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Belgian open data portal, harvesting data from federal, regional and local portals in Belgium datasets available on official portal for European data

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Seveso sites Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : this directive has as an aim the prevention of the major accidents implyin

Issued on

Seveso sites details >

reach use green square neighborhood Open Data

BEREIK_UseGREEN_PLEIN_BUURT City development/Space Low with area zone of neighbourhood-use

Issued on 2022-02-18

reach use green square neighborhood details >

Renewable EnergieAtlas Flanders — Additional potential energy production from wind turbines —... Open Data

This map layer is part of the Renewable EnergieAtlas Flanders. In this technical scenario, the theor

Issued on 2016-10-25

Renewable EnergieAtlas Flanders — Additional potential energy production from wind turbines —... details >

Metropolitan tunnel roadway (Regional Land Use Plan - Roads) Open Data

Voiries faisant partie du réseau métropolitain. Ces voiries métropolitaines sont un des éléments qui

Issued on

Metropolitan tunnel roadway (Regional Land Use Plan - Roads) details >

Brussels agglomeration (in the spirit of the directive 91/271/EEC) Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: Delineation of the Brussels agglomeration, in accordance with the directive

Issued on

Brussels agglomeration (in the spirit of the directive 91/271/EEC) details >

SRSA East-West boulevard Open Data

sRSA_OOST_WEST_BOULEVARD City Development/Space Summary: In the s-RSA, a future spatial po

Issued on 2018-12-06

SRSA East-West boulevard details >

Greenfields Priority Intervention Zone Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : Priority Intervention Zone of the Brussels Greenfields project to clean up

Issued on

Greenfields Priority Intervention Zone details >

Groundwater catchment site protection area, buffer of 2 km around the protection area 3 Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : location of a buffer zone of 2km around the groundwater catchment site pro

Issued on

Groundwater catchment site protection area, buffer of 2 km around the protection area 3 details >

SRSA 01 water city li Open Data

SRSA_01_WATERSTAD_L City Development/Space Summary: The s-RSA presents the future spatial

Issued on 2018-12-06

SRSA 01 water city li details >

deficit zone bank neighbourhood Open Data

TEKORTZ_BANK_BUURT City development/Space Low with deficit zone of local banks (400 m and

Issued on 2022-02-21

deficit zone bank neighbourhood details >

private car sharing places Open Data

Mobility and Parking Antwerp Overview of all private car sharing places. &Creation Date:

Issued on 2018-12-06

private car sharing places details >

FluvFlood climate2030 T20 Open Data

FluvFlood_climate2030_T20 SW/EMA The flood maps were drawn up as part of the river impact

Issued on 2021-02-02

FluvFlood climate2030 T20 details >

glass container Open Data

& City of Antwerp/SB "This data is kept daily and is therefore always up to date. » &

Issued on 2018-12-06

glass container details >

Urbis bilingue Open Data

Layer-Group type layer: urbisFRNL

Issued on

Urbis bilingue details >

quay number Open Data

Quay Number Study Service/GIS Summary: Quay numbers in the port area of the city of Antwer

Issued on 2018-12-06

quay number details >

urbisFRGray - Old background map Open Data

This background map shows old data from UrbIS. Prefer using the one that is in the root of the curre

Issued on

urbisFRGray - Old background map details >

SRSA 06a polycentric city pg Open Data

SRSA_06A_POLYCENTRISCHE_STAD_PG City development/Space Summary: The s-RSA presents the fut

Issued on 2018-12-06

SRSA 06a polycentric city pg details >

Sl Open Data


Issued on

Sl details >

room Finder Sports Open Data

ZAALSEARCHER_SPORT Zaalseeker Overview of all rooms and spaces known to the urban services

Issued on 2019-11-21

room Finder Sports details >

Actions during the European Week for Waste Reduction since 2013 Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : The European Week for Waste Reduction is a European action organized under

Issued on

Actions during the European Week for Waste Reduction since 2013 details >

Street axis Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : SA entity corresponds to the axes of street sections of the Region of Brus

Issued on

Street axis details >

rotational parking overview Open Data

ROTATIVATION_OVERVIEW Mobility and Parking Antwerp Summary: Overview of the public car par

Issued on 2018-12-06

rotational parking overview details >

Residential property price index Open Data

Purpose and brief description The residential property price index measures inflation in the residen

Issued on

Residential property price index details >

Health Effect Screening - Heat stress Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : This map shows the Health Impact Screening score for heat stress (0-8) in

Issued on

Health Effect Screening - Heat stress details >

Cambio Open Data

Cambio Mobility and Parking Antwerp Summary: Pitches operated by car sharing organisation

Issued on 2018-12-06

Cambio details >

computer rooms Open Data

Computer room Team Data/GIS  & Revision Date: 2016-12-01T00:00:00 & Management: Ba

Issued on 2018-12-06

computer rooms details >

Dedicated routes to create Open Data

Itinéraire en site indépendant à créer

Issued on

Dedicated routes to create details >

agricultural green inaccessible Open Data

 City development/Space Low with public green and water (without squares, buildings and pr

Issued on 2019-09-27

agricultural green inaccessible details >

Empty Stands Register Right of Pre-purchase Open Data

RVV_Wooncode_emptstand  Samenvatting:Overzicht of the areas in which a pre-purchase right

Issued on 2018-12-06

Empty Stands Register Right of Pre-purchase details >

local car parks Open Data

Buurtparkings_Parking company Mobility and Parking Antwerp Summary: Initiatives of the cit

Issued on 2018-12-06

local car parks details >

shortage zone experience green water square district Open Data

TEKORTZ_ BELEVINGSGREEN_WATER_PLEIN_WIJK City development/Space Low with deficit zone of d

Issued on 2022-02-21

shortage zone experience green water square district details >

RWZI detail Open Data

RWZI_DETAIL City of Antwerp Summary: The contours of the water treatment plants were a.d.h

Issued on 2018-12-06

RWZI detail details >

future tree Open Data

GROENINVENTARIS_TOEKOMSTBOOM City Management/Green and Cemeteries Summary A future tree is

Issued on 2018-12-06

future tree details >

SUVIM Observations Open Data

The Solar Ultraviolet - Visible Irradiance Monitoring network (SUVIM) is formed of observation stati

Issued on

SUVIM Observations details >

flaming zone Open Data

Flaming zone City development/Space Low with flannel zone, pedestrian area, often intended

Issued on 2018-12-19

flaming zone details >

Mapping plan parcel - statistical sector Open Data

Mapping plan parcel - statistical sector corresponds to the dataset associating a plan parcel such a

Issued on

Mapping plan parcel - statistical sector details >

INSPIRE Contour Lines Open Data

The INSPIRE contour lines used for a cartographic representation of the relief at scale 1:50000, a p

Issued on

INSPIRE Contour Lines details >

Protected areas in the Sonian Forest Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : protected areas in the Brussels Sonian Forest: vulnerable planting or rege

Issued on

Protected areas in the Sonian Forest details >

Greenway Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: Route of the Greenway, correponding to a walk/ride of more than 60 km allow

Issued on

Greenway details >

Study area for station project and area designated for future development Open Data

Zone comprenant la zone d'intérêt régional à aménagement différé de la Gare de formation ainsi que l

Issued on

Study area for station project and area designated for future development details >

recycling park overview Open Data

PLANON_RECYCLAGEPARK_PT AG VESPA A recycling park is a place where, as a private individua

Issued on 2018-12-06

recycling park overview details >

city sign Open Data

STRAATOBJECTEN_STADSBORD City development/Management_and_Operations Flag model, double-sid

Issued on 2018-12-06

city sign details >

Hillshade2019 Open Data


Issued on

Hillshade2019 details >

Self-employed entrepreneurs Open Data

Methodological explanation The National Institute for the Social Insurance of the Self-employed (RSV

Issued on

Self-employed entrepreneurs details >

urbisNLGray - Old background map Open Data

This background map shows old data from UrbIS. Prefer using the one that is in the root of the curre

Issued on

urbisNLGray - Old background map details >

Wallonia — Cyclist Patents Open Data

Detailed statistics on the 15000 certificates issued in schools

Issued on

Wallonia — Cyclist Patents details >

use green ovw accessible Open Data

 City development/Space Low with public green and water (without squares, buildings and pr

Issued on 2019-09-27

use green ovw accessible details >

Addresses BeSt Open Data

SPF BOSA DG Digital Transformation makes available in the form of open data a consolidated file of t

Issued on

Addresses BeSt details >

OGO list city antwerp Open Data

OGO_LIST_STAD_ANTWERPEN BZ/SSO This layer contains all OGO (unsuitable and/or uninhabitabl

Issued on 2018-12-06

OGO list city antwerp details >

Collection schedule Open Data

This is the BEP door-to-door collection schedule.

Issued on

Collection schedule details >

Calvas de la Ville de Mons Open Data

Name and location of the various CALVAS (Local Accueil Centres de la Vie Associative) in the city of

Issued on

Calvas de la Ville de Mons details >

Big industrial installations Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : Big industrial installations that are reported under the framework of dire

Issued on

Big industrial installations details >

CGT Pivot — Budget Holidays Open Data

Office General for Tourism — Pivot database — Holidays budget

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Budget Holidays details >

CGT Pivot — Gîtes Open Data

Commissariat Général au Tourisme — Pivot database — Gîtes

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Gîtes details >

CGT Pivot — Thesaurus — Tourism Houses Open Data

Office General for Tourism — Pivot database — Thesaurus — Detailed list of tourist houses listed in

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Thesaurus — Tourism Houses details >

CGT Pivot — Thesaurus — Natural Parks Open Data

Office General for Tourism — Pivot database — Thesaurus — Detailed list of nature parks listed in PI

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Thesaurus — Natural Parks details >

CGT Pivot — Thesaurus — Pictograms Open Data

Office General for Tourism — Pivot database — Thesaurus — List of all available pictograms

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Thesaurus — Pictograms details >

CGT Pivot — Holiday Villages Open Data

Commissariat Général au Tourisme — Pivot database — Villages de vacation

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Holiday Villages details >

CGT Pivot — Thesaurus — Families Open Data

Office General for Tourism — Pivot database — Thesaurus — List of families of type of tenders (and a

Issued on

CGT Pivot — Thesaurus — Families details >

Common NSI codes Open Data


Issued on

Common NSI codes details >

Ortho2020 Open Data


Issued on

Ortho2020 details >

3D geodetic network Open Data

Geodetic markers of which the 3D coordinates are precisely known in common Belgian reference systems

Issued on

3D geodetic network details >

Electoral cantons Open Data

This dataset contains the administrative units for the organisation of elections, within their bound

Issued on

Electoral cantons details >

Area of Potential Significant Flood Risk Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region: Map indicating the entire Brussels-Capital Region for which a potentially s

Issued on

Area of Potential Significant Flood Risk details >

Mu_for_bruciel Open Data


Issued on

Mu_for_bruciel details >

Low Frequency Waves Energy Timeseries - North Sea - HYPAS UKMO Open Data

Low frequency waves energy Timeseries - North Sea - HYPAS wave forecasts. The domain is a stereograh

Issued on

Low Frequency Waves Energy Timeseries - North Sea - HYPAS UKMO details >

AED (Automatic external defibrillator) Open Data

AED_selfmanagement City of Antwerp | Social Services An AED (Automatic External Defibrilla

Issued on 2021-10-21

AED (Automatic external defibrillator) details >

Datalab: preliminary population figures at 1.1.2021 Open Data

Statbel DataLab: new statistics, methods and data sources in beta version

Issued on

Datalab: preliminary population figures at 1.1.2021 details >

FluvFlood climate2050 T20 Open Data

FluvFlood_climate2050_T20 SW/EMA The flood maps were drawn up as part of the river impact

Issued on 2021-02-02

FluvFlood climate2050 T20 details >

Public way Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : entity PW is the database reference name and official codification of publ

Issued on

Public way details >

Invasive Alien Species in Belgium - HARMONIA database Open Data

List of invasive species in Belgium following the HARMONIA system and the ISEIA protocol. Extracted

Issued on 2021-11-08T12:03:14.583Z

Invasive Alien Species in Belgium - HARMONIA database details >

Renewable Energy Atlas Flanders — Total additional potential heat production — technical scenario Open Data

This map layer is part of the Renewable EnergieAtlas Flanders. In this technical scenario, the theor

Issued on 2016-10-25

Renewable Energy Atlas Flanders — Total additional potential heat production — technical scenario details >

RSA urban and neighbourhood centres Open Data

sRSA_STEDELIJKE_EN_BUURTCENTRA City Development/Space Summary: In the s-RSA, a future spat

Issued on 2018-12-06

RSA urban and neighbourhood centres details >

road segment desired throughput Open Data

road_wanted crossing City development/Space Low with parts of road segments where crossing

Issued on 2020-10-28

road segment desired throughput details >

Organisations Destelbergen Open Data

An overview of the Destelbergen organisations identified within the VIP project [contact information

Issued on 2015-06-18T14:53:19.971848Z

Organisations Destelbergen details >

protected Archaeological Zone Open Data

MNZ_BESCHERMDE_ARCHEOLOGICAL_ZONES City development/Archeology Summary: Overview of the pr

Issued on 2018-12-06

protected Archaeological Zone details >

Fidus Online - Natural Person Open Data

Search for personal data in BCSS records based on an NISS (active or replaced), or an address or a p

Issued on

Fidus Online - Natural Person details >

Fiets/Vélo: fietszone in park / zones cyclables dans les parcs Open Data

Fiets/Välo: Fietszone in park/Radzonen in Parks

Issued on

Fiets/Vélo: fietszone in park / zones cyclables dans les parcs details >

Catering facilities in the city of Mons Open Data

List of main catering facilities in the city of Mons.

Issued on

Catering facilities in the city of Mons details >

Manneken-Pis en Photos Open Data

Manneken-Pis in Fotos

Issued on

Manneken-Pis en Photos details >

Namur — Statistics — Prioritised query Open Data

Statistical portal of the 46 districts of Namur — We guide you in your choices — List of possibiliti

Issued on

Namur — Statistics — Prioritised query details >

Natura 2000 habitats Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : habitats classified by their EU code, within the Natura 2000 sites. Inform

Issued on

Natura 2000 habitats details >

La Louvière pedestrian crossings Open Data

Identification of pedestrian crossings

Issued on

La Louvière pedestrian crossings details >

Pollumètre Open Data

Pollumètre de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale permettant de suivre en permanence l'évolution de la q

Issued on

Pollumètre details >

Location of construction sites, accidents and other events on roads and motorways Open Data


Issued on

Location of construction sites, accidents and other events on roads and motorways details >

Motorway traffic census 2010 Open Data

For more information: [brochure] (;=4211&comme

Issued on

Motorway traffic census 2010 details >

Protected areas at the European level Open Data

Brussels-Capital Region : protected sites at the European level in implementation of the following E

Issued on

Protected areas at the European level details >

Sea Surface Current Speed TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - COHERENS UMKO Open Data

Sea Surface Current Speed TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - Coherens V1. This dataset contains the

Issued on

Sea Surface Current Speed TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - COHERENS UMKO details >

Companies located on our activity parks Open Data

This is the list of companies located on the economic activity parks managed by the OEP.

Issued on

Companies located on our activity parks details >

Sea Surface Salinity TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - COHERENS UKMO Open Data

Sea surface salinity TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - Coherens V1. This dataset contains the oper

Issued on

Sea Surface Salinity TimeSeries - Belgian Coastal Zone - COHERENS UKMO details >

Gembloux — parking space Open Data


Issued on

Gembloux — parking space details >

SZP Open Data

Special Zoning PLans (SZPs) of the City of Brussels

Issued on

SZP details >

SDU February 2013 by municipality Open Data

Statistics decentralised production units (< 10KwA) per municipality

Issued on

SDU February 2013 by municipality details >

SDU January 2013 per capita Open Data

Statistics decentralised production units < 10KwA per capita

Issued on

SDU January 2013 per capita details >

Visits to the OEP recyparks in 2018 Open Data

This dataset contains all the visits hosted by our recyparcs in 2018. This can be useful to find out

Issued on

Visits to the OEP recyparks in 2018 details >

Wave field - North Sea - WAM ECMWF Open Data

This dataset contains the operational WAM wave forecasts for the sea state of the North Sea. The dom

Issued on

Wave field - North Sea - WAM ECMWF details >

‘Riverains’ areas in the municipality of Mons Open Data

This dataset locates parking areas reserved for holders of a “riparian” card. To obtain a local map:

Issued on

‘Riverains’ areas in the municipality of Mons details >

Namur — Population — Civil status — Cross table CHF2 Open Data

Technical file

Issued on

Namur — Population — Civil status — Cross table CHF2 details >

Namur — Population — Civil status — Table CH2 Open Data

Technical file

Issued on

Namur — Population — Civil status — Table CH2 details >

Namur — Population — Nationality — Cross Table C22 Open Data

Technical file

Issued on

Namur — Population — Nationality — Cross Table C22 details >
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