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Belgian open data portal, harvesting data from federal, regional and local portals in Belgium datasets available on official portal for European data

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Population distribution per statistical sector-Belgium Open Data

The files contain the population characteristics (total, gender and/or age groups) by statistical se

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Population distribution per statistical sector-Belgium details >

Luchtvaart Open Data

Doel en korte beschrijving De luchtvaartstatistieken geven informatie over het aantal vervoerde pass

Issued on

Luchtvaart details >

Roll Types Open Data

An overview of the types of roles identified in the VIP project [contact information](http://contact

Issued on 2015-06-18T15:07:38.304833Z

Roll Types details >

Actions during the European Week for Waste Reduction 2013 Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : The European Week for Waste Reduction is a European action organized under

Issued on

Actions during the European Week for Waste Reduction 2013 details >

Ortho2004 Open Data


Issued on

Ortho2004 details >

Over-indebtedness of households (i05) Open Data

Definition: people facing over-indebtedness or serious financial difficulties can turn to the legal

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Over-indebtedness of households (i05) details >

Men 0-17 years old Open Data

Number of inhabitants in the entity by age group and sex.

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Men 0-17 years old details >

Men 18-24 years old Open Data

Number of inhabitants in the entity by age group and sex.

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Men 18-24 years old details >

Men 65 years + Open Data

Number of inhabitants in the entity by age group and sex.

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Men 65 years + details >

Carriage of goods by road Open Data

Purpose and brief description This concerns the carriage of goods by road (on Belgian and foreign te

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Carriage of goods by road details >

Distribution of measuring sites according to the trend for heavy metals in surface water (Flanders,... Open Data

Display of the trends of heavy metals in surface water in Flanders for the period from 2010.

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:33:17Z

Distribution of measuring sites according to the trend for heavy metals in surface water (Flanders,... details >

Member of Vlierzele Open Data

This layer shows the shallow occurrence (up to 50 m below ground level) of the relevant mineral-cont

Issued on 2021-03-10

Member of Vlierzele details >

% 12-17 years old Open Data

Population numbers on 1 January by age group.

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% 12-17 years old details >

25-64 years old Open Data

Population numbers on 1 January by age group.

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25-64 years old details >

3-5 years Open Data

Population numbers on 1 January by age group.

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3-5 years details >

urbis Open Data

This background map show up to date data from urbis (no textual data displayed).

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urbis details >

Organisations Ingelmunster Open Data

An overview of the Ingelmunster organisations identified within the VIP project [contact information

Issued on 2015-06-18T14:55:18.804711Z

Organisations Ingelmunster details >

Sales of real estate by nature in the deed of sale by statistical sector (NIS9) Open Data

Description: Sale of real estate — number of transactions, Q25 price(EUR), Q50 price(EUR), Q75 price

Issued on

Sales of real estate by nature in the deed of sale by statistical sector (NIS9) details >

Statistical sectors in Belgium (native version) Open Data

The data set presents in the form of polygons the breakdown of Belgium in almost 20,000 statistical

Issued on

Statistical sectors in Belgium (native version) details >

Housing density per ha — Flanders — condition 2019 Open Data

This map indicator shows an estimate of the percentage share of ‘homes’ per hectare. As a proxy of “

Issued on

Housing density per ha — Flanders — condition 2019 details >

INSPIRE - Drinking water supply zones Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: A supply zone is a geographically defined area within which water intended

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INSPIRE - Drinking water supply zones details >

Multinationale groepen in België Open Data

Statbel DataLab: nieuwe statistieken, methoden en gegevensbronnen in beta-versie

Issued on

Multinationale groepen in België details >

INSPIRE - Protected areas in the Sonian Forest Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : protected areas in the Brussels Sonian Forest: vulnerable planting or rege

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INSPIRE - Protected areas in the Sonian Forest details >

Land register plan - current situation Open Data

Land register plan - current situation corresponds to the dataset of land register from the referenc

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Land register plan - current situation details >

Street node Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : Street nodes designate the set of points at the ends of lines of road netw

Issued on

Street node details >

Potentially acidifying emissions Open Data

This indicator shows the course of the potentially acidifying emissions in Flanders. Emissions of su

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:30:46Z

Potentially acidifying emissions details >

Elevation of the tops of the Stratigraphic Units of the Brussels-Capital Region (SU/BCR) Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: elevation of the tops of the Stratigraphic Units of the Brussels-Capital Re

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Elevation of the tops of the Stratigraphic Units of the Brussels-Capital Region (SU/BCR) details >

Awarded parking bans Ghent Open Data

This dataset contains all authorised parking bans of more than 5 days in Ghent.

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Awarded parking bans Ghent details >

ROB Earthquake Catalogue and Database Open Data

The earthquake catalogue and database of the Royal Observatory of Belgium contains source parameters

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ROB Earthquake Catalogue and Database details >

Number of declarations of legal cohabitation per day Open Data

Description: Number of declarations of legal cohabitation per day Period: 2019-2021 Metadata: Legal

Issued on

Number of declarations of legal cohabitation per day details >

Collective and urban kitchen gardens (points) Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : In numerous Brussels neighbourhoods, the Brussels-Capital Region, in partn

Issued on

Collective and urban kitchen gardens (points) details >

Real estate leases Open Data

Real estate leases corresponds to the dataset describing leases on real estate items as recorded for

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Real estate leases details >

Transit parking areas (Regional Land Use Plan) Open Data

Situés à proximité immédiate de gares ou de stations des itinéraires de transports en commun, ils fa

Issued on

Transit parking areas (Regional Land Use Plan) details >

UrbIS - Ortho N-S (2022) Open Data

The "UrbIS - Ortho" product is a set of RGB (red, green, blue) orthophotomaps covering the territory

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UrbIS - Ortho N-S (2022) details >

Health Effect Screening - Air pollution Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : This map shows the Health Impact Screening score for air quality (0-8) in

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Health Effect Screening - Air pollution details >

Noise map Total (night) Ghent Open Data

Strategic noise map for the city of Ghent concerning total according to RL 2002/49/EC. The reference

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Noise map Total (night) Ghent details >

Ypres Clay — Member of Kortemark and Mont-Panisel Open Data

This layer shows the shallow occurrence (up to 50 m below ground level) of the relevant mineral-cont

Issued on 2021-03-10

Ypres Clay — Member of Kortemark and Mont-Panisel details >

Cycling Route Gandrien Points of Interest (POI) Ghent Open Data

In this dataset you can find the points of interest (POI) of the Gandrien cycle route. This cycling

Issued on

Cycling Route Gandrien Points of Interest (POI) Ghent details >

Geographical Names Open Data

The layer Geographical Names includes all the names of administrative units, uninhabited places, wat

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Geographical Names details >

Employment density per ha — Flanders — Condition 2019 Open Data

This map indicator shows an estimate of the number of employees at the employment locations, per hec

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Employment density per ha — Flanders — Condition 2019 details >

Maternal mortality Open Data

Maternal mortality statistics shall be compiled on the basis of the Causes of Death Database. From t

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Maternal mortality details >

H3O-De Kempen — Geology maps Top geological units Open Data

These elevation maps represent the modeled height (mTAW) of the top of the geological units “Height

Issued on 2018-07-01

H3O-De Kempen — Geology maps Top geological units details >

Cycling pole Zuidparklaan 2019 Ghent Open Data

This dataset contains the data of the bicycle tower Zuidparklaan of 2019. The measurements are group

Issued on

Cycling pole Zuidparklaan 2019 Ghent details >

Familienamen Open Data

In de top 10.000 van familienamen op 01/01/2022 blijven namen zoals Peeters, Janssens en Maes het me

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Familienamen details >

Quality drinking water per supply area Open Data

Here you will find the quality figures of the drinking water and the validation programme for each d

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Quality drinking water per supply area details >

H3O-De Kempen — Geology- Drilling Geological units Open Data

This point map shows the boreholes used for the model of a specific unit. Drilling is a map layer th

Issued on 2018-07-01

H3O-De Kempen — Geology- Drilling Geological units details >

Geharmoniseerde consumptieprijsindex (HICP) Open Data

Doel en korte beschrijving De geharmoniseerde consumptieprijsindex (HICP) is een economische indicat

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Geharmoniseerde consumptieprijsindex (HICP) details >

Belgian districts Open Data

Belgian administrative divisions: Http:// Sources: IGN

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Belgian districts details >

INSPIRE - Land cover - UrbIS Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : land cover refers to the physical and biological cover of the earth's surf

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INSPIRE - Land cover - UrbIS details >

urbisNLGray Open Data

This background map show up to date data from urbis.

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urbisNLGray details >

Baqme bike sharing stations locations Ghent Open Data

In this dataset you can find the different locations of the different Baqme shared bikes “hubs” in G

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Baqme bike sharing stations locations Ghent details >

Lifelong learning Open Data

Definitions Working, unemployed and inactive The survey is harmonised at European level. The definit

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Lifelong learning details >

Atmosphere areas Puur Gent Open Data

In this dataset you can find the delimitation of the atmosphere areas, which have been created as pa

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Atmosphere areas Puur Gent details >

ICT and e-commerce in businesses Open Data

Purpose and brief description The purpose of the data collection on the use of information technolog

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ICT and e-commerce in businesses details >

Digital Height Model Flanders II, average resampled, 20 m Open Data

Average resampled digital terrain model for Flanders, calculated on the basis of the LiDAR LAZ remot

Issued on 2021-09-01

Digital Height Model Flanders II, average resampled, 20 m details >

RV Belgica - ODAS Data website Open Data

This dataset describes in general terms the data generated on-board the RV Belgica A962 by the diffe

Issued on

RV Belgica - ODAS Data website details >

Diversity offer Education center Ghent Open Data

Ghent Education Centre sees this diversity as a great added value for Ghent education. It can be a l

Issued on

Diversity offer Education center Ghent details >

CGT Pivot — Attractions and Recreation Open Data

Commissioner General for Tourism — Pivot database — Attractions and leisure activities

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Attractions and Recreation details >

CGT Pivot — Tourism organisations Open Data

Commissariat Général au Tourisme — Pivot database — Tourist organisations

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Tourism organisations details >

CGT Pivot — Thesaurus — Localities Open Data

Office General for Tourism — Pivot database — Thesaurus — Detailed list of all listed localities

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Thesaurus — Localities details >

Municipalities of Belgium Open Data


Issued on

Municipalities of Belgium details >

COVID-19 Pandémie — Belgium — Hospitalisations by date and Province Open Data

During the health crisis linked to the COVID-19 outbreak, Sciensano and the Belgian Federal Public H

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COVID-19 Pandémie — Belgium — Hospitalisations by date and Province details >

Public domain intake (works) Ghent Open Data

This dataset contains the locations of the intakes of public spaces related to (road) works. These w

Issued on

Public domain intake (works) Ghent details >

Enquête sur l'hésitation vaccinale Open Data

Dans le cadre du suivi de l’épidémie, un questionnaire relatif à la vaccination est élaboré par une

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Enquête sur l'hésitation vaccinale details >

Biological assessment Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : Prioritary zone for city greening and the development of public green spac

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Biological assessment details >

SPRB-GOB Open Data

Layer-Group type layer: SPRB-GOB

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SPRB-GOB details >

Green Key certified establishments Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : Location and name of Green Key certified establishments. This internationa

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Green Key certified establishments details >

PRM spaces in Mons city centre Open Data

Location of places for persons with reduced mobility in the city centre of Mons.

Issued on

PRM spaces in Mons city centre details >

Honnelles — teaching offer Open Data


Issued on

Honnelles — teaching offer details >

Inventaris van de studies verricht in 2021 Open Data

Inventaris van de studies verricht in 2021 voor rekening van Stad Brussel art 6, § 1, 3° Gezamenli

Issued on

Inventaris van de studies verricht in 2021 details >

Bicycle Telepole Groendreef 2023 Ghent Open Data

This dataset contains the data of the bicycle tower Groendreef of 2023. The measurements are grouped

Issued on

Bicycle Telepole Groendreef 2023 Ghent details >

Areas of regional importance of delayed development (Regional Land Use Plan) Open Data

Cette zone sera affectée principalement aux activités productives et aux activités portuaires et log

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Areas of regional importance of delayed development (Regional Land Use Plan) details >

Muntenroute Gent Open Data

Coins available in the Coin Route

Issued on

Muntenroute Gent details >

Maandelijkse cijfers over de arbeidsmarkt Open Data

Methodologische info De hier gepresenteerde cijfers zijn resultaten van de Enquête naar de Arbeidskr

Issued on

Maandelijkse cijfers over de arbeidsmarkt details >

Subsidies granted in 2022 Open Data

Subsidies granted in 2022

Issued on

Subsidies granted in 2022 details >

INSPIRE - MonitoringDistrict - UrbIS Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : Brussels-Capital statistical areas are grouped to form the districts of mo

Issued on

INSPIRE - MonitoringDistrict - UrbIS details >

Average Period Timeseries - North Sea - WAM ECMWF Open Data

Average Period Timeseries - North Sea - The domain is a lon/lat grid that covers the range [48.5, 5

Issued on

Average Period Timeseries - North Sea - WAM ECMWF details >

O_AMELAND — Eurasian Oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus, Haematopodidae) breeding on Ameland (the... Open Data

This animal tracking dataset is derived from Oosterbeek et al. (2022,

Issued on

O_AMELAND — Eurasian Oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus, Haematopodidae) breeding on Ameland (the... details >

Well-being index Open Data

BEP Workers Well-Being Index

Issued on

Well-being index details >

Kunsterfgoed van gewestwegen - Monumenten Open Data

Geografische inventarisatie van de monumenten en kunstwerken langs de gewestwegen. 

Issued on

Kunsterfgoed van gewestwegen - Monumenten details >

Subsidies on investment areas of economic activity and relay halls Open Data

The BEP will seek substantial subsidies to develop its infrastructure ZAE subsides subsides hall rel

Issued on

Subsidies on investment areas of economic activity and relay halls details >

List of recyparcs Open Data

This is the list of recyparcs managed by the BEP.

Issued on

List of recyparcs details >

MSDF 2017 cycle. Windmills impact on hydrodynamics. Windmills 3D fields Open Data

This dataset is part of the MSFD D7 2017 cycle. It aims at assessing the impact of the windmills on

Issued on

MSDF 2017 cycle. Windmills impact on hydrodynamics. Windmills 3D fields details >

Number of training courses Open Data

Number of training courses

Issued on

Number of training courses details >

Number of (present) permanence of the HR and CP department on the various operating sites Open Data

Number of (present) permanence of the HR and CP department on the various operating sites

Issued on

Number of (present) permanence of the HR and CP department on the various operating sites details >

Number of Facebook posts Open Data

Number of Facebook posts made by the BEP

Issued on

Number of Facebook posts details >

Number of visitors to our websites Open Data

Number of visitors to our websites

Issued on

Number of visitors to our websites details >

Physical State of the Sea - North Sea - COHERENS UKMO Open Data

This dataset contains the operational 3D baroclinic hydrodynamical COHERENS forecasts for the North

Issued on

Physical State of the Sea - North Sea - COHERENS UKMO details >

Patrimoine artistique de voirie régionale - Fontaines Open Data

Recensement géolocalisé des fontaines ou pièces d'eau situées le long des voiries régionales.

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Patrimoine artistique de voirie régionale - Fontaines details >

Vegetable garden — Verviers Open Data

Location of vegetable gardens in the communal territory.

Issued on

Vegetable garden — Verviers details >

Green lungs — Verviers Open Data

The dataset includes geolocations vervian green lungs.

Issued on

Green lungs — Verviers details >

Sea Bottom Temperature TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - COHERENS UKMO Open Data

Sea Bottom temperature TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - Coherens V1. This dataset contains the op

Issued on

Sea Bottom Temperature TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - COHERENS UKMO details >

Average Zero-upcrossing Period for the Windsea Timeseries - North Sea - WAM ECMWF Open Data

Average Zero-upcrossing Period for the Windsea Timeseries - North Sea - The domain is a lon/lat gri

Issued on

Average Zero-upcrossing Period for the Windsea Timeseries - North Sea - WAM ECMWF details >

Velocity — bikes available — Guillemins Open Data

The dataset includes the bikes indicated as “LIBRE” for rent in Les Guillemins. The information i

Issued on

Velocity — bikes available — Guillemins details >

Voetgangerszone Open Data


Issued on

Voetgangerszone details >

Activity Park Roads Open Data

This dataset presents the list of roadways within the activity parks.

Issued on

Activity Park Roads details >

Water consumption by agriculture Open Data

Water is used in agriculture for watering livestock, irrigation of crops, washing of harvested crops

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:33:19Z

Water consumption by agriculture details >

Groundwater catchment protection areas 2 and 3 Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : location of groundwater catchment sites protection areas 2 and 3 (i.e. ext

Issued on

Groundwater catchment protection areas 2 and 3 details >
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