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G3Dv3 010601, isopachen Ld of Strong Fm Ld Open Data

This layer gives the isopach of the Member of Lommel of the Geological 3D model of Flanders. The Geo

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 010601, isopachen Ld of Strong Fm Ld details >

G3Dv3.1 010601, isopachen Ld of Strong Fm Ld Open Data

This layer gives the isopach of the Member of Lommel of the Geological 3D model of Flanders — versio

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 010601, isopachen Ld of Strong Fm Ld details >

H3Dv2.1 A0611, Prevent Sand of Wemmel Open Data

This layer gives the appearance limits of A0611, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the F

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0611, Prevent Sand of Wemmel details >

H3Dv2 A0611, Prevent Sand from Wemmel Open Data

This layer gives the prevention limits of A0611, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the F

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0611, Prevent Sand from Wemmel details >

H3O-De Kempen — Geology- Thickness Map Combination of Early Oligocene Sands Open Data

These thickness maps represent the modelled thickness (m) of the Combination of Early Oligocene Sand

Issued on 2018-07-01

H3O-De Kempen — Geology- Thickness Map Combination of Early Oligocene Sands details >

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Geology — Breach Formation of Bilzen Open Data

These lines represent the locations of fractions that cut the base of the Bilzen Formation.

Issued on 2014-06-30

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Geology — Breach Formation of Bilzen details >

G3Dv3 010603, fractures in base Ld of Sterksel Fm Bocholt Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of the Member of Bocholt, as defined in the Geologic

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 010603, fractures in base Ld of Sterksel Fm Bocholt details >

G3Dv3.1 010603, fractures in base Ld of Sterksel Fm Bocholt Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of the Member of Bocholt, as defined in the Geologic

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 010603, fractures in base Ld of Sterksel Fm Bocholt details >

G3Dv3 031804, isopachen Ld of Beselare of Hannut Fm Open Data

This layer gives the isopach of the member of Beselare of the Geological 3D model of Flanders. The G

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 031804, isopachen Ld of Beselare of Hannut Fm details >

G3Dv3.1 031804, isopachen Ld of Beselare of Hannut Fm Open Data

This layer gives the isopach of the Member of Beselare of the Geological 3D model of Flanders — vers

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 031804, isopachen Ld of Beselare of Hannut Fm details >

Departments of organisations within socio-cultural work in Flanders and Brussels via POI service Open Data

Location, address details, contact details and link to detailed pages of the departments of subsidis

Issued on 2016-05-09

Departments of organisations within socio-cultural work in Flanders and Brussels via POI service details >

population/ages_2012 Open Data

All ages by statistical sector year 2012

Issued on

population/ages_2012 details >

CSO co-financing 2017-2021 Open Data

Kofinanzierung zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen 2016-2019

Issued on 2019-09-06T08:25:55.363Z

CSO co-financing 2017-2021 details >

G3Dv3, Preventing Anthropogen Open Data

This layer gives the appearance limits of the Anthropogen, as defined in the Geological 3D model of

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3, Preventing Anthropogen details >

G3Dv3.1, Preventing Anthropogen Open Data

This layer gives the appearance limits of the Anthropogen, as defined in the Geological 3D model of

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1, Preventing Anthropogen details >

Heat Map 2019 — Existing heat networks (lines) Open Data

The ‘Warmtekaart Vlaanderen 2019’ was commissioned by the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency to imple

Issued on

Heat Map 2019 — Existing heat networks (lines) details >

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Geology — Height map basis Formation of Waalre Open Data

This layer gives the height of the base (mTAW) of the Waalre Formation.

Issued on 2014-06-30

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Geology — Height map basis Formation of Waalre details >

H3Dv2 A1102, isohypses of basic Kalkarenites of Maastricht and Kunrade Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A1102, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A1102, isohypses of basic Kalkarenites of Maastricht and Kunrade details >

H3Dv2.1 A1102, isohypses of basic Kalkarenites of Maastricht and Kunrade Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A1102, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A1102, isohypses of basic Kalkarenites of Maastricht and Kunrade details >

fencing Open Data

STRAATOBJECTEN_HEKWERK_ALGEEN City development/Management_and_Operations Constructions are

Issued on 2018-12-06

fencing details >

H3Dv2 A0501, isopachen Bartoon clay 1 Open Data

This layer represents the isopaches of A0501, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the Flem

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0501, isopachen Bartoon clay 1 details >

H3Dv2.1 A0501, isopachen Bartoon clay 1 Open Data

This layer shows the isopaches of A0501, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the Flemish s

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0501, isopachen Bartoon clay 1 details >

H3Dv2 A0502, isohypses of top Bartoon sand 1 Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the top of A0502, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of th

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0502, isohypses of top Bartoon sand 1 details >

Census 2011 — Age, Labour market situation, Training level, Residence, Birth place, Gender, Year of... Open Data

Description: Census 2011 — Age in expired years in 01/01/2011 (2), Labour market situation (2), Trai

Issued on

Census 2011 — Age, Labour market situation, Training level, Residence, Birth place, Gender, Year of... details >

Thesaurus Event Types Open Data

The thesarus of event types contains different types of events that occur in heritage practice. Exam

Issued on 2015-06-08T18:54:57.910208Z

Thesaurus Event Types details >

H3O-De Kempen — Geology- Height Map Basic Combination of Early Oligocene Sands Open Data

This height map represents the modelled base (mTAW) of the Combination of Early Oligocene Sands “Hei

Issued on 2018-07-01

H3O-De Kempen — Geology- Height Map Basic Combination of Early Oligocene Sands details >

reach supermarket district Open Data

BEREIK_SUPERMARKT_WIJK City development/Space Low with reach zone of supermarkets (>1.0

Issued on 2022-02-21

reach supermarket district details >

PluvFlood climate2100 T20 Open Data

Flood model city of Antwerp, maximum water level in meters, modeled in specific year and repetition

Issued on 2021-02-08

PluvFlood climate2100 T20 details >

Total dust emissions Open Data

total dust includes all floating dust particles in the atmosphere; especially larger particles play

Issued on 2020-02-24T14:33:41Z

Total dust emissions details >

range of experience green building block neighbourhood Open Data

BEREIK_BELEVINGSGREEN_BOUWBLOKBUURT City development/Space Low with range zone of experien

Issued on 2022-02-18

range of experience green building block neighbourhood details >

G3Dv3 020303, fractions in base Ld of Waubach of the Fm of Kiezeloöliet Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of the Member of Waubach, as defined in the Geologic

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 020303, fractions in base Ld of Waubach of the Fm of Kiezeloöliet details >

G3Dv3.1 020303, fractures in base Ld of Waubach of the Fm of Kiezeloöliet Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of the Member of Waubach, as defined in the Geologic

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 020303, fractures in base Ld of Waubach of the Fm of Kiezeloöliet details >

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Thickness SY-z-3 Open Data

This layer shows the thickness (m) of SY-z-3.

Issued on 2014-06-30

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Thickness SY-z-3 details >

H3Dv2 A0400, isopachen Oligocean Aquifer system Open Data

This layer represents the isopaches of A0400, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the Flem

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0400, isopachen Oligocean Aquifer system details >

H3Dv2.1 A0400, isopachen Oligocean Aquifer system Open Data

This layer shows the isopaches of A0400, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the Flemish s

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0400, isopachen Oligocean Aquifer system details >

Census 2011 — Bathroom, Number of rooms per resident, Residence, Number of inhabitants, Number of... Open Data

Description: Census 2011 — Bathroom (1), Number of rooms per resident (1), Residence (2), Number of

Issued on

Census 2011 — Bathroom, Number of rooms per resident, Residence, Number of inhabitants, Number of... details >

G3Dv3 030603, fractures in top Ld of Bassevelde of the Zelzate Fm Open Data

This layer gives the fractures through the top of the Member of Bassevelde, as defined in the Geolog

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 030603, fractures in top Ld of Bassevelde of the Zelzate Fm details >

G3Dv3.1 030603, fractures in top Ld of Bassevelde of the Zelzate Fm Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the top of the Member of Bassevelde, as defined in the Geolog

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 030603, fractures in top Ld of Bassevelde of the Zelzate Fm details >

G3Dv3 0307, fractures in base Fm van Sint-Huibrechts-Hern Open Data

This layer gives the fractures through the base of the Formation of Saint-Huibrechts-Hern, as define

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 0307, fractures in base Fm van Sint-Huibrechts-Hern details >

G3Dv3.1 0307, fractures in base Fm of Saint-Huibrechts-Hern Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of the Formation of Saint-Huibrechts-Hern, as define

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 0307, fractures in base Fm of Saint-Huibrechts-Hern details >

G3Dv3 0105, fractures in base Fm of Lanready, Lanaken and Suctiondal Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the bases of the formations of Lanklaar, Lanaken and Zutendaa

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 0105, fractures in base Fm of Lanready, Lanaken and Suctiondal details >

G3Dv3.1 0105, fractures in base Fm of Lanready, Lanaken and Suctiondal Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the bases of the formations of Lanklaar, Lanaken and Zutendaa

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 0105, fractures in base Fm of Lanready, Lanaken and Suctiondal details >

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Height map base 0254-1 Open Data

This layer shows the height of the base (mTAW) of 0254-1.

Issued on 2014-06-30

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Height map base 0254-1 details >

H3Dv2 A0165, isohypses of base Boxtel sand 3 Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A0165, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0165, isohypses of base Boxtel sand 3 details >

H3Dv2.1 A0165, isohypses of base Boxtel sand 3 Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A0165, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0165, isohypses of base Boxtel sand 3 details >

H3Dv2 A1022, fractures in top Clays of Waterschei and Beselare Open Data

This layer gives the fractures through the top of A1022, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A1022, fractures in top Clays of Waterschei and Beselare details >

H3Dv2.1 A1022, fractures in top Clays of Waterschei and Beselare Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the top of A1022, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A1022, fractures in top Clays of Waterschei and Beselare details >

Historical permanent grasslands (HPG) and other permanent grasslands in Flanders protected by nature... Open Data

The GIS layer contains all historical permanent grasslands (HPG) and all permanent grasslands (in VE

Issued on 2017-06-09

Historical permanent grasslands (HPG) and other permanent grasslands in Flanders protected by nature... details >

Westtoer Sightseeing Open Data

Overview of the Tourist attractions in West Flanders

Issued on 2015-06-17T09:36:35.557796Z

Westtoer Sightseeing details >

H3Dv2 A1100, isohypses of base Chalk Aquifer system Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A1100, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A1100, isohypses of base Chalk Aquifer system details >

H3Dv2.1 A1100, isohypses of base Chalk Aquifer system Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A1100, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A1100, isohypses of base Chalk Aquifer system details >

distribution of residential/school transfers by main mode of transport (school pupils and students) Open Data

percentage of residential and school transfers by pupils and students using the mode of transport co

Issued on 2021-05-06

distribution of residential/school transfers by main mode of transport (school pupils and students) details >

Ground Mechanical Map 14.6.5 Gent-Desteldonk, Plate VIII: Base of the Quartet (scan original plate) Open Data

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ

Issued on 2014-09-01

Ground Mechanical Map 14.6.5 Gent-Desteldonk, Plate VIII: Base of the Quartet (scan original plate) details >

H3O-De Kempen — Hydrogeology- Height map Basic Stramproy sand 2 Open Data

This height map represents the modelled base (mTAW) of the Stramproy sand 2. ‘Heightmap Basis Stramp

Issued on 2018-07-01

H3O-De Kempen — Hydrogeology- Height map Basic Stramproy sand 2 details >

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Height map top BX-z-1 Open Data

This layer gives the height of the top (mTAW) of BX-z-1.

Issued on 2014-06-30

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Height map top BX-z-1 details >

G3Dv3 0303, fractions in base Fm of Boom Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of the Tree Formation, as defined in the Geological

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 0303, fractions in base Fm of Boom details >

G3Dv3.1 0303, fractions in base Fm of Boom Open Data

This layer gives the fractions through the base of the Tree Formation, as defined in the Geological

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 0303, fractions in base Fm of Boom details >

G3Dv3.1 0318, isohypses of top Fm by Hannut Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the top of the Hannut Formation, as defined in the Geological 3D m

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 0318, isohypses of top Fm by Hannut details >

G3Dv3 0318, isohypses of top Fm by Hannut Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the top of the Hannut Formation, as defined in the Geological 3D m

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 0318, isohypses of top Fm by Hannut details >

Ground Mechanical Map 15.3.7 Zwijndrecht-Burcht, Plate I: Dokumentation (scan original plate) Open Data

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ

Issued on 2014-09-01

Ground Mechanical Map 15.3.7 Zwijndrecht-Burcht, Plate I: Dokumentation (scan original plate) details >

H3Dv2 A0504, prevent Bartoon sand 2 Open Data

This layer gives the appearance limits of A0504, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the F

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0504, prevent Bartoon sand 2 details >

H3Dv2.1 A0504, prevent Bartoon sand 2 Open Data

This layer gives the appearance limits of A0504, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the F

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0504, prevent Bartoon sand 2 details >

Ground Mechanical Map 22.2.3 Gent-Sint-Amandsberg, Plate VI: Top of the Ieperian sand-claikomplex... Open Data

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ

Issued on 2014-09-01

Ground Mechanical Map 22.2.3 Gent-Sint-Amandsberg, Plate VI: Top of the Ieperian sand-claikomplex... details >

VLOPS cards — SO2 — SOx total deposition (VLOPS20, Meteo 2017, Emissions 2017) Open Data

This VLOPS map shows the modelled total deposition (td) of SOx (in mol/ha·year) for all Flanders at

Issued on

VLOPS cards — SO2 — SOx total deposition (VLOPS20, Meteo 2017, Emissions 2017) details >

G3Dv3 031603, isohypses of top Ld van Orchies of the Fm of Kortrijk Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the top of the Member of Orchies, as defined in the Geological 3D

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 031603, isohypses of top Ld van Orchies of the Fm of Kortrijk details >

G3Dv3.1 031603, isohypses of top Ld van Orchies of the Fm of Kortrijk Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the top of the Member of Orchies, as defined in the Geological 3D

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 031603, isohypses of top Ld van Orchies of the Fm of Kortrijk details >

Ground Mechanical Map 15.3.3 Zwijndrecht-North, Plate VIII: Hydrogeological data (scan original... Open Data

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ

Issued on 2014-09-01

Ground Mechanical Map 15.3.3 Zwijndrecht-North, Plate VIII: Hydrogeological data (scan original... details >

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Breaching AI-k-3 Open Data

These lines represent the locations of fractions that cut the base of AI-k-3.

Issued on 2014-06-30

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Breaching AI-k-3 details >

G3Dv3.1 030701, drilling with Ld of Down bars of the Fm of Saint-Huibrechts-Hern Open Data

This layer gives the drillings through the Member of Neerrepen, as defined in the Geological 3D mode

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 030701, drilling with Ld of Down bars of the Fm of Saint-Huibrechts-Hern details >

Ground Mechanical Map 15.4.1 Antwerp-Merksem-North, Plate III: Thickness of the alluvium (vector) Open Data

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ

Issued on 2014-09-01

Ground Mechanical Map 15.4.1 Antwerp-Merksem-North, Plate III: Thickness of the alluvium (vector) details >

Water quality objectives water surfaces Open Data

Vector stock with an overview of the flat surface waters, designated by the Flemish Government, inte

Issued on 2000-06-20

Water quality objectives water surfaces details >

H3O-De Kempen — Geology- Breach Formation of Kasterlee Open Data

This line map represents the fractions that work into the base of or through the formation of Kaster

Issued on 2018-07-01

H3O-De Kempen — Geology- Breach Formation of Kasterlee details >

Mining levy areas located in the Ledo-Paniselian Brussels aquifer system (code 0600) (tax year... Open Data

The levy should encourage groundwater consumers to use groundwater sparingly. It also wants to encou

Issued on

Mining levy areas located in the Ledo-Paniselian Brussels aquifer system (code 0600) (tax year... details >

H3Dv2 A0503, isohypses of top Bartoon clay 2 Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the top of A0503, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of th

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0503, isohypses of top Bartoon clay 2 details >

H3Dv2.1 A0503, isohypses of top Bartoon clay 2 Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the top of A0503, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of th

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0503, isohypses of top Bartoon clay 2 details >

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Height map base 0255 Open Data

This layer shows the height of the base (mTAW) of 0255.

Issued on 2014-06-30

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Height map base 0255 details >

GPBV installations in Flanders under the Industrial Emissions Directive (RIE) Open Data

Industry plays an important role in our society, on the other hand, it has a major impact on the env

Issued on

GPBV installations in Flanders under the Industrial Emissions Directive (RIE) details >

G3Dv3.1 0208, isohypses of base Fm of Bolderberg outside the Roerdalslenk Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of the Bolderberg Formation, as defined in the Geological

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 0208, isohypses of base Fm of Bolderberg outside the Roerdalslenk details >

H3Dv2 A1200, isohypses of base Jura — Trias — Perm Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A1200, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A1200, isohypses of base Jura — Trias — Perm details >

H3Dv2.1 A1200, isohypses of base Jura — Trias — Perm Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A1200, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A1200, isohypses of base Jura — Trias — Perm details >

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Thickness 1023 + 1032 Open Data

This layer shows the thickness (m) of 1023 + 1032.

Issued on 2014-06-30

H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Thickness 1023 + 1032 details >

G3Dv3 031301, occurrence of Ld van Egem of the Fm of Hyon and Ld van Kwatrecht of the Fm van... Open Data

This layer gives the prevention limits of the members of Egem and Kwatrecht, as defined in the Geolo

Issued on 2019-12-10

G3Dv3 031301, occurrence of Ld van Egem of the Fm of Hyon and Ld van Kwatrecht of the Fm van... details >

G3Dv3.1 031301, occurrence of Ld van Egem of the Fm of Hyon and Ld van Kwatrecht of the Fm van... Open Data

This layer gives the prevention limits of the members of Egem and Kwatrecht, as defined in the Geolo

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 031301, occurrence of Ld van Egem of the Fm of Hyon and Ld van Kwatrecht of the Fm van... details >

Population by statistical sector Open Data

Description: Population by statistical sector Period: 2015 Metadata: Variabelen, Structure and Movem

Issued on

Population by statistical sector details >

Areas of operation of game management units, situation 21/02/2019 Open Data

Overview of the areas of operation of the wild game management units recognised by the Flemish Gover

Issued on 2019-03-01

Areas of operation of game management units, situation 21/02/2019 details >

G3Dv3.1 031602, isohypses of base Ld of Roubaix of the Fm of Kortrijk Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of the Member of Roubaix, as defined in the Geological 3D

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 031602, isohypses of base Ld of Roubaix of the Fm of Kortrijk details >

H3Dv2 A0151, isohypses of base Sandy coatings Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A0151, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0151, isohypses of base Sandy coatings details >

H3Dv2.1 A0151, isohypses of base Sandy coatings Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A0151, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0151, isohypses of base Sandy coatings details >

H3O-De Kempen — Geology Height Map Basic Tree Formation Open Data

This height card represents the modelled base (mTAW) of the Tree Formation “Height Map Basic Formati

Issued on 2018-07-01

H3O-De Kempen — Geology Height Map Basic Tree Formation details >

Location of cores with an insufficient mix of basic facilities — Flanders — 2015 Open Data

This card shows a selection of the cores where there is an insufficient mix of basic facilities. Bas

Issued on

Location of cores with an insufficient mix of basic facilities — Flanders — 2015 details >

H3Dv2 A0189, Prevent Strong Sand 2 Open Data

This layer gives the appearance limits of A0189, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the F

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0189, Prevent Strong Sand 2 details >

H3Dv2.1 A0189, prevent Strong sand 2 Open Data

This layer gives the appearance limits of A0189, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the F

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0189, prevent Strong sand 2 details >

Agricultural use parcels LV, 2020 Open Data

Summary of parcels in agricultural use at the final date of submission of the single application tha

Issued on 2021-04-02

Agricultural use parcels LV, 2020 details >

G3Dv2_0204_NE_Bc_Bb, base Fm from Berchem and Bolderberg Open Data

This layer shows the base (mTAW) of the formats of Berchem and Bolderberg. These are lateral equival

Issued on 2013-11-12

G3Dv2_0204_NE_Bc_Bb, base Fm from Berchem and Bolderberg details >

H3Dv2 A0210, isohypses of base Clay-sand complex of the Kempen Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A0210, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0210, isohypses of base Clay-sand complex of the Kempen details >

H3Dv2.1 A0210, isohypses of base Clay-sand complex of the Kempen Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A0210, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0210, isohypses of base Clay-sand complex of the Kempen details >

Model area of Leem Open Data

The map shows the lateral occurrence of the (niveo-)elastic clay deposits in Flanders during the var

Issued on 2015-10-13

Model area of Leem details >

H3Dv2 A0632, isohypses of base Sandy clay from Beernem Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A0632, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2019-12-10

H3Dv2 A0632, isohypses of base Sandy clay from Beernem details >

H3Dv2.1 A0632, isohypses of base Sandy clay from Beernem Open Data

This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A0632, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 A0632, isohypses of base Sandy clay from Beernem details >

G3Dv3.1 0401, isopachen Fm of Maastricht and Kunrade Open Data

This layer gives the isopach of the formations of Maastricht and Kunrade of the Geological 3D model

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 0401, isopachen Fm of Maastricht and Kunrade details >
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