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UAM-Mobility-Entrants Open Data


Issued on 2020-05-14T22:00:00Z

UAM-Mobility-Entrants details >

UAM-Personal-PDI Open Data


Issued on 2020-05-10T22:00:00Z

UAM-Personal-PDI details >

Statistics of workers affiliated with Social Security. Social Security affiliations by type of labor... Open Data

Quarterly data with municipal territorial disaggregation, on workers affiliated to the Social Securi

Issued on 2022-10-25T22:00:00Z

Statistics of workers affiliated with Social Security. Social Security affiliations by type of labor... details >

Statistics of workers affiliated with Social Security. Social Security affiliations by nationality... Open Data

Quarterly data with municipal territorial disaggregation, on workers affiliated to the Social Securi

Issued on 2022-10-25T22:00:00Z

Statistics of workers affiliated with Social Security. Social Security affiliations by nationality... details >

Statistics of workers affiliated with Social Security. Social Security affiliations by contribution... Open Data

Quarterly data with municipal territorial disaggregation, on workers affiliated to the Social Securi

Issued on 2022-10-25T22:00:00Z

Statistics of workers affiliated with Social Security. Social Security affiliations by contribution... details >

File Application Data Temporary Employment Regulation-2023-01 Open Data

Data accumulated by Labor Authority and sector of the requested ERTE.

Issued on 2023-01-03T23:00:00Z

File Application Data Temporary Employment Regulation-2023-01 details >

Public Administration in Asturias: evolution of the full collection of the General Treasury of... Open Data

Classification of the evolution of the full collection of the General Treasury of the Social Securit

Issued on 2022-12-03T23:00:00Z

Public Administration in Asturias: evolution of the full collection of the General Treasury of... details >

Health services in Asturias: activity of the Emergency and Emergency Coordination Unit (SAMU) Open Data

Classification of the activity of the emergency and emergency care coordination unit (SAMU) in Astur

Issued on 2022-12-05T23:00:00Z

Health services in Asturias: activity of the Emergency and Emergency Coordination Unit (SAMU) details >

Health services in Asturias: health personnel collegiate by councils Open Data

Classification of health personnel in Asturias councils

Issued on 2022-12-05T23:00:00Z

Health services in Asturias: health personnel collegiate by councils details >

Health services in Asturias: hospitals, primary care centers and pharmacies by councils Open Data

Classification of primary care centres and pharmacies in Asturias councils

Issued on 2022-12-05T23:00:00Z

Health services in Asturias: hospitals, primary care centers and pharmacies by councils details >

Road transport in Asturias: fleet of vehicles by type Open Data

Fleet of transport vehicles in Asturias according to its type

Issued on 2022-12-04T23:00:00Z

Road transport in Asturias: fleet of vehicles by type details >

Road transport in Asturias: number of passengers in urban transport per bus Open Data

Number of passengers on urban transport by bus in Asturias

Issued on 2022-12-02T23:00:00Z

Road transport in Asturias: number of passengers in urban transport per bus details >

Road transport in Asturias: park of passenger cars and motorcycles according to environmental badge Open Data

Classification of the park of passenger cars and motorcycles according to the environmental badge in

Issued on 2022-12-02T23:00:00Z

Road transport in Asturias: park of passenger cars and motorcycles according to environmental badge details >

Road transport in Asturias: traffic accidents with victims by area and type Open Data

Classification of traffic accidents with victims by area and type in Asturias

Issued on 2022-12-02T23:00:00Z

Road transport in Asturias: traffic accidents with victims by area and type details >

Judicial Career — Revenue in the Judicial Career Open Data

Based on the Integrated System of Organ Management and Judicial Career, the present demographic stud

Issued on 2009-04-13T22:00:00Z

Judicial Career — Revenue in the Judicial Career details >

Deposit &amp;amp; Consignments Account Open Data

The document shows a visualisation of all the transactions, at state level, carried out in the Gener

Issued on 2020-09-30T22:00:00Z

Deposit &amp;amp; Consignments Account details >

Courts specialised in Soil Clause (unfair clauses) — Appeals — Resolutions- Notices Open Data

From 2017 by the General Council of the Judiciary, it was agreed to create specialised bodies in dis

Issued on 2017-06-30T22:00:00Z

Courts specialised in Soil Clause (unfair clauses) — Appeals — Resolutions- Notices details >

Tenders published in the profiles of the contractor located on the Public Sector Procurement... Open Data

Information on the tenders that are published on the Public Sector Procurement Platform in complianc

Issued on

Tenders published in the profiles of the contractor located on the Public Sector Procurement... details >

Sports centers Open Data

Location and data of interest of the sports facilities of La Roda. The data is provided in geojson (

Issued on 2022-10-02T22:00:00Z

Sports centers details >

Christmas lighting Open Data

This set of data provides information on the bright decoration on the occasion of the Christmas part

Issued on 2022-12-21T10:53:07Z

Christmas lighting details >

SD Initiatives — 2023 — X Legislature Open Data

Data Requests, Reports &amp;amp; DOCUMENTS — 2023 — X Legislature

Issued on 2023-01-10T23:00:00Z

SD Initiatives — 2023 — X Legislature details >

CCTV cameras. City Council of Pamplona/Iruñeko Udala. Open Data

Location and information of CCTV cameras available to Pamplona City Council.

Issued on 2023-01-12T23:00:00Z

CCTV cameras. City Council of Pamplona/Iruñeko Udala. details >

Population of the Basque Country by municipality of residence, according to sex and language spoken... Open Data

The knowledge and quantification of the population subject of education, level of Basque, activity a

Issued on 2019-06-23T22:00:00Z

Population of the Basque Country by municipality of residence, according to sex and language spoken... details >

FRONTUR. Tourist Movements in Borders. Statistical tables of Foreign Excursionists. 2021 Open Data

The FRONTUR statistic identifies the foreign travelers who have as their destination the Basque Coun

Issued on 2022-12-11T23:00:00Z

FRONTUR. Tourist Movements in Borders. Statistical tables of Foreign Excursionists. 2021 details >

Report_translation_normative_traffic_BOE Open Data

Within the memory you will find the translations of the following texts:

Issued on 2022-12-11T23:00:00Z

Report_translation_normative_traffic_BOE details >

Population of the Basque Country by territorial scope, first language and language spoken at home. Open Data

The knowledge and quantification of the population subject of education, level of Basque, activity a

Issued on 2019-06-23T22:00:00Z

Population of the Basque Country by territorial scope, first language and language spoken at home. details >

Contracting authorities of the Basque Country Open Data

Contracting authorities are public administrations that contract works, services and products in the

Issued on 2022-11-15T23:00:00Z

Contracting authorities of the Basque Country details >

Register of contracts of Busturia City Council 2022 Open Data

The Public Sector Contracts Register is the central official procurement information system and, as

Issued on 2022-12-03T23:00:00Z

Register of contracts of Busturia City Council 2022 details >

Olabezar Administrative Board Contracts Register 2022 Open Data

The Public Sector Contracts Register is the central official procurement information system and, as

Issued on 2022-12-03T23:00:00Z

Olabezar Administrative Board Contracts Register 2022 details >

Travel, overnight stays, duration of the trip and expenditure made (euros) by tourists from the... Open Data

This section provides information on the trips attributed to tourism, especially on the trips and mo

Issued on 2022-11-30T23:00:00Z

Travel, overnight stays, duration of the trip and expenditure made (euros) by tourists from the... details >

Local holiday calendar 2023 Open Data

Information on the calendar of local festivals of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia for the year

Issued on 2022-12-29T11:07:08Z

Local holiday calendar 2023 details >

2030 Agenda SDG - Cultural employment as a proportion of total employment, females (Identificador... Open Data

ODS / Goals and targets (from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) / Goal 8. Promote sustain

Issued on 2019-01-01T09:00:00Z

2030 Agenda SDG - Cultural employment as a proportion of total employment, females (Identificador... details >

2030 Agenda SDG - Portfolio investment, net variation in assets less net variation in liabilities... Open Data

ODS / Goals and targets (from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) / Goal 17. Strengthen the

Issued on 2020-01-01T11:00:00Z

2030 Agenda SDG - Portfolio investment, net variation in assets less net variation in liabilities... details >

Graduados universitarios según situación profesional en el primer empleo por sexo y tipo de jornada... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según situación profesional en el primer empleo por sexo y

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según situación profesional en el primer empleo por sexo y tipo de jornada... details >

Graduados universitarios que han completado un doctorado según la rama de conocimiento del doctorado... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios que han completado un doctorado según la rama de conocimie

Issued on

Graduados universitarios que han completado un doctorado según la rama de conocimiento del doctorado... details >

Graduados universitarios según hayan realizado cursos para mejorar su cualificación profesional,... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según hayan realizado cursos para mejorar su cualificación

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según hayan realizado cursos para mejorar su cualificación profesional,... details >

Graduados universitarios según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que trabajan en... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la qu

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que trabajan en... details >

Titulados de máster según el tipo de jornada laboral en 2019 por sexo y país o región de residencia... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según el tipo de jornada laboral en 2019 por sexo y país o regi

Issued on

Titulados de máster según el tipo de jornada laboral en 2019 por sexo y país o región de residencia... details >

Titulados de máster que han realizado otros estudios de grado / diplomatura / licenciatura según... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster que han realizado otros estudios de grado / diplomatura / licen

Issued on

Titulados de máster que han realizado otros estudios de grado / diplomatura / licenciatura según... details >

Titulados de máster que han realizado ciclos formativos o enseñanzas deportivas de grado superior o... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster que han realizado ciclos formativos o enseñanzas deportivas de

Issued on

Titulados de máster que han realizado ciclos formativos o enseñanzas deportivas de grado superior o... details >

Titulados de máster según estén realizando otros estudios oficiales en 2019 y tipo de estudios por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según estén realizando otros estudios oficiales en 2019 y tipo

Issued on

Titulados de máster según estén realizando otros estudios oficiales en 2019 y tipo de estudios por... details >

Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por sexo y... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realiza

Issued on

Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por sexo y... details >

Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por sexo y... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realiza

Issued on

Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por sexo y... details >

Titulados de máster según hayan realizado cursos para mejorar su cualificación profesional, tipo de... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según hayan realizado cursos para mejorar su cualificación prof

Issued on

Titulados de máster según hayan realizado cursos para mejorar su cualificación profesional, tipo de... details >

Titulados de máster según su ocupación en 2019 por sexo y nacionalidad (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según su ocupación en 2019 por sexo y nacionalidad. National. S

Issued on

Titulados de máster según su ocupación en 2019 por sexo y nacionalidad (API identifier:... details >

Titulados en Bachillerato en el curso 2013-14 según su transición posterior en el Sistema Educativo... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Bachillerato en el curso 2013-14 según su transición posterior en el S

Issued on

Titulados en Bachillerato en el curso 2013-14 según su transición posterior en el Sistema Educativo... details >

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según estudios en los que estaba matriculado en... Open Data

Table of INEBase Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según estudios en los que estaba

Issued on

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según estudios en los que estaba matriculado en... details >

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según ocupación en el primer empleo por sexo y... Open Data

Table of INEBase Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según ocupación en el primer emp

Issued on

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según ocupación en el primer empleo por sexo y... details >

Hearing limitation by sex and Autonomous Community. Population aged 15 years old and over. (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Hearing limitation by sex and Autonomous Community. Population aged 15 years old an

Issued on

Hearing limitation by sex and Autonomous Community. Population aged 15 years old and over. (API... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... details >

Main dwellings according to facilities of the dwellling (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Main dwellings according to facilities of the dwellling. National. Population and H

Issued on

Main dwellings according to facilities of the dwellling (API identifier:... details >

Main dwellings according to facilities of the dwellling (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Main dwellings according to facilities of the dwellling. National. Population and H

Issued on

Main dwellings according to facilities of the dwellling (API identifier:... details >

Main dwellings according to combination of nationalities in the household by useful surface (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Main dwellings according to combination of nationalities in the household by useful

Issued on

Main dwellings according to combination of nationalities in the household by useful surface (API... details >

Viviendas principales según superficie útil (API identifier: /t20/e244/viviendas/p05/l0/mun49_02.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Viviendas principales según superficie útil. National. Population and Housing Censu

Issued on

Viviendas principales según superficie útil (API identifier: /t20/e244/viviendas/p05/l0/mun49_02.px) details >

Level of studies by age group (API identifier: /t22/p320/base_2015/serie/l0/13005.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Level of studies by age group. National. Statistics on the Employment of Persons wi

Issued on

Level of studies by age group (API identifier: /t22/p320/base_2015/serie/l0/13005.px) details >

Production account of characteristic branches of activity by period, type of indicator and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Production account of characteristic branches of activity by period, type of indica

Issued on

Production account of characteristic branches of activity by period, type of indicator and... details >

Otras actividades lucrativas (OAL) no relacionadas con la explotación (cuyo titular es persona... Open Data

Table of INEBase Otras actividades lucrativas (OAL) no relacionadas con la explotación (cuyo titular

Issued on

Otras actividades lucrativas (OAL) no relacionadas con la explotación (cuyo titular es persona... details >

Canarias: No. of establishments, turnover, sale of products and added value in high tech sectors... Open Data

Table of INEBase Canarias: No. of establishments, turnover, sale of products and added value in hi

Issued on

Canarias: No. of establishments, turnover, sale of products and added value in high tech sectors... details >

Provisional enterprise deaths by Autonomous Communities and Cities, main activity (NACE Rev. 2) and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Provisional enterprise deaths by Autonomous Communities and Cities, main activity (

Issued on

Provisional enterprise deaths by Autonomous Communities and Cities, main activity (NACE Rev. 2) and... details >

Población por sexo, nacionalidad (española/extranjera) y país de nacimiento (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Población por sexo, nacionalidad (española/extranjera) y país de nacimiento. Comuni

Issued on

Población por sexo, nacionalidad (española/extranjera) y país de nacimiento (API identifier:... details >

Variations by origin province and destination province (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Variations by origin province and destination province. National. Residence Variati

Issued on

Variations by origin province and destination province (API identifier:... details >

New registers by country of birth and age (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase New registers by country of birth and age. National. Residence Variation Statistics

Issued on

New registers by country of birth and age (API identifier:... details >

Venta y reparación de vehículos de motor y motocicletas (división 45 CNAE2009): por desglose de la... Open Data

Table of INEBase Venta y reparación de vehículos de motor y motocicletas (división 45 CNAE2009): po

Issued on

Venta y reparación de vehículos de motor y motocicletas (división 45 CNAE2009): por desglose de la... details >

Comercio al por menor realizado en establecimientos (Grupos 471 a 477 CNAE2009): por distribución... Open Data

Table of INEBase Comercio al por menor realizado en establecimientos (Grupos 471 a 477 CNAE2009): p

Issued on

Comercio al por menor realizado en establecimientos (Grupos 471 a 477 CNAE2009): por distribución... details >

Average stay by autonomous cities and communities. EOA (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Average stay by autonomous cities and communities. Hostel Occupancy Survey

Issued on

Average stay by autonomous cities and communities. EOA (API identifier:... details >

Overnight stays of the travellers by provinces, country of residence and months. EOAC (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Overnight stays of the travellers by provinces, country of residence and months. N

Issued on

Overnight stays of the travellers by provinces, country of residence and months. EOAC (API... details >

Net level of occupancy by holiday apartments by Autonomous Communities and months. EOAP (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Net level of occupancy by holiday apartments by Autonomous Communities and months.

Issued on

Net level of occupancy by holiday apartments by Autonomous Communities and months. EOAP (API... details >

Overnight stays of the travellers by provinces, country of residence and months. EOAP (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Overnight stays of the travellers by provinces, country of residence and months. N

Issued on

Overnight stays of the travellers by provinces, country of residence and months. EOAP (API... details >

Employed personnel by Autonomous City and Community, type of contract and month. EOTR (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Employed personnel by Autonomous City and Community, type of contract and month. R

Issued on

Employed personnel by Autonomous City and Community, type of contract and month. EOTR (API... details >

Guests registered by tourist area and month. EOH (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Guests registered by tourist area and month. National. Hotel Occupancy Survey

Issued on

Guests registered by tourist area and month. EOH (API identifier:... details >

Guests registered by tourist area, country of residence and month. EOH (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Guests registered by tourist area, country of residence and month. National. Hotel

Issued on

Guests registered by tourist area, country of residence and month. EOH (API identifier:... details >

Transporte de mercancías por carretera y servicios de mudanza (Grupo 494 CNAE-20): por desglose de... Open Data

Table of INEBase Transporte de mercancías por carretera y servicios de mudanza (Grupo 494 CNAE-20):

Issued on

Transporte de mercancías por carretera y servicios de mudanza (Grupo 494 CNAE-20): por desglose de... details >

Hoteles y alojamientos similares (Grupo 551 CNAE-2009) (principales empresas): por desglose de la... Open Data

Table of INEBase Hoteles y alojamientos similares (Grupo 551 CNAE-2009) (principales empresas): por

Issued on

Hoteles y alojamientos similares (Grupo 551 CNAE-2009) (principales empresas): por desglose de la... details >

Health services needed and not received in the last 12 months by gender, size of municipality and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Health services needed and not received in the last 12 months by gender, size of mu

Issued on

Health services needed and not received in the last 12 months by gender, size of municipality and... details >

Personal benefits or for the company of measures of access to employment by gender. Person 16 years... Open Data

Table of INEBase Personal benefits or for the company of measures of access to employment by gender.

Issued on

Personal benefits or for the company of measures of access to employment by gender. Person 16 years... details >

Frequency of visits or meetings in the last 12 months with friends, neighbours and acquaintances, by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Frequency of visits or meetings in the last 12 months with friends, neighbours and

Issued on

Frequency of visits or meetings in the last 12 months with friends, neighbours and acquaintances, by... details >

Adaptations in the home, building or environment by gender and age. Population six years and over... Open Data

Table of INEBase Adaptations in the home, building or environment by gender and age. Population six

Issued on

Adaptations in the home, building or environment by gender and age. Population six years and over... details >

Perception of discrimination due to a disability in high school or school by gender and number of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Perception of discrimination due to a disability in high school or school by gender

Issued on

Perception of discrimination due to a disability in high school or school by gender and number of... details >

Harassment or cyberbullying due to a disability at a school or study centre, by gender and number of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Harassment or cyberbullying due to a disability at a school or study centre, by gen

Issued on

Harassment or cyberbullying due to a disability at a school or study centre, by gender and number of... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability that uses aids according to disability group and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with a disability that uses aids according to disa

Issued on

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability that uses aids according to disability group and... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to number of deficiencies, by gender... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to number of deficien

Issued on

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to number of deficiencies, by gender... details >

Difficulties in the last elections to exercise the right to vote by gender and size of municipality.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Difficulties in the last elections to exercise the right to vote by gender and size

Issued on

Difficulties in the last elections to exercise the right to vote by gender and size of municipality.... details >

Pension for permanent disability by gender and deficiency group. Population aged 16 and over with a... Open Data

Table of INEBase Pension for permanent disability by gender and deficiency group. Population aged 16

Issued on

Pension for permanent disability by gender and deficiency group. Population aged 16 and over with a... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with disabilities that receives care, according to nationality and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with disabilities that receives care, according to

Issued on

Population aged 6 years and over with disabilities that receives care, according to nationality and... details >

Most important care received from the main caregiver by gender and age of the person with... Open Data

Table of INEBase Most important care received from the main caregiver by gender and age of the perso

Issued on

Most important care received from the main caregiver by gender and age of the person with... details >

Health problems of the main caregiver resulting from care, according to caregiver gender and age.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Health problems of the main caregiver resulting from care, according to caregiver g

Issued on

Health problems of the main caregiver resulting from care, according to caregiver gender and age.... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to number of disabilities, by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to number of disabili

Issued on

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to number of disabilities, by... details >

Social services received in the last 12 months by Autonomous Community and sex. Population aged 6... Open Data

Table of INEBase Social services received in the last 12 months by Autonomous Community and sex. Pop

Issued on

Social services received in the last 12 months by Autonomous Community and sex. Population aged 6... details >

Frequency of visits or meetings in the last 12 months with friends, neighbours and acquaintances, by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Frequency of visits or meetings in the last 12 months with friends, neighbours and

Issued on

Frequency of visits or meetings in the last 12 months with friends, neighbours and acquaintances, by... details >

Adaptations in the home, building or environment by Autonomous Community, gender and age. Population... Open Data

Table of INEBase Adaptations in the home, building or environment by Autonomous Community, gender an

Issued on

Adaptations in the home, building or environment by Autonomous Community, gender and age. Population... details >

Pension for permanent disability by Autonomous Community, gender and age. Population aged 16 and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Pension for permanent disability by Autonomous Community, gender and age. Populatio

Issued on

Pension for permanent disability by Autonomous Community, gender and age. Population aged 16 and... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with disabilities according to availability or need for personal... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with disabilities according to availability or nee

Issued on

Population aged 6 years and over with disabilities according to availability or need for personal... details >

Reason for not receiving any type of social service by Autonomous Community and gender. Population... Open Data

Table of INEBase Reason for not receiving any type of social service by Autonomous Community and gen

Issued on

Reason for not receiving any type of social service by Autonomous Community and gender. Population... details >

Frequency of visits or meetings in the last 12 months with relatives not residing in the home by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Frequency of visits or meetings in the last 12 months with relatives not residing i

Issued on

Frequency of visits or meetings in the last 12 months with relatives not residing in the home by... details >

Assessment of the assistance or personal care received for a disability, by Autonomous Community,... Open Data

Table of INEBase Assessment of the assistance or personal care received for a disability, by Autonom

Issued on

Assessment of the assistance or personal care received for a disability, by Autonomous Community,... details >

Professional and economic problems for the main caregiver resulting from care by Autonomous... Open Data

Table of INEBase Professional and economic problems for the main caregiver resulting from care by Au

Issued on

Professional and economic problems for the main caregiver resulting from care by Autonomous... details >

Assistance or personal care received due to disability according to whether it is provided by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Assistance or personal care received due to disability according to whether it is p

Issued on

Assistance or personal care received due to disability according to whether it is provided by... details >

Flow of emigration abroad of people aged 16 and over by year, nationality (Spanish/foreign) and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Flow of emigration abroad of people aged 16 and over by year, nationality (Spanish/

Issued on 2020-06-08T11:00:00Z

Flow of emigration abroad of people aged 16 and over by year, nationality (Spanish/foreign) and... details >

Flow of emigration abroad of people aged 25 and over by Autonomous Communities, year, country of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Flow of emigration abroad of people aged 25 and over by Autonomous Communities, yea

Issued on 2020-06-08T11:00:00Z

Flow of emigration abroad of people aged 25 and over by Autonomous Communities, year, country of... details >
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All important information such as time of last update, license and other information are in response of each API call.
In case of major update that would not be compatible with previous version of API, we keep for 30 days both versions so you will have enough time to transfer to new version. We will inform you about the changes in advance by e-mail.

Didn't find the API you need?

Let us know and we will figure it out for you.

API Store provides access to European Open Data via scalable and reliable REST API interface.
Copyright © 2025. Made with ♥ by Apitalks