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Belgian open data portal, harvesting data from federal, regional and local portals in Belgium datasets available on official portal for European data

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ICT use in households Open Data

Purpose and brief description The purpose of data collection in households and individuals is to pro

Issued on

ICT use in households details >

MapIndex Open Data

MapIndex is a regular grid of rectangular (first level) or square (second level) cells coded with al

Issued on

MapIndex details >

Doodsoorzaken Open Data

Doel en korte beschrijving De statistiek van de doodsoorzaken wordt opgesteld d.m.v. de statistische

Issued on

Doodsoorzaken details >

Top10Vector – Constructions Open Data

Top10Vector – Constructions is the vector data set of constructions in Belgium. It includes seven cl

Issued on

Top10Vector – Constructions details >

Nitrate-vulnerable zone Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: The nitrate-vulnerable zone is a protected area against the pollution of gr

Issued on

Nitrate-vulnerable zone details >

GNSS Stations of the Royal Observatory of Belgium Open Data

The Royal Observatory of Belgium maintains several continuously observing GNSS tracking stations in

Issued on

GNSS Stations of the Royal Observatory of Belgium details >

Prelude Medicinal Plants Database Open Data

A data base relating the use of traditional veterinaty and human medicinal plants in Sub-Saharan Afr

Issued on 2021-11-08T11:58:14.520Z

Prelude Medicinal Plants Database details >

Widowing Open Data

Purpose and brief description The statistic covers all bets that have occurred in a given year and w

Issued on

Widowing details >

Voortgezette opleidingen Open Data

Enquête naar voortgezette beroepsopleidingen (CVTS) Doel en korte beschrijving De enquête naar voort

Issued on

Voortgezette opleidingen details >

eTOD dataset of aeronautical obstacles Open Data

Vector dataset of aeronautical obstacles with a height of 60 meters or more above the ground. The up

Issued on

eTOD dataset of aeronautical obstacles details >

Renewable Energy Atlas Flanders — Additional potential energy production from private solar boilers... Open Data

This map layer is part of the Renewable EnergieAtlas Flanders. In the ‘Space for Energy Flanders 203

Issued on 2016-10-25

Renewable Energy Atlas Flanders — Additional potential energy production from private solar boilers... details >

Productie in de industrie Open Data

Doel en korte beschrijving Met het indexcijfer van de industriële productie is het mogelijk de evolu

Issued on

Productie in de industrie details >

Focus on the labour market Open Data

Wie in het buitenland geboren werd en in België actief wil zijn op de arbeidsmarkt, geeft aan dat on

Issued on

Focus on the labour market details >

Top10Vector Open Data

Top10Vector is Belgium's series of topographic vector data. The data set contains 37 feature classes

Issued on

Top10Vector details >

Area and population density - Flanders and Brussels Capital Region Open Data

Population density and area of administrative entities (region, province, district and municipality)

Issued on

Area and population density - Flanders and Brussels Capital Region details >

INSPIRE Orthophoto Open Data

Orthophotos are digital aerial photographs that have been adjusted for lens distortion, topographic

Issued on

INSPIRE Orthophoto details >

Altimetric geodetic network – Second general leveling Open Data

Whole of marks whose height with respect to the zero mark of the second general leveling is known.

Issued on

Altimetric geodetic network – Second general leveling details >

Slaughtered animals Open Data

Purpose and brief description Number and carcass weight of the animals slaughtered in slaughterhouse

Issued on

Slaughtered animals details >

Belgian State of Civil Population 2010 Open Data

Statistics Civil State by municipality

Issued on

Belgian State of Civil Population 2010 details >

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Height map base SY-z-2 Open Data

This layer gives the height of the base (mTAW) of SY-z-2.

Issued on 2014-06-30

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Height map base SY-z-2 details >

Female first names (2013) Open Data

Names of women in the Brussels Capital Region in 2013.

Issued on

Female first names (2013) details >

OAv1 0204, drilling with Lillo Fm Open Data

This layer gives the drillings through the Lillo Formation, as defined in the Shallow geological 3D

Issued on 2021-09-01

OAv1 0204, drilling with Lillo Fm details >

H3Dv2 A0802, fractures in base Clay from Egemkapel Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of A0802, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0802, fractures in base Clay from Egemkapel details >

H3Dv2.1 A0802, fractures in base Clay of Egemkapel Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of A0802, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0802, fractures in base Clay of Egemkapel details >

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Height chart base ST-k-1 Open Data

This layer gives the height of the base (mTAW) of ST-k-1.

Issued on 2014-06-30

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Height chart base ST-k-1 details >

G3Dv3.1 0402, isopachen Fm van Nevele, Dorne, Gulpen, Vaals, Bernissart, Vert Galand, Esplechin and... Open Data

This layer gives the isopaches of the formations of Dorne, Gulpen, Nevele, Vaals, Bernissart, Vert G

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 0402, isopachen Fm van Nevele, Dorne, Gulpen, Vaals, Bernissart, Vert Galand, Esplechin and... details >

G3Dv3 0402, isopachen Fm van Nevele, Dorne, Gulpen, Vaals, Bernissart, Vert Galand, Esplechin and... Open Data

This layer gives the isopaches of the formations of Dorne, Gulpen, Nevele, Vaals, Bernissart, Vert G

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 0402, isopachen Fm van Nevele, Dorne, Gulpen, Vaals, Bernissart, Vert Galand, Esplechin and... details >

H3Dv2 A0900, fractures in base Ieperian quitard system Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of A0900, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0900, fractures in base Ieperian quitard system details >

H3Dv2.1 A0900, fractures in base Ieperian quitard system Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of A0900, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0900, fractures in base Ieperian quitard system details >

Sewage overflow measurement net, condition 30 September 2019 Open Data

In this dataset all active, planned and closed sewer overflows can be found. As well as the watercou

Issued on 2019-10-29

Sewage overflow measurement net, condition 30 September 2019 details >

G3Dv3 031203, isohypses of base Ld van Merelbeke of the Fm van Gentbrugge Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of the Member of Merelbeke, as defined in the Geological

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 031203, isohypses of base Ld van Merelbeke of the Fm van Gentbrugge details >

T07Bm_FormationofBoom_BR_20040116 Open Data

Commissioned by the then Department of Natural Resources and Energy, now Department of Land and Soil

Issued on 2009-01-01

T07Bm_FormationofBoom_BR_20040116 details >

H3O-De Kempen — Hydrogeology- Thickness Map Sand of Owners Open Data

This thickness card represents the modelled thickness (m) of the Own Butt Sand. ‘Diktekaart Zand van

Issued on 2018-07-01

H3O-De Kempen — Hydrogeology- Thickness Map Sand of Owners details >

DHM-Flanders, grid, 5 m Open Data

Digital height model of Flanders in grid form with resolution of 5 m x 5 m. The altitude values refe

Issued on

DHM-Flanders, grid, 5 m details >

G3Dv3 030601, isopachen Ld van Ruisbroek van Zelzate Fm Open Data

This layer gives the isopach of the Member of Ruisbroek of the Geological 3D model of Flanders. The

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 030601, isopachen Ld van Ruisbroek van Zelzate Fm details >

G3Dv3.1 030601, isopachen Ld van Ruisbroek van Zelzate Fm Open Data

This layer gives the isopach of the Member of Ruisbroek of the Geological 3D model of Flanders — ver

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 030601, isopachen Ld van Ruisbroek van Zelzate Fm details >

Vegetable gardens Open Data

Folk, together, neighbourhood, herb and picking gardens.

Issued on

Vegetable gardens details >

H3Dv2.1 A0432, isohypsen van top Zand van Ruisbroek Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the top of A0432, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of th

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0432, isohypsen van top Zand van Ruisbroek details >

Ground Mechanical Map 22.2.5 Gent-Gentbrugge, Plate VII: Top of the Ieperian sand-claikomplex (scan... Open Data

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ

Issued on 2014-09-01

Ground Mechanical Map 22.2.5 Gent-Gentbrugge, Plate VII: Top of the Ieperian sand-claikomplex (scan... details >

H3Dv2.1 A0234, fractions in base Graveloölite sand 2 Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of A0234, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0234, fractions in base Graveloölite sand 2 details >

H3Dv2 A0234, fractions in base Graveloölite sand 2 Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of A0234, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0234, fractions in base Graveloölite sand 2 details >

Undertakings subject to VAT in legal form Open Data

Description: Incorporation of taxable companies in accordance with legal form and place of registere

Issued on

Undertakings subject to VAT in legal form details >

H3Dv2 A0452, fractures in basic clay sand from Grimmertingen Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of A0452, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0452, fractures in basic clay sand from Grimmertingen details >

H3Dv2.1 A0452, fractures in basic clay sand from Grimmertingen Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of A0452, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0452, fractures in basic clay sand from Grimmertingen details >

Census 2011 — Age, Residence, Housing arrangement, Size of the agglomeration, Gender Open Data

Description: Census 2011 — Age in expired years in 01/01/2011 (2), Residence (2), Housing arrangemen

Issued on

Census 2011 — Age, Residence, Housing arrangement, Size of the agglomeration, Gender details >

Bouguer_gravity-horizontal_gradient Open Data

The analysis of gravimetric data in the context of research into the Brabant Massif was carried out

Issued on

Bouguer_gravity-horizontal_gradient details >

G3Dv3 0304, drilling with base Fm from Bilzen Open Data

This layer gives the drillings through the base of the Bilzen Formation, as defined in the Geologica

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 0304, drilling with base Fm from Bilzen details >

G3Dv3.1 0304, drilling with Fm of Bilzen Open Data

This layer gives the drillings through the Bilzen Formation, as defined in the Geological 3D model o

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 0304, drilling with Fm of Bilzen details >

Ground Mechanical Map 15.3.4 Antwerp-North Castle, Plate II: Thickness of the replenished and... Open Data

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ

Issued on 2014-09-01

Ground Mechanical Map 15.3.4 Antwerp-North Castle, Plate II: Thickness of the replenished and... details >

Ground Mechanical Map 15.3.6 Antwerp-Centrum, Plate IX: Hydrogeological data (scan original plate) Open Data

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ

Issued on 2014-09-01

Ground Mechanical Map 15.3.6 Antwerp-Centrum, Plate IX: Hydrogeological data (scan original plate) details >

Average Frequency Timeseries - North Sea - HYPAS UKMO Open Data

Average Frequency Timeseries - North Sea - HYPAS wave forecasts. The domain is a stereograhic projec

Issued on

Average Frequency Timeseries - North Sea - HYPAS UKMO details >

Gares SNCB Open Data

Gares de chemins de fer (SNCB) avec les gares de départ et de destination.

Issued on

Gares SNCB details >

Groundwater consumption Open Data

The total amount of groundwater consumed for 2020 is estimated at 264 million m³. 65 % of groundwate

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:32:14Z

Groundwater consumption details >

BEP — Sorting Guide Open Data

The sorting guide helps you know how to sort your waste properly.

Issued on

BEP — Sorting Guide details >

Heat islands in cities Open Data

The temperature in cities is usually higher than in the surrounding rural areas, giving rise to incr

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:33:15Z

Heat islands in cities details >

Antoing — Horeca Open Data

List of accommodation, restaurants, snacks, fridges, bars, showrooms, room rental, caterers

Issued on

Antoing — Horeca details >

Industrial water consumption Open Data

The industry consumes important amounts of water. The consumption of water for human activities exer

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:33:16Z

Industrial water consumption details >

List of IDEA Economic Activity Parks Open Data

This dataset contains the list of IDEA Economic Activity Parks.

Issued on

List of IDEA Economic Activity Parks details >

Network length of draining and collection Open Data

Length of sewer and manifold by type of network and station

Issued on

Network length of draining and collection details >

air quality index by region Open Data

The air quality index shows the current quality of the ambient air in a simple way. The index is bas

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:34:54Z

air quality index by region details >

Male first names (2013) Open Data

Names of men in the Brussels Capital Region in 2013.

Issued on

Male first names (2013) details >

Mannelijke voornamen (2013) Open Data

Voormannen van mannen in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest in 2013

Issued on

Mannelijke voornamen (2013) details >

Evolution of the share of sustainable modes and cars as the main mode of transport for commuting... Open Data

Presentation of the evolution of the share of sustainable modes (train, bus, tram, metro, (e)bike an

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:35:09Z

Evolution of the share of sustainable modes and cars as the main mode of transport for commuting... details >

Namur — Municipal Services Open Data

Directory of municipal services of the City of Namur and their location. Source website of the City:

Issued on

Namur — Municipal Services details >

Nationality codes Open Data

Nationality codes in the National Register. Date of start and end of the name. This list comes from

Issued on

Nationality codes details >

Precipitation extremes Open Data

In recent decades, atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and aerosols have increased mainly

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:32:48Z

Precipitation extremes details >

Precipitation Deficiency Open Data

The precipitation deficiency is the difference between the precipitation and the potential evapotran

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:33:31Z

Precipitation Deficiency details >

Nitrate in surface water in agricultural area Open Data

The quality of surface water in agricultural areas is monitored in the MAP measurement network. The

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:33:14Z

Nitrate in surface water in agricultural area details >

NMBS-stations Open Data

Treinstations (NMBS) met vertrek- en eindstations.

Issued on

NMBS-stations details >

Surface nature with exceeding critical load fertilisation Open Data

This indicator shows the evolution of the surface of nature in Flanders where the critical load fert

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:34:37Z

Surface nature with exceeding critical load fertilisation details >

Impact of acidification and fertilisation on ecosystems Open Data

the critical burden is the threshold above which ecosystems are affected in the long term by acidify

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:33:48Z

Impact of acidification and fertilisation on ecosystems details >

Gembloux — book boxes or find-a-box-a-books Open Data


Issued on

Gembloux — book boxes or find-a-box-a-books details >

Recyparks Open Data

Installation and opening hours of recyparks managed by IDELUX Environment.

Issued on

Recyparks details >

Economic activity parks Open Data

List of economic activity parks managed by IDELUX Development.

Issued on

Economic activity parks details >

Parks and gardens of Mons Open Data

Addresses of parks and gardens of Mons

Issued on

Parks and gardens of Mons details >

Economic heritage of IDELUX Open Data

List of buildings for the economic heritage of IDELUX

Issued on

Economic heritage of IDELUX details >

Natural heritage of the city of Mons Open Data

List of the natural heritage of the city of Mons. The list includes the location of cultural places

Issued on

Natural heritage of the city of Mons details >

Nitrate in groundwater Open Data

Overview of the evolution of nitrate exceedances in agricultural areas in the phreatic groundwater m

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:30:59Z

Nitrate in groundwater details >

Distribution of measuring sites according to the trend for heavy metals in surface water Open Data

Overview of the trends of heavy metals in surface water in Flanders for the period from 2010.

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:32:23Z

Distribution of measuring sites according to the trend for heavy metals in surface water details >

Permits obtained by the Environment Law Service — Year 2018 Open Data

Number of permits (single, environment, urban planning) per municipality handled by the IDELUX Envir

Issued on

Permits obtained by the Environment Law Service — Year 2018 details >

Permits obtained by the Environment Law Service — Year 2019 Open Data

Number of permits (single, environment, urban planning) per municipality handled by the IDELUX Envir

Issued on

Permits obtained by the Environment Law Service — Year 2019 details >

Permits obtained by the Environment Law Service — Year 2020 Open Data

Number of permits (single, environment, urban planning) per municipality handled by the IDELUX Envir

Issued on

Permits obtained by the Environment Law Service — Year 2020 details >

Disturbances on the La Louvière road network Open Data

For the time being, the information in this dataset is fictitious. Identification of planned major w

Issued on

Disturbances on the La Louvière road network details >

Evolution of pesticides in water soils Open Data

A lot of organochlorin pesticides (usually insecticides), tend to bind to floating particles in the

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:34:29Z

Evolution of pesticides in water soils details >

Existing cycle paths on the municipality of Mons Open Data

This dataset contains all the cycle paths on the territory of the municipality of Mons, specifying w

Issued on

Existing cycle paths on the municipality of Mons details >

Pollumeter Open Data

De Pollumeter van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest volgt de evolutie van de luchtkwaliteit. De glo

Issued on

Pollumeter details >

Prénoms féminins (2013) Open Data

Prénoms des femmes en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale en 2013.

Issued on

Prénoms féminins (2013) details >

Gal Meuse@Campagne - Local producers Open Data


Issued on

Gal Meuse@Campagne - Local producers details >

European projects Open Data

List of IDELUX Group projects under European programmes.

Issued on

European projects details >

Administrative boundaries — Belgian Provinces Open Data

This dataset is part of the reference geographic data maintained by Opendatasoft. It contains data f

Issued on

Administrative boundaries — Belgian Provinces details >

Road traffic census 2010 Open Data


Issued on

Road traffic census 2010 details >

Antoing — Bicycle Repair Open Data

List of places likely to repair bicycles in the territory of Antoing entity

Issued on

Antoing — Bicycle Repair details >

Geographical distribution of IDELUX Finance’s customers Open Data

Number of clients of IDELUX Finance per municipality in 2020.

Issued on

Geographical distribution of IDELUX Finance’s customers details >

Directory of glass bubbles (with geolocation) Open Data

This is the directory of glass bubbles managed by the BEP in the province of Namur.

Issued on

Directory of glass bubbles (with geolocation) details >

Seasons (precipitation) Open Data

In recent decades, atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and aerosols have increased mainly

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:31:50Z

Seasons (precipitation) details >

Seasonal ozone nuisance for vegetation (AOT40ppb vegetation) Open Data

Natural ecosystems, arable crops and semi-natural vegetation can also be damaged by exposure to trop

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:35:20Z

Seasonal ozone nuisance for vegetation (AOT40ppb vegetation) details >

IDELUX Environment sites Open Data

Installation of IDELUX Environment waste treatment infrastructure

Issued on

IDELUX Environment sites details >

Groundwater level monitoring network - European reporting Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : location of the different groundwater level monitoring sites (or piezometr

Issued on

Groundwater level monitoring network - European reporting details >

SDU Monthly evolution Open Data

Monthly trend in decentralised production units

Issued on

SDU Monthly evolution details >

BEP — Seeing parks of activity Open Data

This dataset presents the list of roadways within the activity parks.

Issued on

BEP — Seeing parks of activity details >
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