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Median of the housing cost burden distribution by poverty status - EU-SILC survey Open Data

This indicator is defined as the median of the distribution of the share of total housing costs (net

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Median of the housing cost burden distribution by poverty status - EU-SILC survey details >

Gender pay gap in unadjusted form Open Data

The unadjusted Gender Pay Gap (GPG) represents the difference between average gross hourly earnings

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Gender pay gap in unadjusted form details >

Product innovative enterprises that have introduced new or significantly improved products by NACE... Open Data

Product innovative enterprises that have introduced new or significantly improved products by NACE R

Issued on

Product innovative enterprises that have introduced new or significantly improved products by NACE... details >

Enterprises by percentage of persons employed with university education, NACE Rev. 2 activity and... Open Data

Enterprises by percentage of persons employed with university education, NACE Rev. 2 activity and si

Issued on

Enterprises by percentage of persons employed with university education, NACE Rev. 2 activity and... details >

Triadic patent families by earliest priority year Open Data

Triadic patent families by earliest priority year

Issued on

Triadic patent families by earliest priority year details >

Gross return on capital employed, before taxes, of non-financial corporations Open Data

Gross return on capital employed, before taxes, of non-financial corporations is defined as gross op

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Gross return on capital employed, before taxes, of non-financial corporations details >

[DISCONTINUED] Hours in CVT courses per participant and NACE Rev. 2 Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:46:51.819946Z

[DISCONTINUED] Hours in CVT courses per participant and NACE Rev. 2 details >

Daily smokers of cigarettes by level of activity limitation, sex and age Open Data

Daily smokers of cigarettes by level of activity limitation, sex and age

Issued on

Daily smokers of cigarettes by level of activity limitation, sex and age details >

Exports - gas - monthly data Open Data

Exports - gas - monthly data

Issued on

Exports - gas - monthly data details >

High-tech patent applications to the European patent office (EPO) by priority year by NUTS 2 regions Open Data

The data refers to the ratio of patent applications made directly to the European Patent Office (EPO

Issued on

High-tech patent applications to the European patent office (EPO) by priority year by NUTS 2 regions details >

Annual enterprise statistics. Reference year 2002 Open Data

Annual enterprise statistics. Reference year 2002

Issued on

Annual enterprise statistics. Reference year 2002 details >

Disability employment gap by level of activity limitation and sex (source EU-SILC) Open Data

Disability employment gap by level of activity limitation and sex (source EU-SILC)

Issued on

Disability employment gap by level of activity limitation and sex (source EU-SILC) details >

HICP at constant tax rates - monthly data (annual rate of change) Open Data

HICP at constant tax rates - monthly data (annual rate of change)

Issued on

HICP at constant tax rates - monthly data (annual rate of change) details >

[DISCONTINUED] National accounts by 10 branches - price indices Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:43:20.293349Z

[DISCONTINUED] National accounts by 10 branches - price indices details >

HICP - annual data (average index and rate of change) Open Data

HICP - annual data (average index and rate of change)

Issued on

HICP - annual data (average index and rate of change) details >

Employed persons being able to influence decisions that affect their work by sex and age (source:... Open Data

Employed persons being able to influence decisions that affect their work by sex and age (source: Eu

Issued on

Employed persons being able to influence decisions that affect their work by sex and age (source:... details >

Death due to transport accidents by NUTS 2 regions Open Data

Causes of Death data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisatio

Issued on

Death due to transport accidents by NUTS 2 regions details >

Mean hourly earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O Open Data

Mean hourly earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O

Issued on

Mean hourly earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O details >

Monthly earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or... Open Data

Monthly earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or

Issued on

Monthly earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or... details >

Maritime accident victims by sea basin of occurrence and country of registration of vessels (source:... Open Data

Maritime accident victims by sea basin of occurrence and country of registration of vessels (source:

Issued on

Maritime accident victims by sea basin of occurrence and country of registration of vessels (source:... details >

Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments for selected cities (from 2020 onwards) Open Data

Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments for selected cities (from 2020 onwards)

Issued on

Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments for selected cities (from 2020 onwards) details >

Direct investment - annual data, million units of national currency Open Data

The international investment position (IIP) is a statistical statement that shows at a point in time

Issued on

Direct investment - annual data, million units of national currency details >

Self-reported use of home care services by people with severe difficulty in personal care activities... Open Data

Self-reported use of home care services by people with severe difficulty in personal care activities

Issued on

Self-reported use of home care services by people with severe difficulty in personal care activities... details >

Hampered innovation activities Open Data

Hampered innovation activities

Issued on

Hampered innovation activities details >

Aggregate propensity to consume by household type - experimental statistics Open Data

Aggregate propensity to consume by household type - experimental statistics

Issued on

Aggregate propensity to consume by household type - experimental statistics details >

Milk collection - distribution of enterprises by volume of annual collection Open Data

Milk collection - distribution of enterprises by volume of annual collection

Issued on

Milk collection - distribution of enterprises by volume of annual collection details >

Employed persons by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and type... Open Data

Employed persons by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and type

Issued on

Employed persons by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and type... details >

Production in industry - intermediate goods Open Data

The industrial production index shows the output and activity of the industry sector. It measures ch

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Production in industry - intermediate goods details >

Industrial roundwood by assortment Open Data

Industrial roundwood by assortment

Issued on

Industrial roundwood by assortment details >

Participation in any learning activities by degree of urbanisation Open Data

Participation in any learning activities by degree of urbanisation

Issued on

Participation in any learning activities by degree of urbanisation details >

Final energy consumption by product Open Data

Final energy consumption includes all energy delivered to the final consumer's door (in the industry

Issued on

Final energy consumption by product details >

Container transport by type of good (country/regional flows from 2007 onwards) Open Data

Container transport by type of good (country/regional flows from 2007 onwards)

Issued on

Container transport by type of good (country/regional flows from 2007 onwards) details >

Transport by type of cargo and type of goods Open Data

Transport by type of cargo and type of goods

Issued on

Transport by type of cargo and type of goods details >

HICP - all items excluding tobacco Open Data

Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) are designed for international comparisons of consumer

Issued on

HICP - all items excluding tobacco details >

Exports of goods - raw materials Open Data

International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-mem

Issued on

Exports of goods - raw materials details >

Annual road freight transport, by age of vehicle (Mio Tkm, Mio Veh-km, 1 000 Jrnys) Open Data

Annual road freight transport, by age of vehicle (Mio Tkm, Mio Veh-km, 1 000 Jrnys)

Issued on

Annual road freight transport, by age of vehicle (Mio Tkm, Mio Veh-km, 1 000 Jrnys) details >

Economic accounts for agriculture - values at constant prices (2015 = 100) Open Data

Economic accounts for agriculture - values at constant prices (2015 = 100)

Issued on

Economic accounts for agriculture - values at constant prices (2015 = 100) details >

[DISCONTINUED] People at risk of poverty or social exclusion Open Data

Dataset replaced by: The Europe 2020

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:15:16.518185Z

[DISCONTINUED] People at risk of poverty or social exclusion details >

Employed persons having to work at very high speed or to tight deadlines by sex and age (source:... Open Data

Employed persons having to work at very high speed or to tight deadlines by sex and age (source: Eur

Issued on

Employed persons having to work at very high speed or to tight deadlines by sex and age (source:... details >

Individuals - use of collaborative economy (until 2019) Open Data

Individuals - use of collaborative economy (until 2019)

Issued on

Individuals - use of collaborative economy (until 2019) details >

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Czechia and their main partner airports... Open Data

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Czechia and their main partner airports

Issued on

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Czechia and their main partner airports... details >

European Union trade mark (EUTM) applications per million population Open Data

European Union trade mark (EUTM) applications per million population

Issued on

European Union trade mark (EUTM) applications per million population details >

Employees by their perceived possibility to vary start and/or stop of the working day for family... Open Data

Employees by their perceived possibility to vary start and/or stop of the working day for family rea

Issued on

Employees by their perceived possibility to vary start and/or stop of the working day for family... details >

[DISCONTINUED] European Union balance of payments Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:06:00.705140Z

[DISCONTINUED] European Union balance of payments details >

Share of main livestock types in total livestock units (LSU) by NUTS 2 regions Open Data

Share of major livestock types (cattle, horses, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry) in total livestock p

Issued on

Share of main livestock types in total livestock units (LSU) by NUTS 2 regions details >

Enterprises using software solutions, like CRM to analyse information about clients for marketing... Open Data

CRM: Customer Relationship Management. January of the survey year.

Issued on

Enterprises using software solutions, like CRM to analyse information about clients for marketing... details >

Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) Open Data

Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire)

Issued on

Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) details >

Median saving rate by educational attainment level of the reference person - experimental statistics Open Data

Median saving rate by educational attainment level of the reference person - experimental statistics

Issued on

Median saving rate by educational attainment level of the reference person - experimental statistics details >

Main skills needed for the development of the enterprise by type of skill and size class - % of all... Open Data

Main skills needed for the development of the enterprise by type of skill and size class - % of all

Issued on

Main skills needed for the development of the enterprise by type of skill and size class - % of all... details >

Share of trade with the EU27 (from 2020) Open Data

The table shows the share of trade exchanges with the EU27 (from 2020) (% of imports from the EU27 (

Issued on

Share of trade with the EU27 (from 2020) details >

Number of employees, hours worked and paid, by working time and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey... Open Data

Number of employees, hours worked and paid, by working time and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey

Issued on

Number of employees, hours worked and paid, by working time and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey... details >

European Union trade mark (EUTM) registrations by NUTS 3 regions Open Data

European Union trade mark (EUTM) registrations by NUTS 3 regions

Issued on

European Union trade mark (EUTM) registrations by NUTS 3 regions details >

European Union trade mark (EUTM) specialisation index Open Data

European Union trade mark (EUTM) specialisation index

Issued on

European Union trade mark (EUTM) specialisation index details >

Catches - Antarctic - Total Open Data

Catches - Antarctic - Total

Issued on

Catches - Antarctic - Total details >

Physical and sexual violence to women by age group (2012 data) (source: FRA) Open Data

The indicator measures the share of women from the age of 15 who answered "yes" when they were asked

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Physical and sexual violence to women by age group (2012 data) (source: FRA) details >

General information about the enterprises Open Data

General information about the enterprises

Issued on

General information about the enterprises details >

[DISCONTINUED] Co-patenting at the USPTO according to applicants' country of residence Open Data

The product has been split, please select one of the products below: [Co-patenting at the USPTO a

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:00:22.188237Z

[DISCONTINUED] Co-patenting at the USPTO according to applicants' country of residence details >

Self-reported colorectal cancer screening test by sex, age and educational attainment level among... Open Data

Self-reported colorectal cancer screening test by sex, age and educational attainment level among pe

Issued on

Self-reported colorectal cancer screening test by sex, age and educational attainment level among... details >

Pupils enrolled in upper secondary education by programme orientation, sex, type of institution and... Open Data

Pupils enrolled in upper secondary education by programme orientation, sex, type of institution and

Issued on

Pupils enrolled in upper secondary education by programme orientation, sex, type of institution and... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Input-output table (industry*industry) - constant prices (NACE Rev. 2) Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:02:34.353836Z

[DISCONTINUED] Input-output table (industry*industry) - constant prices (NACE Rev. 2) details >

Passengers transported to/from main ports - Norway - quarterly data Open Data

Passengers transported to/from main ports - Norway - quarterly data

Issued on

Passengers transported to/from main ports - Norway - quarterly data details >

Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: C - current prices Open Data

Gross Value Added (GVA) (ESA 2010, 9.31) is defined as output value at basic prices less intermediat

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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: C - current prices details >

Water use by economic activity Open Data

Water use by economic activity

Issued on

Water use by economic activity details >

Exports - all products - annual data Open Data

Exports - all products - annual data

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:38:25.324042Z

Exports - all products - annual data details >

Early leavers from education and training aged 18-24 by sex Open Data

Early leavers from education and training aged 18-24 by sex

Issued on

Early leavers from education and training aged 18-24 by sex details >

Disabled people by sex, need for assistance and having a longstanding health problem Open Data

Disabled people by sex, need for assistance and having a longstanding health problem

Issued on

Disabled people by sex, need for assistance and having a longstanding health problem details >

Persons in formal education by sex, age, income group and contributor Open Data

Persons in formal education by sex, age, income group and contributor

Issued on

Persons in formal education by sex, age, income group and contributor details >

Severe material deprivation rate by age and sex Open Data

Severe material deprivation rate by age and sex

Issued on

Severe material deprivation rate by age and sex details >

Employed persons having more than one job by sex Open Data

Percentage of persons with more than one job as a share of all persons in employment. The indicator

Issued on

Employed persons having more than one job by sex details >

Number of establishments, bedrooms and bed-places by NUTS 3 regions (1990-2011) Open Data

Number of establishments, bedrooms and bed-places by NUTS 3 regions (1990-2011)

Issued on

Number of establishments, bedrooms and bed-places by NUTS 3 regions (1990-2011) details >

Average hours worked and paid per employee, by working time and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey... Open Data

Average hours worked and paid per employee, by working time and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey

Issued on

Average hours worked and paid per employee, by working time and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey... details >

Intra-corporate transferee permits issued, renewed and withdrawn by type of permit, length of... Open Data

Intra-corporate transferee permits issued, renewed and withdrawn by type of permit, length of validi

Issued on

Intra-corporate transferee permits issued, renewed and withdrawn by type of permit, length of... details >

Commercial aircraft fleet by age of aircraft and country of operator Open Data

Commercial aircraft fleet by age of aircraft and country of operator

Issued on

Commercial aircraft fleet by age of aircraft and country of operator details >

Key variables: area, livestock (LSU), labour force and standard output (SO) by economic size of farm... Open Data

Key variables: area, livestock (LSU), labour force and standard output (SO) by economic size of farm

Issued on

Key variables: area, livestock (LSU), labour force and standard output (SO) by economic size of farm... details >

Nominal unit labour cost growth Open Data

Nominal unit labour cost growth

Issued on

Nominal unit labour cost growth details >

Irrigation: number of farms, areas and equipment by size of irrigated area and NUTS 2 regions Open Data

Irrigation: number of farms, areas and equipment by size of irrigated area and NUTS 2 regions

Issued on

Irrigation: number of farms, areas and equipment by size of irrigated area and NUTS 2 regions details >

Adjusted gross disposable income of households per capita Open Data

The indicator reflects the purchasing power of households and their ability to invest in goods and s

Issued on

Adjusted gross disposable income of households per capita details >

Direct investment abroad - quarterly data, % of GDP Open Data

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a category of investment that reflects the objective of establish

Issued on

Direct investment abroad - quarterly data, % of GDP details >

[DISCONTINUED] Producer prices in industry, domestic market - annual data, percentage change Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:20:12.890404Z

[DISCONTINUED] Producer prices in industry, domestic market - annual data, percentage change details >

[DISCONTINUED] Input coefficients for imports Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T07:56:09.362959Z

[DISCONTINUED] Input coefficients for imports details >

GISCO - the Geographic Information System of the Cоmmission Open Data

GISCO is responsible for meeting the European Commission's geographical information needs at 3 level

Issued on 2017-02-27

GISCO - the Geographic Information System of the Cоmmission details >

NUTS - Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics classification Open Data

The NUTS classification (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) is a hierarchical system

Issued on 2018-03-01

NUTS - Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics classification details >

Eurostat web services and dissemination APIs Open Data

Eurostat data contains many indicators (short-term, structural, theme-specific and others) on the EU

Issued on 2017-02-27

Eurostat web services and dissemination APIs details >

[DISCONTINUED] Households with broadband access Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:07:46.082842Z

[DISCONTINUED] Households with broadband access details >

[DISCONTINUED] Enterprises evaluating the effect of CVT courses as % of training enterprises, by... Open Data

Dataset replaced by:

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:01:42.663405Z

[DISCONTINUED] Enterprises evaluating the effect of CVT courses as % of training enterprises, by... details >

Foreign ownership of domestic inventions in patent applications to the EPO by priority year Open Data

Foreign ownership of domestic inventions in patent applications to the EPO by priority year

Issued on

Foreign ownership of domestic inventions in patent applications to the EPO by priority year details >

Cross-classification of gross fixed capital formation by industry and by asset (flows) Open Data

Cross-classification of gross fixed capital formation by industry and by asset (flows)

Issued on

Cross-classification of gross fixed capital formation by industry and by asset (flows) details >

Employed persons working on weekends as percentage of the total number of employed persons by sex,... Open Data

Employed persons working on weekends as percentage of the total number of employed persons by sex, a

Issued on

Employed persons working on weekends as percentage of the total number of employed persons by sex,... details >

Total population not having indoor flushing toilet for the sole use of their household - EU-SILC... Open Data

Total population not having indoor flushing toilet for the sole use of their household - EU-SILC sur

Issued on

Total population not having indoor flushing toilet for the sole use of their household - EU-SILC... details >

Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, sex, length of service with the enterprise Open Data

Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, sex, length of service with the enterprise

Issued on

Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, sex, length of service with the enterprise details >

Freight and mail air transport by main airports in each reporting country Open Data

Freight and mail air transport by main airports in each reporting country

Issued on

Freight and mail air transport by main airports in each reporting country details >

Key variables by legal status of holding, size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions Open Data

Key variables by legal status of holding, size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions

Issued on

Key variables by legal status of holding, size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions details >

[DISCONTINUED] National accounts by 38 branches - employment data Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:27:31.333383Z

[DISCONTINUED] National accounts by 38 branches - employment data details >

Laying hens: number of farms and heads of poultry by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of... Open Data

Laying hens: number of farms and heads of poultry by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of lay

Issued on

Laying hens: number of farms and heads of poultry by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of... details >

Employed persons, average number of years spent working of employed persons - by sex and occupation Open Data

Employed persons, average number of years spent working of employed persons - by sex and occupation

Issued on

Employed persons, average number of years spent working of employed persons - by sex and occupation details >

Holder-manager relationship: selected variables by size of farm (UAA) Open Data

Holder-manager relationship: selected variables by size of farm (UAA)

Issued on

Holder-manager relationship: selected variables by size of farm (UAA) details >

Unemployment rate by educational attainment level Open Data

The indicator presents unemployment rates of those aged 15-74, broken down by educational attainment

Issued on

Unemployment rate by educational attainment level details >

Individuals using the internet for ordering goods or services from other EU countries Open Data

Buy or order for private use. Within the last 12 months before the survey. Manually typed e-mails ar

Issued on

Individuals using the internet for ordering goods or services from other EU countries details >

Total population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation, or rot... Open Data

Total population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation, or rot

Issued on

Total population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation, or rot... details >

Persons with low level of expenditure by risk of income poverty, material deprivation and work... Open Data

Persons with low level of expenditure by risk of income poverty, material deprivation and work inten

Issued on

Persons with low level of expenditure by risk of income poverty, material deprivation and work... details >
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