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Risk — 41DDT20040002 Area of hazard of the PPR Field Movement in Vendôme en Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the hazard map used for PPR risk analysis. The map d&#x

Issued on 2017-02-23T14:49:21.016Z

Risk — 41DDT20040002 Area of hazard of the PPR Field Movement in Vendôme en Loir-et-Cher details >

Easements — A9 Plates for farmland protected areas in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Category A9 easements concern protected agricultural areas, i.e. agricultural areas whose preservati

Issued on 2017-02-23T14:49:21.372Z

Easements — A9 Plates for farmland protected areas in Loir-et-Cher details >

Forêt - Dossier ayant fait l'objet d'une demande d'autorisation de défrichement en loir-et-Cher Open Data

Contient les lignes représentant des éléments géographiques des dossiers de défrichement saisis dans

Issued on 2017-02-23T14:49:22.870Z

Forêt - Dossier ayant fait l'objet d'une demande d'autorisation de défrichement en loir-et-Cher details >

Infrastructures de Transport terrestre . Classement sonore lineaire indicatif dans le département du... Open Data

Classement sonore linéaire indicatif pour le département du Lot (46) . Il s'agit d'un disp

Issued on 2017-02-23T14:55:22.739Z

Infrastructures de Transport terrestre . Classement sonore lineaire indicatif dans le département du... details >

Natural Risk Prevention Plan — commune Le Passage — Lot-et-garonne: Surface perimeters Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2017-02-23T14:56:07.396Z

Natural Risk Prevention Plan — commune Le Passage — Lot-et-garonne: Surface perimeters details >

Natural Risk Prevention Plan — commune Marmande — Lot-et-garonne: Surface perimeters Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2017-02-23T14:56:10.677Z

Natural Risk Prevention Plan — commune Marmande — Lot-et-garonne: Surface perimeters details >

Surface prescriptions of the PLU of the Margueron Lodges Open Data

The requirements of a document d' urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2017-02-23T14:56:12.923Z

Surface prescriptions of the PLU of the Margueron Lodges details >

Types of risk treated in a multi-risk PPRT in Lot-et-Garonne Open Data

Non-geometric table to be used in the case of multi-hazard PPRs to inform the types of risk addresse

Issued on 2017-02-23T14:56:21.547Z

Types of risk treated in a multi-risk PPRT in Lot-et-Garonne details >

Zonage réglementaire du plan de prévention des risques naturels d'inondation - PPRi - du secteur de... Open Data

Pour les PPR naturels, le code de l'environnement définit deux catégories de zones (L562-1) : l

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:16:06.811Z

Zonage réglementaire du plan de prévention des risques naturels d'inondation - PPRi - du secteur de... details >

Scope of the plan to prevent natural flood hazards — PPRi — Val de Nevers — Nièvre (58) Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:16:09.112Z

Scope of the plan to prevent natural flood hazards — PPRi — Val de Nevers — Nièvre (58) details >

ICPE or underground storage sites generating PM3 easements as part of a PPRT in Nièvre — 58 Open Data

PM3 easements result from the establishment of technological risk prevention plans (PPRTs) designed

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:16:13.557Z

ICPE or underground storage sites generating PM3 easements as part of a PPRT in Nièvre — 58 details >

Public Institutions of Intercommunal Cooperation (EPCI) in Nièvre (58) as of January 1, 2018 — Small... Open Data

Public institutions for inter-municipal cooperation (EPCI) are groupings of municipalities whose obj

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:16:15.209Z

Public Institutions of Intercommunal Cooperation (EPCI) in Nièvre (58) as of January 1, 2018 — Small... details >

[DRAAF NORMANDIE] Municipal-scale Soil Observatory — Department of Orne — Millesime 2011 Open Data

L' Observatory of Soils at the Municipal Scale (also called "OS communal " or &am

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:17:23.982Z

[DRAAF NORMANDIE] Municipal-scale Soil Observatory — Department of Orne — Millesime 2011 details >

Breuil-le-Sec Technological PPR (60106) Open Data

BASF Coatings Technology Risk Prevention Plan in Breuil-le-Sec (60106) __Origin__ unknown __Part

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:17:25.972Z

Breuil-le-Sec Technological PPR (60106) details >

Urban Transport Peripheral (60) Open Data

The urban transport perimeter is the area where public transport is considered urban. As such it is

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:17:29.012Z

Urban Transport Peripheral (60) details >

Natural Areas of Ecological Interest Faunistic and Floristic Type 1 in Pas-de-Calais Open Data

A ZNIEFF is defined by the scientific identification of a sector of the national territory (land, ri

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:20:06.654Z

Natural Areas of Ecological Interest Faunistic and Floristic Type 1 in Pas-de-Calais details >

Surface entity at the origin of the PPRT of the factory De Sangosse in Marquion in Pas-de-Calais Open Data

Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) are the key instrument for risk prevention. Their objective is to contr

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:20:13.495Z

Surface entity at the origin of the PPRT of the factory De Sangosse in Marquion in Pas-de-Calais details >

Rural Revitalisation Zone (ZRR) in Pas-de-Calais Open Data

Rural Revitalisation Areas (RRAs) aim to support the development of rural areas mainly through fisca

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:20:30.729Z

Rural Revitalisation Zone (ZRR) in Pas-de-Calais details >

Urban planning documents PLU, POS, existing communal map on the Pas-de-Calais department in digital... Open Data

An urban planning document is the result of an urban planning procedure in a given territory. This f

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:20:42.831Z

Urban planning documents PLU, POS, existing communal map on the Pas-de-Calais department in digital... details >

Perimeters of protection around faults of seismic origin (or mining) in Pas-de-Calais Open Data

Perimeters of protection around faults identified by the BRGM or Houillères du Bassin Nord Pas-de-Ca

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:20:43.437Z

Perimeters of protection around faults of seismic origin (or mining) in Pas-de-Calais details >

Grenelle catchments in Pas-de-Calais Open Data

To date, with approximately 99 % of dwellings served with water and almost 85 % in collective sanita

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:20:43.653Z

Grenelle catchments in Pas-de-Calais details >

Forêts de protection génératrices de servitudes A7 en Pas-de-Calais Open Data

Le générateur d'une servitude d'utilité publique est une entité géographique dont la natur

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:20:45.274Z

Forêts de protection génératrices de servitudes A7 en Pas-de-Calais details >

Sensitive natural space in Pas-de-Calais Open Data

A Sensitive Natural Space (ENS) is one of the protected natural areas (ENPs) that are designated or

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:20:45.109Z

Sensitive natural space in Pas-de-Calais details >

Table containing all restricted zones of Calaire Chemistry SA PPRT Open Data

Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) are the key instrument for risk prevention. Their objective is to contr

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:20:51.487Z

Table containing all restricted zones of Calaire Chemistry SA PPRT details >


The Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) were established by the law of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:20:54.422Z


Location of waste plants in Pas-de-Calais Open Data

Points l' implantation of waste plants __Origin__ — aggregation of the municipalities of BD C

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:20:55.611Z

Location of waste plants in Pas-de-Calais details >

Hazard zone of the PPRT of Calaire Chemistry SA Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the hazard map used for PPR risk analysis. The map d&#x

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:21:02.231Z

Hazard zone of the PPRT of Calaire Chemistry SA details >

Entité surfacique à l'origine du risque d'un PPRN à Oignies Open Data

N_ORIG_RISQ_PPRN_20010003_S_062 __Origine__ La modélisation géométrique de l'entité à l'

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:21:07.515Z

Entité surfacique à l'origine du risque d'un PPRN à Oignies details >

Surfing Issue of the PPRT Act Appro to Ternas Open Data

In general, the stakes are people, property, activities, elements of cultural or environmental herit

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:21:12.872Z

Surfing Issue of the PPRT Act Appro to Ternas details >

Municipalities declared natural disaster and included in a PPRN in Pas-de-Calais Open Data

Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) are the key instrument for risk prevention. Their objective is to contr

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:21:24.687Z

Municipalities declared natural disaster and included in a PPRN in Pas-de-Calais details >

Linkage between Natural Spaces (LEN) Open Data

Connecting routes between natural areas __Origin__ Source Thematic: state of the heritage of geogr

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:21:25.031Z

Linkage between Natural Spaces (LEN) details >

Stations d'épuration : points de rejets (Savoie) Open Data

Le point de rejet localise l'aboutissement du flux de pollution résiduel, après traitement en s

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:41:51.272Z

Stations d'épuration : points de rejets (Savoie) details >

Aire géographique d'une appelation d'origine protégée de type fromage en Savoie Open Data

L'AOP, l'appellation d'origine protégée, correspond à l'appellation d'origi

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:41:51.293Z

Aire géographique d'une appelation d'origine protégée de type fromage en Savoie details >

DUP Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin (Savoie) Open Data

Declaration of Public Utility (TELT) for the Lyon-Turin Railroad __Origin__ Scan 25 __Partner or

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:41:51.398Z

DUP Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin (Savoie) details >

Scopes of prescription of PPRIs (Savoie) Open Data

Scopes of prescription of PPRIs, corresponding to the easement of public utility PM1 __Origin__ Th

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:41:54.496Z

Scopes of prescription of PPRIs (Savoie) details >

Servitude PT1 (P) relating to the protection of radio reception centres (Savoie) Open Data

easement of protection of radio reception centres against electromagnetic disturbance __Origin__ A

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:41:58.917Z

Servitude PT1 (P) relating to the protection of radio reception centres (Savoie) details >

PLU Prescriptions Surfaciques (Savoie) Open Data

Les prescriptions d'un document d'urbanisme sont définies dans l'article R123-11 du c

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:41:59.896Z

PLU Prescriptions Surfaciques (Savoie) details >

Servitude PT3 (L) attached to telecommunications networks (Savoie) Open Data

easement attached to telecommunications networks __Origin__ Thematic source: state of the heritage

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:41:59.077Z

Servitude PT3 (L) attached to telecommunications networks (Savoie) details >

Allèves Natural Hazards Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 22/11/1999 Open Data

The COVADIS Data Standard on Risk Prevention Plans includes all technical and organisational specifi

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:43:55.107Z

Allèves Natural Hazards Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 22/11/1999 details >

[DDTM 76] Perimeter of the Lézarde Watershed PPRN Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:44:32.674Z

[DDTM 76] Perimeter of the Lézarde Watershed PPRN details >

[DDTM 76] Area of hazard of the PPRN of the Seine Valley — Elbeuf loop Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the hazard map used for PPR risk analysis. The map d&#

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:44:32.129Z

[DDTM 76] Area of hazard of the PPRN of the Seine Valley — Elbeuf loop details >

Restricted area of the Entremont Natural Hazards Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the code of l'environment defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-expo

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:44:34.427Z

Restricted area of the Entremont Natural Hazards Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... details >

Local intercommunal urban plan (perimeter) in Seine-et-Marne Open Data

The PLUi is an operational urban planning document that covers the territory of several municipaliti

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:44:54.831Z

Local intercommunal urban plan (perimeter) in Seine-et-Marne details >

Historical flood markers in Seine-et-Marne (PHEC) Open Data

The PHE benchmarks are an important element in the prevention and d & #x27 system; information in th

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:44:56.580Z

Historical flood markers in Seine-et-Marne (PHEC) details >

Référentiel hydrographique du département des Yvelines Open Data

Dans le cadre de l’instruction du gouvernement du 3 juin 2015 relative à l’élaboration de la cartogr

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:45:28.191Z

Référentiel hydrographique du département des Yvelines details >

Areas exposed to noise from the county road 938 in Thouars over 24 hours (Lden) in Deux-Sèvres Open Data

The European Directive on Strategic Noise Maps requires at least the representation of global noise

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:46:18.138Z

Areas exposed to noise from the county road 938 in Thouars over 24 hours (Lden) in Deux-Sèvres details >

Zone réglementée du PPRT de De Sangosse en Deux-Sèvres Open Data

Pour les PPRT, le code de l'environnement définit une seule catégorie de zones pour des zones (

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:46:18.281Z

Zone réglementée du PPRT de De Sangosse en Deux-Sèvres details >

Areas exposed to noise from the county road 740 in Niort over 24 hours (Lden) in Deux-Sèvres Open Data

The European Directive on Strategic Noise Maps requires at least the representation of global noise

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:46:19.814Z

Areas exposed to noise from the county road 740 in Niort over 24 hours (Lden) in Deux-Sèvres details >

Areas exposed to noise from the county road 938 in Thouars at night (Ln) in Deux-Sèvres Open Data

The European Directive on Strategic Noise Maps requires at least the representation of global noise

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:46:19.998Z

Areas exposed to noise from the county road 938 in Thouars at night (Ln) in Deux-Sèvres details >

SIGAP West PPRT hazard zone in Deux-Sèvres Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the hazard map used for PPR risk analysis. The map d&#x

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:46:21.587Z

SIGAP West PPRT hazard zone in Deux-Sèvres details >

Linear entity causing the risk of a PPRN in Oignies Open Data

The origin of risk characterises the real-world entity which, by its presence, represents a potentia

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:46:21.156Z

Linear entity causing the risk of a PPRN in Oignies details >

MAET territory — Perimeter approved eligible for one or more agri-environmental measures in... Open Data

Agri-environmental measures (AEMs) are implemented in accordance with Community rules as part of Eur

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:46:21.048Z

MAET territory — Perimeter approved eligible for one or more agri-environmental measures in... details >

Surface entity at the origin of the risk of the PPRI of the Thouet valley in Deux-Sèvres Open Data

The origin of risk characterises the real-world entity which, by its presence, represents a potentia

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:46:22.645Z

Surface entity at the origin of the risk of the PPRI of the Thouet valley in Deux-Sèvres details >

Table containing linear generators related to Class AS2 easements Open Data

The AS2 class easements concern the protection easements of shellfishing and aquaculture establishme

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:46:22.222Z

Table containing linear generators related to Class AS2 easements details >

Zones exposées au bruit de la route départementale 650 au sud de Niort sur 24 heures (Lden) en... Open Data

La directive européenne sur les cartes stratégiques du bruit impose au minimum la représentation des

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:46:26.296Z

Zones exposées au bruit de la route départementale 650 au sud de Niort sur 24 heures (Lden) en... details >

Surface entity at the origin of the risk of the PPRT SI GROUP in Béthune in Pas-de-Calais Open Data

Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) are the key instrument for risk prevention. Their objective is to contr

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:46:27.516Z

Surface entity at the origin of the risk of the PPRT SI GROUP in Béthune in Pas-de-Calais details >

Zones réglementées (points) du PPRi MOSELLE AVAL Open Data

Les plans de prévention des risques (PPR) constituent l'instrument essentiel de l'État en

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:49:02.112Z

Zones réglementées (points) du PPRi MOSELLE AVAL details >

Massif au titre de la loi dite «loi montagne» dans les Vosges Open Data

Massif au titre de la loi du 9 janvier 1985 dite «loi montagne». La notion de massif est à différen

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:49:03.129Z

Massif au titre de la loi dite «loi montagne» dans les Vosges details >

Restricted zones (surfacic) of the revised PPRi MOSELLE AMONT for the municipality of Bussang Open Data

For Natural PPRs (PPRNs), the code of l'environment defines two categories of zones (L562-1):

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:49:16.365Z

Restricted zones (surfacic) of the revised PPRi MOSELLE AMONT for the municipality of Bussang details >

Etat d'avancement des PLUi au 31/12/2017 Source SuDocUH sur la métropole Open Data

Données concernant les procédures de planification en matière d’urbanisme de l’enquête SuDocUH, outi

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:57:17.622Z

Etat d'avancement des PLUi au 31/12/2017 Source SuDocUH sur la métropole details >

Délimitation des zones contaminées ou succeptibles de l'être par les termites dans la Vienne Open Data

Les insectes xylophages et les termites en particulier peuvent occasionner des dégâts importants dan

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:57:49.938Z

Délimitation des zones contaminées ou succeptibles de l'être par les termites dans la Vienne details >


N_AEP_RESEAU_TRONCON_L_087 __Origin__ The contour of each territory must be digitised with a level

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:58:21.835Z

N_AEP_RESEAU_TRONCON_L_087 details >

N_EPCI_ZSUP_087_2017 Open Data

N_EPCI_ZSUP_087_2017 __Origin__ Genealogy __Partner organisations__ DDT Haute-Vienne __Links a

Issued on 2017-02-23T15:58:23.601Z

N_EPCI_ZSUP_087_2017 details >

Situations d'emploi utilisées dans le SI de l'enseignement agricole Open Data

Présentation par année scolaire des situations d'emplois à partir de 2006/2007 et jusqu’à l’année sc

Issued on 2017-06-30T17:59:13.527Z

Situations d'emploi utilisées dans le SI de l'enseignement agricole details >

Administrative Accounts — Program Authorities 2009-2017 (M14-M52 City-Department) Open Data

The Administrative Account presents the results of budget implementation. The dataset shows the amou

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:10:34.406Z

Administrative Accounts — Program Authorities 2009-2017 (M14-M52 City-Department) details >

Own debt Open Data

The dataset “Debt of the City of Paris” presents the breakdown of Parisian debt in banking or bond f

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:10:57.368Z

Own debt details >

Arc of Innovation Open Data

The purpose of the Arc de l’Innovation dataset is to identify all the innovative projects located wi

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:12:43.740Z

Arc of Innovation details >

Support for cinemas in France (2004-2014) Open Data

Support for cinemas includes a support component for the renovation and modernisation of cinemas cla

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:45:21.251Z

Support for cinemas in France (2004-2014) details >

Regional interventions for social rental housing (creation and rehabilitation student residences —... Open Data

Allocation of programme authorisations voted in the standing committee for social rental housing (in

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:45:59.721Z

Regional interventions for social rental housing (creation and rehabilitation student residences —... details >

Support for outstanding projects in journals 2010-2014 Open Data

This aid aims to support exceptional projects in the artistic, cultural and human sciences journals

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:46:19.990Z

Support for outstanding projects in journals 2010-2014 details >

Soutien à la recherche - Domaines d’intérêt majeur (DIM) : subventions allouées 2010 - 2014 Open Data

Ce jeu de données reprend l’ensemble des aides attribuées aux laboratoires franciliens dans le cadre

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:46:25.495Z

Soutien à la recherche - Domaines d’intérêt majeur (DIM) : subventions allouées 2010 - 2014 details >

Social sector — approved schools and training Open Data

The list of approved schools and training courses for the social sector. Agreements have been signed

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:48:23.498Z

Social sector — approved schools and training details >

Étudiants boursiers des formations sanitaires et sociales (sept. 2010) Open Data

L’extraction concerne les étudiants qui ont constitué un dossier pour obtenir une bourse. Certains é

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:48:43.339Z

Étudiants boursiers des formations sanitaires et sociales (sept. 2010) details >

Apprentissage - effectifs par niveau et par année 2006-2013 Open Data

Nombre d'apprentis par niveau et par année. **Les différents niveaux :** * DIMA : Dispositif d'i

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:52:51.720Z

Apprentissage - effectifs par niveau et par année 2006-2013 details >

Institutions and services for children and youth with disabilities Open Data

List of institutions and services for children and disabled youth located in Île-de-France (source F

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:53:23.822Z

Institutions and services for children and youth with disabilities details >

Apprenticeship — flow entering 1st year by level 2006-2013 Open Data

Number of apprentices entering the first year of training by level of diploma.

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:53:39.645Z

Apprenticeship — flow entering 1st year by level 2006-2013 details >

Bilan des effectifs de la formation régionale 2011 Open Data

Ce jeu de données est construit chaque année à partir de l'enquête DARES. Ces données recensent l’e

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:53:51.224Z

Bilan des effectifs de la formation régionale 2011 details >

Bilan financier de la formation régionale 2010 Open Data

Ce jeu de données est construit chaque année à partir de l'enquête DARES. Ces données recensent l’e

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:54:00.179Z

Bilan financier de la formation régionale 2010 details >

Bilan financier de la formation régionale 2009 Open Data

Ce jeu de données est construit chaque année à partir de l'enquête DARES. Ces données recensent l’e

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:54:05.141Z

Bilan financier de la formation régionale 2009 details >

Map of sports licensees in the Yvelines Open Data

Census in 2011 of licences from sports federations approved by the Ministry in charge of sports. Th

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:54:20.674Z

Map of sports licensees in the Yvelines details >

Les licenciés sportifs par fédération à Paris Open Data

Recensement en 2011 des licences auprès des fédérations sportives agréées par le ministère en charge

Issued on 2017-07-02T17:54:27.704Z

Les licenciés sportifs par fédération à Paris details >

Les marchés publics de travaux en 2014 Open Data

Liste des marchés publics de travaux conclus par la Région Île-de-France en 2014. Seuils des marchés

Issued on 2017-07-02T18:01:40.529Z

Les marchés publics de travaux en 2014 details >

Architectural heritage of Jouy-le-Mourtier Open Data

List of elements of the architectural heritage of the city of Jouy-le-Mourtier and their characteris

Issued on 2017-07-02T18:07:24.052Z

Architectural heritage of Jouy-le-Mourtier details >

Directory of CFA’s managing bodies Open Data

The managing bodies of the Apprenticeship Training Centres (CFAs) are private organisations (associa

Issued on 2017-07-02T18:14:34.268Z

Directory of CFA’s managing bodies details >

Apprentissage - effectifs par spécialité de formation et par année 2006-2013 Open Data

Nombre d'apprentis par spécialité de formation et par année.

Issued on 2017-07-02T18:14:49.741Z

Apprentissage - effectifs par spécialité de formation et par année 2006-2013 details >

Map of classified campsites Open Data

List and geolocation of classified campsites. * **1 star** corresponds to economical outdoor hotels

Issued on 2017-07-02T18:14:57.575Z

Map of classified campsites details >

Railway stations of all types, whether or not operated Open Data

Railway stations operated in one or more of the following situations: * passenger transport, * frei

Issued on 2017-07-02T18:15:13.379Z

Railway stations of all types, whether or not operated details >

Map of sports licensees in Seine-et-Marne Open Data

Census in 2011 of licences from sports federations approved by the Ministry in charge of sports. Th

Issued on 2017-07-02T18:16:17.273Z

Map of sports licensees in Seine-et-Marne details >

Map of police reception points in Paris Open Data

List of geolocated police reception points for Paris listing by district services, addresses, teleph

Issued on 2017-07-02T18:16:24.904Z

Map of police reception points in Paris details >

Benches of the parks and gardens of the city of Versailles Open Data

This dataset contains the position of the benches located in the parks and gardens of Versailles or

Issued on 2017-07-02T18:19:13.984Z

Benches of the parks and gardens of the city of Versailles details >

Census population 2012 — Large neighborhoods — Activity Open Data

Data from the 2012 census of population at large neighbourhoods on the theme Activity

Issued on 2017-07-02T19:51:02.717Z

Census population 2012 — Large neighborhoods — Activity details >

Election présidentielle 2017 - premier tour - liste des candidats - Mairie de Toulouse Open Data

Liste des candidats se présentant au premier tour de l'élection présidentielle du **dimanche 23 avri

Issued on 2017-07-02T19:51:10.370Z

Election présidentielle 2017 - premier tour - liste des candidats - Mairie de Toulouse details >

Presidential election 2017-1st round — Results — City of Toulouse Open Data

Results of the first round of the presidential election on Sunday 23 April 2017.

Issued on 2017-07-02T19:51:25.638Z

Presidential election 2017-1st round — Results — City of Toulouse details >

Track characteristics and slopes Open Data

List of track characteristics of the slope type of the rail network. This dataset lists the portion

Issued on 2017-07-02T20:06:22.147Z

Track characteristics and slopes details >

Répartition des clients par type (Enquêtes en gare) Open Data

Gares & Connexions réalise régulièrement des enquêtes clients dans les gares. Ce jeu de données indi

Issued on 2017-07-02T20:06:44.795Z

Répartition des clients par type (Enquêtes en gare) details >

List of electrified lines Open Data

List of electrified lines of the National Railway Network by type of electrification. Electrified l

Issued on 2017-07-02T20:07:18.597Z

List of electrified lines details >

Population census in Brittany — Population structure Open Data

The data provides results on the age and gender structure of the population; key demographic indicat

Issued on 2017-07-21T15:04:35.611Z

Population census in Brittany — Population structure details >

Recensement de la population en Bretagne - Évolution de l'emploi Open Data

La donnée fournit des résultats sur l'évolution des emplois au lieu de travail entre 2012 et 20

Issued on 2017-07-21T15:04:41.767Z

Recensement de la population en Bretagne - Évolution de l'emploi details >

Le Répertoire Interministériel des Métiers de l’État Open Data

Fichier base du RIME

Issued on 2017-07-24T09:44:43.707Z

Le Répertoire Interministériel des Métiers de l’État details >

Reservation car parks Saemes Open Data

This dataset lists the urls of the parking pages of the website and w

Issued on 2017-07-26T06:10:53.406Z

Reservation car parks Saemes details >
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