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The agenda of Cœur de Garonne, communities of communes (open agenda) Open Data

The events proposed in the territory of the community of communes [Coeur de Garonne](

Issued on 2019-08-30T06:10:16.552Z

The agenda of Cœur de Garonne, communities of communes (open agenda) details >

The agenda of Auterive (open agenda) Open Data

The events proposed in the territory of the municipality of [Auterive]( in

Issued on 2019-08-30T06:10:20.913Z

The agenda of Auterive (open agenda) details >



Issued on 2019-09-02T10:26:51.918Z


Equipements de sports et de loisirs Open Data

Ce jeu de données recense les équipements de sports et de loisirs par commune en Région Provence Alp

Issued on 2019-09-02T00:00:00Z

Equipements de sports et de loisirs details >

Map of the accommodation of apprentices in Occitanie Open Data

Issued on 2019-09-10T02:32:05.579Z

Map of the accommodation of apprentices in Occitanie details >

Rate of flooring, splitting and density of works in metropolitan France Open Data

Calculation of the rate of d' staging which is the ratio of the sum of the drop heights of obst

Issued on 2019-09-19T10:49:40.774Z

Rate of flooring, splitting and density of works in metropolitan France details >

La mobilité internationale des étudiants Open Data

En 2017-2018, 245 000 étudiants étrangers ont effectué en France une mobilité diplômante (d’une duré

Issued on 2019-09-23T16:55:31.997Z

La mobilité internationale des étudiants details >


Works of type "Station quality course d'water" from the reference framework of th

Issued on 2019-09-25T03:41:49.587Z


Inventaire 2019 d'affiches administratives de 1789 à 1963 par les archives municipales - Ville... Open Data

Inventaire d'affiches administratives sur la ville d'Orléans de la période 1789 - 1963 conservées da

Issued on 2019-10-12T02:00:15.710Z

Inventaire 2019 d'affiches administratives de 1789 à 1963 par les archives municipales - Ville... details >

Plots of the Plan Cadastral Informatised (Etalab) — Orléans Métropole Open Data

This dataset comes from the Etalab version of the Computerised Cadastral Plan and concerns plots: <h

Issued on 2019-10-12T02:00:18.704Z

Plots of the Plan Cadastral Informatised (Etalab) — Orléans Métropole details >

Subventions du Département des Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

**Subventions attribuées par le Département des Hautes-Pyrénées depuis 2018 et supérieures (ou égale

Issued on 2019-10-12T02:00:47.487Z

Subventions du Département des Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Social housing financed by GPSO Open Data

Social housing financed by the Greater Paris Seine Ouest Territory. GPSO participates in the develo

Issued on 2019-10-12T02:03:21.822Z

Social housing financed by GPSO details >

89C3 API Events Open Data

List of events 89C3 API

Issued on 2019-10-12T02:04:11.448Z

89C3 API Events details >

Résultat des votes du budget participatif 2019 Open Data

Ce jeu de donnée présente, bureau de vote par bureau de vote, l'ensemble des résultats des 21 projet

Issued on 2019-10-10T00:00:00Z

Résultat des votes du budget participatif 2019 details >

Accounts and balance sheets lodged at the Registry Open Data

This dataset is a freely accessible archive of opendata disseminated by INPI. The data entered dail

Issued on 2019-10-15T10:40:21.412Z

Accounts and balance sheets lodged at the Registry details >

Prelocalisation of probable wetlands in Maine-et-Loire Open Data

Pre-location corresponds to the identification of probable marshes and wetlands. It consisted of vis

Issued on 2019-10-15T12:06:06.773Z

Prelocalisation of probable wetlands in Maine-et-Loire details >

First names of children born in Orléans from 1928 to today — Orléans Métropole Open Data

List of first names of children whose birth was declared in Orleans, from 1928 to today. Data schem

Issued on 2019-10-17T02:02:23.984Z

First names of children born in Orléans from 1928 to today — Orléans Métropole details >

BPALC — Presence public events Open Data

This file represents the list of public events since 2017 where BPALC was present, meeting its clien

Issued on 2019-10-17T02:31:20.825Z

BPALC — Presence public events details >

Cultural programming in Digne-les-Bains Open Data

Description of the cultural programming proposed by the Centre Culturel René-Char de la Ville de Dig

Issued on 2019-10-16T00:00:00Z

Cultural programming in Digne-les-Bains details >

Draft Finance Bill 2020 (PLF 2020), PLF data and annexes Annual Performance Project (PAP) Open Data

Data from the 2020 Finance Bill (PLF) and its annexes, namely: \- Nomenclatures \- Appropriations

Issued on 2019-10-18T02:02:48.503Z

Draft Finance Bill 2020 (PLF 2020), PLF data and annexes Annual Performance Project (PAP) details >

Open Science Barometer (General) Open Data

This dataset lists the data from publications underlying the French barometer of Open Science. The

Issued on 2019-10-18T05:01:47.172Z

Open Science Barometer (General) details >

Relevés du suivi du trait de côte par smartphone (tracés GPS pris par Rivages) Open Data

Marqueurs de la position du trait de côte réalisés par des contributeurs grand public utilisant l&#x

Issued on 2019-10-18T14:20:48.979Z

Relevés du suivi du trait de côte par smartphone (tracés GPS pris par Rivages) details >

Great Sites Occitanie Open Data

Cathar castles, grandiose natural circuses, ancient or natural monuments... To make them known, incr

Issued on 2019-10-19T02:19:54.711Z

Great Sites Occitanie details >

Schemes for urban centres and rural towns in Brittany Open Data

Updated 2019-06-01. The Region, the State, l&#x27;Etablissement Public Foncier, and the Caisse des

Issued on 2019-10-21T14:20:51.624Z

Schemes for urban centres and rural towns in Brittany details >

Economic activity areas in Brittany Open Data

Economic activities (ZAE) in Brittany, for a knowledge of the consumption of &#x27; areas of the ter

Issued on 2019-10-21T14:20:55.924Z

Economic activity areas in Brittany details >

Les sièges des Établissements publics de coopération intercommunale Open Data

Mise à jour 2019-02-13. Siège des Etablissements Publics de Coopération Intercommunale (EPCI) des

Issued on 2019-10-21T14:20:55.029Z

Les sièges des Établissements publics de coopération intercommunale details >

Positive Energy Territories for Green Growth in Brittany Open Data

The Call for Projects “Positive Energy Territories for Green Growth” (TEPCV) was launched in 2015 to

Issued on 2019-10-21T14:20:55.682Z

Positive Energy Territories for Green Growth in Brittany details >

Voting Areas — City of Orleans Open Data

List of voting areas on the city of Orleans. **Last updated data in April 2017.**

Issued on 2019-10-23T02:03:04.034Z

Voting Areas — City of Orleans details >

Columns to Glass_MAJ_01-2020 Open Data

Location of the waste glass deposit columns managed by the SYndicat Mixed Waste Treatment Household

Issued on 2019-10-23T02:09:15.453Z

Columns to Glass_MAJ_01-2020 details >

Orthophotography at 59 cm/pixel (BD Ortho extracts) Open Data

This dataset contains departmental extracts from the Ortho comic at “zoom 18” (or 59 cm/pixel*) in O

Issued on 2019-10-23T09:38:02.788Z

Orthophotography at 59 cm/pixel (BD Ortho extracts) details >

Technicentres SNCF delivery sites Open Data

List of the delivery points of SNCF technicians with their main characteristics (opening times, addr

Issued on 2019-10-26T06:01:06.981Z

Technicentres SNCF delivery sites details >

List of deliberations adopted by the City Council — City of Lorient Open Data

List of deliberations adopted by the City Council of the City of Lorient. This list shall specify:

Issued on 2019-11-06T01:08:31.751Z

List of deliberations adopted by the City Council — City of Lorient details >

Périmètre attention agrément bureaux Open Data

L’agrément constitue un outil de régulation mis en oeuvre par l’État. Les critères d’appréciation s’

Issued on 2019-11-07T08:22:08.664Z

Périmètre attention agrément bureaux details >

Descriptive Fact Sheets of Documentary fonds Open Data

**This dataset includes the descriptive fact sheets of the Directory of the Collectif de France Cata

Issued on 2019-11-07T14:44:45.117Z

Descriptive Fact Sheets of Documentary fonds details >

Outstanding claims of France on foreign states as at 31 December 2018 Open Data

These are outstanding debts held either by the State directly, by Agence Française de Développement

Issued on 2019-11-08T01:03:15.825Z

Outstanding claims of France on foreign states as at 31 December 2018 details >

40 new carpool areas — PNR of the Montagne de Reims Open Data

**40 new carpool areas deployed in the territories of 4 intercommunalities!** As part of the proje

Issued on 2019-11-08T13:50:12.035Z

40 new carpool areas — PNR of the Montagne de Reims details >

Schema Directeur Energie - Consommations en énergie primaire Open Data

******Consommations énergétiques de l’ensemble des secteurs d’activité (exprimée en énergie finale e

Issued on 2019-11-09T05:04:42.822Z

Schema Directeur Energie - Consommations en énergie primaire details >

Elections — Municipales 2008-2ndTour Open Data

**Results of the 2nd round of municipal elections on March 17, 2008 by polling station, district, di

Issued on 2019-11-16T05:04:11.313Z

Elections — Municipales 2008-2ndTour details >

Elections — Legislatives 2017-2ndTour Open Data

**Results of the 2nd round of the general elections of 18 June 2017 by polling station, district, di

Issued on 2019-11-16T05:04:22.884Z

Elections — Legislatives 2017-2ndTour details >

Elections — Legislatives 2007-2ndTour Open Data

**Results of the 2nd round of the general elections of 17 June 2007 by polling station, district, di

Issued on 2019-11-16T05:04:22.357Z

Elections — Legislatives 2007-2ndTour details >

Elections — Legislatives 2012-1stTour Open Data

**Results of the 1st round of the general elections of 10 June 2012 by polling station, district, di

Issued on 2019-11-16T05:04:23.854Z

Elections — Legislatives 2012-1stTour details >

Elections — Presidentials 2017-2ndTour Open Data

Results of the 2nd round of the presidential elections on 07 May 2017 by polling station, district,

Issued on 2019-11-16T05:04:23.248Z

Elections — Presidentials 2017-2ndTour details >

Elections — Legislatives 2012-2ndTour Open Data

**Results of the 2nd round of the general elections of 18 June 2012 by polling station, district, di

Issued on 2019-11-16T05:04:24.361Z

Elections — Legislatives 2012-2ndTour details >

Elections — Presidentials 2007-1erTour Open Data

**Results of the 1st round of the presidential elections of 22 April 2007 by polling station, distri

Issued on 2019-11-16T05:04:25.235Z

Elections — Presidentials 2007-1erTour details >

Social Assessment — Detailed age bracket for 15 bodies Open Data

This dataset lists the number of men and women in 15 bodies by age. The **corps** comprise civil ser

Issued on 2019-11-20T05:01:50.157Z

Social Assessment — Detailed age bracket for 15 bodies details >

List of schools in the city of Fort-de-France Open Data

This file contains the list of primary schools in Fort-de-France, as well as their address.

Issued on 2019-11-20T15:05:48.702Z

List of schools in the city of Fort-de-France details >

List of school restaurants in the city of Fort-de-france Open Data

This file contains the list of school restaurants in the city of Fort-de-France

Issued on 2019-11-20T15:14:03.722Z

List of school restaurants in the city of Fort-de-france details >

List of SERMAC activities Open Data

This file contains the list of activities proposed by the Sermac.

Issued on 2019-11-20T15:37:38.913Z

List of SERMAC activities details >

List of crèches in the city of Fort-de-France Open Data

This file contains the list of crèches in the city of Fort-de-France, as well as their address.

Issued on 2019-11-20T15:49:44.588Z

List of crèches in the city of Fort-de-France details >

Nantes Metropole relay parks — Hourly pricing Open Data

Relay fleet pricing for the current year (2022) * * * The pricing presented is the simplified grid

Issued on 2019-11-21T01:14:53.681Z

Nantes Metropole relay parks — Hourly pricing details >

New Real Estate Programs Open Data

Each of the 43 communes of Rennes Métropole sees houses and apartments being built to accommodate ne

Issued on 2019-11-21T04:01:20.772Z

New Real Estate Programs details >

Remarkable landscape elements of the waterways belonging to the Brittany region Open Data

In 2019, the Direction des Voies Navigables launched a landscape study on the 425 km of waterways ow

Issued on 2019-11-21T10:59:17.421Z

Remarkable landscape elements of the waterways belonging to the Brittany region details >

Libraries Open Data

Location of libraries in the territory of the Community of Agglomération Lisieux Normandie.

Issued on 2019-11-26T15:55:12.174Z

Libraries details >

Villages Holidays in Region Central-Val de Loire Open Data

List and description of the Holiday Villages of the Centre-Val de Loire region from the Tourinsoft T

Issued on 2019-11-27T01:11:31.424Z

Villages Holidays in Region Central-Val de Loire details >

Tourist rental accommodation (furnished and bed and breakfast) in Region Centre-Val de Loire Open Data

List and description of tourist rental accommodation (excluding Gîtes de France) in the Centre-Val d

Issued on 2019-11-27T01:11:35.431Z

Tourist rental accommodation (furnished and bed and breakfast) in Region Centre-Val de Loire details >

Public and private high schools under contract in 2020 (lycées, EREA, ERPD) Region Île-de-France Open Data

Public high schools EPLE, EREA, ERPD + mixed departmental city + regional mixed city financed Region

Issued on 2019-11-28T05:03:01.116Z

Public and private high schools under contract in 2020 (lycées, EREA, ERPD) Region Île-de-France details >

School transport statistics 2017-2018 Open Data

School transport statistics of the Community of Agglomération Lisieux Normandie.

Issued on 2019-11-28T15:32:41.323Z

School transport statistics 2017-2018 details >

Deliberations of the municipality of Saint Malo de Guersac Open Data

List of deliberations adopted in the municipal council of the municipality of Saint-Malo de Guersac

Issued on 2019-11-29T01:12:29.672Z

Deliberations of the municipality of Saint Malo de Guersac details >

Storm zoning Open Data

**Zoning of the Paris Rainfed Regulations** The Paris rain zoning regulation, called “ParisPluie”,

Issued on 2019-12-03T05:04:35.894Z

Storm zoning details >

Béthune — Consumption/Energy production (source ENEDIS) Open Data

Data on energy production/consumption in the territory of Bethune.

Issued on 2019-12-06T15:16:49.400Z

Béthune — Consumption/Energy production (source ENEDIS) details >

Béthune - Consommations de Gaz Open Data

Données relatives aux consommations de gaz sur le territoire de Béthune (Source GRDF)

Issued on 2019-12-06T15:24:32.507Z

Béthune - Consommations de Gaz details >

Plant collection of the City of Nantes Open Data

Inventory of the plant collection of the City of Nantes * * * The family, genus, species and culti

Issued on 2019-12-07T01:08:06.729Z

Plant collection of the City of Nantes details >

Avalanche Risk Assessment Bulletin Open Data

Avalanche risk assessment bulletins, in xml and pdf formats, for the Alps, Pyrenees and Corsica.

Issued on 2019-12-18T17:38:36.188Z

Avalanche Risk Assessment Bulletin details >

Medium voltage underground lines (HTA) Open Data

This dataset represents the position of medium voltage underground lines (HTA) on the entire distrib

Issued on 2019-12-19T05:03:04.667Z

Medium voltage underground lines (HTA) details >

jeux de données du top 100 Open Data

``` params = { 'idSite': 1, 'module': 'API', 'method': 'Actions.getPageU

Issued on 2020-01-03T23:30:19.968Z

jeux de données du top 100 details >

Limitations de gabarit sur les routes départementales des Alpes-Maritimes Open Data

Localisation des limitations de gabarit (longueur - largeur - hauteur) des véhicules sur toutes les

Issued on 2019-07-15T00:00:00Z

Limitations de gabarit sur les routes départementales des Alpes-Maritimes details >

Health directories in the Alpes-Maritimes Department Open Data

Addresses related to the health sector (type/address/e-mail contact) from the online directories [“0

Issued on 2019-11-21T00:00:00Z

Health directories in the Alpes-Maritimes Department details >

Cultural directory of the Alpes-Maritimes Department Open Data

The cultural addresses of the Alpes-Maritimes Department (type/address/e-mail contact) from the onli

Issued on 2019-11-21T00:00:00Z

Cultural directory of the Alpes-Maritimes Department details >

Evaluation of Regional Climate Air Energy Schemes (SRCAE) Nord-Nos de Calais and Picardy — September... Open Data

Order 2016-2018 of 27 July 2016 provides that an evaluation of the CASs must be carried out to contr

Issued on 2018-07-09T00:00:00Z

Evaluation of Regional Climate Air Energy Schemes (SRCAE) Nord-Nos de Calais and Picardy — September... details >

Formations of elected representatives of the Hauts-de-France Regional Council (mandate 2016-2021) Open Data

These files concern the training courses followed by the regional advisers Hauts-de-France. The reg

Issued on 2019-11-18T00:00:00Z

Formations of elected representatives of the Hauts-de-France Regional Council (mandate 2016-2021) details >

Number of -descent climbs in TER-NPDC stations and stop points in 2012 Open Data

Statistics of passenger climbs and descents at stations and stop points of the TER network of Nord —

Issued on 2016-09-13T00:00:00Z

Number of -descent climbs in TER-NPDC stations and stop points in 2012 details >

Forest regions of the North — Pas-de-Calais Open Data

Presentation of the different forest regions: Forest inventory of the North and Pas-de-Calais in 199

Issued on 2016-05-19T00:00:00Z

Forest regions of the North — Pas-de-Calais details >

Employment zones (Zones A) of the North — Pas-de-Calais Open Data

Geographical area where most of the population resides and works. The division into areas of employm

Issued on 2016-05-19T00:00:00Z

Employment zones (Zones A) of the North — Pas-de-Calais details >

Northern Watersheds — Pas-de-Calais Open Data

Perimeter of the watersheds of the Nord Region — Pas-de-Calais A watershed is a space drained by a s

Issued on 2016-05-19T00:00:00Z

Northern Watersheds — Pas-de-Calais details >

Slopes in Nord — Pas-de-Calais Open Data

Pentes des versants en pourcentage

Issued on 2016-05-19T00:00:00Z

Slopes in Nord — Pas-de-Calais details >

Mapping of public datasets Groupe BPCE Open Data

Mapping of Groupe BPCE’s public datasets

Issued on 2020-01-11T01:01:13.059Z

Mapping of public datasets Groupe BPCE details >

gsm cover in the ariege above seix 09140 Open Data

no gsm cover exists in the geographical area indicated at the Lauga mill when heading towards Estour

Issued on 2020-01-14T18:08:34.806Z

gsm cover in the ariege above seix 09140 details >

Perimetres of the cantons Rennes 2014 Open Data

Perimeters of the cantons concerning the city of Rennes in 2014

Issued on 2020-02-21T04:01:58.517Z

Perimetres of the cantons Rennes 2014 details >

Agglobus offers theoretical mobility urban network of Bourges Open Data

( will find in this dataset

Issued on 2020-03-06T01:02:59.123Z

Agglobus offers theoretical mobility urban network of Bourges details >

Pedestrian counts Open Data

Pedestrian flow counts are carried out in March or early April (excluding school holidays). For ea

Issued on 2020-03-07T05:14:04.269Z

Pedestrian counts details >

Arrêts, itinéraires et horaires théoriques des réseaux de transport des membres de JVMALIN Open Data

![]( JVMALIN est un s

Issued on 2020-03-08T01:01:57.637Z

Arrêts, itinéraires et horaires théoriques des réseaux de transport des membres de JVMALIN details >

Eoliennes implantations en Bretagne Open Data

(Situation des éoliennes : mise à jour en continu) L&#x27;énergie éolienne est produite à partir de

Issued on 2020-03-09T10:34:11.846Z

Eoliennes implantations en Bretagne details >

Statistics on the number of students enrolled by public institution under the supervision of the... Open Data

This dataset offers a set of statistics on the enrolment of students from 2006-07 to 2021-22 by publ

Issued on 2020-03-10T04:00:25.169Z

Statistics on the number of students enrolled by public institution under the supervision of the... details >

Carpool meeting points in the Pyrénées-Orientales Open Data

Carpool areas developed by the Department of Oriental Pyrenees

Issued on 2020-03-10T13:31:51.693Z

Carpool meeting points in the Pyrénées-Orientales details >

Municipal boundaries from 2013 to 2015 in Maine-et-Loire Open Data

Administrative boundaries of the municipalities of Maine-et-Loire between 2013 and 2015. Maine-et-

Issued on 2020-03-11T02:06:43.233Z

Municipal boundaries from 2013 to 2015 in Maine-et-Loire details >

Municipal Elections_2020_Tour 1_Poitiers_Datavisualisation Open Data

Detailed results of the 1st round of the municipal election of March 15, 2020 by polling station A

Issued on 2020-03-16T05:01:45.156Z

Municipal Elections_2020_Tour 1_Poitiers_Datavisualisation details >

Elections municipales et communautaires 2020 - 1er Tour - Toulouse (Résultats) Open Data

Résultats du premier tour des élections municipales du dimanche 15 mars 2020 à Toulouse. Les résulta

Issued on 2020-03-16T05:13:31.126Z

Elections municipales et communautaires 2020 - 1er Tour - Toulouse (Résultats) details >

Flood Prevention Action Programmes (PAPI) in Pays de la Loire Open Data

This data represents the scope of flood prevention programmes (PAPIs). APIPs are tools for implemen

Issued on 2020-03-20T01:17:31.496Z

Flood Prevention Action Programmes (PAPI) in Pays de la Loire details >

Location of emergency reception services Open Data

This data comes from the FINESS file and is integrated by the contributors to the OpenStreetMap proj

Issued on 2020-03-20T21:36:56.411Z

Location of emergency reception services details >

Greenways on Mulhouse Open Data

Linear location of the green lanes on the territory of Mulhouse. A **green lane** A green lane is an

Issued on 2020-04-02T02:01:43.530Z

Greenways on Mulhouse details >

Inventory of civil society initiatives to address the Covid-19 pandemic Open Data

### The mission of Covid-initiatives COVID-initiatives is a volunteer collective that aims to identi

Issued on 2020-04-03T12:14:26.826Z

Inventory of civil society initiatives to address the Covid-19 pandemic details >

Prescribed compensatory measures for biodiversity damage — France Open Data

The artificialisation of soils is the leading cause of the degradation of natural environments and b

Issued on 2020-04-06T14:45:22.874Z

Prescribed compensatory measures for biodiversity damage — France details >

Zones couvertes par un MNT au pas de 1 m en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Open Data

Données présentées sous forme de mosaïques présentant les zones couvertes par un MNT au pas de 1 m (

Issued on 2020-03-05T00:00:00Z

Zones couvertes par un MNT au pas de 1 m en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté details >

Label Grands Sites de France in Burgundy-Franche-Comté region Open Data

The Grand Site de France label is a selective and demanding label, which is issued to the manager of

Issued on 2018-06-15T00:00:00Z

Label Grands Sites de France in Burgundy-Franche-Comté region details >

Plans Climats Energie Territoriaux prescrits par la Loi Grenelle 2 en Bourgogne Open Data

Périmètre des territoires devant se lancer dans une démarche de Plan Climat Energie Territorial, con

Issued on 2015-02-09T00:00:00Z

Plans Climats Energie Territoriaux prescrits par la Loi Grenelle 2 en Bourgogne details >

Cantons pour les élections départementales de mars 2015 Open Data

Limite des cantons réalisé par l'IGN, qui a été croisé à la source de donnée de l'INSEE (les cantons

Issued on 2020-03-05T00:00:00Z

Cantons pour les élections départementales de mars 2015 details >

Périmètres des territoires lauréats TEPcv en région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Open Data

Données relatives aux territoires TEPcv (Territoire à Energie Positive pour la croissance verte) lau

Issued on 2016-08-30T00:00:00Z

Périmètres des territoires lauréats TEPcv en région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté details >

Etablissements Publics Fonciers Locaux (EPFL) en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté étendue Open Data

Données mises à jour au 18 décembre 2019. Données population actualisées (population légale au 1er j

Issued on 2017-07-11T00:00:00Z

Etablissements Publics Fonciers Locaux (EPFL) en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté étendue details >

Communes classées par la Loi Littoral en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Open Data

Communes classées par la Loi Littoral en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (département du Jura seulement conc

Issued on 2020-03-05T00:00:00Z

Communes classées par la Loi Littoral en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté details >

Stations de traitement des eaux usées en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Open Data

Extraction régionale en date du 18/02/19 du lot de données 2017 des "stations de traitement des eaux

Issued on 2020-03-05T00:00:00Z

Stations de traitement des eaux usées en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté details >
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