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Areas of competence in Sanitation in Haute-Garonne Open Data

Areas of competence in Sanitation of Public Institutions of Intercommunal Cooperation (EPCI). An EP

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:23:28.830Z

Areas of competence in Sanitation in Haute-Garonne details >

Plu de CHATEAUNEUF DE Galaure 26083 approved on 28/11/2016 — FIN DE VALIDITE DATE: 12/06/2017... Open Data

GIS and PDF data set of Documents d'Urbanisme du Plan Local d'Urbanisme de CHATEAUNEUF DE

Issued on 2017-11-13T13:50:06.917Z

Plu de CHATEAUNEUF DE Galaure 26083 approved on 28/11/2016 — FIN DE VALIDITE DATE: 12/06/2017... details >

Plu de SAINT AGNAN EN VERCORS 26290 — Amendment N°1 29/06/2017 Open Data

GIS and PDF data set of Documents d'Urbanisme du Plan Local d'Urbanisme de SAINT AGNAN EN

Issued on 2017-11-13T13:51:11.501Z

Plu de SAINT AGNAN EN VERCORS 26290 — Amendment N°1 29/06/2017 details >

Plu de SAINT THOMAS EN ROYANS 26331 Amendment No. 1 08/02/2010 Open Data

Set of GIS and PDF data of the Documents d'Urbanism of the Local Plan d'Urbanism of SAINT

Issued on 2017-11-13T13:51:37.607Z

Plu de SAINT THOMAS EN ROYANS 26331 Amendment No. 1 08/02/2010 details >

Plu de VINSOBRES 26377 Simplified modification N°1 03/07/2017 Open Data

GIS and PDF data set of Documents d'Urbanism of the Local Plan of VINSOBRES 26377 — PLU approve

Issued on 2017-11-13T13:51:43.262Z

Plu de VINSOBRES 26377 Simplified modification N°1 03/07/2017 details >

Area exposed to one or more hazards on the hazard map produced as part of the development of the... Open Data

The hazards to the origin of the risk appear in documents d' hazard which can be inserted in th

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:04:46.713Z

Area exposed to one or more hazards on the hazard map produced as part of the development of the... details >

Linear issues taken into account in a risk prevention plan — OZON Open Data

In general, the stakes are people, property, activities, elements of cultural or environmental herit

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:43:32.541Z

Linear issues taken into account in a risk prevention plan — OZON details >

Linear issues taken into account in a risk prevention plan — SAONE MOYEN Open Data

In general, the stakes are people, property, activities, elements of cultural or environmental herit

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:43:45.377Z

Linear issues taken into account in a risk prevention plan — SAONE MOYEN details >

Perimeter PPR GL SAONE Open Data

This class describes any perimeter delimiting an area influenced by the presence of a PPR. The perim

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:44:04.700Z

Perimeter PPR GL SAONE details >

Zone réglementée PPR Rhône aval centre - Rhône Open Data

Pour les PPR naturels, le code de l'environnement définit deux catégories de zones (L562-1) :

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:44:17.079Z

Zone réglementée PPR Rhône aval centre - Rhône details >

Restricted zone PPRT TACS 20090020 — Rhône Open Data

For natural PPRs, the code of l'environment defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exp

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:44:38.277Z

Restricted zone PPRT TACS 20090020 — Rhône details >

Exceptional hazard area of the RDP Rhone downstream Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards and depicted on the map d' hazard produced as part of the R

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:44:39.427Z

Exceptional hazard area of the RDP Rhone downstream details >

Crue de la Saône Q2 - Rhône Open Data

Emprise de la crue de la Saône Q2 La ressource regroupe les cartographies d’enveloppes d’inondation

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:44:59.443Z

Crue de la Saône Q2 - Rhône details >

Secteur des voies de tramway du Rhône affecté par le bruit 2015 Open Data

Largeur maximale des secteurs affectés par le bruit de part et d’autre de l’infrastructure __Origin

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:45:50.797Z

Secteur des voies de tramway du Rhône affecté par le bruit 2015 details >

Restricted zone PPRT GIFRER B 20090011 — Rhône Open Data

For natural PPRs, the code of l'environment defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exp

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:46:28.733Z

Restricted zone PPRT GIFRER B 20090011 — Rhône details >

Zone urbaine sensible (ZUS) - Rhône Open Data

Zonage composé de l'ensemble des périmètres de zone urbaine sensible (ZUS) dont ceux de zone de

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:46:33.462Z

Zone urbaine sensible (ZUS) - Rhône details >

New Aquitaine: Arcachon Basin Sorting (marine submersion hazard) — Wastewater treatment plant... Open Data

Table of issues related to waste water treatment plants, produced for reporting purposes for the Eur

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:53:16.805Z

New Aquitaine: Arcachon Basin Sorting (marine submersion hazard) — Wastewater treatment plant... details >

New Aquitaine: Country Perimeters — Perimeters (surfacic) Open Data

This dataset contains the perimeters of the Pays, in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. A country is a

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:53:21.830Z

New Aquitaine: Country Perimeters — Perimeters (surfacic) details >

Nouvelle-Aquitaine : Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale (SCoT) - Communes (surfaciques) Open Data

Ce jeu de données contient les communes en Nouvelle-Aquitaine faisant l'objet d'un Schéma

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:53:27.363Z

Nouvelle-Aquitaine : Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale (SCoT) - Communes (surfaciques) details >

Aquitaine: Issues identified during the development of a plan to prevent natural hazards... Open Data

This table contains the one-off issues identified at the time of the development of the PPRn of the

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:53:40.260Z

Aquitaine: Issues identified during the development of a plan to prevent natural hazards... details >

New Aquitaine: Arcachon Basin Sorting (marine submersion hazard) — Data that may aggravate or... Open Data

N_TRI_ARCA_ENJEU_CRISE_P_033 __Origin__ This dataset is based on an extraction of the GARANCE nati

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:53:51.678Z

New Aquitaine: Arcachon Basin Sorting (marine submersion hazard) — Data that may aggravate or... details >

New Aquitaine: Coastal Risk Prevention Plan (PPRL) — Communes (surfacic) Open Data

This dataset contains the municipalities located in the Littoral Risk Prevention Plan (PPRL) (surfac

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:55:09.913Z

New Aquitaine: Coastal Risk Prevention Plan (PPRL) — Communes (surfacic) details >

New Aquitaine partial: Call for projects Territories for Positive Energy for Green Growth (TEPCV) —... Open Data

This dataset contains the municipalities (surface objects), concerned by a call for projects Territo

Issued on 2017-11-13T14:55:37.495Z

New Aquitaine partial: Call for projects Territories for Positive Energy for Green Growth (TEPCV) —... details >

AZI Coastal water courses — Limit of the study area in the Loire-Atlantique Open Data

These data represent the boundary of the zone d'atlas study of flood zones of coastal rivers.

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:06:14.537Z

AZI Coastal water courses — Limit of the study area in the Loire-Atlantique details >

Atlas of flood zones (AZI) of the Loire Estuary — flood zone Open Data

The data of this layer correspond to the flood zones of l' Loire Estuary defined according to t

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:06:17.009Z

Atlas of flood zones (AZI) of the Loire Estuary — flood zone details >

AZI of the tributaries of the Vilaine — surface anthropogenic elements modifying hydrodynamics — in... Open Data

These data represent the anthropogenic elements of land use that may play a role in the hydraulic op

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:06:19.709Z

AZI of the tributaries of the Vilaine — surface anthropogenic elements modifying hydrodynamics — in... details >

Atlas of flood zones (AZI) of the Loire Estuary — linear embankments Open Data

The data of this layer represent the linear embankments (like d' linear infrastructures, dikes

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:06:29.467Z

Atlas of flood zones (AZI) of the Loire Estuary — linear embankments details >

AZI of the tributaries of the Vilaine — Point anthropogenic elements modifying hydrodynamics — in... Open Data

These data represent the anthropogenic elements of land use likely to play a role in the hydraulic o

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:06:40.783Z

AZI of the tributaries of the Vilaine — Point anthropogenic elements modifying hydrodynamics — in... details >

PAOT — Conchyliculture/Business in Brittany Open Data

Plan d' Territorial Operational Actions (PAOT) — Conchyliculture/Business in Brittany Constitu

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:28:05.004Z

PAOT — Conchyliculture/Business in Brittany details >

Type B map — sectors affected by road network noise — Isère Open Data

Noise pollution. This table represents,for all roads flowing more than 8200 veh/day in TMJA — traff

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:29:28.347Z

Type B map — sectors affected by road network noise — Isère details >

Zoning envelopes related to Class PM1 easements (Plan for the Prevention of Predictable Natural... Open Data

A bondage is the spatial field (i.e., the geographical area) to the #x27; within which s' appli

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:35:44.410Z

Zoning envelopes related to Class PM1 easements (Plan for the Prevention of Predictable Natural... details >

Water — PAOT Territorial Operational Action Programme for Groundwater Bodies in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

The Loir-et-Cher Operational and Territorial Action Programme (PAOT) constitutes the local declinati

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:37:00.933Z

Water — PAOT Territorial Operational Action Programme for Groundwater Bodies in Loir-et-Cher details >

PPR BORDES (64DDTM20050008) — PPRN document on BORDES (64138), department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques. Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) were established by the law of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:37:20.937Z

PPR BORDES (64DDTM20050008) — PPRN document on BORDES (64138), department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques. details >

Nuisance - Zone bruit routier de type C, indice Lden, de la Nationale 10 en Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Les zones de niveau de bruit décrivent une situation d’exposition sonore en fonction d'un indic

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:37:54.498Z

Nuisance - Zone bruit routier de type C, indice Lden, de la Nationale 10 en Loir-et-Cher details >

Servitudes - PM1 Liste des servitudes d'utilité publique en Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Les servitudes d'utilité publique (SUP) sont des limitations administratives au droit de propri

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:38:23.609Z

Servitudes - PM1 Liste des servitudes d'utilité publique en Loir-et-Cher details >

Administrative — IRIS Contours 2015 in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Infracommunal division into IRIS of Loir-et-Cher. The municipalities of at least 10,000 inhabitants

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:38:35.039Z

Administrative — IRIS Contours 2015 in Loir-et-Cher details >

Tourism — Hotels in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Hotels in Loir-et-Cher __Origin__ Location at l' address Data from the departmental platform

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:38:50.800Z

Tourism — Hotels in Loir-et-Cher details >

Water — Hydrometric stations in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Location of hydrometric stations in Loir-et-Cher __Origin__ The boundaries of a sector are shown o

Issued on 2017-11-13T15:38:52.128Z

Water — Hydrometric stations in Loir-et-Cher details >

Risk forest fires on the territory of the Estérel massif in the Var Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) were established by the Law of 2 February 1995 on the strengthening

Issued on 2017-11-14T14:02:09.480Z

Risk forest fires on the territory of the Estérel massif in the Var details >

Outlines of forest fires in the Var in 2016 Open Data

Contours of forest fires (regardless of the area of these fires). The database "Promethée

Issued on 2017-11-14T14:02:09.691Z

Outlines of forest fires in the Var in 2016 details >

Boundaries of the public river domain (DPF) in Lorraine Open Data

The public river domain (DPF) is managed mainly by Voies navigables de France (VNF), which is a publ

Issued on 2017-11-14T14:02:18.517Z

Boundaries of the public river domain (DPF) in Lorraine details >

Priority watercourses for the protection of amphihaline migratory fish by 2021 on the Rhine-Meuse... Open Data

Priority watercourses for the protection of amphihaline migratory fish by 2021 on the Rhine-Meuse Ba

Issued on 2017-11-14T14:02:25.170Z

Priority watercourses for the protection of amphihaline migratory fish by 2021 on the Rhine-Meuse... details >

Location and surfaces of water bodies of more than 1 000 m² in Corrèze Open Data

N_PLAN_EAU_IFN_S_019 N_PLAN_EAU_IFN_P_019 DIREN Limousin has entrusted the National Forestry Instit

Issued on 2017-11-14T14:02:30.990Z

Location and surfaces of water bodies of more than 1 000 m² in Corrèze details >

Vulnerable areas of the administrative district of Bassin Rhine-Meuse Open Data

The dataset shall contain the data sets corresponding to: — the list of municipalities mentioned i

Issued on 2017-11-14T14:02:52.782Z

Vulnerable areas of the administrative district of Bassin Rhine-Meuse details >


The COVADIS Data Standard on Risk Prevention Plans includes all technical and organisational specifi

Issued on 2017-11-14T14:02:57.296Z



Le standard de données COVADIS sur les plans de prévention des risques comporte toutes les spécifica

Issued on 2017-11-14T14:02:58.217Z



Le standard de données COVADIS sur les plans de prévention des risques comporte toutes les spécifica

Issued on 2017-11-14T14:03:24.551Z


Segments cyclables appartenant au réseau des véloroutes et voies vertes dans le département des... Open Data

Les véloroutes et voies vertes relèvent d’une politique nationale portée par le ministère en charge

Issued on 2017-11-14T14:04:05.283Z

Segments cyclables appartenant au réseau des véloroutes et voies vertes dans le département des... details >

PPRN - Entité origine du risque - SECTEUR DE BRIEY Open Data

L'origine du risque caractérise l'entité du monde réel qui, par sa présence, représente un

Issued on 2017-11-14T14:09:03.019Z

PPRN - Entité origine du risque - SECTEUR DE BRIEY details >

PPRN - Zone réglementée d'un PPR Miniers – SECTEUR DE BRIEY Open Data

Pour les PPR naturels, le code de l'environnement définit deux catégories de zones (L562-1) : l

Issued on 2017-11-14T14:09:12.643Z

PPRN - Zone réglementée d'un PPR Miniers – SECTEUR DE BRIEY details >

Amortissement prévisionnel de la dette Open Data

Amortissement prévisionnel de la dette de la Communauté de Communes Coeur Côte Fleurie jusqu'en 2041

Issued on 2017-04-07T00:00:00Z

Amortissement prévisionnel de la dette details >

Plan Local d'Urbanisme - Informations linéaires Open Data

Informations linéaires du Plan Local d'Urbanisme intercommunal (PLUi) de la Communauté de Communes C

Issued on 2017-04-13T00:00:00Z

Plan Local d'Urbanisme - Informations linéaires details >

Points d'arrêts du réseau de transport 'Nice Lignes d'Azur' issus de la base ATC 2016 Open Data

Géolocalisation des arrêts du réseau 'Nice Lignes d'Azur' [PTU69 NICE (Périmètre de transport urbain

Issued on 2017-12-15T08:45:33.684Z

Points d'arrêts du réseau de transport 'Nice Lignes d'Azur' issus de la base ATC 2016 details >

Points d'arrêts du réseau de transport 'TAG' issus de la base ATC 2016 Open Data

Géolocalisation des arrêts du réseau 'TAG' [PTU49 GRENOBLE (Périmètre de transport urbain)]. Le Cere

Issued on 2017-12-15T08:45:57.977Z

Points d'arrêts du réseau de transport 'TAG' issus de la base ATC 2016 details >

Stop points of the transport network ‘ULYSSE’ (bus) from ATC 2016 Open Data

Geolocation of ‘ULYSSE’ network stops [PTU394 FOS MARTIGUES (Urban Transport Perimeter)]. Organising

Issued on 2017-12-15T08:46:41.235Z

Stop points of the transport network ‘ULYSSE’ (bus) from ATC 2016 details >

Points d'arrêts du réseau de transport 'Pays d'Aix Mobilité' issus de la base ATC 2016 Open Data

Géolocalisation des arrêts du réseau 'Pays d'Aix Mobilité' [PTU2 AIX EN PROVENCE (Périmètre de trans

Issued on 2017-12-15T10:13:09.503Z

Points d'arrêts du réseau de transport 'Pays d'Aix Mobilité' issus de la base ATC 2016 details >

Authors in textbooks Open Data

This dataset lists the authors who appear in school textbooks

Issued on 2017-12-15T23:24:25.534Z

Authors in textbooks details >

PLU - Périmètres de localisation d'équipements Open Data

* * location perimeters of equipment registered in the Paris PLU * *. Data in accordance with the

Issued on 2017-12-16T05:11:23.083Z

PLU - Périmètres de localisation d'équipements details >

PLU - Emplacements réservés Open Data

* * Reserved placements registered in the Paris PLU * *. Data in accordance with the latest versio

Issued on 2017-12-16T05:12:45.175Z

PLU - Emplacements réservés details >

Compte Administratif 2016 de Toulouse Métropole Open Data

Compte Administratif 2016 de Toulouse Métropole

Issued on 2017-12-16T05:21:20.342Z

Compte Administratif 2016 de Toulouse Métropole details >

CASVP — Public Procurement List from 2013 to 2017 Open Data

The dataset represents the list of contracts above EUR 20 000 awarded by the Centre d’Action Sociale

Issued on 2017-12-19T06:03:16.348Z

CASVP — Public Procurement List from 2013 to 2017 details >

Gouvernance, politiques et stratégies de l'AFD Open Data

Tableau de liens vers les documents de l'AFD disponibles. Tableau au format IATI.

Issued on 2017-12-28T05:20:08.187Z

Gouvernance, politiques et stratégies de l'AFD details >

Linear speed moderation arrangements Open Data

Inventory of speed moderation equipment represented as a line: parking in chicane; elevated track se

Issued on 2018-01-03T17:24:57.697Z

Linear speed moderation arrangements details >

Ice tray Open Data

Location of all ice tanks used during snowfall. Ice trays are bins containing sand or salt. Data ent

Issued on 2018-01-05T11:34:58.437Z

Ice tray details >

Old boundaries of the Havre polling stations (until March 1, 2015) Open Data

Boundaries of the polling stations in Le Havre. This delimitation makes it possible to know, for eac

Issued on 2018-01-05T12:16:49.336Z

Old boundaries of the Havre polling stations (until March 1, 2015) details >

Key figures for the HADOPI graduated response Open Data

This dataset is a formatted version [of the CSV file published](

Issued on 2018-01-05T12:37:04.407Z

Key figures for the HADOPI graduated response details >

Urban Free Zones (ZFU) Open Data

#### Presentation The urban free zones (ZFU) are created in districts with more than 8,500 inhabitan

Issued on 2018-01-11T16:38:33.579Z

Urban Free Zones (ZFU) details >

Public equipment in the territory of Ennetières en Weppes Open Data

_For more readability, this data will soon be integrated into a dataset bringing together all the mu

Issued on 2018-01-12T08:22:18.484Z

Public equipment in the territory of Ennetières en Weppes details >

Documents-actes d'urbanisme délivrés - Cesson-Sévigné Open Data

Documents-actes d'urbanisme délivrés - Cesson-Sévigné

Issued on 2018-01-16T04:03:58.253Z

Documents-actes d'urbanisme délivrés - Cesson-Sévigné details >

Budget Primitif 2018 Toulouse Métrople Open Data

Budget primitif 2018 Toulouse Métropole (avec budgets annexes)

Issued on 2018-01-19T06:01:58.327Z

Budget Primitif 2018 Toulouse Métrople details >

Indicateurs de correction climatique sur le réseau GRDF Open Data

Ce jeu de données permet de suivre les quantités mensuelles de gaz acheminées sur le réseau de distr

Issued on 2018-01-24T05:00:28.008Z

Indicateurs de correction climatique sur le réseau GRDF details >

Rapports SNCF Open Data

Consultez les rapports des activités SNCF.

Issued on 2018-01-25T07:03:30.229Z

Rapports SNCF details >

History of cadastral plots (filiation) Open Data

This dataset is a reformated version of the “[Informatised Filiation Documents](

Issued on 2018-01-27T14:28:27.212Z

History of cadastral plots (filiation) details >

Construction and renovation operations in the Parisian high schools Open Data

The dataset traces the construction and renovation operations carried out by the region over the pas

Issued on 2018-01-30T06:46:34.252Z

Construction and renovation operations in the Parisian high schools details >

Le rôle des CHU dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche médicale Open Data

Les centres hospitaliers universitaires (CHU) sont des établissements de santé liés par convention a

Issued on 2018-01-30T16:23:48.460Z

Le rôle des CHU dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche médicale details >

Planet Archives — Shipwrecked Images Open Data

The Albert-Kahn Departmental Museum preserves the _Archives of the Planet, a set of still and animat

Issued on 2018-02-01T05:02:37.397Z

Planet Archives — Shipwrecked Images details >

Eau - Défense incendie Open Data

Ce tableau présente le nombre d'éléments (poteaux incendie et bouches incendie) de la défense incend

Issued on 2018-02-10T08:35:12.502Z

Eau - Défense incendie details >

Consommation et thermosensibilité électriques annuelles à la maille commune Open Data

Le jeu de données présente les données de consommation et thermosensibilité électriques annuelles ve

Issued on 2018-02-13T05:10:33.442Z

Consommation et thermosensibilité électriques annuelles à la maille commune details >

Etapes Apogée Actives - Université d'Angers Open Data

Diplômes et étapes de diplômes proposés par l’Université d’Angers

Issued on 2018-03-01T14:51:04.484Z

Etapes Apogée Actives - Université d'Angers details >

Parliamentary elections 2017 1st round — Angers — 7th constituency Open Data

The data provide the results of the first round of the general elections for the 7th constituency of

Issued on 2018-03-01T14:51:24.134Z

Parliamentary elections 2017 1st round — Angers — 7th constituency details >

Journal articles on the open archive HAL — Université Paris Nanterre Open Data

Journal articles on the open archive Hal of the University of Paris Nanterre, by type of deposit, ty

Issued on 2018-04-05T09:02:36.118Z

Journal articles on the open archive HAL — Université Paris Nanterre details >

Description of the bastiments of the University of Paris Nanterre Open Data

**List of buildings and distribution of activities of Paris Nanterre University campuses. ** ****T

Issued on 2018-04-05T09:03:04.915Z

Description of the bastiments of the University of Paris Nanterre details >

Outline of the A51 extension project Open Data

Outline of the extension project of l'A51 __Partner organisations__ Regional Centre for Geo

Issued on 2018-04-09T13:25:07.144Z

Outline of the A51 extension project details >

Museum of the Departmental Domain of Sceaux — Missing Castles Open Data

Selection of works preserved at the Musée du Domaine départemental de Sceaux and representing missin

Issued on 2018-04-12T06:03:32.796Z

Museum of the Departmental Domain of Sceaux — Missing Castles details >

Contours géographiques de l'Opération d'Intérêt National EcoVallée Open Data

Vous trouverez ici les contours géographiques de l'Opération d'Intérêt National EcoVallée.

Issued on 2018-03-16T00:00:00Z

Contours géographiques de l'Opération d'Intérêt National EcoVallée details >

Physical stop points of the Finistère Penn-ar-Bed network — OBSOLETE Open Data

Points d' physical stops of regular intercity passenger transport routes (car lines) and school

Issued on 2018-05-02T22:00:53.761Z

Physical stop points of the Finistère Penn-ar-Bed network — OBSOLETE details >

Visitors to the Museums of France Open Data

Total, paid and free attendance at the Musées de France from 2001 to 2020. 2001: Museums didn't hav

Issued on 2018-05-08T06:00:38.918Z

Visitors to the Museums of France details >

Local regulation of intercommunal advertising — agglomerated territory Open Data

The Local Intercommunal Advertising Regulation (RLPi) is a planning document for advertising, signag

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Local regulation of intercommunal advertising — agglomerated territory details >

National monthly wind and solar load factors and coverage rates (January 2012 to November 2022) Open Data

Load factors (%) and coverage rates (%) for wind and solar. * Load factor: ratio of electricity ac

Issued on 2018-05-16T08:44:46.491Z

National monthly wind and solar load factors and coverage rates (January 2012 to November 2022) details >

Annual volumes of electricity activated on the adjustment mechanism (2004 to 2021) Open Data

Annual volumes of electricity (MWh) activated (up or down) on the sector adjustment mechanism. Als

Issued on 2018-05-16T08:44:53.479Z

Annual volumes of electricity activated on the adjustment mechanism (2004 to 2021) details >

Annual volumes of electricity exchanged between balance-makers (2011 to 2021) Open Data

Annual commercial transactions (MWh) between Balance Managers (REs). * Volumes exchanged between R

Issued on 2018-05-16T08:44:53.071Z

Annual volumes of electricity exchanged between balance-makers (2011 to 2021) details >

Annual national circuit lengths and tower queues of the electricity transmission system (2011 to... Open Data

Annual national history at 31 December of the lengths (km) of tower circuits and lines in operation

Issued on 2018-05-16T08:44:57.595Z

Annual national circuit lengths and tower queues of the electricity transmission system (2011 to... details >

Employment area in Île-de-France Open Data

The concept of a basin of employment corresponds to a thinner division of the zones of ' jobs.

Issued on 2018-05-22T17:35:15.045Z

Employment area in Île-de-France details >

Délimitation des projets d’aménagement inscrits dans la démarche ÉcoQuartier sur le territoire... Open Data

La table L_ECO_QUARTIERS_S_075 délimite, sur le territoire parisien, les projets d’aménagement urbai

Issued on 2018-05-22T17:35:19.627Z

Délimitation des projets d’aménagement inscrits dans la démarche ÉcoQuartier sur le territoire... details >

Vulnerable zone in 2012 in the Rhine-Meuse basin, in the Alsace region Open Data

The dataset contains the perimeters of the vulnerable areas of the administrative district of Bassin

Issued on 2018-05-22T17:35:19.781Z

Vulnerable zone in 2012 in the Rhine-Meuse basin, in the Alsace region details >

Entité surfacique à l'origine du risque du PPRT d'EFR France (ex Delek et BP) Open Data

L'origine du risque caractérise l'entité du monde réel qui, par sa présence, représente un

Issued on 2018-05-22T17:35:26.193Z

Entité surfacique à l'origine du risque du PPRT d'EFR France (ex Delek et BP) details >

Location of specialised seats for all types of seats Open Data

This dataset lists all specialised places in a single file. It identifies the following types of pla

Issued on 2018-01-11T00:00:00Z

Location of specialised seats for all types of seats details >

CASVP — Administrative Account — Operations Section — Appendices Open Data

The Administrative Account presents the results of budget implementation. It then traces: (1) The

Issued on 2018-05-29T08:29:30.941Z

CASVP — Administrative Account — Operations Section — Appendices details >

Charging stations for electric vehicles Open Data

List of public and private electric charging stations in the territory of Nevers Agglomeration

Issued on 2018-05-31T16:18:06.995Z

Charging stations for electric vehicles details >

Compte administratif (CA) 2015 de Nantes Métropole Open Data

Compte administratif 2015 du budget principal de Nantes Métropole * * * Le compte administratif, v

Issued on 2018-07-18T09:11:59.568Z

Compte administratif (CA) 2015 de Nantes Métropole details >
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