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Annual road freight transport by axle configuration (Mio tkm, Mio Veh-km, 1 000 Jrnys) Open Data

Annual road freight transport by axle configuration (Mio tkm, Mio Veh-km, 1 000 Jrnys)

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Annual road freight transport by axle configuration (Mio tkm, Mio Veh-km, 1 000 Jrnys) details >

Young people's at-risk-of-poverty or exclusion rate by sex, age and living/not living with parents Open Data

Young people's at-risk-of-poverty or exclusion rate by sex, age and living/not living with parents

Issued on

Young people's at-risk-of-poverty or exclusion rate by sex, age and living/not living with parents details >

ENP countries: transport Open Data

ENP countries: transport

Issued on

ENP countries: transport details >

Cost of CVT courses per employee (only enterprises with CVT courses), by type of cost and size class Open Data

Cost of CVT courses per employee (only enterprises with CVT courses), by type of cost and size class

Issued on

Cost of CVT courses per employee (only enterprises with CVT courses), by type of cost and size class details >

Participation rate in education and training by labour status Open Data

Participation rate in education and training by labour status

Issued on

Participation rate in education and training by labour status details >

BERD by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity (1981-2010) Open Data

BERD by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity (1981-2010)

Issued on

BERD by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity (1981-2010) details >

Gross value added by A*10 industry- international data cooperation quarterly data Open Data

Gross value added by A*10 industry- international data cooperation quarterly data

Issued on

Gross value added by A*10 industry- international data cooperation quarterly data details >

Construction - monthly data - index (2015 = 100) (NACE Rev. 2) Open Data

Construction - monthly data - index (2015 = 100) (NACE Rev. 2)

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Construction - monthly data - index (2015 = 100) (NACE Rev. 2) details >

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Norway - quarterly data Open Data

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Norway - quarterly data

Issued on

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Norway - quarterly data details >

EU27 (from 2020) international trade - monthly data Open Data

EU27 (from 2020) international trade - monthly data

Issued on

EU27 (from 2020) international trade - monthly data details >

European Neighbourhood Policy East Countries trade in goods by SITC product group Open Data

European Neighbourhood Policy East Countries trade in goods by SITC product group

Issued on

European Neighbourhood Policy East Countries trade in goods by SITC product group details >

Employees by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and method used... Open Data

Employees by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and method used

Issued on

Employees by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and method used... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Percentage of enterprises having a training planning and/or budget, by NACE Rev. 2 Open Data

Dataset replaced by: Percentage of

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:57:13.509027Z

[DISCONTINUED] Percentage of enterprises having a training planning and/or budget, by NACE Rev. 2 details >

Train traffic on the rail network - Lithuania (2005) Open Data

Train traffic on the rail network - Lithuania (2005)

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Train traffic on the rail network - Lithuania (2005) details >

Employed HRST by category, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity (1994-2007) Open Data

Employed HRST by category, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity (1994-2007)

Issued on

Employed HRST by category, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity (1994-2007) details >

Extra-EU trade of other manufactured goods (SITC 6+8) by partner Open Data

Extra-EU trade of other manufactured goods (SITC 6+8) by partner

Issued on

Extra-EU trade of other manufactured goods (SITC 6+8) by partner details >

Work from home, from an external site or on the move Open Data

Work from home, from an external site or on the move

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Work from home, from an external site or on the move details >

Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - crude death rate, 3 year average - males Open Data

Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - crude death rate, 3 year average - males

Issued on

Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - crude death rate, 3 year average - males details >

Community design (CD) applications Open Data

Community design (CD) applications

Issued on

Community design (CD) applications details >

Active population by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000) Open Data

Active population by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)

Issued on

Active population by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000) details >

Number of accidents at work by type of workstation, NACE Rev. 1.1 activity, sex, age and severity Open Data

Number of accidents at work by type of workstation, NACE Rev. 1.1 activity, sex, age and severity

Issued on

Number of accidents at work by type of workstation, NACE Rev. 1.1 activity, sex, age and severity details >

New motor coaches, buses and trolley buses by type of motor energy Open Data

New motor coaches, buses and trolley buses by type of motor energy

Issued on

New motor coaches, buses and trolley buses by type of motor energy details >

[DISCONTINUED] Training enterprises: % of reasons having an influence on the scope of the... Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:30:17.851906Z

[DISCONTINUED] Training enterprises: % of reasons having an influence on the scope of the... details >

Participation rate in non-formal education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex and age Open Data

Participation rate in non-formal education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex and age

Issued on

Participation rate in non-formal education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex and age details >

Gender differences in the relative income of older people - EU-SILC survey Open Data

The indicator is defined as the absolute difference between males and females in the relative income

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Gender differences in the relative income of older people - EU-SILC survey details >

Number of persons between 15 and 64 years old regularly taking care of other children up to 14 or... Open Data

Number of persons between 15 and 64 years old regularly taking care of other children up to 14 or pe

Issued on

Number of persons between 15 and 64 years old regularly taking care of other children up to 14 or... details >

Real growth rate of regional gross value added (GVA) at basic prices by NUTS 2 regions Open Data

GVA (gross value added) is an indicator of the economic activity of a country or a region. It reflec

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Real growth rate of regional gross value added (GVA) at basic prices by NUTS 2 regions details >

GBARD by socioeconomic objectives (NABS 2007) Open Data

GBARD by socioeconomic objectives (NABS 2007)

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GBARD by socioeconomic objectives (NABS 2007) details >

Participants in CVT courses by type of CVT planning and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % of persons... Open Data

Participants in CVT courses by type of CVT planning and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % of persons employ

Issued on

Participants in CVT courses by type of CVT planning and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % of persons... details >

Reasons of non-participation in formal or informal voluntary activities, active citizenship in the... Open Data

Reasons of non-participation in formal or informal voluntary activities, active citizenship in the l

Issued on

Reasons of non-participation in formal or informal voluntary activities, active citizenship in the... details >

Adult participation in learning by sex Open Data

The indicator measures the share of people aged 25 to 64 who stated that they received formal or non

Issued on

Adult participation in learning by sex details >

Work on weekends by sex, age, professional status and occupation Open Data

Work on weekends by sex, age, professional status and occupation

Issued on

Work on weekends by sex, age, professional status and occupation details >

Number of enterprises by importance of barriers met in cross border trade and employment size class Open Data

Number of enterprises by importance of barriers met in cross border trade and employment size class

Issued on

Number of enterprises by importance of barriers met in cross border trade and employment size class details >

Estimated soil erosion by water - area affected by severe erosion rate (source: JRC) Open Data

The indicator assesses the soil loss by water erosion processes (rain splash, sheetwash and rills) a

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Estimated soil erosion by water - area affected by severe erosion rate (source: JRC) details >

People declaring physical pain or physical discomfort by sex, age and educational attainment level... Open Data

People declaring physical pain or physical discomfort by sex, age and educational attainment level (

Issued on

People declaring physical pain or physical discomfort by sex, age and educational attainment level... details >

Exports of oil and petroleum products by partner country Open Data

Exports of oil and petroleum products by partner country

Issued on

Exports of oil and petroleum products by partner country details >

Turnover by product specialisation and employment size class for group 72.2 Open Data

Turnover by product specialisation and employment size class for group 72.2

Issued on

Turnover by product specialisation and employment size class for group 72.2 details >

Persons visiting a doctor in the last 12 months by medical speciality, number of visits, educational... Open Data

Persons visiting a doctor in the last 12 months by medical speciality, number of visits, educational

Issued on

Persons visiting a doctor in the last 12 months by medical speciality, number of visits, educational... details >

[DISCONTINUED] People at risk of poverty after social transfers Open Data

Dataset replaced by: Persons and

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:21:51.006986Z

[DISCONTINUED] People at risk of poverty after social transfers details >

Housing units by type of building Open Data

Housing units by type of building

Issued on

Housing units by type of building details >

Barley by area, production and humidity Open Data

This table includes the area, production and humidity of barley: winter barley sown before or during

Issued on

Barley by area, production and humidity details >

At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers (pensions included in social transfers) by poverty... Open Data

At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers (pensions included in social transfers) by poverty t

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At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers (pensions included in social transfers) by poverty... details >

Employees with care responsibilities by working time flexibility for care, educational attainment... Open Data

Employees with care responsibilities by working time flexibility for care, educational attainment le

Issued on

Employees with care responsibilities by working time flexibility for care, educational attainment... details >

Persons who cannot afford to replace worn-out clothes by some new (not second-hand) ones by... Open Data

Persons who cannot afford to replace worn-out clothes by some new (not second-hand) ones by employme

Issued on

Persons who cannot afford to replace worn-out clothes by some new (not second-hand) ones by... details >

Income distribution Open Data

The indicator is a measure of the inequality of income distribution. It is calculated as the ratio o

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Income distribution details >

Annual enterprise statistics by geographical breakdown and products until 2003 Open Data

Annual enterprise statistics by geographical breakdown and products until 2003

Issued on

Annual enterprise statistics by geographical breakdown and products until 2003 details >

Share of R&D personnel and researchers in total active population and employment by sector of... Open Data

Share of R&D personnel and researchers in total active population and employment by sector of perfor

Issued on

Share of R&D personnel and researchers in total active population and employment by sector of... details >

Current account transactions - goods: credits, debits and balance Open Data

The balance of payments is a record of a country's international transactions with the rest of the w

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Current account transactions - goods: credits, debits and balance details >

Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - absolute number, 3 year average - males Open Data

Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - absolute number, 3 year average - males

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Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - absolute number, 3 year average - males details >

Percentage distribution of accidents at work by specific physical activity, NACE Rev. 1.1 activity,... Open Data

Percentage distribution of accidents at work by specific physical activity, NACE Rev. 1.1 activity,

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Percentage distribution of accidents at work by specific physical activity, NACE Rev. 1.1 activity,... details >

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - France Open Data

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - France

Issued on

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - France details >

Gross national income Open Data

Gross national income (at market prices) (ESA 2010, 8.94) represents total primary income receivable

Issued on

Gross national income details >

Purchasing Power Parities in the European Union (Duty stations) - index (Brussels = 1) Open Data

Purchasing Power Parities in the European Union (Duty stations) - index (Brussels = 1)

Issued on

Purchasing Power Parities in the European Union (Duty stations) - index (Brussels = 1) details >

At-risk-of-poverty rate by poverty threshold and educational attainment level - EU-SILC survey Open Data

At-risk-of-poverty rate by poverty threshold and educational attainment level - EU-SILC survey

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At-risk-of-poverty rate by poverty threshold and educational attainment level - EU-SILC survey details >

Employed persons by current and preferred professional status, sex and country of birth Open Data

Employed persons by current and preferred professional status, sex and country of birth

Issued on

Employed persons by current and preferred professional status, sex and country of birth details >

Turnover in services - index and percentage changes Open Data

The objective of the turnover index is to show the development of the market of services. Turnover c

Issued on

Turnover in services - index and percentage changes details >

European Union and euro area balance of payments - quarterly data (BPM6) Open Data

European Union and euro area balance of payments - quarterly data (BPM6)

Issued on

European Union and euro area balance of payments - quarterly data (BPM6) details >

[DISCONTINUED] Enterprises by types of innovation cooperation, size class and NACE Rev. 2 activity... Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 26 Jun 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:52:55.316444Z

[DISCONTINUED] Enterprises by types of innovation cooperation, size class and NACE Rev. 2 activity... details >

Overcrowding rate for young people by sex, age and poverty status Open Data

Overcrowding rate for young people by sex, age and poverty status

Issued on

Overcrowding rate for young people by sex, age and poverty status details >

Employees with care responsibilities by working time flexibility for care and occupation Open Data

Employees with care responsibilities by working time flexibility for care and occupation

Issued on

Employees with care responsibilities by working time flexibility for care and occupation details >

[DISCONTINUED] Direct investment outward flows by main country of destination Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018. For all reporters, outward FDI flows are br

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:33:58.848568Z

[DISCONTINUED] Direct investment outward flows by main country of destination details >

Physical and sensory functional limitations by sex, age and educational attainment level (%) Open Data

Physical and sensory functional limitations by sex, age and educational attainment level (%)

Issued on

Physical and sensory functional limitations by sex, age and educational attainment level (%) details >

Participants in CVT courses by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % of persons employed in enterprises... Open Data

Participants in CVT courses by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % of persons employed in enterprises

Issued on

Participants in CVT courses by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % of persons employed in enterprises... details >

Insurance, by type of enterprise Open Data

A count of the number of all life insurance enterprises active during at least a part of the referen

Issued on

Insurance, by type of enterprise details >

Retail trade deflated turnover - total Open Data

The Retail Trade Index is a business cycle indicator which shows the monthly activity of the retail

Issued on

Retail trade deflated turnover - total details >

[DISCONTINUED] Number of certified registered organic operators by type of operators Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T07:58:05.063697Z

[DISCONTINUED] Number of certified registered organic operators by type of operators details >

[DISCONTINUED] Final consumption expenditure of households by consumption purpose - COICOP 3 digit -... Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:49:33.265383Z

[DISCONTINUED] Final consumption expenditure of households by consumption purpose - COICOP 3 digit -... details >

Turnover by residence of client and by employment size class for div 72 and 74 Open Data

Turnover by residence of client and by employment size class for div 72 and 74

Issued on

Turnover by residence of client and by employment size class for div 72 and 74 details >

Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by economic activity Open Data

Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by economic activity

Issued on

Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by economic activity details >

HRST by category, age and NUTS 1 regions Open Data

HRST by category, age and NUTS 1 regions

Issued on

HRST by category, age and NUTS 1 regions details >

Population on 1 January by age groups and sex - functional urban areas Open Data

Population on 1 January by age groups and sex - functional urban areas

Issued on

Population on 1 January by age groups and sex - functional urban areas details >

Job-to-job mobility of HRST by sex Open Data

Job-to-job mobility of HRST by sex

Issued on

Job-to-job mobility of HRST by sex details >

Enterprises which assess their future skill needs by type of training provided and size class - % of... Open Data

Enterprises which assess their future skill needs by type of training provided and size class - % of

Issued on

Enterprises which assess their future skill needs by type of training provided and size class - % of... details >

Expenditure on transport by main mode of transport Open Data

Expenditure on transport by main mode of transport

Issued on

Expenditure on transport by main mode of transport details >

EMU convergence criterion series - monthly data Open Data

EMU convergence criterion series - monthly data

Issued on

EMU convergence criterion series - monthly data details >

Mean and median income before social transfers (pensions included in social transfers) by age and... Open Data

Mean and median income before social transfers (pensions included in social transfers) by age and se

Issued on

Mean and median income before social transfers (pensions included in social transfers) by age and... details >

Students by age, sex and NUTS 2 regions Open Data

Students by age, sex and NUTS 2 regions

Issued on

Students by age, sex and NUTS 2 regions details >

[DISCONTINUED] Income, saving and net lending/ borrowing - Current prices Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:48:57.249657Z

[DISCONTINUED] Income, saving and net lending/ borrowing - Current prices details >

Death due to chronic liver disease, by sex Open Data

Death rate of a population adjusted to a standard age distribution. As most causes of death vary sig

Issued on

Death due to chronic liver disease, by sex details >

Former daily tobacco smokers by sex, age and educational attainment level Open Data

Former daily tobacco smokers by sex, age and educational attainment level

Issued on

Former daily tobacco smokers by sex, age and educational attainment level details >

Assumptions for net migration by age, sex, type of projection and NUTS 3 region Open Data

Assumptions for net migration by age, sex, type of projection and NUTS 3 region

Issued on

Assumptions for net migration by age, sex, type of projection and NUTS 3 region details >

Estimated trends in fishing pressure, by fishing area (source: JRC-STECF) Open Data

<p>The indicator presents the model-based median value of fishing pressure (F/Fmsy) in EU marine wat

Issued on

Estimated trends in fishing pressure, by fishing area (source: JRC-STECF) details >

Construction producer prices or costs, new residential buildings - quarterly data Open Data

Construction producer prices or costs, new residential buildings - quarterly data

Issued on

Construction producer prices or costs, new residential buildings - quarterly data details >

Conversion factors for euro fixed series into euro/ECU - quarterly data Open Data

Conversion factors for euro fixed series into euro/ECU - quarterly data

Issued on

Conversion factors for euro fixed series into euro/ECU - quarterly data details >

Wastewater generation and discharge by NUTS2 regions Open Data

Wastewater generation and discharge by NUTS2 regions

Issued on

Wastewater generation and discharge by NUTS2 regions details >

Number of establishments, bedrooms and bed-places Open Data

Number of establishments, bedrooms and bed-places

Issued on

Number of establishments, bedrooms and bed-places details >

Participation rate in job-related non-formal education and training by type and educational... Open Data

Participation rate in job-related non-formal education and training by type and educational attainme

Issued on

Participation rate in job-related non-formal education and training by type and educational... details >

Mean annual earnings by economic activity, sex, employment contract Open Data

Mean annual earnings by economic activity, sex, employment contract

Issued on

Mean annual earnings by economic activity, sex, employment contract details >

Extra-EU trade since 2000 by mode of transport, by NST/R Open Data

Extra-EU trade since 2000 by mode of transport, by NST/R

Issued on

Extra-EU trade since 2000 by mode of transport, by NST/R details >

Mean annual holidays by economic activity, sex, occupation Open Data

Mean annual holidays by economic activity, sex, occupation

Issued on

Mean annual holidays by economic activity, sex, occupation details >

Persons who cannot afford to regularly participate in a leisure activity by employment status and... Open Data

Persons who cannot afford to regularly participate in a leisure activity by employment status and in

Issued on

Persons who cannot afford to regularly participate in a leisure activity by employment status and... details >

Air passenger transport between the main airports of Montenegro and their main partner airports... Open Data

Air passenger transport between the main airports of Montenegro and their main partner airports (rou

Issued on

Air passenger transport between the main airports of Montenegro and their main partner airports... details >

Structure of earnings survey: monthly earnings Open Data

Structure of earnings survey: monthly earnings

Issued on

Structure of earnings survey: monthly earnings details >

[DISCONTINUED] Early leavers from education and training by sex Open Data

Dataset replaced by: The indicato

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:41:06.870868Z

[DISCONTINUED] Early leavers from education and training by sex details >

[DISCONTINUED] EU Imports from developing countries by group of products Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 15 Jan 2018. The indicator is defined as the value at ma

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:08:43.043386Z

[DISCONTINUED] EU Imports from developing countries by group of products details >

Catches - major fishing areas (from 2000 onwards) Open Data

Catches - major fishing areas (from 2000 onwards)

Issued on

Catches - major fishing areas (from 2000 onwards) details >

Employer business demography by size class (until 2007, NACE Rev. 1.1) Open Data

Employer business demography by size class (until 2007, NACE Rev. 1.1)

Issued on

Employer business demography by size class (until 2007, NACE Rev. 1.1) details >

[DISCONTINUED] Individuals using the internet for posting messages to social media sites or instant... Open Data

Dataset replaced by: Posting messa

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:52:26.080795Z

[DISCONTINUED] Individuals using the internet for posting messages to social media sites or instant... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Wine, production Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Jul 2018. Wine production corresponds to the Marketi

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:04:04.478993Z

[DISCONTINUED] Wine, production details >

Economic accounts for forestry - values at current prices Open Data

Economic accounts for forestry - values at current prices

Issued on

Economic accounts for forestry - values at current prices details >
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