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Correction coefficients outside the European Union (Duty stations) - index (Brussels = 100) (Monthly... Open Data

Correction coefficients outside the European Union (Duty stations) - index (Brussels = 100) (Monthly

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Correction coefficients outside the European Union (Duty stations) - index (Brussels = 100) (Monthly... details >

Peach and apricot trees - Area by density classes and group of varieties (area in ha) Open Data

Peach and apricot trees - Area by density classes and group of varieties (area in ha)

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Peach and apricot trees - Area by density classes and group of varieties (area in ha) details >

[DISCONTINUED] EU co-patenting at the EPO according to applicants'/inventors' country of residence... Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 10 Apr 2019. EU co-patenting at the EPO according to app

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[DISCONTINUED] EU co-patenting at the EPO according to applicants'/inventors' country of residence... details >

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Croatia - quarterly data Open Data

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Croatia - quarterly data

Issued on

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Croatia - quarterly data details >

Air passenger transport between main airports in each reporting country and partner reporting... Open Data

Air passenger transport between main airports in each reporting country and partner reporting countr

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Air passenger transport between main airports in each reporting country and partner reporting... details >

Enterprises with an agreement on CVT as % of all enterprises, by type of training, type of agreement... Open Data

Enterprises with an agreement on CVT as % of all enterprises, by type of training, type of agreement

Issued on

Enterprises with an agreement on CVT as % of all enterprises, by type of training, type of agreement... details >

Number of trips by purpose Open Data

All tourism trips made by residents, aged 15 or over, for personal or professional/business purpose,

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Number of trips by purpose details >

Urban population exposure to air pollution by particulate matter Open Data

The indicator shows the population-weighted concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 to which the urban popul

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Urban population exposure to air pollution by particulate matter details >

HICP - inflation rate Open Data

Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICPs) are designed for international comparisons of consumer

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HICP - inflation rate details >

[DISCONTINUED] Percentage of employees (only enterprises with CVT courses) participating in CVT... Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:14:03.507746Z

[DISCONTINUED] Percentage of employees (only enterprises with CVT courses) participating in CVT... details >

Population on 1 January by five year age group, sex and other typologies Open Data

Population on 1 January by five year age group, sex and other typologies

Issued on

Population on 1 January by five year age group, sex and other typologies details >

Investment and maintenance in oil pipeline infrastructure Open Data

Investment and maintenance in oil pipeline infrastructure

Issued on

Investment and maintenance in oil pipeline infrastructure details >

Population aged 30-34 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%) Open Data

Population aged 30-34 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%)

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Population aged 30-34 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%) details >

Renewable freshwater resources Open Data

Renewable freshwater resources

Issued on

Renewable freshwater resources details >

Annual enterprise statistics by geographical breakdown Open Data

Annual enterprise statistics by geographical breakdown

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Annual enterprise statistics by geographical breakdown details >

Turnover in industry - manufacturing Open Data

The Turnover Index is a business cycle indicator showing the monthly evolution of the market of good

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Turnover in industry - manufacturing details >

At most lower secondary educational attainment by age Open Data

The indicator is defined as the percentage of people aged 25 to 64 who have successfully completed a

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At most lower secondary educational attainment by age details >

Employment rate by sex, age group 20-64 Open Data

The employment rate is calculated by dividing the number of persons aged 20 to 64 in employment by t

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Employment rate by sex, age group 20-64 details >

[DISCONTINUED] Employment (in persons) Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 25 Aug 2016.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:23:22.457718Z

[DISCONTINUED] Employment (in persons) details >

Water abstracted by sector of use Open Data

Water abstracted by economic units engaged in collection, purification and distribution of water (in

Issued on

Water abstracted by sector of use details >

[DISCONTINUED] Construction - monthly data Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 03 Apr 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:30:34.311499Z

[DISCONTINUED] Construction - monthly data details >

At-risk-of-poverty rate by poverty threshold and work intensity of the household - ECHP survey Open Data

At-risk-of-poverty rate by poverty threshold and work intensity of the household - ECHP survey

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At-risk-of-poverty rate by poverty threshold and work intensity of the household - ECHP survey details >

Unemployment rates by sex, age and degree of urbanisation (%) Open Data

Unemployment rates by sex, age and degree of urbanisation (%)

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Unemployment rates by sex, age and degree of urbanisation (%) details >

Mean consumption expenditure of private households on cultural goods and services by income quintile Open Data

Mean consumption expenditure of private households on cultural goods and services by income quintile

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Mean consumption expenditure of private households on cultural goods and services by income quintile details >

[DISCONTINUED] Building permits - annual data, percentage change Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:52:34.540862Z

[DISCONTINUED] Building permits - annual data, percentage change details >

Employed ICT specialists by age Open Data

Employed ICT specialists by age

Issued on

Employed ICT specialists by age details >

Persons paying for formal education by household type, income group, degree of urbanisation and... Open Data

Persons paying for formal education by household type, income group, degree of urbanisation and leve

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Persons paying for formal education by household type, income group, degree of urbanisation and... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Economic globalisation indicators on research and development by partner and NACE... Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 06 Jul 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T07:58:01.106616Z

[DISCONTINUED] Economic globalisation indicators on research and development by partner and NACE... details >

Population by sex, age group, household status and NUTS 3 regions Open Data

Population by sex, age group, household status and NUTS 3 regions

Issued on

Population by sex, age group, household status and NUTS 3 regions details >

Control of foreign affiliates and estimated employment by business function, country location of... Open Data

Control of foreign affiliates and estimated employment by business function, country location of aff

Issued on

Control of foreign affiliates and estimated employment by business function, country location of... details >

Deaths by age group, sex and NUTS 3 region Open Data

Deaths by age group, sex and NUTS 3 region

Issued on

Deaths by age group, sex and NUTS 3 region details >

Private educational expenditure by education level, programme orientation, type of source and... Open Data

Private educational expenditure by education level, programme orientation, type of source and expend

Issued on

Private educational expenditure by education level, programme orientation, type of source and... details >

Euro yield curves - quarterly data Open Data

Euro yield curves - quarterly data

Issued on

Euro yield curves - quarterly data details >

Transport of containers or road vehicles (1982-2002) Open Data

Transport of containers or road vehicles (1982-2002)

Issued on

Transport of containers or road vehicles (1982-2002) details >

Area of wooded land (source: FAO - FE) Open Data

Area of wooded land (source: FAO - FE)

Issued on

Area of wooded land (source: FAO - FE) details >

Participation in formal education by type of disability, sex and age Open Data

Participation in formal education by type of disability, sex and age

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Participation in formal education by type of disability, sex and age details >

Cereals for the production of grain (including seed) by area, production and humidity Open Data

This table includes the area, production and humidity of cereals for the production of grain: wheat

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Cereals for the production of grain (including seed) by area, production and humidity details >

Air transport infrastructure: airports Open Data

Air transport infrastructure: airports

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Air transport infrastructure: airports details >

Nights spent at tourism accommodation establishments Open Data

Nights spent at tourism accommodation establishments

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Nights spent at tourism accommodation establishments details >

Employment by NACE Rev.2 - percentage change Q/Q-4, NSA Open Data

Employment consists of both employees and self-employed, who are engaged in some productive activity

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Employment by NACE Rev.2 - percentage change Q/Q-4, NSA details >

Employed persons by professional status, sex, educational attainment level and age Open Data

Employed persons by professional status, sex, educational attainment level and age

Issued on

Employed persons by professional status, sex, educational attainment level and age details >

[DISCONTINUED] Percentage of employees (all enterprises) participating in CVT courses, by size class... Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 12 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:04:50.870487Z

[DISCONTINUED] Percentage of employees (all enterprises) participating in CVT courses, by size class... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Quarterly national accounts by 6 branches - employment data Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:57:16.131131Z

[DISCONTINUED] Quarterly national accounts by 6 branches - employment data details >

At-risk-of poverty rate by most frequent activity status - EU-SILC survey Open Data

The share of persons with an equivalised disposable income below the risk-of-poverty threshold, brok

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At-risk-of poverty rate by most frequent activity status - EU-SILC survey details >

Production of hatcheries and nurseries at eggs stage in life cycle (from 2008 onwards) Open Data

Production of hatcheries and nurseries at eggs stage in life cycle (from 2008 onwards)

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Production of hatcheries and nurseries at eggs stage in life cycle (from 2008 onwards) details >

Expenditure by purpose of the trip Open Data

Expenditure by purpose of the trip

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Expenditure by purpose of the trip details >

[DISCONTINUED] Consumption estimate of manufactured fertilizers - nitrogen (source: Fertilizers... Open Data

Dataset replaced by: Estimated qu

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:20:43.606250Z

[DISCONTINUED] Consumption estimate of manufactured fertilizers - nitrogen (source: Fertilizers... details >

Imports of electricity and derived heat by partner country Open Data

Imports of electricity and derived heat by partner country

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Imports of electricity and derived heat by partner country details >

Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination by sex, age, main reason declared and educational... Open Data

Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination by sex, age, main reason declared and educational

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Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination by sex, age, main reason declared and educational... details >

Enterprises by main types of innovation, NACE Rev. 2 activity and size class Open Data

Enterprises by main types of innovation, NACE Rev. 2 activity and size class

Issued on

Enterprises by main types of innovation, NACE Rev. 2 activity and size class details >

Deaths by week and sex Open Data

Deaths by week and sex

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Deaths by week and sex details >

R&D personnel and researchers by sector of performance, fields of R&D and sex Open Data

R&D personnel and researchers by sector of performance, fields of R&D and sex

Issued on

R&D personnel and researchers by sector of performance, fields of R&D and sex details >

[DISCONTINUED] Level of citizens' confidence in EU institutions Open Data

Dataset replaced by: The level of

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:18:00.238783Z

[DISCONTINUED] Level of citizens' confidence in EU institutions details >

[DISCONTINUED] Main scenario - Life expectancy by age and sex Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 01 Mar 2017.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:50:35.713379Z

[DISCONTINUED] Main scenario - Life expectancy by age and sex details >

Persons reporting a chronic disease, by disease, sex, age and educational attainment level Open Data

Persons reporting a chronic disease, by disease, sex, age and educational attainment level

Issued on

Persons reporting a chronic disease, by disease, sex, age and educational attainment level details >

Direct investment in the reporting economy (stocks) - annual data, % of GDP Open Data

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the category of investment made by an entity resident in an econo

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Direct investment in the reporting economy (stocks) - annual data, % of GDP details >

Harmonised risk indicator 1 for pesticides by categorisation of active substances Open Data

Harmonised risk indicator 1 for pesticides by categorisation of active substances

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Harmonised risk indicator 1 for pesticides by categorisation of active substances details >

Recycling rates for packaging waste Open Data

<p>The indicator is defined as the share of recycled packaging waste in all generated packaging wast

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Recycling rates for packaging waste details >

Eu level - gross weight of goods handled in main ports, by type of traffic Open Data

Eu level - gross weight of goods handled in main ports, by type of traffic

Issued on

Eu level - gross weight of goods handled in main ports, by type of traffic details >

Current account transactions - secondary income: credits, debits and balance Open Data

The balance of payments is a record of a country's international transactions with the rest of the w

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Current account transactions - secondary income: credits, debits and balance details >

Concern about possible problems related to internet usage (2010) Open Data

Concern about possible problems related to internet usage (2010)

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Concern about possible problems related to internet usage (2010) details >

Material Deprivation rate by sex - EU-SILC survey Open Data

The indicator is defined as the percentage of population with an enforced lack of at least three out

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Material Deprivation rate by sex - EU-SILC survey details >

Population aged 30-34 with tertiary educational attainment level by sex Open Data

Population aged 30-34 with tertiary educational attainment level by sex

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Population aged 30-34 with tertiary educational attainment level by sex details >

Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, sex, educational attainment level Open Data

Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, sex, educational attainment level

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Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, sex, educational attainment level details >

Agricultural training of farm managers: selected variables by economic size of farm (ESU) Open Data

Agricultural training of farm managers: selected variables by economic size of farm (ESU)

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Agricultural training of farm managers: selected variables by economic size of farm (ESU) details >

Incidence rate of accidents at work by material agent of deviation, NACE Rev. 1.1 activity, sex, age... Open Data

Incidence rate of accidents at work by material agent of deviation, NACE Rev. 1.1 activity, sex, age

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Incidence rate of accidents at work by material agent of deviation, NACE Rev. 1.1 activity, sex, age... details >

Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data by metropolitan regions Open Data

Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data by metropolitan regions

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Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data by metropolitan regions details >

Body mass index (BMI) by sex, age and level of activity limitation Open Data

Body mass index (BMI) by sex, age and level of activity limitation

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Body mass index (BMI) by sex, age and level of activity limitation details >

Employment in high-tech sectors by NUTS 2 regions Open Data

The data shows the employment in high-tech sectors (code HTC) as a percentage of total employment. T

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Employment in high-tech sectors by NUTS 2 regions details >

Financial transactions – international data cooperation - quarterly data Open Data

Financial transactions – international data cooperation - quarterly data

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Financial transactions – international data cooperation - quarterly data details >

Employment by sex, age and professional status (1 000) Open Data

Employment by sex, age and professional status (1 000)

Issued on

Employment by sex, age and professional status (1 000) details >

Persons employed in circular economy sectors Open Data

<p>The indicator measures&nbsp;“Number of persons employed”&nbsp;in the following three sectors: the

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Persons employed in circular economy sectors details >

Industry - quarterly data - index (2015 = 100) (NACE Rev. 2) Open Data

Industry - quarterly data - index (2015 = 100) (NACE Rev. 2)

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Industry - quarterly data - index (2015 = 100) (NACE Rev. 2) details >

Ever-working women who have experienced sexual harassment at work, by age group Open Data

Ever-working women who have experienced sexual harassment at work, by age group

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Ever-working women who have experienced sexual harassment at work, by age group details >

Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions Open Data

Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions

Issued on

Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions details >

Quarterly population by sex, age, degree of urbanisation and labour status (1 000) Open Data

Quarterly population by sex, age, degree of urbanisation and labour status (1 000)

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Quarterly population by sex, age, degree of urbanisation and labour status (1 000) details >

Road accidents by NUTS 3 regions (source: CARE) Open Data

Road accidents by NUTS 3 regions (source: CARE)

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Road accidents by NUTS 3 regions (source: CARE) details >

Population on 1st January by age, sex, type of projection and metropolitan regions Open Data

Population on 1st January by age, sex, type of projection and metropolitan regions

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Population on 1st January by age, sex, type of projection and metropolitan regions details >

Artificial intelligence by NACE Rev.2 activity Open Data

Artificial intelligence by NACE Rev.2 activity

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Artificial intelligence by NACE Rev.2 activity details >

Applicants having benefited from material reception conditions at the end of the reference year -... Open Data

Applicants having benefited from material reception conditions at the end of the reference year - an

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Applicants having benefited from material reception conditions at the end of the reference year -... details >

Enterprises by type of business strategy applied, importance of the strategy, NACE Rev. 2 activity... Open Data

Enterprises by type of business strategy applied, importance of the strategy, NACE Rev. 2 activity a

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Enterprises by type of business strategy applied, importance of the strategy, NACE Rev. 2 activity... details >

Ever-working women who have experienced sexual harassment at work, by occurrence of the last episode Open Data

Ever-working women who have experienced sexual harassment at work, by occurrence of the last episode

Issued on

Ever-working women who have experienced sexual harassment at work, by occurrence of the last episode details >

Crude oil supply - monthly data Open Data

Crude oil supply - monthly data

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Crude oil supply - monthly data details >

Train traffic on the rail network - France (2020) Open Data

Train traffic on the rail network - France (2020)

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Train traffic on the rail network - France (2020) details >

Enterprises attaching high importance to business strategies by innovation profile, NACE Rev. 2... Open Data

Enterprises attaching high importance to business strategies by innovation profile, NACE Rev. 2 acti

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Enterprises attaching high importance to business strategies by innovation profile, NACE Rev. 2... details >

Typical dwelling sizes by type of dwelling in each surveyed city Open Data

Typical dwelling sizes by type of dwelling in each surveyed city

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Typical dwelling sizes by type of dwelling in each surveyed city details >

Maritime goods transport performed in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the countries Open Data

Maritime goods transport performed in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the countries

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Maritime goods transport performed in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the countries details >

At risk-of-poverty rate for the population living in (quasi-)jobless households Open Data

Share of persons aged (0-59) with an equivalised disposable income below 60% of the national equival

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At risk-of-poverty rate for the population living in (quasi-)jobless households details >

Population on 1st January by age, sex, type of projection and other typologies Open Data

Population on 1st January by age, sex, type of projection and other typologies

Issued on

Population on 1st January by age, sex, type of projection and other typologies details >

Youth unemployment ratio (15-24) Open Data

The youth unemployment ratio is the percentage of unemployed young people (i.e. people aged 15-24) i

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Youth unemployment ratio (15-24) details >

Projected deaths by age, sex, type of projection and metropolitan regions Open Data

Projected deaths by age, sex, type of projection and metropolitan regions

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Projected deaths by age, sex, type of projection and metropolitan regions details >

Persons receiving benefits (other than old age or survivors benefits) by risk of poverty and work... Open Data

Persons receiving benefits (other than old age or survivors benefits) by risk of poverty and work in

Issued on

Persons receiving benefits (other than old age or survivors benefits) by risk of poverty and work... details >

Private investment and gross added value related to circular economy sectors Open Data

<p>The indicator includes “Gross investment in tangible goods” and “Value added at factor costs” in

Issued on

Private investment and gross added value related to circular economy sectors details >

Import dependency on third countries by fuel type Open Data

Import dependency on third countries by fuel type

Issued on

Import dependency on third countries by fuel type details >

Air passengers transport by aircraft model, distance bands and transport coverage Open Data

Air passengers transport by aircraft model, distance bands and transport coverage

Issued on

Air passengers transport by aircraft model, distance bands and transport coverage details >

Modal split of air, sea and inland freight transport Open Data

Modal split of air, sea and inland freight transport

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Modal split of air, sea and inland freight transport details >

Broadband internet coverage by technology Open Data

Broadband internet coverage by technology

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Broadband internet coverage by technology details >

Ever-working women who have experienced sexual harassment at work, by type of male perpetrator Open Data

Ever-working women who have experienced sexual harassment at work, by type of male perpetrator

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Ever-working women who have experienced sexual harassment at work, by type of male perpetrator details >

Unemployment by sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation Open Data

Unemployment by sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation

Issued on

Unemployment by sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation details >

Landfill rate of waste excluding major mineral wastes Open Data

Landfill rate of waste excluding major mineral wastes

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Landfill rate of waste excluding major mineral wastes details >
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