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Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Finland Open Data

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Finland

Issued on

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Finland details >

[DISCONTINUED] Input-output table for domestic output - current prices (NACE Rev. 2) Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:32:13.442638Z

[DISCONTINUED] Input-output table for domestic output - current prices (NACE Rev. 2) details >

EU direct investment income, by country and economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) Open Data

EU direct investment income, by country and economic activity (NACE Rev. 2)

Issued on

EU direct investment income, by country and economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) details >

Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age, citizenship and degree... Open Data

Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age, citizenship and degree

Issued on

Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age, citizenship and degree... details >

Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - item weights Open Data

Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - item weights

Issued on

Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - item weights details >

Internet use and activities Open Data

Internet use and activities

Issued on

Internet use and activities details >

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Italy - quarterly data Open Data

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Italy - quarterly data

Issued on

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Italy - quarterly data details >

[DISCONTINUED] Enterprises using the internet for interaction with public authorities, by... Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:52:43.092624Z

[DISCONTINUED] Enterprises using the internet for interaction with public authorities, by... details >

Housing cost overburden rate by tenure status - EU-SILC survey Open Data

This indicator is defined as the percentage of the population living in a household where the total

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Housing cost overburden rate by tenure status - EU-SILC survey details >

Self-reported last cervical smear test among women by age and degree of urbanisation Open Data

Self-reported last cervical smear test among women by age and degree of urbanisation

Issued on

Self-reported last cervical smear test among women by age and degree of urbanisation details >

International extra-EU freight and mail air transport by reporting country and partner world regions... Open Data

International extra-EU freight and mail air transport by reporting country and partner world regions

Issued on

International extra-EU freight and mail air transport by reporting country and partner world regions... details >

HICP - food Open Data

Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) are designed for international comparisons of consumer

Issued on

HICP - food details >

New lorries, road tractors, semi-trailers and trailers, by type of carriage Open Data

New lorries, road tractors, semi-trailers and trailers, by type of carriage

Issued on

New lorries, road tractors, semi-trailers and trailers, by type of carriage details >

Average number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - children with at least one hour... Open Data

Average number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - children with at least one hour

Issued on

Average number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - children with at least one hour... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Individuals' level of computer skills Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 18 Jan 2018. Level of basic computer skills are measured

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:22:29.241102Z

[DISCONTINUED] Individuals' level of computer skills details >

Commercial aircraft fleet by aircraft category and country of operator Open Data

Commercial aircraft fleet by aircraft category and country of operator

Issued on

Commercial aircraft fleet by aircraft category and country of operator details >

HICP - education Open Data

Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) are designed for international comparisons of consumer

Issued on

HICP - education details >

Greenhouse gas emissions in ESD sectors Open Data

The indicator calculation is based on the emissions covered under the Effort Sharing Decision (406/2

Issued on

Greenhouse gas emissions in ESD sectors details >

[DISCONTINUED] Supply table at current prices, 60 branches - EU aggregates (NACE Rev. 2) Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:22:01.493393Z

[DISCONTINUED] Supply table at current prices, 60 branches - EU aggregates (NACE Rev. 2) details >

Euro area19 trade by SITC product group since 1999 Open Data

Euro area19 trade by SITC product group since 1999

Issued on

Euro area19 trade by SITC product group since 1999 details >

Enterprises by motivation factors for international sourcing and by NACE Rev.2 activity -... Open Data

Enterprises by motivation factors for international sourcing and by NACE Rev.2 activity - experiment

Issued on

Enterprises by motivation factors for international sourcing and by NACE Rev.2 activity -... details >

Demographic balances and indicators by type of projection Open Data

Demographic balances and indicators by type of projection

Issued on

Demographic balances and indicators by type of projection details >

[DISCONTINUED] Value added development in foreign controlled enterprises Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Jul 2018. Foreign affiliate statistics (fats) deal wi

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:23:50.704692Z

[DISCONTINUED] Value added development in foreign controlled enterprises details >

Share of children (aged less than 18) living with their parents by type of household - EU-SILC... Open Data

Share of children (aged less than 18) living with their parents by type of household - EU-SILC surve

Issued on

Share of children (aged less than 18) living with their parents by type of household - EU-SILC... details >

Nights spent by purpose of the trip Open Data

Nights spent by purpose of the trip

Issued on

Nights spent by purpose of the trip details >

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Germany - annual data (1997 - 2005) Open Data

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Germany - annual data (1997 - 2005)

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:42:59.038134Z

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Germany - annual data (1997 - 2005) details >

[DISCONTINUED] Quarterly national accounts by 6 branches - volumes Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:42:47.114014Z

[DISCONTINUED] Quarterly national accounts by 6 branches - volumes details >

Cost of CVT courses by type and NACE Rev 1.1 activity - cost per person employed in enterprises... Open Data

Cost of CVT courses by type and NACE Rev 1.1 activity - cost per person employed in enterprises prov

Issued on

Cost of CVT courses by type and NACE Rev 1.1 activity - cost per person employed in enterprises... details >

Cost of CVT courses by type and size class - cost per participant Open Data

Cost of CVT courses by type and size class - cost per participant

Issued on

Cost of CVT courses by type and size class - cost per participant details >

Innovative enterprises whose innovation activities have been affected, or not affected, by... Open Data

Innovative enterprises whose innovation activities have been affected, or not affected, by legislati

Issued on

Innovative enterprises whose innovation activities have been affected, or not affected, by... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Quarterly national accounts by 10 branches - aggregates at current prices Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:47:55.535583Z

[DISCONTINUED] Quarterly national accounts by 10 branches - aggregates at current prices details >

Balance of payments, current and capital account, quarterly data Open Data

The Balance of Payments is the statistical statement that systematically summarises transactions bet

Issued on

Balance of payments, current and capital account, quarterly data details >

Market share of the largest generator in the electricity market - annual data Open Data

Market share of the largest generator in the electricity market - annual data

Issued on

Market share of the largest generator in the electricity market - annual data details >

Current account, main components, credit - annual data, million units of national currency Open Data

The Current account provides information about the transactions of a country with the rest of the wo

Issued on

Current account, main components, credit - annual data, million units of national currency details >

Population wanting to participate in education and training, by reason for not participating and age Open Data

Population wanting to participate in education and training, by reason for not participating and age

Issued on

Population wanting to participate in education and training, by reason for not participating and age details >

Percentage distribution of assistance provided to employed disabled people by sex Open Data

Percentage distribution of assistance provided to employed disabled people by sex

Issued on

Percentage distribution of assistance provided to employed disabled people by sex details >

Population by sex, age and current activity status Open Data

Population by sex, age and current activity status

Issued on

Population by sex, age and current activity status details >

Authorisations issued for the purpose of seasonal work by economic sector, sex and citizenship Open Data

Authorisations issued for the purpose of seasonal work by economic sector, sex and citizenship

Issued on

Authorisations issued for the purpose of seasonal work by economic sector, sex and citizenship details >

In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate by level of activity limitation, sex and age Open Data

In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate by level of activity limitation, sex and age

Issued on

In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate by level of activity limitation, sex and age details >

New entrants by education level, programme orientation, sex and field of education Open Data

New entrants by education level, programme orientation, sex and field of education

Issued on

New entrants by education level, programme orientation, sex and field of education details >

Cattle: number of farms and heads by size of farm (UAA) and livestock units (LSU) of farm Open Data

Cattle: number of farms and heads by size of farm (UAA) and livestock units (LSU) of farm

Issued on

Cattle: number of farms and heads by size of farm (UAA) and livestock units (LSU) of farm details >

Population with childcare responsibilities by use of childcare services and professional status Open Data

Population with childcare responsibilities by use of childcare services and professional status

Issued on

Population with childcare responsibilities by use of childcare services and professional status details >

EU level - top 20 extra-EU maritime trade flows by gross weight of goods handled in EU main ports Open Data

EU level - top 20 extra-EU maritime trade flows by gross weight of goods handled in EU main ports

Issued on

EU level - top 20 extra-EU maritime trade flows by gross weight of goods handled in EU main ports details >

Frequency of getting together with relatives or friends by level of activity limitation, sex and age Open Data

Frequency of getting together with relatives or friends by level of activity limitation, sex and age

Issued on

Frequency of getting together with relatives or friends by level of activity limitation, sex and age details >

Mean consumption expenditure by number of active persons Open Data

Mean consumption expenditure by number of active persons

Issued on

Mean consumption expenditure by number of active persons details >

[DISCONTINUED] Employed doctorate holders working as researchers by sex, fields of science and... Open Data

Employed doctorate holders working as researchers by sex, fields of science and sectors of performan

Issued on

[DISCONTINUED] Employed doctorate holders working as researchers by sex, fields of science and... details >

Persons reading newspapers in the last 12 months by age Open Data

Persons reading newspapers in the last 12 months by age

Issued on

Persons reading newspapers in the last 12 months by age details >

Recycling rate of all waste excluding major mineral waste Open Data

The indicator is calculated as recycled waste (RCV_R) divided by total waste treated excluding major

Issued on

Recycling rate of all waste excluding major mineral waste details >

[DISCONTINUED] Final consumption expenditure of households by consumption purpose - COICOP 3 digit -... Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:59:36.928196Z

[DISCONTINUED] Final consumption expenditure of households by consumption purpose - COICOP 3 digit -... details >

Community design (CD) applications per billion GDP by other typologies Open Data

Community design (CD) applications per billion GDP by other typologies

Issued on

Community design (CD) applications per billion GDP by other typologies details >

Number of employees by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity Open Data

Number of employees by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity

Issued on

Number of employees by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity details >

Freight and mail air transport between reporting countries Open Data

Freight and mail air transport between reporting countries

Issued on

Freight and mail air transport between reporting countries details >

Air passenger transport between the main airports of Croatia and their main partner airports (routes... Open Data

Air passenger transport between the main airports of Croatia and their main partner airports (routes

Issued on

Air passenger transport between the main airports of Croatia and their main partner airports (routes... details >

In-patient average length of stay (days) by NUTS 2 regions - females Open Data

In-patient average length of stay (days) by NUTS 2 regions - females

Issued on

In-patient average length of stay (days) by NUTS 2 regions - females details >

Relative at risk of poverty gap by poverty threshold - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys Open Data

Relative at risk of poverty gap by poverty threshold - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys

Issued on

Relative at risk of poverty gap by poverty threshold - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys details >

Outflows of employment to inactivity, by type of inactivity Open Data

Outflows of employment to inactivity, by type of inactivity

Issued on

Outflows of employment to inactivity, by type of inactivity details >

Expenditure by household income quartile of the tourist Open Data

Expenditure by household income quartile of the tourist

Issued on

Expenditure by household income quartile of the tourist details >

[DISCONTINUED] Extent to which internet calls replaced other means of communication Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 03 Jul 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:57:09.002212Z

[DISCONTINUED] Extent to which internet calls replaced other means of communication details >

Consumers - monthly data Open Data

Consumers - monthly data

Issued on

Consumers - monthly data details >

Mean monthly hours paid by size of the enterprise, sex, occupation Open Data

Mean monthly hours paid by size of the enterprise, sex, occupation

Issued on

Mean monthly hours paid by size of the enterprise, sex, occupation details >

HRST with tertiary education by sex, age and field of education (2003-2013) Open Data

HRST with tertiary education by sex, age and field of education (2003-2013)

Issued on

HRST with tertiary education by sex, age and field of education (2003-2013) details >

Recycling rates of packaging waste for monitoring compliance with policy targets, by type of... Open Data

Recycling rates of packaging waste for monitoring compliance with policy targets, by type of packagi

Issued on

Recycling rates of packaging waste for monitoring compliance with policy targets, by type of... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Official development assistance, by income group Open Data

Dataset replaced by: Official devel

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:21:26.296810Z

[DISCONTINUED] Official development assistance, by income group details >

Standardised death rate due to chronic diseases by sex Open Data

The indicator measures the standardised death rate of chronic diseases. Chronic diseases included in

Issued on

Standardised death rate due to chronic diseases by sex details >

EU/EFTA citizens of working age who usually reside in another EU/EFTA country by citizenship, age... Open Data

EU/EFTA citizens of working age who usually reside in another EU/EFTA country by citizenship, age an

Issued on

EU/EFTA citizens of working age who usually reside in another EU/EFTA country by citizenship, age... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Exports and imports by Member States of the EU/third countries - Price indices Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:30:32.642074Z

[DISCONTINUED] Exports and imports by Member States of the EU/third countries - Price indices details >

Employed persons with a second job Open Data

The indicator, 'employed persons with a second job' refers only to persons with more than one job at

Issued on

Employed persons with a second job details >

Self-employed persons by number and importance of clients in the last 12 months and sex Open Data

Self-employed persons by number and importance of clients in the last 12 months and sex

Issued on

Self-employed persons by number and importance of clients in the last 12 months and sex details >

Inward FDI stocks in % of GDP Open Data

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the category of international investment made by a resident entit

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Inward FDI stocks in % of GDP details >

Persons eating fruit, vegetables or salad by, educational attainment level, income group, most... Open Data

Persons eating fruit, vegetables or salad by, educational attainment level, income group, most frequ

Issued on

Persons eating fruit, vegetables or salad by, educational attainment level, income group, most... details >

Median hourly earnings, all employees (excluding apprentices) by age Open Data

Median hourly earnings, all employees (excluding apprentices) by age

Issued on

Median hourly earnings, all employees (excluding apprentices) by age details >

Country level - gross weight of goods handled in main ports Open Data

Country level - gross weight of goods handled in main ports

Issued on

Country level - gross weight of goods handled in main ports details >

Crude marriage rate Open Data

The crude marriage rate is the ratio of the number of marriages during the year to the average popul

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Crude marriage rate details >

Selling prices of maize Open Data

The absolute prices in this table give information on the levels of the producer prices of the produ

Issued on

Selling prices of maize details >

Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, sex, occupation Open Data

Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, sex, occupation

Issued on

Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, sex, occupation details >

Business demography by size class (until 2007, NACE Rev. 1.1) Open Data

Business demography by size class (until 2007, NACE Rev. 1.1)

Issued on

Business demography by size class (until 2007, NACE Rev. 1.1) details >

Length of other roads by type of surface Open Data

Length of other roads by type of surface

Issued on

Length of other roads by type of surface details >

Time spent, participation time and participation rate in the secondary activity by sex and age group Open Data

Time spent, participation time and participation rate in the secondary activity by sex and age group

Issued on

Time spent, participation time and participation rate in the secondary activity by sex and age group details >

Temporary employees by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and degree of... Open Data

Temporary employees by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and degree of urbani

Issued on

Temporary employees by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and degree of... details >

Imports of goods - other manufactured products Open Data

International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-mem

Issued on

Imports of goods - other manufactured products details >

Perceived barriers to buying/ordering over the internet (until 2019) Open Data

Perceived barriers to buying/ordering over the internet (until 2019)

Issued on

Perceived barriers to buying/ordering over the internet (until 2019) details >

[DISCONTINUED] Turnover and volume of sales in wholesale and retail trade - monthly data, percentage... Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:18:01.330954Z

[DISCONTINUED] Turnover and volume of sales in wholesale and retail trade - monthly data, percentage... details >

Member States EU27 (from 2020) trade by BEC product group since 1999 Open Data

Member States EU27 (from 2020) trade by BEC product group since 1999

Issued on

Member States EU27 (from 2020) trade by BEC product group since 1999 details >

Production of electricity and derived heat by type of fuel Open Data

Production of electricity and derived heat by type of fuel

Issued on

Production of electricity and derived heat by type of fuel details >

Participation rate of young people in education and training by sex, age and labour status (incl.... Open Data

Participation rate of young people in education and training by sex, age and labour status (incl. NE

Issued on

Participation rate of young people in education and training by sex, age and labour status (incl.... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Generation of waste by waste category and hazardousness (2012) Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 06 Oct 2016. Total amount of waste generated by househol

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:03:25.350064Z

[DISCONTINUED] Generation of waste by waste category and hazardousness (2012) details >

Multiannual enterprises statistics on environmental protection expenditure by size class for... Open Data

Multiannual enterprises statistics on environmental protection expenditure by size class for industr

Issued on

Multiannual enterprises statistics on environmental protection expenditure by size class for... details >

Immigration Open Data

Total number of long-term immigrants arriving into the reporting country during the reference year

Issued on

Immigration details >

Trade by number of partner countries and NACE Rev. 2 activity Open Data

Trade by number of partner countries and NACE Rev. 2 activity

Issued on

Trade by number of partner countries and NACE Rev. 2 activity details >

Main service providers of enterprises belonging to enterprise group or not Open Data

Main service providers of enterprises belonging to enterprise group or not

Issued on

Main service providers of enterprises belonging to enterprise group or not details >

Need for help with household activities by sex, age and educational attainment level Open Data

Need for help with household activities by sex, age and educational attainment level

Issued on

Need for help with household activities by sex, age and educational attainment level details >

Difficulties in household activities by sex, age and educational attainment level Open Data

Difficulties in household activities by sex, age and educational attainment level

Issued on

Difficulties in household activities by sex, age and educational attainment level details >

Design capacity, in terms of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), of urban wastewater treatment plants... Open Data

The design capacity of waste water treatment plants is characterised by the total quantity of oxygen

Issued on

Design capacity, in terms of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), of urban wastewater treatment plants... details >

Energy market indicator Open Data

Energy market indicator

Issued on

Energy market indicator details >

Pupils enrolled in post-secondary non-tertiary education by programme orientation, sex and NUTS2... Open Data

Pupils enrolled in post-secondary non-tertiary education by programme orientation, sex and NUTS2 reg

Issued on

Pupils enrolled in post-secondary non-tertiary education by programme orientation, sex and NUTS2... details >

Tables by benefits - unemployment function Open Data

Tables by benefits - unemployment function

Issued on

Tables by benefits - unemployment function details >

People having a long-standing illness or health problem, by sex, age and groups of country of birth Open Data

People having a long-standing illness or health problem, by sex, age and groups of country of birth

Issued on

People having a long-standing illness or health problem, by sex, age and groups of country of birth details >

[DISCONTINUED] Industrial countries' effective exchange rates excluding new Member States - monthly... Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 03 Jul 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:38:58.776700Z

[DISCONTINUED] Industrial countries' effective exchange rates excluding new Member States - monthly... details >

Percentage of employees working paid overtime, by sex, age and occupation Open Data

Percentage of employees working paid overtime, by sex, age and occupation

Issued on

Percentage of employees working paid overtime, by sex, age and occupation details >

Estimated soil erosion by water, by erosion level, land cover and NUTS 3 regions (source: JRC) Open Data

Estimated soil erosion by water, by erosion level, land cover and NUTS 3 regions (source: JRC)

Issued on

Estimated soil erosion by water, by erosion level, land cover and NUTS 3 regions (source: JRC) details >
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