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Belgian open data portal, harvesting data from federal, regional and local portals in Belgium datasets available on official portal for European data

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SRSA 06c living pg Open Data

SRSA_06C_WONEN_PG City Development/Space Summary: The s-RSA presents the future spatial p

Issued on 2018-12-06

SRSA 06c living pg details >

pop up container park Open Data

POP_UP_CONTAINERPARKEN SB-SD Policy Support Policy info Antwerp organises neighborhood-ori

Issued on 2019-05-24

pop up container park details >

ROB Seismic and Accelerometric Stations Open Data

The Belgian seismic network of the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB), with about 45 permanent stati

Issued on

ROB Seismic and Accelerometric Stations details >

Territorial divisions Open Data

Under the territorial divisions are grouped different datasets that represent fully recognised Belgi

Issued on

Territorial divisions details >

impulse euro urban2 Open Data

IMPULS_EURO_URBAN2 City Development/Ruime Summary: Urban 2 is the successor to Urban 1 and

Issued on 2018-12-06

impulse euro urban2 details >

Fidus Online - Company Data Open Data

This online operation allows you to request company data from one or more entities using their compa

Issued on

Fidus Online - Company Data details >

Voornamen van vrouwen en mannen Open Data

Bij de mannen- en vrouwennamen blijven de klassieke namen sterk vertegenwoordigd in 2022, al blijven

Issued on

Voornamen van vrouwen en mannen details >

party room point Open Data

Room Finder_Partyspace Zaalseeker Overview of all rooms and spaces known to the urban serv

Issued on 2018-12-06

party room point details >

Ortho2019 Open Data


Issued on

Ortho2019 details >

Payroll mass Open Data

Purpose and short description Wage mass is defined as the “total remuneration, in cash or in kind, p

Issued on

Payroll mass details >

road register streetas Open Data


Issued on 2019-06-26

road register streetas details >

Area for reinforced development of housing and renewal Open Data

L'Espace de Développement Renforcé du Logement et de la Rénovation regroupe des quartiers d'ancienne

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Area for reinforced development of housing and renewal details >

Population density Open Data

On 1 January 2021, the population density in Belgium is 375 inhabitants per km². However, this varie

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Population density details >

Piezometric maps (May 2013) Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: piezometric maps (May 2013) for the following aquifer (and aquitard) hydrog

Issued on

Piezometric maps (May 2013) details >

World Register of Marine Species Open Data

An authoritative classification and catalogue of marine names

Issued on 2021-11-08T11:58:37.064Z

World Register of Marine Species details >

Wettelijke samenwoning Open Data

Statbel publiceert voor de eerste keer dit jaar een statistiek over de verklaring van wettelijk same

Issued on

Wettelijke samenwoning details >

Orthophoto Open Data

Orthophotographs are digital aerial photographs that have been adjusted for lens distortion, topogra

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Orthophoto details >

Ponds Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: the location and name of the ponds in the Brussels Region.

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Ponds details >

Air quality monitoring network of Belgium Open Data

The air quality monitoring networks in Belgium are used for the assessment of air quality under the

Issued on

Air quality monitoring network of Belgium details >

shortage zone experience green water square building blockbuurt Open Data


Issued on 2022-02-21

shortage zone experience green water square building blockbuurt details >

Multi-exposure noise cartography 2016 - Ln Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : The map Ln combine multi-exposure Ln noise sources (road, tramway and met

Issued on

Multi-exposure noise cartography 2016 - Ln details >

Natura2000 Belgium Open Data

Natura 2000 (N2K) is a network of core breeding and resting sites for rare and threatened species, a

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Natura2000 Belgium details >

Rail block Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : the entity "Rail Block" (railway area) identifies portions of the territor

Issued on

Rail block details >

Areas of cultural, historical or aesthetical interest or areas of embellishment (Regional Land Use... Open Data

(ZICHEE) Zones d'Intérêt Culturel, Historique, Esthétique ou d'Embellissement

Issued on

Areas of cultural, historical or aesthetical interest or areas of embellishment (Regional Land Use... details >

Tijdsbudgetonderzoek Open Data

Tijdsbudgetonderzoek (TUS) Doel en korte beschrijving Het tijdsbudgetonderzoek probeert het alledaag

Issued on

Tijdsbudgetonderzoek details >

Fidus Online - Household composition Open Data

Allows searching for household data in BCSS registers on the basis of an NISS (active or replaced).T

Issued on

Fidus Online - Household composition details >

Sound total Lday 2011 Open Data

Sound_total_Lday LNE — Department of Environment, Nature and Energy — Air, Hinder, Risk Managem

Issued on 2018-12-06

Sound total Lday 2011 details >

Vastgoedprijzen Open Data

Algemene situering De statistiek van de vastgoedprijzen is gebaseerd op de verkoopakten die worden g

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Vastgoedprijzen details >

Site - Registered - Final decree Open Data

"Any work of nature or man or any combined work of man and nature constituting a space with no or pa

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Site - Registered - Final decree details >

Population structure by age and gender - Flanders and Brussels Capital Region Open Data

The number of inhabitants according to official statistics per age group of 5 years and gender by ad

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Population structure by age and gender - Flanders and Brussels Capital Region details >

Renewable Energy Atlas Flanders — Additional potential energy production from photovoltaic panels —... Open Data

This map layer is part of the Renewable Energy Atlas Flanders. In this technical scenario, the theor

Issued on 2016-10-25

Renewable Energy Atlas Flanders — Additional potential energy production from photovoltaic panels —... details >

range bakery neighborhood Open Data

BEREIK_BAKKER_BUURT City development/Space Low with range zone of local bakers (400 m and

Issued on 2022-02-18

range bakery neighborhood details >

Hours worked Open Data

Purpose and short description The paid hours include the actual hours worked, but also the hours rei

Issued on

Hours worked details >

deficit zone secondary education first-degree district Open Data

TEKORTZ_SEC_OND_1GR_STADSDEEL City development/Space Low with deficit zone of middle schoo

Issued on 2022-02-21

deficit zone secondary education first-degree district details >

Sound Total Lnight 2011 Open Data

Sound_total_Lnight LNE — Department of Environment, Nature and Energy — Air, Hinder, Risk Manag

Issued on 2018-12-06

Sound Total Lnight 2011 details >

Mineral resources in the sand and gravel extraction areas in the Belgian part of the North Sea Open Data

The dataset shows in the form of polygons the sand and gravel extraction sites in the Belgian marine

Issued on

Mineral resources in the sand and gravel extraction areas in the Belgian part of the North Sea details >

Top25Map Open Data

Top25Map is a digital version of the NGI’s topographic cartography on a scale of 1:25 000. These ima

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Top25Map details >

Top50Map Open Data

Top50Map is a digital version of the NGI’s topographic cartography on a scale of 1:50 000. The image

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Top50Map details >

reach Pharmacy Neighborhood Open Data

BEREIK_APOTHEEK_BUURT City development/Space Low with reach zone of local pharmacists (400

Issued on 2022-02-18

reach Pharmacy Neighborhood details >

allotment gardens detail Open Data

 Social Services — Community formation This layer contains the various allotment gardens i

Issued on 2018-12-06

allotment gardens detail details >

Total number of private households - Flanders and Brussels Capital Region Open Data

The number of private households according to official statistics, per administrative unit (region,

Issued on

Total number of private households - Flanders and Brussels Capital Region details >

childcare Open Data

KOZA_KINDERDAYSTIVES  This layer contains the locations of all reception initiatives known

Issued on 2018-12-06

childcare details >

Average private household size - Wallonia Open Data

The average household size of private households by administrative unit (region, province, district

Issued on

Average private household size - Wallonia details >

Average private household size - Flanders Open Data

The average household size of private households, by administrative unit (region, province, arrondis

Issued on

Average private household size - Flanders details >

INSPIRE - Areas of limitation of aircraft noise Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: location of the three areas of limitation of aircraft noise defined by the

Issued on

INSPIRE - Areas of limitation of aircraft noise details >

Buildings Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : building means any physical construction formed of rigid exterior walls, r

Issued on

Buildings details >

Onderwijsniveau Open Data

Enquête naar de arbeidskrachten (EAK) Doel en korte beschrijving De enquête naar de arbeidskrachten

Issued on

Onderwijsniveau details >

Trees in the Parks of the City of Mons Open Data

Types of trees present in the parks of the municipality of Mons.

Issued on

Trees in the Parks of the City of Mons details >

TEC stops commune de Chaudfontaine Open Data

This dataset locates the TEC Transport Group’s public transit network stop points.

Issued on

TEC stops commune de Chaudfontaine details >

Rents in agriculture Open Data

Definition The lease is the amount that the lessee pays annually to the lessor for the use of his la

Issued on

Rents in agriculture details >

CORINE Land Cover-2012-Belgium Open Data

The data set contains a seamless polygonal layer representing the land cover in Belgium for the year

Issued on

CORINE Land Cover-2012-Belgium details >

Sea Bottom Current Direction TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - COHERENS UKMO Open Data

Sea Bottom Current Direction TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - Coherens V1. This dataset contains

Issued on

Sea Bottom Current Direction TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - COHERENS UKMO details >

SiPointVw Open Data


Issued on

SiPointVw details >

WATERHYPERNET: Dataset of in situ above-water hyperspectral autonomous optical radiometry... Open Data

This dataset contains data from the WATERHYPERNET network at the O1BE station (Blue Accelerator Rese

Issued on

WATERHYPERNET: Dataset of in situ above-water hyperspectral autonomous optical radiometry... details >

Parkings publics Open Data

Localisation des parkings publics payants sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles.

Issued on

Parkings publics details >

INSPIRE - Seveso sites Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : this directive has as an aim the prevention of the major accidents implyin

Issued on

INSPIRE - Seveso sites details >

INSPIRE - Geological map : spatial extents outcropping under the quaternary units of the... Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: spatial extents outcropping under the quaternary units of the Stratigraphic

Issued on

INSPIRE - Geological map : spatial extents outcropping under the quaternary units of the... details >

bicycle Street Open Data

Cycling street Team Data/GIS The low cycle street consists of a selection from the Road Re

Issued on 2020-09-29

bicycle Street details >

Gembloux — defibrillators map Open Data


Issued on

Gembloux — defibrillators map details >

Monthly evolution of companies subject to VAT Open Data

Doel en korte beschrijving De statistiek over de demografische bewegingen van de btw-plichtigen die

Issued on

Monthly evolution of companies subject to VAT details >

CGT Pivot — campsites Open Data

Commissariat Général au Tourisme — Pivot database — campsites

Issued on

CGT Pivot — campsites details >

CGT Pivot — Houses of Host Open Data

Office General for Tourism — Pivot database — Houses

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Houses of Host details >

CGT Pivot — Hotels Open Data

Commissariat Général au Tourisme — Pivot database — Hotels

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Hotels details >

CGT Pivot — Thesaurus — Types of offer Open Data

Office General for Tourism — Pivot database — Thesaurus — List of types of offers

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Thesaurus — Types of offer details >

Cemeteries of the City of Mons Open Data

Location of the various cemeteries in the city of Mons.

Issued on

Cemeteries of the City of Mons details >

Static counts of pedestrian flows La Louvière Open Data

Identification of the pedestrian influx by the city of La Louvière

Issued on

Static counts of pedestrian flows La Louvière details >

COVID-19 Pandémie — Belgium — Death by date and Region Open Data

During the health crisis linked to the COVID-19 outbreak, Sciensano and the Belgian Federal Public H

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COVID-19 Pandémie — Belgium — Death by date and Region details >

nature of agriculture water Open Data

BELEVING_NATURE_LANDBOUW_WATER City development/Space Low with nature, agriculture and wat

Issued on 2018-12-19

nature of agriculture water details >

Map of the absolute piezometric phreatic levels (May 2013) Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: Map of the absolute piezometric phreatic levels (May 2013) obtained with th

Issued on

Map of the absolute piezometric phreatic levels (May 2013) details >

Sustainable neighbourhoods (point) Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : Dataset of the sustainable neighbourhoods, resuming the project leader, th

Issued on

Sustainable neighbourhoods (point) details >

Huwelijken Open Data

Doel en korte beschrijving De statistiek omvat alle huwelijken die worden voltrokken voor de ambtena

Issued on

Huwelijken details >

use green Open Data

Usage Green City Development/Space Low with use green. By use green we mean: all publicly

Issued on 2018-12-19

use green details >

NEET Open Data

Enquête naar de arbeidskrachten (EAK) Doel en korte beschrijving De enquête naar de arbeidskrachten

Issued on

NEET details >

recruiting Open Data

Recruiting City Development/Temporary_traffic Signalisation Contours of requested intake z

Issued on 2020-01-22

recruiting details >

width of public domain Open Data

Width_public_domain SSO Content: The road segments from Wegenregister with added the estim

Issued on 2020-01-13

width of public domain details >

INSPIRE - DTM - UrbIS Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : The Digital Terrain Model (DTM) describes the three-dimensional shape of t

Issued on

INSPIRE - DTM - UrbIS details >

reach library district district Open Data

BEREIK_BIB_STADSDEEL City development/Space Low with reach zone of all branches of public

Issued on 2022-02-18

reach library district district details >

public forest area city Open Data

OPENBEAR_BOSGEBIED_STAD SB/GB Summary The areas or plots owned by the city and covered in

Issued on 2018-12-06

public forest area city details >

2016 elementary carbon (EC) Open Data


Issued on 2019-01-16

2016 elementary carbon (EC) details >

INSPIRE - Public green spaces Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : database of green spaces and recreational areas in the Brussels-Capital Re

Issued on

INSPIRE - Public green spaces details >

fuif space point Open Data

Room Finder_Fuifspace Zaalseeker Overview of all rooms and spaces known to the urban servi

Issued on 2018-12-06

fuif space point details >

2016 particulate matter PM10 Open Data


Issued on 2019-01-16

2016 particulate matter PM10 details >

Cadastral parcels Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : cadastral plots of the Brussels Region

Issued on

Cadastral parcels details >

Highways Open Data


Issued on

Highways details >

Average Zero-upcrossing Frequency Timeseries - North Sea - HYPAS UKMO Open Data

Average Zero-upcrossing Frequency Timeseries - North Sea - HYPAS wave forecasts. The domain is a ste

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Average Zero-upcrossing Frequency Timeseries - North Sea - HYPAS UKMO details >

Waste sorting guide Open Data

The sorting guide helps you know how to sort your waste properly.

Issued on

Waste sorting guide details >

INSPIRE - Groundwaterbody Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : data on the 5 Groundwaterbody of the Area of Brussels, defined under the

Issued on

INSPIRE - Groundwaterbody details >

Car parks located in and around Mons city centre Open Data

This dataset locates the free and paid car parks in the city centre of Mons and in the direct vicini

Issued on

Car parks located in and around Mons city centre details >

Wallonia Parliament: The commissions Open Data

List of committees of the Walloon Parliament.

Issued on

Wallonia Parliament: The commissions details >

Cultural heritage of the City of Mons Open Data

List of main cultural places in the City of Mons. The list includes the location of the premises, th

Issued on

Cultural heritage of the City of Mons details >

Administrative boundaries — Belgian regions Open Data

This dataset is part of the reference geographic data maintained by Opendatasoft. It contains data f

Issued on

Administrative boundaries — Belgian regions details >

Sea Surface Elevation TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - COHERENS UKMO Open Data

Sea Surface Elevation TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - Coherens V1. This dataset contains the ope

Issued on

Sea Surface Elevation TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - COHERENS UKMO details >

Sub-drainage-basin (or catchment area) of the rivers Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: extent of sub-drainage-basin (or sub-catchment area) of the rivers in the B

Issued on

Sub-drainage-basin (or catchment area) of the rivers details >

Monitoring network of the chemical and physico-chemical quality for surface waters Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : location of the different surface water quality monitoring sites under the

Issued on

Monitoring network of the chemical and physico-chemical quality for surface waters details >

SOLWAT statistics Open Data


Issued on

SOLWAT statistics details >

Average Zero-upcrossing Period for the Swell Timeseries - North Sea - WAM ECMWF Open Data

Average Zero-upcrossing Period for the Swell Timeseries - North Sea - The domain is a lon/lat grid

Issued on

Average Zero-upcrossing Period for the Swell Timeseries - North Sea - WAM ECMWF details >

SDU January 2013 by municipality Open Data

Statistics decentralised production units < 10KwA per municipality

Issued on

SDU January 2013 by municipality details >

Namur — Households — Crossboard 2b Open Data

Technical file

Issued on

Namur — Households — Crossboard 2b details >

Namur — Households — Crossboard 1b Open Data

Technical file

Issued on

Namur — Households — Crossboard 1b details >

Namur — Population — Nationality — Cross Table C2 Open Data

Technical file

Issued on

Namur — Population — Nationality — Cross Table C2 details >
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