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Regulatory zoning of the Saône flood risk prevention plan — Les Bordes Open Data

For natural PPRs, the code of l'environment defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-expo

Issued on 2015-06-27T15:11:21.024Z

Regulatory zoning of the Saône flood risk prevention plan — Les Bordes details >

Hazard Zones of the Saône Flood Risk Prevention Plan — Mâcon Sector Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the hazard map used for PPR risk analysis. The map d&#x

Issued on 2015-06-27T15:11:44.271Z

Hazard Zones of the Saône Flood Risk Prevention Plan — Mâcon Sector details >

Perimeter of the Plans for the Prevention of Risks Flooding of the Loire Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2015-06-27T15:11:46.375Z

Perimeter of the Plans for the Prevention of Risks Flooding of the Loire details >

Scope of the Risk Prevention Plan Flooding Botoret — Chauffailles Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2015-06-27T15:12:02.774Z

Scope of the Risk Prevention Plan Flooding Botoret — Chauffailles details >

Flood leash surveys in the Landes department Open Data

History of flood leashes in the Landes department. Flood leashes are traces left by river water lev

Issued on 2015-06-27T15:21:00.266Z

Flood leash surveys in the Landes department details >

PPR Artiguelouve (64DDTM19970004) — Restricted area of the Risk Prevention Plan Flooded in the... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the code of l'environment defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-expo

Issued on 2015-06-27T15:23:31.327Z

PPR Artiguelouve (64DDTM19970004) — Restricted area of the Risk Prevention Plan Flooded in the... details >

PPR GELOS (64DDTM19980006) — Perimeter of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN-PPRI) of Gelos... Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2015-06-27T15:23:40.682Z

PPR GELOS (64DDTM19980006) — Perimeter of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN-PPRI) of Gelos... details >

PPR Mirepeix (64DDTM20000006) — Perimeter of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN-PPRI) of Mirepeix... Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2015-06-27T15:23:41.453Z

PPR Mirepeix (64DDTM20000006) — Perimeter of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN-PPRI) of Mirepeix... details >

PPR de LOUVIE-JUZON (64DDTM20020010 ) - Zone réglementée du Plan de Prévention du Risque Inondation... Open Data

Pour les PPR naturels, le code de l'environnement définit deux catégories de zones (L562-1) :

Issued on 2015-06-27T15:24:14.853Z

PPR de LOUVIE-JUZON (64DDTM20020010 ) - Zone réglementée du Plan de Prévention du Risque Inondation... details >

Municipalities of Calvados encumbered with PT1 servitudes Open Data

This dataset identifies the municipalities of Calvados encumbered by PT1 servitudes. The purpose of

Issued on 2015-06-27T15:26:57.727Z

Municipalities of Calvados encumbered with PT1 servitudes details >

Urban planning — ZAD — Grand Poitiers — Business data Open Data

(ZAD) A zone d' delayed development created by a law of July 26, 1962 for an anti-speculative p

Issued on 2015-07-03T12:17:58.290Z

Urban planning — ZAD — Grand Poitiers — Business data details >

Water — Storm Basin — Grand Poitiers Business Data Open Data

The storm basin allows the temporary retention of rainwater in excess. The basins also allow for an

Issued on 2015-07-03T15:22:59.664Z

Water — Storm Basin — Grand Poitiers Business Data details >

Census of Breton cultural heritage Open Data

Identification on the regional territory of all built elements prior to the mid-20th century (design

Issued on 2015-07-07T10:48:50.409Z

Census of Breton cultural heritage details >

Etangs d'alimentation des voies navigables appartenant à la région Bretagne Open Data

Etangs d'alimentation des voies navigables appartenant à la région Bretagne __Origine__ Donné

Issued on 2015-07-07T10:48:50.357Z

Etangs d'alimentation des voies navigables appartenant à la région Bretagne details >

Property Tax Centres by Municipality in Brittany Open Data

Layer describing by municipality the property tax centre attached to it. __Origin__ This geographi

Issued on 2015-07-07T10:48:56.765Z

Property Tax Centres by Municipality in Brittany details >

INPN - Données du programme ZNIEFF Open Data

Lancé en 1982, l’inventaire des Zones Naturelles d’Intérêt Ecologique Faunistique et Floristique (Z

Issued on 2015-07-07T11:01:21.295Z

INPN - Données du programme ZNIEFF details >

Boundaries of the Charente cantons. Open Data

Surface objects of the cantons, in accordance with Decree No. 2014-195 of 20 February 2014 on the de

Issued on 2015-07-07T18:47:16.333Z

Boundaries of the Charente cantons. details >

Aide à finalité régionale en Poitou-Charentes (surface) Open Data

La carte des aides à finalité régionale définit les zones et, selon les zones, les limites et condit

Issued on 2015-07-07T18:48:36.032Z

Aide à finalité régionale en Poitou-Charentes (surface) details >

Watersheds of water bodies (Loire-Bretagne) Open Data

In order to verify the achievement of these objectives, the WFD requires the delimitation of water m

Issued on 2015-07-07T18:48:39.934Z

Watersheds of water bodies (Loire-Bretagne) details >

Flood directive — Issue of the heritage of the territory at significant risk of floods (TRI) of... Open Data

Series of geographical data produced by the GIS Flooding Directive of the territory at significant r

Issued on 2015-07-07T18:48:46.127Z

Flood directive — Issue of the heritage of the territory at significant risk of floods (TRI) of... details >

Flood Directive — Municipalities of the territory at significant risk of floods (TRI) Vallées de la... Open Data

a series of geographical data produced by the GIS Flooding Directive for the territory at significan

Issued on 2015-07-07T18:48:49.700Z

Flood Directive — Municipalities of the territory at significant risk of floods (TRI) Vallées de la... details >

Flood Directive — Flood risk map of the territory at significant risk of floods (TRI) of the... Open Data

A series of geographical data produced by the GIS Flooding Directive of the territory of significant

Issued on 2015-07-07T18:48:59.068Z

Flood Directive — Flood risk map of the territory at significant risk of floods (TRI) of the... details >

Flood directive — Height iso zone — extreme scenario (4) — TRI Vallées de la Vienne and Clain in the... Open Data

a series of geographical data produced by the GIS Flooding Directive for the territory at significan

Issued on 2015-07-07T18:49:01.276Z

Flood directive — Height iso zone — extreme scenario (4) — TRI Vallées de la Vienne and Clain in the... details >

Flood directive — Maps of flood areas of the territory at significant risk of floods (TRI) of... Open Data

Series of geographical data produced by the GIS Flooding Directive of the territory at significant r

Issued on 2015-07-07T18:49:52.184Z

Flood directive — Maps of flood areas of the territory at significant risk of floods (TRI) of... details >

Flood directive — Iso height-class zone — medium scenario (2) — TRI Vallées de la Vienne and Clain... Open Data

a series of geographical data produced by the GIS Flooding Directive for the territory at significan

Issued on 2015-07-07T18:55:13.262Z

Flood directive — Iso height-class zone — medium scenario (2) — TRI Vallées de la Vienne and Clain... details >

Linear issue of the Plan for the Prevention of the foreseeable natural risks of flooding of the... Open Data

In general, the stakes are people, property, activities, elements of cultural or environmental herit

Issued on 2015-07-21T15:11:03.127Z

Linear issue of the Plan for the Prevention of the foreseeable natural risks of flooding of the... details >

New Aquitaine: Sorting the Basque Coastal (overflow hazard) — Cultural Heritage Issues, Flood... Open Data

This dataset contains the issues related to cultural heritage, produced for reporting purposes for t

Issued on 2015-09-10T16:08:28.287Z

New Aquitaine: Sorting the Basque Coastal (overflow hazard) — Cultural Heritage Issues, Flood... details >

Aquitaine: Sorting of Libourne (marine submersion hazard) — homogenous areas describing a type of... Open Data

Table of homogeneous zones describing a type of economic activities located on an IRR, produced for

Issued on 2015-09-10T16:08:44.043Z

Aquitaine: Sorting of Libourne (marine submersion hazard) — homogenous areas describing a type of... details >

New Aquitaine: Sorting the Basque Coastal (overflow hazard) — Flooding Areas, Flood Directive Open Data

This dataset contains flood areas (area that will be flooded in the event of flooding of a certain t

Issued on 2015-09-10T16:08:48.823Z

New Aquitaine: Sorting the Basque Coastal (overflow hazard) — Flooding Areas, Flood Directive details >

New Aquitaine: Sorting the Basque Coastal (overflow hazard) — Issues related to wastewater treatment... Open Data

This dataset contains the issues related to waste water treatment plants, produced for reporting pur

Issued on 2015-09-10T16:09:17.580Z

New Aquitaine: Sorting the Basque Coastal (overflow hazard) — Issues related to wastewater treatment... details >

Aquitaine : Tache Urbaine 2012 - Département Dordogne Open Data

Cette couche n''a pas vocation à être utilisée pour identifier la PAU (Partie Actuellement

Issued on 2015-09-10T16:10:03.272Z

Aquitaine : Tache Urbaine 2012 - Département Dordogne details >

New Aquitaine: Basque Coastal Sorting (overflow hazard) — Table listing maps of floodable surfaces... Open Data

This dataset contains the flood surface maps produced on the TRI, produced for reporting purposes fo

Issued on 2015-09-10T16:10:07.300Z

New Aquitaine: Basque Coastal Sorting (overflow hazard) — Table listing maps of floodable surfaces... details >

Aquitaine: Sorting of Tonneins-Marmande — Objects describing the right of way and useful... Open Data

Table containing an object describing the right-of-way and useful characteristics of the area at ris

Issued on 2015-09-10T16:10:14.029Z

Aquitaine: Sorting of Tonneins-Marmande — Objects describing the right of way and useful... details >

New Aquitaine partial: Aqueous releases of ICPEs — Receptor environments subject to potentially... Open Data

This dataset contains the location of receiving media (surfacic) subject to potentially polluted aqu

Issued on 2015-09-10T16:10:18.770Z

New Aquitaine partial: Aqueous releases of ICPEs — Receptor environments subject to potentially... details >

Aquitaine : TRI de Tonneins-Marmande - Zones inondables, Directive inondation Open Data

Table des surfaces inondables (zone qui sera inondée en cas d’occurrence d’une inondation d’un certa

Issued on 2015-09-10T16:10:27.921Z

Aquitaine : TRI de Tonneins-Marmande - Zones inondables, Directive inondation details >

Nouvelle-Aquitaine partiel : Rejets aqueux des ICPE - Milieux récepteurs faisant l'objet de rejets... Open Data

Ce jeu de données contient la localisation des milieux récepteurs (linéaire) faisant l'objet de

Issued on 2015-09-10T16:10:34.418Z

Nouvelle-Aquitaine partiel : Rejets aqueux des ICPE - Milieux récepteurs faisant l'objet de rejets... details >

Aquitaine: Basque Coastal Sorting (marine submersion hazard) — Geolocated data produced by the GIS... Open Data

The flood and flood maps of the TRI were approved on 03 December 2014 by Prefectural Decree No. 2014

Issued on 2015-09-10T16:11:14.256Z

Aquitaine: Basque Coastal Sorting (marine submersion hazard) — Geolocated data produced by the GIS... details >

Basin Adour-Garonne: Monitoring of migratory fish Open Data

This dataset shall include the sheets of the following datasets: — The perimeters of the Anguilles

Issued on 2015-09-10T16:11:37.416Z

Basin Adour-Garonne: Monitoring of migratory fish details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Bernaville Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns Local Plan Documents d' Urban Planning (PLU) and Plans d&#x

Issued on 2015-09-10T17:57:11.108Z

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Bernaville details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Bettencourt Saint Ouen Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns Local Plan Documents d' Urban Planning (PLU) and Plans d&#x

Issued on 2015-09-10T17:57:26.018Z

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Bettencourt Saint Ouen details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Bovelles Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns Local Plan Documents d' Urban Planning (PLU) and Plans d&#x

Issued on 2015-09-10T17:57:29.167Z

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Bovelles details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Bray les Mareuil Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns Local Plan Documents d' Urban Planning (PLU) and Plans d&#x

Issued on 2015-09-10T17:57:31.727Z

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Bray les Mareuil details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Epagne Epagnette Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns Local Plan Documents d' Urban Planning (PLU) and Plans d&#x

Issued on 2015-09-10T17:58:04.705Z

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Epagne Epagnette details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Mareuil-Caubert Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns Local Plan Documents d' Urban Planning (PLU) and Plans d&#x

Issued on 2015-09-10T17:58:42.471Z

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Mareuil-Caubert details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Gauville Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns Local Plan Documents d' Urban Planning (PLU) and Plans d&#x

Issued on 2015-09-10T18:00:01.699Z

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Gauville details >

Saint-Barthélemy Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) — Landes (40) Open Data

Le standard de données COVADIS sur les plans de prévention des risques comporte toutes les spécifica

Issued on 2015-09-10T18:00:13.980Z

Saint-Barthélemy Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) — Landes (40) details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Hailles Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns Local Plan Documents d' Urban Planning (PLU) and Plans d&#x

Issued on 2015-09-10T18:02:24.704Z

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Hailles details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Vauchelles les Quesnoy Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns Local Plan Documents d' Urban Planning (PLU) and Plans d&#x

Issued on 2015-09-10T18:04:32.695Z

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Vauchelles les Quesnoy details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Picquigny Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns Local Plan Documents d' Urban Planning (PLU) and Plans d&#x

Issued on 2015-09-10T18:05:53.029Z

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Picquigny details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Saint Fuscien Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns Local Plan Documents d' Urban Planning (PLU) and Plans d&#x

Issued on 2015-09-10T18:08:07.894Z

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Saint Fuscien details >

Information perimeter of the PLU of the commune of Moilains Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2015-09-10T18:09:27.561Z

Information perimeter of the PLU of the commune of Moilains details >

Foyers allocataires à "bas revenus" - par commune Open Data

__A partir de 2018 les données du mois de droit de décembre sont observées avec un recul de 6 mois (

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

Foyers allocataires à "bas revenus" - par commune details >

* Recipient households receiving at least one legal benefit and enumeration of recipient households... Open Data

__ The definitive data observed for a month of entitlement are extracted with a decrease of 6 months

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Recipient households receiving at least one legal benefit and enumeration of recipient households... details >

* Households receiving the birth premium or adoption of the Paje — by Caf Open Data

Counts by Caf of the beneficiary households with a payable right to the birth premium or adoption of

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Households receiving the birth premium or adoption of the Paje — by Caf details >

* Family supplement (CF) — by Caf Open Data

__ The final data observed for a month of duty are extracted with a decrease of 6 months. Semi-final

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Family supplement (CF) — by Caf details >

* Early Child Care Benefit (Paje) — by Caf Open Data

__ The final data observed for a month of duty are extracted with a decrease of 6 months. Semi-final

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Early Child Care Benefit (Paje) — by Caf details >

* Family allowances (AF) — per Caf Open Data

__ The definitive data observed for a month of entitlement are extracted with a decrease of 6 months

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Family allowances (AF) — per Caf details >

Nombre d’allocataires Internet Open Data

Il s’agit du nombre total de dossiers allocataires distincts, rattachés à la Caf, qui ont été consul

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

Nombre d’allocataires Internet details >

* Supplement of free choice of activity of the Paje (CLCA and COLCA) — by Caf Open Data

__ The final data observed for a month of duty are extracted with a decrease of 6 months. Semi-final

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Supplement of free choice of activity of the Paje (CLCA and COLCA) — by Caf details >

* Households receiving housing assistance in December — by Caf Open Data

__ The final data observed for a month of duty are extracted with a decrease of 6 months. Semi-final

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Households receiving housing assistance in December — by Caf details >

Organisation of geographical sites Open Data

A place of reception or geographical site is a localised geographical structure. It is defined uniqu

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

Organisation of geographical sites details >

* Population covered by CIFs — national level Open Data

__ The final data observed for a month of duty are extracted with a decrease of 6 months. Semi-final

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Population covered by CIFs — national level details >

Nombre d'appels téléphoniques aboutis Open Data

Il s’agit du nombre total des appels téléphoniques liés à la gestion des dossiers allocataires about

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

Nombre d'appels téléphoniques aboutis details >

* Population covered by housing assistance — by Caf Open Data

__ The final data observed for a month of duty are extracted with a decrease of 6 months. Semi-final

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Population covered by housing assistance — by Caf details >

* Allocation aux adultes handicapés (AAH) - par Caf Open Data

__ Les données définitives observées pour un mois de droit sont extraites avec un recul de 6 mois. L

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Allocation aux adultes handicapés (AAH) - par Caf details >

* Breakdown of recipients by age — by Caf Open Data

__ The final data observed for a month of duty are extracted with a decrease of 6 months. Semi-final

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Breakdown of recipients by age — by Caf details >

* Répartition des foyers allocataires selon le type de famille - par Commune Open Data

__A partir de 2016 les données du mois de droit de décembre sont observées avec un recul de 6 mois (

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Répartition des foyers allocataires selon le type de famille - par Commune details >

* Breakdown of recipient households by type of family — National level Open Data

__ The final data observed for a month of duty are extracted with a decrease of 6 months. Semi-final

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Breakdown of recipient households by type of family — National level details >

Dépenses par prestation - National Open Data

Les résultats financiers sont issus des données comptables de la Cnaf. Ils sont décrits selon le typ

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

Dépenses par prestation - National details >

Plates of servitude AC1 related to the protection of historical monuments — digitised version DDT 43... Open Data

Servitudes of public utility (SUP) are administrative limitations on the right to property. They are

Issued on 2015-12-03T14:07:21.139Z

Plates of servitude AC1 related to the protection of historical monuments — digitised version DDT 43... details >

Aire géographique de l'appellation d'origine protégée (AOP) Lentille verte du Puy - Haute-Loire Open Data

Aire géographique des communes faisant partie de l'appellation d'origine protégée (AOP) Le

Issued on 2015-12-03T14:07:21.377Z

Aire géographique de l'appellation d'origine protégée (AOP) Lentille verte du Puy - Haute-Loire details >

AC2 easement plates linked to classified and registered sites — digitised version DDT 43 —... Open Data

Surface plates on which s' applies easement of category AC2 (Registered and classified sites)

Issued on 2015-12-03T14:07:21.378Z

AC2 easement plates linked to classified and registered sites — digitised version DDT 43 —... details >

Zoning of urban planning documents PLU/POS — Haute-Loire Open Data

In France, the local plan d' urban planning (PLU) is the main document d' urban planning o

Issued on 2015-12-03T14:07:41.754Z

Zoning of urban planning documents PLU/POS — Haute-Loire details >

EL3 easement plates linked to tow and walking paths — digitised version DDT 43 — Haute-Loire — 2017 Open Data

Servitudes of public utility (SUP) are administrative limitations on the right to property. They are

Issued on 2015-12-03T14:07:45.802Z

EL3 easement plates linked to tow and walking paths — digitised version DDT 43 — Haute-Loire — 2017 details >

Agglo 3D Bordeaux Open Data

The three-dimensional (3D) modeling of the Bordeaux agglomeration makes it possible to discover a “v

Issued on 2015-12-08T11:24:08.176Z

Agglo 3D Bordeaux details >


regional and national quotations of calves not reared at the bottom, in euro per kilo carcase, inclu

Issued on 2015-12-31T15:48:10.248Z


Nature Culture Walk — Fil de l’Hers Open Data

Tour Nature Culture in Toulouse Métropole on the “Au Fil de l’Hers” sector. Leaflet downloadable fro

Issued on 2016-02-02T15:53:13.846Z

Nature Culture Walk — Fil de l’Hers details >

Elections départementales 2015 - 1er tour - Ville de Toulouse (Résultats) Open Data

**Liste des résultats, ainsi que la participation pour le 1er tour des élections départementales de

Issued on 2016-02-02T15:53:22.838Z

Elections départementales 2015 - 1er tour - Ville de Toulouse (Résultats) details >

Elections régionales 2015 - second tour - liste des candidats Open Data

Liste des candidats se présentant au second tour des élections régionales de décembre 2015.

Issued on 2016-02-02T15:53:23.566Z

Elections régionales 2015 - second tour - liste des candidats details >

Elections municipales 2014 - 2ème tour - Ville de Toulouse (Résultats) Open Data

Résultats du 2ème tour des élections municipales 2014 à Toulouse. Les résultats sont présentés par b

Issued on 2016-02-02T15:53:25.452Z

Elections municipales 2014 - 2ème tour - Ville de Toulouse (Résultats) details >

Budget Primitif 2015 - Toulouse Métropole Open Data

Le budget primitif 2015 e Toulouse Métropole a été voté le 18 décembre 2014 par le conseil communaut

Issued on 2016-02-02T15:53:28.793Z

Budget Primitif 2015 - Toulouse Métropole details >

List of technical data sheets for foodstuffs in central cuisine — Ville de Toulouse Open Data

List of technical data sheets for central kitchen food (disclosed by suppliers) This game belongs t

Issued on 2016-02-02T15:53:35.228Z

List of technical data sheets for foodstuffs in central cuisine — Ville de Toulouse details >

Houses of Citizenship — Toulouse Open Data

Location of citizenship houses in the territory of the municipality of Toulouse. For more informatio

Issued on 2016-02-02T15:53:38.721Z

Houses of Citizenship — Toulouse details >

Elections régionales 2015 - premier tour - liste des candidats Open Data

Liste des candidats se présentant au premier tour des élections régionales de décembre 2015.

Issued on 2016-02-02T15:53:50.905Z

Elections régionales 2015 - premier tour - liste des candidats details >

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Guignemicourt Open Data

The Code de l' urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:44:27.087Z

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Guignemicourt details >

Linear prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Pont Remy Open Data

The requirements of a document d' urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:44:29.173Z

Linear prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Pont Remy details >

Prescription surfacique du PLU de la commune de Miannay Open Data

Les prescriptions d'un document d'urbanisme sont définies dans l'article R123-11 du c

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:44:32.670Z

Prescription surfacique du PLU de la commune de Miannay details >

Périmètre informatif du PLU de la commune de Beauchamps Open Data

Les informations surfaciques, linéaires ou ponctuelles figurant sur les documents graphiques d'

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:44:56.290Z

Périmètre informatif du PLU de la commune de Beauchamps details >

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Vron Open Data

The Code de l' urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:45:04.529Z

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Vron details >

Information point of the PLU of the municipality of Vron Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:45:04.795Z

Information point of the PLU of the municipality of Vron details >

Area of the PLU of the commune of Saint Quentin la Motte Croix au Bailly Open Data

The Code de l' urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:45:23.925Z

Area of the PLU of the commune of Saint Quentin la Motte Croix au Bailly details >

Information point of the PLU of the commune of Bonneville Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:45:34.650Z

Information point of the PLU of the commune of Bonneville details >

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Friaucourt Open Data

The Code de l' urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:45:36.873Z

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Friaucourt details >

Zone du PLU de la commune d'Assevillers Open Data

Le Code de l'urbanisme définit quatre types de zones règlementées dans le plan local d'urb

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:45:36.549Z

Zone du PLU de la commune d'Assevillers details >

PLU area of the municipality of Woincourt Open Data

The Code de l' urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:45:42.873Z

PLU area of the municipality of Woincourt details >

Ad hoc prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Vraignes les Hornoy Open Data

Les prescriptions d'un document d'urbanisme sont définies dans l'article R123-11 du c

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:45:56.474Z

Ad hoc prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Vraignes les Hornoy details >

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Saleux Open Data

The Code de l' urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:46:03.502Z

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Saleux details >

Information perimeter of the PLU of the municipality of Vraignes les Hornoy Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:46:04.435Z

Information perimeter of the PLU of the municipality of Vraignes les Hornoy details >

Prescription surfacique du PLU de la commune de Monchy Lagache Open Data

Les prescriptions d'un document d'urbanisme sont définies dans l'article R123-11 du c

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:46:09.759Z

Prescription surfacique du PLU de la commune de Monchy Lagache details >

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Longpre-les-Corps-Saints Open Data

The Code de l' urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:46:55.500Z

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Longpre-les-Corps-Saints details >
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