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Topographic Map of Castilla y León 1:10.000: Altimetria — points Open Data

Altimemetry layer of the Topographic Map of Castile and Leon 1:10.000 with point geometry. Map of ge

Issued on 2004-09-29T22:00:00Z

Topographic Map of Castilla y León 1:10.000: Altimetria — points details >

Topographic Map of Castilla y León 1:5,000: Services and facilities — points Open Data

Layer of services and installations of the Topographic Map of Castilla y León 1:5,000 with point geo

Issued on 2010-06-24T22:00:00Z

Topographic Map of Castilla y León 1:5,000: Services and facilities — points details >

Camping areas in natural spaces Open Data

The camping areas are the spaces duly delimited and conditioned to allow the installation of tents f

Issued on 2014-11-26T23:00:00Z

Camping areas in natural spaces details >

Contracts for the agri-environment and climate measure in force by regional agricultural section Open Data

The agri-environment measures are included in measure 10 of agri-environment and climate of the Rura

Issued on 2021-09-19T22:00:00Z

Contracts for the agri-environment and climate measure in force by regional agricultural section details >

Data on fishing areas — 2013-2015 Open Data

List of specific provisions for fishing areas in the community of Castilla y León for the years 2013

Issued on 2013-06-26T22:00:00Z

Data on fishing areas — 2013-2015 details >

Sport-social scenario data — 2013-2015 Open Data

List of specific provisions for the sport-social scenarios of Castilla y León in 2013, 2014 and 2015

Issued on 2013-06-26T22:00:00Z

Sport-social scenario data — 2013-2015 details >

Statistics on livestock units Open Data

Basic data of livestock units in Castilla y León since 1999 broken down by year (every 10 years) and

Issued on 2018-05-06T22:00:00Z

Statistics on livestock units details >

Health complaints Open Data

Claim or complaint, is the statement made by the user about defects in functioning, structure, resou

Issued on 2021-11-11T23:00:00Z

Health complaints details >

Hospital Emergencies Served Open Data

Number of hospital emergencies that have been treated. Each record represents a hospital emergency s

Issued on 2021-12-02T23:00:00Z

Hospital Emergencies Served details >

COVID-19 vaccination in residential centres Open Data

For each residence, both the number of residents vaccinated and unvaccinated and the number of worke

Issued on 2021-04-21T22:00:00Z

COVID-19 vaccination in residential centres details >

Statistics on the use of social networks of the Junta de Castilla y León Open Data

The statistics of use of social networks provide the necessary data on the management of corporate s

Issued on 2021-10-20T22:00:00Z

Statistics on the use of social networks of the Junta de Castilla y León details >

Media Guide Open Data

Relationship of the different media of Castilla y León. NOTICE: The available data comes from the in

Issued on 2013-11-04T23:00:00Z

Media Guide details >

Institutional advertising of the Junta de Castilla y León Open Data

Spending on institutional advertising since 2014

Issued on 2019-08-27T22:00:00Z

Institutional advertising of the Junta de Castilla y León details >

Travel of the President and Councillors of the Autonomous Community 2016 Open Data

The activities of the President and the Directors of the Junta de Castilla y León may involve travel

Issued on 2018-02-08T23:00:00Z

Travel of the President and Councillors of the Autonomous Community 2016 details >

Statistics of Arbitration Boards of Transport Open Data

Statistics of the Arbitral Transport Boards of the Community of Castilla y León. The Arbitration Bo

Issued on 2021-10-06T22:00:00Z

Statistics of Arbitration Boards of Transport details >

Statistics of Tourism Camps Open Data

Basic data of tourism camps in Castilla y León since 2000 broken down by year and municipality. The

Issued on 2018-05-06T22:00:00Z

Statistics of Tourism Camps details >

Registration of banquet halls Open Data

List of banquet halls of Castile and Leon

Issued on 2017-03-28T22:00:00Z

Registration of banquet halls details >

Inventory of bridges and road structures Open Data

Inventory of bridges and structures with light exceeding 4 metres in the Autonomous Community’s road

Issued on 2020-07-06T22:00:00Z

Inventory of bridges and road structures details >

Neighborhood Plans — District 11 — Historic 2021 Open Data

Plans with the delimitation of the Malaga barios of the 11st district

Issued on 2014-06-11T22:00:00Z

Neighborhood Plans — District 11 — Historic 2021 details >

Tourist agenda of the Basque Country Open Data

Information to access the main events held in the Basque Country: parties, concerts, exhibitions, mu

Issued on 2015-01-19T23:00:00Z

Tourist agenda of the Basque Country details >

Students enrolled in Non-University General Regime Teachings in the Basque Country by historical... Open Data

The University Statistics (EU) and School Activity Statistics (EAE) operations, of a census and annu

Issued on 2019-11-11T23:00:00Z

Students enrolled in Non-University General Regime Teachings in the Basque Country by historical... details >

Potential years of life lost, by sex. Indicators of the 2030 Agenda. A.C. of the Basque Country. Open Data

The objective of the statistical operation Indicators of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Issued on 2021-12-20T23:00:00Z

Potential years of life lost, by sex. Indicators of the 2030 Agenda. A.C. of the Basque Country. details >

Abbreviated balance sheet of the municipal public companies of the Basque Country by historical... Open Data

The operation Budget Statistics of the Public Sector, provides data in terms of budgetary accounting

Issued on 2019-07-29T22:00:00Z

Abbreviated balance sheet of the municipal public companies of the Basque Country by historical... details >

Movable property of historical-artistic value (artwork) of the General Administration of the... Open Data

It is the responsibility of the Directorate of Heritage and Contracting of the Department of Economy

Issued on 2012-07-10T22:00:00Z

Movable property of historical-artistic value (artwork) of the General Administration of the... details >

Characteristics of the centres for homeless people in the Basque Country by type of service,... Open Data

The Resource Statistics for the homeless provides information on the centres that carry out their ac

Issued on 2019-09-25T22:00:00Z

Characteristics of the centres for homeless people in the Basque Country by type of service,... details >

Shopping centers of the Basque Country Open Data

Basic information about the shopping centers of the Basque Country: location and number of shops, et

Issued on 2010-03-24T23:00:00Z

Shopping centers of the Basque Country details >

Social services centers of the Basque Country by territorial scope, by type of center. Open Data

The operation Statistics of social services and social action collects and prepares information on a

Issued on 2019-06-17T22:00:00Z

Social services centers of the Basque Country by territorial scope, by type of center. details >

Electronic commerce in the establishments of 10 and more employees of the A.C. of the Basque Country... Open Data

The statistical operation Information Society Survey -ESI- Companies, provides periodic information

Issued on 2019-07-31T22:00:00Z

Electronic commerce in the establishments of 10 and more employees of the A.C. of the Basque Country... details >

Annual consumption of the families of the Basque Country and proportion of consumer families by... Open Data

The Family Expenditure Survey provides information on the final consumption expenditure of household

Issued on 2012-05-20T22:00:00Z

Annual consumption of the families of the Basque Country and proportion of consumer families by... details >

Annual consumption of the families of the Basque Country and proportion of consumer families by... Open Data

The Family Expenditure Survey provides information on the final consumption expenditure of household

Issued on 2012-05-20T22:00:00Z

Annual consumption of the families of the Basque Country and proportion of consumer families by... details >

Gross domestic consumption (*) of the Basque Country by type of energy (Ktoe). Open Data

The Basque Energy Agency annually carries out an energy balance of the A.C. of the Basque Country in

Issued on 2019-05-16T22:00:00Z

Gross domestic consumption (*) of the Basque Country by type of energy (Ktoe). details >

Periodic (monthly) consumption of the families of the Basque Country and proportion of consumer... Open Data

The Family Expenditure Survey provides information on the final consumption expenditure of household

Issued on 2012-05-20T22:00:00Z

Periodic (monthly) consumption of the families of the Basque Country and proportion of consumer... details >

Cost of teaching (rate per student and rate per unit) of private education in the Basque Country by... Open Data

This biennial operation reports on the economic activity of all private regulated educational establ

Issued on 2020-01-30T23:00:00Z

Cost of teaching (rate per student and rate per unit) of private education in the Basque Country by... details >

Profit and loss account of trade and repair of the Basque Country by historical territory (thousands... Open Data

Operation Trade and Repair Survey provides biennial information on the economic structure of the com

Issued on 2019-09-29T22:00:00Z

Profit and loss account of trade and repair of the Basque Country by historical territory (thousands... details >

General government income redistribution account in kind (thousand euros). Open Data

The operation Economic Accounts of the Public Administration sector provides information that suppor

Issued on 2019-08-07T22:00:00Z

General government income redistribution account in kind (thousand euros). details >

Profit and loss accounts of the Basque Country by sector of activity by legal form (euros). Open Data

The objective of the Basque Social Economy Statistics is to know the most significant macromagnitude

Issued on 2020-06-22T22:00:00Z

Profit and loss accounts of the Basque Country by sector of activity by legal form (euros). details >

Demographics of companies and people employed in the Basque Country by sex according to activity... Open Data

The objective of the Statistics on the creation and death of enterprises is to quantify the number o

Issued on 2019-12-17T23:00:00Z

Demographics of companies and people employed in the Basque Country by sex according to activity... details >

Travel on average working day at airports in the Basque Country, depending on transit typology. Open Data

This synthesis statistical operation analyses the current demand for the different means of transpor

Issued on 2017-09-30T22:00:00Z

Travel on average working day at airports in the Basque Country, depending on transit typology. details >

Commuting on a working day (*) of the population aged 7 and over in the Basque Country by mode of... Open Data

The mobility survey quantifies the mobility of the population residing in the Basque Country, transi

Issued on 2017-07-03T22:00:00Z

Commuting on a working day (*) of the population aged 7 and over in the Basque Country by mode of... details >

Encyclopedic Dictionary Lur Open Data

The Lur Encyclopedic Dictionary collects the ten volumes of the paper edition between 1990 and 1995,

Issued on 2012-05-31T22:00:00Z

Encyclopedic Dictionary Lur details >

Average age difference between spouses by year of marriage and historical territory Open Data

The count and description of the families of the Basque Country is done using various statistical so

Issued on 2018-02-27T23:00:00Z

Average age difference between spouses by year of marriage and historical territory details >

Distribution of drivers involved in road accidents in Bizkaia by age group by type of accident and... Open Data

The Statistical Yearbook of Traffic Accidents disseminates annual information on traffic accidents a

Issued on 2018-10-14T22:00:00Z

Distribution of drivers involved in road accidents in Bizkaia by age group by type of accident and... details >

Distribution of situations of poverty and real precariousness by sociodemographic type of the... Open Data

The operation Poverty and Social Inequality Survey reports on the situation regarding poverty in hou

Issued on 2020-09-10T22:00:00Z

Distribution of situations of poverty and real precariousness by sociodemographic type of the... details >

Budget execution of the Provincial Councils. Current expenditure by chapter and statement of... Open Data

The European System of National and Regional Accounts provides accounting rules for calculating the

Issued on 2020-05-17T22:00:00Z

Budget execution of the Provincial Councils. Current expenditure by chapter and statement of... details >

Budget execution of the Basque Government and Provincial Councils. Evolution of the implementation... Open Data

The European System of National and Regional Accounts provides accounting rules for calculating the

Issued on 2020-05-17T22:00:00Z

Budget execution of the Basque Government and Provincial Councils. Evolution of the implementation... details >

Sports rental companies of the Basque Country Open Data

Information about companies that rent sports equipment.

Issued on 2010-03-24T23:00:00Z

Sports rental companies of the Basque Country details >

Companies and persons employed in the Basque Country by legal personality according to the territory... Open Data

The operation Directory of Economic Activities (DIRAE) collects information from all establishments

Issued on 2019-12-17T23:00:00Z

Companies and persons employed in the Basque Country by legal personality according to the territory... details >

Companies and persons employed in the Basque Country by activity section (A21) according to... Open Data

The operation Directory of Economic Activities (DIRAE) collects information from all establishments

Issued on 2019-12-17T23:00:00Z

Companies and persons employed in the Basque Country by activity section (A21) according to... details >

Occupational diseases in the Basque Country by age group by sex. Open Data

The main objective of the Statistics on Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases is to analy

Issued on 2019-11-12T23:00:00Z

Occupational diseases in the Basque Country by age group by sex. details >

Travel, overnight stays, duration of the trip and expenditure made (euros) by tourists from the... Open Data

This section provides information on the trips attributed to tourism, especially on the trips and mo

Issued on 2021-10-07T22:00:00Z

Travel, overnight stays, duration of the trip and expenditure made (euros) by tourists from the... details >

Information technology equipment in establishments in the Basque Country by historical territory,... Open Data

The statistical operation Information Society Survey -ESI- Companies, provides periodic information

Issued on 2019-07-09T22:00:00Z

Information technology equipment in establishments in the Basque Country by historical territory,... details >

Retail establishments (*) in the Basque Country by historical territory and activity group according... Open Data

The operation Directory of Economic Activities (DIRAE) collects information from all establishments

Issued on 2019-12-17T23:00:00Z

Retail establishments (*) in the Basque Country by historical territory and activity group according... details >

Establishments in the primary sector with 10 or more jobs that have used electronic administration... Open Data

The main objective of the Electronic Administration Barometer is to visualise the state of supply an

Issued on 2020-01-29T23:00:00Z

Establishments in the primary sector with 10 or more jobs that have used electronic administration... details >

Establishments and persons employed in the Basque Country by branch of activity (A10 and A64)... Open Data

The operation Directory of Economic Activities (DIRAE) collects information from all establishments

Issued on 2019-12-17T23:00:00Z

Establishments and persons employed in the Basque Country by branch of activity (A10 and A64)... details >

Students and Task Learning groups by linguistic model, network and municipality. Registration data... Open Data

The enrolment data are provisional data of students and groups collected at the beginning of the sch

Issued on 2015-11-10T23:00:00Z

Students and Task Learning groups by linguistic model, network and municipality. Registration data... details >

Students and Baccalaureate groups by course, linguistic model and network. Prematricula data for the... Open Data

Pre-registration data are provisional data of students and groups collected after the end of the off

Issued on 2015-05-17T22:00:00Z

Students and Baccalaureate groups by course, linguistic model and network. Prematricula data for the... details >

Students and Adult Education groups by course, linguistic model and network. Registration data for... Open Data

The enrolment data are provisional data of students and groups collected at the beginning of the sch

Issued on 2015-11-10T23:00:00Z

Students and Adult Education groups by course, linguistic model and network. Registration data for... details >

Students and groups by educational level, network, linguistic model and municipality. Registration... Open Data

The enrolment data are provisional data of students and groups collected at the beginning of the sch

Issued on 2015-11-10T23:00:00Z

Students and groups by educational level, network, linguistic model and municipality. Registration... details >

Students and groups by educational level, network, linguistic model and municipality. Registration... Open Data

The enrolment data are provisional data of students and groups collected at the beginning of the sch

Issued on 2015-11-10T23:00:00Z

Students and groups by educational level, network, linguistic model and municipality. Registration... details >

Behatoki Agrifood and Behatoki Fisher 2015 Open Data

Primary sector

Issued on 2015-12-21T23:00:00Z

Behatoki Agrifood and Behatoki Fisher 2015 details >

Employment in the tourism sector. Year 2020. Open Data

The specific exploitation of the Affiliation File of workers in high employment to the Social Securi

Issued on 2020-04-19T22:00:00Z

Employment in the tourism sector. Year 2020. details >

Survey on Housing Needs and Demands. 2009 Open Data

Statistical tables with the evolution of needs and potential demand of housing in 2009 (xls 149Kb) 0

Issued on 2012-03-18T23:00:00Z

Survey on Housing Needs and Demands. 2009 details >

Real estate offer survey — 1st quarter 2009 Open Data

Statistical tables showing the evolution of supply and prices and rentals of homes, garages and prem

Issued on 2011-10-31T23:00:00Z

Real estate offer survey — 1st quarter 2009 details >

Survey on Real Estate Offering 3 rd quarter 2011 Open Data

Statistical tables with the evolution of supply and prices and rentals of homes, garages and premise

Issued on 2011-10-31T23:00:00Z

Survey on Real Estate Offering 3 rd quarter 2011 details >

Sample Errors — Electronic Sophistication Index 2010 Open Data

Sample variability — Electronic Sophistication Index 2010

Issued on 2013-03-23T23:00:00Z

Sample Errors — Electronic Sophistication Index 2010 details >

Statistics of the Air Quality of the Basque Country. Open Data

To obtain the air quality index in the CAPV, a monitoring and monitoring network is available that m

Issued on 2011-10-12T22:00:00Z

Statistics of the Air Quality of the Basque Country. details >

Average annual profit and pay gap per year between women and men according to seniority in the... Open Data

Average annual profit and pay gap per year between women and men, depending on seniority in the comp

Issued on 2009-05-24T22:00:00Z

Average annual profit and pay gap per year between women and men according to seniority in the... details >

Average annual profit and pay gap per year between women and men according to company size. Fall and... Open Data

Average annual profit and pay gap per year between women and men, depending on the size of the compa

Issued on 2009-05-26T22:00:00Z

Average annual profit and pay gap per year between women and men according to company size. Fall and... details >

Persons receiving non-contributory pensions in relation to the population aged 65 and over. Fall and... Open Data

Persons receiving non-contributory pensions in relation to the population aged 65 and over. Fall and

Issued on 2009-05-17T22:00:00Z

Persons receiving non-contributory pensions in relation to the population aged 65 and over. Fall and... details >

Wage-earned population with temporary contract. IT’S DOWN. 1994-2008 Open Data

Wage-earned population with temporary contract. IT’S DOWN. 1994-2008

Issued on 2009-05-20T22:00:00Z

Wage-earned population with temporary contract. IT’S DOWN. 1994-2008 details >

Average social time by activity and sex. IT’S DOWN. 1993, 1998 and 2003 Open Data

Average social time by activity and sex. IT’S DOWN. 1993, 1998 and 2003

Issued on 2009-05-28T22:00:00Z

Average social time by activity and sex. IT’S DOWN. 1993, 1998 and 2003 details >

Use of women’s and men’s time according to employment situation. IT’S DOWN. 2003 Open Data

Use of women’s and men’s time according to employment situation. IT’S DOWN. 2003

Issued on 2009-06-01T22:00:00Z

Use of women’s and men’s time according to employment situation. IT’S DOWN. 2003 details >

Relative value of non-contributory pensions to contributory retirement pensions. Fall and Spain.... Open Data

Relative value of non-contributory pensions to contributory retirement pensions. Fall and Spain. 200

Issued on 2009-05-27T22:00:00Z

Relative value of non-contributory pensions to contributory retirement pensions. Fall and Spain.... details >

Euskal Herria emblematic encyclopedia: Maritime History — Coastal Guide Open Data

In recent years, the Vice-Advisory for Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government has promoted sever

Issued on 2014-11-26T23:00:00Z

Euskal Herria emblematic encyclopedia: Maritime History — Coastal Guide details >

Euskal Herria emblematic encyclopedia: Press, radio and television Open Data

In recent years, the Vice-Advisory for Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government has promoted sever

Issued on 2014-11-26T23:00:00Z

Euskal Herria emblematic encyclopedia: Press, radio and television details >

Evolution of employment and establishments in the social economy of the Basque Country. Open Data

The objective of the Basque Social Economy Statistics is to know the most significant macromagnitude

Issued on 2020-06-22T22:00:00Z

Evolution of employment and establishments in the social economy of the Basque Country. details >

Evolution of the number of companies in the high-tech sector in the A.C. of the Basque Country by... Open Data

The sectors covered by high technology are those that, given their degree of complexity, require a c

Issued on 2019-10-28T23:00:00Z

Evolution of the number of companies in the high-tech sector in the A.C. of the Basque Country by... details >

Expenditure on activities for innovation and coefficients of variation in establishments with 10 and... Open Data

The Innovation Survey counts, among other variables, the percentage of innovative companies, as well

Issued on 2019-04-22T22:00:00Z

Expenditure on activities for innovation and coefficients of variation in establishments with 10 and... details >

Current expenditure on health in the Basque Country by provider according to funding (thousand... Open Data

The Health Account operation aims to calculate the expenditure made on health by all the institution

Issued on 2018-11-13T23:00:00Z

Current expenditure on health in the Basque Country by provider according to funding (thousand... details >

Expenditure on Social Benefits in the Basque Country by functions, system and historical territory... Open Data

The operation Social Protection Account aims to calculate the expenditure and income of social prote

Issued on 2020-01-28T23:00:00Z

Expenditure on Social Benefits in the Basque Country by functions, system and historical territory... details >

Expenditure on Social Protection in the Basque Country by group of systems and year (thousands of... Open Data

The operation Social Protection Account aims to calculate the expenditure and income of social prote

Issued on 2020-01-28T23:00:00Z

Expenditure on Social Protection in the Basque Country by group of systems and year (thousands of... details >

Expenditure of the Municipalities of the Basque Country by territorial area according to functional... Open Data

The operation Budget Statistics of the Public Sector, provides data in terms of budgetary accounting

Issued on 2020-06-25T22:00:00Z

Expenditure of the Municipalities of the Basque Country by territorial area according to functional... details >

Households/Families that are aware of certain measures to support families and consider them... Open Data

The operation called Social Problems of Basque families and households has as main objective to know

Issued on 2017-02-09T23:00:00Z

Households/Families that are aware of certain measures to support families and consider them... details >

R&D in Biotechnology. Internal R & D expenditure in the Basque Country, by nature of... Open Data

The activities oriented to scientific research in the field of biotechnology are included in the ope

Issued on 2019-12-15T23:00:00Z

R&D in Biotechnology. Internal R & D expenditure in the Basque Country, by nature of... details >

Comparative indicators of poverty, precariousness and inequality in countries of the European Union... Open Data

The operation Poverty and Social Inequality Survey reports on the situation regarding poverty in hou

Issued on 2019-07-15T22:00:00Z

Comparative indicators of poverty, precariousness and inequality in countries of the European Union... details >

Indicators of expenditure in Social Protection by country. Open Data

The operation Social Protection Account aims to calculate the expenditure and income of social prote

Issued on 2020-01-28T23:00:00Z

Indicators of expenditure in Social Protection by country. details >

Migration indicators of the Basque Country by year according to historical territory. Open Data

Demographic Projections (PD) are estimates of the future population, in the short and medium term, b

Issued on 2017-05-25T22:00:00Z

Migration indicators of the Basque Country by year according to historical territory. details >

Digitisation indicators of the European Union and A.C. of the Basque Country, by country. Open Data

The main objective of the European Innovation Indicators Panel is to conduct a comparative analysis

Issued on 2019-10-24T22:00:00Z

Digitisation indicators of the European Union and A.C. of the Basque Country, by country. details >

Indicators of impact of care activities on labour participation in the Basque Country by sex and... Open Data

The operation called Social Problems of Basque families and households has as main objective to know

Issued on 2017-02-09T23:00:00Z

Indicators of impact of care activities on labour participation in the Basque Country by sex and... details >

Municipal sustainability indicators: Registered traffic accidents (‰ inhabitants) Open Data

Udalmap is a municipal information system, whose purpose is to show in detail the reality in the mun

Issued on 2018-07-11T22:00:00Z

Municipal sustainability indicators: Registered traffic accidents (‰ inhabitants) details >

Municipal sustainability indicators: Permanent contracts registered in the year (% total contracts) Open Data

Udalmap is a municipal information system, whose purpose is to show in detail the reality in the mun

Issued on 2018-07-11T22:00:00Z

Municipal sustainability indicators: Permanent contracts registered in the year (% total contracts) details >

Municipal sustainability indicators: Energy Open Data

Udalmap is a municipal information system, whose purpose is to show in detail the reality in the mun

Issued on 2018-07-11T22:00:00Z

Municipal sustainability indicators: Energy details >

Municipal sustainability indicators: Accessible municipal facilities and buildings (%) Open Data

Udalmap is a municipal information system, whose purpose is to show in detail the reality in the mun

Issued on 2018-07-11T22:00:00Z

Municipal sustainability indicators: Accessible municipal facilities and buildings (%) details >

Municipal sustainability indicators: Fire hydrants installed in urban soil (hydrants/ha.) Open Data

Udalmap is a municipal information system, whose purpose is to show in detail the reality in the mun

Issued on 2018-07-11T22:00:00Z

Municipal sustainability indicators: Fire hydrants installed in urban soil (hydrants/ha.) details >

Municipal sustainability indicators: Long-term unemployed men registered in LANBIDE (% Men aged... Open Data

Udalmap is a municipal information system, whose purpose is to show in detail the reality in the mun

Issued on 2018-07-11T22:00:00Z

Municipal sustainability indicators: Long-term unemployed men registered in LANBIDE (% Men aged... details >

Municipal sustainability indicators: Over-aging index: Population aged 75 and over (%) Open Data

Udalmap is a municipal information system, whose purpose is to show in detail the reality in the mun

Issued on 2018-07-11T22:00:00Z

Municipal sustainability indicators: Over-aging index: Population aged 75 and over (%) details >

Municipal sustainability indicators: Public toilet facilities (10,000 inhabitants) Open Data

Udalmap is a municipal information system, whose purpose is to show in detail the reality in the mun

Issued on 2018-07-11T22:00:00Z

Municipal sustainability indicators: Public toilet facilities (10,000 inhabitants) details >

Municipal sustainability indicators: The City Council’s net investment per inhabitant (& &) Open Data

Udalmap is a municipal information system, whose purpose is to show in detail the reality in the mun

Issued on 2018-07-11T22:00:00Z

Municipal sustainability indicators: The City Council’s net investment per inhabitant (& &) details >

Municipal sustainability indicators: Natural population movement and migrations Open Data

Udalmap is a municipal information system, whose purpose is to show in detail the reality in the mun

Issued on 2018-07-11T22:00:00Z

Municipal sustainability indicators: Natural population movement and migrations details >

Municipal sustainability indicators: Population over 10 years old who has completed at least... Open Data

Udalmap is a municipal information system, whose purpose is to show in detail the reality in the mun

Issued on 2018-07-11T22:00:00Z

Municipal sustainability indicators: Population over 10 years old who has completed at least... details >
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