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Labour input in services - quarterly data Open Data

Labour input in services - quarterly data

Issued on

Labour input in services - quarterly data details >

Detailed treatable and preventable deaths of EU residents Open Data

Detailed treatable and preventable deaths of EU residents

Issued on

Detailed treatable and preventable deaths of EU residents details >

Job mismatches and their labour market effects among school-leavers in Europe Open Data

Job mismatches and their labour market effects among school-leavers in Europe

Issued on

Job mismatches and their labour market effects among school-leavers in Europe details >

Organisational and marketing innovations Open Data

Organisational and marketing innovations

Issued on

Organisational and marketing innovations details >

[DISCONTINUED] Generation of hazardous waste by economic activity Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 05 Feb 2018. The indicator presents the amount of hazard

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:06:52.359195Z

[DISCONTINUED] Generation of hazardous waste by economic activity details >

Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 activity - nominal value, annual data Open Data

Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 activity - nominal value, annual data

Issued on

Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 activity - nominal value, annual data details >

Enterprises with a training centre used exclusively or partly for CVT as % of all enterprises, by... Open Data

Enterprises with a training centre used exclusively or partly for CVT as % of all enterprises, by ty

Issued on

Enterprises with a training centre used exclusively or partly for CVT as % of all enterprises, by... details >

Loss of citizenship by sex and new citizenship Open Data

Loss of citizenship by sex and new citizenship

Issued on

Loss of citizenship by sex and new citizenship details >

Severely materially deprived people Open Data

The collection "material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housi

Issued on

Severely materially deprived people details >

Tax rate on low wage earners: Tax wedge on labour costs Open Data

Tax rate on low wage earners: Tax wedge on labour costs

Issued on

Tax rate on low wage earners: Tax wedge on labour costs details >

[DISCONTINUED] EU international imports of goods Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 20 Sep 2016. The balance of payments is a record of a co

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:41:10.002787Z

[DISCONTINUED] EU international imports of goods details >

Poultry: number of farms and heads by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of broiler flock Open Data

Poultry: number of farms and heads by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of broiler flock

Issued on

Poultry: number of farms and heads by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of broiler flock details >

Percentage of employees in all enterprises by type of training, sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 Open Data

Percentage of employees in all enterprises by type of training, sex and NACE Rev. 1.1

Issued on

Percentage of employees in all enterprises by type of training, sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 details >

Sewage sludge production and disposal Open Data

Sewage sludge production and disposal

Issued on

Sewage sludge production and disposal details >

Supply, transformation and consumption of renewables and wastes Open Data

Supply, transformation and consumption of renewables and wastes

Issued on

Supply, transformation and consumption of renewables and wastes details >

Gross nutrient balance Open Data

Gross nutrient balance

Issued on

Gross nutrient balance details >

ENP countries: government statistics Open Data

ENP countries: government statistics

Issued on

ENP countries: government statistics details >

Establishments, bedrooms and bed-places in tourist accommodation, by degree of urbanisation and... Open Data

Establishments, bedrooms and bed-places in tourist accommodation, by degree of urbanisation and coas

Issued on

Establishments, bedrooms and bed-places in tourist accommodation, by degree of urbanisation and... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Enquiry on investments in the Iron and Steel Industry (thousands EUR) Open Data

Enquiry on investments in the Iron and Steel Industry (thousands EUR). **The product has been di

Issued on 2015-10-16

[DISCONTINUED] Enquiry on investments in the Iron and Steel Industry (thousands EUR) details >

Livestock: number of farms and heads by livestock units (LSU) of farm and NUTS 2 regions Open Data

Livestock: number of farms and heads by livestock units (LSU) of farm and NUTS 2 regions

Issued on

Livestock: number of farms and heads by livestock units (LSU) of farm and NUTS 2 regions details >

Share of government budget appropriations or outlays on research and development Open Data

Data on Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays on Research and Development (GBAORD) refer to bu

Issued on

Share of government budget appropriations or outlays on research and development details >

Percentage of employed adults having a second job by sex, age groups, number of children and age of... Open Data

Percentage of employed adults having a second job by sex, age groups, number of children and age of

Issued on

Percentage of employed adults having a second job by sex, age groups, number of children and age of... details >

Hospital discharges by diagnosis, NUTS 2 regions, in-patients and total number - females Open Data

Hospital discharges by diagnosis, NUTS 2 regions, in-patients and total number - females

Issued on

Hospital discharges by diagnosis, NUTS 2 regions, in-patients and total number - females details >

Population on 1st January by age, sex and type of projection Open Data

Population on 1st January by age, sex and type of projection

Issued on

Population on 1st January by age, sex and type of projection details >

Building permits - monthly data Open Data

The objective of the building permit index is to show the future development of construction activit

Issued on

Building permits - monthly data details >

Crop production by NUTS 2 regions - historical data (1975-1999) Open Data

Crop production by NUTS 2 regions - historical data (1975-1999)

Issued on

Crop production by NUTS 2 regions - historical data (1975-1999) details >

Classroom teachers working full-time and part-time in primary, lower-secondary and upper-secondary... Open Data

Classroom teachers working full-time and part-time in primary, lower-secondary and upper-secondary e

Issued on

Classroom teachers working full-time and part-time in primary, lower-secondary and upper-secondary... details >

Mean hourly earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O Open Data

Mean hourly earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O

Issued on

Mean hourly earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O details >

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Slovenia and their main partner airports... Open Data

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Slovenia and their main partner airports

Issued on

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Slovenia and their main partner airports... details >

Aircraft traffic data by main airport Open Data

Aircraft traffic data by main airport

Issued on

Aircraft traffic data by main airport details >

At-risk-of-poverty rate of persons below-above 65 years by sex – EU-SILC survey Open Data

At-risk-of-poverty rate of persons below-above 65 years by sex – EU-SILC survey

Issued on

At-risk-of-poverty rate of persons below-above 65 years by sex – EU-SILC survey details >

Annual earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or... Open Data

Annual earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or m

Issued on

Annual earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or... details >

Decisions withdrawing status granted at first instance decision by type of status withdrawn,... Open Data

Decisions withdrawing status granted at first instance decision by type of status withdrawn, citizen

Issued on

Decisions withdrawing status granted at first instance decision by type of status withdrawn,... details >

Severe material deprivation rate of young people by sex and country of birth Open Data

Severe material deprivation rate of young people by sex and country of birth

Issued on

Severe material deprivation rate of young people by sex and country of birth details >

Bovine population - annual data Open Data

Bovine population - annual data

Issued on

Bovine population - annual data details >

[DISCONTINUED] Animal housing - cattle: number of farms and places by cattle size class,... Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 20 Mar 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:45:43.368254Z

[DISCONTINUED] Animal housing - cattle: number of farms and places by cattle size class,... details >

Direct investment in the reporting economy - quarterly data, % of GDP Open Data

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a category of investment that reflects the objective of establish

Issued on

Direct investment in the reporting economy - quarterly data, % of GDP details >

Imports of solid fossil fuels by partner country Open Data

Imports of solid fossil fuels by partner country

Issued on

Imports of solid fossil fuels by partner country details >

Passenger cars per 1 000 inhabitants Open Data

Passenger cars per 1 000 inhabitants

Issued on

Passenger cars per 1 000 inhabitants details >

Total expenditure on social protection by type Open Data

Expenditure on social protection contains: Social benefits, which consist of transfers, in cash or i

Issued on

Total expenditure on social protection by type details >

Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and educational attainment Open Data

Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and educational attainment

Issued on

Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and educational attainment details >

Sales and collection of portable batteries and accumulators Open Data

Sales and collection of portable batteries and accumulators

Issued on

Sales and collection of portable batteries and accumulators details >

Average usual working hours of employees, by possibility to have variable working hours, sex and age Open Data

Average usual working hours of employees, by possibility to have variable working hours, sex and age

Issued on

Average usual working hours of employees, by possibility to have variable working hours, sex and age details >

Individuals using the internet to buy or order online content Open Data

Online content: films, music, electronic books, magazines, newspapers, e-learning material, computer

Issued on

Individuals using the internet to buy or order online content details >

Participation in non-formal education and training by main reason for participating in the taught... Open Data

Participation in non-formal education and training by main reason for participating in the taught ac

Issued on

Participation in non-formal education and training by main reason for participating in the taught... details >

Students from abroad by level of education and sex Open Data

Students from abroad by level of education and sex

Issued on

Students from abroad by level of education and sex details >

Portfolio investment assets, by instuments - annual data, million units of national currency Open Data

The international investment position (IIP) is a statistical statement that shows at a point in time

Issued on

Portfolio investment assets, by instuments - annual data, million units of national currency details >

[DISCONTINUED] International transactions in government services n.e.c.: exports, imports and... Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 20 Sep 2016. The balance of payments is composed of the

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:44:12.120970Z

[DISCONTINUED] International transactions in government services n.e.c.: exports, imports and... details >

Enterprises by status of movement of business functions from abroad, business function and NACE... Open Data

Enterprises by status of movement of business functions from abroad, business function and NACE Rev.

Issued on

Enterprises by status of movement of business functions from abroad, business function and NACE... details >

Death due to drugs dependence, by sex Open Data

Death rate of a population adjusted to a standard age distribution. As most causes of death vary sig

Issued on

Death due to drugs dependence, by sex details >

Private sector credit flow, non-consolidated Open Data

The private sector credit flow represents the net amount of liabilities in which the sectors Non-Fin

Issued on

Private sector credit flow, non-consolidated details >

Domestic producer prices - total industry (excluding construction) Open Data

The industrial domestic output price index measures the average price development of all goods and r

Issued on

Domestic producer prices - total industry (excluding construction) details >

Gross external debt of the whole economy Open Data

Gross external debt of the whole economy

Issued on

Gross external debt of the whole economy details >

Housing cost overburden rate by sex - EU-SILC survey Open Data

This indicator is defined as the percentage of the population living in a household where the total

Issued on

Housing cost overburden rate by sex - EU-SILC survey details >

Income quintile share ratio S80/S20 for gross total disposable income by sex and age group - EU-SILC... Open Data

Income quintile share ratio S80/S20 for gross total disposable income by sex and age group - EU-SILC

Issued on

Income quintile share ratio S80/S20 for gross total disposable income by sex and age group - EU-SILC... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Environmental taxes by economic activity (NACE Rev. 1.1) Open Data

Environmental taxes by economic activity (NACE Rev. 1.1). **The product has been discontinued sin

Issued on 2015-10-16

[DISCONTINUED] Environmental taxes by economic activity (NACE Rev. 1.1) details >

Train traffic on the rail network - Sweden (2015) Open Data

Train traffic on the rail network - Sweden (2015)

Issued on

Train traffic on the rail network - Sweden (2015) details >

[DISCONTINUED] Labour productivity - quarterly data Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:11:52.510283Z

[DISCONTINUED] Labour productivity - quarterly data details >

House price index, deflated - annual data Open Data

The deflated house price index (or real house price index) is the ratio between the house price inde

Issued on

House price index, deflated - annual data details >

[DISCONTINUED] ICT patent applications to the EPO by priority year by metropolitan regions Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:15:29.481182Z

[DISCONTINUED] ICT patent applications to the EPO by priority year by metropolitan regions details >

Household saving rate Open Data

The gross saving rate of households is defined as gross saving (ESA 2010 code: B8g) divided by gross

Issued on

Household saving rate details >

Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions Open Data

Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions

Issued on

Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions details >

Container transport by nationality of vessel Open Data

Container transport by nationality of vessel

Issued on

Container transport by nationality of vessel details >

Recent job leavers by sex and age - quarterly data Open Data

Recent job leavers by sex and age - quarterly data

Issued on

Recent job leavers by sex and age - quarterly data details >

Percentage of all enterprises providing CVT courses, by type of course and size class Open Data

Percentage of all enterprises providing CVT courses, by type of course and size class

Issued on

Percentage of all enterprises providing CVT courses, by type of course and size class details >

[DISCONTINUED] Wheat, production Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 22 Jan 2016.

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:35:04.811452Z

[DISCONTINUED] Wheat, production details >

Radio navigation by satellite patent applications to the EPO by priority year Open Data

Radio navigation by satellite patent applications to the EPO by priority year

Issued on

Radio navigation by satellite patent applications to the EPO by priority year details >

EU Blue Cards holders and family members by Member State of previous residence Open Data

EU Blue Cards holders and family members by Member State of previous residence

Issued on

EU Blue Cards holders and family members by Member State of previous residence details >

Population by will to participate in education and training Open Data

Population by will to participate in education and training

Issued on

Population by will to participate in education and training details >

[DISCONTINUED] Cost of CVT courses per employee (only enterprises with CVT courses), by type of cost... Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:21:28.057061Z

[DISCONTINUED] Cost of CVT courses per employee (only enterprises with CVT courses), by type of cost... details >

Railway enterprises - by type of enterprise Open Data

Railway enterprises - by type of enterprise

Issued on

Railway enterprises - by type of enterprise details >

Youth self-employment by sex, age and educational attainment level Open Data

Youth self-employment by sex, age and educational attainment level

Issued on

Youth self-employment by sex, age and educational attainment level details >

Number of enterprises with innovation activity, by NACE Rev. 1.1 Open Data

Number of enterprises with innovation activity, by NACE Rev. 1.1

Issued on

Number of enterprises with innovation activity, by NACE Rev. 1.1 details >

Long-term residence permits issued during the year Open Data

Long-term residence permits issued during the year

Issued on

Long-term residence permits issued during the year details >

Employment in the EU environmental economy by environmental protection and resource management... Open Data

This table presents employment in the European Union’s (EU’s) environmental economy, as it is define

Issued on

Employment in the EU environmental economy by environmental protection and resource management... details >

Population aged 15-74 by sex, age group, current activity status and educational attainment level Open Data

Population aged 15-74 by sex, age group, current activity status and educational attainment level

Issued on

Population aged 15-74 by sex, age group, current activity status and educational attainment level details >

Population by sex, age, citizenship, labour status and degree of urbanisation Open Data

Population by sex, age, citizenship, labour status and degree of urbanisation

Issued on

Population by sex, age, citizenship, labour status and degree of urbanisation details >

[DISCONTINUED] Gross value added at basic prices by NUTS 3 regions (NACE Rev. 2) Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 28 Oct 2015.

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:30:52.729531Z

[DISCONTINUED] Gross value added at basic prices by NUTS 3 regions (NACE Rev. 2) details >

Number of not employed persons having reduced their working hours in a move to full retirement - by... Open Data

Number of not employed persons having reduced their working hours in a move to full retirement - by

Issued on

Number of not employed persons having reduced their working hours in a move to full retirement - by... details >

Enterprises - ICT functions performed by size class of enterprise Open Data

Enterprises - ICT functions performed by size class of enterprise

Issued on

Enterprises - ICT functions performed by size class of enterprise details >

[DISCONTINUED] Structure of costs of CVT courses per employee in enterprises with CVT courses (PPS) Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 12 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:07:07.930630Z

[DISCONTINUED] Structure of costs of CVT courses per employee in enterprises with CVT courses (PPS) details >

Annual enterprise statistics by size class of technical provisions Open Data

Annual enterprise statistics by size class of technical provisions

Issued on

Annual enterprise statistics by size class of technical provisions details >

Individuals using mobile devices to access the internet on the move Open Data

Use of mobile devices via mobile or wireless connection: mobile phone (or smart phone), portable com

Issued on

Individuals using mobile devices to access the internet on the move details >

Euro yield curve by maturity (1, 5 and 10 years) Open Data

A yield curve (which is known as the term structure of interest rates) represents the relationship b

Issued on

Euro yield curve by maturity (1, 5 and 10 years) details >

Population by group of country of birth, educational attainment level and NUTS 2 region Open Data

Population by group of country of birth, educational attainment level and NUTS 2 region

Issued on

Population by group of country of birth, educational attainment level and NUTS 2 region details >

Inactivity rate by sex, age, educational attainment level and work experience while studying Open Data

Inactivity rate by sex, age, educational attainment level and work experience while studying

Issued on

Inactivity rate by sex, age, educational attainment level and work experience while studying details >

Building permits - annual data Open Data

Building permits - annual data

Issued on

Building permits - annual data details >

Calculation of overall target - details Open Data

Calculation of overall target - details

Issued on

Calculation of overall target - details details >

[DISCONTINUED] Participants in other form of CVT as a percentage of employees in all enterprises by... Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 12 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:14:17.132904Z

[DISCONTINUED] Participants in other form of CVT as a percentage of employees in all enterprises by... details >

Persons providing informal care or assistance at least once a week by sex, age and degree of... Open Data

Persons providing informal care or assistance at least once a week by sex, age and degree of urbanis

Issued on

Persons providing informal care or assistance at least once a week by sex, age and degree of... details >

Unemployment by sex, age and type of employment sought (1 000) Open Data

Unemployment by sex, age and type of employment sought (1 000)

Issued on

Unemployment by sex, age and type of employment sought (1 000) details >

Government support to agricultural research and development Open Data

<p>The indicator refers to Government budget allocations for R&amp;D (GBARD) for agriculture. GBARD

Issued on

Government support to agricultural research and development details >

BERD by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity and source of funds (1981-2010) Open Data

BERD by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity and source of funds (1981-2010)

Issued on

BERD by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity and source of funds (1981-2010) details >

Train traffic on the rail network - Czech Republic (2005) Open Data

Train traffic on the rail network - Czech Republic (2005)

Issued on

Train traffic on the rail network - Czech Republic (2005) details >

Imports - all products - annual data Open Data

Imports - all products - annual data

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:28:28.713758Z

Imports - all products - annual data details >

Air passenger transport by reporting country Open Data

Air passenger transport by reporting country

Issued on

Air passenger transport by reporting country details >

GDP and main aggregates- international data cooperation annual data Open Data

GDP and main aggregates- international data cooperation annual data

Issued on

GDP and main aggregates- international data cooperation annual data details >

[DISCONTINUED] Foreign control of enterprises data for Austria Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 03 Jul 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T07:58:33.609896Z

[DISCONTINUED] Foreign control of enterprises data for Austria details >

Expenditure on accommodation by trip arrangement and booking channel of the main mode of... Open Data

Expenditure on accommodation by trip arrangement and booking channel of the main mode of accommodati

Issued on

Expenditure on accommodation by trip arrangement and booking channel of the main mode of... details >

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Luxembourg and their main partner... Open Data

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Luxembourg and their main partner airpor

Issued on

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Luxembourg and their main partner... details >
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