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H3Dv2 A0180, isohypses of base Maas and Rhine deposits Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A0180, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A0180, isohypses of base Maas and Rhine deposits Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A0180, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t
Issued on 2021-03-10
Household density with good metropolitan facilities — Flanders — Situation 2013 Open Data
This map indicator shows per ha the number of households well or very well equipped with metropolita
Issued on
ADPF — Administrative plots for tax purposes, situation 01/01/2017 Open Data
‘Administrative tax parcels (ADPF), condition 01/01/2017’ is a geographical dataset with the cadastr
Issued on 2018-06-29
Sediment capture Open Data
Sediment traps built on the unnavigable watercourses in Flanders.
Issued on 2020-01-10
Census 2011 — Age, Labour market situation, Country of citizenship, Residence, Civil State, Gender Open Data
Description: Census 2011 — Age in expired years in 01/01/2011 (2), Labour market situation (3), Coun
Issued on
G3Dv3 030807, fractures in base Ld of Wemmel of Maldegem Fm Open Data
This layer gives the fractions through the base of the Member of Wemmel, as defined in the Geologica
Issued on 2019-12-10
G3Dv3.1 030807, fractures in base Ld of Wemmel of Maldegem Fm Open Data
This layer gives the fractions through the base of the Member of Wemmel, as defined in the Geologica
Issued on 2021-03-10
Ground Mechanical Map 22.2.1 Oostakker-Slotendries, Plate VI: Thickness of the Upper-Paniselian sand... Open Data
The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ
Issued on 2014-09-01
Protected areas ifv extraction drinking water from surface and groundwater, status 22/03/2016 Open Data
This stock provides an overview of the protected areas ifv extraction drinking water from surface an
Issued on 2020-10-29
H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Thickness 0300 Open Data
This layer shows the thickness (m) of 0300.
Issued on 2014-06-30
Heat demand large industry (2012) Open Data
The ‘Warmtekaart Vlaanderen’ was commissioned by the Flemish Energy Agency to implement the EU Direc
Issued on 2016-04-01
Ground Mechanical Map 7.7.5-8 Ekeren-South, Plate VIII: Hydrogeological data (scan original plate) Open Data
The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ
Issued on 2014-09-01
G3Dv3 0303, isopachen Fm of Boom Open Data
This layer gives the isopach of the Formation of Tree of the Geological 3D model of Flanders. The Ge
Issued on 2019-12-10
G3Dv3.1 0303, isopachen Fm of Boom Open Data
This layer gives the isopach of the Formation of Tree of the Geological 3D model of Flanders — versi
Issued on 2021-03-10
H3Dv2 A0802, isohypses of top Clay from Egemkapel Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the top of A0802, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of th
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A0802, isohypses of top Clay from Egemkapel Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the top of A0802, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of th
Issued on 2021-03-10
furniture in parks Open Data
SB/GB summaryan inventory of all furniture in the green public space — for example in par
Issued on 2018-12-06
H3Dv2 A0451, isohypses of top Sand from Down bars Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the top of A0451, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of th
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A0451, isohypses of top Sand of Down bars Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the top of A0451, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of th
Issued on 2021-03-10
Census 2011 — Age, Labour market situation, Country of citizenship, Residence, Position in the... Open Data
Description: Census 2011 — Age in expired years in 01/01/2011 (2), Labour market situation (2), Coun
Issued on
G3Dv2_01, fractions in base non-tabulary Quartair Open Data
This layer shows the location of the modeled fractions in the base of the non-tabulary Quartair. Mos
Issued on 2013-11-12
Ground Mechanical Map 22.2.1 Oostakker-Slotendries, Plate VII: Top of the Under-Paniselian Sand... Open Data
The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ
Issued on 2014-09-01
H3Dv2 A1000, isohypses of top Paleocene Aquifer system Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the top of A1000, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of th
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A1000, isohypses of top Paleocene Aquifer system Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the top of A1000, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of th
Issued on 2021-03-10
regional road Open Data
Regional road Studiedienst/GIS Weaths managed by the Flemish Roads and Traffic Agency (AWV
Issued on 2018-12-06
Pesticides in surface water Open Data
Pesticides that end up in surface water can be toxic to aquatic organisms. Peak concentrations can c
Issued on 2020-02-24T14:32:50Z
Inspire harmonised — soil sites Open Data
A soil site is a physical location that groups one or more soil locations, for example a field where
Issued on 2017-07-24
Flood sensitive areas 2017 — (Water test), correction 13/07/2017 Open Data
In the context of the water test, a fourth version of the map has been created showing the flood-pro
Issued on 2017-08-16
Flemish Hydrographic Atlas — Zones, 1 November 2016 Open Data
Vector file with the division of Flanders into hydrographic zones. The smallest subdivision (vha zon
Issued on 2016-11-14
H3Dv2 A0505, drilling with base Bartoon clay 3 Open Data
This layer gives the drillings through the base of A0505, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A0505, drilling with Bartoon clay 3 Open Data
This layer gives the drillings through the A0505, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the
Issued on 2021-03-10
T13Br_FormationofBrussels_BR_20040116 Open Data
Commissioned by the then Department of Natural Resources and Energy, now Department of Land and Soil
Issued on 2009-01-01
H3Dv2 A0305, isopachen Silt of Belsele-Waas Open Data
This layer represents the isopaches of A0305, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the Flem
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A0305, isopachen Silt of Belsele-Waas Open Data
This layer shows the isopaches of A0305, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the Flemish s
Issued on 2021-03-10
SRSA 06d working pt Open Data
SRSA_06D_WORKS_PT City Development/Space Summary: The s-RSA presents the future spatial po
Issued on 2018-12-06
Ground Mechanical Map 15.2.1-4 Kallo, Plate XI: Base of the Scaldisin b sandcomplex (scan original... Open Data
The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ
Issued on 2014-09-01
Groundwater harvesting areas and protection areas (2006) Open Data
This map gives an overview of established conservation areas around groundwater extractions in the F
Issued on 2006-10-04
G3Dv3 030803, isohypses of base Ld of Zomergem of the Fm of Maldegem Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the base of the Member of Zomergem, as defined in the Geological 3
Issued on 2019-12-10
G3Dv3.1 030803, isohypses of base Ld of Zomergem of the Fm of Maldegem Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the base of the Member of Zomergem, as defined in the Geological 3
Issued on 2021-03-10
H3Dv2 A0300, drilling with base Boom Aquitard Open Data
This layer gives the drillings through the base of A0300, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A0300, drilling with Tree Aquitard Open Data
This layer gives the drillings through the A0300, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the
Issued on 2021-03-10
Census 2011 — Age, Labour market situation, Country of citizenship, Residence, Position in the... Open Data
Description: Census 2011 — Age in expired years in 01/01/2011 (2), Labour market situation (2), Coun
Issued on
Number of cars per statistical sector Open Data
Description: Number of cars per statistical sector Period: 2019 Metadata: Variables, DataLab — car o
Issued on
H3O-De Kempen — Hydrogeology- Height map Top Stramproy clay 1 Open Data
This height map represents the modeled height (mTAW) of the top of the Stramproy clay 1. ‘Heightmap
Issued on 2018-07-01
H3Dv2 A0254, prevent Sands from Berchem and Beyond the RDS Open Data
This layer gives the appearance limits of A0254, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the F
Issued on 2019-12-10
Police zones Open Data
Police areas geographically proposed
Issued on
H3O-De Kempen — Geology maps Top Formation of Ten Open Data
This height map represents the modeled height (mTAW) of the top of the Ten Formation “Height Map Top
Issued on 2018-07-01
DSi — Municipal RUP — Subareas Open Data
This dataset contains the digital vector version of all sub-areas of the municipal spatial implement
Issued on
G3Dv3 0206, fractures in top Fm of Diest outside the Roerdalslenk Open Data
This layer gives the fractions through the top of the Diest Formation, as defined in the Geological
Issued on 2019-12-10
G3Dv3.1 0206, fractures in top Fm of Diest outside the Roerdalslenk Open Data
This layer gives the fractions through the top of the Diest Formation, as defined in the Geological
Issued on 2021-03-10
G3Dv2_0312, fractures in base Fm van Tielt Open Data
This layer shows the location of the modeled fractions in the base of the Fm van Tielt. Most fractur
Issued on 2013-11-12
G3Dv3 05, isohypses of base Jura Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the base of the Jura, as defined in the Geological 3D model of the
Issued on 2019-12-10
G3Dv3.1 05, isohypses of base Jura Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the base of the Jura, as defined in the Geological 3D model of the
Issued on 2021-03-10
G3Dv3 0203, fractures in top Fm by Kiezeloöliet Open Data
This layer gives the fractures through the top of the Gravelolite Formation, as defined in the Geolo
Issued on 2019-12-10
G3Dv3.1 0203, fractures in top Fm by Kiezeloöliet Open Data
This layer gives the fractions through the top of the Gravelolite Formation, as defined in the Geolo
Issued on 2021-03-10
Escape doors and sashes of noise-resistant structures along numbered roads Open Data
Locations of the escape doors and sashes located in the noise-resistant structures along the numbere
Issued on
H3Dv2 A0631, Prevent Sand of Oedelem Open Data
This layer gives the appearance limits of A0631, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the F
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A0631, Prevent Sand of Oedelem Open Data
This layer gives the appearance limits of A0631, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the F
Issued on 2021-03-10
H3Dv2 A0701, prevent clayy sand from Pittem Open Data
This layer gives the appearance limits of A0701, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the F
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A0701, prevent clayy sand from Pittem Open Data
This layer gives the appearance limits of A0701, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the F
Issued on 2021-03-10
Soil usage file, recording 2001 Open Data
Geographical grid dataset showing land use in Flanders and Brussels, state 2001.The soil use classif
Issued on 2002-09-06
G3Dv3 020303, isohypses of base Ld of Waubach of the Fm of Kiezeloöliet Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the base of the Member of Waubach, as defined in the Geological 3D
Issued on 2019-12-10
BPA RUP overpressure ind Open Data
BPA_RUP_OVERDRUK_IND City development/Space This data is kept daily and is therefore alway
Issued on 2018-12-06
Land layout, 14/11/2019 Open Data
Track 1 land refurbishment projects are set up by the Flemish Government in accordance with the Decr
Issued on 2019-11-26
H3Dv2 A0236, fractures in top Graveloölite sand 3 Open Data
This layer gives the fractures through the top of A0236, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A0236, fractures in top Graveloölite sand 3 Open Data
This layer gives the fractions through the top of A0236, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model
Issued on 2021-03-10
Number of deaths per day Open Data
Description: Number of deaths per day Period:1992-2021 The figure for 2021 is provisional and is ba
Issued on
shortage zone dog walking zone district Open Data
TEKORTZ_HONDENLOOPZONE_WIJK City development/Space Low with deficit zone of dog walking zo
Issued on 2022-02-21
H3O-De Kempen — Hydrogeology- Breuken Bartoon Aquitard System Open Data
This line map represents the fractions that work down to the base of or through the Bartoon Aquitard
Issued on 2018-07-01
H3O-De Kempen — Hydrogeology- Height map Basic Ieperian Aquifer and Silt from Kortemark Open Data
This height card represents the modelled base (mTAW) of the Ieperian Aquifer and Silt of Kortemark.
Issued on 2018-07-01
G3Dv3 0311, prevention of Fm from Aalter Open Data
This layer gives the appearance limits of the Formation of Aalter, as defined in the Geological 3D m
Issued on 2019-12-10
G3Dv3.1 0311, prevention of Fm from Aalter Open Data
This layer gives the appearance limits of the Formation of Aalter, as defined in the Geological 3D m
Issued on 2021-03-10
Flemish Hydrographic Atlas — Zones, 1 May 2016 Open Data
Vector file with the classification of Flanders into hydrographic zones. The smallest subdivision (v
Issued on 2016-05-12
H3O-De Kempen — Geology- Thickness Map Pebbleoolite Formation Open Data
These thickness cards represent the modelled thickness (m) of the Graveloolite Formation “Thickness
Issued on 2018-07-01
H3Dv2 A0611, fractures in top Sand of Wemmel Open Data
This layer gives the fractures through the top of A0611, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A0611, fractures in top Sand of Wemmel Open Data
This layer gives the fractions through the top of A0611, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model
Issued on 2021-03-10
Ground Mechanical Map 15.3.6 Antwerp-Centrum, Plate IV: Thickness of the quarry sand complex (scan... Open Data
The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent Univ
Issued on 2014-09-01
survey of sustainable informal care in flanderen Open Data
The dataset ‘Sustainable care in Flanders 2014’ contains the encrypted data of a survey survey of a
Issued on 2017-01-18T15:55:33.223010Z
H3Dv2 A1035, fractures in top Clay of Opoeteren Open Data
This layer gives the fractures through the top of A1035, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A1035, fractures in top Clay of Opoeteren Open Data
This layer gives the fractions through the top of A1035, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model
Issued on 2021-03-10
Groundwater Vulnerability Card: the mine subsidence areas Open Data
In view of the importance of mine subsidence in regional water management and on the measures to be
Issued on 1987-01-01
Ortho imaging — OMZ Open Data
This product is the mosaic of summer air recordings 2018 (17 June to 1 July 2018) as intended in the
Issued on 2022-12-01
H3O-Roerdalslenk — Hydrogeology — Thickness IE-z-2 Open Data
This layer displays the thickness (m) of IE-z-2.
Issued on 2014-06-30
H3Dv2 A0257, breaks in base Further sand 2 Open Data
This layer gives the fractions through the base of A0257, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A0257, breaks in base Further sand 2 Open Data
This layer gives the fractions through the base of A0257, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model
Issued on 2021-03-10
G3Dv3 020802, prevention of Ld of Wood Pickling of Bolderberg Fm outside the Roerdalslenk Open Data
This layer gives the prevention limits of the Member of Houthalen, as defined in the Geological 3D m
Issued on 2019-12-10
G3Dv3.1 020802, prevention of Ld of Wood Pickling of Bolderberg Fm outside the Roerdalslenk Open Data
This layer gives the prevention limits of the Member of Houthalen, as defined in the Geological 3D m
Issued on 2021-03-10
G3Dv3.1 032002, isohypses of base Ld of Opoeteren of the Fm of Opglabbeek Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the base of the Member of Opoeteren, as defined in the Geological
Issued on 2021-03-10
G3Dv3 032002, isohypses of base Ld of Opoeteren of the Fm of Opglabbeek Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the base of the Member of Opoeteren, as defined in the Geological
Issued on 2019-12-10
G3Dv2_0311_PA_Ge, base Fm van Gentbrugge Open Data
This layer gives the height of the base (mTAW) of the Paleogene Formation of Gentbrugge of the Geolo
Issued on 2013-11-12
G3Dv2_0404_KR_NeWa_Va, base Fm Spray, Ld Wachtebeke Fm Vaals Open Data
This layer gives the height of the base (mTAW) of the Formation of Vaals, in the east of VLaanderen,
Issued on 2013-11-12
H3Dv2 A0230, drills with base Pleistocene and Pliocene Aquifer system — east Open Data
This layer gives the drillings through the base of A0230, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2 A0302, isopachen Clay silt from Boeretang Open Data
This layer represents the isopaches of A0302, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the Flem
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A0302, isopachen Clay silt from Boeretang Open Data
This layer shows the isopaches of A0302, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the Flemish s
Issued on 2021-03-10
Quartair isopachen Open Data
The isopach map of the quartary deposits is part of the quartary mapping of Flanders. Isopachen are
Issued on
H3Dv2 A0222, isohypses of base Sand of Merksplas Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A0222, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t
Issued on 2019-12-10
H3Dv2.1 A0222, isohypses of base Sand of Merksplas Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A0222, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t
Issued on 2021-03-10
H3Dv2 A0400, isohypses of base Oligocean Aquifer system Open Data
This layer gives the isohypses of the base of A0400, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of t
Issued on 2019-12-10
G3Dv3 031702, isopachen Ld van Loksbergen and Dormaal van de Fm van Tienen Open Data
This layer gives the isopaches of the members of Loksbergen and Dormaal of the Geological 3D model o
Issued on 2019-12-10
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