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cadastreBassens Open Data

Cadastre on the echelon of the city scale 1: 853

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

cadastreBassens details >

SIRTAQUI Network Data Catalogue Open Data

Consumption in the form of a syndication flow of objects from the SIRTAQUI network database Documen

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

SIRTAQUI Network Data Catalogue details >

metadata catalog of the portal Open Data

This dataset contains all the metadata of the various subcatalogue, datasets and resource file descr

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

metadata catalog of the portal details >

Municipality of Brocas: Mapping Open Data

Data concerning the mapping of the municipality of Brocas

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

Municipality of Brocas: Mapping details >

Theoretical timetables for TER lines Open Data

Schedules of TER lines in GTFS format. These hours are the theoretical times updated every two month

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

Theoretical timetables for TER lines details >

List of activities in trees in Aquitaine Open Data

List of activities to practice in trees (croppers, tree climbs) in Aquitaine, from the SIRTAQUI data

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

List of activities in trees in Aquitaine details >

List of camper areas in Aquitaine Open Data

List of parking areas and/or services for motorhomes in Aquitaine, from the SIRTAQUI database. Thi

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

List of camper areas in Aquitaine details >

List of guest rooms declared in Town Hall in Aquitaine Open Data

List of guest rooms declared in Town Hall in Aquitaine, from the SIRTAQUI database. This file cont

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

List of guest rooms declared in Town Hall in Aquitaine details >

List of wellness places in Aquitaine Open Data

List of balneotherapy, thalassotherapy and thermal establishments in Aquitaine from the SIRTAQUI dat

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

List of wellness places in Aquitaine details >

List of bike rental companies in Aquitaine Open Data

List of bike rental companies in Aquitaine, from the SIRTAQUI database. This file contains geolocat

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

List of bike rental companies in Aquitaine details >

List of sites of products labeled AOC in Aquitaine Open Data

List of producers of products AOC (Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée) in Aquitaine, based on the SIRTA

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

List of sites of products labeled AOC in Aquitaine details >

List of sites and monuments in Aquitaine Open Data

List of heritage sites and monuments in Aquitaine, from the SIRTAQUI database. This file contains g

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

List of sites and monuments in Aquitaine details >

measurement height garonne Open Data

Measurement of the height of the Garonne Station: Bordeaux Department: 33 Watercourses: Garonne Cont

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

measurement height garonne details >

Number of junior associations per 100 inhabitants under the age of 18 Open Data

Number of junior associations per 100 inhabitants under the age of 18.

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

Number of junior associations per 100 inhabitants under the age of 18 details >

Opera in France Open Data

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

Opera in France details >

Share of community markets incorporating the keyword “concertation” Open Data

Share of community markets incorporating the keyword “concertation”.

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

Share of community markets incorporating the keyword “concertation” details >

Weight of the social economy in employed employment in the territory Open Data

The weight of the social economy in employed employment in the territory.

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

Weight of the social economy in employed employment in the territory details >

Drinking water collection Cenon Open Data

The main pressures on water resources are the samplings carried out in the natural environment for d

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

Drinking water collection Cenon details >

Real estate price Montpellier Open Data

The price of real estate per square meter in Montpellier by type of property and classified by month

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

Real estate price Montpellier details >

Quality of bathing water Open Data

Annual review of water quality in the department published by the Ministry of Health.

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

Quality of bathing water details >

Transfer and valuation structures Open Data

This dataset presents the exhaustive list of public incubators supported by the Ministry of National

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

Transfer and valuation structures details >

Turnout in presidential elections Open Data

Turnout in presidential elections for metropolitan France, by department.

Issued on 2017-09-29T00:00:00Z

Turnout in presidential elections details >

Accommodation and support facilities for companies — Coworking and Third Places Open Data

Ecosystem of accommodation and/or support structures for the destiny of companies in the territory o

Issued on 2017-09-30T06:19:51.448Z

Accommodation and support facilities for companies — Coworking and Third Places details >

Training guides composters Open Data

Schedule of training of composting guides as part of the waste prevention policy supported by the Gi

Issued on 2017-10-02T00:00:00Z

Training guides composters details >

list of products packaged in quitain from openfoodfacts database Open Data

this file contains the list of products referenced on the open food facts database for which the pac

Issued on 2017-10-02T00:00:00Z

list of products packaged in quitain from openfoodfacts database details >

Lower Normandy High Schools Open Data

List of low-Norman high schools, coordinates and geographical location

Issued on 2017-10-02T00:00:00Z

Lower Normandy High Schools details >

measurement height garonne Open Data

Measurement of the height of the Garonne Station: Bordeaux Department: 33 Watercourses: Garonne Cont

Issued on 2017-10-02T00:00:00Z

measurement height garonne details >

Levels of Community Animation Open Data

Levels of community animation of the department’s Facebook page according to the barometer Territori

Issued on 2017-10-02T00:00:00Z

Levels of Community Animation details >

Share of communities engaged in a recognised Agenda 21 Open Data

Share of communities engaged in a recognised Agenda 21.

Issued on 2017-10-02T00:00:00Z

Share of communities engaged in a recognised Agenda 21 details >

Rate of taxable donors reporting a donation to associations Open Data

Rate of taxable donors reporting a donation to associations.

Issued on 2017-10-02T00:00:00Z

Rate of taxable donors reporting a donation to associations details >

Supports des Instances régionales de Concertation Open Data

Supports de présentation des Instances régionales de concertation (IRC) relatifs aux gares. Les IRC

Issued on 2017-10-04T06:06:12.972Z

Supports des Instances régionales de Concertation details >

Rhône Socio-Economic Observatory 2017 — Update October 2017 Open Data

Socio-Economic Diagnosis on the scale of the Rhône department (outside Lyon metropolis) presenting d

Issued on 2017-10-11T15:46:09.976Z

Rhône Socio-Economic Observatory 2017 — Update October 2017 details >

SYDESL_Recharging boots for electric vehicle Open Data

Lists of functional charging stations for electric vehicles in the department of Saône and Loire.

Issued on 2017-10-13T13:53:04.143Z

SYDESL_Recharging boots for electric vehicle details >

BPCE — Marketing of SRI and solidarity funds Open Data

Marketing of ISR and solidarity funds by Banques Populaires and Caisses d’Epargne

Issued on 2017-10-19T16:48:28.744Z

BPCE — Marketing of SRI and solidarity funds details >

BPCE - Total Bilan et Crédit Clientèle (encours brut) Open Data

Total de bilan et Crédits clientèle (encours bruts) en milliards d'euros Les données de l'année 201

Issued on 2017-10-19T16:48:30.247Z

BPCE - Total Bilan et Crédit Clientèle (encours brut) details >

Indicateurs Coopératifs - Sociétariat - Montant moyen de détention de parts sociales Open Data

Evolution du montant moyen de détention de part sociales des sociétaires pour les Banques Populaires

Issued on 2017-10-19T16:48:33.057Z

Indicateurs Coopératifs - Sociétariat - Montant moyen de détention de parts sociales details >

Agencies Caisse d’Epargne Open Data

List of Caisses d’Epargne agencies with characteristics of each of them. This game does not include

Issued on 2017-10-19T16:48:36.258Z

Agencies Caisse d’Epargne details >

Indicateurs Coopératifs - Sociétariat - Nombre de sociétaires Open Data

Evolution du nombre de sociétaires pour les Banques Populaires et les Caisses d'Epargne.

Issued on 2017-10-19T16:48:43.687Z

Indicateurs Coopératifs - Sociétariat - Nombre de sociétaires details >

Cessions : Tableau PME et ETI Open Data

Ce jeu représente le nombre des TPE et PME, et leur proportion cédées en fonction du type d’événemen

Issued on 2017-10-19T16:48:45.463Z

Cessions : Tableau PME et ETI details >

IRVE SIED70 Census and information Haute Saône Open Data

Here you will find all the information about the terminals installed for the SIED70

Issued on 2017-10-23T07:43:06.363Z

IRVE SIED70 Census and information Haute Saône details >

Liste de prénoms des nouveaux nés à Villeneuve d'Ascq depuis 2016 Open Data

Liste de prénoms des nouveaux nés à Villeneuve d'Ascq en 2016

Issued on 2017-10-25T06:09:09.939Z

Liste de prénoms des nouveaux nés à Villeneuve d'Ascq depuis 2016 details >

Order regulating fishing on the Petit-Saut dam lake, French Guiana, 2017 Open Data

This decree is applicable to the collection of fish and the fishing means used on the Petit-Saut dam

Issued on 2017-11-09T14:42:34.848Z

Order regulating fishing on the Petit-Saut dam lake, French Guiana, 2017 details >

Information perimeter of urban planning documents in Indre-et-Loire Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2017-11-09T19:56:49.674Z

Information perimeter of urban planning documents in Indre-et-Loire details >

PPR PAU (64DDTM20050023) - Document PPRN sur PAU (64445), département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques. Open Data

Les plans de prévention des risques (PPR) ont été institués par la loi du 2 février 1995 relative au

Issued on 2017-11-09T19:56:56.182Z

PPR PAU (64DDTM20050023) - Document PPRN sur PAU (64445), département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques. details >

Secteur d'irrigation collective par bassin versant dans la Somme - Secteur de sécheresse de 2017 Open Data

Secteur d'irrigation collective par bassin versant dans la Somme - Secteur de sécheresse de 201

Issued on 2017-11-09T19:57:12.244Z

Secteur d'irrigation collective par bassin versant dans la Somme - Secteur de sécheresse de 2017 details >

Groundwater Drought Monitoring Station Open Data

Groundwater Drought Monitoring Station __Origin__ Since 2005, a national water resource monitoring

Issued on 2017-11-09T19:57:38.225Z

Groundwater Drought Monitoring Station details >

Linear information of the PLU of the municipality of Candas Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2017-11-09T19:57:41.466Z

Linear information of the PLU of the municipality of Candas details >

Plan for the prevention of natural flood hazards — Municipalities of the Tarn Sector — Revision n°2... Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) were established by the law of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:33:40.026Z

Plan for the prevention of natural flood hazards — Municipalities of the Tarn Sector — Revision n°2... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural flood hazards — Municipalities of the Garonne downstream sector —... Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) were established by the law of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:34:10.045Z

Plan for the prevention of natural flood hazards — Municipalities of the Garonne downstream sector —... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural risks of flood — Restricted area — Department of Tarn-et-Garonne Open Data

For natural PPRs, the code of l'environment defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-expo

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:34:27.975Z

Plan for the prevention of natural risks of flood — Restricted area — Department of Tarn-et-Garonne details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of landslides — Commune de Boudou — Multi-random areas —... Open Data

Non-geometric table to be used to describe multi-random areas in PPRN cases. This additional table a

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:35:25.275Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of landslides — Commune de Boudou — Multi-random areas —... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of landslides — Commune de Durfort-Lacapelette — Document... Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) were established by the law of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:35:26.870Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of landslides — Commune de Durfort-Lacapelette — Document... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural flood hazards — Municipalities of the Garonne sector upstream —... Open Data

Non-geometric table to be used to describe multi-random areas in PPRN cases. This additional table a

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:35:51.551Z

Plan for the prevention of natural flood hazards — Municipalities of the Garonne sector upstream —... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of field movement — Commune de Montaigu-de-Quercy —... Open Data

The origin of risk characterises the real-world entity which, by its presence, represents a potentia

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:36:03.986Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of field movement — Commune de Montaigu-de-Quercy —... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of field movement — Commune de Montaigu-de-Quercy — Issue... Open Data

In general, the stakes are people, property, activities, elements of cultural or environmental herit

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:36:03.721Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of field movement — Commune de Montaigu-de-Quercy — Issue... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural flood hazards — Municipalities of the Garonne downstream sector —... Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the hazard map used for PPR risk analysis. The map d&#

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:37:24.785Z

Plan for the prevention of natural flood hazards — Municipalities of the Garonne downstream sector —... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural flood hazards — Municipalities of the Garonne sector upstream —... Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the hazard map used for PPR risk analysis. The map d&#

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:37:27.351Z

Plan for the prevention of natural flood hazards — Municipalities of the Garonne sector upstream —... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural flood hazards — Municipalities of the Tarn Sector — Revision n°1... Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:37:37.525Z

Plan for the prevention of natural flood hazards — Municipalities of the Tarn Sector — Revision n°1... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Block Falls — Commune de Saint-Antonin noble Val —... Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:37:44.737Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Block Falls — Commune de Saint-Antonin noble Val —... details >

Water — Enhanced action areas ZAR in the evening and Cher Open Data

Delimitation of areas d' stopped or validated feeding and municipalities retained as temporary

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:37:49.193Z

Water — Enhanced action areas ZAR in the evening and Cher details >

PPR Artiguelouve (64DDTM19970004) — Restricted area of the Risk Prevention Plan Flooded in the... Open Data

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20150001_S_018 __Origin__ The boundaries of a zone d’#x27;aira are represented on

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:37:49.215Z

PPR Artiguelouve (64DDTM19970004) — Restricted area of the Risk Prevention Plan Flooded in the... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of movement of the ground — Municipality of Montjoi —... Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) were established by the law of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:38:43.428Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of movement of the ground — Municipality of Montjoi —... details >

Relief of the department of Creuse by step of 100 m Open Data

Relief of the department of Creuse by step of 100 m __Origin__ Layer achieved by aggregating the l

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:38:57.224Z

Relief of the department of Creuse by step of 100 m details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of movement of the ground — Municipality of Roquecor —... Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) were established by the law of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:39:09.503Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of movement of the ground — Municipality of Roquecor —... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of movement of the ground — Commune de Bouloc — Document... Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) were established by the law of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:39:14.589Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of movement of the ground — Commune de Bouloc — Document... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of movement of the ground — Commune de Montagudet — Issue... Open Data

In general, the stakes are people, property, activities, elements of cultural or environmental herit

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:39:51.562Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of movement of the ground — Commune de Montagudet — Issue... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of movement of the ground — Commune de Brassac — Point... Open Data

The origin of risk characterises the real-world entity which, by its presence, represents a potentia

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:40:54.350Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of movement of the ground — Commune de Brassac — Point... details >

Plan de prévention des risques naturels de mouvement de terrain - Commune de Roquecor - Origine... Open Data

L'origine du risque caractérise l'entité du monde réel qui, par sa présence, représente un

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:41:05.662Z

Plan de prévention des risques naturels de mouvement de terrain - Commune de Roquecor - Origine... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of field movement — Commune de Brassac — Multi-random... Open Data

Non-geometric table to be used to describe multi-random areas in PPRN cases. This additional table a

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:41:17.169Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of field movement — Commune de Brassac — Multi-random... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Block Falls — Commune of Saint-Antonin noble Val —... Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) were established by the law of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:46:20.143Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Block Falls — Commune of Saint-Antonin noble Val —... details >

Natural Risk Prevention Plan for Block Falls — Municipality of Varen — Restricted Area —... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the code of l'environment defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-expo

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:46:20.828Z

Natural Risk Prevention Plan for Block Falls — Municipality of Varen — Restricted Area —... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Block Falls — Municipality of Caylus — Perimeter —... Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:46:23.250Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Block Falls — Municipality of Caylus — Perimeter —... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of landslides — Commune de Boudou — Perimeter —... Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN.Th

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:47:10.098Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of landslides — Commune de Boudou — Perimeter —... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of landslides — Commune de L’Honor-de-Cos — Department of... Open Data

Le standard de données COVADIS sur les plans de prévention des risques comporte toutes les spécifica

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:48:48.383Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of landslides — Commune de L’Honor-de-Cos — Department of... details >

Programme européen Objectif 2 - Département de Tarn-et-Garonne Open Data

Territoires éligibles au titre des fonds structurels Objectif 2 (programme européen) Pour la périod

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:50:42.243Z

Programme européen Objectif 2 - Département de Tarn-et-Garonne details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of movement of land — Municipality of Montjoi — Area of... Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the hazard map used for PPR risk analysis. The map d&#

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:50:55.722Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of movement of land — Municipality of Montjoi — Area of... details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of field movement — Commune de Montaigu-de-Quercy —... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the code of l'environment defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-expo

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:51:06.081Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of field movement — Commune de Montaigu-de-Quercy —... details >

Contrat urbain de cohésion sociale (CUCS) dans le Pas-de-Calais Open Data

Les contrats urbain de cohésion sociale ont succédé en 2007 aux contrats de ville comme cadre du pro

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:51:22.557Z

Contrat urbain de cohésion sociale (CUCS) dans le Pas-de-Calais details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of field movement — Commune de Touffailles — Document —... Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) were established by the law of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:51:55.074Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of field movement — Commune de Touffailles — Document —... details >


A Water Distribution Area (WAZ) is an area comprising basins, sub-basins, aquifer systems, or fracti

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:56:15.836Z


Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) Flooding of the Vère Basin — Tarn Open Data

The COVADIS Data Standard on Risk Prevention Plans includes all technical and organisational specifi

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:57:35.161Z

Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) Flooding of the Vère Basin — Tarn details >

Perimeters of the Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) Flooding of the Vère Basin — Tarn Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:58:28.216Z

Perimeters of the Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) Flooding of the Vère Basin — Tarn details >

Freshwater fish farming represented by a point — Tarn Open Data

Fish farming represented by a point. Point representation was introduced only for the sake of consi

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:58:39.800Z

Freshwater fish farming represented by a point — Tarn details >

Linear of stream and body fish categories — Tarn Open Data

A Piscicol Category Ranking is a legal classification of water and water plans according to the domi

Issued on 2017-11-13T11:58:48.336Z

Linear of stream and body fish categories — Tarn details >

Campsites — Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

Location of campsites, in the form of a polygon, d' after the data provided by Hautes-Pyrénées

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:04:18.901Z

Campsites — Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Departmental assembly of the communal map sectors, on the Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

The code of urban planning defines two types of sectors for municipal maps: constructible and incons

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:04:24.820Z

Departmental assembly of the communal map sectors, on the Hautes-Pyrénées details >

General Interest Program (PIG) — Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

Zoning composed of l' set of program perimeters d' general interest (PIG) in progress.

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:05:03.387Z

General Interest Program (PIG) — Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Forest fire risk — Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

Classification of the municipalities of the Hautes-Pyrénées department in relation to the risk of &#

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:05:12.723Z

Forest fire risk — Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Opération Programmée d'Amélioration de l'Habitat - Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

Zonage composé de l'ensemble des périmètres d'opération programmée d'amélioration de

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:05:28.429Z

Opération Programmée d'Amélioration de l'Habitat - Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Landscape units (UP) — Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

Knowledge of landscapes at the scale of the Hautes-Pyrénées department. Characterisation and delimi

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:05:28.718Z

Landscape units (UP) — Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Urban units — Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

The concept of urban unity is based on the continuity of the building and the number of inhabitants.

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:05:43.439Z

Urban units — Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Zone subject to regulation of plant incinerations Open Data

Zone subject to the regulation of plant incinerations as part of the prevention of forest fires, in

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:06:08.537Z

Zone subject to regulation of plant incinerations details >

Mountain massif — DDT 65 Open Data

Mountain massif under the Montagne law. The massif encompasses not only mountain areas, but also a

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:07:05.645Z

Mountain massif — DDT 65 details >

Competent Structure Management of Aquatic Environments — Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

Division of municipalities by sub-watershed, with information for each sector, of the structure havi

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:07:30.254Z

Competent Structure Management of Aquatic Environments — Hautes-Pyrénées details >

SUP PT1 and PT2 not mapped (60) Open Data

Easements for unmapped radio transmissions (Department of Oise) __Origin__ Redesigned from paper e

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:10:42.373Z

SUP PT1 and PT2 not mapped (60) details >

Zonage des aléas du PPRN de la commune de Varois-et-Chaignot en Côte-d'Or Open Data

Zonage des aléas du Plan de prévention des risques naturels de Varois-et-Chaignot (Arrêté préfectora

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:10:45.732Z

Zonage des aléas du PPRN de la commune de Varois-et-Chaignot en Côte-d'Or details >

SUP PT2 (60) Open Data

Servitudes relatives aux transmissions radioélectriques concernant la protection des centres d'

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:11:16.369Z

SUP PT2 (60) details >

New Aquitaine: Sorting of Agen — Quantitative issues reported for each analysis mesh and for each... Open Data

This dataset contains issues related to protected areas under the WFD, produced for reporting purpos

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:14:18.985Z

New Aquitaine: Sorting of Agen — Quantitative issues reported for each analysis mesh and for each... details >

Perimeter of the PPRN flooding of the Cahors Basin (Lot) Open Data

This dataset contains the perimeters of delimitation at the different stages of l' elaboration

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:14:45.611Z

Perimeter of the PPRN flooding of the Cahors Basin (Lot) details >

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 17.7.2009) of the city of Genouilly Open Data

The code of urban planning defines two types of sectors for municipal maps: construction and inconst

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:15:15.440Z

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 17.7.2009) of the city of Genouilly details >
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