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Belgian open data portal, harvesting data from federal, regional and local portals in Belgium datasets available on official portal for European data

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Monitoring of metals and organic compounds in biota in the Belgian part of the North Sea since 1976... Open Data


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Monitoring of metals and organic compounds in biota in the Belgian part of the North Sea since 1976... details >

Contaminants in biota and bird eggs dataset in support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive... Open Data

This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSF

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Contaminants in biota and bird eggs dataset in support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive... details >

SediLITHO@SEA, lithological descriptions of marine sediments in the Belgian part of the North Sea Open Data

A lithological parameter dataset was created containing all geological descriptions of samples taken

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SediLITHO@SEA, lithological descriptions of marine sediments in the Belgian part of the North Sea details >

Belgian Marine Mammals strandings, observations, airplane sightings and necropsies Open Data

As part of the implementation of the Royal Decree on marine species protection in the Belgian nation

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Belgian Marine Mammals strandings, observations, airplane sightings and necropsies details >

R/V Belgica A962 Underway data (ODAS) Open Data

The RV Belgica underway data set comprises all data gathered with the Oceanographic Data Acquisition

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R/V Belgica A962 Underway data (ODAS) details >

4DEMON: 4 decades of metals and PCBs concentrations in sediment at the Belgian Part of the North Sea Open Data

Assessment of historical data is important for understanding long-term changes in the quality of the

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4DEMON: 4 decades of metals and PCBs concentrations in sediment at the Belgian Part of the North Sea details >

LifeWatch Belgium Cetacean Passive Acoustic Monitoring Network, contribution by MARECO Open Data

Presence and activity of harbour porpoises at specific locations is measured by passive acoustic mon

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LifeWatch Belgium Cetacean Passive Acoustic Monitoring Network, contribution by MARECO details >

WATERHYPERNET: Dataset of in situ above-water hyperspectral autonomous optical radiometry... Open Data

This dataset contains data from the WATERHYPERNET network at the VEIT station (Aqua Alta Oceanograph

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WATERHYPERNET: Dataset of in situ above-water hyperspectral autonomous optical radiometry... details >

WinMon.BE - partim: Monitoring the fauna colonising artificial hard substrates in Belgian wind farms Open Data

Long term monitoring of the fauna colonising turbines and scour protection layers in Belgian offshor

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WinMon.BE - partim: Monitoring the fauna colonising artificial hard substrates in Belgian wind farms details >

Habitat suitability map of Abra alba community in the Belgian Part of the North Sea Open Data

The habitat suitability map (HSM) of the Abra alba community is a map describing the likelihood of p

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Habitat suitability map of Abra alba community in the Belgian Part of the North Sea details >

Habitat suitability map of Hesionura elongata community in the Belgian Part of the North Sea Open Data

The habitat suitability map (HSM) of the Hesionura elongata community is a map describing the likeli

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Habitat suitability map of Hesionura elongata community in the Belgian Part of the North Sea details >

Habitat suitability map of Limecola balthica community in the Belgian Part of the North Sea Open Data

The habitat suitability map (HSM) of the Limecola balthica community is a map describing the likelih

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Habitat suitability map of Limecola balthica community in the Belgian Part of the North Sea details >

Habitat suitability map of Magelona-Ensis community in the Belgian Part of the North Sea Open Data

The habitat suitability map (HSM) of the Magelona-Ensis community is a map describing the likelihood

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Habitat suitability map of Magelona-Ensis community in the Belgian Part of the North Sea details >

Habitat suitability map of Nephtys cirrosa community in the Belgian Part of the North Sea Open Data

The habitat suitability map (HSM) of the Nephtys cirrosa community is a map describing the likelihoo

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Habitat suitability map of Nephtys cirrosa community in the Belgian Part of the North Sea details >

Biological Valuation Map of the Belgian Part of the North Sea Open Data

The biological valuation map (BVM) of the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS) is a map describing t

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Biological Valuation Map of the Belgian Part of the North Sea details >

Effects of dumping industrial waste by RVZ (DUMP) Open Data


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Effects of dumping industrial waste by RVZ (DUMP) details >

Biogeochemical carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes in the North Sea (CANOPY) Open Data


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Biogeochemical carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes in the North Sea (CANOPY) details >

PMPZ: Study on sediment by ULB and KUL: metals in sediment 1000P Open Data


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PMPZ: Study on sediment by ULB and KUL: metals in sediment 1000P details >

Book boxes Open Data

List of book boxes in Fernelmont

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Book boxes details >

Bornes de recharge pour voitures électriques Open Data

Bornes de recharge pour voitures électriques

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Bornes de recharge pour voitures électriques details >

Bornes et PCs e-guichet Open Data

Bornes et PCs e-guichet sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles

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Bornes et PCs e-guichet details >

Box à vélos Open Data

Localisation des box à vélos installés sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles

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Box à vélos details >

Bike car parks in Chaudfontaine Open Data

Location of bicycle parking near the exchange poles in the commune of Chaudfontaine

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Bike car parks in Chaudfontaine details >

Weekly flea marketers Open Data

The dataset contains the following information: the geolocations, dates and timetables of the brocan

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Weekly flea marketers details >

Affichage public Open Data

Localisation des panneaux d'affichage public gérés par la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Affichage public details >

Auberges de jeunesse et hôtels pour jeunes Open Data

Localisation des auberges de jeunesse et des hôtels pour jeunes sur le territoire de la Ville de Bru

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Auberges de jeunesse et hôtels pour jeunes details >

Bibliothèques francophones Open Data

Localisation des bibliothèques francophones de la Ville de Bruxelles et présence sur les réseaux soc

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Bibliothèques francophones details >

Bulles à verre Open Data

Localisation des bulles (conteneurs) à verre installées sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Bulles à verre details >

Bureaux de police Open Data

Localisation des commissariats de police ou services de garde situés sur le territoire de la Ville d

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Bureaux de police details >

Bureaux de tourisme Open Data

Localisation des bureaux de tourisme de VisitBrussels (organisme régional chargé du tourisme) sur le

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Bureaux de tourisme details >

Canisites Open Data

Localisation des canisites installés sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Canisites details >

Centre administratif et bureaux de liaison Open Data

Localisation du Centre administratif et des bureaux de liaison de l'administration de la Ville de Br

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Centre administratif et bureaux de liaison details >

Cinémas Open Data

Salles de cinéma sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Cinémas details >

Colonnes d'affichage communal Open Data

Localisation des colonnes d'affichage communal de la Ville de Bruxelles où des manifestations cultur

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Colonnes d'affichage communal details >

Concours communaux Open Data

Fil RSS des concours communaux du site internet de la Ville de Bruxelles:

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Concours communaux details >

Distributeurs bancaires Open Data

Localisation des distributeurs (guichets automatiques) bancaires (distributeurs automatiques de bill

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Distributeurs bancaires details >

Ecoles francophones Open Data

Localisation des écoles francophones de la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Ecoles francophones details >

Bibliothèques néerlandophones Open Data

Localisation des bibliothèques néerlandophones de la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Bibliothèques néerlandophones details >

Elèves dans les écoles communales francophones Open Data

Evolution du nombre d'élèves ou d'inscriptions dans les écoles francophones de la Ville de Bruxelles

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Elèves dans les écoles communales francophones details >

Plantes exotiques invasives Open Data

Localisation des espèces de plantes exotiques invasives sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Plantes exotiques invasives details >

Installations sportives de la Ville de Bruxelles Open Data

Localisation des installations sportives (stades, salles, complexes et terrains de sport) de la Vill

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Installations sportives de la Ville de Bruxelles details >

Points d'accès publics à l'Internet Open Data

Localisation des points d'accès publics à l'Internet (PAPI) sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxell

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Points d'accès publics à l'Internet details >

Institutions européennes Open Data

Localisation des institutions européennes sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Institutions européennes details >

Lieux culturels Open Data

Localisation des lieux culturels (organisés ou soutenus par la Ville) sur le territoire de la Ville

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Lieux culturels details >

Maisons de quartier Open Data

Localisation des maisons de quartier de la Ville de Bruxelles

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Maisons de quartier details >

Musées Open Data

Localisation des musées de la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Musées details >

Offres d'emploi Open Data

Fil RSS des offres d'emploi du site web la Ville de Bruxelles en provenance des départements du Pers

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Offres d'emploi details >

Parcours BD Open Data

Localisation des murs (fresques) BD de la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Parcours BD details >

Parcs et jardins publics Open Data

Localisation des parcs et des jardins publics sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Parcs et jardins publics details >

Parkings PMR Open Data

Localisation des espaces de stationnement (parking sur la voie publique) pour les personnes à mobili

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Parkings PMR details >

Rues par secteur pour les cartes de riverain Open Data

Localisation des rues par secteur pour les détenteurs d'une carte de riverain de stationnement sur

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Rues par secteur pour les cartes de riverain details >

Pages Facebook Open Data

Statistiques des pages Facebook Ville de Bruxelles (nombre de mentions "J'aime") en français, néerla

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Pages Facebook details >

Théâtres Open Data

Salles de théâtre sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Théâtres details >

Toilettes publiques Open Data

Localisation des toilettes publiques sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Toilettes publiques details >

Top 100 des livres empruntés par bibliothèque (2013) Open Data

Classement par bibliothèque des livres les plus empruntés dans les bibliothèques de la Ville de Brux

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Top 100 des livres empruntés par bibliothèque (2013) details >

Urinoirs publics Open Data

Localisation des urinoirs publics (toilettes pour hommes) sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles

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Urinoirs publics details >

Wifi Open Data

Localisation des points d'accès sur le territoire de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.

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Wifi details >

Hannut — Glass Bulls Open Data

List of glass bubbles in the Hannut entity

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Hannut — Glass Bulls details >

Glass bubbles Open Data

The dataset shows the location of the glass bubbles in the Liège territory. The information is reg

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Glass bubbles details >

Textile bubbles Open Data

The dataset shows the location of the different bodies’ textile bubbles in the Liège territory. Th

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Textile bubbles details >

Bureaux de vote Open Data

Localisation des bureaux de vote sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles (Lambert 72).

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Bureaux de vote details >

Burgemeesters Open Data

Burgemeesters van de Stad Brussel met de vermelding van de geboortedatum en overlijdensdatum, de dat

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Burgemeesters details >

Bus scolaires Open Data

Emplacements de bus scolaires aux abords des écoles de la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Bus scolaires details >

Buurthuizen Open Data

Localisatie van de Buurthuizen van het OCMW Brussel

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Buurthuizen details >

Bourgmestres Open Data

Bourgmestres de la Ville de Bruxelles avec la mention des dates de naissance et de décès, les dates

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Bourgmestres details >

Consommation énergétique Open Data

Consommation énergétique de la Ville de Bruxelles depuis 2008.

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Consommation énergétique details >

Projection de l'évolution de la population bruxelloise par tranches d'âge Open Data

Sur la base de la population bruxelloise en 2012, une projection de l'évolution de la population de

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Projection de l'évolution de la population bruxelloise par tranches d'âge details >

Statistiques démographiques Open Data

Statistiques relatives aux naissances, mariages, divorces et séparations, décès à la Ville de Bruxel

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Statistiques démographiques details >

Food trucks Open Data

Localisation des emplacements pour les food trucks sélectionnés par la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Food trucks details >

Logements à la Régie foncière - loyers Open Data

Situation du logement  de la Régie foncière.

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Logements à la Régie foncière - loyers details >

Geographical origin of the visits to the website of the City of Brussels (2009) Open Data

Countries and territories of the visitors of the website of the City of Brussels (2011), determined

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Geographical origin of the visits to the website of the City of Brussels (2009) details >

Visites & visiteurs du site web Open Data

Visites et visiteurs du site web de la Ville de Bruxelles (

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Visites & visiteurs du site web details >

Public urinals Open Data

Location of public urinals (toilets for men) on the territory of the City of Brussels.

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Public urinals details >

Inventory of alien macroinvertebrates in Flanders, Belgium Open Data

The Inventory of alien macroinvertebrates in Flanders, Belgium is a species checklist dataset publis

Issued on 2021-11-08T12:11:25.388Z

Inventory of alien macroinvertebrates in Flanders, Belgium details >

Mollusca of Calvi Bay (Corsica, France) Open Data

Presence and absence records for molluscs sampled at 9 locations near Calvi Bay (Corsica, France). T

Issued on 2021-11-08T12:06:12.756Z

Mollusca of Calvi Bay (Corsica, France) details >

Agenda of all tango-related activities in Belgium Open Data

Agenda of all tango-related activities in Belgium

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Agenda of all tango-related activities in Belgium details >

ABV - Common breeding birds in Flanders, Belgium Open Data

The ABV breeding birds dataset is a sample based dataset contains more than 4500 human observation e

Issued on 2021-11-08T12:12:50.519Z

ABV - Common breeding birds in Flanders, Belgium details >

Slangtelling Baron Ruzettelaan (per hour) Open Data

Hose count on the Baron Ruzettelaan per hour

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Slangtelling Baron Ruzettelaan (per hour) details >

Grants 2021 Open Data

Grants 2021

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Grants 2021 details >

Road signs Open Data

Road signs along regional roads of the Brussels-Capital Region.

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Road signs details >

Slangtelling Vestingstraat away from Bridge (per hour) Open Data

Slangtelling in the Vestingstraat coming from the bridge per hour

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Slangtelling Vestingstraat away from Bridge (per hour) details >

Saltabel - Orthoptera in Belgium Open Data

The Saltabel dataset deals with grasshopper and cricket occurrences in Belgium. The data are largely

Issued on 2021-11-08T12:10:06.318Z

Saltabel - Orthoptera in Belgium details >

Biodiversity assessment in the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve Open Data

This dataset aggregates the biodiversity observations related to trees, slime moulds, fungi, bark li

Issued on 2021-11-08T12:11:28.068Z

Biodiversity assessment in the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve details >

Flowbru - Rainfall stations Open Data

Rainfall stations - Flowbru

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Flowbru - Rainfall stations details >

Ecological typology of waterways, vegetation surveys Open Data

Ecological typology of waterways, plant surveys. First official ecological inventarisation of rivers

Issued on 2021-11-08T12:02:32.580Z

Ecological typology of waterways, vegetation surveys details >

Inventory of grants awarded by the Brussels Regional Public Service Open Data

In accordance with the provisions of the "Joint Decree and Ordinance of the Brussels-Capital Region,

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Inventory of grants awarded by the Brussels Regional Public Service details >

Subtidal epibenthos and demersal fish monitoring in function of a foreshore suppletion at the... Open Data

What ecological effects does a foreshore suppletion, and a beach suppletion, have on the marine ecos

Issued on 2021-11-08T12:07:37.887Z

Subtidal epibenthos and demersal fish monitoring in function of a foreshore suppletion at the... details >

Annual Report Open Data


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Annual Report details >

Qualité Eau Open Data


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Qualité Eau details >

InboVeg - NICHE-Vlaanderen groundwater related vegetation relevés for Flanders, Belgium Open Data

The NICHE-Vlaanderen project had the goal to develop an hydro-ecological prediction model, used in e

Issued on 2021-11-08T11:59:36.368Z

InboVeg - NICHE-Vlaanderen groundwater related vegetation relevés for Flanders, Belgium details >

Cartographie du bruit multi-exposition 2006 Open Data

Région de Bruxelles-Capitale : Les cartes de multi-exposition cumulent les sources de bruit (routier

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Cartographie du bruit multi-exposition 2006 details >

Slangtelling Vestingstraat away from Bridge (15 min) Open Data

Slangtelling in the Vestingstraat coming from the bridge every 15 minutes

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Slangtelling Vestingstraat away from Bridge (15 min) details >

Slangtelling Vestingstraat direction Brug (per hour) Open Data

Slangtelling in the Vestingstraat direction bridge per hour

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Slangtelling Vestingstraat direction Brug (per hour) details >

Cultural heritage (wrecks) zones in the Belgian Part of the North Sea Open Data

The Royal Decree of 22 May 2019 establishing a marine spatial plan defines 7 cultural heritage (wrec

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Cultural heritage (wrecks) zones in the Belgian Part of the North Sea details >

Public procurements awarded in 2020 by low-value procedure Open Data

Public procurements awarded in 2020 by low-value procedure

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Public procurements awarded in 2020 by low-value procedure details >

For 2018, the number of new and used vehicles per month according to the Region, Province, type of... Open Data

For 2018, the number of new and used vehicles per month according to the Region, Province, type of h

Issued on

For 2018, the number of new and used vehicles per month according to the Region, Province, type of... details > - Egg counts for butterflies in Flanders, Belgium Open Data - Egg counts for butterflies in Flanders, Belgium is a sampling event dataset publishe

Issued on 2021-11-08T11:57:01.915Z - Egg counts for butterflies in Flanders, Belgium details > - Transects for butterflies in Flanders, Belgium Open Data

The Meetnetten - Transects for butterflies in Flanders, Belgium dataset is a sampling event dataset

Issued on 2021-11-08T12:00:57.516Z - Transects for butterflies in Flanders, Belgium details >

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences marine Chelicerata collection Open Data

The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences marine Chelicerata collection contains 444 digitised

Issued on 2021-11-08T12:07:03.578Z

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences marine Chelicerata collection details >

Inventories of public contracts and subsidies - Siamu (from 2018) Open Data

Inventories of public contracts and subsidies in the framework of the implementation of the circular

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Inventories of public contracts and subsidies - Siamu (from 2018) details >
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