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Hydroelectric power installed per municipality in Brittany Open Data

Hydropower installed per municipality in MW in 2014 in Brittany. __Origin__ Actual installed power

Issued on 2016-03-21T15:14:24.321Z

Hydroelectric power installed per municipality in Brittany details >

Les tonnages entrants sur les centres de tri de recyclables secs en Bretagne Open Data

Localisation des sites ayant une activité de tri des déchets recyclables secs (emballages et/ou jour

Issued on 2016-03-21T15:14:30.028Z

Les tonnages entrants sur les centres de tri de recyclables secs en Bretagne details >

The collection of dry recyclables in Brittany Open Data

Ratios of collection of dry recyclables (packaging and magazine newspapers) by owner (in kg/hab./yea

Issued on 2016-03-21T15:14:32.450Z

The collection of dry recyclables in Brittany details >

Digitised zoning plans of the P.L.U. of St-Médard-en-Forez — Loire (linear requirements) Open Data

Data from paper P.L.U. zoning plans, as of November 18, 2005, have been digitised in accordance with

Issued on 2016-03-23T11:40:11.615Z

Digitised zoning plans of the P.L.U. of St-Médard-en-Forez — Loire (linear requirements) details >

Plans de zonages numérisés du P.L.U. de St-Médard-en-Forez - Loire (informations surfaciques) Open Data

Les données figurant sur les plans de zonages P.L.U. papier, en date du 18 novembre 2005, ont été nu

Issued on 2016-03-23T11:40:11.607Z

Plans de zonages numérisés du P.L.U. de St-Médard-en-Forez - Loire (informations surfaciques) details >

Scanned zoning plans of the P.L.U. of Salt-en-Donzy — Loire (linear requirements) Open Data

Data from paper P.L.U. zoning plans, as of December 5, 2006, have been digitised in accordance with

Issued on 2016-03-23T11:40:14.701Z

Scanned zoning plans of the P.L.U. of Salt-en-Donzy — Loire (linear requirements) details >

Plans de zonages numérisés de la carte communale (C.C.) de Crémeaux - Loire (informations... Open Data

Les données figurant sur les plans de zonages de la Carte Communale papier, en date du 23 février 20

Issued on 2016-03-23T11:40:21.309Z

Plans de zonages numérisés de la carte communale (C.C.) de Crémeaux - Loire (informations... details >

Scanned zoning plans of the P.L.U. of Salt-en-Donzy — Loire (linear dressing) Open Data

Data from paper P.L.U. zoning plans, as of December 5, 2006, have been digitised in accordance with

Issued on 2016-03-23T11:40:22.518Z

Scanned zoning plans of the P.L.U. of Salt-en-Donzy — Loire (linear dressing) details >

Plans de zonages numérisés du P.L.U. de St-Médard-en-Forez - Loire (habillage linéaire) Open Data

Les données figurant sur les plans de zonages P.L.U. papier, en date du 18 novembre 2005, ont été nu

Issued on 2016-03-23T11:40:22.036Z

Plans de zonages numérisés du P.L.U. de St-Médard-en-Forez - Loire (habillage linéaire) details >

Plans de zonages numérisés du P.L.U. de St-Romain-d'Urfé - Loire (prescriptions ponctuels) Open Data

Les données figurant sur les plans de zonages P.L.U. papier, en date du 29 août 2008, ont été numéri

Issued on 2016-03-23T11:40:46.665Z

Plans de zonages numérisés du P.L.U. de St-Romain-d'Urfé - Loire (prescriptions ponctuels) details >

Plans de zonages numérisés du P.L.U. de St Jean St Maurice sur Loire (prescriptions ponctuels) -... Open Data

Les données figurant sur les plans de zonages P.L.U. papier (en date du 8 avril 2011) ont été numéri

Issued on 2016-03-23T11:41:03.349Z

Plans de zonages numérisés du P.L.U. de St Jean St Maurice sur Loire (prescriptions ponctuels) -... details >

Land occupation in the department of Ardèche (year 1979) Open Data

Description of land use according to 16 value classes, over the entire department of Ardèche. __Ori

Issued on 2016-03-23T11:41:15.936Z

Land occupation in the department of Ardèche (year 1979) details >

Land occupation in the department of Ardèche (year 1991) Open Data

Description of land use according to 16 value classes, over the entire department of Ardèche. __Ori

Issued on 2016-03-23T11:41:15.948Z

Land occupation in the department of Ardèche (year 1991) details >

Restricted zones of GL_SAONE’s Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) — Rhône Open Data

For natural PPRs, the code of l'environment defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exp

Issued on 2016-03-23T11:41:57.154Z

Restricted zones of GL_SAONE’s Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) — Rhône details >

Délimitation des cantons et conseillers départementaux (depuis 2015) Open Data

Un redécoupage des cantons français est défini par la loi du 17 mai 2013 et les décrets d'appli

Issued on 2016-03-24T14:17:08.194Z

Délimitation des cantons et conseillers départementaux (depuis 2015) details >

Itinéraires de cyclotourisme du Gers Open Data

Dans le cadre de la valorisation des modes de déplacement doux, le Département, entreprend de promou

Issued on 2016-03-24T14:17:08.072Z

Itinéraires de cyclotourisme du Gers details >

List of works contracts 2015 Open Data

Legal publication (article 133) of works contracts awarded by the City of Bar-le-Duc in 2015

Issued on 2016-03-30T18:32:50.139Z

List of works contracts 2015 details >

Liste des marchés de services 2015 Open Data

Publication légale (article 133) des marchés de services passés par la Communauté d'Agglomération Ba

Issued on 2016-03-31T16:44:01.308Z

Liste des marchés de services 2015 details >

Liste des marchés de fournitures 2015 Open Data

Publication légale (article 13) des marchés de fournitures passés par la Communauté d'Agglomération

Issued on 2016-03-31T16:45:32.925Z

Liste des marchés de fournitures 2015 details >

The Little Brothers of the Poor Open Data

On 17 February 2016, the Court of Auditors published a report, drawn up in accordance with Article L

Issued on 2016-04-01T10:56:05.189Z

The Little Brothers of the Poor details >

Zoning of regional aid in Occitanie (2014-2020) Open Data

The European Commission has adopted the French map of regional aid areas (AFR) for the period 2014-2

Issued on 2016-04-04T10:43:58.878Z

Zoning of regional aid in Occitanie (2014-2020) details >

Ore AgrHyS: Measuring points Open Data

The measuring point layer represents the geographic position of piezometres (nappe) and outlets (riv

Issued on 2016-04-04T18:07:56.240Z

Ore AgrHyS: Measuring points details >

Land map units of the Côtes d’Armor Open Data

Representation of the contours of the 116 soil mapping units (also known as UCS or child landscapes)

Issued on 2016-04-04T18:07:58.107Z

Land map units of the Côtes d’Armor details >

Soil properties of the Finistère Open Data

Information created as part of the mapping component (IGCS) of the Sols de Bretagne programme. Coord

Issued on 2016-04-04T18:07:58.272Z

Soil properties of the Finistère details >

Sub-watersheds: Kerbernez website (ORE AgrHyS) Open Data

Representation of sub-watershed contours of the Kerbernez INRA study area. The site has five sub-wa

Issued on 2016-04-04T18:08:03.135Z

Sub-watersheds: Kerbernez website (ORE AgrHyS) details >

INPN — Protected and regulated species Open Data

The legal protection and regulation of wildlife is one of the key elements of France’s biodiversity

Issued on 2016-04-13T16:27:21.412Z

INPN — Protected and regulated species details >

Data from the Master Plan for Water Planning and Management (SDAGE) 2016/2021 of the Loire-Bretagne... Open Data

For each map of Sdage 2016-2021, you can view and download the map in image format as it appears in

Issued on 2016-04-19T12:06:24.006Z

Data from the Master Plan for Water Planning and Management (SDAGE) 2016/2021 of the Loire-Bretagne... details >

Extract from the Census of Sports Equipment of Burgundy-Franche-Comté 2015 Open Data

Data taking into account the 2015 updates — Specific data on the geographical location of sports equ

Issued on 2016-04-27T10:20:20.201Z

Extract from the Census of Sports Equipment of Burgundy-Franche-Comté 2015 details >

Catchment areas of Brittany Open Data

Division of Brittany into basins Used for the study of the Scientific Council at the Environment of

Issued on 2016-04-27T10:48:54.779Z

Catchment areas of Brittany details >

Project Mh — Plot Data (British) Open Data

The Mh project is a research and development project whose objectives are (i) to prioritise the dete

Issued on 2016-04-27T11:24:07.002Z

Project Mh — Plot Data (British) details >

Protection of personal data worldwide Open Data

Not all countries benefit from an IT and Liberties law. Which countries have specific legislation o

Issued on 2016-05-03T17:18:59.825Z

Protection of personal data worldwide details >

Settlement-type mining hazards in Pays de la Loire Open Data

The notion of hazard corresponds to the probability that a given phenomenon will occur at a given si

Issued on 2016-05-04T09:10:52.760Z

Settlement-type mining hazards in Pays de la Loire details >

Distribution by material and nature of teletransmitted and transmitted documents (number and rate)... Open Data

The distribution of documents by subject (public order, territorial civil service, local finance) is

Issued on 2016-05-12T15:53:23.438Z

Distribution by material and nature of teletransmitted and transmitted documents (number and rate)... details >

Medical Imaging Open Data

On 11 May 2016, the Court of Auditors published a report on medical imaging, requested by the Senate

Issued on 2016-05-12T16:12:04.675Z

Medical Imaging details >

Ministries’ electricity consumption data in 2014 Open Data

This dataset comes from the State Procurement Directorate (GAD). It contains the ministries’ elect

Issued on 2016-05-19T14:47:43.273Z

Ministries’ electricity consumption data in 2014 details >

Liste des organismes soumis au contrôle obligatoire de la Cour des comptes Open Data

À l'occasion de sa #DataSession, la Cour des comptes a décidé de mettre à disposition la liste des o

Issued on 2016-05-26T11:43:04.230Z

Liste des organismes soumis au contrôle obligatoire de la Cour des comptes details >

Rapports publiés par la Cour des comptes Open Data

Dans le cadre de sa #DataSession des 27 et 28 mai 2016, les juridictions financières ont décidé d'ou

Issued on 2016-05-26T16:56:06.390Z

Rapports publiés par la Cour des comptes details >

FINESS Extraction des principales nomenclatures Open Data

Affiche la liste des principales nomenclatures utilisées dans FINESS.

Issued on 2016-05-30T10:36:18.378Z

FINESS Extraction des principales nomenclatures details >

Accessibilité - Places de stationnement Open Data

Jeu de donnée qui désigne les places spéciales, identifiées comme telles dans l'offre de stationneme

Issued on 2016-06-14T16:18:58.264Z

Accessibilité - Places de stationnement details >

Lauréats du concours Dataconnexions Open Data

Ce jeu de données compile les projets finalistes et lauréats des différentes éditions du concours Da

Issued on 2016-07-05T12:26:51.799Z

Lauréats du concours Dataconnexions details >

Hazard zone of the BIMA Technological Risk Prevention Plan (PPRT) in the Haut-Rhin Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the hazard map used for PPR risk analysis. The map d&#

Issued on 2016-07-07T16:04:43.235Z

Hazard zone of the BIMA Technological Risk Prevention Plan (PPRT) in the Haut-Rhin details >

Beneficiaries of Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease Open Data

Number of beneficiaries of Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease (DPMA92) * * * Set up in 2007 an

Issued on 2016-07-13T20:55:46.757Z

Beneficiaries of Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease details >

Proceedings of Faugères City Council (07) Open Data

List of deliberations since 2008

Issued on 2016-08-12T13:33:20.667Z

Proceedings of Faugères City Council (07) details >

Lists of personalities from Wikidata Open Data

CSV files containing lists of personalities as existing in 2016, with links to Wikipedia and Wikidat

Issued on 2016-09-05T16:49:02.803Z

Lists of personalities from Wikidata details >

Bre Imbalance Reconstitution Open Data

This API makes available the data used to calculate the deviations to allow good transparency and a

Issued on 2016-09-14T10:57:28.026Z

Bre Imbalance Reconstitution details >

ICPE: Waste storage places in Pays de la Loire Open Data

In France, certain facilities operated by companies or communities in particular present dangers or

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:34:35.883Z

ICPE: Waste storage places in Pays de la Loire details >

Territorial Climate-Energy Plans (PCETs) carried out by a mixed syndicate in Pays de la Loire Open Data

List of mixed unions carrying a Climate-Territorial Energy Plan (PCET) in the Pays de la Loire regio

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:34:44.841Z

Territorial Climate-Energy Plans (PCETs) carried out by a mixed syndicate in Pays de la Loire details >

Territorial Climate-Energy Plans (PCETs) supported by a Public Institution of Intercommunal... Open Data

List of Public Establishment of Intercommunal Cooperation (EPCI) with a Climate-Energy Territorial P

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:34:45.834Z

Territorial Climate-Energy Plans (PCETs) supported by a Public Institution of Intercommunal... details >

Climate-Energy plans Territoriaux (PCET) carried by a commune in Pays de la Loire Open Data

List of municipalities carrying a Climat-Energy Territorial Plan (PCET) — compulsory or voluntary —

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:34:46.787Z

Climate-Energy plans Territoriaux (PCET) carried by a commune in Pays de la Loire details >

Area at Risk of Flood (TRI) of Noirmoutier — Saint-Jean-de-Monts — Flood surface map Open Data

Spatial data set produced by the GIS Flooding Directive of NOIRMOUTIER ST-JEAN-DE-MONTS The European

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:35:00.347Z

Area at Risk of Flood (TRI) of Noirmoutier — Saint-Jean-de-Monts — Flood surface map details >

Area at Risk of Flood (TRI) of Noirmoutier — Saint-Jean-de-Monts — punctual issues related to... Open Data

Spatial data set produced by the GIS Flooding Directive of NOIRMOUTIER ST-JEAN-DE-MONTS The European

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:35:06.827Z

Area at Risk of Flood (TRI) of Noirmoutier — Saint-Jean-de-Monts — punctual issues related to... details >

Aiguillon Bay Flood Risk Area (TRI) — Flood Risk Map Open Data

A series of geographical data produced by the GIS Flooding Directive (TRI) for marine submersion of

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:35:17.026Z

Aiguillon Bay Flood Risk Area (TRI) — Flood Risk Map details >

Aiguillon Bay Flood Risk Territory — Wastewater Treatment Plant Issues Open Data

A series of geographical data produced by the GIS Flooding Directive (TRI) for marine submersion of

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:35:31.870Z

Aiguillon Bay Flood Risk Territory — Wastewater Treatment Plant Issues details >

Flood Risk Territories (TRI) of Saint-Nazaire — Guérande — Communes used to calculate the stakes... Open Data

Spatial data series produced by the GIS Flood Directive for the territory at significant risk of flo

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:35:33.701Z

Flood Risk Territories (TRI) of Saint-Nazaire — Guérande — Communes used to calculate the stakes... details >

Flood Risk Territories (TRI) of Saint-Nazaire — Guérande — Issues related to an area protected under... Open Data

Spatial data series produced by the GIS Flood Directive for the territory at significant risk of flo

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:35:38.524Z

Flood Risk Territories (TRI) of Saint-Nazaire — Guérande — Issues related to an area protected under... details >

High-risk territories (TRI) of flooding in Pays de la Loire Open Data

This data, produced within the framework of the Flood Directive, identifies the municipalities affec

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:35:47.309Z

High-risk territories (TRI) of flooding in Pays de la Loire details >

Flood Risk Territories (TRI) of Nantes — Municipalities used to calculate the stakes (jobs and... Open Data

Series of geographical data produced by the GIS Flood Directive of the territory at significant risk

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:35:48.951Z

Flood Risk Territories (TRI) of Nantes — Municipalities used to calculate the stakes (jobs and... details >

Flood Risk Territories (TRI) of Nantes — Floodable Surfaces Open Data

Series of geographical data produced by the GIS Flood Directive of the territory at significant risk

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:35:58.582Z

Flood Risk Territories (TRI) of Nantes — Floodable Surfaces details >

Landscape units of Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne and Sarthe Open Data

Delimitation of the landscape units of Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne and Sarthe from the departmental atla

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:36:05.078Z

Landscape units of Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne and Sarthe details >

Effects zones of the DIRI of Hexcel Composites in Bouguenais in Loire-Atlantique Open Data

Pursuant to Circular DPPR/SEI2/FA-07-0066 of 4 May 2007, the Prefect informs the mayors of the techn

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:36:10.639Z

Effects zones of the DIRI of Hexcel Composites in Bouguenais in Loire-Atlantique details >

DIRI Effect Zones from Candia to Campbon in Loire-Atlantique Open Data

Pursuant to Circular DPPR/SEI2/FA-07-0066 of 4 May 2007, the Prefect informs the mayors of the techn

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:36:15.321Z

DIRI Effect Zones from Candia to Campbon in Loire-Atlantique details >

Zones d'effets du DIRI de CAPL à Longué-Jumelles dans le Maine-et-Loire Open Data

En application de la circulaire DPPR/SEI2/FA-07-0066 du 4 mai 2007, le Préfet porte à la connaissanc

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:36:16.079Z

Zones d'effets du DIRI de CAPL à Longué-Jumelles dans le Maine-et-Loire details >

Lactaltis Nestlé DIRI Effect Zones in Vallet in Loire-Atlantique Open Data

Pursuant to Circular DPPR/SEI2/FA-07-0066 of 4 May 2007, the Prefect informs the mayors of the techn

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:36:19.290Z

Lactaltis Nestlé DIRI Effect Zones in Vallet in Loire-Atlantique details >

Effects zones of the DIRI of Moulins Soufflets in Pornic in Loire-Atlantique Open Data

Pursuant to Circular DPPR/SEI2/FA-07-0066 of 4 May 2007, the Prefect informs the mayors of the techn

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:36:23.511Z

Effects zones of the DIRI of Moulins Soufflets in Pornic in Loire-Atlantique details >

NADIC DIRI Effect Zones in Nantes in Loire-Atlantique Open Data

Pursuant to Circular DPPR/SEI2/FA-07-0066 of 4 May 2007, the Prefect informs the mayors of the techn

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:36:24.084Z

NADIC DIRI Effect Zones in Nantes in Loire-Atlantique details >

System U Ouest DIRI Effect Zones in Saint-Aignan-Grandlieu in Loire-Atlantique Open Data

Pursuant to Circular DPPR/SEI2/FA-07-0066 of 4 May 2007, the Prefect informs the mayors of the techn

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:36:28.666Z

System U Ouest DIRI Effect Zones in Saint-Aignan-Grandlieu in Loire-Atlantique details >

SOFADE DIRI Effect Zones in Saint-Barthélémy-d’Anjou in Maine-et-Loire Open Data

Pursuant to Circular DPPR/SEI2/FA-07-0066 of 4 May 2007, the Prefect informs the mayors of the techn

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:36:28.123Z

SOFADE DIRI Effect Zones in Saint-Barthélémy-d’Anjou in Maine-et-Loire details >

Terrena DIRI Effect Zones to Ecouflant in Maine-et-Loire Open Data

Pursuant to Circular DPPR/SEI2/FA-07-0066 of 4 May 2007, the Prefect informs the mayors of the techn

Issued on 2016-09-21T08:36:29.370Z

Terrena DIRI Effect Zones to Ecouflant in Maine-et-Loire details >

SRCE Limousin — Dry/or thermophilic and/or rocky ecological corridors ensuring connections between... Open Data

This table lists the different dry and/or thermophilic and/or rocky ecological corridors that ensure

Issued on 2016-09-26T16:16:24.746Z

SRCE Limousin — Dry/or thermophilic and/or rocky ecological corridors ensuring connections between... details >

SRCE Limousin - Milieux supports de la sous trame milieux humides Open Data

Milieux naturels ou semi-naturels humides peu perturbés par les activités humaines au sein desquels

Issued on 2016-09-26T16:16:29.631Z

SRCE Limousin - Milieux supports de la sous trame milieux humides details >

SRCE Limousin — Media supports of the subwoven wooded media Open Data

Natural or semi-natural wooded environments little disturbed by human activities within which specie

Issued on 2016-09-26T16:16:29.189Z

SRCE Limousin — Media supports of the subwoven wooded media details >

SRCE Limousin — Verified crossing works — punctual Open Data

Proven crossing works of the SRCE Limousin: Wildlife crossings, viaducts and tunnels, other crossing

Issued on 2016-09-26T16:16:32.848Z

SRCE Limousin — Verified crossing works — punctual details >

SRCE Limousin — Wet Biodiversity Tanks Open Data

This table lists wetland biodiversity reservoirs. In application of Article R.371-19 II of the Code

Issued on 2016-09-26T16:16:36.929Z

SRCE Limousin — Wet Biodiversity Tanks details >

SRCE Limousin - Secteurs aquatiques à examiner, à fort potentiel écologique (cartographiés comme... Open Data

Secteurs aquatiques à examiner, à fort potentiel écologique : espaces pour lesquels il manque des co

Issued on 2016-09-26T16:16:38.956Z

SRCE Limousin - Secteurs aquatiques à examiner, à fort potentiel écologique (cartographiés comme... details >

SRCE Limousin - Sous-réseaux secs et/ou thermophiles et/ou rocheux Open Data

Au regard du contexte pédologique et écologique du Limousin, certains secteurs secs n’ont pas besoin

Issued on 2016-09-26T16:16:43.982Z

SRCE Limousin - Sous-réseaux secs et/ou thermophiles et/ou rocheux details >

Associations à Montreuil-en-touraine Open Data

Liste des associations de la commune de Montreuil-en-touraine avec leurs thématiques.

Issued on 2016-10-09T14:36:01.336Z

Associations à Montreuil-en-touraine details >

Compte-rendus de conseils municipaux de Montreuil en Touraine Open Data

Compte-rendus des conseils municipaux de Montreuil-en-touraine de 2008 à 2016

Issued on 2016-10-09T15:03:10.687Z

Compte-rendus de conseils municipaux de Montreuil en Touraine details >

Elaboration du PLU de Montreuil-en-Touraine Open Data

Document d'élaboration du Plan Local d'Urbanisme de Montreuil-en-Touraine

Issued on 2016-10-09T15:48:31.466Z

Elaboration du PLU de Montreuil-en-Touraine details >

Theoretical timetables of the transport network ‘Tougo’ Open Data

Theoretical timetables of the ‘Tougo’ network [PTU338 Gresivaudan (Urban Transport Perimeter)]. Orga

Issued on 2016-10-10T17:57:25.719Z

Theoretical timetables of the transport network ‘Tougo’ details >

Tracé des lignes du réseau de transport 'CG 35 illenoo' Open Data

Tracé des lignes du réseau 'CG 35 illenoo' [35 ILLE ET VILAINE (Département)]

Issued on 2016-10-10T18:02:25.920Z

Tracé des lignes du réseau de transport 'CG 35 illenoo' details >

Theoretical timetables of the ‘Aérocar’ transport network Open Data

Theoretical timetables of the ‘Aérocar’ network [73 SAVOIE (Department) 38 ISERE (Department)]. Oper

Issued on 2016-10-11T09:21:49.746Z

Theoretical timetables of the ‘Aérocar’ transport network details >


The official website of the French administration references some fifty simulators

Issued on 2016-10-12T15:34:01.511Z


Results of local and national electoral polls on the local polling stations of the municipality Open Data

Election results given office by office, for elections organised by the City: municipal, departmenta

Issued on 2016-10-15T16:49:24.830Z

Results of local and national electoral polls on the local polling stations of the municipality details >

Site planning Open Data

Our association organises sites for the control of phytolaque. Everyone is welcome. [Planning of the

Issued on 2016-10-18T14:44:23.869Z

Site planning details >

ZDZG winners in Brittany Open Data

ZDZG winners in Brittany in December 2015. Lever of mobilisation of the territories, the call for pr

Issued on 2016-10-19T16:11:10.495Z

ZDZG winners in Brittany details >

CA 2011 - Ville de Rennes - Budgets annexes Open Data

Les données du Compte administratif de la Ville de Rennes sont des données de consommation effective

Issued on 2016-10-21T19:58:02.869Z

CA 2011 - Ville de Rennes - Budgets annexes details >

CA 2009 - Ville de Rennes - Budget Principal Open Data

Les données du Compte administratif de la Ville de Rennes sont des données de consommation effective

Issued on 2016-10-21T19:58:08.952Z

CA 2009 - Ville de Rennes - Budget Principal details >

Résultats des élections municipales à Rennes - 2008 à 2014 Open Data

Résultats détaillés pour Rennes des élections municipales de 2008 à 2014, par bureau de vote, au for

Issued on 2016-10-21T19:58:47.433Z

Résultats des élections municipales à Rennes - 2008 à 2014 details >

BP 2013 — City of Rennes — Ordinary grants to associations Open Data

These three supplementary tables correspond, for the main budget, to the ordinary and exceptional gr

Issued on 2016-10-21T19:58:59.528Z

BP 2013 — City of Rennes — Ordinary grants to associations details >

Prêts d'oeuvres du musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes Open Data

Liste des œuvres du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes prêtées à d'autres musées ou expositions en Franc

Issued on 2016-10-21T19:59:07.502Z

Prêts d'oeuvres du musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes details >

Commercial agencies of the STAR network Open Data

**** **List of commercial agencies managed by the STAR network, including their name and location.*

Issued on 2016-10-21T19:59:13.670Z

Commercial agencies of the STAR network details >

Etat des lignes de métro du réseau STAR en temps réel Open Data

**Etat des lignes de métro du réseau STAR en temps réel, permettant de connaître leur état de foncti

Issued on 2016-10-21T19:59:15.009Z

Etat des lignes de métro du réseau STAR en temps réel details >

Prénoms à Rennes Open Data

Liste des prénoms des enfants nés à Rennes depuis 2012, au format CSV, avec le nombre d’occurrences

Issued on 2016-10-21T19:59:22.208Z

Prénoms à Rennes details >

Statistics on the collection and treatment of waste in Rennes Métropole Open Data

Statistics on the collection and treatment of household waste produced in Rennes Métropole since 200

Issued on 2016-10-21T19:59:28.023Z

Statistics on the collection and treatment of waste in Rennes Métropole details >

Topology of STAR bus stop points Open Data

**List of STAR bus stop points, including their name, location and location.**

Issued on 2016-10-21T19:59:32.156Z

Topology of STAR bus stop points details >

Statistiques de prêts de la bibliothèque des Champs Libres en 2007 Open Data

Cumul des prêts mensuels sur l'année par localisations (étages de la bibliothèque), types de lecteur

Issued on 2016-10-21T19:59:47.739Z

Statistiques de prêts de la bibliothèque des Champs Libres en 2007 details >

Topologie des stations de vélos en libre-service Open Data

**Liste des stations de vélos en libre-service du réseau STAR, comprenant notamment leur nom, le nom

Issued on 2016-10-24T13:25:32.859Z

Topologie des stations de vélos en libre-service details >

Garages partenaires du réseau STAR Open Data

**Liste des garages partenaires agréés par le réseau STAR, comprenant notamment leur nom et leur loc

Issued on 2016-10-24T13:25:32.222Z

Garages partenaires du réseau STAR details >

Parcours des lignes de bus du réseau STAR Open Data

**Liste des parcours des lignes de bus du réseau STAR, comprenant notamment leur nom, leurs directio

Issued on 2016-10-24T13:25:33.125Z

Parcours des lignes de bus du réseau STAR details >

Next real-time STAR subway crossings Open Data

**List of future stop points on the STAR metro lines in real time, including departure time and arri

Issued on 2016-10-24T13:25:33.695Z

Next real-time STAR subway crossings details >
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