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Percentage of enterprises with the need to obtain or develop new skills by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity... Open Data

Percentage of enterprises with the need to obtain or develop new skills by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity (1

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Percentage of enterprises with the need to obtain or develop new skills by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity... details >

Annual expenditure on public and private educational institutions compared to GDP per capita Open Data

The annual expenditure on public and private educational institutions per pupil/student compared to

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Annual expenditure on public and private educational institutions compared to GDP per capita details >

Employment rate of people by type of disability, sex and age Open Data

Employment rate of people by type of disability, sex and age

Issued on

Employment rate of people by type of disability, sex and age details >

Land use: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA) and LFA status Open Data

Land use: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA) and LFA status

Issued on

Land use: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA) and LFA status details >

Annual road freight transport by type of cargo and distance class (1 000 t, Mio tkm, Mio Veh-km, 1... Open Data

Annual road freight transport by type of cargo and distance class (1 000 t, Mio tkm, Mio Veh-km, 1 0

Issued on

Annual road freight transport by type of cargo and distance class (1 000 t, Mio tkm, Mio Veh-km, 1... details >

Disabled people by sex, severity of disability and income quintile Open Data

Disabled people by sex, severity of disability and income quintile

Issued on

Disabled people by sex, severity of disability and income quintile details >

Farm labour force Open Data

Farm labour force includes all persons having completed their compulsory education who carried out f

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Farm labour force details >

Students by ISCED level, study intensity and sex Open Data

Students by ISCED level, study intensity and sex

Issued on

Students by ISCED level, study intensity and sex details >

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Poland Open Data

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Poland

Issued on

Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Poland details >

Daily exposure to tobacco smoke indoors by sex, age and degree of urbanisation Open Data

Daily exposure to tobacco smoke indoors by sex, age and degree of urbanisation

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Daily exposure to tobacco smoke indoors by sex, age and degree of urbanisation details >

People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by degree of urbanisation Open Data

<p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">This indicator corresponds to the sum of persons who are: a

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People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by degree of urbanisation details >

Young immigrants by sex, age and country of birth Open Data

Young immigrants by sex, age and country of birth

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Young immigrants by sex, age and country of birth details >

Enterprises by motivation factors for international sourcing, level of importance of motivation... Open Data

Enterprises by motivation factors for international sourcing, level of importance of motivation fact

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Enterprises by motivation factors for international sourcing, level of importance of motivation... details >

ENP countries: short-term business statistics Open Data

ENP countries: short-term business statistics

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ENP countries: short-term business statistics details >

Number of inland waterway transport enterprises by number of vessels Open Data

Number of inland waterway transport enterprises by number of vessels

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Number of inland waterway transport enterprises by number of vessels details >

Detailed deaths related to transport accidents occurring in the EU Open Data

Detailed deaths related to transport accidents occurring in the EU

Issued on

Detailed deaths related to transport accidents occurring in the EU details >

[DISCONTINUED] Fishery production in all fishing regions Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 18 Nov 2015. Total production is the sum of the total ca

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:52:16.436645Z

[DISCONTINUED] Fishery production in all fishing regions details >

Live births by age group of the mothers and NUTS 3 region Open Data

Live births by age group of the mothers and NUTS 3 region

Issued on

Live births by age group of the mothers and NUTS 3 region details >

Product innovative enterprises that have introduced at least one new or significantly improved... Open Data

Product innovative enterprises that have introduced at least one new or significantly improved produ

Issued on

Product innovative enterprises that have introduced at least one new or significantly improved... details >

Service producer prices - quarterly data Open Data

Service producer prices - quarterly data

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Service producer prices - quarterly data details >

Turnover in services by NACE Rev. 2 - Index (2015 = 100) Open Data

The objective of the turnover index is to show the development of the market of services. Turnover c

Issued on

Turnover in services by NACE Rev. 2 - Index (2015 = 100) details >

[DISCONTINUED] Direct investment flows as % of GDP Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the cate

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:49:39.049664Z

[DISCONTINUED] Direct investment flows as % of GDP details >

Location of the main external service provider of enterprises belonging to enterprise group or not Open Data

Location of the main external service provider of enterprises belonging to enterprise group or not

Issued on

Location of the main external service provider of enterprises belonging to enterprise group or not details >

Passengers transported to/from main ports - Poland - quarterly data Open Data

Passengers transported to/from main ports - Poland - quarterly data

Issued on

Passengers transported to/from main ports - Poland - quarterly data details >

Temporary employees by sex, age and duration of the work contract (1 000) Open Data

Temporary employees by sex, age and duration of the work contract (1 000)

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Temporary employees by sex, age and duration of the work contract (1 000) details >

Labour market slack by sex and age - annual data Open Data

Labour market slack by sex and age - annual data

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Labour market slack by sex and age - annual data details >

Employees - type of connection to the internet (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity) Open Data

Employees - type of connection to the internet (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity)

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Employees - type of connection to the internet (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity) details >

[DISCONTINUED] International transactions in insurance services: exports, imports and balance Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 20 Sep 2016. The balance of payments is composed of the

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:06:13.726855Z

[DISCONTINUED] International transactions in insurance services: exports, imports and balance details >

Cost of CVT courses per training hour, by type of cost and size class Open Data

Cost of CVT courses per training hour, by type of cost and size class

Issued on

Cost of CVT courses per training hour, by type of cost and size class details >

Mean hourly earnings by sex, age, occupation - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L Open Data

Mean hourly earnings by sex, age, occupation - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L

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Mean hourly earnings by sex, age, occupation - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L details >

Pending incoming 'Dublin' transfers by submitting country (PARTNER), sex and type of applicant Open Data

Pending incoming 'Dublin' transfers by submitting country (PARTNER), sex and type of applicant

Issued on

Pending incoming 'Dublin' transfers by submitting country (PARTNER), sex and type of applicant details >

Number of enterprises and balance sheet total by legal status Open Data

Number of enterprises and balance sheet total by legal status

Issued on

Number of enterprises and balance sheet total by legal status details >

Shift work patterns used by employees, by sex, age and economic activity Open Data

Shift work patterns used by employees, by sex, age and economic activity

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Shift work patterns used by employees, by sex, age and economic activity details >

Cereals: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of cereal area Open Data

Cereals: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of cereal area

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Cereals: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of cereal area details >

Number of employees by sex and NACE Rev. 2 activity Open Data

Number of employees by sex and NACE Rev. 2 activity

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Number of employees by sex and NACE Rev. 2 activity details >

EU trade since 2017 by BEC/rev.5 Open Data

EU trade since 2017 by BEC/rev.5

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EU trade since 2017 by BEC/rev.5 details >

Average remuneration of national civil servants in central public administration Open Data

Average remuneration of national civil servants in central public administration

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Average remuneration of national civil servants in central public administration details >

Volume of containers transported to/from main ports - quarterly data (2003 - 2004) Open Data

Volume of containers transported to/from main ports - quarterly data (2003 - 2004)

Issued on

Volume of containers transported to/from main ports - quarterly data (2003 - 2004) details >

Population by sex, age, country of birth and labour status (1 000) Open Data

Population by sex, age, country of birth and labour status (1 000)

Issued on

Population by sex, age, country of birth and labour status (1 000) details >

Expenditure on public educational institutions - as % of total or current expenditure Open Data

Expenditure on public educational institutions - as % of total or current expenditure

Issued on

Expenditure on public educational institutions - as % of total or current expenditure details >

Unemployment by sex, age and citizenship (1 000) Open Data

Unemployment by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)

Issued on

Unemployment by sex, age and citizenship (1 000) details >

Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and educational attainment level Open Data

Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and educational attainment level

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Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and educational attainment level details >

Part-time employment and temporary contracts (1993-2020) - annual data Open Data

Part-time employment and temporary contracts (1993-2020) - annual data

Issued on

Part-time employment and temporary contracts (1993-2020) - annual data details >

Nights spent by detailed country/world region of the main destination Open Data

Nights spent by residents, aged 15 or over, for personal purpose.

Issued on

Nights spent by detailed country/world region of the main destination details >

Persons in employment by frequency of work-related contacts during leisure time (in last two... Open Data

Persons in employment by frequency of work-related contacts during leisure time (in last two months)

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Persons in employment by frequency of work-related contacts during leisure time (in last two... details >

Consumers - quarterly data Open Data

Consumers - quarterly data

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Consumers - quarterly data details >

Female teachers - as % of all teachers, by education level Open Data

Female teachers - as % of all teachers, by education level

Issued on

Female teachers - as % of all teachers, by education level details >

Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISH, current prices Open Data

Final consumption expenditure (ESA 2010, 3.94) consists of expenditure incurred by resident institut

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Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISH, current prices details >

Tertiary students (ISCED 5-6) by field of education and sex Open Data

Tertiary students (ISCED 5-6) by field of education and sex

Issued on

Tertiary students (ISCED 5-6) by field of education and sex details >

Special purpose road vehicles Open Data

Special purpose road vehicles

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Special purpose road vehicles details >

Main Balance of Payments and International Investment Position items as share of GDP (BPM6) Open Data

Main Balance of Payments and International Investment Position items as share of GDP (BPM6)

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Main Balance of Payments and International Investment Position items as share of GDP (BPM6) details >

Healthy life expectancy based on self-perceived health Open Data

Healthy life expectancy based on self-perceived health

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Healthy life expectancy based on self-perceived health details >

SBS variables by product specialisation and by employment size class for div 72 and 74 Open Data

SBS variables by product specialisation and by employment size class for div 72 and 74

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SBS variables by product specialisation and by employment size class for div 72 and 74 details >

Researchers, all sectors by NUTS 2 regions Open Data

Researchers are professionals engaged in the conception or creation of new knowledge, products, proc

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Researchers, all sectors by NUTS 2 regions details >

General government deficit/surplus Open Data

The general government deficit/surplus is defined in the Maastricht Treaty as general government net

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General government deficit/surplus details >

Air passenger transport between the main airports of Bulgaria and their main partner airports... Open Data

Air passenger transport between the main airports of Bulgaria and their main partner airports (route

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Air passenger transport between the main airports of Bulgaria and their main partner airports... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Cross-classification of gross fixed capital formation by industry and by... Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:07:50.656100Z

[DISCONTINUED] Cross-classification of gross fixed capital formation by industry and by... details >

Short-term interest rates: three-month interbank rates Open Data

An interest rate is the cost or price of borrowing, or the gain from lending, normally expressed as

Issued on

Short-term interest rates: three-month interbank rates details >

[DISCONTINUED] Oranges, production Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 22 Jan 2016. Orange production corresponds to harvested

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:13:57.019659Z

[DISCONTINUED] Oranges, production details >

General information about the enterprises Open Data

General information about the enterprises

Issued on

General information about the enterprises details >

Young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET) (2006-2020), by sex and age... Open Data

Young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET) (2006-2020), by sex and age

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Young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET) (2006-2020), by sex and age... details >

Main GDP aggregates per capita Open Data

Main GDP aggregates per capita

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Main GDP aggregates per capita details >

Average usual working hours of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old by main type of... Open Data

Average usual working hours of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old by main type of childcar

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Average usual working hours of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old by main type of... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Other changes in financial assets Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Jul 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:30:42.818607Z

[DISCONTINUED] Other changes in financial assets details >

Projected deaths by age, sex, type of projection and NUTS 3 region Open Data

Projected deaths by age, sex, type of projection and NUTS 3 region

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Projected deaths by age, sex, type of projection and NUTS 3 region details >

Causes of death - absolute number Open Data

Causes of death - absolute number

Issued on

Causes of death - absolute number details >

Enterprises by enterprise group identification and economic activity - experimental statistics Open Data

Enterprises by enterprise group identification and economic activity - experimental statistics

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Enterprises by enterprise group identification and economic activity - experimental statistics details >

Gross external debt of the whole economy Open Data

Gross external debt of the whole economy

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Gross external debt of the whole economy details >

EU direct investment positions by country, ultimate and immediate counterpart and economic activity... Open Data

EU direct investment positions by country, ultimate and immediate counterpart and economic activity

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EU direct investment positions by country, ultimate and immediate counterpart and economic activity... details >

Trams Open Data


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Trams details >

Social benefits by function - % of total benefits Open Data

Social benefits consist of transfers, in cash or in kind, by social protection schemes to households

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Social benefits by function - % of total benefits details >

[DISCONTINUED] EU current transfers balance by partner zone Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 20 Sep 2016. The balance of payments is composed of the

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:34:51.401723Z

[DISCONTINUED] EU current transfers balance by partner zone details >

Average hours worked and paid per employee, by working time and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey... Open Data

Average hours worked and paid per employee, by working time and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey

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Average hours worked and paid per employee, by working time and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey... details >

Mean annual earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O Open Data

Mean annual earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O

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Mean annual earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O details >

Share of total population considering their dwelling as too dark - EU-SILC survey Open Data

The indicator is defined as the percentage of the total population considering their dwelling as too

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Share of total population considering their dwelling as too dark - EU-SILC survey details >

Structure of consumption expenditure by age of the reference person and COICOP consumption purpose Open Data

Structure of consumption expenditure by age of the reference person and COICOP consumption purpose

Issued on

Structure of consumption expenditure by age of the reference person and COICOP consumption purpose details >

Turnover by product in motor trade (NACE Rev. 1.1, G50, 5-yearly statistics, from 2000 onwards) Open Data

Turnover by product in motor trade (NACE Rev. 1.1, G50, 5-yearly statistics, from 2000 onwards)

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Turnover by product in motor trade (NACE Rev. 1.1, G50, 5-yearly statistics, from 2000 onwards) details >

Persons providing informal care or assistance at least once a week by sex, age and educational... Open Data

Persons providing informal care or assistance at least once a week by sex, age and educational attai

Issued on

Persons providing informal care or assistance at least once a week by sex, age and educational... details >

3-month rates for euro area countries - monthly data Open Data

3-month rates for euro area countries - monthly data

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3-month rates for euro area countries - monthly data details >

Frequency of communication via social media by income quintile, household type and degree of... Open Data

Frequency of communication via social media by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanis

Issued on

Frequency of communication via social media by income quintile, household type and degree of... details >

Hazardous alcohol drinkers by sex, age and degree of urbanisation Open Data

Hazardous alcohol drinkers by sex, age and degree of urbanisation

Issued on

Hazardous alcohol drinkers by sex, age and degree of urbanisation details >

Labour costs by NACE Rev. 2 activity Open Data

Labour costs by NACE Rev. 2 activity

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Labour costs by NACE Rev. 2 activity details >

Practising dentists Open Data

Dentists as defined by ISCO 88 (code 2222) apply medical knowledge in the field of dentistry, improv

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Practising dentists details >

Youth unemployment by sex, age and educational attainment level Open Data

Youth unemployment by sex, age and educational attainment level

Issued on

Youth unemployment by sex, age and educational attainment level details >

Heat pumps - technical characteristics by technology and climate Open Data

Heat pumps - technical characteristics by technology and climate

Issued on

Heat pumps - technical characteristics by technology and climate details >

Performing (non-work-related) physical activities by sex, age and educational attainment level Open Data

Performing (non-work-related) physical activities by sex, age and educational attainment level

Issued on

Performing (non-work-related) physical activities by sex, age and educational attainment level details >

Autonomous pension funds - all indicators Open Data

Autonomous pension funds - all indicators

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Autonomous pension funds - all indicators details >

Equidae - annual data Open Data

Equidae - annual data

Issued on

Equidae - annual data details >

Final energy consumption in services by type of fuel Open Data

Final energy consumption in services covers the energy consumption of public and private entities in

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Final energy consumption in services by type of fuel details >

Young people's at-risk-of-poverty or exclusion rate by sex and country of birth Open Data

Young people's at-risk-of-poverty or exclusion rate by sex and country of birth

Issued on

Young people's at-risk-of-poverty or exclusion rate by sex and country of birth details >

Share of rent related to occupied dwelling in disposable household income, by type of household and... Open Data

Share of rent related to occupied dwelling in disposable household income, by type of household and

Issued on

Share of rent related to occupied dwelling in disposable household income, by type of household and... details >

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Croatia and their main partner airports... Open Data

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Croatia and their main partner airports

Issued on

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Croatia and their main partner airports... details >

Nights spent by household income quartile of the tourist Open Data

Nights spent by household income quartile of the tourist

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Nights spent by household income quartile of the tourist details >

Gross fixed capital formation by AN_F6 asset type Open Data

Gross fixed capital formation by AN_F6 asset type

Issued on

Gross fixed capital formation by AN_F6 asset type details >

Under glass by NUTS 2 regions Open Data

Under glass by NUTS 2 regions

Issued on

Under glass by NUTS 2 regions details >

[DISCONTINUED] Labour input in industry - annual data, percentage change Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:24:03.739453Z

[DISCONTINUED] Labour input in industry - annual data, percentage change details >

Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by educational attainment level (population aged 18... Open Data

Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by educational attainment level (population aged 18 a

Issued on

Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by educational attainment level (population aged 18... details >

Turnover due to innovating products, by NACE Rev. 1.1 Open Data

Turnover due to innovating products, by NACE Rev. 1.1

Issued on

Turnover due to innovating products, by NACE Rev. 1.1 details >

Air pollutants Open Data

Air pollutants

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Air pollutants details >

Persons participating in tourism for personal purposes by age group - number of tourists Open Data

Number of residents, aged 15 or over, having made at least 1 trip of at least 1 overnight stay. Only

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Persons participating in tourism for personal purposes by age group - number of tourists details >
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