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Inspire Display Service (WMS) — B-Plan 29d (1), Otto-Hahn-Straße (City of Langenhagen) Open Data

The INSPIRE-compliant service contains the building plan 29d, 1. ver. Change, Otto-Hahn-Straße of th

Issued on 2021-04-29

Inspire Display Service (WMS) — B-Plan 29d (1), Otto-Hahn-Straße (City of Langenhagen) details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Vogelbach-Brunnmatt (original) Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Vogelbach-Brunnmatt (original)” of the municipality of Ma

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Vogelbach-Brunnmatt (original) details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Freizeit- und Sportgelände Breitwiesen” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Freizeit- und Sportgelände Breitwiesen” of the city of Neuenste

Issued on 2020-10-19

WFS XPlanung BPL “Freizeit- und Sportgelände Breitwiesen” details >

Inspire Presentation Service (WMS) — (T) Childcare (Stadt Langenhagen) Open Data

The INSPIRE-compliant service includes the locations of childcare in the city of Langenhagen

Issued on 2021-03-08

Inspire Presentation Service (WMS) — (T) Childcare (Stadt Langenhagen) details >

WMS Expansion of the development plan “Under the Furtrain” Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Under the Furtrain” of the city of Böblingen, transformed

Issued on 2021-06-30

WMS Expansion of the development plan “Under the Furtrain” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Old Gardens, Sauwiese, Cemetery Path 2nd Change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Old Gardens, Sauwiese, Cemetery Path 2nd Amendment” of the muni

Issued on 2021-01-01

WFS XPlanung BPL “Old Gardens, Sauwiese, Cemetery Path 2nd Change” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Krotenbach (6th change)” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Krotenbach (6th change)” of the municipality of Bempflingen fro

Issued on 2020-07-15

WFS XPlanung BPL “Krotenbach (6th change)” details >

WMS INSPIRE PLU New school building Open Data

Inspire PLU new school building

Issued on 2021-08-04

WMS INSPIRE PLU New school building details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Königshofer Flur unter der Straße” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Königshofer Flur unter der Straße” of the city of Lauda-Königsh

Issued on 2021-05-27

WFS XPlanung BPL “Königshofer Flur unter der Straße” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL North Market Street Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Nördlich Marktstraße” of the municipality of Ingersheim,

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL North Market Street details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Bernhauser Straße Plieningen Open Data

WMS service of the urban city of Stuttgart’s urban development plan “Bernhauser Straße Plieningen”,

Issued on 2021-05-13

WMS INSPIRE BPL Bernhauser Straße Plieningen details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Building area Mössner + Flst.495” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Bebauung Areal Mössner + Flst.495” of the municipality Mutlange

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Building area Mössner + Flst.495” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Hofstatt — 1. Alteration Open Data

WFS service of INSPIRE transformed building plan “Hofstatt — 1st modification” of the municipality H

Issued on 2021-01-10

WFS INSPIRE BPL Hofstatt — 1. Alteration details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Egarten III — Bottenäcker — 2nd change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Egarten III — Bottenäcker — 2nd change” of the municipality of

Issued on 2021-02-15

WFS XPlanung BPL “Egarten III — Bottenäcker — 2nd change” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Klingenacker-Im Sand” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Klingenacker-Im Sand” of the city of Eberbach from XPlanung 5.0

Issued on 2021-04-27

WFS XPlanung BPL “Klingenacker-Im Sand” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Rosenstein Tunnel/Leuze Tunnel, Plan 1 (Ca 264)” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Rosensteintunnel/Leuzetunnel, Plan 1 (Ca 264)” of the city of S

Issued on 2021-05-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Rosenstein Tunnel/Leuze Tunnel, Plan 1 (Ca 264)” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Dillen Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Dills” of the city of Kirchheim under Teck, transformed a

Issued on 2021-01-11

WFS INSPIRE BPL Dillen details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Schwenkerstal I” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Schwenkerstal I” of the city of Güglingen from XPlanung 5.0. De

Issued on 2021-01-01

WFS XPlanung BPL “Schwenkerstal I” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Hälden Open Data

WMS service of the “Hälden” building plan of the city of Besigheim, transformed according to INSPIRE

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Hälden details >

Inspire — IS GÜK 500 WFS — Information System Geological Overview Map of North Rhine-Westphalia... Open Data

This WFS presents the Information System Geological Overview Map of North Rhine-Westphalia 1: 500 00

Issued on 2020-05-27

Inspire — IS GÜK 500 WFS — Information System Geological Overview Map of North Rhine-Westphalia... details >

Development plan “Im Loos” Open Data

The development plan “Im Loos” of the municipality of Eppelborn shows the permitted use on the areas

Issued on 1966-11-10T23:00:00Z

Development plan “Im Loos” details >

WFS on the development plan "Bergrehme Ost zugl. Industrial area I — recast 1. amendment", original,... Open Data

WFS on the development plan "Bergrehme Ost zugl. Industrial area I — recast 1. amendment", original,

Issued on 2021-04-26

WFS on the development plan "Bergrehme Ost zugl. Industrial area I — recast 1. amendment", original,... details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Hermannsberg” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Hermannsberg” of the city of Plochingen from XPlanung 5.0. Desc

Issued on 2020-11-12

WFS XPlanung BPL “Hermannsberg” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Sportplatz Leutershausener Straße Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Sportplatz Leutershausener Straße” of the municipality of

Issued on 2022-05-27

WMS INSPIRE BPL Sportplatz Leutershausener Straße details >

WMS Ahlbol/Käppelesäcker 1. Change E-M-A Way 2 and 4 Open Data

WMS Development Plan ‘Ahlbol/Käppelesäcker 1. Change E-M-A Way 2 and 4’ of the city of Pfullingen.

Issued on 2021-07-20

WMS Ahlbol/Käppelesäcker 1. Change E-M-A Way 2 and 4 details >

XPlanung Service for Plan Schwabstraße — 1st Amendment (XPlanGML 5.0.1) Open Data

Service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for Plan Schwabstraße — 1st change of the city of Ellwangen (Jagst)

Issued on 2021-05-18

XPlanung Service for Plan Schwabstraße — 1st Amendment (XPlanGML 5.0.1) details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Behind the Castle-Grat 3. Change Open Data

WFS service of the city of Schwaigern’s built-in building plan “Behind the Castle-Grat 3 rd change”

Issued on 2021-01-10

WFS INSPIRE BPL Behind the Castle-Grat 3. Change details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Behind the Gardens Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Behind the Gardens” of the municipality of Bretzfeld, tra

Issued on 2021-04-06

WMS INSPIRE BPL Behind the Gardens details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Ruitstraße — Eichendorffstrasse” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Ruitstraße — Eichendorffstrasse” of the town of Freiberg am Nec

Issued on 2021-01-04

WFS XPlanung BPL “Ruitstraße — Eichendorffstrasse” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Stettinger Straße” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Stettinger Straße” of the city of Ditzingen from XPlanung 5.0.

Issued on 2021-02-08

WFS XPlanung BPL “Stettinger Straße” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Heimbergstr. Südl. Teil Feuerbach” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Heimbergstr. Südl. Teil Feuerbach” of the city of Stuttgart fro

Issued on 2021-06-02

WMS XPlanung BPL “Heimbergstr. Südl. Teil Feuerbach” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Keplerstraße” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Keplerstraße” of the city of Ludwigsburg from XPlanung 5.0. Des

Issued on 2021-08-10

WFS XPlanung BPL “Keplerstraße” details >

Development plan "BPlan Bornwiese 1. Change» Open Data

Development plan "BPlan Bornwiese 1. Change" of the municipality of Mettlach

Issued on 2013-07-24T22:00:00Z

Development plan "BPlan Bornwiese 1. Change» details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Fasanenhof-Mitte Möhringen Plan 423.44 Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Fasanenhof-Mitte Möhringen Plan 423.44”, transformed acco

Issued on 2021-05-27

WFS INSPIRE BPL Fasanenhof-Mitte Möhringen Plan 423.44 details >

WFS Landhausstraße (1st change) Open Data

WFS Development Plan ‘Landhausstraße (1.Change)’ of the municipality of Aichwald.

Issued on 2021-08-17

WFS Landhausstraße (1st change) details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Sauwasen — Im Wolf III Open Data

WFS service of INSPIRE transformed development plan “Sauwasen — Im Wolf III” of the municipality Zim

Issued on 2021-01-11

WFS INSPIRE BPL Sauwasen — Im Wolf III details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Käfmatten (2nd change)” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Käfmatten (2nd change)” of the municipality of Efringen-Kirchen

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Käfmatten (2nd change)” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Festplatz Bräuer 1. Amendment 1. Open Data

WFS service of the urbanisation plan “Festplatz Bräuer 1. Amendment 1st change” of the municipality

Issued on 2021-01-10

WFS INSPIRE BPL Festplatz Bräuer 1. Amendment 1. details >

WFS INSPIRE ‘BPL Staigwiesen/Nagoldhang’ of the city of Pforzheim Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan ‘BPL Staigwiesen/Nagoldhang’ of the city of Pforzheim, tra

Issued on

WFS INSPIRE ‘BPL Staigwiesen/Nagoldhang’ of the city of Pforzheim details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Interior Bamlach (1st change) Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Interior area Bamlach (1st change)” of the municipality o

Issued on 2021-01-11

WMS INSPIRE BPL Interior Bamlach (1st change) details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Scheelkopf Amendment II Open Data

WMS service of the “Scheelkopf Change II” development plan of the city of Bruchsal, transformed acco

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Scheelkopf Amendment II details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Wöllerspfad South 1. Change Open Data

WMS service of the urban Lauda-Königshofen urban development plan “Wöllerspfad Süd 1. Change”, which

Issued on 2021-06-07

WMS INSPIRE BPL Wöllerspfad South 1. Change details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Right of Heidelberger Straße 1. Amendment and extension Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Right of Heidelberger Strasse 1st Amendment and Extension

Issued on 2022-02-22

WFS INSPIRE BPL Right of Heidelberger Straße 1. Amendment and extension details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “On the Gravel — 5th Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “On the gravel — 5th change” of the city of Besigheim from XPlan

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “On the Gravel — 5th Amendment” details >

Development plan Langenhorn 60 Hamburg Open Data

The development plan Langenhorn 60 for the area north of Tweeltenbek between Eichenkamp and the Grün

Issued on 1988-09-05T22:00:00Z

Development plan Langenhorn 60 Hamburg details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Heinrich-Baumann-Straße Open Data

WFS service of the urban city of Stuttgart’s urban development plan “Heinrich-Baumann-Straße”, trans

Issued on 2021-04-29

WFS INSPIRE BPL Heinrich-Baumann-Straße details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Dorfanger I 1. Change Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Dorfanger I 1. Change” of the city of Oberndorf am Neckar

Issued on 2021-09-22

WMS INSPIRE BPL Dorfanger I 1. Change details >

WMS Behind the Church — 1st change Staufenstraße Open Data

WMS Development Plan ‘Behind the Church — 1st Amendment Staufenstraße’ of the municipality of Gärtri

Issued on 2021-06-18

WMS Behind the Church — 1st change Staufenstraße details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Imagestöckleweg western part” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Bildstöckleweg western part” of the municipality Baiersbronn fr

Issued on 2022-05-24

WMS XPlanung BPL “Imagestöckleweg western part” details >

Regional spatial planning program in the district of Nienburg/Weser — Downloaddienst (ATOM-Feed) Open Data

Download service (ATOM-Feed)

Issued on 2018-10-05

Regional spatial planning program in the district of Nienburg/Weser — Downloaddienst (ATOM-Feed) details >

WFS INSPIRE On the old Reinstetter street Open Data

On the old Reinstetter street

Issued on 2021-06-17

WFS INSPIRE On the old Reinstetter street details >

Inspire Service for the Building Plan Service for the Weidenfeldle Industrial Park Plan — 2nd... Open Data

Inspire Service for the Building Plan Service for the Plan Industrial Park Weidenfeldle — 2nd Amendm

Issued on 2020-12-10

Inspire Service for the Building Plan Service for the Weidenfeldle Industrial Park Plan — 2nd... details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Riedfurt-West 1st Amendment” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Riedfurt-West 1st Amendment” of the city of Güglingen from XPla

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Riedfurt-West 1st Amendment” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL In Nöllen Botnang Open Data

WFS service of the urban city of Stuttgart’s urban development plan “Im Nöllen Botnang” transformed

Issued on 2021-06-14

WFS INSPIRE BPL In Nöllen Botnang details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL book Open Data

WFS service of INSPIRE transformed “Book” development plan of the city of Ingelfingen based on an XP

Issued on 2021-01-11

WFS INSPIRE BPL book details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Ob alleys — 1st change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Ob alleys — 1st modification” of the city of Schömberg from XPl

Issued on 2020-07-13

WFS XPlanung BPL “Ob alleys — 1st change” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Sports grounds Lohäckerstraße Möhringen Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Sportgelände Lohäckerstraße Möhringen”, transformed accor

Issued on 2021-06-08

WFS INSPIRE BPL Sports grounds Lohäckerstraße Möhringen details >

Land use plan City of Golßen — Amt Unterspreewald (WMS) Open Data

Land use plan City of Golßen — Amt Unterspreewald

Issued on

Land use plan City of Golßen — Amt Unterspreewald (WMS) details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Scheuerle — 2nd Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Scheuerle — 2nd Amendment” of the city of Eppingen from XPlanun

Issued on 2021-01-01

WFS XPlanung BPL “Scheuerle — 2nd Amendment” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Hahnstraße” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Hahnstraße” of the city of Stuttgart from XPlanung 5.0. Descrip

Issued on 2021-11-17

WFS XPlanung BPL “Hahnstraße” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL 2. Change Neumäuerstraße Open Data

WMS service of the “2nd Change Neumäuerstraße” development plan of the city of Schwäbisch Hall, whic

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL 2. Change Neumäuerstraße details >

Development plan “At the hereditary heaths” Open Data

Development plan “Bei den Erbhoefen” of the municipality of Gersheim

Issued on 1965-09-12T23:00:00Z

Development plan “At the hereditary heaths” details >

WMS XPlanung industrial area Mittelösch II Open Data

Commercial area Mittelösch II

Issued on 2021-12-16

WMS XPlanung industrial area Mittelösch II details >

Inspire Service for the Development Plan XPlanung Service for the Neunstadt III Industrial Area Plan... Open Data

Inspire Service for the Building Plan Service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for the Plan Industrial Area Neunstad

Issued on 2021-05-18

Inspire Service for the Development Plan XPlanung Service for the Neunstadt III Industrial Area Plan... details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Juchstraße Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Juchstraße” of the city of Rheinfelden (Baden), transform

Issued on 2021-11-30

WFS INSPIRE BPL Juchstraße details >

WMS XPlanung Cemetery Expansion Open Data

Cemetery extension

Issued on 2021-12-09

WMS XPlanung Cemetery Expansion details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Gable Wall” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Giebelwand” of the city of Uhingen from XPlanung 5.0. Descripti

Issued on 2022-01-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Gable Wall” details >

Pitch transfer kit Rehfelde (WMS) Open Data

A pitch transfer rate is used to determine, for a defined scope, amounts of money for the replacemen

Issued on 2006-02-28T00:00:00Z

Pitch transfer kit Rehfelde (WMS) details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Köhlesrain IV Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Köhlesrain IV” of the city of Biberach an der Riß, transf

Issued on 2021-09-20

WMS INSPIRE BPL Köhlesrain IV details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Meisterhofstraße, 3 rd change Open Data

WMS service of the “Meisterhofstraße, 3 rd change” development plan of the city of Weingarten, trans

Issued on 2022-05-25

WMS INSPIRE BPL Meisterhofstraße, 3 rd change details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Lutzenrain Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Lutzenrain” of the municipality of Niefern-Öschelbronn, t

Issued on 2022-01-03

WMS INSPIRE BPL Lutzenrain details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Bismarckstraße Flst. 2084 Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Bismarckstraße Flst. 2084” of the municipality of Reichen

Issued on 2021-03-02

WFS INSPIRE BPL Bismarckstraße Flst. 2084 details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Shooting range Open Data

WMS service of the “Schießplatzstraße” development plan of the city of Weingarten, transformed accor

Issued on 2022-05-25

WMS INSPIRE BPL Shooting range details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Krettenbach 2nd change Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Krettenbach 2nd Amendment” transformed according to INSPI

Issued on 2021-02-17

WMS INSPIRE BPL Krettenbach 2nd change details >

Inspire Downloaddienst (WFS) — B-Plan 25b (3), Böhmeweg (City of Langenhagen) Open Data

The INSPIRE-compliant service contains the development plan 25b, 3 rd amendment, Bohemian Route of t

Issued on 2021-04-29

Inspire Downloaddienst (WFS) — B-Plan 25b (3), Böhmeweg (City of Langenhagen) details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Heuberg II A” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Heuberg II A” of the municipality of Waldachtal from XPlanung 5

Issued on 2021-03-22

WFS XPlanung BPL “Heuberg II A” details >

Development plan “At Leschenhaus on the Heid” Open Data

Development plan “Bei Leschenhaus on the Heid” of the municipality of Weiskirchen

Issued on 1981-12-03T23:00:00Z

Development plan “At Leschenhaus on the Heid” details >

Strat. Noise Map L_DEN (Day Evening Night Index) Air Traffic 2017 (Environmental Atlas) Open Data

The Strategic Noise Charts 2017 provide information on noise pollution in the impact area of main no

Issued on 2017-10-11

Strat. Noise Map L_DEN (Day Evening Night Index) Air Traffic 2017 (Environmental Atlas) details >

B-Plan No. 3 of the municipality of Klausdorf of the Amt Altenpleen Open Data

Statutes of the municipality of Klausdorf on the development plan no. 3 “Solkendorf”

Issued on 2020-12-07

B-Plan No. 3 of the municipality of Klausdorf of the Amt Altenpleen details >

WFS on the development plan “Delimitation clause (Papenrode)”, original, Velpke velvet municipality Open Data

WFS on the development plan “Delimitation clause (Papenrode)”, original, Velpke velvet municipality

Issued on 2021-04-26

WFS on the development plan “Delimitation clause (Papenrode)”, original, Velpke velvet municipality details >

Inspire data set BPL “Construction line OW 41” Open Data

Building plan “construction line OW 41” of the city of Bönnigheim transformed according to INSPIRE b

Issued on 2021-01-09

Inspire data set BPL “Construction line OW 41” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Schießhüttenäcker I-III change of use” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Schießhüttenäcker I-III change of use” of the municipality of K

Issued on 2020-10-22

WFS XPlanung BPL “Schießhüttenäcker I-III change of use” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Land J Maucher” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Land J Maucher” of the municipality of Eberhardzell from XPlanu

Issued on 2020-09-22

WMS XPlanung BPL “Land J Maucher” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Röhrbachsiedlung I Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Röhrbachsiedlung I” of the city of Bopfingen, transformed

Issued on 2021-03-17

WMS INSPIRE BPL Röhrbachsiedlung I details >

WFS INSPIRE PLU Town Hall Area Change Open Data

Inspire PLU Town Hall Area Change

Issued on 2021-10-05

WFS INSPIRE PLU Town Hall Area Change details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Schollenäcker II Open Data

WMS service of the urbanisation plan “Schollenäcker II” of the municipality Mutlangen, transformed a

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Schollenäcker II details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Hofäcker, Brügel, Brügelwiesen, Seitzengarten, Schafäcker Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Hofecker, Brügel, Brügelwiesen, Seitzengarten, Schafäcker

Issued on 2021-01-01

WMS INSPIRE BPL Hofäcker, Brügel, Brügelwiesen, Seitzengarten, Schafäcker details >

WMS INSPIRE PLU Südlich Sandstraße between Hohmorgenstr., Ahlbolweg, Schiller- and Lutherstraße Open Data

Inspire PLU Südlich Sandstraße between Hohmorgenstr., Ahlbolweg, Schiller- and Lutherstraße

Issued on 2021-07-20

WMS INSPIRE PLU Südlich Sandstraße between Hohmorgenstr., Ahlbolweg, Schiller- and Lutherstraße details >

XPlanung Service for the Kirchlesäcker II Plan (XPlanGML 5.0.1) Open Data

Service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for the plan Kirchlesäcker II of the city of Ellwangen (Jagst)

Issued on 2021-05-18

XPlanung Service for the Kirchlesäcker II Plan (XPlanGML 5.0.1) details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Oberdorf Mitte I (original)” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Oberdorf Mitte I (original)” of the municipality of Largenargen

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Oberdorf Mitte I (original)” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Wanne — Torweg I” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Wanne — Torweg I” of the municipality of Bretzfeld from XPlanun

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Wanne — Torweg I” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Waldstrasse_00 Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Waldstrasse_00” of the municipality of Eisenbach (Hochsch

Issued on 2021-02-01

WFS INSPIRE BPL Waldstrasse_00 details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Change, extension Tullauer Höhe 1952 in the Silcherstraße area Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Change, extension Tullauer Höhe 1952 in the Silcherstraße

Issued on 2021-01-10

WFS INSPIRE BPL Change, extension Tullauer Höhe 1952 in the Silcherstraße area details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Cemetery Extension 1st Part Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Cemetery extension 1st part” of the municipality of Baltm

Issued on 2021-03-30

WMS INSPIRE BPL Cemetery Extension 1st Part details >

WFS INSPIRE PLU Schurwaldstraße Open Data

Inspire PLU Schurwaldstraße

Issued on 2021-08-17

WFS INSPIRE PLU Schurwaldstraße details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Im Mauren Change” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Im Mauren Änderung” of the municipality of Immendingen an der D

Issued on 2021-06-02

WMS XPlanung BPL “Im Mauren Change” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “VBP_236_Adler” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “VBP_236_Adler” of the city Wiesloch from XPlanung 5.0. Descript

Issued on 2022-02-23

WMS XPlanung BPL “VBP_236_Adler” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Sportzentrum Buchsmühle” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Sportzentrum Buchsmühle” of the municipality of Hardthausen am

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Sportzentrum Buchsmühle” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL B-plan change in the area e.g. Schwieberdinger-, Saar-, Ruhr- u. Siegesstraße Open Data

WMS service of INSPIRE transformed development plan “B-plan change in the area e.g. Schwieberdinger-

Issued on 2021-08-11

WMS INSPIRE BPL B-plan change in the area e.g. Schwieberdinger-, Saar-, Ruhr- u. Siegesstraße details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Öhmdwiesen (original) Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Öhmdwiesen (original)” of the municipality of Heiligenber

Issued on 2021-01-10

WFS INSPIRE BPL Öhmdwiesen (original) details >
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Frequently Asked Questions

Some basic informations about API Store ®.

Operation and development of APIs are currently fully funded by company Apitalks and its usage is for free.
Yes, you can.
All important information such as time of last update, license and other information are in response of each API call.
In case of major update that would not be compatible with previous version of API, we keep for 30 days both versions so you will have enough time to transfer to new version. We will inform you about the changes in advance by e-mail.

Didn't find the API you need?

Let us know and we will figure it out for you.

API Store provides access to European Open Data via scalable and reliable REST API interface.
Copyright © 2025. Made with ♥ by Apitalks