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Price indices of agricultural products, output (2015 = 100) - annual data Open Data

Price indices of agricultural products, output (2015 = 100) - annual data

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Price indices of agricultural products, output (2015 = 100) - annual data details >

Non-fatal accidents at work by NACE Rev. 2 activity and age Open Data

Non-fatal accidents at work by NACE Rev. 2 activity and age

Issued on

Non-fatal accidents at work by NACE Rev. 2 activity and age details >

At-risk-of-poverty rate by NUTS 2 regions - EU-SILC survey Open Data

At-risk-of-poverty rate by NUTS 2 regions - EU-SILC survey

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At-risk-of-poverty rate by NUTS 2 regions - EU-SILC survey details >

Mean and median income by work intensity of the household (population aged 0 to 59 years) - EU-SILC... Open Data

Mean and median income by work intensity of the household (population aged 0 to 59 years) - EU-SILC

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Mean and median income by work intensity of the household (population aged 0 to 59 years) - EU-SILC... details >

Limitations in personal care activities by sex, age and educational attainment level (%) Open Data

Limitations in personal care activities by sex, age and educational attainment level (%)

Issued on

Limitations in personal care activities by sex, age and educational attainment level (%) details >

[DISCONTINUED] People killed in road accidents Open Data

Dataset replaced by: Fatalities c

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:20:30.113663Z

[DISCONTINUED] People killed in road accidents details >

[DISCONTINUED] Extent to which internet use replaced time spent with off-line activities Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 03 Jul 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T11:23:03.021306Z

[DISCONTINUED] Extent to which internet use replaced time spent with off-line activities details >

Price indices of agricultural products, output (2010 = 100) - annual data Open Data

Price indices of agricultural products, output (2010 = 100) - annual data

Issued on

Price indices of agricultural products, output (2010 = 100) - annual data details >

Input to capture-based aquaculture (from 2008 onwards) Open Data

Input to capture-based aquaculture (from 2008 onwards)

Issued on

Input to capture-based aquaculture (from 2008 onwards) details >

Covid-19 Impact on ICT usage by size class of enterprise Open Data

Covid-19 Impact on ICT usage by size class of enterprise

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Covid-19 Impact on ICT usage by size class of enterprise details >

[DISCONTINUED] Financial account - monthly data Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Jul 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:13:04.990593Z

[DISCONTINUED] Financial account - monthly data details >

Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions Open Data

The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in th

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Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions details >

Hospital beds by hospital ownership Open Data

Hospital beds by hospital ownership

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Hospital beds by hospital ownership details >

Road traffic deaths, by type of roads (source: DG MOVE) Open Data

The indicator measures the number of fatalities caused by road accidents, including drivers and pass

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Road traffic deaths, by type of roads (source: DG MOVE) details >

Enterprises that needed to obtain or develop new skills in the period 1997-1999 by size and by the... Open Data

Enterprises that needed to obtain or develop new skills in the period 1997-1999 by size and by the m

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Enterprises that needed to obtain or develop new skills in the period 1997-1999 by size and by the... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Gross fixed capital formation by 6 asset types - aggregates at current prices Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:17:34.755612Z

[DISCONTINUED] Gross fixed capital formation by 6 asset types - aggregates at current prices details >

Median of the housing cost burden distribution by sex - EU-SILC survey Open Data

This indicator is defined as the median of the distribution of the share of total housing costs (net

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Median of the housing cost burden distribution by sex - EU-SILC survey details >

Road equipment: number of road vehicles by categories Open Data

Road equipment: number of road vehicles by categories

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Road equipment: number of road vehicles by categories details >

Non-performing loans of government Open Data

Non-performing loans of government

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Non-performing loans of government details >

Individuals - places of internet use Open Data

Individuals - places of internet use

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Individuals - places of internet use details >

Teachers (ISCED 0-4) and academic staff (ISCED 5-6) by age and sex Open Data

Teachers (ISCED 0-4) and academic staff (ISCED 5-6) by age and sex

Issued on

Teachers (ISCED 0-4) and academic staff (ISCED 5-6) by age and sex details >

[DISCONTINUED] Imports of goods by economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and partner - % of GVA Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 06 Jul 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T09:35:21.421501Z

[DISCONTINUED] Imports of goods by economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and partner - % of GVA details >

Inactive population by sex, age and citizenship (1 000) Open Data

Inactive population by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)

Issued on

Inactive population by sex, age and citizenship (1 000) details >

Material flows for circular economy - Sankey diagram data Open Data

Material flows for circular economy - Sankey diagram data

Issued on

Material flows for circular economy - Sankey diagram data details >

Annual detailed enterprise statistics for trade (NACE Rev. 2 G) Open Data

Annual detailed enterprise statistics for trade (NACE Rev. 2 G)

Issued on

Annual detailed enterprise statistics for trade (NACE Rev. 2 G) details >

Innovation activities and expenditures in 2012 in the enterprises by NACE Rev. 2 activity and size... Open Data

Innovation activities and expenditures in 2012 in the enterprises by NACE Rev. 2 activity and size c

Issued on

Innovation activities and expenditures in 2012 in the enterprises by NACE Rev. 2 activity and size... details >

Average number of overtime hours of employees, by sex, age and occupation Open Data

Average number of overtime hours of employees, by sex, age and occupation

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Average number of overtime hours of employees, by sex, age and occupation details >

Gender differences in the relative median income ratio (60+) - EU-SILC survey Open Data

Gender differences in the relative median income ratio (60+) - EU-SILC survey

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Gender differences in the relative median income ratio (60+) - EU-SILC survey details >

Current account - monthly data Open Data

Current account - monthly data

Issued on

Current account - monthly data details >

Primary energy production Open Data

Primary energy production

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Primary energy production details >

Persons reporting an accident at work resulting in sick leave by sex, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity Open Data

Persons reporting an accident at work resulting in sick leave by sex, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity

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Persons reporting an accident at work resulting in sick leave by sex, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity details >

Oil pipeline enterprises Open Data

Oil pipeline enterprises

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Oil pipeline enterprises details >

ENP countries: fisheries Open Data

ENP countries: fisheries

Issued on

ENP countries: fisheries details >

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Italy and their main partner airports... Open Data

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Italy and their main partner airports (r

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Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Italy and their main partner airports... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Employment growth and activity branches - quarterly data Open Data

Employment growth and activity branches - quarterly data. **The product has been discontinued sin

Issued on

[DISCONTINUED] Employment growth and activity branches - quarterly data details >

EU direct investment flows, by country and economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) Open Data

EU direct investment flows, by country and economic activity (NACE Rev. 2)

Issued on

EU direct investment flows, by country and economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) details >

Production in construction Open Data

The production in construction shows the output and activity of the construction sector. It measures

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Production in construction details >

Enterprises providing training in previous year by type of training and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - %... Open Data

Enterprises providing training in previous year by type of training and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % o

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Enterprises providing training in previous year by type of training and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - %... details >

Candidate countries and potential candidates: annual national accounts -breakdown of final... Open Data

Candidate countries and potential candidates: annual national accounts -breakdown of final consumpti

Issued on

Candidate countries and potential candidates: annual national accounts -breakdown of final... details >

Share of main land types in utilised agricultural area (UAA) by NUTS 2 regions Open Data

The share of the utilised agricultural area (UAA) occupied by the main agricultural land uses (arabl

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Share of main land types in utilised agricultural area (UAA) by NUTS 2 regions details >

Asylum applicants considered to be unaccompanied minors - annual data Open Data

Asylum applicants considered to be unaccompanied minors.

Issued on

Asylum applicants considered to be unaccompanied minors - annual data details >

Estimates of slaughtering, other than in slaughterhouses - monthly data Open Data

Estimates of slaughtering, other than in slaughterhouses - monthly data

Issued on

Estimates of slaughtering, other than in slaughterhouses - monthly data details >

GERD by sector of performance and type of expenditure Open Data

GERD by sector of performance and type of expenditure

Issued on

GERD by sector of performance and type of expenditure details >

In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate by work intensity of the household (population aged 18 to 59 years)... Open Data

In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate by work intensity of the household (population aged 18 to 59 years)

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In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate by work intensity of the household (population aged 18 to 59 years)... details >

[DISCONTINUED] Input-output table for domestic output (industry*industry) - constant prices (NACE... Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:35:32.533342Z

[DISCONTINUED] Input-output table for domestic output (industry*industry) - constant prices (NACE... details >

At-risk-of-poverty rate of older people by sex - EU-SILC survey Open Data

The share of persons with an equivalised disposable income, before social transfers, below the risk-

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At-risk-of-poverty rate of older people by sex - EU-SILC survey details >

Number of employees by economic activity, sex, educational attainment level Open Data

Number of employees by economic activity, sex, educational attainment level

Issued on

Number of employees by economic activity, sex, educational attainment level details >

Energy taxes by paying sector Open Data

The indicator measures the percentage of energy taxes that are raised against seven paying sectors a

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Energy taxes by paying sector details >

Persons in employment by commuting time, household composition and working from home Open Data

Persons in employment by commuting time, household composition and working from home

Issued on

Persons in employment by commuting time, household composition and working from home details >

Self-perceived health by sex, age and groups of country of citizenship Open Data

Self-perceived health by sex, age and groups of country of citizenship

Issued on

Self-perceived health by sex, age and groups of country of citizenship details >

Tables by benefits - sickness/health care function Open Data

Tables by benefits - sickness/health care function

Issued on

Tables by benefits - sickness/health care function details >

Olive trees - Area by density classes (area in ha) Open Data

Olive trees - Area by density classes (area in ha)

Issued on

Olive trees - Area by density classes (area in ha) details >

Secondary distribution of income account of households by NUTS 2 regions Open Data

Secondary distribution of income account of households by NUTS 2 regions

Issued on

Secondary distribution of income account of households by NUTS 2 regions details >

Main national accounts tax aggregates Open Data

Main national accounts tax aggregates

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Main national accounts tax aggregates details >

Children (aged less than 18) at risk of poverty or social exclusion Open Data

This indicator corresponds to the sum of persons who are: at risk of poverty or severely materially

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Children (aged less than 18) at risk of poverty or social exclusion details >

Distribution of academic staff at education level by age groups Open Data

Distribution of academic staff at education level by age groups

Issued on

Distribution of academic staff at education level by age groups details >

HICP - clothing Open Data

Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) are designed for international comparisons of consumer

Issued on

HICP - clothing details >

Foreign control of enterprises: research and development characteristics by controlling countries... Open Data

Foreign control of enterprises: research and development characteristics by controlling countries (f

Issued on

Foreign control of enterprises: research and development characteristics by controlling countries... details >

Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, sex, length of service in the enterprise Open Data

Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, sex, length of service in the enterprise

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Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, sex, length of service in the enterprise details >

Employed HRST by category, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions Open Data

Employed HRST by category, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions

Issued on

Employed HRST by category, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions details >

Accidents at work by ISCO and employment status (NACE Rev. 2 activity A, C-N) Open Data

Accidents at work by ISCO and employment status (NACE Rev. 2 activity A, C-N)

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Accidents at work by ISCO and employment status (NACE Rev. 2 activity A, C-N) details >

Turnover by type of media for advertising services Open Data

Turnover by type of media for advertising services

Issued on

Turnover by type of media for advertising services details >

Distribution of direct and indirect taxes paid by households as a percentage of their gross income... Open Data

Distribution of direct and indirect taxes paid by households as a percentage of their gross income b

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Distribution of direct and indirect taxes paid by households as a percentage of their gross income... details >

Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age and degree of... Open Data

Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age and degree of urbanisat

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Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age and degree of... details >

Gender parity index by education level Open Data

Gender parity index by education level

Issued on

Gender parity index by education level details >

Poverty ratio Open Data

Poverty ratio

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Poverty ratio details >

Labour market - functional urban areas Open Data

Labour market - functional urban areas

Issued on

Labour market - functional urban areas details >

Exports of electricity and derived heat by partner country Open Data

Exports of electricity and derived heat by partner country

Issued on

Exports of electricity and derived heat by partner country details >

Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: B-E - current prices Open Data

Gross Value Added (GVA) (ESA 2010, 9.31) is defined as output value at basic prices less intermediat

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Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: B-E - current prices details >

Average number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - children with at least 1 hour of formal... Open Data

Average number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - children with at least 1 hour of formal

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Average number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - children with at least 1 hour of formal... details >

Overcrowding rate by income quintile - population without single-person households - EU-SILC survey Open Data

Overcrowding rate by income quintile - population without single-person households - EU-SILC survey

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Overcrowding rate by income quintile - population without single-person households - EU-SILC survey details >

Annual detailed enterprise statistics on trade (NACE Rev. 1.1 G) Open Data

Annual detailed enterprise statistics on trade (NACE Rev. 1.1 G)

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Annual detailed enterprise statistics on trade (NACE Rev. 1.1 G) details >

Summary of quarterly road freight transport by type of operation and type of transport (1 000 t, Mio... Open Data

Summary of quarterly road freight transport by type of operation and type of transport (1 000 t, Mio

Issued on

Summary of quarterly road freight transport by type of operation and type of transport (1 000 t, Mio... details >

Out-of-pocket expenditure on healthcare Open Data

Household out-of-pocket payment’ means a direct payment for healthcare goods and services from the h

Issued on

Out-of-pocket expenditure on healthcare details >

[DISCONTINUED] Tertiary educational attainment by sex, age group 30-34 Open Data

Dataset replaced by: The indicator

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:00:57.966847Z

[DISCONTINUED] Tertiary educational attainment by sex, age group 30-34 details >

Agricultural holdings and utilised agricultural area by training, age and sex of farm managers Open Data

Agricultural holdings and utilised agricultural area by training, age and sex of farm managers

Issued on

Agricultural holdings and utilised agricultural area by training, age and sex of farm managers details >

[DISCONTINUED] Gross domestic product (GDP), market prices Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 25 Aug 2016.

Issued on 2015-10-16T08:27:50.243870Z

[DISCONTINUED] Gross domestic product (GDP), market prices details >

Ratio of pupils and students to teachers and academic staff by education level and programme... Open Data

Ratio of pupils and students to teachers and academic staff by education level and programme orienta

Issued on

Ratio of pupils and students to teachers and academic staff by education level and programme... details >

Current account, main components, debit - annual data, % of GDP Open Data

The Current account provides information about the transactions of a country with the rest of the wo

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Current account, main components, debit - annual data, % of GDP details >

Basic economic information on the enterprises Open Data

Basic economic information on the enterprises

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Basic economic information on the enterprises details >

Population by sex, age, citizenship and labour status (1 000) Open Data

Population by sex, age, citizenship and labour status (1 000)

Issued on

Population by sex, age, citizenship and labour status (1 000) details >

Selling prices of oats Open Data

The absolute prices in this table give information on the levels of the producer prices of the produ

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Selling prices of oats details >

Distribution of sources to look for information on learning possibilities Open Data

Distribution of sources to look for information on learning possibilities

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Distribution of sources to look for information on learning possibilities details >

Total wages and salaries Open Data

Labour Costs are the total expenditure borne by employers for the purpose of employing staff. They i

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Total wages and salaries details >

Intentional homicide victims by age and sex - number and rate for the relevant sex and age groups Open Data

Intentional homicide victims by age and sex - number and rate for the relevant sex and age groups

Issued on

Intentional homicide victims by age and sex - number and rate for the relevant sex and age groups details >

Extra-EU28 trade of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (SITC 3), by main partners Open Data

The table shows the 10 main partners of the EU28 for that product group (according to the sum import

Issued on

Extra-EU28 trade of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (SITC 3), by main partners details >

Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 1 regions and type of occupation... Open Data

Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 1 regions and type of occupation (1

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Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 1 regions and type of occupation... details >

People living in households with very low work intensity by sex Open Data

People living in households with very low work intensity are those aged 0-64 living in households wh

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People living in households with very low work intensity by sex details >

Deaths and crude death rate Open Data

Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has tak

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Deaths and crude death rate details >

Persons not participating in tourism by reason and sex Open Data

Persons not participating in tourism by reason and sex

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Persons not participating in tourism by reason and sex details >

European Union trade mark (EUTM) publications as % of total EUTM applications Open Data

European Union trade mark (EUTM) publications as % of total EUTM applications

Issued on

European Union trade mark (EUTM) publications as % of total EUTM applications details >

Distribution of direct taxes paid by households as a percentage of their gross income by income... Open Data

Distribution of direct taxes paid by households as a percentage of their gross income by income quin

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Distribution of direct taxes paid by households as a percentage of their gross income by income... details >

Credit mobile graduates (at least 3 months abroad) by education level, type of mobility scheme, type... Open Data

Credit mobile graduates (at least 3 months abroad) by education level, type of mobility scheme, type

Issued on

Credit mobile graduates (at least 3 months abroad) by education level, type of mobility scheme, type... details >

Crude oil imports by field of production - monthly data Open Data

Crude oil imports by field of production - monthly data

Issued on

Crude oil imports by field of production - monthly data details >

Access to basic services and housing Open Data

Access to basic services and housing

Issued on

Access to basic services and housing details >

[DISCONTINUED] Cereals, production Open Data

The product has been discontinued since: 22 Jan 2016. Production of cereals is harvested producti

Issued on 2015-10-16T10:01:38.131495Z

[DISCONTINUED] Cereals, production details >

Emergency oil stocks in days equivalent - monthly data Open Data

Emergency oil stocks in days equivalent - monthly data

Issued on

Emergency oil stocks in days equivalent - monthly data details >

Mean hourly earnings by sex, economic activity and occupation Open Data

Mean hourly earnings by sex, economic activity and occupation

Issued on

Mean hourly earnings by sex, economic activity and occupation details >

Long-term unemployment (12 months or more) as a percentage of the total unemployment, by sex, age... Open Data

Long-term unemployment (12 months or more) as a percentage of the total unemployment, by sex, age an

Issued on

Long-term unemployment (12 months or more) as a percentage of the total unemployment, by sex, age... details >

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Hungary and their main partner airports... Open Data

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Hungary and their main partner airports

Issued on

Freight and mail air transport between the main airports of Hungary and their main partner airports... details >
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