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Belgian open data portal, harvesting data from federal, regional and local portals in Belgium datasets available on official portal for European data

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Namur — Local boundaries Open Data

Breakdown of Namur into 26 former municipalities, Figures at the date of the day

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Namur — Local boundaries details >

Namur — Statistical Sector Limits Open Data

Breakdown of Namur into statistical sectors (Statbel) This dataset is used on the Portal “Statistic

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Namur — Statistical Sector Limits details >

Namur — Municipal boundaries and figures Open Data

Boundaries of the commune of Namur and the population figures as of the previous day at 6 p.m.

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Namur — Municipal boundaries and figures details >

Namur — List of Official Views Open Data

Inventory of official roads in the National Register of the commune of Namur

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Namur — List of Official Views details >

Namur — Households — 3 — Indicators Open Data

Statistics Households of Namur — Indicators by type or size of households, by year and by neighbourh

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Namur — Households — 3 — Indicators details >

Namur — Households — 1 — Individuals according to the size of their household — Absolute figures Open Data

Statistics Households of Namur — by Individuals according to the size of their household with distin

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Namur — Households — 1 — Individuals according to the size of their household — Absolute figures details >

Namur — Households — 1 — Individuals by type of household (a) — Absolute figures Open Data

Statistics Households of Namur — by Individuals by type of household with distinction Men and Women,

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Namur — Households — 1 — Individuals by type of household (a) — Absolute figures details >

Namur — Households — 1 — Individuals by type of household — Absolute figures Open Data

Statistics Households of Namur — by Individuals by type of household with distinction Men and Women,

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Namur — Households — 1 — Individuals by type of household — Absolute figures details >

Namur — Households — 2 — Number of households by size and type — Absolute figures Open Data

Statistics Households in Namur — Number of households by size and type, by year and by neighbourhood

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Namur — Households — 2 — Number of households by size and type — Absolute figures details >

Namur — Mobility — Bicycle planning Open Data

Namur Bicycle fittings

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Namur — Mobility — Bicycle planning details >

Namur — Mobility — Horodators Open Data

Point mapping of Namur’s time stamps. In attributes, the street and the nearest building number.

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Namur — Mobility — Horodators details >

Namur — Mobility — Signed Bicycle Routes Open Data

Namur to Bicycle — Municipal, regional and European itineraries passing through the Namur Centre

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Namur — Mobility — Signed Bicycle Routes details >

Namur — Mobility — Parking Open Data

Main public car parks open or in construction on the commune of Namur.

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Namur — Mobility — Parking details >

Namur — Mobility — Bike Parkings Open Data

Parking spaces Bicycle on Namur entity. The data comes from the Mobility Department of the City of N

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Namur — Mobility — Bike Parkings details >

Namur — Mobility — Parking areas Open Data

Parking areas on Namur entity

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Namur — Mobility — Parking areas details >

Namur — Mobility — Zones 30 Open Data

Zones 30 on the entity of Namur

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Namur — Mobility — Zones 30 details >

Namur — Public Roads Events (ODP) Open Data

Inventory of authorised events on the plublic track. They come from the ODP Occupancy Management too

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Namur — Public Roads Events (ODP) details >

Namur — Parking — Locations (points) Open Data

Point mapping of parking spaces. Position in the centre of each right-of-way. In attribute: the rest

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Namur — Parking — Locations (points) details >

Namur — Parking — Surfacic Locations Open Data

On-site mapping of parking spaces. Boundary boundaries (PICC), ground marking or geometric divisions

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Namur — Parking — Surfacic Locations details >

Namur — aerial photos Open Data

Namur — Aerial photos taken of helicopter or ULM

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Namur — aerial photos details >

Namur — Old photos Open Data

Namur — Pictures and ancient postcards geolocated. Restrictions on use: Unlike the data produced b

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Namur — Old photos details >

Namur — Sector Plan — Assignments Open Data

Area Plan — Assigned Areas

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Namur — Sector Plan — Assignments details >

Namur — Sector Plan — Infrastructure Open Data

Sector Plan — Infrastructure

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Namur — Sector Plan — Infrastructure details >

Namur — Area Plan — Perimeters of Cultural Interest Open Data

Area Plan — Perimeters of Cultural Interest

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Namur — Area Plan — Perimeters of Cultural Interest details >

Namur — Area Plan — Landscape Interest Perimeters Open Data

Area Plan — Landscape Perimeters

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Namur — Area Plan — Landscape Interest Perimeters details >

Namur — Sector Plan — Revisions Open Data

Sector Plan — Revisions

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Namur — Sector Plan — Revisions details >

Namur — Planothèque Open Data

The Planothèque is a library of plans ready to be printed at different scales and made available to

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Namur — Planothèque details >

WiFi Digital Cities in Namur Open Data

WiFi points are made available to citizens by the City of Namur as part of the “Creative Wallonia” p

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WiFi Digital Cities in Namur details >

Namur — Population — 7 — Population figures and density Open Data

Statistics Population of Namur by district — Evolution of population number and density. Figures col

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Namur — Population — 7 — Population figures and density details >

Namur — Population structure by five-year age groups Open Data

Namur Population — Distribution of the male and female population in Namur commune, by 1 year from 0

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Namur — Population structure by five-year age groups details >

Namur — Population structure by five-year age group and locality Open Data

Namur Population — Distribution of the male and female population by localities (former municipaliti

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Namur — Population structure by five-year age group and locality details >

Namur — Population structure by quinquennial age groups and by district Open Data

Namur Population — Distribution of the male and female population by statistical quarters, by 1 year

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Namur — Population structure by quinquennial age groups and by district details >

Namur — Population — 5 — Civil status — Absolute figures Open Data

Statistics Population of Namur — Civil status with distinction Men and Women, by year and neighborho

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Namur — Population — 5 — Civil status — Absolute figures details >

Namur — Population — 6 — Civil status — Indicators Open Data

Statistics Population of Namur — Percentage of population by civil status with distinction between m

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Namur — Population — 6 — Civil status — Indicators details >

Namur — Population — 1 — Age groups — Absolute figures Open Data

Statistics Population of Namur — by age group with distinction Men and Women, by year and neighborho

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Namur — Population — 1 — Age groups — Absolute figures details >

Namur — Population — 2 — Age groups — Indicators Open Data

Statistics Population of Namur — Large age groups with distinction Men and Women by neighborhood. Fi

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Namur — Population — 2 — Age groups — Indicators details >

Namur — Population — Population figures of age groups, nationality, civil status, households from... Open Data

Statistics Population of the municipality of Namur. This dataset collects for the entity, since 1985

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Namur — Population — Population figures of age groups, nationality, civil status, households from... details >

Namur — Population — 3 — Nationality — Absolute figures Open Data

Statistics Population of Namur by district — Nationalities by year and district since 1985 — Absolut

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Namur — Population — 3 — Nationality — Absolute figures details >

Namur — Population — 4 — Nationality — Indicators Open Data

Statistics Population of Namur — Major groups of nationalities (Belgian, foreign, EU or non-EU natio

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Namur — Population — 4 — Nationality — Indicators details >

Namur — Access gates downtown Open Data

Access gates to downtown Namur

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Namur — Access gates downtown details >

Namur — Photovoltaic potential by building Open Data

Building mapping based on Namur’s 3D modelling. In attributes, the total values, for all roof sectio

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Namur — Photovoltaic potential by building details >

Namur — Photovoltaic potential by neighbourhood Open Data

Calculation of photovoltaic potential per neighbourhood based on roof geometry (Namur 3D modeling).

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Namur — Photovoltaic potential by neighbourhood details >

Namur — Statistical Quarters — Typology Open Data

Typology of neighbourhoods: It is based on the similarity of settlement and habitat. It makes it pos

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Namur — Statistical Quarters — Typology details >

Namur — Ordinary Budget — Levies and Priors Open Data

Regular budget Levies and predecessors: this document contains the various revenue and expenditure o

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Namur — Ordinary Budget — Levies and Priors details >

Namur — Relief (Digital Field Model) Open Data

Namur relief provided in GeoTif format 1 color band corresponding to altitudes in meters. Also conve

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Namur — Relief (Digital Field Model) details >

Namur — Communal Development Scheme (SDC) — Assignments Open Data

Communal Development Scheme (SDC), formerly Municipal Structure Scheme — Assignments

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Namur — Communal Development Scheme (SDC) — Assignments details >

Namur — Communal Development Scheme (SDC) — Agglomeration Open Data

Communal Development Schema (SDC), formerly the Communal Structure Scheme (SSC) — Layer: agglomerati

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Namur — Communal Development Scheme (SDC) — Agglomeration details >

Namur — Communal Development Scheme (SDC) — Cores of life Open Data

Communal Development Schema (SDC), formerly the Communal Structure Scheme (SSC) — layer: the cores o

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Namur — Communal Development Scheme (SDC) — Cores of life details >

Namur — Communal Development Scheme (SDC) — Villages Open Data

Communal Development Schema (SDC), formerly Communal Structure Scheme (SSC) — Layers: the villages

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Namur — Communal Development Scheme (SDC) — Villages details >

Namur — Football Fields Open Data

Location of football fields in the territory of the Commune of Namur

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Namur — Football Fields details >

Namur — Full Colorful Thermography Open Data

Aerial thermography by infrared scanner is a technique for measuring and illustrating the “radiative

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Namur — Full Colorful Thermography details >

Namur — Average thermographic per building Open Data

Building mapping based on Namur’s 3D modelling. In attributes, the average values on the different r

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Namur — Average thermographic per building details >

Namur — Thermography by Quartier Open Data

District presentation of the results of aerial therography (acquisition in February 2018). Thermogr

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Namur — Thermography by Quartier details >

Namur — Road works completed or in progress Open Data

Inventory of completed or ongoing work.Data Responsibilities: Technical Service Highways

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Namur — Road works completed or in progress details >

Namur — Road works planned Open Data

Inventory of budgeted work in the coming months or planned over the next few years.Data Responsibili

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Namur — Road works planned details >

Namur — Aerial View of 2017 Open Data

Aerial photos of Namur commune taken in September 2017. Given the size of the full file, the image w

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Namur — Aerial View of 2017 details >

Monthly national punctuality weighted Open Data

The weighted metric take into account the amount of passengers on trains: the delay of a crowded tra

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Monthly national punctuality weighted details >

Monthly national punctuality accounting for cancelled trains Open Data

This punctuality metric gives the monthly proportion of domestic passenger trains that arrive at the

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Monthly national punctuality accounting for cancelled trains details >

Monthly national punctuality Open Data

The punctuality metric represents the proportion of trains that, over the course of a month, arrived

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Monthly national punctuality details >

Monthly national punctuality per moment Open Data

Monthly national punctuality during peak hours (morning and evening), off-peak hours and weekends.

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Monthly national punctuality per moment details >

The river shuttle Open Data

The dataset shall contain the following information: The location and address of the stops and the p

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The river shuttle details >

Neder-over-Heembeek quarter Open Data

(Old town of) Neder-Over-Heembeek (NOH) quarter of Brussels.

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Neder-over-Heembeek quarter details >

Nederlandstalige bibliotheken Open Data

Locatie van de Nederlandstalige bibliotheken van de Stad Brussel

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Nederlandstalige bibliotheken details >

Nederlandstalige scholen Open Data

Locatie van de Nederlandstalige scholen van de Stad Brussel

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Nederlandstalige scholen details >

Nest boxes Open Data

Location of the nest boxes installed at the City of Brussels.

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Nest boxes details >

Nestkasten Open Data

Locatie van de nestkastjes geplaatst in de Stad Brussel.

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Nestkasten details >

Netheidscomités Open Data

Informatie over de Netheidscomités van de Stad Brussel (naam Netheidscomité, naam ontvangststructuur

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Netheidscomités details >

Nichoirs Open Data

Localisation des nichoirs installés par la Ville de Bruxelles.

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Nichoirs details >

Bird niches Open Data

The dataset presents the nest boxes for birds arranged in public parks by the City of Liège. There a

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Bird niches details >

Number of employed persons Open Data

The indicator Key is the number of employed persons depending on the place of residence, in Annual a

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Number of employed persons details >

Number of self-employed persons: Total Open Data

The indicator Gives the number of self-employed persons and carers subject to the National Institute

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Number of self-employed persons: Total details >

Relative number of inhabitants in 2033 Open Data

The The population outlook developed here is based on the method of “Multistate” projection. This me

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Relative number of inhabitants in 2033 details >

Noordoostwijk Open Data

Noordoostwijk van Brussel.

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Noordoostwijk details >

Noordwijk Open Data

Noordwijk van Brussel.

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Noordwijk details >

North quarter Open Data

North quarter of Brussels.

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North quarter details >

Northeast quarter Open Data

Northeast quarter of Brussels.

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Northeast quarter details >

Nurseries & kindergartens Open Data

Location of the nurseries and kindergartens of the City specifying the accrediting institution (ONE,

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Nurseries & kindergartens details >

Nursing homes for elderly Open Data

Location and information of the rest homes (MR) and retirement and nursing homes (MRS)of the Public

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Nursing homes for elderly details >

Total load on the Belgian grid (Historical data - Up to day-1) Open Data

Measured and upscaled total load on the Belgian grid.

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Total load on the Belgian grid (Historical data - Up to day-1) details >

Load on the Elia grid Open Data

Measured and upscaled load on the Elia grid.

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Load on the Elia grid details >

Year-ahead forecast net transfer capacity and capacity for auction - by border Open Data

Yearly capacity forecasts and the capacity for auction for energy exchanges between Belgium and its

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Year-ahead forecast net transfer capacity and capacity for auction - by border details >

Quarter-ahead forecast net transfer capacity and capacity for auction - by border Open Data

Quarterly capacity forecasts, proposed capacity, year to quarter resales, and the capacity for aucti

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Quarter-ahead forecast net transfer capacity and capacity for auction - by border details >

Month-ahead forecast net transfer capacity and capacity for auction - by border Open Data

Monthly capacity forecasts, proposed capacity, year to month resales and the capacity for auction fo

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Month-ahead forecast net transfer capacity and capacity for auction - by border details >

Week-ahead forecast net transfer capacity - by border Open Data

Weekly capacity forecasts for energy exchanges between Belgium and its neighboring countries, based

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Week-ahead forecast net transfer capacity - by border details >

Day-ahead forecast net transfer capacity - between Belgium and United Kingdom Open Data

Day-ahead forecast net transfer capacity for energy exchanges between Elia and its neighbouring tran

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Day-ahead forecast net transfer capacity - between Belgium and United Kingdom details >

Intraday net transfer capacity - between Belgium and United Kingdom Open Data

Intraday net transfer capacity for energy exchanges between Elia and its neighbouring transmission s

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Intraday net transfer capacity - between Belgium and United Kingdom details >

Intraday available capacity at auction opening - between Belgium and United Kingdom Open Data

Intraday available transfer capacity at auction opening for energy exchanges between Elia and the Un

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Intraday available capacity at auction opening - between Belgium and United Kingdom details >

Intraday available capacity at last closed gate - by border Open Data

Intraday capacity available at last closed gate for energy exchanges between Elia and its neighbouri

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Intraday available capacity at last closed gate - by border details >

Long term available capacity and use it or sell it allocated capacity - by border Open Data

Long-term (Yearly and monthly) available and allocated transmission capacity between Elia and its ne

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Long term available capacity and use it or sell it allocated capacity - by border details >

Day-ahead commercial schedule - by border Open Data

Day-ahead commercial schedule between Elia and its neighbouring transmission system operators (TSOs)

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Day-ahead commercial schedule - by border details >

Final commercial schedule - by border Open Data

Final commercial schedule consists of commercial schedule exchanges in aggregated form from the foll

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Final commercial schedule - by border details >

Long-term nominated capacity - by border Open Data

Long-term capacity nominated for energy exchanges for energy exchanges between Elia and its neighbou

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Long-term nominated capacity - by border details >

Day-ahead nominated capacity - by border Open Data

Day-ahead capacity nominated for energy exchanges for energy exchanges between Elia and its neighbou

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Day-ahead nominated capacity - by border details >

Intraday nominated capacity - by border Open Data

Intraday capacity nominated for energy exchanges for energy exchanges between Elia and its neighbour

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Intraday nominated capacity - by border details >

Intraday implicit net position (Belgium's balance) Open Data

Net sum of intraday nominations of the implicit capacity allocated for energy exchanges for Belgium.

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Intraday implicit net position (Belgium's balance) details >

Day-ahead implicit net position (Belgium's balance) Open Data

Net sum of day-ahead nominations of the implicit capacity allocated for energy exchanges for Belgium

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Day-ahead implicit net position (Belgium's balance) details >

Physical flow - by border Open Data

The physical energy flows on the interconnections between the Belgian bidding zone and the neighbour

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Physical flow - by border details >

Loop flow - by border Open Data

Since the CORE DA go-live (June 8th 2022), the loop flows calculated during the DA capacity calculat

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Loop flow - by border details >

Planned unavailability of grid components (380/220kV) Open Data

Planned unavailabilities of 380/220kV grid components. The future dates are indicative and are

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Planned unavailability of grid components (380/220kV) details >

Forced unavailability of grid components (380/220kV) Open Data

Forced unavailabilities of 380/220kV grid components.

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Forced unavailability of grid components (380/220kV) details >
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