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Mesures compensatoires portant sur une surface et prévues par une autorisation de défrichement. Open Data

Mesures compensatoires portant sur une surface et prévues par une autorisation de défrichement. Ces

Issued on 2015-10-22T09:07:15.684Z

Mesures compensatoires portant sur une surface et prévues par une autorisation de défrichement. details >

PPRI Presles (Perimeter) Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2015-10-22T18:24:34.473Z

PPRI Presles (Perimeter) details >

95PREF19960019 — PPRI Vallée de l’Oise Open Data

Natural Risk Prevention Plan & Floods & Floods; on the communes d''Asnières-sur-Oi

Issued on 2015-10-22T18:24:52.162Z

95PREF19960019 — PPRI Vallée de l’Oise details >

PPRI Epte (Hazard Zone) Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the hazard map used for PPR risk analysis. The map d&#x

Issued on 2015-10-22T18:25:48.009Z

PPRI Epte (Hazard Zone) details >

SUP_T1 — Railroads generating servitudes T1 Open Data

The generator is a geographical entity whose nature or function induces, under #x27; an effect of re

Issued on 2015-10-22T18:32:36.524Z

SUP_T1 — Railroads generating servitudes T1 details >

SUP_JS1 — Sports facilities generating servitudes JS1 Open Data

The generator is a geographical entity whose nature or function induces, under #x27; an effect of re

Issued on 2015-10-22T18:32:43.088Z

SUP_JS1 — Sports facilities generating servitudes JS1 details >

SUP_T8 — Navigation and landing facilities generating T8 easements Open Data

T8 easements are radio easements for the protection of air navigation facilities (navigation facilit

Issued on 2015-10-22T18:32:51.662Z

SUP_T8 — Navigation and landing facilities generating T8 easements details >

Location of waste plants in the Bas-Rhin Open Data

Points locating the location of waste plants in the Bas-Rhin

Issued on 2015-10-26T14:12:27.059Z

Location of waste plants in the Bas-Rhin details >

The risk of death one year after a stroke Open Data

Source: Studies and Results No. 939, October 2015 Author: Christine de Peretti In 2008 and 2009, n

Issued on 2015-10-28T17:18:03.367Z

The risk of death one year after a stroke details >

Administrative Account 2013 Revenue of the BUDGET COLLECTIVE ASSAINISSMENT Open Data

Since 1 January 2012, Lorient Agglomeration has taken on water, sanitation and integrated water mana

Issued on 2015-10-30T15:29:34.476Z

Administrative Account 2013 Revenue of the BUDGET COLLECTIVE ASSAINISSMENT details >

Administrative Account 2013 Revenue of the BUDGET NON-COLLECTIVE ASSAINISSMENT Open Data

Non-collective sanitation includes design and implementation control, operating control (regulatory

Issued on 2015-10-30T15:38:14.251Z

Administrative Account 2013 Revenue of the BUDGET NON-COLLECTIVE ASSAINISSMENT details >

List of Public Procurement 2014 Open Data

List of successful tenderers for supply contracts, service contracts and works contracts concluded b

Issued on 2015-10-30T15:44:53.680Z

List of Public Procurement 2014 details >

Energy consumption of ASSAINISSMENT works Open Data

This excel file presents the consumption of sanitation works (refoulement stations, lift stations, p

Issued on 2015-11-02T10:06:31.107Z

Energy consumption of ASSAINISSMENT works details >

Summary of energy consumption from 2011 to 2015 Open Data

This excel file presents the energy consumption of Lorient Agglomeration in water, electricity, fuel

Issued on 2015-11-02T11:40:16.464Z

Summary of energy consumption from 2011 to 2015 details >

The heritage of Issy-les-Moulineaux Open Data

This dataset geolocates the “History of the City” signs and reproduces the texts that can be read by

Issued on 2015-11-03T22:59:33.555Z

The heritage of Issy-les-Moulineaux details >

Online procedures Open Data

The Vice-Rectorate of French Polynesia offers all the procedures achievable online by its used ones

Issued on 2015-11-04T05:26:14.098Z

Online procedures details >

Accompaniment of people with reduced mobility at stations Open Data

This data provides the number of accompaniments of persons with reduced mobility at stations since 2

Issued on 2015-11-07T11:19:37.894Z

Accompaniment of people with reduced mobility at stations details >

Days lost in social movements every month since 1994 Open Data

Days lost each month during social conflicts since 1994.

Issued on 2015-11-07T11:19:37.491Z

Days lost in social movements every month since 1994 details >

Comptage des voyageurs montants dans les trains Transilien Open Data

Counting up passengers on Transilien trains per hour. These manual counts are carried out every thre

Issued on 2015-11-07T11:19:40.948Z

Comptage des voyageurs montants dans les trains Transilien details >

Neighbourhood, not ZUS, identified as a priority by an urban contract for social cohesion Open Data

The CUCS succeeded city contracts in 2007 as part of the developed territory project for the benefit

Issued on 2015-11-12T11:32:05.277Z

Neighbourhood, not ZUS, identified as a priority by an urban contract for social cohesion details >

Zones Naturelles d'Intérêt Ecologique Faunistique et Floristique de type 1 Open Data

Une ZNIEFF se définit par l'identification scientifique d'un secteur du territoire national (terrest

Issued on 2015-11-12T15:03:16.172Z

Zones Naturelles d'Intérêt Ecologique Faunistique et Floristique de type 1 details >

Location of Saint-Malo car parks Open Data

Lists of car parks in Saint-Malo The dataset includes their number of places, addresses and geocoded

Issued on 2015-11-16T00:34:37.545Z

Location of Saint-Malo car parks details >

Buoys on waterways belonging to the Brittany region Open Data

Buoys (Basboard and Starboard) delimiting the navigation channel on the waterways belonging to the B

Issued on 2015-11-16T11:55:38.324Z

Buoys on waterways belonging to the Brittany region details >

Reserves and hunting lots on the Domaine Public Fluvial belonging to the Brittany region on the... Open Data

The description is reduced to the basic administrative elements (description, lot number, beneficiar

Issued on 2015-11-16T11:55:42.249Z

Reserves and hunting lots on the Domaine Public Fluvial belonging to the Brittany region on the... details >

Statistics Codes of Good Sylvic Practices (CBPS) by department Open Data

Monitoring table of the Codes of Good Sylvic Practice (CBPS) valid as at 31 December 2015, by region

Issued on 2015-11-24T17:04:47.511Z

Statistics Codes of Good Sylvic Practices (CBPS) by department details >

Statistiques des Réglements Types de Gestion Forestiers (RTG) par région Open Data

Tableau de suivi des Règlements Types de Gestion Forestiers (RTG) en cours de validité au 31 décembr

Issued on 2015-11-24T17:27:01.109Z

Statistiques des Réglements Types de Gestion Forestiers (RTG) par région details >

Anonymous islands declared to the CAP in 2014 — Isère Open Data

Agricultural islets (anonymised) in the graphic parcel register (GPR) declared under aid under the 1

Issued on 2015-12-02T21:45:05.942Z

Anonymous islands declared to the CAP in 2014 — Isère details >

Zoning of Technology Risk Prevention Plans (PPRTs) approved in the Allier Department Open Data

The Technological Risk Prevention Plans (PPRTs) constitute the key instrument for the prevention of

Issued on 2015-12-02T23:50:14.034Z

Zoning of Technology Risk Prevention Plans (PPRTs) approved in the Allier Department details >

Délimitation des lots de chasse au gibier d'eau sur le Domaine Public Fluvial du département de... Open Data

Dans le département de l'Allier une partie de la rivière Cher et l'ensemble de la rivière

Issued on 2015-12-02T23:50:14.924Z

Délimitation des lots de chasse au gibier d'eau sur le Domaine Public Fluvial du département de... details >

Location of areas of activity in the department of Allier Open Data

Location in the form of a point of the zones d' activity under control of \#x27; public works i

Issued on 2015-12-02T23:50:18.532Z

Location of areas of activity in the department of Allier details >

EL03 easement plate linked to towing and walking easements — PUY-DE-DÔME — 2014 Open Data

Servitudes of public utility (SUP) are administrative limitations on the right to property, they are

Issued on 2015-12-03T12:42:57.357Z

EL03 easement plate linked to towing and walking easements — PUY-DE-DÔME — 2014 details >

EL11 easement plates linked to access bans on properties bordering motorways, express roads and... Open Data

Servitudes of public utility (SUP) are administrative limitations on the right to property. They are

Issued on 2015-12-03T14:07:20.793Z

EL11 easement plates linked to access bans on properties bordering motorways, express roads and... details >

Areas of economic activity (ZA) — Haute-Loire Open Data

Zones d' economic activity (ZA) of Haute-Loire __Origin__ Digitisation of zones d' econo

Issued on 2015-12-03T14:07:20.752Z

Areas of economic activity (ZA) — Haute-Loire details >

A5 easement plates related to public water and sanitation pipes — digitised version DDT 43... Open Data

Servitudes of public utility (SUP) are administrative limitations on the right to property. They are

Issued on 2015-12-03T14:07:21.022Z

A5 easement plates related to public water and sanitation pipes — digitised version DDT 43... details >

PT1 easement plates related to the protection of radio reception centres against electromagnetic... Open Data

Servitudes of public utility (SUP) are administrative limitations on the right to property. They are

Issued on 2015-12-03T14:07:41.031Z

PT1 easement plates related to the protection of radio reception centres against electromagnetic... details >

Submersion dynamics during storm Xynthia on the coast of Pays de la Loire Open Data

Marine submersion dynamics and n°#x27; flow of water into land during storm Xynthia, which is manife

Issued on 2016-01-07T18:08:25.467Z

Submersion dynamics during storm Xynthia on the coast of Pays de la Loire details >

Sea leaves during storm Xynthia on the coast of the Pays de la Loire Open Data

Location and measurement of the altimetry rating of sea leashes along the Loire-Atlantique and Vendé

Issued on 2016-01-07T18:09:13.065Z

Sea leaves during storm Xynthia on the coast of the Pays de la Loire details >

Top 500 of the most borrowed prints from the Toulouse Library Open Data

Since 2011, lists of the 500 printed (Periodics, Albums, Bds, Romans, Polars, Documentaries, etc.) m

Issued on 2016-02-02T15:53:31.195Z

Top 500 of the most borrowed prints from the Toulouse Library details >

Ice rinks — Toulouse Open Data

Location of the ice rinks managed by the Sports Directorate in the commune of Toulouse with their co

Issued on 2016-02-02T15:53:41.813Z

Ice rinks — Toulouse details >

Annuaire des services de la Communauté d'Agglomération Meuse Grand Sud Open Data

Liste et contacts des services de la Communauté d'Agglomération Bar-le-Duc Sud Meuse

Issued on 2016-02-03T16:10:47.438Z

Annuaire des services de la Communauté d'Agglomération Meuse Grand Sud details >

Etudes scientifiques sur l'harpagophytum (Harpagophytum procumbens) Open Data

Cette liste l'ensemble des études scientifiques ayant un lien avec l’harpagophytum (Harpagophyton -

Issued on 2016-02-04T16:35:38.692Z

Etudes scientifiques sur l'harpagophytum (Harpagophytum procumbens) details >

The 2016 Annual Public Report Open Data

On 10 February 2016, the Court of Auditors published its annual public report. This report consists

Issued on 2016-02-15T17:59:54.160Z

The 2016 Annual Public Report details >

New municipalities Open Data

This dataset identifies the new municipalities created since the promulgation of Law **No 2015-292 o

Issued on 2016-02-29T14:43:17.081Z

New municipalities details >

Evolution of tourist tax revenue from 2006 to 2014 Open Data

The tourist tax has existed in France since 1910, in order to promote and promote the tourist attrac

Issued on 2016-03-14T16:49:56.245Z

Evolution of tourist tax revenue from 2006 to 2014 details >

Insee code of municipalities being in a French metropolis Open Data

List all the municipalities by INSEE code forming part of a [French Metropole](https://fr.wikipedia.

Issued on 2016-03-16T11:58:04.285Z

Insee code of municipalities being in a French metropolis details >

Authorised road routes for the transport of roundwood — Haute-Loire Open Data

Roads authorised for the transport of roundwood in Haute-Loire, in linear form __Origin__ Digitisa

Issued on 2016-03-17T21:15:32.454Z

Authorised road routes for the transport of roundwood — Haute-Loire details >

Cadastre conchylicole d'Ille et Vilaine - réserves commune de Cancale Open Data

Réserves localisées sur la commune de Cancale sur des parcelles du domaine public maritime. Elles se

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:17:34.120Z

Cadastre conchylicole d'Ille et Vilaine - réserves commune de Cancale details >

Assembling the 2013 vintage urban planning documents — Ille et Vilaine (35) Open Data

Plu or POS digitised (vectorised) and assembled by municipality (AUDIAR for the municipalities of RE

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:17:50.691Z

Assembling the 2013 vintage urban planning documents — Ille et Vilaine (35) details >

New Housing Marketing Survey (ECLN) Open Data

The survey on the marketing of new homes is carried out quarterly by the DREAL to real estate develo

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:21:24.384Z

New Housing Marketing Survey (ECLN) details >

Table contenant l'ensemble des zones réglementées du PPRT de TDA-Armements Open Data

Les plans de prévention des risques (PPR) constituent l'instrument essentiel de l'État en

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:32:35.902Z

Table contenant l'ensemble des zones réglementées du PPRT de TDA-Armements details >

Table containing all the restricted zones of the ISOCHEM PPRT in Pithiviers Open Data

Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) are the key instrument for risk prevention. Their objective is to contr

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:32:42.938Z

Table containing all the restricted zones of the ISOCHEM PPRT in Pithiviers details >

Cynegetic massif in the Loiret Open Data

Territory considered locally homogeneous for the management of large game The departmental territory

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:32:44.237Z

Cynegetic massif in the Loiret details >

Linear information of the POS/PLU of the Loiret Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:33:07.960Z

Linear information of the POS/PLU of the Loiret details >

Aquitaine: N2000 — Geographical entities describing the natural habitats of the Lisos Hydrographic... Open Data

This dataset contains the surface natural habitat zoning identified in the Natura 2000 Site Objectiv

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:35:59.170Z

Aquitaine: N2000 — Geographical entities describing the natural habitats of the Lisos Hydrographic... details >

Aquitaine: Simplified regulatory zoning of Soil Occupation Plans (POS) on the “Littoral Law”... Open Data

Simplified zoning of the land use plans of the Aquitan municipalities concerned by the law '&#x

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:36:49.269Z

Aquitaine: Simplified regulatory zoning of Soil Occupation Plans (POS) on the “Littoral Law”... details >

New Aquitaine partial: General Interest Program (GIP) — Communes (surfacic) Open Data

This dataset contains the perimeters of the municipalities concerned by a Programme d'General I

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:37:24.670Z

New Aquitaine partial: General Interest Program (GIP) — Communes (surfacic) details >

Atlas Aquitaine: Transport infrastructure Open Data

This map locates transport infrastructure (road, rail, air and port) in the Aquitaine region. To v

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:37:50.389Z

Atlas Aquitaine: Transport infrastructure details >

Atlas Aquitaine: N2000 — Natura 2000 Zonings, Birds and Habitats Directives Open Data

This map shows the perimeters of the sites comprising the terrestrial and marine Natura 2000 network

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:37:55.406Z

Atlas Aquitaine: N2000 — Natura 2000 Zonings, Birds and Habitats Directives details >

Aquitaine: Additional information from PPRN Field movement (linear) Open Data

This dataset contains additional information (linear objects) of the PPRN Field Movement of the Aqui

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:38:34.074Z

Aquitaine: Additional information from PPRN Field movement (linear) details >

Quartiers prioritaires de la politique de la ville en Charente. Open Data

Polygones des périmètres des quartiers prioritaires de la politique de la ville sur le département d

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:45:17.377Z

Quartiers prioritaires de la politique de la ville en Charente. details >

Hamster — Prospection of 2010 in Alsace Open Data

Area defined each year in which all favorable crops (cereals of #x27; winter and alfalfa) are prospe

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:48:57.887Z

Hamster — Prospection of 2010 in Alsace details >

Hamster — Terriers of 2008 in Alsace Open Data

2008 census of Grand hamster terriers occupied in Alsace in the parcels of winter cereals (10 meters

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:48:58.035Z

Hamster — Terriers of 2008 in Alsace details >

[Sort of Strasbourg AGGLOMERATION] Areas in which the rise of waters is within a given range of... Open Data

Tables of areas in which a hazard of a certain type under a certain scenario causes a rise of water

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:49:34.268Z

[Sort of Strasbourg AGGLOMERATION] Areas in which the rise of waters is within a given range of... details >

PNA stakes card — Yellow belly ringer in Alsace Open Data

This layer is the numerical representation of the areas at stake for the Yellow Belly Sounder in Als

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:49:59.710Z

PNA stakes card — Yellow belly ringer in Alsace details >

Parcs nationaux générateurs de servitude EL10 en Languedoc-Roussillon Open Data

Le générateur d'une servitude d'utilité publique est une entité géographique dont la natur

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:51:56.301Z

Parcs nationaux générateurs de servitude EL10 en Languedoc-Roussillon details >

[DREAL LR] PNA Loutre in Languedoc-Roussillon Open Data

Species data: The Otter d'Europe is a discrete, solitary and mostly nocturnal aquatic mammal.

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:52:03.949Z

[DREAL LR] PNA Loutre in Languedoc-Roussillon details >

[DREAL LR] Eoliennes in Languedoc-Roussillon Open Data

Location of wind turbines represented by points. This layer lists the masts, whether or not built, o

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:52:44.545Z

[DREAL LR] Eoliennes in Languedoc-Roussillon details >

Impôts locaux - Carte départementale 54 Meurthe et Moselle 2015 Open Data

Voici une image du taux d’imposition communale global (foncier bati + habitation, pour les communes

Issued on 2016-03-19T08:35:16.483Z

Impôts locaux - Carte départementale 54 Meurthe et Moselle 2015 details >

Information on the POS (doc. of 5.3.1998) of the municipality of Charenton-du-Cher Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:53:11.916Z

Information on the POS (doc. of 5.3.1998) of the municipality of Charenton-du-Cher details >

Areas of the PLU (doc. of 26.4.2011) of the municipality of Oizon Open Data

The Code de l' urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:53:12.113Z

Areas of the PLU (doc. of 26.4.2011) of the municipality of Oizon details >

Former Voluntary Nature Reserves on the Cher Department Open Data

Private properties which are of particular scientific and ecological interest as regards species of

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:53:45.083Z

Former Voluntary Nature Reserves on the Cher Department details >

Linear information from the POS (Doc. of 9.9.1988) of the municipality of Aubinges Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:54:08.645Z

Linear information from the POS (Doc. of 9.9.1988) of the municipality of Aubinges details >

Text dressings of the PLU (doc. of 17.6.2013) of the commune of La Groutte Open Data

Label covering the plane of'a PLU __Origin__ The geometry of n°#x27;textual, surface, linear

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:54:29.082Z

Text dressings of the PLU (doc. of 17.6.2013) of the commune of La Groutte details >

Information on the PLU (doc. of 10.4.2006) of the municipality of La Guerche-sur-l’Aubois Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:54:43.835Z

Information on the PLU (doc. of 10.4.2006) of the municipality of La Guerche-sur-l’Aubois details >

Specific requirements of the POS (doc. of 5.3.1998) of the municipality of Charenton-du-Cher Open Data

The requirements of a document d' urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:54:46.103Z

Specific requirements of the POS (doc. of 5.3.1998) of the municipality of Charenton-du-Cher details >

Information on the PLU (Doc. of 29.2.2008) of the municipality of Herry Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:55:15.119Z

Information on the PLU (Doc. of 29.2.2008) of the municipality of Herry details >

Linear requirements of the PLU (Doc. 29.2.2008) of the municipality of Herry Open Data

The requirements of a document d' urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:55:17.216Z

Linear requirements of the PLU (Doc. 29.2.2008) of the municipality of Herry details >

Areas of the POS (Doc. 23.9.1985) of the municipality of Drevant Open Data

The Code de l' urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:55:19.028Z

Areas of the POS (Doc. 23.9.1985) of the municipality of Drevant details >

Areas of the PLU (doc. of 24.2.2005) of the municipality of Fussy Open Data

The Code de l' urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:55:21.901Z

Areas of the PLU (doc. of 24.2.2005) of the municipality of Fussy details >

One-off stake of Titanobel’s PPRT in Côte d’Or. Open Data

In general, the stakes are people, property, activities, elements of cultural or environmental herit

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:55:32.409Z

One-off stake of Titanobel’s PPRT in Côte d’Or. details >

Linear requirements of the PLU (Doc. of 24.10.2006) of the municipality of Massay Open Data

The requirements of a document d' urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:55:38.222Z

Linear requirements of the PLU (Doc. of 24.10.2006) of the municipality of Massay details >

Areas of the PLU (Doc. 22.1.2010) of the municipality of Levet Open Data

The Code de l' urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:55:46.614Z

Areas of the PLU (Doc. 22.1.2010) of the municipality of Levet details >

Linear information from the POS (doc. of 3.12.1987) of the municipality of Lignières Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:55:47.071Z

Linear information from the POS (doc. of 3.12.1987) of the municipality of Lignières details >

Specific information from the POS (Doc. of 3.11.2008) of the municipality of Henrichemont Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:55:55.406Z

Specific information from the POS (Doc. of 3.11.2008) of the municipality of Henrichemont details >

Linear information from the PLU (doc. of 11.5.2010) of the municipality of Mareuil-sur-Arnon Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:56:26.445Z

Linear information from the PLU (doc. of 11.5.2010) of the municipality of Mareuil-sur-Arnon details >

Areas of the PLU (Doc. 24.10.2006) of the municipality of Massay Open Data

The Code de l' urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:56:29.136Z

Areas of the PLU (Doc. 24.10.2006) of the municipality of Massay details >

Linear dressings of the PLU (doc. of 12.10.2011) of the municipality of Neuvy-sur-Barangeon Open Data

Cladding elements are scripts related to a regulatory provision (track width, position, name of neig

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:56:37.515Z

Linear dressings of the PLU (doc. of 12.10.2011) of the municipality of Neuvy-sur-Barangeon details >

Text coverings of the PLU (doc. of 15.7.2010) of the municipality of Vouzeron Open Data

Label covering the plane of'a PLU __Origin__ The geometry of n°#x27;textual, surface, linear

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:56:51.110Z

Text coverings of the PLU (doc. of 15.7.2010) of the municipality of Vouzeron details >

Specific requirements of the POS (Doc. of 9.5.2007) of the municipality of Vignoux-sur-Barangeon Open Data

The requirements of a document d' urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:57:12.146Z

Specific requirements of the POS (Doc. of 9.5.2007) of the municipality of Vignoux-sur-Barangeon details >

Linear coatings of the PLU (doc. of 15.7.2010) of the municipality of Vouzeron Open Data

Cladding elements are scripts related to a regulatory provision (track width, position, name of neig

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:57:22.313Z

Linear coatings of the PLU (doc. of 15.7.2010) of the municipality of Vouzeron details >

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels de la vallée de la Lys aval Open Data

Pour les PPR naturels, le code de l'environnement définit deux catégories de zones (L562-1) : l

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:57:26.695Z

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels de la vallée de la Lys aval details >

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 12.7.2011) of the city of Marçais Open Data

The code of urban planning defines two types of sectors for municipal maps: construction and inconst

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:57:55.377Z

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 12.7.2011) of the city of Marçais details >

Geographical areas of cheese-type protected origin designations on the Cher department Open Data

L' PDO, l' appellation d' Protected origin, corresponds to the #x27; appellation d’#x

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:58:04.157Z

Geographical areas of cheese-type protected origin designations on the Cher department details >

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 16.12.2008) of the city of Nohant-en-Graçay Open Data

The code of urban planning defines two types of sectors for municipal maps: construction and inconst

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:58:29.423Z

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 16.12.2008) of the city of Nohant-en-Graçay details >

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 21.10.2009) of the city of Préveranges Open Data

The code of urban planning defines two types of sectors for municipal maps: construction and inconst

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:58:56Z

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 21.10.2009) of the city of Préveranges details >

Secteurs de la carte communale (doc. du 09.01.2014) de la ville de Saulzais-le-Potier Open Data

Le code de l'urbanisme définit deux types de secteurs pour les cartes communales : les secteurs

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:59:05.045Z

Secteurs de la carte communale (doc. du 09.01.2014) de la ville de Saulzais-le-Potier details >

Information on the POS (doc. of 19.11.1989) of the commune of Saint-Céols Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:59:29.074Z

Information on the POS (doc. of 19.11.1989) of the commune of Saint-Céols details >

Text dressings of the PLU (doc. of 6.2.2008) of the commune of Sainte-Thorette Open Data

Label covering the plane of'a PLU __Origin__ The geometry of n°#x27;textual, surface, linear

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:59:50.268Z

Text dressings of the PLU (doc. of 6.2.2008) of the commune of Sainte-Thorette details >

Linear information from the PLU (doc. of 9.5.2012) of the municipality of Saint-Just Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:59:50.813Z

Linear information from the PLU (doc. of 9.5.2012) of the municipality of Saint-Just details >

POS zones (19.11.1989) of the municipality of Saint-Céols Open Data

The Code de l' urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:00:49.511Z

POS zones (19.11.1989) of the municipality of Saint-Céols details >
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