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Mean annual holidays by sex, economic activity and employment contract Open Data

Mean annual holidays by sex, economic activity and employment contract

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Mean annual holidays by sex, economic activity and employment contract details >

Structure of consumption expenditure by type of household and COICOP consumption purpose Open Data

Structure of consumption expenditure by type of household and COICOP consumption purpose

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Structure of consumption expenditure by type of household and COICOP consumption purpose details >

At-risk-of-poverty rate of older people, by age and sex - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys Open Data

At-risk-of-poverty rate of older people, by age and sex - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys

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At-risk-of-poverty rate of older people, by age and sex - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys details >

Participation rate of employees in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and occupation Open Data

Participation rate of employees in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and occupation

Issued on

Participation rate of employees in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and occupation details >

Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by employment size class Open Data

Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by employment size class

Issued on

Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by employment size class details >

Number of combined heat and power (CHP) units by type of plant, generation technologies and primary... Open Data

Number of combined heat and power (CHP) units by type of plant, generation technologies and primary

Issued on

Number of combined heat and power (CHP) units by type of plant, generation technologies and primary... details >

Participation in any learning activities by size of the local unit Open Data

Participation in any learning activities by size of the local unit

Issued on

Participation in any learning activities by size of the local unit details >

Employment rate, by citizenship Open Data

The indicator measures the share of the population aged 20 to 64 which are employed. Employed person

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Employment rate, by citizenship details >

Persons participating in tourism for personal purposes by household income quartile Open Data

Persons participating in tourism for personal purposes by household income quartile

Issued on

Persons participating in tourism for personal purposes by household income quartile details >

Investments in education and training Open Data

Investments in education and training

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Investments in education and training details >

[DISCONTINUED] Crimes recorded by the police by coastal regions Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2016-07-28T06:43:54.063159Z

[DISCONTINUED] Crimes recorded by the police by coastal regions details >

Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement Open Data

Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement

Issued on

Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement details >

Number of innovating enterprises considering the following objectives as very important, by NACE... Open Data

Number of innovating enterprises considering the following objectives as very important, by NACE Rev

Issued on

Number of innovating enterprises considering the following objectives as very important, by NACE... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Primary energy consumption Open Data

Dataset replaced by: By "Primary E

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:28:55.519886Z

[DISCONTINUED] Primary energy consumption details >

Overcrowding rate by age, sex and group of citizenship (total population aged 18 and over) Open Data

Overcrowding rate by age, sex and group of citizenship (total population aged 18 and over)

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Overcrowding rate by age, sex and group of citizenship (total population aged 18 and over) details >

Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and educational attainment level Open Data

Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and educational attainment level

Issued on

Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and educational attainment level details >

Area by NUTS 3 region Open Data

Area by NUTS 3 region

Issued on

Area by NUTS 3 region details >

Employment by educational attainment level - quarterly data Open Data

Employment by educational attainment level - quarterly data

Issued on

Employment by educational attainment level - quarterly data details >

[DISCONTINUED] Production in industry - annual data, percentage change Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:34:25.634402Z

[DISCONTINUED] Production in industry - annual data, percentage change details >

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Belgium and their main partner airports... Open Data

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Belgium and their main partner airports

Issued on

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Belgium and their main partner airports... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data by coastal regions Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2016-07-28T06:47:16.628548Z

[DISCONTINUED] Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data by coastal regions details >

Expenditure on education in current prices Open Data

Expenditure on education in current prices

Issued on

Expenditure on education in current prices details >

National annual road freight transport by regions of loading, group of goods and metropolitan... Open Data

National annual road freight transport by regions of loading, group of goods and metropolitan region

Issued on

National annual road freight transport by regions of loading, group of goods and metropolitan... details >

Population structure indicators by NUTS 3 region Open Data

Population structure indicators by NUTS 3 region

Issued on

Population structure indicators by NUTS 3 region details >

Freshwater abstraction Open Data

Freshwater abstraction

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Freshwater abstraction details >

Asylum applicants considered to be unaccompanied minors by citizenship, age and sex - annual data Open Data

Asylum applicants considered to be unaccompanied minors by citizenship, age and sex - annual data

Issued on

Asylum applicants considered to be unaccompanied minors by citizenship, age and sex - annual data details >

European Union trade mark (EUTM) applications by NUTS 3 regions Open Data

European Union trade mark (EUTM) applications by NUTS 3 regions

Issued on

European Union trade mark (EUTM) applications by NUTS 3 regions details >

Support for rural development: number of farms, agricultural area, standard output (SO) and... Open Data

Support for rural development: number of farms, agricultural area, standard output (SO) and livestoc

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Support for rural development: number of farms, agricultural area, standard output (SO) and... details >

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Belgium - quarterly data Open Data

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Belgium - quarterly data

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Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Belgium - quarterly data details >

Self-reported last cervical smear test among women by age and educational attainment level Open Data

Self-reported last cervical smear test among women by age and educational attainment level

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Self-reported last cervical smear test among women by age and educational attainment level details >

Expenditure on pensions Open Data

The 'Pensions' aggregate comprises part of periodic cash benefits under the disability, old-age, sur

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Expenditure on pensions details >

Average number of persons per household by household composition, number of children and age of... Open Data

Average number of persons per household by household composition, number of children and age of youn

Issued on

Average number of persons per household by household composition, number of children and age of... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Enterprises who establish the training needs of their personnel as % of training... Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 09 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:12:50.653720Z

[DISCONTINUED] Enterprises who establish the training needs of their personnel as % of training... details >

Young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET), by sex and age - quarterly... Open Data

Young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET), by sex and age - quarterly

Issued on

Young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET), by sex and age - quarterly... details >

Patents and other protection methods Open Data

Patents and other protection methods

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Patents and other protection methods details >

Selling prices of chickens (live 1st choice) Open Data

The absolute prices in this table give information on the levels of the producer prices of the produ

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Selling prices of chickens (live 1st choice) details >

Overcrowding rate by age, sex and poverty status - population without single-person households -... Open Data

Overcrowding rate by age, sex and poverty status - population without single-person households - EU-

Issued on

Overcrowding rate by age, sex and poverty status - population without single-person households -... details >

Severe material and social deprivation rate for children (aged less than 18) by sex Open Data

Severely materially or socially deprived persons have living conditions severely constrained by a la

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Severe material and social deprivation rate for children (aged less than 18) by sex details >

Percentage of enterprises with the need to obtain or develop new skills by size class (1997-1999) Open Data

Percentage of enterprises with the need to obtain or develop new skills by size class (1997-1999)

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Percentage of enterprises with the need to obtain or develop new skills by size class (1997-1999) details >

Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by sex Open Data

Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by sex

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Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by sex details >

Total length of railway lines Open Data

The collection is based on data from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe / Internation

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Total length of railway lines details >

Unit values at producer prices Open Data

Unit values at producer prices

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Unit values at producer prices details >

Distribution of VAT paid by households as a percentage of their gross income by income quintile -... Open Data

Distribution of VAT paid by households as a percentage of their gross income by income quintile - ex

Issued on

Distribution of VAT paid by households as a percentage of their gross income by income quintile -... details >

Energy productivity Open Data

The indicator results from the division of the gross domestic product (GDP) by the gross available e

Issued on

Energy productivity details >

Employment by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000) Open Data

Employment by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)

Issued on

Employment by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000) details >

Gross external debt of the whole economy, relative to exports of goods and services Open Data

Gross external debt of the whole economy, relative to exports of goods and services

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Gross external debt of the whole economy, relative to exports of goods and services details >

At-risk-of-poverty rate of older people by sex and selected age groups - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys Open Data

At-risk-of-poverty rate of older people by sex and selected age groups - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys

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At-risk-of-poverty rate of older people by sex and selected age groups - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys details >

Individuals who have never used a computer Open Data

Individuals who have never used a computer

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Individuals who have never used a computer details >

Mean annual earnings by economic activity, sex, age Open Data

Mean annual earnings by economic activity, sex, age

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Mean annual earnings by economic activity, sex, age details >

Euro yield curves - annual data Open Data

Euro yield curves - annual data

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Euro yield curves - annual data details >

Household debt, consolidated including Non-profit institutions serving households - % of GDP Open Data

The Household debt is the stock of liabilities held by the sector Households and Non-Profit institut

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Household debt, consolidated including Non-profit institutions serving households - % of GDP details >

Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by country/world region of residence of the... Open Data

A night spent is each night a guest/tourist (resident or non-resident) actually spends (sleeps or st

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Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by country/world region of residence of the... details >

Unemployment rate by education level Open Data

Unemployment rate by education level

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Unemployment rate by education level details >

Electricity prices for non-household consumers - bi-annual data (from 2007 onwards) Open Data

Electricity prices for non-household consumers - bi-annual data (from 2007 onwards)

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Electricity prices for non-household consumers - bi-annual data (from 2007 onwards) details >

Air passenger transport between the main airports of Iceland and their main partner airports (routes... Open Data

Air passenger transport between the main airports of Iceland and their main partner airports (routes

Issued on

Air passenger transport between the main airports of Iceland and their main partner airports (routes... details >

Internet purchases by individuals (until 2019) Open Data

Internet purchases by individuals (until 2019)

Issued on

Internet purchases by individuals (until 2019) details >

Employment rates of young people not in education and training by sex, educational attainment level,... Open Data

Employment rates of young people not in education and training by sex, educational attainment level,

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Employment rates of young people not in education and training by sex, educational attainment level,... details >

Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex (NEET) Open Data

The indicator measures the share of the population aged 15 to 29 who is not employed and not involve

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Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex (NEET) details >

Unemployment rate by sex Open Data

Unemployment rate represents unemployed persons as a percentage of the labour force. The labour forc

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Unemployment rate by sex details >

Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) by waste management operations Open Data

Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) by waste management operations

Issued on

Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) by waste management operations details >

Pupils enrolled in primary education by sex and NUTS2 regions Open Data

Pupils enrolled in primary education by sex and NUTS2 regions

Issued on

Pupils enrolled in primary education by sex and NUTS2 regions details >

Number of enterprises by size class of balance sheet total Open Data

Number of enterprises by size class of balance sheet total

Issued on

Number of enterprises by size class of balance sheet total details >

Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 2 regions and sex (from 2008... Open Data

Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 2 regions and sex (from 2008 onward

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Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 2 regions and sex (from 2008... details >

Supplementary indicators to unemployment (1992-2020) - annual data Open Data

Supplementary indicators to unemployment (1992-2020) - annual data

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Supplementary indicators to unemployment (1992-2020) - annual data details >

Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by economic activity Open Data

Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by economic activity

Issued on

Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by economic activity details >

Co-patenting at the EPO according to applicants'/inventors' country of residence - number Open Data

Co-patenting at the EPO according to applicants'/inventors' country of residence - number

Issued on

Co-patenting at the EPO according to applicants'/inventors' country of residence - number details >

Level of the foreign language reported as best-known in the country (self-reported) by age Open Data

Level of the foreign language reported as best-known in the country (self-reported) by age

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Level of the foreign language reported as best-known in the country (self-reported) by age details >

Detailed average prices - 2014 Open Data

Detailed average prices - 2014

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Detailed average prices - 2014 details >

Use table at purchasers' prices Open Data

Use table at purchasers' prices

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Use table at purchasers' prices details >

Employees by flexibility of their working schedule and educational attainment level (1 000) Open Data

Employees by flexibility of their working schedule and educational attainment level (1 000)

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Employees by flexibility of their working schedule and educational attainment level (1 000) details >

Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - crude death rate, 3 year average - total Open Data

Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - crude death rate, 3 year average - total

Issued on

Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - crude death rate, 3 year average - total details >

[DISCONTINUED] Business demography and high growth enterprise by NACE Rev. 2 activity and coastal... Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2016-07-28T06:48:41.372144Z

[DISCONTINUED] Business demography and high growth enterprise by NACE Rev. 2 activity and coastal... details >

Railway transport - length of tracks Open Data

Railway transport - length of tracks

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Railway transport - length of tracks details >

Physicians by sex and age Open Data

Physicians by sex and age

Issued on

Physicians by sex and age details >

Average rating of trust by domain, income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation Open Data

Average rating of trust by domain, income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation

Issued on

Average rating of trust by domain, income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation details >

[DISCONTINUED] Population aged 25-64 with tertiary educational attainment level by sex and NUTS 2... Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:14:18.983700Z

[DISCONTINUED] Population aged 25-64 with tertiary educational attainment level by sex and NUTS 2... details >

Area by NUTS 3 region Open Data

Area by NUTS 3 region

Issued on

Area by NUTS 3 region details >

Daily smokers of cigarettes by sex, age and educational attainment level Open Data

Daily smokers of cigarettes by sex, age and educational attainment level

Issued on

Daily smokers of cigarettes by sex, age and educational attainment level details >

[DISCONTINUED] Employment rate by educational attainment level Open Data

Dataset replaced by: The indicator

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:33:37.691695Z

[DISCONTINUED] Employment rate by educational attainment level details >

Hours worked per week of part-time employment Open Data

The average number of hours corresponds to the number of hours the person normally works. This cover

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Hours worked per week of part-time employment details >

Gender employment gap, by type of employment Open Data

<p>The indicator measures the difference between the employment rates of men and women aged 20 to 64

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Gender employment gap, by type of employment details >

Employed persons aged 15 and over by sex, economic activity (NACE Rev. 1) and time usually worked Open Data

Employed persons aged 15 and over by sex, economic activity (NACE Rev. 1) and time usually worked

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Employed persons aged 15 and over by sex, economic activity (NACE Rev. 1) and time usually worked details >

Hampering factors for innovating enterprises with not even started projects, by NACE Rev. 1.1 Open Data

Hampering factors for innovating enterprises with not even started projects, by NACE Rev. 1.1

Issued on

Hampering factors for innovating enterprises with not even started projects, by NACE Rev. 1.1 details >

Road traffic on national and foreign territory by type and age of vehicle (million Vkm) Open Data

Road traffic on national and foreign territory by type and age of vehicle (million Vkm)

Issued on

Road traffic on national and foreign territory by type and age of vehicle (million Vkm) details >

Search for information on learning possibilities by type of learning and sex Open Data

Search for information on learning possibilities by type of learning and sex

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Search for information on learning possibilities by type of learning and sex details >

Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise Open Data

Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise

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Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise details >

Internet purchases - perceived barriers (2021 onwards) Open Data

Internet purchases - perceived barriers (2021 onwards)

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Internet purchases - perceived barriers (2021 onwards) details >

Technical and vocational education training (TVET) Open Data

Technical and vocational education training (TVET)

Issued on

Technical and vocational education training (TVET) details >

Mining and quarrying by employment size class (NACE Rev. 1.1, C, from 2002 onwards) Open Data

Mining and quarrying by employment size class (NACE Rev. 1.1, C, from 2002 onwards)

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Mining and quarrying by employment size class (NACE Rev. 1.1, C, from 2002 onwards) details >

Students by ISCED level, type of institution and study intensity Open Data

Students by ISCED level, type of institution and study intensity

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Students by ISCED level, type of institution and study intensity details >

Container transport by type of good (from 2007 onwards with NST2007) Open Data

Container transport by type of good (from 2007 onwards with NST2007)

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Container transport by type of good (from 2007 onwards with NST2007) details >

Unemployment rate by age Open Data

The indicator presents unemployment rates for different age groups. The unemployment rate represents

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Unemployment rate by age details >

Hospital discharges by diagnosis and NUTS 2 regions, day cases, total number - males Open Data

Hospital discharges by diagnosis and NUTS 2 regions, day cases, total number - males

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Hospital discharges by diagnosis and NUTS 2 regions, day cases, total number - males details >

[DISCONTINUED] Forest increment and fellings Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 14 Mar 2018. The indicator is defined as the ratio of an

Issued on 2017-11-15T04:34:24.305542Z

[DISCONTINUED] Forest increment and fellings details >

Candidate countries and potential candidates: SI - economic reform Open Data

Candidate countries and potential candidates: SI - economic reform

Issued on

Candidate countries and potential candidates: SI - economic reform details >

[DISCONTINUED] Number of locomotives, by tractive power Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:21:05.867277Z

[DISCONTINUED] Number of locomotives, by tractive power details >

Fuel used in combined heat and power Open Data

Fuel used in combined heat and power

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Fuel used in combined heat and power details >

Mean consumption expenditure per household with expenditure greater than zero by COICOP consumption... Open Data

Mean consumption expenditure per household with expenditure greater than zero by COICOP consumption

Issued on

Mean consumption expenditure per household with expenditure greater than zero by COICOP consumption... details >

Summary of annual road freight transport by type of operation and type of transport (1 000 t, Mio... Open Data

Summary of annual road freight transport by type of operation and type of transport (1 000 t, Mio Tk

Issued on

Summary of annual road freight transport by type of operation and type of transport (1 000 t, Mio... details >

Number of adults by sex, age groups, number of children, age of youngest child and educational... Open Data

Number of adults by sex, age groups, number of children, age of youngest child and educational attai

Issued on

Number of adults by sex, age groups, number of children, age of youngest child and educational... details >
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