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Registered Community designs (RCD) Open Data

Registered Community designs (RCD)

Issued on

Registered Community designs (RCD) details >

Distribution of population by housing cost burden and sex Open Data

Distribution of population by housing cost burden and sex

Issued on

Distribution of population by housing cost burden and sex details >

Persons in employment with childcare responsibilities by effect on employment and degree of... Open Data

Persons in employment with childcare responsibilities by effect on employment and degree of urbanisa

Issued on

Persons in employment with childcare responsibilities by effect on employment and degree of... details >

Population by single year of age and NUTS 3 region Open Data

Population by single year of age and NUTS 3 region

Issued on

Population by single year of age and NUTS 3 region details >

Population connected to at least secondary waste water treatment Open Data

The indicator measures the percentage of population connected to waste water treatment systems with

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Population connected to at least secondary waste water treatment details >

Severe housing deprivation rate by poverty status Open Data

<p>Severe housing deprivation rate is defined as the percentage of population living in the dwelling

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Severe housing deprivation rate by poverty status details >

Modal split of freight transport Open Data

This indicator is defined as the percentage share of each mode of transport in total inland transpor

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Modal split of freight transport details >

Direct investment - quarterly data, million units of national currency Open Data

The international investment position (IIP) is a statistical statement that shows at a point in time

Issued on

Direct investment - quarterly data, million units of national currency details >

Cloud computing services by size class of enterprise Open Data

Cloud computing services by size class of enterprise

Issued on

Cloud computing services by size class of enterprise details >

Area of the regions by other typologies Open Data

Area of the regions by other typologies

Issued on

Area of the regions by other typologies details >

Animal populations by NUTS 2 regions Open Data

Livestock numbers are derived from surveys of farms or from administrative sources in November or De

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Animal populations by NUTS 2 regions details >

GERD by sector of performance and NUTS 2 regions Open Data

GERD by sector of performance and NUTS 2 regions

Issued on

GERD by sector of performance and NUTS 2 regions details >

Employment by type of disability, sex, age and professional status Open Data

Employment by type of disability, sex, age and professional status

Issued on

Employment by type of disability, sex, age and professional status details >

Foreign students by level and field of education Open Data

Foreign students by level and field of education

Issued on

Foreign students by level and field of education details >

Use table at basic prices - A*10 industry breakdowns Open Data

Use table at basic prices - A*10 industry breakdowns

Issued on

Use table at basic prices - A*10 industry breakdowns details >

Number of employees by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation Open Data

Number of employees by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation

Issued on

Number of employees by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation details >

Incoming 'Dublin' requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex... Open Data

Incoming 'Dublin' requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex an

Issued on

Incoming 'Dublin' requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex... details >

Smoking of tobacco products by sex, age and country of citizenship Open Data

Smoking of tobacco products by sex, age and country of citizenship

Issued on

Smoking of tobacco products by sex, age and country of citizenship details >

Annual earnings by economic control (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 2,... Open Data

Annual earnings by economic control (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-

Issued on

Annual earnings by economic control (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 2,... details >

Pending 'Dublin' outgoing requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, sex and type of... Open Data

Pending 'Dublin' outgoing requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, sex and type of

Issued on

Pending 'Dublin' outgoing requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, sex and type of... details >

Eu level - gross weight of goods handled in main ports, by various types of partner geographical... Open Data

Eu level - gross weight of goods handled in main ports, by various types of partner geographical are

Issued on

Eu level - gross weight of goods handled in main ports, by various types of partner geographical... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Quarterly national accounts by 10 branches - price indices Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:25:02.530935Z

[DISCONTINUED] Quarterly national accounts by 10 branches - price indices details >

Mean annual holidays by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation Open Data

Mean annual holidays by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation

Issued on

Mean annual holidays by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation details >

Activity rates by sex and age Open Data

Activity rates by sex and age

Issued on

Activity rates by sex and age details >

Agricultural holdings with livestock Open Data

Livestock are the production animals that are in direct possession or management of the holding on t

Issued on

Agricultural holdings with livestock details >

[DISCONTINUED] Extra-EU27 trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1), by Member State Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 29 Nov 2016. The table shows the Member States' contribu

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:18:30.329878Z

[DISCONTINUED] Extra-EU27 trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1), by Member State details >

Arrears on mortgage or rent payments - EU-SILC survey Open Data

Arrears on mortgage or rent payments - EU-SILC survey

Issued on

Arrears on mortgage or rent payments - EU-SILC survey details >

Production of environmental protection services of corporations as specialist producers by economic... Open Data

Production of environmental protection services of corporations as specialist producers by economic

Issued on

Production of environmental protection services of corporations as specialist producers by economic... details >

Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by tenure status - total population - EU-SILC... Open Data

Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by tenure status - total population - EU-SILC sur

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Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by tenure status - total population - EU-SILC... details >

Time spent in total work (paid and unpaid work as main or secondary activity) by sex and by form of... Open Data

Time spent in total work (paid and unpaid work as main or secondary activity) by sex and by form of

Issued on

Time spent in total work (paid and unpaid work as main or secondary activity) by sex and by form of... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Crude rate of natural change Open Data

Dataset replaced by: The crude rat

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:39:00.935110Z

[DISCONTINUED] Crude rate of natural change details >

Enterprises sourcing complete business functions abroad by NACE Rev.2 activity aggregate, type of... Open Data

Enterprises sourcing complete business functions abroad by NACE Rev.2 activity aggregate, type of bu

Issued on

Enterprises sourcing complete business functions abroad by NACE Rev.2 activity aggregate, type of... details >

Individuals - computer use Open Data

Individuals - computer use

Issued on

Individuals - computer use details >

Persons by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and educational... Open Data

Persons by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and educational at

Issued on

Persons by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and educational... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Foreign direct investment in developing countries, by income group Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 08 Feb 2018. The indicator displays Foreign Direct Inves

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:45:26.827890Z

[DISCONTINUED] Foreign direct investment in developing countries, by income group details >

Employees by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000 Open Data

Employees by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000

Issued on

Employees by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000 details >

Total financial sector liabilities, by instruments, consolidated - % of GDP Open Data

The total financial sector liabilities measures the evolution of the sum of liabilities (which inclu

Issued on

Total financial sector liabilities, by instruments, consolidated - % of GDP details >

Mean instruction hours spent by participant in education and training by labour status Open Data

Mean instruction hours spent by participant in education and training by labour status

Issued on

Mean instruction hours spent by participant in education and training by labour status details >

Employment in Foreign Affiliates of Domestic Enterprises Open Data

Employment in Foreign Affiliates of Domestic Enterprises

Issued on

Employment in Foreign Affiliates of Domestic Enterprises details >

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Romania Open Data

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Romania

Issued on

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Romania details >

[DISCONTINUED] Lemon and small citus fruit trees by density classes (area in ha) Open Data

Lemon and small citus fruit trees by density classes (area in ha). Replaced by [Orange, lemon and

Issued on 2015-10-16

[DISCONTINUED] Lemon and small citus fruit trees by density classes (area in ha) details >

[DISCONTINUED] Quarterly national accounts by 10 branches - employment data Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:15:07.507116Z

[DISCONTINUED] Quarterly national accounts by 10 branches - employment data details >

[DISCONTINUED] Final consumption aggregates - price indices Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:16:12.267020Z

[DISCONTINUED] Final consumption aggregates - price indices details >

Vegetables, melons, strawberries: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and... Open Data

Vegetables, melons, strawberries: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and s

Issued on

Vegetables, melons, strawberries: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and... details >

Self-reported use of prescribed medicines by sex, age and educational attainment level Open Data

Self-reported use of prescribed medicines by sex, age and educational attainment level

Issued on

Self-reported use of prescribed medicines by sex, age and educational attainment level details >

Reasons for partial success or lack of success in obtaining loan finance, by type of enterprise and... Open Data

Reasons for partial success or lack of success in obtaining loan finance, by type of enterprise and

Issued on

Reasons for partial success or lack of success in obtaining loan finance, by type of enterprise and... details >

Trade in recyclable raw materials Open Data

The indicator measures the quantities of selected waste categories and by-products that are shipped

Issued on

Trade in recyclable raw materials details >

[DISCONTINUED] Labour input in services - monthly data, percentage change Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:14:24.563231Z

[DISCONTINUED] Labour input in services - monthly data, percentage change details >

[DISCONTINUED] Health care expenditure by provider Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:45:23.337786Z

[DISCONTINUED] Health care expenditure by provider details >

Mean annual holidays by sex, age, occupation Open Data

Mean annual holidays by sex, age, occupation

Issued on

Mean annual holidays by sex, age, occupation details >

Candidate countries and potential candidates: monetary and other financial statistics Open Data

Candidate countries and potential candidates: monetary and other financial statistics

Issued on

Candidate countries and potential candidates: monetary and other financial statistics details >

HICP - non-energy industrial goods Open Data

Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) are designed for international comparisons of consumer

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HICP - non-energy industrial goods details >

Percentage distribution of types of assistance needed by not employed disabled people by sex Open Data

Percentage distribution of types of assistance needed by not employed disabled people by sex

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Percentage distribution of types of assistance needed by not employed disabled people by sex details >

3D printing and robotics by size class of enterprise Open Data

3D printing and robotics by size class of enterprise

Issued on

3D printing and robotics by size class of enterprise details >

Difficulties in personal care activities by sex, age and income quintile Open Data

Difficulties in personal care activities by sex, age and income quintile

Issued on

Difficulties in personal care activities by sex, age and income quintile details >

Persons living in households with very low work intensity by age and sex (population aged 0 to 64... Open Data

Persons living in households with very low work intensity by age and sex (population aged 0 to 64 ye

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Persons living in households with very low work intensity by age and sex (population aged 0 to 64... details >

Implementation type of a new marketing method Open Data

Implementation type of a new marketing method

Issued on

Implementation type of a new marketing method details >

SBS variables by employment size class for div 72 and 74 Open Data

SBS variables by employment size class for div 72 and 74

Issued on

SBS variables by employment size class for div 72 and 74 details >

Use of mobile connections to the internet by employees by size class of enterprise Open Data

Use of mobile connections to the internet by employees by size class of enterprise

Issued on

Use of mobile connections to the internet by employees by size class of enterprise details >

Environment - cities and greater cities Open Data

Environment - cities and greater cities

Issued on

Environment - cities and greater cities details >

Transport by type of cargo - country/regional flows Open Data

Transport by type of cargo - country/regional flows

Issued on

Transport by type of cargo - country/regional flows details >

Accidents at work by sex, age, severity, NACE Rev. 2 activity and contact mode of injury Open Data

Accidents at work by sex, age, severity, NACE Rev. 2 activity and contact mode of injury

Issued on

Accidents at work by sex, age, severity, NACE Rev. 2 activity and contact mode of injury details >

International intra-EU air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country and EU... Open Data

International intra-EU air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country and EU par

Issued on

International intra-EU air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country and EU... details >

Services by employment size class (NACE Rev. 2, H-N, S95) Open Data

Services by employment size class (NACE Rev. 2, H-N, S95)

Issued on

Services by employment size class (NACE Rev. 2, H-N, S95) details >

Persons reporting a work-related health problem by sex, age and size of enterprise Open Data

Persons reporting a work-related health problem by sex, age and size of enterprise

Issued on

Persons reporting a work-related health problem by sex, age and size of enterprise details >

[DISCONTINUED] Agricultural holdings with agricultural area 20-<50 ha Open Data

Dataset replaced by: The total ar

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:28:24.455316Z

[DISCONTINUED] Agricultural holdings with agricultural area 20-<50 ha details >

Individuals who used the internet, frequency of use and activities Open Data

Individuals who used the internet, frequency of use and activities

Issued on

Individuals who used the internet, frequency of use and activities details >

Participation in non-formal education and training by educational attainment level and labour status Open Data

Participation in non-formal education and training by educational attainment level and labour status

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Participation in non-formal education and training by educational attainment level and labour status details >

Mean age of women at childbirth and at birth of first child Open Data

The mean age of women at childbirth is the mean age of women when their children are born. The mean

Issued on

Mean age of women at childbirth and at birth of first child details >

[DISCONTINUED] Nominal holding gains/losses Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:00:33.207321Z

[DISCONTINUED] Nominal holding gains/losses details >

Previous occupations of the unemployed, by sex (1 000) Open Data

Previous occupations of the unemployed, by sex (1 000)

Issued on

Previous occupations of the unemployed, by sex (1 000) details >

Train traffic on the rail network - Italia (2015) Open Data

Train traffic on the rail network - Italia (2015)

Issued on

Train traffic on the rail network - Italia (2015) details >

Percentage of the population rating their satisfaction as high, medium or low by domain, sex, age... Open Data

Percentage of the population rating their satisfaction as high, medium or low by domain, sex, age an

Issued on

Percentage of the population rating their satisfaction as high, medium or low by domain, sex, age... details >

Employment rate by sex, age groups, educational attainment level and household composition (%) Open Data

Employment rate by sex, age groups, educational attainment level and household composition (%)

Issued on

Employment rate by sex, age groups, educational attainment level and household composition (%) details >

Difficulties in household activities by sex, age and level of activity limitation Open Data

Difficulties in household activities by sex, age and level of activity limitation

Issued on

Difficulties in household activities by sex, age and level of activity limitation details >

Turnover by type of activity for wholesale trade (NACE Rev. 2, G46) Open Data

Turnover by type of activity for wholesale trade (NACE Rev. 2, G46)

Issued on

Turnover by type of activity for wholesale trade (NACE Rev. 2, G46) details >

Turnover in industry - consumer durables Open Data

The Turnover Index is a business cycle indicator showing the monthly evolution of the market of good

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Turnover in industry - consumer durables details >

Ammonia emissions from agriculture - % of total emissions (source: EEA) Open Data

This indicator tracks trends in anthropogenic atmospheric emissions of ammonia by agriculture.

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Ammonia emissions from agriculture - % of total emissions (source: EEA) details >

Duration of working life Open Data

Duration of working life

Issued on

Duration of working life details >

Government bond yields, 10 years' maturity - annual data Open Data

Government bond yields, 10 years' maturity - annual data

Issued on

Government bond yields, 10 years' maturity - annual data details >

Persons participating in cultural activities in the last 12 months by sex and age Open Data

Persons participating in cultural activities in the last 12 months by sex and age

Issued on

Persons participating in cultural activities in the last 12 months by sex and age details >

Passengers transported to/from main ports - Sweden - quarterly data Open Data

Passengers transported to/from main ports - Sweden - quarterly data

Issued on

Passengers transported to/from main ports - Sweden - quarterly data details >

New lorries by load capacity Open Data

New lorries by load capacity

Issued on

New lorries by load capacity details >

[DISCONTINUED] Cost of CVT courses per employee (all enterprises), by type of cost and NACE Rev. 2 Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:42:01.696913Z

[DISCONTINUED] Cost of CVT courses per employee (all enterprises), by type of cost and NACE Rev. 2 details >

Candidate countries and potential candidates: balance of payments Open Data

Candidate countries and potential candidates: balance of payments

Issued on

Candidate countries and potential candidates: balance of payments details >

Cost of CVT courses by type and NACE Rev 1.1 activity - cost per person employed in all enterprises Open Data

Cost of CVT courses by type and NACE Rev 1.1 activity - cost per person employed in all enterprises

Issued on

Cost of CVT courses by type and NACE Rev 1.1 activity - cost per person employed in all enterprises details >

Community design (CD) applications by other typologies Open Data

Community design (CD) applications by other typologies

Issued on

Community design (CD) applications by other typologies details >

Population by sex, age and metropolitan regions Open Data

Population by sex, age and metropolitan regions

Issued on

Population by sex, age and metropolitan regions details >

Services turnover index, calendar adjusted Open Data

Services turnover index, calendar adjusted

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Services turnover index, calendar adjusted details >

Main reasons for part-time employment of young people by sex and age Open Data

Main reasons for part-time employment of young people by sex and age

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Main reasons for part-time employment of young people by sex and age details >

Train traffic on the rail network - Switzerland (2010) Open Data

Train traffic on the rail network - Switzerland (2010)

Issued on

Train traffic on the rail network - Switzerland (2010) details >

Price indices of agricultural products, output (2000 = 100) - annual data Open Data

Price indices of agricultural products, output (2000 = 100) - annual data

Issued on

Price indices of agricultural products, output (2000 = 100) - annual data details >

Households - availability of computers Open Data

Households - availability of computers

Issued on

Households - availability of computers details >

Level of the best-known foreign language (self-reported) by degree of urbanisation Open Data

Level of the best-known foreign language (self-reported) by degree of urbanisation

Issued on

Level of the best-known foreign language (self-reported) by degree of urbanisation details >

Live births by NUTS 2 region Open Data

Live births are the births of children that showed any sign of life

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Live births by NUTS 2 region details >

Employment rates of recent graduates Open Data

The indicator ‘employment rates of recent graduates’ presents the employment rates of persons aged 2

Issued on

Employment rates of recent graduates details >

Passenger cars, by type of motor energy and size of engine Open Data

Passenger cars, by type of motor energy and size of engine

Issued on

Passenger cars, by type of motor energy and size of engine details >

Enterprises that use tax incentives or allowances for innovative activities and research and... Open Data

Enterprises that use tax incentives or allowances for innovative activities and research and develop

Issued on

Enterprises that use tax incentives or allowances for innovative activities and research and... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Regular farm labour force, by sex Open Data

Dataset replaced by: Labour force

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:17:11.420287Z

[DISCONTINUED] Regular farm labour force, by sex details >

Stock of vehicles by category Open Data

Stock of vehicles by category

Issued on

Stock of vehicles by category details >
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