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Freight and mail air transport (including national transport) Open Data
Freight and mail air transport (including national transport)
Issued on
Main care related reasons for not working or working part-time (1 000) Open Data
Main care related reasons for not working or working part-time (1 000)
Issued on
National annual road freight transport by regions of unloading, group of goods and metropolitan... Open Data
National annual road freight transport by regions of unloading, group of goods and metropolitan regi
Issued on
[DISCONTINUED] Participants in other forms of CVT as a % of employees in CVT other form enterprises... Open Data
The product has been discontinued since: 12 Feb 2018.
Issued on 2015-10-16T09:35:26.046422Z
Problems experienced when using e-government websites (2013) Open Data
Problems experienced when using e-government websites (2013)
Issued on
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old taking time off over the last 12 months for... Open Data
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old taking time off over the last 12 months for f
Issued on
Transport by type of good (1982-2007 with NST/R) Open Data
Transport by type of good (1982-2007 with NST/R)
Issued on
Fodder crops: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA) and size of fodder crops area Open Data
Fodder crops: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA) and size of fodder crops area
Issued on
Self-employed persons by main reason for becoming self-employed, sex and professional status Open Data
Self-employed persons by main reason for becoming self-employed, sex and professional status
Issued on
Overall perceived social support by sex, age and country of citizenship Open Data
Overall perceived social support by sex, age and country of citizenship
Issued on
Participation in formal education by sex and age Open Data
Participation in formal education by sex and age
Issued on
Number of employees by sex, age and economic activity Open Data
Number of employees by sex, age and economic activity
Issued on
Hourly earnings by economic activity and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed... Open Data
Hourly earnings by economic activity and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed pers
Issued on
Receipts - Tables by sector of origin and type, in % of the GDP Open Data
Receipts - Tables by sector of origin and type, in % of the GDP
Issued on
Nominal unit labour cost growth - (ESA 2010) Open Data
This derived indicator compares remuneration (compensation per employee in current prices) and produ
Issued on
Transport of dangerous goods Open Data
Transport of dangerous goods
Issued on
Turnover by type of client and NACE Rev.1 at 3-digit level Open Data
Turnover by type of client and NACE Rev.1 at 3-digit level
Issued on
Summary of EU aggregates Open Data
Summary of EU aggregates
Issued on
At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers by age group - EU-SILC survey Open Data
The share of persons with an equivalised disposable income, before social transfers, below the at-ri
Issued on
Mean and median income before social transfers (pensions excluded from social transfers) by age and... Open Data
Mean and median income before social transfers (pensions excluded from social transfers) by age and
Issued on
Candidate countries and potential candidates: trading partners - flows Open Data
Candidate countries and potential candidates: trading partners - flows
Issued on
Expenditure on education in constant prices Open Data
Expenditure on education in constant prices
Issued on
[DISCONTINUED] Business demography by size class and coastal regions Open Data
Dataset replaced by: http://data.europa.eu/euodp/data/dataset/Ebh6shVTP7yY5kotlqKg
Issued on 2016-07-28T06:43:40.349113Z
[DISCONTINUED] EU patent citations in USPTO grants according to inventors' country of residence Open Data
The product has been discontinued since: 25 Jun 2018.
Issued on 2015-10-16T10:33:13.013569Z
Production in industry - consumer non-durables Open Data
The industrial production index shows the output and activity of the industry sector. It measures ch
Issued on
[DISCONTINUED] Enterprises providing any other form of training as % of all enterprises, by form of... Open Data
Dataset replaced by: http://data.europa.eu/euodp/data/dataset/oz3objIPd4k5DyvYCUad8A
Issued on 2015-10-16T07:54:24.581184Z
Individuals - devices used to access the internet Open Data
Individuals - devices used to access the internet
Issued on
Exports - gas - annual data Open Data
Exports - gas - annual data
Issued on
Deaths by week, sex, 10-year age group and NUTS 3 region Open Data
Deaths by week, sex, 10-year age group and NUTS 3 region
Issued on
Trade by type of trader Open Data
Trade by type of trader
Issued on
Mean monthly earnings by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation Open Data
Mean monthly earnings by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Issued on
[DISCONTINUED] Enterprises which establish the training needs of their personnel as % of training... Open Data
The product has been discontinued since: 09 Feb 2018.
Issued on 2015-10-16T08:56:55.471176Z
Number of persons between 15 and 64 years old wishing to change the organisation of their working... Open Data
Number of persons between 15 and 64 years old wishing to change the organisation of their working li
Issued on
[DISCONTINUED] Hours in CVT courses per 1 000 hours worked (all enterprises), by NACE Rev. 1.1 Open Data
Dataset replaced by: http://data.europa.eu/euodp/data/dataset/UTkc6pYgcTsVW8hbByYxpw
Issued on 2015-10-16T08:11:53.366260Z
Labour costs annual data - NACE Rev. 2 Open Data
This table contains data on Average hourly labour costs which are defined as total labour costs divi
Issued on
[DISCONTINUED] Supplementary indicators to unemployment by sex and citizenship - annual average Open Data
Dataset replaced by: http://data.europa.eu/euodp/data/dataset/hWQy6bJNsqvAySJhrYMNQ
Issued on 2015-10-16T08:36:06.070281Z
Producer prices in industry, total - monthly data Open Data
Producer prices in industry, total - monthly data
Issued on
Level of the best-known foreign language (self-reported) by sex Open Data
Level of the best-known foreign language (self-reported) by sex
Issued on
Use of ICT at work and activities performed Open Data
Use of ICT at work and activities performed
Issued on
Population by type of longstanding health problem, sex and age Open Data
Population by type of longstanding health problem, sex and age
Issued on
National annual road freight transport by regions of unloading (NUTS 3) and by group of goods (1 000... Open Data
National annual road freight transport by regions of unloading (NUTS 3) and by group of goods (1 000
Issued on
House price index, deflated - quarterly data Open Data
The deflated house price index (or real house price index) is the ratio between the house price inde
Issued on
Mean annual holidays by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation Open Data
Mean annual holidays by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Issued on
All valid permits by age, sex and citizenship on 31 December of each year Open Data
All valid permits by age, sex and citizenship on 31 December of each year
Issued on
[DISCONTINUED] Area under glass Open Data
The product has been discontinued since: 22 Jan 2016.
Issued on 2015-10-16T10:27:28.561706Z
Candidate countries and potential candidates: prices Open Data
Candidate countries and potential candidates: prices
Issued on
Live births by mother's year of birth (age reached) and legal marital status Open Data
Live births by mother's year of birth (age reached) and legal marital status
Issued on
Employment by NACE Rev. 2 activity, age and European socio-economic group Open Data
Employment by NACE Rev. 2 activity, age and European socio-economic group
Issued on
Employed persons by sex, age group, educational attainment level, occupation (ISCO-88) and NUTS 3... Open Data
Employed persons by sex, age group, educational attainment level, occupation (ISCO-88) and NUTS 3 re
Issued on
Consultation of a medical doctor (in private practice or as outpatient) per inhabitant Open Data
Consultation of a medical doctor (in private practice or as outpatient) per inhabitant
Issued on
Healthy life years by sex (from 2004 onwards) Open Data
Healthy life years by sex (from 2004 onwards)
Issued on
Total financial sector liabilities, by instruments, non-consolidated - % of GDP Open Data
The total financial sector liabilities measures the evolution of the sum of liabilities (which inclu
Issued on
Expenditure for selected health care functions by health care financing schemes Open Data
Expenditure for selected health care functions by health care financing schemes
Issued on
Students enrolled in tertiary education by education level, programme orientation, sex, type of... Open Data
Students enrolled in tertiary education by education level, programme orientation, sex, type of inst
Issued on
Deaths by week, sex, 20-year age group and NUTS 2 region Open Data
Deaths by week, sex, 20-year age group and NUTS 2 region
Issued on
Exports and imports by Member States of the EU/third countries Open Data
Exports and imports by Member States of the EU/third countries
Issued on
[DISCONTINUED] Households with internet access at home Open Data
The product has been discontinued since: 03 Jul 2018. The access to internet of households is mea
Issued on 2015-10-16T10:12:54.065029Z
Catches - north-east Atlantic (1950-1984) Open Data
Catches - north-east Atlantic (1950-1984)
Issued on
Energy balance Open Data
Energy balance
Issued on
Death due to ischaemic heart diseases by NUTS 2 regions Open Data
Causes of Death data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisatio
Issued on
Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, sex, occupation Open Data
Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, sex, occupation
Issued on
Air passenger transport between the main airports of Poland and their main partner airports (routes... Open Data
Air passenger transport between the main airports of Poland and their main partner airports (routes
Issued on
Average hours worked and paid per employee, by working time and NACE Rev. 2 activity Open Data
Average hours worked and paid per employee, by working time and NACE Rev. 2 activity
Issued on
Candidate countries and potential candidates: Government statistics Open Data
Candidate countries and potential candidates: Government statistics
Issued on
Pesticide use in agriculture Open Data
Pesticide use in agriculture
Issued on
Number of innovating enterprises considering the listed sources of information as not relevant, by... Open Data
Number of innovating enterprises considering the listed sources of information as not relevant, by s
Issued on
Supply table at basic prices incl. transformation into purchasers' prices Open Data
Supply table at basic prices incl. transformation into purchasers' prices
Issued on
Fruit and berry plantations: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size... Open Data
Fruit and berry plantations: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size o
Issued on
Monthly earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or... Open Data
Monthly earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or
Issued on
[DISCONTINUED] Unit labour cost - quarterly data Open Data
The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.
Issued on 2015-10-16T10:17:23.606983Z
European Union and euro area balance of payments - monthly data (BPM6) Open Data
European Union and euro area balance of payments - monthly data (BPM6)
Issued on
[DISCONTINUED] Extra-EU27 trade, by main partners, total product Open Data
The product has been discontinued since: 29 Nov 2016. The table shows the 20 main partners of the
Issued on 2015-10-16T09:01:09.074239Z
Key technologies for the internet of things by size class of enterprise Open Data
Key technologies for the internet of things by size class of enterprise
Issued on
Mean annual holidays by economic activity, sex, educational attainment level Open Data
Mean annual holidays by economic activity, sex, educational attainment level
Issued on
Projected life expectancy by age (in completed years), sex and type of projection Open Data
Projected life expectancy by age (in completed years), sex and type of projection
Issued on
Total gross electricity generation Open Data
Total gross electricity generation covers gross electricity generation in all types of power plants.
Issued on
HICP - item weights Open Data
HICP - item weights
Issued on
Perception survey results Open Data
Perception survey results
Issued on
ENP countries: trading partners - balance Open Data
ENP countries: trading partners - balance
Issued on
Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination by sex, age, main reason declared and degree of... Open Data
Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination by sex, age, main reason declared and degree of ur
Issued on
Employment rate by sex Open Data
The indicator measures the share of the population aged 20 to 64 which is employed. Employed persons
Issued on
Main vine varieties by age group Open Data
Main vine varieties by age group
Issued on
Money market interest rates - quarterly data Open Data
Money market interest rates - quarterly data
Issued on
Net electricity generation by type of fuel - monthly data Open Data
Net electricity generation by type of fuel - monthly data
Issued on
Share of European Union EU27 (from 2020) in the World Trade Open Data
Share of European Union EU27 (from 2020) in the World Trade
Issued on
[DISCONTINUED] Participants in other form of CVT as a percentage of employees in all enterprises, by... Open Data
The product has been discontinued since: 12 Feb 2018.
Issued on 2015-10-16T08:54:02.723821Z
Current account, main components, debit - quarterly data, million units of national currency Open Data
The Current account provides information about the transactions of a country with the rest of the wo
Issued on
Landuse Open Data
Issued on
Population with work interruption for childcare by duration of interruption and educational... Open Data
Population with work interruption for childcare by duration of interruption and educational attainme
Issued on
[DISCONTINUED] Turnover from innovation Open Data
The product has been discontinued since: 10 Jan 2018. This indicator is defined as the ratio of t
Issued on 2015-10-16T11:05:05.079080Z
[DISCONTINUED] Expenditure of providers of health care by financing agents in health care - % Open Data
Dataset replaced by: http://data.europa.eu/euodp/data/dataset/Ppm74NpZzOYGeS0r5IBA
Issued on 2015-10-16T09:40:28.350066Z
Absence from work due to personal health problems by sex, age and educational attainment level Open Data
Absence from work due to personal health problems by sex, age and educational attainment level
Issued on
Volume of containers transported to/from main ports - quarterly data (2011 - 2012) Open Data
Volume of containers transported to/from main ports - quarterly data (2011 - 2012)
Issued on
[DISCONTINUED] Labour input in wholesale and retail trade - quarterly data, percentage change Open Data
Dataset replaced by: http://data.europa.eu/euodp/data/dataset/Hnfabec63lDFRHbney88NA
Issued on 2015-10-16T08:26:02.198215Z
Economic accounts for agriculture - values at constant prices (2010 = 100) Open Data
Economic accounts for agriculture - values at constant prices (2010 = 100)
Issued on
Water productivity Open Data
<p><p>Water productivity indicates how much economic output is produced per cubic meter of fresh wat
Issued on
Participation rate in job-related non-formal education and training by degree of urbanisation Open Data
Participation rate in job-related non-formal education and training by degree of urbanisation
Issued on
Money market interest rates - annual data Open Data
Money market interest rates - annual data
Issued on
Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex and NUTS 2 regions (NEET... Open Data
Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex and NUTS 2 regions (NEET rat
Issued on
Unemployment rate - annual data Open Data
<p>The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed persons as a percentage of the labour force bas
Issued on
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