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Offer of the CCGAM bus transportation network (gtfs) Open Data

list of timetables, stops and bus lines managed by the Community of Municipalities of Greater Autuno

Issued on 2019-01-22T11:33:57.008Z

Offer of the CCGAM bus transportation network (gtfs) details >

Buyer profile Open Data

Buyer profile of the municipality of Anduze:

Issued on 2019-01-24T15:21:45.921Z

Buyer profile details >

Regional Ecological Network (Corridors) Open Data

The regional ecological network was carried out by a consultancy in 2009 for the Centre-Val de Loire

Issued on 2019-01-25T11:29:03.303Z

Regional Ecological Network (Corridors) details >

Regional Ecological Network (Ecolandages) Open Data

The regional ecological network was carried out by a consultancy in 2009 for the Centre-Val de Loire

Issued on 2019-01-25T11:36:06.041Z

Regional Ecological Network (Ecolandages) details >

One-off ecological barriers (SRCE) Open Data

Intersection of the axes of the potential ecological corridors of the sub-trame with the fragmenting

Issued on 2019-01-25T11:45:24.983Z

One-off ecological barriers (SRCE) details >

Chiroprae — Biodiversity Reservoirs (SRCE) Open Data

This dataset lists the different biodiversity reservoirs for the subtrame Chiroptères of the SRCE in

Issued on 2019-01-25T11:51:08.549Z

Chiroprae — Biodiversity Reservoirs (SRCE) details >

Local Information and Coordination Centres (clicks) of the Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

Local Information and Coordination Centres (clicks) of the Hautes-Pyrénées.

Issued on 2019-01-25T11:57:59.847Z

Local Information and Coordination Centres (clicks) of the Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Sectorisation of public colleges in the Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

Sectorisation of public colleges in the Hautes-Pyrénées.

Issued on 2019-01-25T11:58:01.986Z

Sectorisation of public colleges in the Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Points-Hauts operated by the Hautes-Pyrénées Department Open Data

Points-Hauts operated by the Hautes-Pyrénées Department.

Issued on 2019-01-25T11:58:37.302Z

Points-Hauts operated by the Hautes-Pyrénées Department details >

Résultats des élections professionnelles pour les comités techniques dans la fonction publique en... Open Data

Répartition des 2,8 millions de votes dont 2,6 suffrages valablement exprimés par organisation profe

Issued on 2019-01-25T13:39:36.611Z

Résultats des élections professionnelles pour les comités techniques dans la fonction publique en... details >

Relevé des lépidoptères (papillons) en forêt de Buzet Open Data

Issued on 2019-02-16T08:13:41.407Z

Relevé des lépidoptères (papillons) en forêt de Buzet details >

School map of primary schools — City of Lorient Open Data

Delimitation of the school map of primary schools in the territory of the city of Lorient. The cutti

Issued on 2019-02-23T02:55:01.721Z

School map of primary schools — City of Lorient details >

School map of nursery schools — City of Lorient Open Data

Delimitation of the school map of nursery schools in the territory of the municipality of Lorient. T

Issued on 2019-02-23T02:55:04.419Z

School map of nursery schools — City of Lorient details >

Geographical breakdown of polling stations — City of Lorient Open Data

Delimitation of polling stations in the territory of the municipality of Lorient. The cutting is mad

Issued on 2019-02-23T02:55:05.109Z

Geographical breakdown of polling stations — City of Lorient details >

Neighbourhood attachment addresses — City of Lorient Open Data

Location by address of the 5 districts of the city of Lorient. This list allows the user to identify

Issued on 2019-02-23T02:55:05.857Z

Neighbourhood attachment addresses — City of Lorient details >

Connecting addresses of the IRIS islands — City of Lorient Open Data

Location by address of the Iris islets of the city of Lorient. This list allows the user to identify

Issued on 2019-02-27T19:44:48.168Z

Connecting addresses of the IRIS islands — City of Lorient details >

Grants paid in 2016 and 2017 by the Region to associations Open Data

The amount of grants paid to associations includes the mandates carried out by the Region and those

Issued on 2019-02-28T00:22:28.711Z

Grants paid in 2016 and 2017 by the Region to associations details >

Bakeries that offer the baguette of the francilians Open Data

Bakeries buying “Emotion” flour from Moulins des Chars in Val-d’Oise (95). This Label Rouge flour is

Issued on 2019-03-01T14:21:03.526Z

Bakeries that offer the baguette of the francilians details >

DONNEE - Pacte Offensive Croissance Emploi (POCE) Open Data

Composition des territoires Pacte Offensive Croissance Emploi (POCE), basée sur la géométrie adminex

Issued on 2019-03-04T14:49:34.312Z

DONNEE - Pacte Offensive Croissance Emploi (POCE) details >

Archives régionales des Pays de la Loire – Fiches descriptives des ensembles et sous-ensembles... Open Data

Les données proposées fournissent des informations sur la composition du fonds d’archives régionales

Issued on 2019-03-04T22:23:15.193Z

Archives régionales des Pays de la Loire – Fiches descriptives des ensembles et sous-ensembles... details >

Réseau Aléop Loire-Atlantique (44) Open Data

Réseau de transports routiers régionaux de la Région de Pays de la Loire, Loire-Atlantique (44). L

Issued on 2019-03-04T22:23:20.983Z

Réseau Aléop Loire-Atlantique (44) details >

Framework of physical and sporting activities Open Data

Reference listing of physical and sporting activities

Issued on 2019-03-05T13:09:55.140Z

Framework of physical and sporting activities details >

Loire-Atlantique Development Councils Open Data

List of development tips in Loire-Atlantic with their addresses, contact, site and social media acco

Issued on 2019-03-05T22:52:00.534Z

Loire-Atlantique Development Councils details >

The Social Rental Housing Guarantee Fund Open Data

The Social Rental Housing Guarantee Fund (CGLLS), whose interventions are financed by two contributi

Issued on 2019-03-06T14:35:31.774Z

The Social Rental Housing Guarantee Fund details >

BP 2019 — City of Rennes — Main budget Open Data

The 2019 PB — Main Budget corresponds to the 2019 main budget data of the City of Rennes. To bette

Issued on 2019-03-06T15:56:21.842Z

BP 2019 — City of Rennes — Main budget details >

BP 2019 - Ville de Rennes - Subventions aux associations Open Data

Ces trois tableaux complémentaires correspondent, pour le budget principal, aux subventions ordinair

Issued on 2019-03-06T15:56:28.465Z

BP 2019 - Ville de Rennes - Subventions aux associations details >

Consultation lycée de demain Open Data

Résultat de la consultation citoyenne "Lycée de demain"

Issued on 2019-03-06T23:55:26.595Z

Consultation lycée de demain details >

Communities of Communes of the Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

Geographical contours of the communities of departmental communes of the Hautes-Pyrénées resulting f

Issued on 2019-03-07T01:06:36.566Z

Communities of Communes of the Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Nuisance — Layer of Strategic Noise Maps Type B of Land Transport Infrastructure in... Open Data

The European Directive 2002/49/EC on the assessment and management of environmental noise aims to as

Issued on 2019-03-07T15:43:33.984Z

Nuisance — Layer of Strategic Noise Maps Type B of Land Transport Infrastructure in... details >

Nuisance — Layer of Type B Strategic Noise Maps of Railways in Meurthe-et-Moselle Open Data

The European Directive 2002/49/EC on the assessment and management of environmental noise aims to as

Issued on 2019-03-07T15:43:34.977Z

Nuisance — Layer of Type B Strategic Noise Maps of Railways in Meurthe-et-Moselle details >

Nuisance — Layer of Strategic Noise Maps Type C LD index of railway tracks in Meurthe-et-Moselle Open Data

The European Directive 2002/49/EC on the assessment and management of environmental noise aims to as

Issued on 2019-03-07T15:43:36.443Z

Nuisance — Layer of Strategic Noise Maps Type C LD index of railway tracks in Meurthe-et-Moselle details >

Data provided by the Departmental Archives of Saône-et-Loire Open Data

The Department of Saône-et-Loire pursues an active policy of digitising its archival heritage and ma

Issued on 2019-03-08T13:56:55.776Z

Data provided by the Departmental Archives of Saône-et-Loire details >

Crédit Coopératif - Evolution des dons des produits de partage Open Data

Avec les produits de partage, les clients du Crédit Coopératif effectuent des dons en faveur d'assoc

Issued on 2019-03-12T04:14:33.881Z

Crédit Coopératif - Evolution des dons des produits de partage details >

Sectors of washable cups of the Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

### Where to find washable cups? For your events (party, wedding, baptism, cousinade, retirement..)

Issued on 2019-03-12T04:56:09.343Z

Sectors of washable cups of the Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Location of stop-pubs in the Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

Where’s my stop-pub? **You no longer wish to receive advertising?** From now on, “Stop Pub” sticke

Issued on 2019-03-12T04:56:23.992Z

Location of stop-pubs in the Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Outsourcing support to forces in external operations Open Data

The use of force support outsourcing is now necessary for external operations (OPEX). It allows to c

Issued on 2019-03-12T14:35:43.603Z

Outsourcing support to forces in external operations details >

AIS Aeronautical Base Airspace Data Open Data

These data describing French airspace, come from the Aeronautical Information Service belonging to t

Issued on 2019-03-12T15:57:08.162Z

AIS Aeronautical Base Airspace Data details >

List of contracts above EUR 90 000 H.T. notified as of 1 October 2018 Open Data

This is the list of contracts above EUR 90 000 H.T.T. notified as of 1 October 2018

Issued on 2019-03-13T10:17:42.436Z

List of contracts above EUR 90 000 H.T. notified as of 1 October 2018 details >

HTB electrical network supports Strasbourg Electricity Networks Open Data

This dataset represents the position of HTB overhead power carriers on the entire transmission netwo

Issued on 2019-03-14T00:21:35.259Z

HTB electrical network supports Strasbourg Electricity Networks details >

Electrical substations HTB Strasbourg Electricity Networks Open Data

This dataset represents the position of HTB power stations on the entire transmission network manage

Issued on 2019-03-14T00:26:05.701Z

Electrical substations HTB Strasbourg Electricity Networks details >

Electrical substation speakers HTB Strasbourg Electricity Networks Open Data

This dataset represents the HTB substation right-of-way on the entire transmission network managed b

Issued on 2019-03-14T00:29:02.570Z

Electrical substation speakers HTB Strasbourg Electricity Networks details >

Electric voltage transformers HTB Strasbourg Electricity Networks Open Data

This dataset represents the position of HTB voltage transformers on the entire transmission network

Issued on 2019-03-14T00:32:38.108Z

Electric voltage transformers HTB Strasbourg Electricity Networks details >

Directory of public archives in France Open Data

Directory of public archival services in France. Periodicity of the update: over the water. .

Issued on 2019-03-14T05:00:52.254Z

Directory of public archives in France details >

Bases of addresses of La Tremblade Ronce-les-Bains Open Data

List of addresses of the municipality of La Tremblade Ronce-les-Bains List from the national addres

Issued on 2019-03-14T12:05:48.109Z

Bases of addresses of La Tremblade Ronce-les-Bains details >

names of the streets of Dolus d’Oléron at 14-03-2019 Open Data

database of geolocated addresses of the municipality from the national address database

Issued on 2019-03-14T12:09:15.090Z

names of the streets of Dolus d’Oléron at 14-03-2019 details >

Budget 2019 - Région des Pays de la Loire - Recettes Open Data

Montants des recettes de la Région des Pays de la Loire pour le budget 2019, par natures et intitulé

Issued on 2019-03-15T01:11:43.665Z

Budget 2019 - Région des Pays de la Loire - Recettes details >

Elections départementales 2015 2nd tour canton Angers 1 Open Data

Les données fournissent les résultats du second tour des élections départementales à Angers qui se s

Issued on 2019-03-16T08:16:41.304Z

Elections départementales 2015 2nd tour canton Angers 1 details >

PPRN — SSP restricted area of the municipality of HERIMENIL (54260) Open Data

Submersible Surface Plans (PSS) are the first map documents regulating land cover in floodable areas

Issued on 2019-03-27T15:04:46.085Z

PPRN — SSP restricted area of the municipality of HERIMENIL (54260) details >

PPRN — Regulatory layers of the PSS of the municipality of HERIMENIL (54260) Open Data

The Barnier Law of 2 February 1995 confers on the SSPs the status of a risk prevention plan (RPP), t

Issued on 2019-03-27T15:04:47.333Z

PPRN — Regulatory layers of the PSS of the municipality of HERIMENIL (54260) details >

PPRN – Périmètre du PSS de la commune de BICQUELEY (54073) Open Data

Emprise des zones concernées par le zonage réglementaire des plans de surfaces submersibles (PSS) du

Issued on 2019-03-27T15:04:53.929Z

PPRN – Périmètre du PSS de la commune de BICQUELEY (54073) details >

PPRN – Zone réglementée du PSS de la commune de GLONVILLE (54229) Open Data

Les plans des surfaces submersibles (PSS) sont les premiers documents cartographiques réglementant l

Issued on 2019-03-27T15:04:53.903Z

PPRN – Zone réglementée du PSS de la commune de GLONVILLE (54229) details >

PPRN — Perimeter of the SSP of the commune of RNAAVILLE (54022) Open Data

Control of the areas concerned by the regulatory zoning of submersible surface plans (PSS) of the de

Issued on 2019-03-27T15:04:56.825Z

PPRN — Perimeter of the SSP of the commune of RNAAVILLE (54022) details >

Location of composters for houses in the Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

Location of composters for houses in the Hautes-Pyrénées.

Issued on 2019-03-30T06:15:00.137Z

Location of composters for houses in the Hautes-Pyrénées details >

S Series Teaching Programs Open Data

S series teaching programs, before the new Bachelor’s degree 2021. Repealed at the beginning of 201

Issued on 2019-04-01T12:14:27.486Z

S Series Teaching Programs details >

Bookbox Open Data

This dataset lists the book boxes on the territory of the city of Saint-Paul-lès-Dax. It consists of

Issued on 2019-04-07T09:03:30.609Z

Bookbox details >

Public institutions of the second degree Open Data

This dataset lists public colleges and high schools on the territory of the city of Saint-Paul-lès-D

Issued on 2019-04-07T22:48:23.016Z

Public institutions of the second degree details >

Canine cleanliness Open Data

This dataset lists the sites of canine cleanliness on the territory of the city of Saint-Paul-lès-Da

Issued on 2019-04-08T10:03:39.096Z

Canine cleanliness details >

Research Labs in the Alpine Area Open Data

Issued on 2019-03-14T00:00:00Z

Research Labs in the Alpine Area details >

Location of public kindergartens and elementary schools in the municipality of Anglet Open Data

This dataset provides the list of public kindergartens and elementary schools in the municipality of

Issued on 2019-04-09T10:52:41.641Z

Location of public kindergartens and elementary schools in the municipality of Anglet details >

Sports Complexes Open Data

This dataset lists the sports complexes on the territory of the city of Saint-Paul-lès-Dax. It consi

Issued on 2019-04-10T16:10:31.787Z

Sports Complexes details >

Kindergarten and Elementary Schools — City of Orleans Open Data

List of kindergarten and elementary schools in the city of Orleans.

Issued on 2019-04-12T02:13:58.966Z

Kindergarten and Elementary Schools — City of Orleans details >

list of Contracts 2018 Open Data

List of Contracts 2018

Issued on 2019-04-12T12:09:53.942Z

list of Contracts 2018 details >

Plan de voirie - Points de nivellement - Etiquettes Open Data

Point d'altitude au sol - Pour faciliter la lecture du plan, plusieurs altitudes peuvent être associ

Issued on 2019-04-13T06:43:04.772Z

Plan de voirie - Points de nivellement - Etiquettes details >

Subventions Versées 2015 - Blagnac Open Data

Issued on 2019-04-13T06:52:14.125Z

Subventions Versées 2015 - Blagnac details >

Collecte en extrémité de voies Open Data

Localisation des voies où la collecte des déchets est réalisée en extrémité de voies sur le Territoi

Issued on 2019-04-16T16:53:36.955Z

Collecte en extrémité de voies details >

Metropolitan Fibre Network Open Data

The metropolitan optical network, operated by Rennes Métropole Télécom.

Issued on 2019-04-19T05:02:53.764Z

Metropolitan Fibre Network details >

Data — Greater East Economic Development Agency Open Data

Created at the initiative of local authorities concerned with a professional, flexible, responsive a

Issued on 2019-04-30T14:39:05.866Z

Data — Greater East Economic Development Agency details >

Number of injection points per production line and injection power — Regional Mesh Open Data

This dataset restores the number of injection points of Enedis network users. These aggregates are a

Issued on 2019-05-03T14:56:13.837Z

Number of injection points per production line and injection power — Regional Mesh details >

Public utilities Open Data

This dataset lists the public utilities of the municipality of Saint-Paul-lès-Dax. Public collective

Issued on 2019-05-03T15:52:57.937Z

Public utilities details >

AMENAGEMENT - Liste_gites_communaux Open Data

Liste des gîtes communaux

Issued on 2019-05-05T00:43:31.895Z

AMENAGEMENT - Liste_gites_communaux details >

HISTOIRE - Collection Cartes postales anciennes Open Data

Issued on 2019-05-05T00:43:32.537Z

HISTOIRE - Collection Cartes postales anciennes details >

Relief and Emergencies Open Data

List of public places with a defibrillator, indicating the equipment including it. location of nat

Issued on 2019-05-08T02:56:57.057Z

Relief and Emergencies details >

Bureaux de vote 2019 de Saint-Egrève Open Data

Ce jeu de données présente les secteurs des bureaux de vote sur la commune de Saint-Egrève. -Électio

Issued on 2019-05-07T00:00:00Z

Bureaux de vote 2019 de Saint-Egrève details >

SRCE: Biodiversity reservoirs of green and blue frames in Pays de la Loire Open Data

Pursuant to Article R.371-19 II of the Environmental Code, biodiversity reservoirs are spaces in whi

Issued on 2019-05-09T14:59:34.520Z

SRCE: Biodiversity reservoirs of green and blue frames in Pays de la Loire details >

Site enclosures related to servitudes of category AC2 (Registered and classified sites) in Pays de... Open Data

A bondage is the spatial field (i.e., the geographical area) to the #x27; within which s' appli

Issued on 2019-05-09T14:59:57.341Z

Site enclosures related to servitudes of category AC2 (Registered and classified sites) in Pays de... details >

Urban stain evolution videos by municipality in Pays de la Loire Open Data

This set of data allows to access video animations of' evolution of the urban spot by commune i

Issued on 2019-05-09T14:59:57.291Z

Urban stain evolution videos by municipality in Pays de la Loire details >

ZNIEFF: Natural Areas of Ecological, Wildlife and Floristic Interest Type I (1st generation) in Pays... Open Data

The sectors that may be concerned relate to the whole national, land, river and marine territory (in

Issued on 2019-05-09T15:00:22.408Z

ZNIEFF: Natural Areas of Ecological, Wildlife and Floristic Interest Type I (1st generation) in Pays... details >

Plu de Ville-d’Avray Open Data

The Local Urbanisation Plan of Ville-d’Avray approved on 18 December 2013 and last updated on March

Issued on 2019-05-10T19:25:26.027Z

Plu de Ville-d’Avray details >

Elections européennes 2019 - listes des candidats Open Data

Noms des listes et noms des personnes têtes de listes aux élections européennes du **dimanche 26 mai

Issued on 2019-05-10T19:59:41.201Z

Elections européennes 2019 - listes des candidats details >

Track Traffic Sense — Toulouse Métropole Open Data

Direction of circulation of lanes or portion of track in one direction (sense of the vector) in the

Issued on 2019-05-10T19:59:55.574Z

Track Traffic Sense — Toulouse Métropole details >

Declaration of buyer profile Open Data

Buyer profile of the municipality of Saint-Maurice.

Issued on 2019-05-14T14:25:44.398Z

Declaration of buyer profile details >

Replacement of external joinery in communal buildings Open Data

essential data Replacement of exterior joinery in the municipal buildings of the city of Abbeville a

Issued on 2019-05-15T13:20:34.702Z

Replacement of external joinery in communal buildings details >

Zone de préemption des Espaces naturels sensibles du département du Morbihan Open Data

Les Zones de préemption sont numérisées à partir du parcellaire cadastral de la DGFIP. Elles constit

Issued on 2019-05-15T14:38:09.720Z

Zone de préemption des Espaces naturels sensibles du département du Morbihan details >

STMG Series Terminal Cycle Teaching Programs Open Data

STMG (Management and Management Science and Technology) STMG (Senior and Terminal Class) Teaching Pr

Issued on 2019-05-15T15:45:55.492Z

STMG Series Terminal Cycle Teaching Programs details >

ST2S Series Terminal Cycle Teaching Programs Open Data

ST2S (Health and Social Science and Technology) ST2S (Health and Social Science and Technology)

Issued on 2019-05-15T15:47:39.218Z

ST2S Series Terminal Cycle Teaching Programs details >

AppDVF, an application to track the real estate and land market Open Data

AppDVF, a free application composed of free modules that can be used locally from your web browser t

Issued on 2019-05-15T17:56:25.726Z

AppDVF, an application to track the real estate and land market details >

Elections 2019 — breakdown of polling stations Open Data

Perimeter of each of the polling stations in the city of Toulouse** according to the prefectural dec

Issued on 2019-05-16T06:38:48.763Z

Elections 2019 — breakdown of polling stations details >

Emprunts en cours d’amortissement à Nantes Métropole au 1er janvier 2019 Open Data

Emprunts en cours d’amortissement à Nantes Métropole au 1er janvier 2019 * * * Le recours à l’empr

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:17:31.456Z

Emprunts en cours d’amortissement à Nantes Métropole au 1er janvier 2019 details >

ECONOMIE - Base_Sirene_v3 Open Data

Base Sirene V3 ### Recherche par SIREN, SIRET, nom d’entreprise, ou recherche fuzzy, ... La b

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:07.881Z

ECONOMIE - Base_Sirene_v3 details >

ALLOCATIONS : Foyers_percevant_Paje (PC) Open Data

La prestation d'accueil du jeune enfant (PAJE) est versée pour un enfant né ou adopté, elle comprend

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:09.769Z

ALLOCATIONS : Foyers_percevant_Paje (PC) details >

ELECTIONS - Référendum_2005 Open Data

Résultats du référendum de 2005, par bureaux de vote Nota : le découpage communal, la nomenclature

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:13.018Z

ELECTIONS - Référendum_2005 details >

HABITATION - Valeurs_foncières Open Data

Base « demande de valeurs foncières » compilant cinq années de transactions immobilières et foncière

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:18.424Z

HABITATION - Valeurs_foncières details >

TOURISME - Gites_communaux Open Data

Liste des gîtes communaux

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:19.226Z

TOURISME - Gites_communaux details >

MOBILITE-Accidents_corporels_circulation_2015 Open Data

Pour chaque accident corporel (soit un accident survenu sur une voie ouverte à la circulation publiq

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:28.969Z

MOBILITE-Accidents_corporels_circulation_2015 details >

INTERCO - Composition_2017 Open Data

Les établissements publics de coopération intercommunale (EPCI) sont des regroupements de communes a

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:33.668Z

INTERCO - Composition_2017 details >

ALLOCATIONS - Part_prestations_ressources_foyers (DPC) Open Data

Il s’agit d’estimer la part des prestations entrant dans les ressources des foyers allocataires. Pou

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:37.320Z

ALLOCATIONS - Part_prestations_ressources_foyers (DPC) details >

BUDGET - Dotation_globale_fonctionnement Open Data

Evolution de la dotation globale de fonctionnement entre 2014 et 2016 dans les 36.000 communes franç

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:39.089Z

BUDGET - Dotation_globale_fonctionnement details >

RISQUES - Information_Préventive Open Data

L'application **Gaspar** (Gestion Assistée des Procédures Administratives relatives aux Risques natu

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:40.757Z

RISQUES - Information_Préventive details >

ELECTIONS - Résultats_législatives_2012 Open Data

Résultats des élections législatives 2012, tours 1 et 2, par bureaux de vote Nota : le découpage co

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:40.436Z

ELECTIONS - Résultats_législatives_2012 details >

BIODIVERSITE - Liste_espèces Open Data

Liste des espèces florales (effectuée lors d'un relevé pendant l'OPL 2013)

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:45.433Z

BIODIVERSITE - Liste_espèces details >
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