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EMPLOI - Population active_sexe_âge_catégorie_socioprofessionnelle_2015 Open Data

Les données 2015 sont diffusées selon la géographie en vigueur au 1 er janvier 2017. Ces tableaux s

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:46.164Z

EMPLOI - Population active_sexe_âge_catégorie_socioprofessionnelle_2015 details >

ELECTIONS - Résultats_présidentielle_2017 Open Data

Les résultats seront progressivement mis en ligne pour téléchargement à partir du 23 avril 20h00 pou

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:46.872Z

ELECTIONS - Résultats_présidentielle_2017 details >

AMENAGEMENT - Zones_Revitalisation_Rurale_2017 Open Data

La liste des communes classées en zones de revitalisation rurale (ZRR) au 1er juillet 2017 est parue

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:47.135Z

AMENAGEMENT - Zones_Revitalisation_Rurale_2017 details >

MOBILITE - Scolaires_déplacements_domicile_lieu_études_2014 Open Data

La base sur les flux de mobilité des « déplacements domicile-études » fournit, pour l'ensemble des c

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:49.959Z

MOBILITE - Scolaires_déplacements_domicile_lieu_études_2014 details >

ELECTIONS - Résultats_européennes_1999 Open Data

Résultats des élections européennes 1999, par bureaux de vote Nota : le découpage communal, la nomen

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:51.421Z

ELECTIONS - Résultats_européennes_1999 details >

AMENAGEMENT - Equipements_sportifs_2017 Open Data

Le recen­se­ment natio­nal de l’inté­gra­lité des équipements spor­tifs, espa­ces et sites de pra­ti

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:51.711Z

AMENAGEMENT - Equipements_sportifs_2017 details >

ALLOCATIONS - Enfants_couverts_ARS Open Data

L'ARS est une prestation versée sous conditions de ressources en une seule fois (généralement en sep

Issued on 2019-05-17T02:18:52.999Z

ALLOCATIONS - Enfants_couverts_ARS details >

Declaration Profile Buyer Open Data

Buyer profile declaration

Issued on 2019-05-17T11:03:16.807Z

Declaration Profile Buyer details >

Location of “video protection” cameras (BO city of Paris, 01/02/2019) Open Data

The purpose of this dataset is: 1. Extract the list of locations of the 1,424 cameras as described

Issued on 2019-05-17T18:16:48.497Z

Location of “video protection” cameras (BO city of Paris, 01/02/2019) details >

Batiment_communal Blagnac Open Data

Issued on 2019-05-18T07:16:22.655Z

Batiment_communal Blagnac details >

Sections of the CARENE tracks Open Data

Information related to CARENE track sections A track is composed of one or more sections, the sect

Issued on 2019-05-20T16:43:22.835Z

Sections of the CARENE tracks details >

Activity parks in the territory of CARENE Open Data

Activity park in the territory of CARENE (Trignac, Besné, La Chapelle des Marais, Donges, Montoir de

Issued on 2019-05-20T16:43:23.760Z

Activity parks in the territory of CARENE details >

Hiking tours in the territory of CARENE Open Data

Existing hiking tours in the CARENE territory (Trignac, Besné, La Chapelle des Marais, Donges, Monto

Issued on 2019-05-20T16:43:23.126Z

Hiking tours in the territory of CARENE details >

Primary budget (BP) of CARENE Open Data

Primary budget since 2017 of the main budget of the Carene. Voted annually, it is the forecast of ex

Issued on 2019-05-20T16:43:24.670Z

Primary budget (BP) of CARENE details >

Administrative Accounts (CA) of CARENE Open Data

CARENE’s administrative account data shows all expenditure and revenue realised during the budget ye

Issued on 2019-05-20T16:43:25.331Z

Administrative Accounts (CA) of CARENE details >

Prénoms des enfants nés à Saint Nazaire Open Data

Liste des prénoms des enfants nés à Saint-Nazaire depuis 2000, avec le nombre d'occurrences de chaqu

Issued on 2019-05-20T16:43:31.719Z

Prénoms des enfants nés à Saint Nazaire details >

Polling stations sectors 2015-2019- Saint-Nazaire Open Data

Sector of polling stations in the municipality of Saint-Nazaire. valid from 2015 to 1/03/2019.

Issued on 2019-05-20T16:43:32.342Z

Polling stations sectors 2015-2019- Saint-Nazaire details >

Deliberations of the commune of Montoir de Bretagne Open Data

List of deliberations adopted in the municipal council of the municipality of Montoir de Bretagne si

Issued on 2019-05-20T16:43:40.915Z

Deliberations of the commune of Montoir de Bretagne details >

Deployment of broadband and very high speed by municipality Open Data

This game is no longer maintained, use the games with a search ‘buildingref[tiret]france’ replacing

Issued on 2019-05-22T06:07:26.279Z

Deployment of broadband and very high speed by municipality details >

Deployment of broadband and very high speed per building Open Data

This game is no longer maintained, use the games with a search ‘buildingref[tiret]france’ replacing

Issued on 2019-05-22T06:07:56.848Z

Deployment of broadband and very high speed per building details >

Level of practice of collective sports clubs in Digne-les-Bains Open Data

Level of the collective sports clubs of Digne-les-Bains. The file allows you to know by season the l

Issued on 2012-02-10T00:00:00Z

Level of practice of collective sports clubs in Digne-les-Bains details >

Sporting Events in Digne-les-Bains Open Data

Calendar of all sporting events from 2013 to 2019 in Digne-les-Bains. The file lets you know the dat

Issued on 2013-01-09T00:00:00Z

Sporting Events in Digne-les-Bains details >

Water consumption per meter in Digne-les-Bains Open Data

Detailed record of water consumption in Digne-les-Bains. This file allows you to know the consumptio

Issued on 1996-10-21T00:00:00Z

Water consumption per meter in Digne-les-Bains details >

Buyer Profile: public purchase Open Data

[Buyer profile: public Purchase](

Issued on 2019-05-24T10:58:54.851Z

Buyer Profile: public purchase details >

Interior mapping of the public buildings of Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Open Data

This dataset offers graphical visualisations in vector format of the interior of the public building

Issued on 2019-05-24T14:37:59.956Z

Interior mapping of the public buildings of Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy details >

Operations programmed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development in Provence-Alpes-Côte... Open Data

Projects benefiting from the EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development) and whose file

Issued on 2011-01-03T00:00:00Z

Operations programmed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development in Provence-Alpes-Côte... details >

Formations initiales au cinéma et à l'audiovisuel en Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Open Data

Formations initiales au cinéma et à l'audiovisuel en Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur depuis les séries op

Issued on 2014-07-01T00:00:00Z

Formations initiales au cinéma et à l'audiovisuel en Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur details >

Staff of the Territorial Training and Qualification Program-PTFQ Open Data

Annual staffing of the PTFQ (Territorial Training and Qualification Programme) scheme corresponds to

Issued on 2011-10-20T00:00:00Z

Staff of the Territorial Training and Qualification Program-PTFQ details >

Number of Adult Vocational Training Centres Open Data

Adult Vocational Training Centres (AFPA): Annual staffing of trainees entering preparatory and quali

Issued on 2009-11-20T00:00:00Z

Number of Adult Vocational Training Centres details >

Catalogue of data opened by the City of Digne-les-Bains Open Data

Catalogue of data opened by the City of Digne-les-Bains. This catalogue is standardised according to

Issued on 2018-03-29T00:00:00Z

Catalogue of data opened by the City of Digne-les-Bains details >

Bureaux de vote à Digne-les-Bains Open Data

Ce fichier permet de connaître le découpage du périmètre des 12 bureaux de vote de la commune de Dig

Issued on 2017-09-18T00:00:00Z

Bureaux de vote à Digne-les-Bains details >

Stationnement vélo sur la commune de Digne-les-Bains Open Data

Inventaire des gardes cycles sur la commune classés par pôle générateurs de déplacement avec le nomb

Issued on 2014-09-29T00:00:00Z

Stationnement vélo sur la commune de Digne-les-Bains details >

Inventaires naturalistes de Digne-les-Bains de 2012 à 2014 Open Data

Répartition des spécialités des naturalistes ayant participé aux inventaires naturalistes de la comm

Issued on 2014-09-17T00:00:00Z

Inventaires naturalistes de Digne-les-Bains de 2012 à 2014 details >

Arbres protégés à Digne-les-Bains Open Data

Localisation des arbres protégés de Digne-les-Bains à partir du PLU.

Issued on 2016-03-29T00:00:00Z

Arbres protégés à Digne-les-Bains details >

Elections législatives 2017 à Digne-les-Bains Open Data

Résultats complets des 2 tours des élections législatives des 11 et 18 juin 2017 à Digne-les-Bains.

Issued on 2017-06-18T00:00:00Z

Elections législatives 2017 à Digne-les-Bains details >

Résultats des élections Européennes 2019 à Rennes - Tour 1 – Dataviz Open Data

Attention: Ce jeu de données "transposé" a été crée dans le but de réaliser la dataviz "Résultats de

Issued on 2019-05-25T05:01:39.982Z

Résultats des élections Européennes 2019 à Rennes - Tour 1 – Dataviz details >

Nombre de suicides dont le caractère professionnel a été reconnu par la CPRPSNCF Open Data

Ce jeu de données répertorie le nombre de suicides reconnus chaque année comme accident du travail p

Issued on 2019-05-25T06:14:36.123Z

Nombre de suicides dont le caractère professionnel a été reconnu par la CPRPSNCF details >

Occupational accident rate (AT rate) Open Data

Rate of frequency and severity of accidents at work by EPIC and SNCF Group. This dataset is update

Issued on 2019-05-25T06:15:09.500Z

Occupational accident rate (AT rate) details >

Elections Européennes 2019 - Résultats Open Data

Résultats des élections européennes du dimanche 26 mai 2019 par bureaux de vote de la ville de Toulo

Issued on 2019-05-27T06:03:19.304Z

Elections Européennes 2019 - Résultats details >

European Elections_2019_ Poitiers_ Datavisualisation Open Data

Detailed results of the European election of 26 May 2019 by polling station A polling station belon

Issued on 2019-05-27T06:09:30.134Z

European Elections_2019_ Poitiers_ Datavisualisation details >

Le transfert aux régions de la gestion des fonds européens structurels et d’investissement Open Data

À la demande de l’Assemblée nationale, la Cour a établi un bilan du transfert aux régions, annoncé

Issued on 2019-05-27T11:59:06.672Z

Le transfert aux régions de la gestion des fonds européens structurels et d’investissement details >

Marseille — Elected Open Data

List of elected representatives, since 2001, on the municipal council of the City of Marseille Elect

Issued on 2012-12-07T00:00:00Z

Marseille — Elected details >

Marseille — Voting Offices Open Data

List of polling stations in Marseille by district, constituency, canton and sector

Issued on 2012-11-16T00:00:00Z

Marseille — Voting Offices details >

Departments of France Open Data

This file includes: “'” The department code The name of the department The region code The name of t

Issued on 2019-05-31T09:46:09.979Z

Departments of France details >

Les données essentielles des marchés publics passés par la Ville de Roubaix Open Data

Données essentielles des marchés publics. Données publiées par la Ville sur le portail marchés-publi

Issued on 2019-06-02T02:09:30.935Z

Les données essentielles des marchés publics passés par la Ville de Roubaix details >

Turnout in the 2014 European elections Open Data

Turnout rate per polling station over the course of the day in the 2014 European elections

Issued on 2019-06-02T02:09:42.449Z

Turnout in the 2014 European elections details >

Observatoire des Mairies de quartiers in Roubaix — INSEE 2018 Open Data

The City of Roubaix makes available INSEE data processed and aggregated at the level of its district

Issued on 2019-06-02T02:09:42.816Z

Observatoire des Mairies de quartiers in Roubaix — INSEE 2018 details >

Startup Camp 89C3 BPCE Open Data

Between February 2017 and July 2019, every first Tuesday of the month, startups came to present thei

Issued on 2019-06-04T02:04:10.516Z

Startup Camp 89C3 BPCE details >

Science Festival Program 2019 Open Data

This dataset presents all the events organised throughout France for the 29th edition of the Science

Issued on 2019-06-04T05:02:33.955Z

Science Festival Program 2019 details >

European Elections 2019 Open Data

This dataset presents the results on the municipality of Saint-Paul-lès-Dax of the European election

Issued on 2019-06-05T11:29:14.027Z

European Elections 2019 details >

European election results 2019 Thorigné-Fouillard Open Data

Results of the European elections of 26 May 2019 in Thorigné-Fouillard.

Issued on 2019-06-06T05:04:18.358Z

European election results 2019 Thorigné-Fouillard details >

Track sections — Ayherre Open Data

The tracks are represented by their axes and cut at each intersection. The update is carried out af

Issued on 2019-06-07T15:45:59.101Z

Track sections — Ayherre details >

Arbres Open Data

Localisation des arbres gérés par le Territoire de Grand Paris Seine Ouest.

Issued on 2019-06-08T02:03:54.721Z

Arbres details >

Participation in the 2019 European elections in Roubaix Open Data

Turnout rate per polling station and at different times of the day in the European elections on 26 M

Issued on 2019-06-09T02:12:09.475Z

Participation in the 2019 European elections in Roubaix details >

Results of the May 2019 European elections by polling station in Roubaix Open Data

Election results by polling station during the European elections on 26 May 2019 in Roubaix. Number

Issued on 2019-06-09T02:12:09.473Z

Results of the May 2019 European elections by polling station in Roubaix details >

3ème édition du baromètre Banque Populaire – Pramex International consacrée à l’implantation à... Open Data

Le Baromètre Banque Populaire - Pramex (édition 2019) recense les projets d’investissement réalisés

Issued on 2019-06-12T02:04:17.113Z

3ème édition du baromètre Banque Populaire – Pramex International consacrée à l’implantation à... details >

Buildings protected under the Historic Monuments Open Data

List of Buildings protected under Historic Monuments. This dataset is the result of an automatic me

Issued on 2019-06-13T15:40:42.878Z

Buildings protected under the Historic Monuments details >

Autopartage Open Data

![]( des stations d'autop

Issued on 2019-06-14T02:03:55.285Z

Autopartage details >

PPRL Bay of Pont Mahé — Traict de Pen Bé: Regulatory zoning for erosion in Loire-Atlantique Open Data

The data for this layer correspond to the Erc zone of the PPRL of the Bay of Pont Mahé — Traict de P

Issued on 2019-07-10T18:16:57.189Z

PPRL Bay of Pont Mahé — Traict de Pen Bé: Regulatory zoning for erosion in Loire-Atlantique details >

Educational actions conducted in public and private high schools in Pays de la Loire Open Data

Statistics on Educational Actions conducted in public and private high schools in the Region of Pays

Issued on 2019-07-11T02:01:49.587Z

Educational actions conducted in public and private high schools in Pays de la Loire details >

Inventory of Gers hedges and linear plant formations Open Data

Linearised vector layer of hedges carried out jointly by the Department, DDT 32 and IGN. Digitisat

Issued on 2019-07-11T10:00:20.404Z

Inventory of Gers hedges and linear plant formations details >

Track of the Armagnac Greenway Open Data

The old railway between Condom-Eauze (33 kms), disused for almost half a century, was bought by the

Issued on 2019-07-11T10:00:22.952Z

Track of the Armagnac Greenway details >

Installation of the Gers wastewater treatment plants Open Data

The Cleaning Station Operators Technical Assistance Service (SATESE) Since 1998, with the support o

Issued on 2019-07-11T10:00:23.539Z

Installation of the Gers wastewater treatment plants details >

Original budget 2016 — Restoration Blagnac Open Data

Issued on 2019-07-13T06:13:20.595Z

Original budget 2016 — Restoration Blagnac details >

Data — ENVIRONNEMENT — Remarkable Trees- June 2019 — Department of Bas-Rhin (67) Open Data

Census of remarkable trees on the department of Bas-Rhin. Only 300 out of 600 trees listed are publ

Issued on 2019-07-15T03:10:21.012Z

Data — ENVIRONNEMENT — Remarkable Trees- June 2019 — Department of Bas-Rhin (67) details >

Vélos libre service Cergy-Pontoise Vélo² : disponibilité en temps réel Open Data

Les données sont disponibles au format [GBFS]( et

Issued on 2019-07-16T05:28:52.910Z

Vélos libre service Cergy-Pontoise Vélo² : disponibilité en temps réel details >

Troncons routiers et trafic Open Data

Description of road sections by zoom level (high and bottom) in the SMMAG territory. these sections

Issued on 2019-07-19T00:00:00Z

Troncons routiers et trafic details >

School map of primary schools in the city of Saint-Nazaire Open Data

List and geographical reach of the school perimeters of the city of Saint-Nazaire. * * * 20 per

Issued on 2019-07-23T02:12:35.016Z

School map of primary schools in the city of Saint-Nazaire details >

Délibérations de 2011 à Février 2014- Toulouse Métropole Open Data

Jeu des actes de Toulouse Métropole entre 2011 et Février 2014.

Issued on 2019-07-23T06:03:57.328Z

Délibérations de 2011 à Février 2014- Toulouse Métropole details >

Deliberations of the municipality of Herbignac Open Data

List of deliberations adopted in the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Herbignac since Januar

Issued on 2019-07-23T13:59:36.030Z

Deliberations of the municipality of Herbignac details >

Water Day Events 2019 Open Data

This dataset compiles the local initiatives of Brittany organised around World Water Day 2019 and We

Issued on 2019-07-23T14:05:37.175Z

Water Day Events 2019 details >

Élu·e·s du Conseil régional de Bretagne - RNE Open Data

Ce jeu de données regroupe la liste des conseiller·e·s régionaux·ales élu·e·s en 2015. Les données s

Issued on 2019-07-23T14:05:37.018Z

Élu·e·s du Conseil régional de Bretagne - RNE details >

Additional budgets of the department of Gironde Open Data

The files made available correspond to accounting standard M52 by chapter and article corresponding

Issued on 2019-07-23T00:00:00Z

Additional budgets of the department of Gironde details >

Gironde Department Vehicle Fleet Indicators Open Data

Indicators of use (kilometres) and consumption (volume of use) of the departmental pool

Issued on 2019-07-23T00:00:00Z

Gironde Department Vehicle Fleet Indicators details >

authority List of Digital Archive File Categories Open Data

This dataset is used to manage digital data retention by associating formats with mime types and cat

Issued on 2019-07-23T00:00:00Z

authority List of Digital Archive File Categories details >

24 Station météo Colomiers ZI Enjacca Open Data

Ce jeu de données est issu du capteur n° 24 situé sur le site de la ZI Enjacca (Colomiers) qui fait

Issued on 2019-07-24T06:13:31.952Z

24 Station météo Colomiers ZI Enjacca details >

SINOE ® - Annuaire 2016 des installations de stockage des déchets non dangereux (ISDND) Open Data

L’ADEME coordonne l’observation des déchets ménagers et assimilés avec des acteurs en région (observ

Issued on 2019-07-24T05:27:31.615Z

SINOE ® - Annuaire 2016 des installations de stockage des déchets non dangereux (ISDND) details >

Information on the POS (doc. of 7.4.2000) of the municipality of Ménétréol-sous-Sancerre Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2019-07-24T14:14:02.127Z

Information on the POS (doc. of 7.4.2000) of the municipality of Ménétréol-sous-Sancerre details >

Self-service bikes Bordeaux VCub: real-time availability Open Data

The data is available in [GBFS]( format and you ca

Issued on 2019-07-24T20:00:46.477Z

Self-service bikes Bordeaux VCub: real-time availability details >

Foyers allocataires percevant la prestation d'accueil du jeune enfant (Paje) - par EPCI Open Data

__A partir de 2018 les données du mois de droit de décembre sont observées avec un recul de 6 mois (

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

Foyers allocataires percevant la prestation d'accueil du jeune enfant (Paje) - par EPCI details >

PPRL Côte de Jade: Reference odds for Xynthia + 20 cm (reference event), in Loire-Atlantique Open Data

These data represent the height (NGF-IGN69) of the marine submersion that can be reached at any poin

Issued on 2019-08-26T12:36:05.295Z

PPRL Côte de Jade: Reference odds for Xynthia + 20 cm (reference event), in Loire-Atlantique details >

Vigicrues — River heights and flows — CU Grand Poitiers Open Data

The network [Vigicrues]( continuou

Issued on 2019-08-27T06:01:12.911Z

Vigicrues — River heights and flows — CU Grand Poitiers details >

Aid for film creation and production — Archives Open Data

Film projects, documentary, short films subsidised by the Conseil Régional de Provence Alpes Côte d’

Issued on 2009-04-17T00:00:00Z

Aid for film creation and production — Archives details >

Bag dispensers for canine manure in the territory of m2A Open Data

Location of the dispensers for canine exjections in the territory of Mulhouse Alsace agglomeration

Issued on 2019-09-04T02:03:41.187Z

Bag dispensers for canine manure in the territory of m2A details >

Regular transport lines to Cape Atlantic (Lila Presqu’ile) (GTFS) Open Data

Public transport lines on the territory of Cape Atlantic Lila Presqu’ile network in GTFS format. (As

Issued on 2019-09-11T02:13:35.428Z

Regular transport lines to Cape Atlantic (Lila Presqu’ile) (GTFS) details >

Hydrographic Regions — Metropolis 2016 — BD Carthage Open Data

The hydrographic division is l' all of the four hierarchical partitions of the French territory

Issued on 2019-09-12T09:13:39.054Z

Hydrographic Regions — Metropolis 2016 — BD Carthage details >

Elementary hydrographic sections — Meeting 2012 — BD Carthage Open Data

An elementary hydrographic section is a related portion of rivers, streams or canals that is homogen

Issued on 2019-09-12T09:13:45.116Z

Elementary hydrographic sections — Meeting 2012 — BD Carthage details >

Catchment Food Areas — Guadeloupe Open Data

The catchment feeding area (ACA) is defined on hydrological or hydrogeological bases. It corresponds

Issued on 2019-09-12T09:13:45.322Z

Catchment Food Areas — Guadeloupe details >

Data from exceptional campaigns (CAMPEX 2011-2013), groundwater substances — detail by parameter Open Data

An exceptional campaign (CAMPEX) for the analysis of substances present in groundwater was carried o

Issued on 2019-09-12T09:13:45.824Z

Data from exceptional campaigns (CAMPEX 2011-2013), groundwater substances — detail by parameter details >

Monuments and museums in Region Centre-Val de Loire Open Data

List of sites, monuments and museums open to visit in the Centre-Val de Loire region from the Tourin

Issued on 2019-09-21T02:25:43.060Z

Monuments and museums in Region Centre-Val de Loire details >

Base SIRENE Toulouse Métropole Open Data

This game will no longer be maintained from 1 October 2021. It is replaced by the ‘economicref [inde

Issued on 2019-09-21T06:14:09.567Z

Base SIRENE Toulouse Métropole details >


Le but de la BDRHF V1 était de disposer d'un découpage de l'ensemble du territoire françai

Issued on 2019-09-25T09:41:39.783Z

CALCAIRES details >


Ouvrages de type "Station qualité cours d'eau" provenant du référentiel des ouvrages

Issued on 2019-09-25T03:41:41.062Z



Le but de la BDRHF V1 était de disposer d'un découpage de l'ensemble du territoire françai

Issued on 2019-09-25T09:41:41.087Z



Ouvrages de type "Station qualité cours d'eau" provenant du référentiel des ouvrages

Issued on 2019-09-25T09:41:48.121Z



Différents zonages ont été définis pour orienter la mise en œuvre des politiques d’intervention de l

Issued on 2019-09-25T09:41:50.858Z



Works of type "Station quality course d'water" from the reference framework of th

Issued on 2019-09-25T09:41:53.101Z



Ouvrages de type "Station qualité cours d'eau" provenant du référentiel des ouvrages

Issued on 2019-09-25T03:41:54.496Z



Works of type "Station quality course d'water" from the reference framework of th

Issued on 2019-09-25T03:41:55.706Z



L'Unité de Synthèse de Programme de Mesures est l'échelle de synthèse la plus fine à

Issued on 2019-09-25T03:41:56.647Z

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