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INSPIRE - Natura 2000 habitats Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : habitats classified by their EU code, within the Natura 2000 sites. Inform

Issued on

INSPIRE - Natura 2000 habitats details >

Water surfaces Open Data

City antwerp Summary: Classification of the water surfaces in Antwerp divided into complementar

Issued on 2020-09-01

Water surfaces details >

Recent occupancy parking Tolhuis Gent Open Data

Parking occupancy of the last hour for parking Tolhuis

Issued on

Recent occupancy parking Tolhuis Gent details >

Ortho2020PIR Open Data


Issued on

Ortho2020PIR details >

Areas of operation of game management units, condition 11/10/2022 Open Data

Overview of the areas of operation of the game management units recognised by the Flemish Government

Issued on 2022-10-28

Areas of operation of game management units, condition 11/10/2022 details >

room seeker music rehearsal Open Data

ZAAL SEARCH_MUZIEK_REPETITION Zaalseeer Overview of all rooms and spaces known by the urba

Issued on 2019-11-21

room seeker music rehearsal details >

Sound Total Night 2016 Open Data

Strategic noise map — 2016 — Antwerp — total — Lnight LNE — Department of Environment, Nature a

Issued on 2018-12-06

Sound Total Night 2016 details >

Orthophoto Meuse, Vesdre and Demer Open Data

This dataset contains the orthophotos of the floodable areas along the Meuse, the Vesdre and the Dem

Issued on

Orthophoto Meuse, Vesdre and Demer details >

Productie in de bouwnijverheid Open Data

Doel en korte beschrijving Het indexcijfer van de productie in de bouwnijverheid is een indicator aa

Issued on

Productie in de bouwnijverheid details >

Land consolidation under the law, 24/10/2017 Open Data

An area in which a land consolidation project is being investigated, carried out or carried out is c

Issued on 2017-12-06

Land consolidation under the law, 24/10/2017 details >

Availability of Blue-bike sharing bikes (Linked Data Event Stream) Open Data

Up-to-date availability of Blue-bike shared bikes at the rental locations

Issued on

Availability of Blue-bike sharing bikes (Linked Data Event Stream) details >

INSPIRE - Hydrography Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: Dataset including the watercourse network, drainage bassin and surface wate

Issued on

INSPIRE - Hydrography details >

incinerator Open Data

Incinerator City of Antwerp Summary: The plot on which the incinerator is located was regi

Issued on 2018-12-06

incinerator details >

walking route Open Data

 TV/Sporting A In Antwerp there are many different hiking routes.This layer contains sever

Issued on 2021-09-29

walking route details >

Voertuigenpark Open Data

Doel en korte beschrijving Het voertuigenpark geeft een overzicht van alle in België ingeschreven ge

Issued on

Voertuigenpark details >

Monument - Registered - Final decree Open Data

"Toute réalisation particulièrement remarquable, y compris les installations ou les éléments décorat

Issued on

Monument - Registered - Final decree details >

Bicycle tower Bataviabrug 2019 Ghent Open Data

This dataset contains the data of the bicycle tower Batavia Bridge of 2019. The measurements are gro

Issued on

Bicycle tower Bataviabrug 2019 Ghent details >

Scale of the Flemish agricultural holdings: cattle herd Open Data

Evolution of the average number of livestock units per company and analyses per municipality.

Issued on

Scale of the Flemish agricultural holdings: cattle herd details >

Sound airport night 2016 Open Data

Strategic noise map — 2016 — Antwerp — airport — Lnight LNE — Department of Environment, Nature

Issued on 2018-12-06

Sound airport night 2016 details >

Severe material and social deprivation (i03) Open Data

Definition: a person is severely materially and socially deprived if she or he cannot afford 7 of 13

Issued on

Severe material and social deprivation (i03) details >

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 28/10/2022 Open Data

The Flemish Government wishes to stimulate and facilitate the redevelopment of abandoned business pa

Issued on 2022-11-04

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 28/10/2022 details >

reach experience green district Open Data

BEREIK_BELEVINGSGREEN_WIJK City development/Space Low with reach zone of district-experien

Issued on 2022-02-18

reach experience green district details >

Accidents at work in Flemish agriculture Open Data

Evolution of the number of accidents at work in Flemish agriculture

Issued on

Accidents at work in Flemish agriculture details >

play forest detail Open Data

SPEELBOS_DETAIL Studiedienst/GIS The geo-layer shows the exact location and additional inf

Issued on 2018-12-06

play forest detail details >

reach bike Open Data

BEREIK_FIETS City Development/Space Low with indicative cycling distances and cycling time

Issued on 2022-02-18

reach bike details >

Buildings Open Data

Buildings is the INSPIRE 2D vector data set of the "Constructions" layer originated from the Top10ve

Issued on

Buildings details >

Urban heat islands Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : Mapping of urban cool / heat islands in the Brussels-Capital Region carrie

Issued on

Urban heat islands details >

INSPIRE - Nature and forest reserves Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : data on the nature and forest reserves in the Brussels-Capital Region . Of

Issued on

INSPIRE - Nature and forest reserves details >

2020 elementary carbon (EC) Open Data


Issued on 2019-01-16

2020 elementary carbon (EC) details >

Surface water bodies Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : data on the 3 Surface Water Bodies of the Area of Brussels, defined under

Issued on

Surface water bodies details >

disabled car parks Open Data

LessValide_Parkings Mobility and Parking Antwerp Summary: Parking spaces for disabled peop

Issued on 2018-12-06

disabled car parks details >

Characteristics of the cadastral parcels - Land use Open Data

Characteristics of the cadastral parcels - Land use corresponds to the dataset describing the cadast

Issued on

Characteristics of the cadastral parcels - Land use details >

UNESCO World Heritage Site Open Data

MNZ_LSD_UNESCO  Summary: This layer contains the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Purpose: Is

Issued on 2018-12-06

UNESCO World Heritage Site details >

Geo Open Data


Issued on

Geo details >

Characteristics of the cadastral parcels - Concentration of cadastral income Open Data

Characteristics of cadastral parcels - Concentration of cadastral income corresponds to the dataset

Issued on

Characteristics of the cadastral parcels - Concentration of cadastral income details >

urbisFR - Background map Open Data

This background map show up to date data from urbis.

Issued on

urbisFR - Background map details >

Ghent Party Locations (2022) Open Data

A list of locations of the Ghent Festivals 2022, to be used together with the Ghent Festivals evenem

Issued on

Ghent Party Locations (2022) details >

Renewable Energy Atlas Flanders — Current energy production by ground-coupled heat pumps Open Data

This map layer is part of the Renewable Energy Atlas Flanders. This map layer describes the current

Issued on 2016-10-25

Renewable Energy Atlas Flanders — Current energy production by ground-coupled heat pumps details >

Vroegtijdige schoolverlaters Open Data

Enquête naar de arbeidskrachten (EAK) Doel en korte beschrijving De enquête naar de arbeidskrachten

Issued on

Vroegtijdige schoolverlaters details >

Ghent Festival Organisers (2022) Open Data

A list of the organisers during the Ghent Festivals 2022, to be used together with the Ghent Festiva

Issued on

Ghent Festival Organisers (2022) details >

taxi ranks Open Data

Taxi ranks Mobility and Parking Antwerp Summary: Places where taxis wait for customers. Pu

Issued on 2018-12-06

taxi ranks details >

obstruction area Open Data

HINDERGEBIED City Development/Mobility Summary: Workers who have to travel through the nui

Issued on 2018-12-19

obstruction area details >

speed Open Data

Speed Mobility and Parking Antwerp Summary: Overview of the permitted speed on the Antwerp

Issued on 2018-12-06

speed details >

Metropolitan roadway (Regional Land Use Plan - Roads) Open Data

Voiries faisant partie du réseau métropolitain. Ces voiries métropolitaines sont un des éléments qui

Issued on

Metropolitan roadway (Regional Land Use Plan - Roads) details >

Bg Open Data


Issued on

Bg details >

Ground Mechanical Map 15.2.1-4 Kallo, Plate II: Thickness of the replenished and excavated grounds... Open Data

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ

Issued on 2014-09-01

Ground Mechanical Map 15.2.1-4 Kallo, Plate II: Thickness of the replenished and excavated grounds... details >

Ground Mechanical Map 22.2.7 Merelbeke-Melle, Plate V: Thickness of the Paniselian sand-kleikomplex... Open Data

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ

Issued on 2014-09-01

Ground Mechanical Map 22.2.7 Merelbeke-Melle, Plate V: Thickness of the Paniselian sand-kleikomplex... details >

Ground Mechanical Map 22.1.2 Gent-Wondelgem, Plate III: Thickness of the Holocene clay-sand-complex... Open Data

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ

Issued on 2014-09-01

Ground Mechanical Map 22.1.2 Gent-Wondelgem, Plate III: Thickness of the Holocene clay-sand-complex... details >

Zero waste directory Open Data

Data about merchants engaged in a zero-waste approach. Feel free to consult the online tool at http

Issued on

Zero waste directory details >

Namur — Remarkable trees Open Data


Issued on

Namur — Remarkable trees details >

Preliminary search zones conservation targets Natura 2000 version 2014 — flats Open Data

This is the first version of the search zones. These have been made available for information but no

Issued on

Preliminary search zones conservation targets Natura 2000 version 2014 — flats details >

Ground Mechanical Map 22.1.4 Gent-Centrum, Plate IV: Thickness of the Pleistocene Sand Complex... Open Data

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ

Issued on 2014-09-01

Ground Mechanical Map 22.1.4 Gent-Centrum, Plate IV: Thickness of the Pleistocene Sand Complex... details >

Urban green — condition 2019 Open Data

The geodata layer ‘city green’ contains all clusters of publicly accessible green space with a minim

Issued on

Urban green — condition 2019 details >

LandUse-Particular Zone Open Data

Landuse-Particular Zone is the INSPIRE 2D vector data set of the "Particular zones" layer originated

Issued on

LandUse-Particular Zone details >

Belgian Cancer Registry: Barrett Esophagus RadioFrequency Ablation Open Data

The registration project "Barrett Esophagus - RadioFrequency Ablation" (BE-RFA) is an initiative of

Issued on

Belgian Cancer Registry: Barrett Esophagus RadioFrequency Ablation details >

Non-resident tax — corporations — Case management Open Data

This table shows, by calendar year: the number of declarations verified by the Management teams; the

Issued on 2018-06-30

Non-resident tax — corporations — Case management details >

VAT — Controls Open Data

This table shows, by calendar year: the number of checks carried out; the number of production contr

Issued on 2018-06-30

VAT — Controls details >

Top10Vector – High-Tension Network Open Data

Top10Vector – High tension network is the vector data set of the high tension network in Belgium. It

Issued on

Top10Vector – High-Tension Network details >

Very low work intensity (i02) Open Data

Definition: all persons living in a household belong to a very low work intensity household if the w

Issued on

Very low work intensity (i02) details >

Recent occupancy parking Sint-Michiels Ghent Open Data

Parking occupancy of the last hour for parking Sint-Michiels

Issued on

Recent occupancy parking Sint-Michiels Ghent details >

Issues of cultural centres Open Data

Keyword General idea #patrimoine valuation of intangible heritage, material/reflection on traditio

Issued on

Issues of cultural centres details >

Use of water in Flemish agriculture Open Data

Evolution of the use of water in Flemish agriculture.

Issued on

Use of water in Flemish agriculture details >

Green areas with high biological value (Regional Land Use Plan) Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : Areas intended for the conservation and the regeneration of a natural envi

Issued on

Green areas with high biological value (Regional Land Use Plan) details >

CGT Pivot — Restaurants Open Data

Office General for Tourism — Pivot database — Restaurants

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Restaurants details >

Costs of recovering household and organic waste Open Data

Costs of recovering household and organic waste

Issued on

Costs of recovering household and organic waste details >

Belgian Diabetes Registry Open Data

In the past few years, the BDR has developed into an important instrument to outline future health p

Issued on

Belgian Diabetes Registry details >

Lifelong learning (i24) Open Data

Definition: share of the population aged 25 to 64 who participated in (formal or non-formal) trainin

Issued on

Lifelong learning (i24) details >

Ground Mechanical Map 15.4.7 Antwerp-Deurne-Zuid, Plate III: Joint thickness of the alluvium and the... Open Data

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ

Issued on 2014-09-01

Ground Mechanical Map 15.4.7 Antwerp-Deurne-Zuid, Plate III: Joint thickness of the alluvium and the... details >

Collection of special or hazardous household waste Open Data

The dataset presents the places and days of collection of special or hazardous household waste in th

Issued on

Collection of special or hazardous household waste details >

Replication Data for De leeftijd van de taal in het zogenaamde rekenboek van de nering van de... Open Data

In de versie 26052022 van het document werd een taalfout gecorrigeerd. De data bleef ongewijzigd.

Issued on

Replication Data for De leeftijd van de taal in het zogenaamde rekenboek van de nering van de... details >

Collective and urban kitchen gardens (area) Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : In numerous Brussels neighbourhoods, the Brussels-Capital Region, in partn

Issued on

Collective and urban kitchen gardens (area) details >

INSPIRE - Flood hazard 2019 Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : location of the different surface water quality monitoring sites under the

Issued on

INSPIRE - Flood hazard 2019 details >

Zeevaart Open Data

Doel en korte beschrijving De zeevaartstatistieken geven een beeld van de evolutie van het aantal ze

Issued on

Zeevaart details >

Voornamen van meisjes en jongens Open Data

Olivia is voor het derde jaar op rij de meest gegeven voornaam aan pasgeboren meisjes in België. Ze

Issued on

Voornamen van meisjes en jongens details >

Cadastre adapted to the soil state register Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: 2019 cadastral parcels reworked to match the soil state register

Issued on

Cadastre adapted to the soil state register details >

Omzet in de industrie Open Data

Doel en korte beschrijving Het indexcijfer van de industriële omzet is bedoeld om de ontwikkeling va

Issued on

Omzet in de industrie details >

Overleven van de btw-plichtige ondernemingen Open Data

Doel en korte beschrijving Overlevingsgraden van de actieve btw-plichtigen sinds 2008, gebaseerd op

Issued on

Overleven van de btw-plichtige ondernemingen details >

INBW Container Parks — Filling Level Open Data


Issued on

INBW Container Parks — Filling Level details >

Judicial litigation: nature of decisions Open Data

This table gives, by calendar year, the total number of disputes closed with a detail for: taxes on

Issued on 2017-06-30

Judicial litigation: nature of decisions details >

International cooperation: exchanges of information by the AG Taxation Open Data

This table shows the number of information received and sent to partner countries per calendar year.

Issued on 2016-06-30

International cooperation: exchanges of information by the AG Taxation details >

Average Wave Direction Timeseries - North Sea - WAM ECMWF Open Data

Average Wave Direction Timeseries - North Sea - The domain is a lon/lat grid that covers the range

Issued on

Average Wave Direction Timeseries - North Sea - WAM ECMWF details >

Number of growing companies accompanied Open Data

Number of companies growing accompanied (contractual relationship)

Issued on

Number of growing companies accompanied details >

Number of business advisory interventions Open Data

Number of business advisory interventions

Issued on

Number of business advisory interventions details >

Number of decisions invalidated by guardianship Open Data

Number of decisions invalidated by guardianship

Issued on

Number of decisions invalidated by guardianship details >

Number of in-house training provided Open Data

Number of in-house training provided

Issued on

Number of in-house training provided details >

Number of new litigation Open Data

Number of new litigation

Issued on

Number of new litigation details >

Number of participants in networking events Open Data

Number of participants in networking events

Issued on

Number of participants in networking events details >

Payments received by nature of debt Open Data

This table shows payments received by the PRMA, classified by type of debt and by time of receipt (a

Issued on 2012-06-30

Payments received by nature of debt details >

Cadastral reference of Chimay wood plots (cadastrer 2021) Open Data

The list contains the cadastral references of Chimay woods

Issued on

Cadastral reference of Chimay wood plots (cadastrer 2021) details >

Parkings Open Data

Locatie van de openbare, betalende parkings op het grondgebied van de Stad Brussel.

Issued on

Parkings details >

Proportion new improvement fiches/completed ISO9001 sheets (%) Open Data

Proportion new improvement fiches/completed ISO9001 sheets (%)

Issued on

Proportion new improvement fiches/completed ISO9001 sheets (%) details >

Average income per capita Open Data

The Tax statistics are compiled on the basis of tax returns Natural persons at the place of residenc

Issued on

Average income per capita details >

Communal rooms for rent — Verviers Open Data

Location of communal rooms for rent

Issued on

Communal rooms for rent — Verviers details >

Enghien — health directory Open Data


Issued on

Enghien — health directory details >

Minimum tonnage of CMP per inhabitant Open Data

Minimum tonnage of P+MC/inhabitant

Issued on

Minimum tonnage of CMP per inhabitant details >

SDU May 2013 by municipality Open Data

Statistics decentralised production units (< 10 kWa) per municipality

Issued on

SDU May 2013 by municipality details >

Exchange of information with CAFs and other forms of collaboration Open Data

The CAF service centralises all information of evidence of tax evasion recorded in judicial files by

Issued on 2020-01-01

Exchange of information with CAFs and other forms of collaboration details >

Protection area 1 of water extraction - drainage gallery Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : location of Brussels drinking water catchment drainage gallery operated by

Issued on

Protection area 1 of water extraction - drainage gallery details >

Paid parking areas in Mons city centre Open Data

Location of paid parking spaces in Mons city centre, specifying the type of charging applied. There

Issued on

Paid parking areas in Mons city centre details >
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