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WFS INSPIRE BPL Main I — 2. Alteration Open Data

WFS service of the city of Burladingen’s urban development plan “Main I — 2nd modification” transfor

Issued on 2021-01-10

WFS INSPIRE BPL Main I — 2. Alteration details >

XPlanung Service for the Plan Pitch Settings (XPlanGML 5.0.1) Open Data

Service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for the plan pitch regulations of the municipality of Fichtenberg

Issued on 2021-07-20

XPlanung Service for the Plan Pitch Settings (XPlanGML 5.0.1) details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Wiedäcker II 1st Amendment” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-04-27

XPlanung dataset BPL “Wiedäcker II 1st Amendment” details >

WFS INSPIRE ‘BPL Alt-Haidach/Buckenberg’ by the city of Pforzheim Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan ‘BPL Alt-Haidach/Buckenberg’ of the city of Pforzheim, tra

Issued on

WFS INSPIRE ‘BPL Alt-Haidach/Buckenberg’ by the city of Pforzheim details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL of the municipality of Dietingen Open Data

WMS service with all urban development plans of the municipality of Dietingen transformed according

Issued on 2021-01-08

WMS INSPIRE BPL of the municipality of Dietingen details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL On Lichtensteinstraße Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “An der Lichtensteinstraße” of the city of Kirchheim under

Issued on 2021-01-10

WFS INSPIRE BPL On Lichtensteinstraße details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Teckstraße Bühleichenweg Construction Line Change (Change)” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2021-01-01

XPlanung dataset BPL “Teckstraße Bühleichenweg Construction Line Change (Change)” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Ludwigsburger Straße Ost I” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Ludwigsburger Straße Ost I” of the city of Freiberg am Neckar f

Issued on 2021-01-04

WMS XPlanung BPL “Ludwigsburger Straße Ost I” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Weekend house area” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-01-13

XPlanung dataset BPL “Weekend house area” details >

(T) Stemple Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Stuemple” by the Municipality of Sulz.

Issued on 2022-01-20

(T) Stemple details >

XPlanung data set BPL “Wohnpark Mozartstraße” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2021-06-21

XPlanung data set BPL “Wohnpark Mozartstraße” details >

Administrative boundaries historically Brandenburg with Berlin (WFS) Open Data

This download service (OGC-WFS) of the Brandenburg State Survey represents the historical digital ad

Issued on

Administrative boundaries historically Brandenburg with Berlin (WFS) details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Garden Street and Field III 3 rd Amendment” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2021-10-05

XPlanung dataset BPL “Garden Street and Field III 3 rd Amendment” details >

B-Plan 6-073 Small Roos — WMS Open Data

Development plan 6-073 of the city of Freiburg as Web Map Service (WMS).

Issued on 1966-07-15

B-Plan 6-073 Small Roos — WMS details >

Climate model Berlin: Air exchange in the deepening area on evening 10 p.m. 2001 (environmental... Open Data

Application of the climate model FITNAH to Berlin and its surroundings in 2001: Presentation of the

Issued on 2017-06-23

Climate model Berlin: Air exchange in the deepening area on evening 10 p.m. 2001 (environmental... details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Rounding Regulations Forchenweg (2005)” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Abrundungssatzung Forchenweg (2005)” of the municipality of Sim

Issued on 2021-07-12

WMS XPlanung BPL “Rounding Regulations Forchenweg (2005)” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Front mite II 2nd change” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2020-12-31

XPlanung dataset BPL “Front mite II 2nd change” details >

WFS Fleischaecker II Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Fleischaecker II” of the municipality of Rangendingen, transfor

Issued on 2022-03-30

WFS Fleischaecker II details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Pfaffenholz” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2021-01-01

XPlanung dataset BPL “Pfaffenholz” details >

Soil number of soil estimation of Lower Saxony 1: 5 000 (WMS service) Open Data

With the soil number for arable estimation and the grassland base for grassland estimation, the natu

Issued on 2018-10-31

Soil number of soil estimation of Lower Saxony 1: 5 000 (WMS service) details >

Development plan town center Happenbach north of the main road Open Data

The development plan contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning system. In p

Issued on 2021-09-14

Development plan town center Happenbach north of the main road details >

Municipal land and spatial planning City of Maintal Open Data

External statutes, development plans, conservation statutes, land use plans, design statutes, green

Issued on 2021-02-03

Municipal land and spatial planning City of Maintal details >

Inspire data set BPL “Brick path” Open Data

Building plan “Brick path” of the municipality of Schwendi transformed according to INSPIRE based on

Issued on 2021-03-09

Inspire data set BPL “Brick path” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Bodensee Laserklinik — Ecke Aufkircher- Uhlandstraße (original) Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Bodensee Laserklinik — Ecke Aufkircher-Uhlandstraße (orig

Issued on 2021-11-19

WMS INSPIRE BPL Bodensee Laserklinik — Ecke Aufkircher- Uhlandstraße (original) details >

Inspire data set BPL “New School (3 rd change)” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “New School (3 rd change)” of the municipality of

Issued on 2021-01-26

Inspire data set BPL “New School (3 rd change)” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Seefeld” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Seefeld” of the municipality of Zweiflingen from XPlanung 5.0.

Issued on 2020-10-09

WMS XPlanung BPL “Seefeld” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Dornet along F.W. 13” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Dornet along F.W. 13” of the municipality of Ilsf

Issued on 2021-01-26

Inspire data set BPL “Dornet along F.W. 13” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Mühlegestad-Dicheläcker (10th change)” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Mühlegestad-Dicheläcker (10th change)” of the municipality of E

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Mühlegestad-Dicheläcker (10th change)” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Lower Hülen — Change Open Data

WFS service of the urbanisation plan “Untere Hülen — Change” of the municipality of Sigmaringendorf,

Issued on 2021-01-11

WFS INSPIRE BPL Lower Hülen — Change details >

WMS Building land conversion Bismarckstraße Open Data

WMS Development Plan ‘Construction land conversion Bismarckstraße’ of the municipality of Köngen.

Issued on 2021-08-04

WMS Building land conversion Bismarckstraße details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Paper factory line Open Data

WFS service of the “Paperfabrikstraße” building plan of the city of Vaihingen an der Enz, transforme

Issued on 2021-01-10

WFS INSPIRE BPL Paper factory line details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Darsbach 2nd Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Darsbach 2nd Amendment” of the town of Mahlberg from XPlanung 5

Issued on 2021-11-16

WFS XPlanung BPL “Darsbach 2nd Amendment” details >

City of Gelsenkirchen: Ownership — City of Gelsenkirchen Open Data

The data set contains the parcels owned by the city of Gelsenkirchen, with differentiation of areas

Issued on

City of Gelsenkirchen: Ownership — City of Gelsenkirchen details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Ellental/Crossäcker Ib 1.Change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Ellental/Kreuzäcker Ib 1.Change” of the city of Bietigheim-Biss

Issued on 2021-01-01

WFS XPlanung BPL “Ellental/Crossäcker Ib 1.Change” details >

Ruhla: B-Plan “Upper Curves” OT Ruhla Open Data

Ruhla: B-Plan “Upper Curves” OT Ruhla

Issued on 1999-01-07

Ruhla: B-Plan “Upper Curves” OT Ruhla details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Eichwaeldle — Small garden area Open Data

WMS service of the INSPIRE transformed development plan “Eichwaeldle — Kleingartengebiet” of the cit

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Eichwaeldle — Small garden area details >

Inspire data set BPL “Weisser” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed “White” development plan of the city of Bruchsal based on an XPlanu

Issued on 2021-01-10

Inspire data set BPL “Weisser” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Northwestern District 1st Amendment” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Northwestern district 1. change” of the municipality of Hardtha

Issued on 2020-12-18

WMS XPlanung BPL “Northwestern District 1st Amendment” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Statute Large Area Advertising Core City Part 1-3” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Statute Large Area Advertising Core City Part 1-3” of the city

Issued on 2021-01-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “Statute Large Area Advertising Core City Part 1-3” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Sports Area” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Sports Area” of the municipality of Eberhardzell

Issued on 2021-01-11

Inspire data set BPL “Sports Area” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Harrgart II — 2. Alteration Open Data

WFS service of the city of Meßstetten’s urban development plan “Harrgart II — 2nd modification”, tra

Issued on 2021-02-24

WFS INSPIRE BPL Harrgart II — 2. Alteration details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Location Rounding Regulations_Dunningen” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Place rounding rules_Dunningen” of the municipality of Dunninge

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Location Rounding Regulations_Dunningen” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Walheimer Weg III Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Walheimer Weg III” of the municipality of Löchgau, transf

Issued on 2021-01-10

WFS INSPIRE BPL Walheimer Weg III details >

Construction plan Klingenwiesen/Dalkinger Straße — 2nd change (section nursing school) Open Data

The development plan contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning system. In a

Issued on 2021-05-18

Construction plan Klingenwiesen/Dalkinger Straße — 2nd change (section nursing school) details >

WMS INSPIRE Planned Land Use Aichwald Open Data

WMS INSPIRE Planned Land Use of the municipality of Aichwald

Issued on 2021-08-17

WMS INSPIRE Planned Land Use Aichwald details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Asperger Straße — Friedrichstraße and Finkenweg Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Asperger Straße — Friedrichstraße and Finkenweg” of the m

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Asperger Straße — Friedrichstraße and Finkenweg details >

Inspire data set BPL “Schättlisberg (2nd part change)” Open Data

Building plan “Schättlisberg (2nd part change)” of the city of Überlingen based on an XPlanung datas

Issued on 2021-07-12

Inspire data set BPL “Schättlisberg (2nd part change)” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Location Kit for Weekend Homes” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Ortsbausatzung für Weekend houses” of the municipality of Hessi

Issued on 2021-02-11

WMS XPlanung BPL “Location Kit for Weekend Homes” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Fluorner Strasse 1st Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Fluorner Strasse 1. Change” of the city of Oberndorf am Neckar

Issued on 2021-09-22

WFS XPlanung BPL “Fluorner Strasse 1st Amendment” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Heigelinsmühle II repeal plan Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Heigelinsmühle II repeal plan” of the city of Güglingen, transf

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Heigelinsmühle II repeal plan details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Kindsberg” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Kindsberg” of the municipality of Pfedelbach from XPlanung 5.0.

Issued on 2021-01-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “Kindsberg” details >

Legacy sites in the Duchy of Lauenburg Open Data

Altar deposits, old sites and “current farms” working with hazardous substances in the Duchy of Laue

Issued on 2010-01-12

Legacy sites in the Duchy of Lauenburg details >

Development plan “10045113 014 0 Blieskasteler Weg” Open Data

Development plan “10045113 014 0 Blieskasteler Weg” of the municipality of Gersheim

Issued on 1986-08-21T22:00:00Z

Development plan “10045113 014 0 Blieskasteler Weg” details >

B-Plan 6-168 Building plan with local building codes Gehrenstraße (change barrier) (Xplanung) Open Data

Development plan of the city of Freiburg im Breisgau. Development plan 6-168 entered into force on 3

Issued on 2020-07-31

B-Plan 6-168 Building plan with local building codes Gehrenstraße (change barrier) (Xplanung) details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Am Wallgraben-East II (Mö 228) Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Am Wallgraben-East II (Mö 228)” of the city of Stuttgart,

Issued on 2021-06-07

WMS INSPIRE BPL Am Wallgraben-East II (Mö 228) details >

XPlanung-Dataset BPL “Platform in the Won Lehen” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2021-04-30

XPlanung-Dataset BPL “Platform in the Won Lehen” details >

Horizontal cross-section maps of Northern Germany (WMS) Open Data

Horizontal cross-section maps display the geological situation at a given depth. In concurrence of m

Issued on

Horizontal cross-section maps of Northern Germany (WMS) details >

Valley II Open Data

The development plan contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning system. In p

Issued on 2021-06-21

Valley II details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Advertising facilities at the local transit (original)” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Advertising facilities at the local transit (original)” of the

Issued on 2020-06-26

WFS XPlanung BPL “Advertising facilities at the local transit (original)” details >

District heating municipal utilities Annaberg-Buchholz Energie AG Open Data

Stadtwerke Annaberg-Buchholz Energie AG, as a municipal utility and service company, supplies househ

Issued on 2022-09-12

District heating municipal utilities Annaberg-Buchholz Energie AG details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Kapf_Kapelle_Schuetzenstrasse Open Data

WFS service of the INSPIRE transformed development plan “Kapf_Kapelle_Schuetzenstrasse” of the munic

Issued on 2021-01-10

WFS INSPIRE BPL Kapf_Kapelle_Schuetzenstrasse details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Öhrichstraße _ Naberner Straße” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Öhrichstraße _ Naberner Straße” of the city of Weilheim an der

Issued on 2021-04-21

WMS XPlanung BPL “Öhrichstraße _ Naberner Straße” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Südring/Lußheimer Straße (1st change)” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Südring/Lußheimer Straße (1st change)” of the city of Hockenhei

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Südring/Lußheimer Straße (1st change)” details >

Inspire data set BPL “Spritzberg” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Spritzberg” of the city of Sinsheim based on an X

Issued on 2021-05-11

Inspire data set BPL “Spritzberg” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Schlieffenstraße West — Waldäcker” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2021-08-10

XPlanung dataset BPL “Schlieffenstraße West — Waldäcker” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Building Plan South Buehler Page” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Construction plan South Buehler side” of the city of Bühl from

Issued on 2021-02-22

WFS XPlanung BPL “Building Plan South Buehler Page” details >

Development plan Schnelsen 19/Eidelstedt 44 Hamburg Open Data

The development plan Schnelsen 19/Eidelstedt 44 for the scope of application of Holsteiner Chaussee

Issued on 1971-12-22T23:00:00Z

Development plan Schnelsen 19/Eidelstedt 44 Hamburg details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Bühlstraße” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Bühlstraße” of the city of Dornhan from XPlanung 5.0. Descripti

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Bühlstraße” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Waldstraße I — 1st change Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Waldstraße I — 1st change” of the municipality of Karlovy

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Waldstraße I — 1st change details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Middle Ölbronn Partial Cancellation” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Middle Ölbronn Partial Termination” of the municipality of Ölbr

Issued on 2021-02-08

WMS XPlanung BPL “Middle Ölbronn Partial Cancellation” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Südliche Laustraße (Mö 237) Open Data

WMS service of the urban city of Stuttgart’s urban development plan “Südliche Laustraße (Mö 237)” tr

Issued on 2021-06-07

WMS INSPIRE BPL Südliche Laustraße (Mö 237) details >

Inspire data set BPL “Hohensteig und Federn” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Hohensteig und Federn” of the city of Weilheim an

Issued on 2021-04-20

Inspire data set BPL “Hohensteig und Federn” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Industrial Area West, 2nd Amendment Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Industrial area West, 2nd change” of the city of Östringe

Issued on 2021-01-11

WFS INSPIRE BPL Industrial Area West, 2nd Amendment details >

WFS 6. Amendment to the development plan “Krummenlanden” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “6. Amendment to the development plan “Krummenlanden” of the tow

Issued on 2021-06-30

WFS 6. Amendment to the development plan “Krummenlanden” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Extended Löwentorstraße Münster Plan 2” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2021-05-25

XPlanung dataset BPL “Extended Löwentorstraße Münster Plan 2” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Zeilbaumweg Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Zeilbaumweg” of the city of Öhringen, transformed accordi

Issued on 2021-01-11

WFS INSPIRE BPL Zeilbaumweg details >

XPlanung Service for the Plan Wehräcker (XPlanGML 5.0.1) Open Data

Service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for the plan Wehräcker of the municipality of Abstatt

Issued on 2021-09-14

XPlanung Service for the Plan Wehräcker (XPlanGML 5.0.1) details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Lower Main Street” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Untere Hauptstraße” of the city of Bietigheim-Bissingen from XP

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Lower Main Street” details >

Development plan "Behind the crepe 9. Change» Open Data

Development plan "Behind the crepe 9. Change" of the municipality of Heusweiler

Issued on 2013-10-29T23:00:00Z

Development plan "Behind the crepe 9. Change» details >

Building plan Wandlitz-Nord II of the municipality of Wandlitz OT Wandlitz Open Data

The development plan implements the land use concept of the municipality as a binding construction p

Issued on

Building plan Wandlitz-Nord II of the municipality of Wandlitz OT Wandlitz details >

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Schönbronnen III Plan 1.Change... Open Data

Inspire service for the development plan service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for plan Schönbronnen III 1.Change

Issued on 2021-08-23

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Schönbronnen III Plan 1.Change... details >

Inspire Dataset SupplementaryRegulation Land Use Plan City of Bremen Open Data

The dataset contains data in the INSPIRE data model on the planned land use (INSPIRE) topic Source d

Issued on 2020-05-18T22:00:00Z

Inspire Dataset SupplementaryRegulation Land Use Plan City of Bremen details >

Jordan - Al Zaatari - Flood as of January 03, 2013 - Disaster Extent Map Open Data

The Al Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan is situated approx. 12 km from the Syrian border and in close

Issued on 2013-01-10

Jordan - Al Zaatari - Flood as of January 03, 2013 - Disaster Extent Map details >

Inspire data set BPL “Nordbahnhofstraße” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Nordbahnhofstraße” of the city of Stuttgart based

Issued on 2021-06-16

Inspire data set BPL “Nordbahnhofstraße” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Blade-piece eagle 12. Change Open Data

WFS service of the city of Eberbach’s development plan “Klingen-Stückelacker 12nd Amendment”, which

Issued on 2021-04-28

WFS INSPIRE BPL Blade-piece eagle 12. Change details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Wilhelmstraße Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Wilhelmstraße” of the city of Biberach an der Riß, transf

Issued on 2022-02-07

WFS INSPIRE BPL Wilhelmstraße details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Hieber-Edeka-Markt Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Hieber-Edeka-Markt” of the city of Rheinfelden (Baden), which w

Issued on 2021-11-30

WFS INSPIRE BPL Hieber-Edeka-Markt details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Neckar_Talaue 4th Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Neckar_Talaue 4th Amendment” of the town of Oberndorf am Neckar

Issued on 2021-09-27

WFS XPlanung BPL “Neckar_Talaue 4th Amendment” details >

WMS INSPIRE ‘BPL Arlingerstraße between Kandel- and Titiseestraße/Arlinger’ of the city of Pforzheim Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan ‘BPL Arlingerstraße between Kandel- and Titiseestraße/Arli

Issued on

WMS INSPIRE ‘BPL Arlingerstraße between Kandel- and Titiseestraße/Arlinger’ of the city of Pforzheim details >

Bussardweg — extension Open Data

The development plan contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning system. In p

Issued on 2021-10-20

Bussardweg — extension details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Reuschweg Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Reuschweg” of the municipality of Neckartenzlingen, trans

Issued on 2021-02-08

WMS INSPIRE BPL Reuschweg details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Strängenweg” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Strängenweg” of the municipality Waldstetten from XPlanung 5.0.

Issued on 2021-01-01

WFS XPlanung BPL “Strängenweg” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Stuttgarter Strasse — Sheet 4 Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Stuttgarter Strasse — Sheet 4” of the city of Kirchheim u

Issued on 2021-01-11

WFS INSPIRE BPL Stuttgarter Strasse — Sheet 4 details >

Inspire data set BPL “WR/WA “Tenmorgenäcker — Herrenallmendwiesen” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “WR/WA “Zehnmorgenäcker — Herrenallmendwiesen”” of

Issued on 2021-04-07

Inspire data set BPL “WR/WA “Tenmorgenäcker — Herrenallmendwiesen” details >

Soil Map of Germany 1:200,000 (BUEK200) - CC8734 Rosenheim Open Data

The soil map 1:200,000 (BUEK200) is prepared by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Re

Issued on 2018-01-05

Soil Map of Germany 1:200,000 (BUEK200) - CC8734 Rosenheim details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Height travel II Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Höheweg II” of the city of Freiberg am Neckar, transforme

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Height travel II details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Laibach Süd Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Laibach Süd” of the municipality of Dörzbach transformed

Issued on 2021-01-11

WFS INSPIRE BPL Laibach Süd details >

Inspire data set BPL “Public 9-hole golf course Karlshäuser Hof 1st change” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Public 9-hole golf course Karlshäuser Hof 1. Chan

Issued on 2021-02-10

Inspire data set BPL “Public 9-hole golf course Karlshäuser Hof 1st change” details >

Statistical Yearbook Open Data

The “Statistical Yearbook” of the city of Braunschweig, has been available in new form and attractiv

Issued on

Statistical Yearbook details >

WMS on the development plan “Im Bökengarten”, original compensatory area 1, Velpke velvet... Open Data

WMS on the development plan “Im Bökengarten”, original compensatory area 1, Velpke velvet municipali

Issued on 2021-04-26

WMS on the development plan “Im Bökengarten”, original compensatory area 1, Velpke velvet... details >
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