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Belgian open data portal, harvesting data from federal, regional and local portals in Belgium datasets available on official portal for European data

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green % compared to unbuilt building block 2015 Open Data


Issued on 2021-06-22

green % compared to unbuilt building block 2015 details >

Business parks OSLO, Condition 08/11/2021 Open Data

The dataset contains the following components: Business park: These are the designated areas as they

Issued on 2021-11-18

Business parks OSLO, Condition 08/11/2021 details >

SRSA 04a railway city open city li Open Data

SRSA_04A_SPOORSTAD_OPEN_STAD_L City development/Space Summary: The s-RSA presents the futu

Issued on 2018-12-06

SRSA 04a railway city open city li details >

parking guidance route Open Data

ParkingGuidelinesRoutes Mobility and Parking Antwerp Summary: Routes with signage to guide

Issued on 2018-12-06

parking guidance route details >

Share of women Open Data

Number of inhabitants in the entity by age group and sex.

Issued on

Share of women details >

% 6-11 years old Open Data

Population numbers on 1 January by age group.

Issued on

% 6-11 years old details >

IoT Registry Open Data

IoT REGISTER Digipolis A list of all IOT devices in use by city of Antwerp. (IoT = Interne

Issued on 2019-03-13

IoT Registry details >

shortage zone use green square building blockbuurt Open Data

TEKORTZ_UseGREEN_ PLEIN_BOUWBLOKBUURT City development/Space Low with shortage zone of use

Issued on 2022-02-21

shortage zone use green square building blockbuurt details >

Business parks, Condition 10/01/2019 Open Data

The dataset contains the following components: Business parks under planning: overview of future eco

Issued on 2019-01-22

Business parks, Condition 10/01/2019 details >

B & B Open Data

Airport Study Service/GIS Summary: Delimitation of the airport on the territory of the cit

Issued on 2018-12-06

B & B details >

Business parks OSLO, Condition 28/01/2022 Open Data

The dataset contains the following elements: Business park: These are the intended areas as they act

Issued on 2022-02-10

Business parks OSLO, Condition 28/01/2022 details >

range of seating furniture Open Data

BEREIK_ZITMEUBILAIR City development/Space Low with 50 m, 100 m and 150 m buffer of the be

Issued on 2022-02-21

range of seating furniture details >

SRSA parklaan extension Open Data

sRSA_PARKLAAN_REPORT City Development/Space Summary: In the s-RSA, a future spatial polic

Issued on 2018-12-06

SRSA parklaan extension details >

ornamental fountain Open Data

STRAATOBJECTEN_SIERFONTEIN City development/Management_and_Operations Making up the orname

Issued on 2018-12-06

ornamental fountain details >

local Composting Open Data

 SB/SD/ORG Declaration of locations where local composting can be done.In the correspondin

Issued on 2019-05-24

local Composting details >

Structuring areas (Regional Land Use Plan) Open Data

Les actes et travaux qui impliquent une modification de la situation existante de fait de ces espace

Issued on

Structuring areas (Regional Land Use Plan) details >

landscaping Open Data

MNZ_LSD_LANDSCHAP  Summary: Protected landscapes Purpose: Is used to conduct a public inqu

Issued on 2018-12-06

landscaping details >

port area Open Data

Port Area City antwerp Summary: The port area is the part of the territory of the city It

Issued on 2018-12-06

port area details >

Geological map of Belgium (1:250000) Open Data

The new Geological Map of Belgium at a scale of 1:250000 project, by the Belgian Geological Survey.

Issued on

Geological map of Belgium (1:250000) details >

part-time art education Open Data

PARTIES_KUNSTONDERW_OVERVICHT BZ/SSO Summary: Localisation and documentation of the part-t

Issued on 2018-12-06

part-time art education details >

2020 particulate matter PM25 Open Data


Issued on 2019-01-16

2020 particulate matter PM25 details >

tourist centre Open Data

Tourist_Centrum Study service/GIS Zone where traders can stay open for longer than usual,

Issued on 2018-12-06

tourist centre details >

range shares junction image city area Open Data

BEREIK_DKO_BEELD_STADSDEEL City development/Space Low with reach zone of all locations of

Issued on 2022-02-18

range shares junction image city area details >

shopping street principle Open Data

WINKELSTRAATPRINCIPE City Development/Mobility/Mobility and Parking Summary: In a number o

Issued on 2018-12-06

shopping street principle details >

residential care center overview Open Data

WOON_ZORGCENTRUM_OVERVICHT City of Antwerp/Team Data The geo-layer shows the exact locatio

Issued on 2018-12-06

residential care center overview details >

Town halls in Flanders via POI service Open Data

Location, address details, contact details and link to detail pages of the town halls in Flanders. T

Issued on 2018-09-06

Town halls in Flanders via POI service details >

Population density per ha — Flanders — Condition 2019 Open Data

This map indicator shows an estimate of the number of inhabitants per hectare, adjusted by statistic

Issued on

Population density per ha — Flanders — Condition 2019 details >

shortage zone library district district Open Data

TEKORTZ_BIB_STADSDEEL City development/Space Low with deficit zone of all branches of publ

Issued on 2022-02-21

shortage zone library district district details >

routes exceptional transport Open Data

ROUTES_EXTRACTION_TRANSPORT City Development/Mobility Summary: Routes where exceptional tr

Issued on 2018-12-06

routes exceptional transport details >

catering core upper room Open Data

hospitality Core  Summary: The low upper-local catering centres locate the buildings in An

Issued on 2018-12-06

catering core upper room details >

plot of land Open Data

Plot BZ/SSO Summary:The delimitation of the cadastral plot (as it occurs on the cadastral

Issued on 2018-12-06

plot of land details >

school streets Open Data

School streets SW/MPA meaning school streets: At the beginning and the end of the school d

Issued on 2020-09-29

school streets details >

reach market district Open Data

BEREIK_MARKT_WIJK City development/Space Low with reach zone of public markets at district

Issued on 2022-02-21

reach market district details >

parking spaces Open Data

 SW/MPA/Mobility/Modal Shift The Parking compartments in Antwerp’s paid parking area were

Issued on 2020-05-07

parking spaces details >

shortage zone use green building block neighbourhood Open Data

TEKORTZ_UseGREEN_BOUWBLOKBUURT City development/Space Low with deficient zone of use green

Issued on 2022-02-21

shortage zone use green building block neighbourhood details >

Business parks OSLO, Condition 30/05/2022 Open Data

The dataset contains the following components: Business park: These are the designated areas as they

Issued on 2022-06-03

Business parks OSLO, Condition 30/05/2022 details >

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 30/04/2020 Open Data

The Flemish Government wishes to stimulate and facilitate the redevelopment of abandoned business pa

Issued on 2020-05-06

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 30/04/2020 details >

deficient zone use green neighbourhood Open Data

TEKORTZ_UseGREEN_BUURT City development/Space Low with deficit zone of neighbourhood-use g

Issued on 2022-02-21

deficient zone use green neighbourhood details >

play forest overview Open Data

SPEELBOS_OVERVICHT Studiedienst/GIS Localisation and documentation of all the playing fore

Issued on 2018-12-06

play forest overview details >

Quality of Medical Laboratories: Proficiency test for laboratories - Alcoholbepaling in bloed Open Data

De dienst Kwaliteit van laboratoria (Sciensano) werd opgericht in 1978 bij de publicatie van het eer

Issued on

Quality of Medical Laboratories: Proficiency test for laboratories - Alcoholbepaling in bloed details >

house of Prayer Open Data

Place of Prayer  The Religion Service collects data on all active faith communities in Ant

Issued on 2019-03-22

house of Prayer details >

city counter overview Open Data

STADSLOKET_OVERZICHT City of Antwerp The city of Antwerp has for its administrative servic

Issued on 2018-12-06

city counter overview details >

Strategic road noise map 2016 - Ln Open Data

Strategic road noise map 2016 - Lden Brussels-Capital Region : Road traffic noise register 2016 (noi

Issued on

Strategic road noise map 2016 - Ln details >

shortage zone sports hall district Open Data

TEKORTZ_SPORTHAL_STADSDEEL City development/Space Low with range zone of all sports halls

Issued on 2022-02-21

shortage zone sports hall district details >

Share of men Open Data

Number of inhabitants in the entity.

Issued on

Share of men details >

Men 25-49 years old Open Data

Number of inhabitants in the entity.

Issued on

Men 25-49 years old details >

% 0-17 years old Open Data

Population numbers on 1 January by age group.

Issued on

% 0-17 years old details >

% 12-17 years old Open Data

Population numbers on 1 January by age group.

Issued on

% 12-17 years old details >

6-11 years old Open Data

Population numbers on 1 January by age group.

Issued on

6-11 years old details >

deficient zone use green district Open Data

TEKORTZ_UseGROEN_WIJK City development/Space Low with district-use green deficit zone (&gt

Issued on 2022-02-21

deficient zone use green district details >

heritage Inventory Effection Open Data

ERFGOEDINVENTARIS_EKEREN  Summary: Inventory of the architectural heritage in Ekeren (expa

Issued on 2018-12-06

heritage Inventory Effection details >

Taxation areas (charging year 2018-2023) Open Data

The levy should encourage groundwater consumers to use groundwater sparingly. It also aims to promot

Issued on 2017-11-20

Taxation areas (charging year 2018-2023) details >

agricultural green ovw accessible Open Data

 City development/Space Low with public green and water (without squares, buildings and pr

Issued on 2019-09-27

agricultural green ovw accessible details >

cadaster department Open Data

KADASTER_AFDELING BZ/SSO Summary: The delimitation of the cadastral departments, including

Issued on 2019-03-01

cadaster department details >

vacancy register city antwerp Open Data

Emptystandsregister Financiën The urban vacancy register of dwellings and buildings is a p

Issued on 2018-12-06

vacancy register city antwerp details >

FluvFlood climate2050 T05 Open Data

FluvFlood_climate2050_T05 SW/EMA The flood maps were drawn up as part of the river impact

Issued on 2021-02-02

FluvFlood climate2050 T05 details >

Share of sectors in heavy metal emissions to air Open Data

Display of sector shares again of emissions of heavy metals Axis, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn to a

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:34:36Z

Share of sectors in heavy metal emissions to air details >

CORINE Land Cover-2018-Belgium Open Data

The data set contains a seamless polygonal layer representing the land cover in Belgium for the year

Issued on

CORINE Land Cover-2018-Belgium details >

Sw Open Data


Issued on

Sw details >

Water Transport Network Open Data

The entities included in dataset represent the Belgian waterway transport network in the sense of th

Issued on

Water Transport Network details >

Trend analysis of drainage and precipitation per month by measuring station on unnavigable... Open Data

Display of the results of trend analyses of discharge and precipitation per month by measuring stati

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:34:45Z

Trend analysis of drainage and precipitation per month by measuring station on unnavigable... details >

residential property Open Data

Mobility and Parking Antwerp Representation of the various residential areas in Antwerp. The la

Issued on 2021-11-17

residential property details >

short-zone neighbourhood sports area Open Data

TEKORTZ_BUURTSPORT_BUURT City development/Space Low with deficit zone of neighbourhood spo

Issued on 2022-02-21

short-zone neighbourhood sports area details >

Surveillance Infection Diseases by National Reference Centres humane microbiology: Shiga-toxine... Open Data

Sinds 2011 coördineert de dienst Epidemiologie van infectieziekten van Sciensano, verantwoordelijk v

Issued on

Surveillance Infection Diseases by National Reference Centres humane microbiology: Shiga-toxine... details >

Real estate located on our business parks Open Data

This is the list of real estate owned by the OEP located on the economic activity parks.

Issued on

Real estate located on our business parks details >

The impact on North Sea organisms of pollutants associated with sediment (ICAS) Open Data


Issued on

The impact on North Sea organisms of pollutants associated with sediment (ICAS) details >

CRA: Dosage van chlorofyl- en pheophitinepigmenten in de Belgische kustwateren, by VUB, ULB and ULg... Open Data


Issued on

CRA: Dosage van chlorofyl- en pheophitinepigmenten in de Belgische kustwateren, by VUB, ULB and ULg... details >

PMPZ: Pesticides in marine organisms, by VUB (1971-1976) Open Data


Issued on

PMPZ: Pesticides in marine organisms, by VUB (1971-1976) details >

space accounting up-to-date Open Data

ruimteboekhouding_actueel stad Antwerpen, SW/ afdeling Ruimte Kaart met veralgemeende inkl

Issued on 2018-12-06

space accounting up-to-date details >

bicycle parking spaces Open Data

Bicycle Parking Places_Public City Development/Mobility Summary: Overview of the large bic

Issued on 2018-12-06

bicycle parking spaces details >

Smiley sticker for food safety. Open Data

The “smiley” is a sticker, which attests that the company active in the food chain that owns it has

Issued on 2016-12-10T23:00:00Z

Smiley sticker for food safety. details >

CGT Pivot — furnished Open Data

Office General for Tourism — Pivot database — furnished

Issued on

CGT Pivot — furnished details >

Collecto stops Open Data

Location of the Collecto stops in the Brussels Capital Region.

Issued on

Collecto stops details >

Belgian Cancer Registry: Robot assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy Open Data

The RALP project is an initiative of the Belgian Association of Urology (BAU) and the National Insti

Issued on

Belgian Cancer Registry: Robot assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy details >

shortage zone experience green water square neighborhood Open Data

TEKORTZ_BELEVINGSGREEN_WATER_PLEIN_BUURT City development/Space Low with deficit zone of n

Issued on 2022-02-21

shortage zone experience green water square neighborhood details >

Action and watch areas (2022-2027) Open Data

The area-specific policy action and wake-up areas as defined in the recovery programmes for bodies o

Issued on

Action and watch areas (2022-2027) details >

low emission zone Open Data

LEZ_AFBAKENING City Development/Mobility Summary: Since 1 February 2017, the Antwerp city

Issued on 2018-12-06

low emission zone details >

Strategic aircraft noise map 2016 - Lden Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : aircraft noise register 2016 (noise contours maps) for the Lden acoustic i

Issued on

Strategic aircraft noise map 2016 - Lden details >

Zonal planning regulations Open Data

Zonal planning regulations are town planning regulations that are applicable to certain areas of the

Issued on

Zonal planning regulations details >

La Bruyère — clothing containers Open Data


Issued on

La Bruyère — clothing containers details >

Surveillance Infection Diseases by National Reference Centres humane microbiology: Haemophilus... Open Data

Sinds 2011 coördineert de dienst Epidemiologie van infectieziekten van Sciensano, verantwoordelijk v

Issued on

Surveillance Infection Diseases by National Reference Centres humane microbiology: Haemophilus... details >

shortage zone use green square building block Open Data

TEKORTZ_UseGREEN_PLEIN_BOUWBLOK City development/Space Low with shortage zone of use green

Issued on 2022-02-21

shortage zone use green square building block details >

Culture centers in Flanders and Brussels via POI service Open Data

Location, address details, contact details and link to detail pages of the subsidised cultural centr

Issued on 2019-03-13

Culture centers in Flanders and Brussels via POI service details >

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 31/01/2020 Open Data

The Flemish Government wishes to stimulate and facilitate the redevelopment of abandoned business pa

Issued on 2020-02-11

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 31/01/2020 details >

Particulate matter emissions (PM2.5) Open Data

PM2.5 are very small dust particles with a diameter of less than 2.5 µm domestic heating is the main

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:33:58Z

Particulate matter emissions (PM2.5) details >

groundwater infiltration Open Data

INFILTRATIEKAART_ANTWERPEN City of Antwerp This map shows the extent to which infiltration

Issued on 2018-12-06

groundwater infiltration details >

G3Dv2_breaks Open Data

The fractions are modelled into the base of each package. Only for the Base (10_11_12Silure_Ordovici

Issued on 2013-11-12

G3Dv2_breaks details >

service flat overview Open Data

SERVICEFLAT_OVERVICHT City of Antwerp/Team Data The geo-layer shows the exact locations of

Issued on 2018-12-06

service flat overview details >

Census 2011 — Age, Labour Market Situation, Country of Citizenship, Education Level, Position in the... Open Data

Description:Census 2011 — Age in expired years in 01/01/2011 (2), Labour market situation (2), Count

Issued on

Census 2011 — Age, Labour Market Situation, Country of Citizenship, Education Level, Position in the... details >

Location of traffic counts La Louvière Open Data

Location of pedestrian, cycling or car counts in La Louvière

Issued on

Location of traffic counts La Louvière details >

Marche-en-Famenne/Senior health courses Open Data

Senior health pathway bringing together areas with external equipment

Issued on

Marche-en-Famenne/Senior health courses details >

Luxembourg — Meteo Open Data

Meteorological data Luxembourg since 2010

Issued on

Luxembourg — Meteo details >

Pack concentration in water bottoms Open Data

The physico-chemical assessment of the water soil includes, inter alia, an examination of the presen

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:32:09Z

Pack concentration in water bottoms details >

Parking for persons with reduced mobility (PRM) La Louvière Open Data

Identification of parking points for persons with reduced mobility

Issued on

Parking for persons with reduced mobility (PRM) La Louvière details >

Belgian regions Open Data

Belgian administrative divisions: Http:// Sources: IGN

Issued on

Belgian regions details >

Direction of Low Frequency Waves Timeseries - North Sea -HYPAS UKMO Open Data

Direction of Low Frequency Waves Timeseries - North Sea - HYPAS wave forecasts. The domain is a ster

Issued on

Direction of Low Frequency Waves Timeseries - North Sea -HYPAS UKMO details >

Fiets/Vélo: busbanen/fietsstroken - bandes bus/bandes cyclables Open Data

Fiets: busbanen/fietsstrokenVélo : bandes bus/bandes cyclables

Issued on

Fiets/Vélo: busbanen/fietsstroken - bandes bus/bandes cyclables details >

Variation in atmospheric N2O concentration between 800000 BC and 2018 Open Data

Variation in atmospheric N2O concentration between 800000 BC and 2018

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:33:27Z

Variation in atmospheric N2O concentration between 800000 BC and 2018 details >
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