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Geo Data Portal Germany datasets available on official portal for European data

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XPlanung dataset BPL “High Court II” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-09-01

XPlanung dataset BPL “High Court II” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Kirchstrasse_1” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Kirchstrasse_1” of the municipality of Bitz based

Issued on 2022-09-02

Inspire data set BPL “Kirchstrasse_1” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Bahnhofstraße/Einmündung Schorndorfer Straße” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Bahnhofstraße/Einmündung Schorndorfer Straße” of

Issued on 2022-08-24

Inspire data set BPL “Bahnhofstraße/Einmündung Schorndorfer Straße” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Bergstrasse southern part — Jaegerstrasse, Birkenweg” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-09-01

XPlanung dataset BPL “Bergstrasse southern part — Jaegerstrasse, Birkenweg” details >

Inspire PLU Schulstrasse/High tank Open Data

Inspire PLU Schulstrasse/High tank

Issued on 2022-08-22

Inspire PLU Schulstrasse/High tank details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Bleichweg” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-08-24

XPlanung dataset BPL “Bleichweg” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Karlstraße Ecke Langer Weg” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Karlstraße Ecke Langer Weg” of the municipality o

Issued on 2022-08-24

Inspire data set BPL “Karlstraße Ecke Langer Weg” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Ebinger Weg und Talaecker — 2nd modification” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-09-01

XPlanung dataset BPL “Ebinger Weg und Talaecker — 2nd modification” details >

Green and Open Spaces (WFS Service) Open Data

Green and open spaces

Issued on 2021-07-27

Green and Open Spaces (WFS Service) details >

Sr-90 in Seawater Baltic Sea June 2017 Open Data

Sr-90 in seawater of the Baltic Sea - The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) provides o

Issued on 2019-07-01

Sr-90 in Seawater Baltic Sea June 2017 details >

R & D personnel (full-time equivalents): Germany, years, type of furnishing Open Data

R & D personnel (full-time equivalents): Germany, years, type of furnishing

Issued on 2022-12-28T20:45:19Z

R & D personnel (full-time equivalents): Germany, years, type of furnishing details >

Recipients of basic security: Germany, quarterly reporting month, nationality, gender, age groups Open Data

Recipients of basic security: Germany, quarterly reporting month, nationality, gender, age groups

Issued on 2022-12-28T21:36:28Z

Recipients of basic security: Germany, quarterly reporting month, nationality, gender, age groups details >

Recipients of basic security: Germany, quarterly reporting month, gender/age groups/place of service... Open Data

Recipients of basic security: Germany, quarterly reporting month, gender/age groups/place of service

Issued on 2022-12-28T21:36:28Z

Recipients of basic security: Germany, quarterly reporting month, gender/age groups/place of service... details >

Beneficiaries of Inclusion Assistance: Federal states, years, sex, age groups Open Data

Beneficiaries of Inclusion Assistance: Federal states, years, sex, age groups

Issued on 2022-12-28T21:36:28Z

Beneficiaries of Inclusion Assistance: Federal states, years, sex, age groups details >

Adopted children and adolescents: Germany, Years, Gender, Nationality Open Data

Adopted children and adolescents: Germany, Years, Gender, Nationality

Issued on 2022-12-28T21:36:28Z

Adopted children and adolescents: Germany, Years, Gender, Nationality details >

Agricultural holdings with arable land,Agricultural area: Germany, years, arable crops, size classes... Open Data

Agricultural holdings with arable land,Agricultural area: Germany, years, arable crops, size classes

Issued on 2022-12-29T04:32:53Z

Agricultural holdings with arable land,Agricultural area: Germany, years, arable crops, size classes... details >

Agricultural holdings, Agricultural land: Federal states, years Open Data

Agricultural holdings, Agricultural land: Federal states, years

Issued on 2022-12-29T04:32:53Z

Agricultural holdings, Agricultural land: Federal states, years details >

Agricultural holdings, Agricultural land: Federal states, years, size classes of agricultural land... Open Data

Agricultural holdings, Agricultural land: Federal states, years, size classes of agricultural land

Issued on 2022-12-29T04:32:53Z

Agricultural holdings, Agricultural land: Federal states, years, size classes of agricultural land... details >

Establishments: Federal states, years (until 2010), animal species Open Data

Establishments: Federal states, years (until 2010), animal species

Issued on 2023-02-06T16:36:40Z

Establishments: Federal states, years (until 2010), animal species details >

Sheep holdings: Germany, reporting month, stock size classes Open Data

Sheep holdings: Germany, reporting month, stock size classes

Issued on 2023-02-06T13:37:43Z

Sheep holdings: Germany, reporting month, stock size classes details >

Poultry slaughterhouses, slaughtered animals, slaughtered quantity: Germany, months, poultry type Open Data

Poultry slaughterhouses, slaughtered animals, slaughtered quantity: Germany, months, poultry type

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:23:52Z

Poultry slaughterhouses, slaughtered animals, slaughtered quantity: Germany, months, poultry type details >

Poultry slaughterhouses, slaughtered animals, slaughtered quantities: federal states, years Open Data

Poultry slaughterhouses, slaughtered animals, slaughtered quantities: federal states, years

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:23:52Z

Poultry slaughterhouses, slaughtered animals, slaughtered quantities: federal states, years details >

Farms holding laying hens, produced eggs, laying performance: federal states, months, forms of... Open Data

Farms holding laying hens, produced eggs, laying performance: federal states, months, forms of farmi

Issued on 2022-12-29T04:27:09Z

Farms holding laying hens, produced eggs, laying performance: federal states, months, forms of... details >

Farms with laying hen husbandry, produced eggs, laying performance: federal states, months, size... Open Data

Farms with laying hen husbandry, produced eggs, laying performance: federal states, months, size cla

Issued on 2022-12-29T04:27:09Z

Farms with laying hen husbandry, produced eggs, laying performance: federal states, months, size... details >

Slaughtered animals, quantity of slaughter: Germany, Months, Species of Animals, Slaughter Open Data

Slaughtered animals, quantity of slaughter: Germany, Months, Species of Animals, Slaughter

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:23:52Z

Slaughtered animals, quantity of slaughter: Germany, Months, Species of Animals, Slaughter details >

Slaughtered animals, quantity of slaughter: Federal states, years, animal species, type of slaughter Open Data

Slaughtered animals, quantity of slaughter: Federal states, years, animal species, type of slaughter

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:23:52Z

Slaughtered animals, quantity of slaughter: Federal states, years, animal species, type of slaughter details >

Farms with aquaculture production, Quantity: Germany, years, aquaculture products Open Data

Farms with aquaculture production, Quantity: Germany, years, aquaculture products

Issued on 2022-12-29T08:00:13Z

Farms with aquaculture production, Quantity: Germany, years, aquaculture products details >

Employees and turnover of companies in the manufacturing industry: FR. Federal territory/New Länder,... Open Data

Employees and turnover of companies in the manufacturing industry: FR. Federal territory/New Länder,

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:02:30Z

Employees and turnover of companies in the manufacturing industry: FR. Federal territory/New Länder,... details >

Employees and turnover of companies in the manufacturing industry: Federal states, months Open Data

Employees and turnover of companies in the manufacturing industry: Federal states, months

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:02:30Z

Employees and turnover of companies in the manufacturing industry: Federal states, months details >

Employees and turnover of companies in the manufacturing industry: Federal states, months Open Data

Employees and turnover of companies in the manufacturing industry: Federal states, months

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:02:30Z

Employees and turnover of companies in the manufacturing industry: Federal states, months details >

Employees and turnover of companies in the manufacturing industry: Federal states, years, economic... Open Data

Employees and turnover of companies in the manufacturing industry: Federal states, years, economic s

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:02:30Z

Employees and turnover of companies in the manufacturing industry: Federal states, years, economic... details >

Employees and turnover of the technical parts of the manufacturing industry: Germany, Months,... Open Data

Employees and turnover of the technical parts of the manufacturing industry: Germany, Months, Sector

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:02:30Z

Employees and turnover of the technical parts of the manufacturing industry: Germany, Months,... details >

Employees in the hospitality industry: Germany, years, economic sectors Open Data

Employees in the hospitality industry: Germany, years, economic sectors

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:32:21Z

Employees in the hospitality industry: Germany, years, economic sectors details >

Employees in the hospitality industry: Germany, months/quarters/half years, economic sectors Open Data

Employees in the hospitality industry: Germany, months/quarters/half years, economic sectors

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:32:21Z

Employees in the hospitality industry: Germany, months/quarters/half years, economic sectors details >

Turnover in the hospitality industry: Germany, years, price types, economic sectors Open Data

Turnover in the hospitality industry: Germany, years, price types, economic sectors

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:32:21Z

Turnover in the hospitality industry: Germany, years, price types, economic sectors details >

Sales in the automotive trade: Germany, months, price types, original and adjusted data, economic... Open Data

Sales in the automotive trade: Germany, months, price types, original and adjusted data, economic se

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:34:44Z

Sales in the automotive trade: Germany, months, price types, original and adjusted data, economic... details >

Nominal wage index: Former federal territory/New Länder,Quartale Open Data

Nominal wage index: Former federal territory/New Länder,Quartale

Issued on 2022-12-28T18:09:26Z

Nominal wage index: Former federal territory/New Länder,Quartale details >

Labour costs per hour worked (annual estimate): Germany, years, economic sectors Open Data

Labour costs per hour worked (annual estimate): Germany, years, economic sectors

Issued on 2022-12-28T19:22:27Z

Labour costs per hour worked (annual estimate): Germany, years, economic sectors details >

Equipment of households (Running economic accounts.):Early Federal territory/New Länder,Stichtag... Open Data

Equipment of households (Running economic accounts.):Early Federal territory/New Länder,Stichtag (un

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:02:27Z

Equipment of households (Running economic accounts.):Early Federal territory/New Länder,Stichtag... details >

Government investment expenditure: Länder, years, corporate groups, type of investment expenditure Open Data

Government investment expenditure: Länder, years, corporate groups, type of investment expenditure

Issued on 2022-12-28T17:40:39Z

Government investment expenditure: Länder, years, corporate groups, type of investment expenditure details >

Single Beam Echosounder Data - North Sea 2016 9151613 Open Data

The present Single Beam Echosounder Data were recorded within the framework of the hydrographic surv

Issued on 2019-01-01

Single Beam Echosounder Data - North Sea 2016 9151613 details >

Inspire dataset BPL “Darleenskasse” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Darleenskasse” of the municipality of Hattenhofen

Issued on 2022-08-31

Inspire dataset BPL “Darleenskasse” details >

amount of sediment fraction < 200 µm 2019 Open Data

As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the paramet

Issued on 2023-03-23

amount of sediment fraction < 200 µm 2019 details >

Inspire data set BPL “Brunnengasse-East” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Brunnengasse-East” of the municipality of Winterb

Issued on 2022-08-24

Inspire data set BPL “Brunnengasse-East” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Eichenwäldle-Wihergarten” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-08-23

XPlanung dataset BPL “Eichenwäldle-Wihergarten” details >

Single Beam Echosounder Data - Baltic Sea 2019 6021901 Open Data

The present Single Beam Echosounder Data were recorded within the framework of the hydrographic surv

Issued on 2019-01-01

Single Beam Echosounder Data - Baltic Sea 2019 6021901 details >

Tree cadastre city Bochum Open Data

In the tree cadastre, the tree population of the city of Bochum is kept, which serves as the basis f

Issued on

Tree cadastre city Bochum details >

Inspire data set BPL “Station forecourt 1st change” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “station forecourt 1st change” of the municipality

Issued on 2022-08-24

Inspire data set BPL “Station forecourt 1st change” details >

silicate (SIO4-sI) in sea water 2017 Open Data

As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the paramet

Issued on 2023-03-23

silicate (SIO4-sI) in sea water 2017 details >

Inspire data set BPL “Wattenbach-Herrenäcker II Change at Ritterstraße” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Wattenbach-Herrenäcker II Modification on the Rit

Issued on 2022-08-23

Inspire data set BPL “Wattenbach-Herrenäcker II Change at Ritterstraße” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Change of the Wood Road (November 1969)” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-08-23

XPlanung dataset BPL “Change of the Wood Road (November 1969)” details >

Inspire PLU Change of the development plan “At the Kappel” Open Data

Inspire PLU Change of the development plan “At the Kappel”

Issued on 2022-08-22

Inspire PLU Change of the development plan “At the Kappel” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Buhlbachsaue rounding rule” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Buhlbachsaue rounding rule” of the municipality o

Issued on 2022-08-30

Inspire data set BPL “Buhlbachsaue rounding rule” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Change sea trench” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-08-23

XPlanung dataset BPL “Change sea trench” details >

Infrastructure Atlas of the Central Information Centre (ISA Planning) — VG Mendig — Empty Tube Open Data

The infrastructure atlas is the information and planning tool of the central information centre for

Issued on

Infrastructure Atlas of the Central Information Centre (ISA Planning) — VG Mendig — Empty Tube details >

Inspire data set BPL “” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “” of the municipality of Hattenhofen based on an

Issued on 2022-08-31

Inspire data set BPL “” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Auchten- u. Zeppelinstrasse” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Auchten- u. Zeppelinstrasse” of the municipality

Issued on 2022-09-02

Inspire data set BPL “Auchten- u. Zeppelinstrasse” details >

Central Information Centre Infrastructure Atlas (ISA Planning) — VG Mendig — Main Distributor (HVt) Open Data

The infrastructure atlas is the information and planning tool of the central information centre for

Issued on

Central Information Centre Infrastructure Atlas (ISA Planning) — VG Mendig — Main Distributor (HVt) details >

Inspire dataset BPL “Buss — 3 rd change” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Buss — 3 rd change” of the municipality of Oberde

Issued on 2022-09-01

Inspire dataset BPL “Buss — 3 rd change” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Linden- Beethoven- Hoelderlinstrasse Winterlinger Weg — 1st modification” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Linden- Beethoven- Hoelderlinstrasse Winterlinger

Issued on 2022-09-02

Inspire data set BPL “Linden- Beethoven- Hoelderlinstrasse Winterlinger Weg — 1st modification” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Lord Width North (4th Amendment)” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-08-23

XPlanung dataset BPL “Lord Width North (4th Amendment)” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “In the village (lower Auchtgasse)_1” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-09-01

XPlanung dataset BPL “In the village (lower Auchtgasse)_1” details >

Flood-prone area Lockwitzbach from 25.04.2022 (WMS service) Open Data

The flooded area of the Lockwitzbach and the Niedersedlitzer Flutgraben is an area according to § 75

Issued on 2023-02-23

Flood-prone area Lockwitzbach from 25.04.2022 (WMS service) details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Amendment II Sterrenberg East IV. Construction phase” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-08-23

XPlanung dataset BPL “Amendment II Sterrenberg East IV. Construction phase” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Bannweg III — Western part” Open Data

Urban development plan “Bannweg III — Western part” of the municipality of Bitz transformed accordin

Issued on 2022-09-02

Inspire data set BPL “Bannweg III — Western part” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Bücklensweilerweg” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-08-23

XPlanung dataset BPL “Bücklensweilerweg” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Bachstraße/Gleisdorfer Platz” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Bachstraße/Gleisdorfer Platz” of the municipality

Issued on 2022-08-24

Inspire data set BPL “Bachstraße/Gleisdorfer Platz” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Change Gradient II” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Change Steigäcker II” of the municipality of Wint

Issued on 2022-08-23

Inspire data set BPL “Change Gradient II” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Ebinger- u. Klarastrasse — 1. Change» Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-09-01

XPlanung dataset BPL “Ebinger- u. Klarastrasse — 1. Change» details >

Development plan Groß-Borstel 14 Hamburg Open Data

The development plan Gross Borstel 14 for the area north of Oberhauptstraße/south Weg im Jäger (dist

Issued on 1993-02-14T23:00:00Z

Development plan Groß-Borstel 14 Hamburg details >

Development plan St.Pauli 12 Hamburg Open Data

The development plan of St. Pauli 12 for the scope Wohlwillstraße-Beim Grüner Jäger-Neuer Pferdemar

Issued on 1967-07-31T23:00:00Z

Development plan St.Pauli 12 Hamburg details >

naphthalene (1-methyl) in sea water 2017 Open Data

As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the paramet

Issued on 2023-03-23

naphthalene (1-methyl) in sea water 2017 details >

Partial development plan TB 662 Hamburg Open Data

District: Harburg, district: Georgswerder, Moorwerder, district: 713, 714, Planning district: Stillh

Issued on 1959-02-09T23:00:00Z

Partial development plan TB 662 Hamburg details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Kirchstrasse — Im Hof” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-09-01

XPlanung dataset BPL “Kirchstrasse — Im Hof” details >

Other Areas (WMS Service) Open Data

Other areas

Issued on 2021-07-27

Other Areas (WMS Service) details >

Inspire data set BPL “Tannenweg” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Tannenweg” of the municipality of Bitz based on a

Issued on 2022-09-02

Inspire data set BPL “Tannenweg” details >

Timeseries of current direction in seawater 2018 Open Data

Timeseries of watertemperature data obtained from the MARNET network. The MARNET network comprises o

Issued on

Timeseries of current direction in seawater 2018 details >

Construction (WMS Service) Open Data


Issued on 2021-07-27

Construction (WMS Service) details >

Basic measurements of radiation at station Lerwick (2001-01 et seq) Open Data

This is a compilation of all short-wave and long-wave radiation datasets from Lerwick that were and

Issued on 2022-06-09T11:15:56Z

Basic measurements of radiation at station Lerwick (2001-01 et seq) details >

Horizon at station Howrah Open Data

The ideal site for the measurement of solar and terrestrial radiation for meteorological purposes is

Issued on 2022-08-12T10:13:30Z

Horizon at station Howrah details >

Horizon at station Newcastle Open Data

The ideal site for the measurement of solar and terrestrial radiation for meteorological purposes is

Issued on 2022-08-12T10:31:27Z

Horizon at station Newcastle details >

Construction stage plan Lemsahl-Mellingstedt Hamburg Open Data

Construction stage plan of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, District: Wandsbek, district: Lem

Issued on 1955-01-13T23:00:00Z

Construction stage plan Lemsahl-Mellingstedt Hamburg details >

Production and industrial plants in the INSPIRE data model (IFAS heating plants) Open Data

Shown are production facilities in Berlin combustion plants, which are supervised by the State Offic

Issued on 2022-12-08

Production and industrial plants in the INSPIRE data model (IFAS heating plants) details >

dibenzo(a,l)pyrene in dry sediment 2017 Open Data

As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the paramet

Issued on 2023-03-23

dibenzo(a,l)pyrene in dry sediment 2017 details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Seegraben-Mühlfeld Change between Karlstraße and Wilhelmstraße” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-08-22

XPlanung dataset BPL “Seegraben-Mühlfeld Change between Karlstraße and Wilhelmstraße” details >

Single Beam Echosounder Data - North Sea 2015 9441501 Open Data

The present Single Beam Echosounder Data were recorded within the framework of the hydrographic surv

Issued on 2019-01-01

Single Beam Echosounder Data - North Sea 2015 9441501 details >

Single Beam Echosounder Data - North Sea 2014 9501401 Open Data

The present Single Beam Echosounder Data were recorded within the framework of the hydrographic surv

Issued on 2019-01-01

Single Beam Echosounder Data - North Sea 2014 9501401 details >

alcane, heneicosane, aliphatic hydrocarbon (21 C-atoms) in sea water 2017 Open Data

As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the paramet

Issued on 2023-03-23

alcane, heneicosane, aliphatic hydrocarbon (21 C-atoms) in sea water 2017 details >

Inspire Download Service (predefined ATOM) for data set rounding set Saulücke — Lindenstraße Open Data

Description of the INSPIRE Download Service (predefined Atom): Building plan Rounding set Saulücke —

Issued on 2018-07-03

Inspire Download Service (predefined ATOM) for data set rounding set Saulücke — Lindenstraße details >
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