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Deep-sea meiobenthos at Calvi (Corsica) sampled in September 1982 Open Data
Density and relative abundances of meiobenthos (with emphasis on the deep-sea nematod community) sam
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:07:26.276Z
- Open Data
Issued on
Monitoring of the effects of Belgian wind mill parks on benthic macro-invertebrates and the fish... Open Data
This dataset has been created to establish the reference situation of benthic macro-invertebrates (m
Issued on 2021-11-08T11:54:49.080Z
05_Offender aid Open Data
Standardised information on the public, non-profit or authority regulated organisations and institut
Issued on
Agences d'emploi privées reconnues en RBC Open Data
Agences d'emploi privées reconnues en RBC
Issued on
Benthos monitoring in the intertidal mudflats of Pertuis-Charentais (Bay of Biscay) from 2004 on Open Data
Benthos-Pertuis-Charentais is a spatially explicit benthic database, comprising 11 years of benthic
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:06:20.136Z
Addresses of foreign Embassies and Consulates in Belgium Open Data
Addresses of foreign Embassies and Consulates in Belgium
Issued on
03_Aid and care for the homeless Open Data
Standardised information on the public, non-profit or authority regulated organisations and institut
Issued on
Publications on gender equality in the Brussels region Open Data
This dataset contains bibliographic references of legislative texts, political documents, notes, com
Issued on
Living plant collection of Meise Botanic Garden Open Data
The Botanic Garden holds a living plant collection of more than 25,000 accessions of 17,000 taxa. Th
Issued on 2021-11-08T11:59:22.854Z
Echinoderms occurence in a strongly contaminated Bay (Portman, Spain), using ROV and Scuba-diving... Open Data
Context : The bay of Portman and the adjacent shoreline are exposed to one of the most severe cases
Issued on 2021-11-08T11:58:24.475Z
Microzooplankton - Crustacea from the South Adriatic Sea Open Data
This dataset contains microzooplankton (Crustacea) data from the South Adriatic Sea from 2000.
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:08:32.599Z
Inventories of public contracts and subsidies - hub.brussels (from 2018) Open Data
Inventories of public contracts and subsidies in the framework of the implementation of the circula
Issued on
Career Consulates — List of Heads of Post Open Data
Career Consulates — List of Heads of Post
Issued on
Cadastre du bruit routier 2016 Open Data
Région de Bruxelles-Capitale : Cadastre (cartes de contours) du bruit du trafic routier 2016 pour le
Issued on
Diversity label Open Data
Issued on
Subtidal macrobenthos monitoring in function of a foreshore suppletion at the Belgian coast, period... Open Data
What ecological effects does a foreshore suppletion, and a beach suppletion, have on the marine ecos
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:05:49.971Z
Depletion fishing in the rivers Grote Nete and Kleine Nete in Flanders, Belgium Open Data
The dataset contains the total catch number and total weight of the catch of fish species which has
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:03:10.758Z
Dung Beetles of the Western Palaearctic Open Data
The dataset aggregates the results from a pan-European multi-site experiment, financially supported
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:07:13.630Z
Belgian Marine Mammals database Open Data
This database contains all the Belgian observations and strandings contained in the Belgian Marine M
Issued on 2021-11-08T11:56:53.645Z
Université Pédagogique Nationale de Kinshasa (UPN). Plantes phytosanitaires. - Projet CABIN Open Data
Universität Pédagogique Nationale de Kinshasa (UPN). Plantes Phytosanitaires. — Projet CABIN
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:01:10.707Z
Life cycle and production of Canuella perplexa (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) in the Sluice dock Oostende... Open Data
Biomass and density of Canuella perplexa in the Sluice dock (Spuikom Oostende). The data were digiti
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:05:07.112Z
Land-use planning and real estate Open Data
This section provides a wealth of information, for instance on land occupancy, the characteristics o
Issued on
Waarnemingen.be - Other insect occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium Open Data
Waarnemingen.be - Other insect occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium is a
Issued on 2021-11-08T11:58:10.921Z
Checklist of non-native freshwater fishes in Flanders, Belgium Open Data
The Checklist of non-native freshwater fishes in Flanders, Belgium is a species checklist dataset pu
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:02:55.995Z
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Rotifera collection Open Data
The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Rotifera collection contains 264 digitised specimens
Issued on 2021-11-08T11:57:23.062Z
Grants 2020 - City of Brussels Open Data
Granted subsidies of the City of Brussels in 2020
Issued on
Inventories of public contracts and subsidies - SLRB/BGHM (from 2018) Open Data
Inventories of public contracts and subsidies in the framework of the implementation of the circular
Issued on
Red list of dragonflies in Flanders, Belgium Open Data
Red list of dragonflies in Flanders, Belgium is a regional checklist dataset published by the Resear
Issued on 2021-11-08T11:59:03.442Z
Equivalent Social Assistance (ESA) — Under 25 Open Data
Equivalent social assistance (ESA) is in principle equivalent to the income from social integration.
Issued on
Fauna and flora inventories (terrestrial and limnetic) from the South of Belgium Open Data
This dataset is the result of census exercises made by students in the framework of the General Ecol
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:12:32.530Z
Echiura distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of... Open Data
An annotated check-list is given of Echiura species occurring deeper than 2000 m in the seas borderi
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:05:10.717Z
Vacant business premises Open Data
List of all vacant premises in Bruges
Issued on
Subsides extra octroyés 2019 Open Data
Subsides extra octroyés 2019
Issued on
Influence of light on the fixation of Ostrea edulis and Crepidula fornicata on oyster collectors in... Open Data
Counts of fixed Ostrea edulis and Crepidula fornicata species on 4 zones of a tile from an oyster co
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:04:13.453Z
Municipality border Bruges Open Data
Municipality border of Bruges and adjacent municipalities
Issued on
Associations culturelles et sportives Open Data
Issued on
ECOPOT_2: Phytoplankton in Flemish waterbodies Open Data
Monitoring data from the Ecopot projects: Determining the maximal and good ecological potential, as
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:07:53.015Z
Subtidal hyperbenthos monitoring in function of a foreshore suppletion at the Belgian coast, period... Open Data
What ecological effects does a foreshore suppletion, and a beach suppletion, have on the marine ecos
Issued on 2021-11-08T11:58:16.973Z
Wild bees of Belgium Open Data
Multidiciplinary assessment of BELgian wild BEE decline to adapt mitigation management policy (BELBE
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:10:39.532Z
Agenda.brussels Open Data
Information from https://api.brussels/store/apis/info?name=agenda.brussels&version=0.0.1&provider=ad
Issued on
Play Forests Open Data
The polygons of the play forests on Bruges territory
Issued on
Number of access points at the Social, Exceptional and Emergency Supplier from 01/2022 Open Data
In this open dataset you can find the number of access points at the social and exceptional supplier
Issued on
Artistic heritage of regional roads Open Data
Georeferenced census of fountains or water features as well as monuments and works of art situated a
Issued on
Addresses of career consulates Open Data
Addresses of career consulates
Issued on
Turbellaria from mudflats in the Zwin nature reserve (1983-1984) Open Data
Inventory of Turbellaria species and examination of the share of Turbellaria in the meiofauna of the
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:05:48.424Z
Trawl-survey data in the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) collected in 1972, 1975 and 1981 Open Data
In November 1972, the Laboratory of Marine Biology and Fisheries of Fano (LMBF, Italy) and the Insti
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:08:03.196Z
Waste baskets Open Data
Inventory of all waste baskets for public use on Bruges territory
Issued on
GTFS File by STIB-MIVB (Brussels) Open Data
This dataset contains the GTFS file made by the public transport operator for Brussels city in Belgi
Issued on
Hyperbenthos community in the salt marsh of Saeftinghe in 1990 and 1991 Open Data
Density and biomass of hyperbenthos species in the salt marsh community of Saeftinghe between March
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:08:59.507Z
Expertise in healthcare waste Open Data
Expertise in den Bereichen Gesundheitsabfall
Issued on
2017: The number of vehicles registered at the end of the year by province, type of regulation, fuel... Open Data
2017: The number of vehicles registered at the end of the year by province, type of regulation, fuel
Issued on
Global Gracillariidae Open Data
The Gracillariidae is one the largest families of primitive moths (Lepidoptera). Gracillariid moths
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:04:17.559Z
Individualised Social Integration Project (PIIS) Open Data
The Individual Social Integration Project (PIIS) is a contract between a CPAS and a beneficiary of t
Issued on
Spatial distribution of the macrozoobenthos on the 'Slikken van Vianen' (Oosterschelde) in 1979 Open Data
List of macrobenthos species which were present (counts) or absent (count=0) for several samples tak
Issued on 2021-11-08T12:08:04.969Z
List of Heads of Post followed by addresses of the chancelleries of embassies in Belgium Open Data
List of Heads of Post followed by addresses of the chancelleries of embassies in Belgium
Issued on
Vehicles position (real-time) Open Data
This dataset gives you acces to the real-time information for the vehicles positions, which is provi
Issued on
Total population Open Data
Number of inhabitants in the entity by age group and sex.
Issued on
Number of men Open Data
Number of inhabitants in the entity by age group and sex.
Issued on
Number of women Open Data
Number of inhabitants in the entity by age group and sex.
Issued on
Share of non-Belgian Open Data
This indicator gives the share of the population of the entity whose current nationality is foreign.
Issued on
Total population Open Data
This indicator gives the share of the population of the entity whose current nationality is foreign.
Issued on
Total population of geographical Europe Open Data
This indicator gives the share of the population of the entity whose current nationality is foreign.
Issued on
Total population EU 27 Open Data
This indicator gives the share of the population of the entity whose current nationality is foreign.
Issued on
Cut Circulation Plan Ghent Open Data
This dataset shows the different cuts in the inner city (area within R40) that were already in place
Issued on
Locations Open Houses Ghent Open Data
This dataset contains all the locations of the Open Houses in Ghent.
Issued on
Member of Grandglise Open Data
This layer shows the shallow occurrence (up to 50 m below ground level) of the relevant mineral-cont
Issued on 2021-03-10
Sports facilities Ghent Open Data
Dataset with all sports facilities on Ghent territory, wholly or partly managed by the City of Ghent
Issued on
Baqme locations free bikes Ghent Open Data
In this dataset you can find the different locations of the Baqme shared bikes that are free and are
Issued on
Points of Interest (POI) STAM Ghent Open Data
In this dataset you can find the various Points of Interest that are used on the aerial view in the
Issued on
Belgian agri-trade flows Open Data
Visual representation of the trade flows of agro-products.
Issued on
Flemish organic farming: area Open Data
Evolution of the area under bio-control in Flanders.
Issued on
Formation of Arenberg and Stokkem Open Data
This layer shows the shallow occurrence (up to 50 m below ground level) of the relevant mineral-cont
Issued on 2021-03-10
Potential soil erosion map per plot (2023) Open Data
The potential soil erosion map per parcel (2023) shows the total potential erosion of a particular a
Issued on 2023-01-24
State of play and perspectives for making Brussels a Fair Trade Region Open Data
The general objective of this study was to have a more in-depth knowledge of the reality of Fair Tra
Issued on
Digital atlas — unnavigable watercourses and public canals Open Data
Digital atlas of the ranked unnavigable watercourses and public canals.
Issued on 2023-03-02
Public procurement 2022 Open Data
Public procurement 2022
Issued on
Military use and storage sites for war munition zones in the Belgian Part of the North Sea Open Data
The Royal Decree of 22 May 2019 establishing a marine spatial plan defines 11 military use and stora
Issued on
Bicycle tower Dampoort-Zuid 2019 Ghent Open Data
This dataset contains the data of the bicycle tower Dampoort-Zuid of 2019. The measurements are grou
Issued on
Tourist events visit gent Open Data
In this dataset you can find the first 100 events that are used on the Visit Gent website. You can a
Issued on
Scientific research, recreation, radars and masts zones in the Belgian Part of the North Sea Open Data
The Royal Decree of 22 May 2019 establishing a marine spatial plan defines 8 scientific research, re
Issued on
Chalk Group Open Data
This layer shows the shallow occurrence (up to 50 m below ground level) of the relevant mineral-cont
Issued on 2021-03-10
Locations museums Ghent Open Data
This dataset contains the locations of the various museums in Ghent.
Issued on
Physical disturbance to the seabed dataset in support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive... Open Data
This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSF
Issued on
Permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions dataset in support of the Marine Strategy... Open Data
This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSF
Issued on
Significant acute pollution events dataset in support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive... Open Data
This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSF
Issued on
Adverse effects of significant pollution events on species and habitats dataset in support of the... Open Data
This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSF
Issued on
Population abundance dataset in support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Descriptor... Open Data
This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSF
Issued on
Population demographic characteristics dataset in support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive... Open Data
This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSF
Issued on
Costs of recypcs Open Data
Costs of recypcs
Issued on
Windmill locations in the Belgian Part of the North Sea Open Data
This dataset represents the exact location of the wind turbines in the Belgian Part of the North Sea
Issued on
Formation of Kiezeloöliet Open Data
This layer shows the shallow occurrence (up to 50 m below ground level) of the relevant mineral-cont
Issued on 2021-03-10
Provisional reference file of municipal borders Open Data
Dataset series of versions of the dataset Provisional reference file municipal borders
Issued on
Zero Waste declaration Open Data
The dataset presents the number of people living in Liège committed to reducing its waste generation
Issued on
H3O-De Kempen — Geology- Breach geological units Open Data
This line map represents the fractions that pass through to the base of the unit in question or thro
Issued on 2018-07-01
Gas pipelines as built in the Belgian Part of the North Sea Open Data
This dataset represents the exact location of gas pipelines installed in the Belgian Part of the Nor
Issued on
Pressure measurement Gent Kouter street level 2022 Open Data
During the Flood project, the possibilities for crowd measurements were explored in a testing ground
Issued on
Locations public car parks Ghent Open Data
This dataset shows the location and capacity of the public car parks and the park+rides in Ghent.
Issued on
Youth Houses Open Data
The dataset includes the geolocations of the different youth homes spread over the territory of the
Issued on
Car parks taxis Open Data
The dataset includes the geolocations of taxi parking places on the territory of the City of Liège.
Issued on
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