

XPlanung dataset BPL “Schillerhöhstraße/Jahnstraße” details >

WMS) — BPlan 073 — Portsloge, Brannwisch (original) of the municipality of Edewecht Open Data

WMS) — BPlan 073 — Portsloge, Brannwisch (original) of the municipality of Edewecht

Issued on 2022-12-20

WMS) — BPlan 073 — Portsloge, Brannwisch (original) of the municipality of Edewecht details >

Regional spatial planning programme (changes) Landkreis Lüneburg Open Data

Regional Spatial Planning Programme 1st Amendment and 2nd Amendment RROP “Priority Areas for Wind En

Issued on 2017-03-06

Regional spatial planning programme (changes) Landkreis Lüneburg details >

WFS on the development plan 081-5 No. 22 of the municipality of Wardenburg Open Data

WFS on the development plan 081-5 No. 22 of the municipality of Wardenburg

Issued on 2022-11-25

WFS on the development plan 081-5 No. 22 of the municipality of Wardenburg details >

Inspire data set BPL “VEP MU “Concordia Quartier” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “VEP MU “Concordia Quartier” of the city of Stuten

Issued on 2023-01-20

Inspire data set BPL “VEP MU “Concordia Quartier” details >

Inspire dataset BPL “Husar bakers — 2nd change” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Husarenäcker — 2nd change” of the municipality of

Issued on 2022-12-05

Inspire dataset BPL “Husar bakers — 2nd change” details >

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 017 — Lieneworth, overplanned by 017_01 (1st amendment) Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 017 — Lieneworth, overplanned by 017_01 (1st amendment)

Issued on 2022-12-14

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 017 — Lieneworth, overplanned by 017_01 (1st amendment) details >

Development plan No. 28II2 Stadtmitte-Mühlenstr.2Ä. Partber.Alexanderstr./Theod.-Pek.-Platz, City of... Open Data

Development plan including justification (text work)

Issued on 1992-08-07

Development plan No. 28II2 Stadtmitte-Mühlenstr.2Ä. Partber.Alexanderstr./Theod.-Pek.-Platz, City of... details >

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 052 — Jeddeloh I (original) Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 052 — Jeddeloh I (original)

Issued on 2022-12-20

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 052 — Jeddeloh I (original) details >

WFS on the development plan 081-1 No 105 of the municipality of Wardenburg Open Data

WFS on the development plan 081-1 No 105 of the municipality of Wardenburg

Issued on 2022-11-25

WFS on the development plan 081-1 No 105 of the municipality of Wardenburg details >

Inspire PLU Industrial Park Herdweg 1. Change Open Data

Inspire PLU Industrial Park Herdweg 1. Change

Issued on 2022-11-22

Inspire PLU Industrial Park Herdweg 1. Change details >

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 130 — Godensholt, commercial area (original) Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 130 — Godensholt, commercial area (original)

Issued on 2022-11-29

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 130 — Godensholt, commercial area (original) details >

Bplan 080 GE-Loxendamm Open Data

Bplan 080 GE-Loxendamm

Issued on 2022-11-25

Bplan 080 GE-Loxendamm details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Photovoltaic system on the Großer Kochelsberg — 1st change Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Photovoltaic system on the Großer Kochelsberg — 1st chang

Issued on 2023-01-18

WFS INSPIRE BPL Photovoltaic system on the Großer Kochelsberg — 1st change details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Bündtenfeld II 3 rd change” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-12-29

XPlanung dataset BPL “Bündtenfeld II 3 rd change” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Klinkernfeld III” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Klinkernfeld III” of the city of Filderstadt base

Issued on 2022-12-30

Inspire data set BPL “Klinkernfeld III” details >

WMS) — BPlan 033-Streek (2nd change, textual) of the municipality of Edewecht Open Data

WMS) — BPlan 033-Streek (2nd change, textual) of the municipality of Edewecht

Issued on 2022-12-20

WMS) — BPlan 033-Streek (2nd change, textual) of the municipality of Edewecht details >

WFS Frongraben 2 Aend Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Frongraben 2 Aend” by GAUSS Ingenieurtechnik GmbH.

Issued on 2022-12-02

WFS Frongraben 2 Aend details >

Bplan 106 — East side field line (4th amendment) Open Data

Bplan 106 — East side field line (4th amendment)

Issued on 2022-12-14

Bplan 106 — East side field line (4th amendment) details >

Bplan 017 6th Amendment Open Data

Bplan 017 6th Amendment

Issued on 2022-11-25

Bplan 017 6th Amendment details >

Atomic feed on the development plan 041 1. Amendment (sometimes overplanned by 3 rd-Amend) of the... Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan 041 1. Amendment (sometimes overplanned by 3 rd-Amend) of the Mu

Issued on 2022-11-25

Atomic feed on the development plan 041 1. Amendment (sometimes overplanned by 3 rd-Amend) of the... details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Espan II” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2023-01-19

XPlanung dataset BPL “Espan II” details >

WMS to the development plan 017 2. Change Birkenweg of the municipality of Wardenburg Open Data

WMS to the development plan 017 2. Change Birkenweg of the municipality of Wardenburg

Issued on 2022-11-25

WMS to the development plan 017 2. Change Birkenweg of the municipality of Wardenburg details >

WFS on the development plan BPlan 045A-Friedrichsfehn (1st change, textual) Open Data

WFS on the development plan BPlan 045A-Friedrichsfehn (1st change, textual)

Issued on 2022-12-20

WFS on the development plan BPlan 045A-Friedrichsfehn (1st change, textual) details >

WMS to the development plan 101, “Am Grün”, original — City of Varel Open Data

WMS to the development plan 101, “Am Grün”, original — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WMS to the development plan 101, “Am Grün”, original — City of Varel details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Bildstockäcker-Figlisried-Kätzleberg” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2023-01-19

XPlanung dataset BPL “Bildstockäcker-Figlisried-Kätzleberg” details >

Bplan 081-4 No. 108 Open Data

Bplan 081-4 No. 108

Issued on 2022-11-25

Bplan 081-4 No. 108 details >

WMS to the development plan 074, “Altjührden Maschal”, 01. Change — City of Varel Open Data

WMS to the development plan 074, “Altjührden Maschal”, 01. Change — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WMS to the development plan 074, “Altjührden Maschal”, 01. Change — City of Varel details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Pfaffensteig II 1st Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Pfaffensteig II 1. Amendment” of the municipality of Dürbheim f

Issued on 2023-01-17

WFS XPlanung BPL “Pfaffensteig II 1st Amendment” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Freizeitgelände Trauzenbachtal” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-12-13

XPlanung dataset BPL “Freizeitgelände Trauzenbachtal” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Gampersche Wiese” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-12-17

XPlanung dataset BPL “Gampersche Wiese” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Sandäcker — 1st modification MAIERMAD EXPARTMENT” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Sandäcker — 1. CHANGE MAIERMAD EXPENDMENT” of the municipality

Issued on 2022-10-21

WFS XPlanung BPL “Sandäcker — 1st modification MAIERMAD EXPARTMENT” details >

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 115 — Augustfehn, Südlich Tennis complex (original) Open Data

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 115 — Augustfehn, Südlich Tennis complex (original)

Issued on 2022-11-28

Atomic feed on the development plan BPlan 115 — Augustfehn, Südlich Tennis complex (original) details >

WFS to the development plan 061, “Dangast MUKIKU, Part B”, 13rd amendment — City of Varel Open Data

WFS to the development plan 061, “Dangast MUKIKU, Part B”, 13rd amendment — City of Varel

Issued on 2022-11-22

WFS to the development plan 061, “Dangast MUKIKU, Part B”, 13rd amendment — City of Varel details >

WFS to the development plan BPlan 064-local core (4th amendment) Open Data

WFS to the development plan BPlan 064-local core (4th amendment)

Issued on 2022-12-20

WFS to the development plan BPlan 064-local core (4th amendment) details >

Bplan 135 — Recreational Sports Services Centre (original) Open Data

Bplan 135 — Recreational Sports Services Centre (original)

Issued on 2022-12-14

Bplan 135 — Recreational Sports Services Centre (original) details >

WFS) — VBPlan 014 — Westlich Am Delf (original) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn Open Data

WFS) — VBPlan 014 — Westlich Am Delf (original) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn

Issued on 2022-12-14

WFS) — VBPlan 014 — Westlich Am Delf (original) of the municipality of Bad Zwischenahn details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Hörschbach — Hasenhof II — 3 rd amendment” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-12-17

XPlanung dataset BPL “Hörschbach — Hasenhof II — 3 rd amendment” details >

Development plan No. 23 “Melstrup-Part I” of the municipality of Fresenburg Open Data

The municipality of Fresenburg is a member municipality of the velvet community Lathen. It has about

Issued on 2005-07-29

Development plan No. 23 “Melstrup-Part I” of the municipality of Fresenburg details >

Inspire PLU Before Mountain II-Hinter Mountain Open Data

Inspire PLU Before Mountain II-Hinter Mountain

Issued on 2023-01-13

Inspire PLU Before Mountain II-Hinter Mountain details >

Design Statute 2. Amendment to the Building Plan No. 7 of the island municipality Juist Open Data

The 2nd amendment to the design regulations contains local building regulations on special requireme

Issued on

Design Statute 2. Amendment to the Building Plan No. 7 of the island municipality Juist details >

WFS) — BPlan 024 — Augustfehn (1st change) of the municipality of Apen Open Data

WFS) — BPlan 024 — Augustfehn (1st change) of the municipality of Apen

Issued on 2022-11-28

WFS) — BPlan 024 — Augustfehn (1st change) of the municipality of Apen details >

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 021A-Edewecht (copy) of the municipality of Edewecht Open Data

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 021A-Edewecht (copy) of the municipality of Edewecht

Issued on 2022-12-20

Atom-Feed) — BPlan 021A-Edewecht (copy) of the municipality of Edewecht details >

Landscape map Jever Open Data

The landscape plan concretises the objectives, measures and requirements of nature conservation and

Issued on 2009-02-19

Landscape map Jever details >

Land use plan municipality Moormerland Open Data

Land use plan municipality Moormerland

Issued on 2014-03-24

Land use plan municipality Moormerland details >

Development plans of the district Wietze Breiter Sand 2 Open Data

Municipality of Wietze The plan defines a general residential area in a one-storey construction met

Issued on 2017-02-14

Development plans of the district Wietze Breiter Sand 2 details >
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