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Presidential election 2002 — Results by polling stations Open Data

Results of the 2002 presidential election, rounds 1 and 2, by polling stations Note: the municipal

Issued on 2015-09-25T11:04:20.449Z

Presidential election 2002 — Results by polling stations details >

2005 referendum — Results by polling stations Open Data

Results of the 2005 referendum by polling stations Note: the municipal division, the nomenclature a

Issued on 2015-09-25T11:28:51.160Z

2005 referendum — Results by polling stations details >

Regional Elections 2010 — Results by polling stations Open Data

Results of regional elections 2010, rounds 1 and 2, by polling stations Note: the municipal divisio

Issued on 2015-09-25T11:31:19.714Z

Regional Elections 2010 — Results by polling stations details >

New Aquitaine: Regional Natural Park (PNR) — Perimeters (surfacic) Open Data

This dataset contains the perimeters of the regional natural parks of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.

Issued on 2015-09-29T10:29:50.803Z

New Aquitaine: Regional Natural Park (PNR) — Perimeters (surfacic) details >

Nouvelle-Aquitaine : Sites inscrits Open Data

Le site inscrit constitue une garantie minimale de protection en soumettant tout changement d'a

Issued on 2015-09-29T10:30:02.005Z

Nouvelle-Aquitaine : Sites inscrits details >

Presidential election 2007 — Results by polling stations Open Data

Results of the 2007 presidential election, rounds 1 and 2, by polling stations Note: the municipal

Issued on 2015-10-01T15:40:01.693Z

Presidential election 2007 — Results by polling stations details >

Délai de traitements <= 15 jours ouvrés Open Data

Proportion de pièces traitées dans un délai inférieur ou égal à 15 jours ouvrés à partir de janvier

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

Délai de traitements <= 15 jours ouvrés details >

* Personal help for housing (APL) — by Caf Open Data

__ The final data observed for a month of duty are extracted with a decrease of 6 months. Semi-final

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Personal help for housing (APL) — by Caf details >

* Solidarity income (RSO) — by Caf Open Data

__ The final data observed for a month of duty are extracted with a decrease of 6 months. Semi-final

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

* Solidarity income (RSO) — by Caf details >

Nombre d'appels téléphoniques traités Open Data

Il s’agit du nombre total des appels téléphoniques traités parmi l’ensemble des appels liés à la ges

Issued on 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z

Nombre d'appels téléphoniques traités details >

Ouverture des données publiques du logement : rapport et cartographie Open Data

Dans le cadre de la politique du gouvernement en faveur de l'ouverture des données publiques, il a é

Issued on 2015-10-02T16:16:34.728Z

Ouverture des données publiques du logement : rapport et cartographie details >

Eolien: Wind farms in the department of Aude Open Data

A wind farm is composed of one or more wind turbines producing electricity. A park requires one or m

Issued on 2015-10-09T08:07:17.032Z

Eolien: Wind farms in the department of Aude details >

Territorial coherence scheme by municipality in the Haut-Rhin Open Data

The Act on Solidarity and Urban Renewal (Law SRU) of 13 December 2000 provides for the establishment

Issued on 2015-10-09T08:18:37.121Z

Territorial coherence scheme by municipality in the Haut-Rhin details >

Wind building permit in Lorraine (N_PC_EOLIEN_r41) Open Data

A building permit is required for all onshore wind turbines over 12 meters high (Article R.421-2 of

Issued on 2015-10-09T08:19:33.222Z

Wind building permit in Lorraine (N_PC_EOLIEN_r41) details >

Wind turbine built or planned in Lorraine (N_MAT_EOLIEN_P_r41) Open Data

L&#x27; wind energy is produced from the force of the wind, thanks to a wind turbine, which transfor

Issued on 2015-10-09T08:19:33.258Z

Wind turbine built or planned in Lorraine (N_MAT_EOLIEN_P_r41) details >

Remarkable wetlands of the SDAGE 2009-2015 of Lorraine and the Rhine-Meuse Basin (surface mode) Open Data

The dataset contains the perimeter of the Remarkable Wetlands of Lorraine and the Rhine-Meuse Basin.

Issued on 2015-10-09T08:19:33.404Z

Remarkable wetlands of the SDAGE 2009-2015 of Lorraine and the Rhine-Meuse Basin (surface mode) details >

Public inter-municipal cooperation institution (EPCI) at 01/01/2015 in Lorraine Open Data

The dataset contains the Public Institution for Intercommunal Cooperation (EPCI) on 01/01/2015 in Lo

Issued on 2015-10-09T08:19:41.294Z

Public inter-municipal cooperation institution (EPCI) at 01/01/2015 in Lorraine details >

Position of aerial photos of floods in Lorraine Open Data

The dataset contains the position of aerial flood photos in Lorraine, with an arrow that specifies t

Issued on 2015-10-09T08:19:40.999Z

Position of aerial photos of floods in Lorraine details >

Plate of servitude AC1 relating to the protection of historical monuments in the department of... Open Data

Servitudes of public utility (SUP) are administrative limitations on the right to property, they are

Issued on 2015-12-02T23:50:14.054Z

Plate of servitude AC1 relating to the protection of historical monuments in the department of... details >

PM1 Baseline for Predictable Natural Hazards Prevention Plans — PUY-DE-DOME — Continuous Update Open Data

Servitudes of public utility (SUP) are administrative limitations on the right to property, they are

Issued on 2015-12-03T12:42:57.182Z

PM1 Baseline for Predictable Natural Hazards Prevention Plans — PUY-DE-DOME — Continuous Update details >

Subventions versées à des tiers - 2011 - Toulouse Métropole Open Data

Etat des subventions versées à des tiers par la Communauté Urbaine de Toulouse Métropole pour 2011 e

Issued on 2016-02-02T15:53:16.192Z

Subventions versées à des tiers - 2011 - Toulouse Métropole details >

Budget Primitif 2012 - Grand Toulouse Open Data

Budget Primitif 2012 de la Communauté Urbaine du Grand Toulouse

Issued on 2016-02-02T15:53:17.993Z

Budget Primitif 2012 - Grand Toulouse details >

Data on the Community report: habitat-Faune-Flore Directive (92/43/EEC) and Birds Directive... Open Data

The Habitats-Faune-Flore Directive (92/43/EEC) and the Birds Directive (2009/147/EC, codified versio

Issued on 2016-02-12T09:55:31.287Z

Data on the Community report: habitat-Faune-Flore Directive (92/43/EEC) and Birds Directive... details >

Relations with users and modernisation of the State Open Data

On 4 February 2016, the Court of Auditors published a report entitled “Relations to Users and Modern

Issued on 2016-02-15T17:56:48.690Z

Relations with users and modernisation of the State details >

Moral and Civic Education Program Open Data

The moral and civic education program for elementary school, middle school and high school comes int

Issued on 2016-02-16T15:43:22.234Z

Moral and Civic Education Program details >

Compte Administratif 2013 Recettes du BUDGET TRANSPORTS URBAIN Open Data

Ce fichier est extrait du logiciel Coriolis finances publiques et présente les recettes du BUDGET TR

Issued on 2016-02-25T10:30:06.457Z

Compte Administratif 2013 Recettes du BUDGET TRANSPORTS URBAIN details >

Etat de la dette 2016 - budget principal Open Data

Fichier reprenant pour la période du 1/01/2016 au 31/12/2016 les emprunts de Lorient Agglomération.

Issued on 2016-03-01T11:11:22.622Z

Etat de la dette 2016 - budget principal details >

MARINAS: administrative accounts, primitive budget, state of debt Open Data

The marinas of Lorient, Larmor-Plage, Port-Louis, Gâvres and Guidel, managed by the Sellor, fall wit

Issued on 2016-03-07T09:58:13.262Z

MARINAS: administrative accounts, primitive budget, state of debt details >

RMT Agroforesterie Open Data

Base de données des sites pilotes et des ressources en agroforesterie

Issued on 2016-03-07T11:45:57.749Z

RMT Agroforesterie details >

WATER BUDGET: administrative accounts, primitive budgets, state of debt, energy consumption of works Open Data

These files are extracted from the Coriolis public finances software and present the expenditure and

Issued on 2016-03-08T11:17:50.919Z

WATER BUDGET: administrative accounts, primitive budgets, state of debt, energy consumption of works details >

Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliation (CIVS). Statitics for the month of February... Open Data

The monthly CIVS statistics provide the following data: number of registered files; number of cases

Issued on 2016-03-11T14:46:42.426Z

Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliation (CIVS). Statitics for the month of February... details >

Surface Wetland of Cantal Open Data

In the legal sense, the Law on Water of January 1992 defines wetlands as “land, whether or not explo

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:22:50.690Z

Surface Wetland of Cantal details >

PPRT document on the Somme Department Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) were established by the law of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:44:48.120Z

PPRT document on the Somme Department details >

Prescription linéraire du PLU de la commune de Breilly Open Data

Les prescriptions d&#x27;un document d&#x27;urbanisme sont définies dans l&#x27;article R123-11 du c

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:45:01.575Z

Prescription linéraire du PLU de la commune de Breilly details >

Prescription linéraire du PLU de la commune de Salouel Open Data

Les prescriptions d&#x27;un document d&#x27;urbanisme sont définies dans l&#x27;article R123-11 du c

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:45:29.885Z

Prescription linéraire du PLU de la commune de Salouel details >

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Behencourt Open Data

The Code de l&#x27; urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:45:48.203Z

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Behencourt details >

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Francieres Open Data

The Code de l&#x27; urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:45:55.832Z

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Francieres details >

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Long Open Data

The Code de l&#x27; urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:45:58.550Z

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Long details >

Information on the POS (doc. of 3.11.2010) of the municipality of Groutte Open Data

N_INFO_SURF_18107_018 __Origin__ Surface, linear or point information is shown on the graphical do

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:46:15.315Z

Information on the POS (doc. of 3.11.2010) of the municipality of Groutte details >

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Fressenneville Open Data

The Code de l&#x27; urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:46:44.569Z

Area of the PLU of the municipality of Fressenneville details >

Ad hoc prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Longpre-les-Corps-Saints Open Data

The requirements of a document d&#x27; urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:46:49.183Z

Ad hoc prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Longpre-les-Corps-Saints details >

Linear prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Longpre-les-Corps-Saints Open Data

The requirements of a document d&#x27; urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:46:49.056Z

Linear prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Longpre-les-Corps-Saints details >

Floods — Digues en Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Materialisation of the summit of the dikes in Loir-et-Cher __Origin__ Genealogy __Partner organi

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:46:55.493Z

Floods — Digues en Loir-et-Cher details >

Prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Aigneville Open Data

The requirements of a document d&#x27; urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:46:56.926Z

Prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Aigneville details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Bosquel Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns Local Plan Documents d&#x27; Urban Planning (PLU) and Plans d&#x

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:46:56.748Z

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Bosquel details >

Ad hoc prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Cottenchy Open Data

The requirements of a document d&#x27; urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:48:43.989Z

Ad hoc prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Cottenchy details >

Information point of the PLU of the municipality of Ponthoile Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-18T15:53:19.130Z

Information point of the PLU of the municipality of Ponthoile details >

Cadastre conchylicole d’Ille et Vilaine — Pêcheries Open Data

Fisheries in the immediate vicinity of the coast of the department of Ille and Vilaine, (spaces deve

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:17:35.767Z

Cadastre conchylicole d’Ille et Vilaine — Pêcheries details >

Restricted areas of the PPRT of St Jacques de la Lande Open Data

Restricted areas of the PPRT of St Jacques de la Lande __Origin__ Division made from Decree No 201

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:17:51.662Z

Restricted areas of the PPRT of St Jacques de la Lande details >

Point informatif d'un POS/PLU du Loiret Open Data

Les informations surfaciques, linéaires ou ponctuelles figurant sur les documents graphiques d&#x27;

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:33:22.068Z

Point informatif d'un POS/PLU du Loiret details >

Priority district of the city’s policy on the Loiret Open Data

The law of 14 November 1996 implementing the recovery pact for the city (PRV) distinguished three le

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:33:37.855Z

Priority district of the city’s policy on the Loiret details >

Aquitaine: Atlas of Flood Zones of the Garonne — Limit Flood Zones Open Data

This dataset contains the limit of the flood zones of the Garonne for the departments Gironde and Lo

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:35:47.932Z

Aquitaine: Atlas of Flood Zones of the Garonne — Limit Flood Zones details >

Bassin Garonne : Plan de Gestion de l'Anguille - Ouvrages de la Zone d'Action Prioritaire... Open Data

Ce jeu de données contient la localisation des ouvrages de la Zone d&#x27;Action Prioritaire Garonne

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:36:26.349Z

Bassin Garonne : Plan de Gestion de l'Anguille - Ouvrages de la Zone d'Action Prioritaire... details >

Atlas Aquitaine: Zoning of seismic hazard Open Data

This map locates the zoning of seismic hazard, by type of seismicity (areas ranging from 1-Sismicity

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:37:21.298Z

Atlas Aquitaine: Zoning of seismic hazard details >

Aquitaine: Atlas of flood zones of the Garonne — Limit study Open Data

This dataset contains the datasets produced during the study on the mapping of flood zones of the Ga

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:37:49.695Z

Aquitaine: Atlas of flood zones of the Garonne — Limit study details >

Aquitaine : N2000 - Entités géographiques décrivant les habitats naturels du site "Réseau... Open Data

Ce jeu de données contient les zonages habitats naturels ponctuels identifiés dans le document d&#x2

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:38:06.883Z

Aquitaine : N2000 - Entités géographiques décrivant les habitats naturels du site "Réseau... details >

Municipalities of the sound classification of land transport infrastructure in Charente. (revision) Open Data

Polygons of the municipalities impacted by the noise classification of road and rail tracks on the d

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:44:54.045Z

Municipalities of the sound classification of land transport infrastructure in Charente. (revision) details >

[Sort of the Mulhousian AGGLOMERATION] Issues corresponding to sensitive establishments,... Open Data

Tables of issues corresponding to sensitive establishments, infrastructures and installations whose

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:49:02.909Z

[Sort of the Mulhousian AGGLOMERATION] Issues corresponding to sensitive establishments,... details >

[Mulhousian AGGLOMERATION Sort] Tables of flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way Open Data

A series of geographical data produced by the GIS Flooding Directive for the territory of significan

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:49:31.636Z

[Mulhousian AGGLOMERATION Sort] Tables of flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way details >

HAMSTER - Terriers de 2006 en Alsace Open Data

Recensement de 2006 des terriers de Grand hamster occupés en Alsace dans les parcelles de céréales d

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:49:38.986Z

HAMSTER - Terriers de 2006 en Alsace details >

Hamster — Prospection of 2008 in Alsace Open Data

Area defined each year in which all favorable crops (cereals of #x27; winter and alfalfa) are prospe

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:49:48.676Z

Hamster — Prospection of 2008 in Alsace details >

HAMSTER - Terriers de 2014 en Alsace Open Data

Recensement de 2014 des terriers de Grand hamster occupés en Alsace dans les parcelles de céréales d

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:49:59.983Z

HAMSTER - Terriers de 2014 en Alsace details >

[DREAL LR] PNA Redheaded Pie-grièche in Languedoc-Roussillon Open Data

The National Action Plans for Endangered Species are one of the policies put in place by the Ministr

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:52:05.854Z

[DREAL LR] PNA Redheaded Pie-grièche in Languedoc-Roussillon details >

[DREAL LR] Rural revitalisation areas in Languedoc-roussillon Open Data

Rural Revitalisation Areas (RRAs) aim to support the development of rural areas mainly through fisca

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:52:16.265Z

[DREAL LR] Rural revitalisation areas in Languedoc-roussillon details >

[DREAL LR] Surface Wetland in the SRCE in Languedoc-Roussillon Open Data

In the legal sense, the Law on Water of January 1992 defines wetlands as “land, whether or not explo

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:52:35.589Z

[DREAL LR] Surface Wetland in the SRCE in Languedoc-Roussillon details >

[DREAL LR] Mesures compensatoires en Languedoc-Roussillon Open Data

Couche des terrains utilisés en Languedoc-Roussillon pour des mesures compensatoires et indiquant po

Issued on 2016-03-18T17:52:47.487Z

[DREAL LR] Mesures compensatoires en Languedoc-Roussillon details >

Specific information from the PLU (Doc. of 28.2.2011) of the municipality of Mehun-sur-Yèvre Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:53:12.379Z

Specific information from the PLU (Doc. of 28.2.2011) of the municipality of Mehun-sur-Yèvre details >

Specific requirements of the POS (Doc. of 9.9.1988) of the municipality of Aubinges Open Data

The requirements of a document d&#x27; urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:53:23.132Z

Specific requirements of the POS (Doc. of 9.9.1988) of the municipality of Aubinges details >

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 6.11.2006) of the city of Gron Open Data

The code of urban planning defines two types of sectors for municipal maps: construction and inconst

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:53:29.154Z

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 6.11.2006) of the city of Gron details >

Linear information from the POS (doc. of 6.6.1989) of the commune of Gardefort Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:53:29.877Z

Linear information from the POS (doc. of 6.6.1989) of the commune of Gardefort details >

Areas of application of the regulations on clearing on the Cher department Open Data

Is a clearing any voluntary operation directly or indirectly causing the destruction of &#x27; fores

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:53:31.789Z

Areas of application of the regulations on clearing on the Cher department details >

Geographical areas of cheese-type protected origin designations on the Cher department Open Data

L&#x27; PDO, l&#x27; appellation d&#x27; Protected origin, corresponds to the #x27; appellation d’#x

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:53:46.330Z

Geographical areas of cheese-type protected origin designations on the Cher department details >

Locations of sites classified as surface-type on the Cher department Open Data

Natural monuments and sites whose conservation or preservation presents, from an artistic, historica

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:53:53.758Z

Locations of sites classified as surface-type on the Cher department details >

Information on the PLU (doc. of 12.3.2013) of the commune Les Aix-d’Angillon Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:54:02.597Z

Information on the PLU (doc. of 12.3.2013) of the commune Les Aix-d’Angillon details >

Specific information from the PLU (doc. of 12.3.2013) of the commune Les Aix-d’Angillon Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:54:04.314Z

Specific information from the PLU (doc. of 12.3.2013) of the commune Les Aix-d’Angillon details >

Zones of the PLU (doc. of 27.8.2009) of the commune of Belleville-sur-Loire Open Data

The Code de l&#x27; urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:54:15.429Z

Zones of the PLU (doc. of 27.8.2009) of the commune of Belleville-sur-Loire details >

Information on the PLU (doc. of 28.1.2010) of the municipality of Chapelle-Saint-Ursin Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:54:38.296Z

Information on the PLU (doc. of 28.1.2010) of the municipality of Chapelle-Saint-Ursin details >

Linear information from the POS (doc. of 15.11.1990) of the municipality of Chezal-Benoît Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:54:54.725Z

Linear information from the POS (doc. of 15.11.1990) of the municipality of Chezal-Benoît details >

Linear information from the POS (doc. of 4.10.2001) of the municipality of La Chapelle-d’Angillon Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:55:00.154Z

Linear information from the POS (doc. of 4.10.2001) of the municipality of La Chapelle-d’Angillon details >

POS zones (doc. of 6.6.1989) of the commune of Gardefort Open Data

The Code de l&#x27; urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-20T17:55:14.359Z

POS zones (doc. of 6.6.1989) of the commune of Gardefort details >

Zones of the PLU (doc. of 13.6.2012) of the municipality of Thénioux Open Data

The Code de l&#x27; urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:03:08.118Z

Zones of the PLU (doc. of 13.6.2012) of the municipality of Thénioux details >

Specific information from the PLU (Doc. 30.11.2012) of the municipality of Beffes Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:03:43.829Z

Specific information from the PLU (Doc. 30.11.2012) of the municipality of Beffes details >

Linear information from the POS (doc. of 19.11.2010) of the municipality of Bruère-Allichamps Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:04:42.546Z

Linear information from the POS (doc. of 19.11.2010) of the municipality of Bruère-Allichamps details >

Surface dressings of the PLU (doc. of 3.12.2012) of the commune of Ivoy-le-Pré Open Data

Cladding elements are scripts related to a regulatory provision (track width, position, name of neig

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:04:48.814Z

Surface dressings of the PLU (doc. of 3.12.2012) of the commune of Ivoy-le-Pré details >

Linear information from the PLU (Doc. 30.11.2012) of the municipality of Beffes Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:04:51.410Z

Linear information from the PLU (Doc. 30.11.2012) of the municipality of Beffes details >

Specific requirements of the PLU (doc. of 26.2.2010) of the municipality of Preuilly Open Data

The requirements of a document d&#x27; urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:05:47.596Z

Specific requirements of the PLU (doc. of 26.2.2010) of the municipality of Preuilly details >

Text coverings of the POS (doc. of 19.9.1994) of the municipality of Menetou-Salon Open Data

Label covering the plane of&#x27;a PLU __Origin__ The geometry of n°#x27;textual, surface, linear

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:05:50.446Z

Text coverings of the POS (doc. of 19.9.1994) of the municipality of Menetou-Salon details >

Prescriptions linéaires du PLU (doc. du 18.11.2005) de la commune de Quincy Open Data

Les prescriptions d&#x27;un document d&#x27;urbanisme sont définies dans l&#x27;article R123-11 du c

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:06:33.128Z

Prescriptions linéaires du PLU (doc. du 18.11.2005) de la commune de Quincy details >

Information on the POS (doc. of 17.9.2003) of the commune of Saint-Palais Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:08:23.750Z

Information on the POS (doc. of 17.9.2003) of the commune of Saint-Palais details >

Informations linéaires du PLU (doc. du 25.06.2013) de la commune de Neuvy-sur-Barangeon Open Data

Les informations surfaciques, linéaires ou ponctuelles figurant sur les documents graphiques d&#x27;

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:08:28.425Z

Informations linéaires du PLU (doc. du 25.06.2013) de la commune de Neuvy-sur-Barangeon details >

Linear information from the PLU (doc. of 27.11.2007) of the municipality Le Subdray Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:09:03.022Z

Linear information from the PLU (doc. of 27.11.2007) of the municipality Le Subdray details >

Text coverings of the POS (doc. of 17.9.2003) of the commune of Saint-Palais Open Data

Label covering the plane of&#x27;a PLU __Origin__ A prescription is represented on the graphical d

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:09:44.311Z

Text coverings of the POS (doc. of 17.9.2003) of the commune of Saint-Palais details >

Linear requirements of the POS (doc. of 11.6.2010) of the municipality of Sidiailles Open Data

The requirements of a document d&#x27; urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:10:38.780Z

Linear requirements of the POS (doc. of 11.6.2010) of the municipality of Sidiailles details >

Specific requirements of the PLU (Doc. of 14.12.2010) of the municipality of Trouy Open Data

The requirements of a document d&#x27; urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:11:09.623Z

Specific requirements of the PLU (Doc. of 14.12.2010) of the municipality of Trouy details >

Specific requirements of the PLU (doc. of 15.5.2009) of the municipality of Venesmes Open Data

The requirements of a document d&#x27; urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:11:19.747Z

Specific requirements of the PLU (doc. of 15.5.2009) of the municipality of Venesmes details >

Areas of the PLU (Doc. 30.1.2015) of the municipality of Venesmes Open Data

The Code de l&#x27; urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:11:25.503Z

Areas of the PLU (Doc. 30.1.2015) of the municipality of Venesmes details >

Informations surfaciques du PLU (doc. du 30.01.2015) de la commune de Venesmes Open Data

Les informations surfaciques, linéaires ou ponctuelles figurant sur les documents graphiques d&#x27;

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:11:25.260Z

Informations surfaciques du PLU (doc. du 30.01.2015) de la commune de Venesmes details >

Specific information from the PLU (doc. of 17.6.2013) of the municipality of Vignoux-sur-Barangeon Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:11:42.762Z

Specific information from the PLU (doc. of 17.6.2013) of the municipality of Vignoux-sur-Barangeon details >

Information on the POS (doc. of 11.4.2000) of the municipality of Cours-les-Barres Open Data

Surface, linear or punctual information on graphical documents of {\#x27;#x27; urban planning PLU or

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:12:16.742Z

Information on the POS (doc. of 11.4.2000) of the municipality of Cours-les-Barres details >

POS zones (doc. 20.10.2004) of the commune of Jouet-sur-l’Aubois Open Data

The Code de l&#x27; urbanism defines four types of areas regulated in the local plan of #x27; urban

Issued on 2016-03-20T18:12:45.003Z

POS zones (doc. 20.10.2004) of the commune of Jouet-sur-l’Aubois details >
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