GDI-DE Open data in a single API request

Geo Data Portal Germany datasets available on official portal for European data

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XPlanung dataset BPL “Recyling and stone crushing system Hubgrund (original)” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2022-06-04

XPlanung dataset BPL “Recyling and stone crushing system Hubgrund (original)” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Amendment 1st Change” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Beim Käppele 1. Change” of the municipality Waldachtal from XPl

Issued on 2021-01-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “Amendment 1st Change” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Griegstraße/Eltinger Straße Botnang Bo 111 Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Griegstraße/Eltinger Straße Botnang Bo 111”, which was tr

Issued on 2021-06-07

WFS INSPIRE BPL Griegstraße/Eltinger Straße Botnang Bo 111 details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Hügelhof — 3 rd amendment a Open Data

WMS service of the building plan “Hügelhof — 3 rd change a” of the municipality of Herdwangen-Schöna

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Hügelhof — 3 rd amendment a details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Küfer-, Hirsch-, Nadler- u. Eichstr. Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Küfer-, Hirsch-, Nadler- und Eichstr.” of the city of Stu

Issued on 2021-06-15

WMS INSPIRE BPL Küfer-, Hirsch-, Nadler- u. Eichstr. details >

WFS XPlanung BPL municipality Weil im Schönbuch Open Data

WFS XPlanung BPL municipality Weil im Schönbuch

Issued on 2021-06-24

WFS XPlanung BPL municipality Weil im Schönbuch details >

WMS City map Overview plan Older construction lines Open Data

WMS Development plan ‘Stadtbauplan Overview plan Older construction lines’ of the city of Schramberg

Issued on 2021-09-09

WMS City map Overview plan Older construction lines details >

WMS LGL-BW HIST Digital orthophotos in colour 2010-2019 Open Data

This service presents the Historical Digital Orthophotos from 2010-2019 in colour. The orthophotos c

Issued on

WMS LGL-BW HIST Digital orthophotos in colour 2010-2019 details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Taläcker” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Taläcker” of the municipality of Königsheim from XPlanung 5.0.

Issued on 2022-03-08

WMS XPlanung BPL “Taläcker” details >

Overview map of Berlin 1: 50 000 (ÜK50), 10-coloured Open Data

The overview map of Berlin 1:50 000 (ÜK50) presents the entire area of Berlin and the surrounding ar

Issued on 2022-02-22

Overview map of Berlin 1: 50 000 (ÜK50), 10-coloured details >

Inspire data set BPL “Regerstraße — 1st change” Open Data

According to INSPIRE transformed development plan “Regerstraße — 1st change” of the city of Bopfinge

Issued on 2021-03-17

Inspire data set BPL “Regerstraße — 1st change” details >

Long-term unemployed 2006 (LOR) Open Data

Unemployed persons (SGB II and III) with a reference period of more than one year as a percentage of

Issued on

Long-term unemployed 2006 (LOR) details >

Development plan “Lower Ochsenweide” Open Data

Development plan “Lower Ochsenweide” of the municipality of Heusweiler

Issued on 1966-04-15T23:00:00Z

Development plan “Lower Ochsenweide” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Middle East I (Origin Plan Part 1)” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Mitte Ost I (origin plan part 1)” of the municipality Graben-Ne

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Middle East I (Origin Plan Part 1)” details >

Framework data on the AEP 2001, Nature Reserves 2005 Region Open Data

Framework data on agricultural structural development planning for the Saarland (AEP) “Natural Prote

Issued on 2001-06-01

Framework data on the AEP 2001, Nature Reserves 2005 Region details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL South — 2nd change Open Data

WMS service of the INSPIRE urban development plan “South — 2nd change” of the city of Kraichtal base

Issued on 2021-11-19

WMS INSPIRE BPL South — 2nd change details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Extension business area midfield north of the road Im Loh” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Extension business area midfield north of street Im Loh” of the

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Extension business area midfield north of the road Im Loh” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Unterer Sophienberg Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Unterer Sophienberg” of the city of Neuenstein, transform

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Unterer Sophienberg details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Construction plan change Bismarckstraße” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Construction plan change Bismarckstraße” of the city of Ludwigs

Issued on 2021-08-10

WFS XPlanung BPL “Construction plan change Bismarckstraße” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Alter Bahnhof” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Alter Bahnhof” of the city of Östringen from XPlanung 5.0. Desc

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Alter Bahnhof” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Sea Farmer Height Section West and Industrial Area 4. Amendment Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Seebauernhöhe Subsection West and Industrial Zone 4th Amendment

Issued on 2021-01-13

WMS INSPIRE BPL Sea Farmer Height Section West and Industrial Area 4. Amendment details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Auäcker” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Auäcker” of the municipality Mutlangen from XPlanung 5.0. Descr

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Auäcker” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Southwestern outskirts II” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Southwestern outskirts II” of the municipality Oberstenfeld fro

Issued on 2021-01-25

WMS XPlanung BPL “Southwestern outskirts II” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Nord-östl. Ortsrand” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Nord-östl. Ortsrand” of the municipality of Dörzbach from XPlan

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Nord-östl. Ortsrand” details >

Development plan No. 28 Südspange — 2nd change — City of Teltow (WFS) Open Data

The development plan implements the land use concept of the municipality as a binding construction p

Issued on 2017-03-29T00:00:00Z

Development plan No. 28 Südspange — 2nd change — City of Teltow (WFS) details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Traubenacker — 1st Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Traubenacker — 1st change” of the city of Kraichtal from XPlanu

Issued on 2021-12-30

WFS XPlanung BPL “Traubenacker — 1st Amendment” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Small garden plant Mundelsheimer Straße” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Kleingartenanlage Mundelsheimer Straße” of the municipality of

Issued on 2021-01-09

WFS XPlanung BPL “Small garden plant Mundelsheimer Straße” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Project-related BPlan Im Riedle Open Data

WFS service of the urban city of Ludwigsburg’s project-related BPlan Im Riedle, transformed accordin

Issued on 2021-06-18

WFS INSPIRE BPL Project-related BPlan Im Riedle details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Stegwiesen — In the Schlößlebungert — In the outer gas 1st change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Stegwiesen — Im Schlößlebungert — At the external gas 1st chang

Issued on 2021-11-10

WFS XPlanung BPL “Stegwiesen — In the Schlößlebungert — In the outer gas 1st change” details >

WMS INSPIRE PLU brick field, 8. Buddy. Wiedenhöfer area Open Data

Inspire PLU brick field, 8. Buddy. Wiedenhöfer area

Issued on 2021-11-19

WMS INSPIRE PLU brick field, 8. Buddy. Wiedenhöfer area details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Boller Halde Mitte Open Data

WFS service of the building plan “Boller Halde Mitte” of the city of Oberndorf am Neckar, which was

Issued on 2021-09-27

WFS INSPIRE BPL Boller Halde Mitte details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Niederbieger Straße/Ettishofer Straße/Daimlerstraße” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Niederbieger Straße/Ettishofer Straße/Daimlerstraße” of the tow

Issued on 2022-05-25

WMS XPlanung BPL “Niederbieger Straße/Ettishofer Straße/Daimlerstraße” details >

Geological map 1:10000 Open Data

Scan of the (non-wide) map sheets of the “Geological Map of Berlin 1:10000”.

Issued on 1990-01-01

Geological map 1:10000 details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Bauernwald-West (Range A & B) Botnang Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Bauernwald-West (Geltungzone A & B) Botnang” of the c

Issued on 2021-05-20

WMS INSPIRE BPL Bauernwald-West (Range A & B) Botnang details >

B-Plan 3-055a Change Kappler Straße Nord — WMS Open Data

Development plan 3-055a of the city of Freiburg as Web Map Service (WMS).

Issued on 1994-07-08

B-Plan 3-055a Change Kappler Straße Nord — WMS details >

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Starkenfeld-East Plan, 1st Amendment... Open Data

Inspire Service for the Building Plan Service (XPlanGML 5.0.1) for the Plan Starkenfeld-East, 1st Am

Issued on 2021-09-14

Inspire Service for the Building Plan XPlanung Service for the Starkenfeld-East Plan, 1st Amendment... details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Building Line Corner Knöcklingstraße, Samentalweg Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Baulinie Ecke Knöcklingstraße, Samentalweg”, which was tr

Issued on 2021-01-11

WFS INSPIRE BPL Building Line Corner Knöcklingstraße, Samentalweg details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Faisen II Part I Amendment 1988” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Faisen II Part I Amendment 1988” of the municipality of Muggens

Issued on 2021-05-11

WMS XPlanung BPL “Faisen II Part I Amendment 1988” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Pauline Care Division Hungerberg” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Paulinenpflege Bereich Hungerberg” of the city of Kirchheim und

Issued on 2021-01-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “Pauline Care Division Hungerberg” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Auchtert II (2nd amendment) Open Data

WFS service of the city of Neuffen’s urban development plan “Auchtert II (2nd change)” transformed t

Issued on 2021-01-11

WFS INSPIRE BPL Auchtert II (2nd amendment) details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Rock cellar I 1st part Open Data

WFS service of the INSPIRE transformed development plan “Felsenkeller I 1st Part” of the city of Bie

Issued on 2021-01-10

WFS INSPIRE BPL Rock cellar I 1st part details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Headquarters 2.Change Open Data

WMS service of the INSPIRE transformational development plan “Principles 2nd Amendment” of the city

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Headquarters 2.Change details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Bubensulz Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Bubensulz” of the municipality of Dormettingen, transform

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Bubensulz details >

Inspire Service for the Building Plan Service for the Plan Schlossaecker (XPlanGML 5.0) (INSPIRE... Open Data

Inspire Service for the Building Plan Service for the Plan Schlossaecker of the municipality of Böbi

Issued on 2021-11-11

Inspire Service for the Building Plan Service for the Plan Schlossaecker (XPlanGML 5.0) (INSPIRE... details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Town building plan Gerokstraße zw. Ludwigsburger-/and Friedrichstraße Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Ortsbauplan Gerokstraße z Ludwigsburger-/and Friedrichstr

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Town building plan Gerokstraße zw. Ludwigsburger-/and Friedrichstraße details >

BPL 18 98 Feldstraße (WMS) Open Data

The development plan implements the land use concept of the municipality as a binding construction p

Issued on 2005-07-08T00:00:00Z

BPL 18 98 Feldstraße (WMS) details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Water lily/Katzenbach/Garden Street Part1 Vaihingen (Vai 261.1) Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Seerosen-/Katzenbach/Gartenstraße Teil1 Vaihingen (Vai 26

Issued on 2021-06-07

WMS INSPIRE BPL Water lily/Katzenbach/Garden Street Part1 Vaihingen (Vai 261.1) details >


WFS service of the development plan “UNTER NEW ÄCKER” of the municipality of Steinenbronn from XPlan

Issued on 2021-11-26

WFS XPlanung BPL “UNTER NEW ECKER” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Northern Klingenstraße II Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Northern Klingenstraße II” of the municipality of Erlenba

Issued on 2021-01-10

WFS INSPIRE BPL Northern Klingenstraße II details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Outside” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Below out” of the municipality of Pfaffenhofen from XPlanung 5.

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Outside” details >

WFS Höchst II Open Data

WFS development plan ‘Höchst II’ of the city of Herrenberg.

Issued on 2021-11-18

WFS Höchst II details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Ernst-Haller-Strasse Open Data

WFS service of the city of Trossingen’s “Ernst Haller-Strasse” building plan, transformed to INSPIRE

Issued on 2022-03-14

WFS INSPIRE BPL Ernst-Haller-Strasse details >

WFS Meiergaerten 1996 Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Meiergaerten 1996” by Weil im Schönbuch.

Issued on 2021-06-24

WFS Meiergaerten 1996 details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Mühlegestad-Dicheläcker (2nd change)” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Mühlegestad-Deicheläcker (2nd change)” of the municipality of E

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Mühlegestad-Dicheläcker (2nd change)” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Long Aerial V” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Long Acker V” of the city of Asperg from XPlanung 5.0. Descript

Issued on 2020-12-03

WMS XPlanung BPL “Long Aerial V” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Hofgassenäcker and Rübland 2nd Amendment” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Hofgassenäcker und Rübland 2nd Amendment” of the municipality o

Issued on 2021-01-22

WFS XPlanung BPL “Hofgassenäcker and Rübland 2nd Amendment” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Hoffeld-Ost II Degerloch Open Data

WFS service of the urban city of Stuttgart’s “Hoffeld-East II Degerloch” development plan, transform

Issued on 2021-07-05

WFS INSPIRE BPL Hoffeld-Ost II Degerloch details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Sandgrubenweg, 2nd Section 1. Amendment Open Data

WMS service of the zoning plan “Sandgrubenweg, 2nd Section 1. Change” of the municipality of Ketsch,

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Sandgrubenweg, 2nd Section 1. Amendment details >

WFS INSPIRE PLU Traffic calmed area Griesstr. — Josefstr. Open Data

Inspire PLU traffic calmed area Griesstr. — Josefstr.

Issued on 2021-07-20

WFS INSPIRE PLU Traffic calmed area Griesstr. — Josefstr. details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Lake 231-232 Open Data

WFS service of the urban Forchtenberg urban development plan “See 231-232”, transformed according to

Issued on 2021-01-11

WFS INSPIRE BPL Lake 231-232 details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “On the village (1st change)” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2021-01-01

XPlanung dataset BPL “On the village (1st change)” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Mattsteig 3. Change Open Data

WFS service of the city of Tuttlingen’s “Mattsteig 3 rd change” development plan transformed accordi

Issued on 2021-02-15

WFS INSPIRE BPL Mattsteig 3. Change details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Lenzhalde — Change” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Lenzhalde — Change” of the city of Ditzingen from XPlanung 5.0.

Issued on 2021-02-08

WMS XPlanung BPL “Lenzhalde — Change” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “At School” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Bei der Schule” of the municipality of Bretzfeld from XPlanung

Issued on 2020-10-13

WMS XPlanung BPL “At School” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL IG Gölshausen I.Section — 1.Change Open Data

WMS service of the INSPIRE transformed development plan “IG Gölshausen I.Section — 1st Amendment” of

Issued on 2021-03-08

WMS INSPIRE BPL IG Gölshausen I.Section — 1.Change details >

Inspire service for the development plan Service for the plan Business Park Böbingen-Süd, 2. BA 1.... Open Data

Inspire service for the development plan Service for the plan Business Park Böbingen-Süd, 2. BA 1. D

Issued on 2021-11-11

Inspire service for the development plan Service for the plan Business Park Böbingen-Süd, 2. BA 1.... details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Siemensstraße/Dieselstraße” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Siemensstraße/Dieselstraße” of the city of Ditzingen from XPlan

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Siemensstraße/Dieselstraße” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Bachstraße/Obere Mühlstraße (origin plan) Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Bachstraße/Obere Mühlstraße (origin plan)” of the city of

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Bachstraße/Obere Mühlstraße (origin plan) details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Vogeläcker-Kiesbruch-Löhl (8th change)” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Vogeläcker-Kiesbruch-Löhl (8th change)” of the municipality of

Issued on 2021-07-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “Vogeläcker-Kiesbruch-Löhl (8th change)” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Laurastraße — Sontheimerweg, Part I” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Laurastraße — Sontheimerweg, Part I” of the town of Weingarten

Issued on 2022-05-25

WMS XPlanung BPL “Laurastraße — Sontheimerweg, Part I” details >

XPlanung dataset BPL “Ochsenstall (origin plan)” Open Data

The development plan (BPL) contains the legally binding determinations for the urban planning order.

Issued on 2020-09-22

XPlanung dataset BPL “Ochsenstall (origin plan)” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Schillerstraße 8 Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Schillerstraße 8” of the city of Großbottwar, transformed

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Schillerstraße 8 details >

WFS on the development plan “Sportstätte Flechtorf”, original, community teaching Open Data

WFS on the development plan “Sportstätte Flechtorf”, original, community teaching

Issued on 2021-04-26

WFS on the development plan “Sportstätte Flechtorf”, original, community teaching details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Haselweg — Remchinger Straße” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Haselweg — Remchinger Straße” of the municipality of Karlovy Va

Issued on 2020-10-22

WFS XPlanung BPL “Haselweg — Remchinger Straße” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Industrial area Plieninger Str. Süd Möhringen Plan 426.47 Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Gewerbegebiet Plieninger Str. Süd Möhringen Plan 426.47”,

Issued on 2021-06-14

WMS INSPIRE BPL Industrial area Plieninger Str. Süd Möhringen Plan 426.47 details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Storren Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Storren” of the municipality of Waldstetten, transformed

Issued on 2021-01-11

WFS INSPIRE BPL Storren details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Hook 7. Change Open Data

WFS service of the City of Tuttlingen’s “Hook 7th Change” development plan, transformed according to

Issued on 2021-02-15

WFS INSPIRE BPL Hook 7. Change details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “WA “North” — 2nd change” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “WA “North” — 2nd change” of the town of Stutensee from XPlanung

Issued on 2021-03-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “WA “North” — 2nd change” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Town Building Plan Landhaus- und Friedensstraße” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Ortsbauplan Landhaus- und Friedensstraße” of the municipality K

Issued on 2021-01-18

WFS XPlanung BPL “Town Building Plan Landhaus- und Friedensstraße” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Gemse” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Gemse” of the municipality of Eberhardzell from XPlanung 5.0. D

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Gemse” details >

WMS Weinbergäcker-Schönhut, 4th change Open Data

WMS development plan ‘Weinbergäcker-Schönhut, 4th change’ of Herrenberg.

Issued on 2021-11-18

WMS Weinbergäcker-Schönhut, 4th change details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Neumatt South 2 Change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Neumatt-Süd-2-Change” of the city of Rheinfelden (Baden) from X

Issued on 2021-11-29

WFS XPlanung BPL “Neumatt South 2 Change” details >

WFS Hofen Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Hofen” by Pfalzgrafenweiler, which was transformed accord

Issued on 2021-12-02

WFS Hofen details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Nürtinger Straße I” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Nürtinger Straße I” of the municipality of Frickenhausen from X

Issued on 2021-01-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “Nürtinger Straße I” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Hohestraße, Fuchs- und Schaufeläcker, 1st change” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Hohestraße, Fuchs- und Schaufeläcker, 1st Amendment” of the cit

Issued on 2021-09-30

WFS XPlanung BPL “Hohestraße, Fuchs- und Schaufeläcker, 1st change” details >

WMS INSPIRE PLU St. Catharina II (Holderweg) Open Data

Inspire PLU St. Catharina II (Holderweg)

Issued on 2022-02-02

WMS INSPIRE PLU St. Catharina II (Holderweg) details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL Nursing home Kirchstraße Open Data

WFS service of the building plan “Pflegeheim Kirchstraße” of the city of Ettlingen, transformed acco

Issued on 2021-06-30

WFS INSPIRE BPL Nursing home Kirchstraße details >

Service for Plan Bürgle & Strand, 1st Amendment (XPlanGML 5.0) Open Data

Service for the Plan Bürgle u. Strand, 1. Change of the municipality of Böbingen an der Rems (XPlanG

Issued on 2021-04-07

Service for Plan Bürgle & Strand, 1st Amendment (XPlanGML 5.0) details >

WFS INSPIRE Schloßgut extension Open Data

Schloßgut extension

Issued on 2021-12-15

WFS INSPIRE Schloßgut extension details >

WFS INSPIRE ‘BPL At the Ziegelhütte — The Ruppigen — Am Waldweg/Nagoldhang’ of the city of Pforzheim Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan ‘BPL Bei der Ziegelhütte — Die Ruppigen — Am Waldweg/Nagol

Issued on

WFS INSPIRE ‘BPL At the Ziegelhütte — The Ruppigen — Am Waldweg/Nagoldhang’ of the city of Pforzheim details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Marketplace and Surroundings, Area North” Gustav-Heinemann-Haus» Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Marketplace and surroundings, area north Gustav-Heinemann-Haus"

Issued on 2021-01-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “Marketplace and Surroundings, Area North” Gustav-Heinemann-Haus» details >

WFS multipurpose hall Open Data

WFS service of the urban development plan “Multi-purpose hall” transformed according to INSPIRE by S

Issued on 2022-01-21

WFS multipurpose hall details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Northern part of Schiesshüttestraße” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Northern part of Schiesshüttestraße” of the city of Owen from X

Issued on 2020-12-31

WMS XPlanung BPL “Northern part of Schiesshüttestraße” details >

WMS XPlanung BPL “Roggenäcker II (South) (Amendment 1999)” Open Data

WMS service of the development plan “Roggenäcker II (South) (Amendment 1999)” of the town of Kirchhe

Issued on 2021-01-01

WMS XPlanung BPL “Roggenäcker II (South) (Amendment 1999)” details >

WFS INSPIRE BPL BPlanChange Landäcker — Steinäcker Open Data

WFS service of INSPIRE transformed development plan “BPlanChange Landäcker — Steinäcker” of the city

Issued on 2021-06-25

WFS INSPIRE BPL BPlanChange Landäcker — Steinäcker details >

Leisure, Culture and Tourism in Trier — Galleries and Exhibitions Trier — OGC WFS Interface Open Data

POIs on the topic of leisure, culture, sports and tourism in Trier and surroundings:POIs of gallerie

Issued on

Leisure, Culture and Tourism in Trier — Galleries and Exhibitions Trier — OGC WFS Interface details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Heutingsheimerstraße — Construction Line Open Data

WMS service of the building plan “Heutingsheimerstraße — Construction Line” of the city of Freiberg

Issued on 2021-01-10

WMS INSPIRE BPL Heutingsheimerstraße — Construction Line details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Mönchfeldstraße/Balthasar-Neumann-Straße (Mühl 85)” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Mönchfeldstraße/Balthasar-Neumann-Straße (Mühl 85)” of the city

Issued on 2021-06-01

WFS XPlanung BPL “Mönchfeldstraße/Balthasar-Neumann-Straße (Mühl 85)” details >

WFS XPlanung BPL “Health Center” Open Data

WFS service of the development plan “Health Center” of the city of Eppingen from XPlanung 5.0. Descr

Issued on 2020-12-31

WFS XPlanung BPL “Health Center” details >

WMS INSPIRE BPL Am Steinweg — 1st change Open Data

WMS service of the urban development plan “Am Steinweg — 1st change” of the municipality of Pfinztal

Issued on 2021-01-11

WMS INSPIRE BPL Am Steinweg — 1st change details >
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Frequently Asked Questions

Some basic informations about API Store ®.

Operation and development of APIs are currently fully funded by company Apitalks and its usage is for free.
Yes, you can.
All important information such as time of last update, license and other information are in response of each API call.
In case of major update that would not be compatible with previous version of API, we keep for 30 days both versions so you will have enough time to transfer to new version. We will inform you about the changes in advance by e-mail.

Didn't find the API you need?

Let us know and we will figure it out for you.

API Store provides access to European Open Data via scalable and reliable REST API interface.
Copyright © 2025. Made with ♥ by Apitalks