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DDT 70- Perimeter of Ognon Source PPRI n°20090017 Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2017-01-21T22:05:49.607Z

DDT 70- Perimeter of Ognon Source PPRI n°20090017 details >

DDT 70- Regulatory area of the PPRI n°20080026 Saône Basse Vallee Open Data

For natural PPRs, the code of l'environment defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-expo

Issued on 2017-01-21T22:05:51.959Z

DDT 70- Regulatory area of the PPRI n°20080026 Saône Basse Vallee details >

DDT 70 — Perimeter of PPRI n°20080024 of the Lantern Basin Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the PPRN; development of the PPRN. T

Issued on 2017-01-21T22:05:53.225Z

DDT 70 — Perimeter of PPRI n°20080024 of the Lantern Basin details >

Restricted area of the NNIRP of the Vallée de l’Huisne in Sarthe. Open Data

For natural PPRs, the code of l'environment defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-expo

Issued on 2017-01-21T22:12:06.117Z

Restricted area of the NNIRP of the Vallée de l’Huisne in Sarthe. details >

Regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRI) on the municipality of Sainte Maxime... Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (P.P.R) codified in Articles L562-1 to L562-7 and R562-1 et seq. of the En

Issued on 2017-01-21T22:15:31.322Z

Regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRI) on the municipality of Sainte Maxime... details >

Regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRI) in the municipality of Vidauban (Var) Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (P.P.R) codified in Articles L 562-1 to L 562-7 and R 562-1 et seq. of the

Issued on 2017-01-21T22:15:35.655Z

Regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRI) in the municipality of Vidauban (Var) details >

Regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRI) on the municipality of Grimaud (Var) Open Data

The Plan for the Prevention of Natural Risks of Floodation in the commune of Grimaud, linked to the

Issued on 2017-01-21T22:15:37.465Z

Regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRI) on the municipality of Grimaud (Var) details >

Contours des territoires VOLET 3 du programme Breizh Bocage (2007-2013) en Bretagne Open Data

Breizh Bocage est un programme régional du Plan de Développement Rural Hexagonal (PDRH) 2007-2013.

Issued on 2017-01-21T22:31:28.480Z

Contours des territoires VOLET 3 du programme Breizh Bocage (2007-2013) en Bretagne details >

Outlines of agri-environmental and climate projects (APEC) issue EAU in Brittany in 2016 Open Data

Outlines of agri-environmental and climate projects (APEC) UAE issue for which specific measures are

Issued on 2017-01-21T22:31:30.624Z

Outlines of agri-environmental and climate projects (APEC) issue EAU in Brittany in 2016 details >

Shellfish production areas of the Côtes d’Armor Open Data

Contours of shellfish production areas defined by the prefectural decree of 13/07/2012, distinguishe

Issued on 2017-01-21T22:32:38.845Z

Shellfish production areas of the Côtes d’Armor details >

Perimeters of countries in Moselle Open Data

Established by the law of #x27 February 1995, the concept of a country was specified in the law of 2

Issued on 2017-01-21T22:35:30.417Z

Perimeters of countries in Moselle details >

Schools Priority Education Open Data

Indicators for priority education for schools

Issued on 2017-01-26T11:32:35.199Z

Schools Priority Education details >

Bachelor’s Achievement by Social Origin Open Data

Success in the bachelor’s degree by social origin Source: ERS — Statistical References and Referenc

Issued on 2017-01-26T11:32:36.322Z

Bachelor’s Achievement by Social Origin details >

Base of EcoQuartiers Open Data

Basis of the **EcoQuartiers**, offering a **exhaustive reading** of all **sustainable urban developm

Issued on 2017-01-30T22:50:05.201Z

Base of EcoQuartiers details >

Liste des établissements de l'enseignement supérieur culture Open Data

Liste et localisation des établissements (sièges et sites) de l'enseignement supérieur sous tutelle

Issued on 2017-01-31T17:46:42.514Z

Liste des établissements de l'enseignement supérieur culture details >

Location meshes — Global sectors of Martinique Open Data

Location sectors — meshes __Origin__ Areas for the identification of large meshes areas of 5 km/5k

Issued on 2017-02-01T15:53:18.582Z

Location meshes — Global sectors of Martinique details >

Areas Wetlands of Environmental Interest Specific Open Data

The Wetlands of #x27; Specific Environmental Interest (HIPZ) are wetland inventory zonings at the wa

Issued on 2017-02-01T15:53:19.194Z

Areas Wetlands of Environmental Interest Specific details >

New Aquitaine partial: Easement related to mining and quarrying (I6) — Perimeters (surfacic) Open Data

This dataset contains the perimeters (surface objects) of servitudes relating to the mines and quarr

Issued on 2017-02-03T10:18:56.149Z

New Aquitaine partial: Easement related to mining and quarrying (I6) — Perimeters (surfacic) details >

Continental Surface Water Quality Measurement Stations (QST) — Mayotte Open Data

The measuring station is the location on a hydrographic entity (courses of water, lakes, canals...),

Issued on 2017-02-03T10:31:19.890Z

Continental Surface Water Quality Measurement Stations (QST) — Mayotte details >

Carte topographique au 1/5000 ème Open Data

Carte topographique sur le territoire du Sicoval datant de 2006. Format : ECW Projection : NTF_Par

Issued on 2017-02-10T12:15:18.486Z

Carte topographique au 1/5000 ème details >

PAEC 2015 of the ZORN ried Open Data

Agri-environmental and climate measures (ACE) are the main tools of the second pillar of the Common

Issued on 2017-02-13T12:03:18.281Z

PAEC 2015 of the ZORN ried details >

PAEC 2015 for a living mountain Open Data

Agri-environmental and climate measures (ACE) are the main tools of the second pillar of the Common

Issued on 2017-02-13T12:03:20.924Z

PAEC 2015 for a living mountain details >

Agricultural educational establishments in Alsace Open Data

This layer includes all types of establishments managed by the Ministry in charge of agriculture, wh

Issued on 2017-02-13T12:03:20.419Z

Agricultural educational establishments in Alsace details >

Vulnerable zone in 2012 in the Rhine-Meuse basin, in the Alsace region Open Data

The dataset contains the perimeters of the vulnerable areas of the administrative district of Bassin

Issued on 2017-02-13T12:03:21.499Z

Vulnerable zone in 2012 in the Rhine-Meuse basin, in the Alsace region details >

Control area for maize root chrysomela in Alsace in 2010 Open Data

The corn root chrysomela, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, is a small beetle of about 7 mm in the Chr

Issued on 2017-02-13T12:03:23.531Z

Control area for maize root chrysomela in Alsace in 2010 details >

Observatoire des sols à l'échelle communale de la zone Sud Est du département des LANDES pour 2013 -... Open Data

Le descriptif de la donnée est disponible dans la fiche de métadonnées de lot de données "Obser

Issued on 2017-02-13T12:22:05.869Z

Observatoire des sols à l'échelle communale de la zone Sud Est du département des LANDES pour 2013 -... details >

Municipal Land Observatory of the South-West Zone of the LOT and GARONNE Department for 2013 — Beta... Open Data

The description of the data is available in the Data Lot Metadata Sheet & Soil Observatory at th

Issued on 2017-02-13T12:22:06.705Z

Municipal Land Observatory of the South-West Zone of the LOT and GARONNE Department for 2013 — Beta... details >

[DRIAAF IdF] Assiette des SUP de type A7 (forêts de protection) dans le Val-de-Marne Open Data

Assiette des servitudes d'utilité publique de type A7 (forêts de protection) dans le Val-de-Mar

Issued on 2017-02-13T12:29:58.785Z

[DRIAAF IdF] Assiette des SUP de type A7 (forêts de protection) dans le Val-de-Marne details >

Linear prescriptions of Creney’s PLU near Troyes Open Data

The requirements of a document d' urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2017-02-22T17:01:17.805Z

Linear prescriptions of Creney’s PLU near Troyes details >

One-off requirements of Prugny’s PLU Open Data

The requirements of a document d' urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2017-02-22T17:01:19.481Z

One-off requirements of Prugny’s PLU details >

Punctual prescriptions of the Troyes PLU Open Data

The requirements of a document d' urban planning are defined in article R123-11 of the code of

Issued on 2017-02-22T17:01:21.915Z

Punctual prescriptions of the Troyes PLU details >

Aquitaine: Tri d’Arcachon (marine submersion hazard) — Commons used to calculate the human stakes of... Open Data

Table of municipalities used to calculate the stakes of numbers of inhabitants and jobs for each flo

Issued on 2017-02-22T17:36:39.524Z

Aquitaine: Tri d’Arcachon (marine submersion hazard) — Commons used to calculate the human stakes of... details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Athies Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns Local Plan Documents d' Urban Planning (PLU) and Plans d&#x

Issued on 2017-02-23T11:42:02.746Z

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Athies details >

Wooded spaces classified simplified to medium scale in Charente-Maritime Open Data

Zoning of the 2014 simplified forested areas for medium-scale planning uses, especially at the inter

Issued on 2017-02-23T11:42:06.738Z

Wooded spaces classified simplified to medium scale in Charente-Maritime details >

Profiles across the Natural Hazards Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the commune of Meursault in Côte-d’Or Open Data

The objects in this table correspond to the cross profiles and reference odds of the PPR of the muni

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:07:55.024Z

Profiles across the Natural Hazards Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the commune of Meursault in Côte-d’Or details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards for the municipality of Meursault in Cote-d’Or Open Data

This plan for the prevention of natural hazards (PPRN) concerns the municipality of Meursault and wa

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:08:10.818Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards for the municipality of Meursault in Cote-d’Or details >

Regulatory zoning of the PPRN and flooding of the Commune of Arc-sur-Tille in Côte-d’Or Open Data

The plan for the prevention of natural risks flooding of the Commune of Arc-sur-Tille was approved b

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:08:14.591Z

Regulatory zoning of the PPRN and flooding of the Commune of Arc-sur-Tille in Côte-d’Or details >

Scope of exposure to risk of the PPRN of the commune of Is-sur-Tille in Côte-d’Or Open Data

This layer contains the perimeters d' exposure to the risk of the plan to prevent natural hazar

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:08:15.867Z

Scope of exposure to risk of the PPRN of the commune of Is-sur-Tille in Côte-d’Or details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards for the municipality of Pluvault en Cote-d’Or Open Data

This plan for the prevention of natural hazards (PPRN) concerns the municipality of Pluvault and was

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:08:20.219Z

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards for the municipality of Pluvault en Cote-d’Or details >

Périmètre d'exposition au risque du PPRN de la commune de Neuilly-lès-Dijon en Côte-d'Or Open Data

Cette couche contient les périmètres d'exposition au risque du plan de prévention des risques n

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:08:27.866Z

Périmètre d'exposition au risque du PPRN de la commune de Neuilly-lès-Dijon en Côte-d'Or details >

Zoning of the vagaries of the PPRN of the commune of Pont en Côte-d’Or Open Data

Zoning of the hazards of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Pont (Prefectural Decree

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:08:28.300Z

Zoning of the vagaries of the PPRN of the commune of Pont en Côte-d’Or details >

Perimeter of exposure to risk of the PPRN of the commune of Saint-Julien in Côte-d’Or Open Data

This layer contains the perimeters d' exposure to the risk of the plan to prevent natural hazar

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:08:30.137Z

Perimeter of exposure to risk of the PPRN of the commune of Saint-Julien in Côte-d’Or details >

Zonage des aléas du PPRN de la commune de Sainte-Marie-sur-Ouche en Côte-d'Or Open Data

Zonage des aléas du Plan de prévention des risques naturels de Sainte-Marie-sur-Ouche (Arrêté préfec

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:08:37.122Z

Zonage des aléas du PPRN de la commune de Sainte-Marie-sur-Ouche en Côte-d'Or details >

Zonage réglementaire du PPRN inondation de la Commune de Izier en Côte-d'Or Open Data

Le Plan de prévention des risques naturels inondation de la Commune de Izier a été approuvé par arrê

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:08:40.635Z

Zonage réglementaire du PPRN inondation de la Commune de Izier en Côte-d'Or details >

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 15.10.2008) of the city of Charentonnay Open Data

The code of urban planning defines two types of sectors for municipal maps: construction and inconst

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:08:56.982Z

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 15.10.2008) of the city of Charentonnay details >

Strategic noise maps — National Routes — Type B map (night) in Côte d’Or — 2nd deadline 2012-2017 Open Data

The European Directive 2002/49/EC on the assessment and management of environmental noise sets out a

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:09:02.605Z

Strategic noise maps — National Routes — Type B map (night) in Côte d’Or — 2nd deadline 2012-2017 details >

Profiles across the Natural Hazards Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the commune of Tart-l’abbaye in... Open Data

The objects in this table correspond to the cross profiles and reference odds of the PPR of the muni

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:09:02.246Z

Profiles across the Natural Hazards Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the commune of Tart-l’abbaye in... details >

Profiles across the Natural Hazards Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the municipality of Velars-sur-Ouche... Open Data

The objects in this table correspond to the cross profiles and reference odds of the PPR of the muni

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:09:07.812Z

Profiles across the Natural Hazards Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the municipality of Velars-sur-Ouche... details >

Plans de Prévention des Risques Technologiques (PPRT) - Périmètres (surfacique) - Commune de Pardies... Open Data

Ce jeu de données contient les périmètres de délimitation aux différents stades de l'élaborati

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:12:24.302Z

Plans de Prévention des Risques Technologiques (PPRT) - Périmètres (surfacique) - Commune de Pardies... details >

Communities of municipalities and Community of Agglomeration of the department of Creuse on... Open Data

Clean Tax EPCIs are Urban Communities (CU), Communities D' agglomeration (CA) and communities o

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:12:25.664Z

Communities of municipalities and Community of Agglomeration of the department of Creuse on... details >

Departmental assembly of information on the local urban planning plans (PLU) in Creuse. Open Data

Departmental assembly of information on the local plans of urban planning (PLU) in Creuse. Only the

Issued on 2017-02-23T12:12:29.698Z

Departmental assembly of information on the local urban planning plans (PLU) in Creuse. details >

Plan de Prevention des Risques Naturels de la commune de Coulounieix-Chamiers Open Data

Table des périmètre identifiés lors de l'étude d'un PPR. Cette table contient au minimum

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:36:33.017Z

Plan de Prevention des Risques Naturels de la commune de Coulounieix-Chamiers details >

Servitudes — PT1 Generators relating to the protection of radio reception centres against... Open Data

PT1 class servitudes concern the protection easements of radio reception centres against electromagn

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:36:33.642Z

Servitudes — PT1 Generators relating to the protection of radio reception centres against... details >

Type C maps of areas where limit values are exceeded (night) for Côte-d’Or rail network Open Data

These maps, also known as ‘type C cards’, represent the parts of territories likely to contain build

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:36:34.826Z

Type C maps of areas where limit values are exceeded (night) for Côte-d’Or rail network details >

Dordogne Natural Risk Prevention Plan — Commune de Port-Sainte-Foy-Et-Ponchapt Open Data

Table of perimeters identified at the time of the study of a PPR. This table contains as a minimum

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:36:39.102Z

Dordogne Natural Risk Prevention Plan — Commune de Port-Sainte-Foy-Et-Ponchapt details >

Vézère Natural Risk Prevention Plan — Municipality of Valojoulx Open Data

Table of perimeters identified at the time of the study of a PPR. This table contains as a minimum

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:36:41.339Z

Vézère Natural Risk Prevention Plan — Municipality of Valojoulx details >

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels de la rivière Dropt Open Data

De manière générale, les enjeux sont les personnes, biens, activités, éléments de patrimoine culture

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:36:44.107Z

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels de la rivière Dropt details >

CC de Ponsas 26247 — Main procedure 25/07/2007 — VALIDITE FIND: 05/12/2018 Enforceability of the... Open Data

GIS and PDF data set of Documents d'Urbanism in progress in the municipality of Ponsas 26312 —

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:39:48.749Z

CC de Ponsas 26247 — Main procedure 25/07/2007 — VALIDITE FIND: 05/12/2018 Enforceability of the... details >

NYONS Municipal Flood PPRN 26220 Approved on 03/10/2011 Open Data

GIS and PDF data set of the Natural Risk Prevention Plan — flooding of NYONS 26220 approved on 03/10

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:39:53.566Z

NYONS Municipal Flood PPRN 26220 Approved on 03/10/2011 details >

Plu de LA CHAPELLE EN VERCORS 26074 Updated 08/02/2016 — FIN of VALIDITE: 30/06/2017 enforceability... Open Data

GIS and PDF data set of Documents d'Urbanism of Local Plan d' Urbanisation of LA CHAPELLE

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:39:56.918Z

Plu de LA CHAPELLE EN VERCORS 26074 Updated 08/02/2016 — FIN of VALIDITE: 30/06/2017 enforceability... details >

Plu de BEAUMONT LES VALENCE 26037 — Cancellation 2 plots ND: Ta 02/07/2015 — Simplified amendment... Open Data

GIS and PDF data set of Documents d'Urbanism of the Local Plan d'Urbanisme de BEAUMONT LES

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:39:59.369Z

Plu de BEAUMONT LES VALENCE 26037 — Cancellation 2 plots ND: Ta 02/07/2015 — Simplified amendment... details >

Plu de LIVRON SUR DROME 26165 Updated 04/03/2016 — FIN of VALIDITE: 27/11/2016 enforceability of... Open Data

GIS and PDF data set of Documents d'Urbanism of the Local Plan of LIVRON ON DROME 26165 PLU app

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:40:14.007Z

Plu de LIVRON SUR DROME 26165 Updated 04/03/2016 — FIN of VALIDITE: 27/11/2016 enforceability of... details >

CC of BREN 26061 approved on 08/11/2005 — VALIDITE FIN: 24/01/2018 Update SUP Open Data

Set of GIS and PDF data of the Documents d'Urbanism in progress on the municipality of BREN 260

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:40:22.721Z

CC of BREN 26061 approved on 08/11/2005 — VALIDITE FIN: 24/01/2018 Update SUP details >

PPRN Flood Commune of TULETTE 26357 approved on 18/12/2006 (LEZ Watershed) Open Data

Set of GIS and PDF data of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan approved on 18/12/2006 for the municipalit

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:40:24.734Z

PPRN Flood Commune of TULETTE 26357 approved on 18/12/2006 (LEZ Watershed) details >

Plan for the prevention of foreseeable natural flood risks — PPRNi — Municipality of COLONZELLE... Open Data

Set of GIS and PDF data of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan approved on 18/12/2006 for the municipalit

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:40:25.212Z

Plan for the prevention of foreseeable natural flood risks — PPRNi — Municipality of COLONZELLE... details >

POS de LES GRANGES Gontardes 26145 — Simplified revision 22/12/2009 — FIN of VALIDITE: 05/12/2016... Open Data

GIS and PDF data set of Documents d'Urbanism of Plan d'Occupation of Soils of Gontardes GR

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:40:35.722Z

POS de LES GRANGES Gontardes 26145 — Simplified revision 22/12/2009 — FIN of VALIDITE: 05/12/2016... details >

Municipalities classified as rural revitalisation areas 2006 — Aveyron Open Data

map of municipalities classified in rural revitalisation zone according to l'' order categ

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:40:41.425Z

Municipalities classified as rural revitalisation areas 2006 — Aveyron details >

CC de SAINT VINCENT COMMANDERIA 26382 — Revision 12/10/2015 — FIN DE VALIDITE: 26/10/2018 SUP update Open Data

Set of GIS and PDF data of the Documents d'Urbanism in progress on the municipality of SAINT VI

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:40:42Z

CC de SAINT VINCENT COMMANDERIA 26382 — Revision 12/10/2015 — FIN DE VALIDITE: 26/10/2018 SUP update details >


The Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) were established by the law of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:40:43.283Z


Servitude EL7 (S) relating to the alignment of public roads (Savoie) Open Data

EL7_GENERATEUR_SUP_S_073 __Origin__ Thematic source: state of the heritage of the geographical dat

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:49:58.905Z

Servitude EL7 (S) relating to the alignment of public roads (Savoie) details >

L_tampons Open Data

le tampon permet de schématiser le rayon de sécurité autour des marnières et des bétoires (points 1

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:50:37.253Z

L_tampons details >

CS_Indices non localisés précisemment Open Data

Indice mentionné sur une grande étendue mais non localisé précisément. Avant toute utilisation, bie

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:50:37.506Z

CS_Indices non localisés précisemment details >

Noise classification of ground transport infrastructure (Routes) in the Gard Open Data

The classification of TTIs shall cover infrastructure exceeding a certain daily flow threshold: — r

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:56:21.322Z

Noise classification of ground transport infrastructure (Routes) in the Gard details >

Planned Habitat Improvement Operations (OPAH) in the Gard Open Data

Created in 1977, the planned operations of ' improvement of housing (OPAH) have been the main t

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:56:23.034Z

Planned Habitat Improvement Operations (OPAH) in the Gard details >

Relations entre terrains aménagés pour l'accueil des gens du voyage et autorité(s) publique(s) MOa Open Data

Table établissant la relation entre un terrain aménagé pour l'accueil des gens du voyage et la

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:56:28.678Z

Relations entre terrains aménagés pour l'accueil des gens du voyage et autorité(s) publique(s) MOa details >

Recensement des plans de prévention des risques naturels dans le Gard Open Data

Couverture : département du Gard - PPR Inondation et PPR Incendie de Forêt Ajout des PPRI : - PPR

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:56:28.433Z

Recensement des plans de prévention des risques naturels dans le Gard details >

PPRIF Villeneuve-lès-Avignon — regulatory zoning Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the Forest Fire Risk Prevention Plan established for the municipality of Villen

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:56:34.211Z

PPRIF Villeneuve-lès-Avignon — regulatory zoning details >

Schéma départemental d'accueil et d'habitat des gens du voyage pour le département du Gard Open Data

Le schéma départemental pour l'accueil des gens du voyage est rendu obligatoire par la loi du 5

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:56:34.336Z

Schéma départemental d'accueil et d'habitat des gens du voyage pour le département du Gard details >

PPRIF de Caveirac (30) - Périmètre Open Data

Périmètre du Plan de Protection contre le Risque Incendie de Forêt établi pour la commune de Caveira

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:56:35.709Z

PPRIF de Caveirac (30) - Périmètre details >

PPRI du Gardon d'Alès (20130024) commune de Saint-Julien-les-Rosiers - zones d'aléa Open Data

Zones exposées à un ou plusieurs aléas représentées sur la carte des aléas utilisée pour l'anal

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:56:46.822Z

PPRI du Gardon d'Alès (20130024) commune de Saint-Julien-les-Rosiers - zones d'aléa details >

PPRI of Gardon d’Alès (20130022) commune of Saint-Hilaire-de-Brethmas — regulatory zoning Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan established for the municipality of Saint-Hilair

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:56:47.467Z

PPRI of Gardon d’Alès (20130022) commune of Saint-Hilaire-de-Brethmas — regulatory zoning details >

PPRI de Beauvoisin (30) — census of PPRn versions Open Data

identification of the different versions of PPR attached to the GASPAR 20130036 __Origin__ This ta

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:56:48.397Z

PPRI de Beauvoisin (30) — census of PPRn versions details >

PPRI of the Middle Vidourle (20 municipalities of Gard) Open Data

Set of datasets concerned by procedure number GASPAR 20130030 __Origin__ DDTM30 data set in COVADI

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:56:47.735Z

PPRI of the Middle Vidourle (20 municipalities of Gard) details >

PPRI de Redessan (30) - zonage règlementaire Open Data

Zonage règlementaire du Plan de Prévention contre le Risque Inondation établi pour la commune de Red

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:56:58.415Z

PPRI de Redessan (30) - zonage règlementaire details >

PPRI of Saint-Gervasy (30) — regulatory zoning Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan established for the municipality of Saint-Gervas

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:56:58.842Z

PPRI of Saint-Gervasy (30) — regulatory zoning details >

PPRI de Saint-Brès (30) - recensement des versions du PPRn Open Data

recensement des différentes versions de PPR rattachés à l'identifiant GASPAR 20130087 __Origin

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:57:04.209Z

PPRI de Saint-Brès (30) - recensement des versions du PPRn details >

Rodilhan PPRI (30) — Regulatory zoning Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan established for the municipality of Rodilhan GAS

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:57:05.680Z

Rodilhan PPRI (30) — Regulatory zoning details >

PPRI de Bagnols-sur-Cèze (30) - recensement des versions du PPRn Open Data

recensement des différentes versions de PPR rattachés à l'identifiant GASPAR 20140028 __Origin

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:57:08.466Z

PPRI de Bagnols-sur-Cèze (30) - recensement des versions du PPRn details >

PPRI of Saint-Marcel-de-Careiret (30) — census of PPRn versions Open Data

identification of the different versions of PPR attached to the GASPAR 20130095 __Origin__ This ta

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:57:10.189Z

PPRI of Saint-Marcel-de-Careiret (30) — census of PPRn versions details >

PPRI of Saint-Jean-de-Valériscle (30) Open Data

Set of datasets concerned by procedure number GASPAR 20130092 __Origin__ DDTM30 data set in COVADI

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:57:11.494Z

PPRI of Saint-Jean-de-Valériscle (30) details >

PPRI de Tharaux (30) - recensement des versions du PPRn Open Data

recensement des différentes versions de PPR rattachés à l'identifiant GASPAR 2013101 __Origine

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:57:12.774Z

PPRI de Tharaux (30) - recensement des versions du PPRn details >

Tharaux PPRI (30) — Regulatory zoning Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan established for the municipality of Tharaux GASP

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:57:13.936Z

Tharaux PPRI (30) — Regulatory zoning details >

PPRI of Gardon d’Alès (20130027) commune of Saint-Privat-des-Vieux — perimeter Open Data

Perimeter of the Flood Risk Protection Plan established for Saint-Privat-des-Old __Origin__ The pe

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:57:20.010Z

PPRI of Gardon d’Alès (20130027) commune of Saint-Privat-des-Vieux — perimeter details >

PPRI of Gardon d’Alès (20130027) commune of Saint-Privat-des-Vieux — census of versions of the PPRn Open Data

identification of the different versions of PPR attached to the GASPAR 20130027 __Origin__ This ta

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:57:20.012Z

PPRI of Gardon d’Alès (20130027) commune of Saint-Privat-des-Vieux — census of versions of the PPRn details >

PPRI de Saint-André-d'Olérargues (30) - recensement des versions du PPRn Open Data

recensement des différentes versions de PPR rattachés à l'identifiant GASPAR 20130086 __Origin

Issued on 2017-02-23T13:57:23.387Z

PPRI de Saint-André-d'Olérargues (30) - recensement des versions du PPRn details >

Perimeter of PPR forest fire in Hérault Open Data

Table of perimeters identified during the study of a risk prevention plan & forest fires;. This

Issued on 2017-02-23T14:08:54.282Z

Perimeter of PPR forest fire in Hérault details >

Anonymous farm building — Aveyron Open Data

Building or coherent set of buildings, whether for the use of ¨#x27; dwelling, housing of #x27; anim

Issued on 2017-02-23T14:26:51.936Z

Anonymous farm building — Aveyron details >

Zone of hazard of the PPRT of Titanobel in Côte d’Or. Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the hazard map used for PPR risk analysis. The map d&#

Issued on 2017-02-23T14:26:51.903Z

Zone of hazard of the PPRT of Titanobel in Côte d’Or. details >

Zoning natural risk: Indre River hazard zone on the castelroussin agglomeration Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the hazard map used for PPR risk analysis. The map d&#x

Issued on 2017-02-23T14:26:55.427Z

Zoning natural risk: Indre River hazard zone on the castelroussin agglomeration details >

Risk — 45DREAL20090006 PPRT APPROSERVICE Common Fossé Open Data

This dataset contains the following datasets: — The boundaries of the PPRT — Regulatory zoning of t

Issued on 2017-02-23T14:49:04.389Z

Risk — 45DREAL20090006 PPRT APPROSERVICE Common Fossé details >
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