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2008 contracts Open Data

Contracts formalized by the City Council of Almendralejo in 2008

Issued on 2018-06-28T22:00:00Z

2008 contracts details >

2010 Contracts Open Data

Contracts formalized by the City Council of Almendralejo in 2010

Issued on 2018-06-28T22:00:00Z

2010 Contracts details >

Job applicants by sex and educational level - April 2018 Open Data

Number of unemployed job seekers by sex and educational level in April 2018

Issued on 2018-06-14T22:00:00Z

Job applicants by sex and educational level - April 2018 details >

Population pyramid by districts Open Data

Population pyramid by districts

Issued on 2021-09-19T22:00:00Z

Population pyramid by districts details >

Home help service Open Data

Data on beneficiaries of the municipal home help service

Issued on 2020-02-23T23:00:00Z

Home help service details >

Attention-waiting times OAC Open Data

Attention-waiting times OAC

Issued on 2021-09-19T22:00:00Z

Attention-waiting times OAC details >

Use of sports facilities 2014 Open Data

Use of municipal sports facilities in 2016

Issued on 2018-06-20T22:00:00Z

Use of sports facilities 2014 details >

Register D’Entry 2019/Entry Record 2019 Open Data

Sol·licituts registrardes d’entry en l’Ajuntament de Torrent durant l’any 2019/Requests registered f

Issued on 2022-01-19T23:00:00Z

Register D’Entry 2019/Entry Record 2019 details >

Register D’Entry 2020/Entry Record 2020 Open Data

Sol·licituts registrardes d’entry en l’Ajuntament de Torrent durant l’any 2020/Requests registered f

Issued on 2022-01-19T23:00:00Z

Register D’Entry 2020/Entry Record 2020 details >

Register Entry Plenary 2017/Register Full Entry 2017 Open Data

Register Entry Plenary 2017/Register Full Entry 2017

Issued on 2022-01-24T23:00:00Z

Register Entry Plenary 2017/Register Full Entry 2017 details >

Municipal electric vehicles/municipal electric vehicles Open Data

Vehicles Elèctrics municipal de Torrent/Municipal electric vehicles of Torrent

Issued on 2022-04-21T22:00:00Z

Municipal electric vehicles/municipal electric vehicles details >

Population by district, section and age (total) 2021 Open Data

Inhabitants of the municipality of Bilbao by district, section&n and age. Official population fi

Issued on 2021-06-30T22:00:00Z

Population by district, section and age (total) 2021 details >

Population by district and sex (total) 2021 Open Data

Inhabitants of the municipality of Bilbao by district and sex. Official population figures &

Issued on 2021-06-30T22:00:00Z

Population by district and sex (total) 2021 details >

Remuneration of civil servants for the year 2021 Open Data

Details of the remuneration of official staff of a & #241;o 2021, in function & #243;n o

Issued on 2021-02-24T23:00:00Z

Remuneration of civil servants for the year 2021 details >

Work calendar 2022 Open Data

Working calendar for 2022 in the Autonomous Community of Galicia. Includes all holidays that are col

Issued on 2021-11-21T23:00:00Z

Work calendar 2022 details >

2022 calendar of publication of statistics of IGE Open Data

Calendar of 2022 two days published as statistics conxunturais, monthly and quarterly periodicity, d

Issued on 2022-03-16T23:00:00Z

2022 calendar of publication of statistics of IGE details >

Consultation service for the Census of Commercial Establishments of Catalonia Open Data

Aquest servei permet consultar diferents estadístiques sobre l'oferta comercial al territori català

Issued on 2020-07-09T22:00:00Z

Consultation service for the Census of Commercial Establishments of Catalonia details >

Cultural diary of Catalonia (for organisers) Open Data

L’Agenda Cultural del Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat ofereix un recull d’activitats cultur

Issued on 2019-07-16T22:00:00Z

Cultural diary of Catalonia (for organisers) details >

System of geographical information of agricultural parcels (SIGPAC) of the region Pla de l’Estany Open Data

El sistema d'informació geogràfica d'identificació de parcel·les agrícoles (SIGPAC) és un registre p

Issued on 2022-07-27T22:00:00Z

System of geographical information of agricultural parcels (SIGPAC) of the region Pla de l’Estany details >

Geographic information system for agricultural parcels (SIGPAC) of the region of Garraf 2017 Open Data

El sistema d'informació geogràfica d'identificació de parcel·les agrícoles (SIGPAC) és un registre p

Issued on 2017-02-27T23:00:00Z

Geographic information system for agricultural parcels (SIGPAC) of the region of Garraf 2017 details >

Budgets of the municipal entities of Catalonia Open Data

Pressupostos dels ens municipals de Catalunya segons classificació econòmica i per programes.

Issued on 2019-03-04T23:00:00Z

Budgets of the municipal entities of Catalonia details >

Geographic information system for agricultural parcels (SIGPAC) of the region of Alt Urgell 2017 Open Data

El sistema d'informació geogràfica d'identificació de parcel·les agrícoles (SIGPAC) és un registre p

Issued on 2017-02-26T23:00:00Z

Geographic information system for agricultural parcels (SIGPAC) of the region of Alt Urgell 2017 details >

Extraordinary assistance/aid for workers affected by an ERTE and people with discontinuous fixed... Open Data

Relació de les persones beneficiàries de l'ajut extraordinari adreçat a persones treballadores afect

Issued on 2021-08-08T22:00:00Z

Extraordinary assistance/aid for workers affected by an ERTE and people with discontinuous fixed... details >

Consultation service of the commercial offer by activities Open Data

Aquest servei permet consultar les dades de l’oferta comercial per activitats al territori català de

Issued on 2020-07-16T22:00:00Z

Consultation service of the commercial offer by activities details >

Call of staff Open Data

Publicació de les dades de convocatòries de proves d’accés a la funció pública local i de concursos

Issued on 2019-06-17T22:00:00Z

Call of staff details >

Generalitat de Catalunya's Gold Medals Open Data

La medalla de la Generalitat de Catalunya distingeix aquelles persones que han prestat serveis emine

Issued on 2019-08-20T22:00:00Z

Generalitat de Catalunya's Gold Medals details >

Conventions, agreements and pacts of public service, work or union nature Open Data

Conjunt de dades que recull els convenis, acords i pactes de caràcter funcionarial, laboral o sindic

Issued on 2019-12-08T23:00:00Z

Conventions, agreements and pacts of public service, work or union nature details >

Energy performance certificates (EPC): installations Open Data

Dades corresponents a la informació de les instal·lacions dels certificats d’eficiència energètica d

Issued on 2022-02-13T23:00:00Z

Energy performance certificates (EPC): installations details >

COVID-19 vaccination: administered doses by region Open Data

El Departament de Salut ha deixat d'actualitzar aquest conjunt de dades en data 26-7-22. Podeu troba

Issued on 2021-01-25T23:00:00Z

COVID-19 vaccination: administered doses by region details >

Active Population Projections Open Data

L'operació estadística Projeccions de població activa és el resultat d'aplicar a la població project

Issued on 2020-10-25T23:00:00Z

Active Population Projections details >

Public sector registry of the Government of Catalonia. Participants Open Data

El Registre del sector públic de la Generalitat de Catalunya es crea mitjançant la Llei 12/2004, de

Issued on 2018-09-18T22:00:00Z

Public sector registry of the Government of Catalonia. Participants details >

Municipal surfaces of woody crops in Catalonia Open Data

Dades de superfície dels conreus llenyosos per municipi corresponents al període 2015-2021.

Issued on 2019-09-29T22:00:00Z

Municipal surfaces of woody crops in Catalonia details >

Distribution of people receiving financial assistance or service by degree of dependency Open Data

Nombre de persones amb dependència que tenen reconeguts a favor seu una o més prestacions econòmique

Issued on 2022-04-20T22:00:00Z

Distribution of people receiving financial assistance or service by degree of dependency details >

Number of people attended by Basic Social Services (SSBS) Open Data

Són totes aquelles persones a les quals se’ls ha assignat un diagnòstic social i/o per a les quals s

Issued on 2020-12-01T23:00:00Z

Number of people attended by Basic Social Services (SSBS) details >

Scenario 2100 RCP4.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (stockInd) Open Data

Scenario 2100 RCP4.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (stockInd)

Issued on 2023-01-08T23:00:00Z

Scenario 2100 RCP4.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (stockInd) details >

Scenario 2100 RCP8.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (vabInd) Open Data

Scenario 2100 RCP8.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (vabInd)

Issued on 2023-01-08T23:00:00Z

Scenario 2100 RCP8.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (vabInd) details >

Extreme event impact scenario Tr 100 (vabAgr) Open Data

Extreme event impact scenario Tr 100 (vabAgr)

Issued on 2023-01-08T23:00:00Z

Extreme event impact scenario Tr 100 (vabAgr) details >

Health centers in the province of Alicante Open Data

List of health centers in the province of Alicante. It contains data on the location, ownership, man

Issued on 2022-12-20T07:53:45Z

Health centers in the province of Alicante details >

Students enrolled in Professional Dance Conservatories 2022 Open Data

Detail of students enrolled in the Professional Dance Conservatories broken down by specialty.

Issued on 2023-01-24T23:00:00Z

Students enrolled in Professional Dance Conservatories 2022 details >

PLEN Initiatives — 2023 — X Legislature Open Data

Del PLENO — 2023 — X Legislature

Issued on 2023-01-17T23:00:00Z

PLEN Initiatives — 2023 — X Legislature details >

News — Year 2023 Open Data

List of news published on the website of the Parliament of the Canary Islands

Issued on 2023-01-13T23:00:00Z

News — Year 2023 details >

Labour force in UTAT (*) of the holdings (personal ownership) in the Basque Country by historical... Open Data

The agricultural census is a 10-year statistical operation whose objective is to collect, process an

Issued on 2023-01-29T23:00:00Z

Labour force in UTAT (*) of the holdings (personal ownership) in the Basque Country by historical... details >

Ametzaga Zuia Administrative Board Contracts Register 2022 Open Data

The Public Sector Contracts Register is the central official procurement information system and, as

Issued on 2023-01-07T23:00:00Z

Ametzaga Zuia Administrative Board Contracts Register 2022 details >

2022 Register of Heredia Administrative Board Contracts Open Data

The Public Sector Contracts Register is the central official procurement information system and, as

Issued on 2023-01-07T23:00:00Z

2022 Register of Heredia Administrative Board Contracts details >

Gross Added Value of the cultural activities of the Basque Country by sector and anus. Basic prices... Open Data

The Culture Satellite Account provides, in a manner compatible with data reported under the ESA (Eur

Issued on 2022-12-29T23:00:00Z

Gross Added Value of the cultural activities of the Basque Country by sector and anus. Basic prices... details >

Fishing heights season 2022 Open Data

2022 fishing season (name, river, number of sections, types of fishing, opening and closing dates, f

Issued on 2023-01-08T23:00:00Z

Fishing heights season 2022 details >

IFAS Regular Budget Implementation Reports Open Data

Consult the execution of the budget of the Foral Institute of Social Assistance through monthly inco

Issued on 2019-07-10T22:00:00Z

IFAS Regular Budget Implementation Reports details >

Graduados universitarios según el tipo de jornada en el primer empleo por sexo y nacionalidad (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según el tipo de jornada en el primer empleo por sexo y na

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según el tipo de jornada en el primer empleo por sexo y nacionalidad (API... details >

Graduados universitarios que han completado un doctorado según la rama de conocimiento del doctorado... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios que han completado un doctorado según la rama de conocimie

Issued on

Graduados universitarios que han completado un doctorado según la rama de conocimiento del doctorado... details >

Titulados de máster según estén realizando otros estudios oficiales en 2019 y tipo de estudios por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según estén realizando otros estudios oficiales en 2019 y tipo

Issued on

Titulados de máster según estén realizando otros estudios oficiales en 2019 y tipo de estudios por... details >

Titulados de máster según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que trabajan en 2019 por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que tra

Issued on

Titulados de máster según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que trabajan en 2019 por... details >

Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su trabajo en 2019 por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su trab

Issued on

Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su trabajo en 2019 por... details >

Titulados de máster según el sueldo mensual neto en 2019 por CCAA de su universidad y ámbito de... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según el sueldo mensual neto en 2019 por CCAA de su universidad

Issued on

Titulados de máster según el sueldo mensual neto en 2019 por CCAA de su universidad y ámbito de... details >

Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por sexo y... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realiza

Issued on

Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por sexo y... details >

Titulados en Bachillerato según ocupación en el primer empleo por ocupación en 2019 (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Bachillerato según ocupación en el primer empleo por ocupación en 2019

Issued on

Titulados en Bachillerato según ocupación en el primer empleo por ocupación en 2019 (API identifier:... details >

Titulados en Bachillerato según el sueldo mensual neto en el primer empleo por sexo, CCAA de estudio... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Bachillerato según el sueldo mensual neto en el primer empleo por sexo

Issued on

Titulados en Bachillerato según el sueldo mensual neto en el primer empleo por sexo, CCAA de estudio... details >

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior que han trabajo según consideren que han recibido... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior que han trabajo según consideren q

Issued on

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior que han trabajo según consideren que han recibido... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... details >

Main dwellings according to combination of nationalities in the household by useful surface (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Main dwellings according to combination of nationalities in the household by useful

Issued on

Main dwellings according to combination of nationalities in the household by useful surface (API... details >

Viviendas principales según superficie útil (API identifier: /t20/e244/viviendas/p05/l0/mun06_02.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Viviendas principales según superficie útil. National. Population and Housing Censu

Issued on

Viviendas principales según superficie útil (API identifier: /t20/e244/viviendas/p05/l0/mun06_02.px) details >

Teruel by municipalities and demographic phenomenon . MNPD (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Teruel by municipalities and demographic phenomenon . Vital Statistics: Deaths Stat

Issued on

Teruel by municipalities and demographic phenomenon . MNPD (API identifier:... details >

Muertes fetales tardías de madre casada por ocupación del padre y grupo de edad del padre . MNPN... Open Data

Table of INEBase Muertes fetales tardías de madre casada por ocupación del padre y grupo de edad d

Issued on

Muertes fetales tardías de madre casada por ocupación del padre y grupo de edad del padre . MNPN... details >

Births by residence of the mother (capitals), cohabitation situation and age group of the mother.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Births by residence of the mother (capitals), cohabitation situation and age group

Issued on

Births by residence of the mother (capitals), cohabitation situation and age group of the mother.... details >

Level of studies by type of disability (API identifier: /t22/p320/base_2015/serie/l0/13007.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Level of studies by type of disability. National. Statistics on the Employment of P

Issued on

Level of studies by type of disability (API identifier: /t22/p320/base_2015/serie/l0/13007.px) details >

Medios empleados para contrastar la información dudosa vista en la red, en los últimos 3 meses, por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Medios empleados para contrastar la información dudosa vista en la red, en los últi

Issued on

Medios empleados para contrastar la información dudosa vista en la red, en los últimos 3 meses, por... details >

Main variables by activity sector and company size (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Main variables by activity sector and company size. National. Statistics on Affilia

Issued on

Main variables by activity sector and company size (API identifier:... details >

Seguridad TIC (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Seguridad TIC. National. Survey on the Use of Information and Communication Technol

Issued on

Seguridad TIC (API identifier:... details >

Value of exports of high tech products by groups of products and period. (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Value of exports of high tech products by groups of products and period. National.

Issued on

Value of exports of high tech products by groups of products and period. (API identifier:... details >

Main R+D indicators in high tech sectors by Autonomous Communities, type of indicator. (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Main R+D indicators in high tech sectors by Autonomous Communities, type of indica

Issued on

Main R+D indicators in high tech sectors by Autonomous Communities, type of indicator. (API... details >

Asturias (Principado de): No. of establishments, turnover, sale of products and added value in... Open Data

Table of INEBase Asturias (Principado de): No. of establishments, turnover, sale of products and

Issued on

Asturias (Principado de): No. of establishments, turnover, sale of products and added value in... details >

C* Production value of high tech goods by type of product and period. (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase C* Production value of high tech goods by type of product and period. National. Hig

Issued on

C* Production value of high tech goods by type of product and period. (API identifier:... details >

Variations by country of nationality, destination province and relation between origin and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Variations by country of nationality, destination province and relation between ori

Issued on

Variations by country of nationality, destination province and relation between origin and... details >

New registers by country of origin and continent of nationality (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase New registers by country of origin and continent of nationality. Residence Variatio

Issued on

New registers by country of origin and continent of nationality (API identifier:... details >

New registers by destination province and continent of nationality (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase New registers by destination province and continent of nationality. Residence Varia

Issued on

New registers by destination province and continent of nationality (API identifier:... details >

Comercio al por menor realizado en establecimientos (Grupos 471 a 477 CNAE2009): por distribución... Open Data

Table of INEBase Comercio al por menor realizado en establecimientos (Grupos 471 a 477 CNAE2009): p

Issued on

Comercio al por menor realizado en establecimientos (Grupos 471 a 477 CNAE2009): por distribución... details >

Travellers checked in by category of establishment and months. EOAC (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Travellers checked in by category of establishment and months. National. Campsite O

Issued on

Travellers checked in by category of establishment and months. EOAC (API identifier:... details >

Travellers checked in by tourist sites and months. EOAP (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Travellers checked in by tourist sites and months. National. Holiday Dwelling Occup

Issued on

Travellers checked in by tourist sites and months. EOAP (API identifier:... details >

Occupancy rate of bed-places at weekends by Province, category and month. EOH (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Occupancy rate of bed-places at weekends by Province, category and month. National

Issued on

Occupancy rate of bed-places at weekends by Province, category and month. EOH (API identifier:... details >

Occupancy rate of bedrooms by tourist site and month. EOH (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Occupancy rate of bedrooms by tourist site and month. National. Hotel Occupancy Sur

Issued on

Occupancy rate of bedrooms by tourist site and month. EOH (API identifier:... details >

Households according to the number of people with disabilities or limitations and type of household.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Households according to the number of people with disabilities or limitations and t

Issued on

Households according to the number of people with disabilities or limitations and type of household.... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to disability group, by gender and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to disability group,

Issued on

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to disability group, by gender and... details >

Health services received in the last 12 months by gender, age and number of disabilities. Population... Open Data

Table of INEBase Health services received in the last 12 months by gender, age and number of disabil

Issued on

Health services received in the last 12 months by gender, age and number of disabilities. Population... details >

Adaptations in the current job position due to disability by gender and number of disabilities.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Adaptations in the current job position due to disability by gender and number of d

Issued on

Adaptations in the current job position due to disability by gender and number of disabilities.... details >

Reason for being unable to find work, by gender Population six years and over with a disability who... Open Data

Table of INEBase Reason for being unable to find work, by gender Population six years and over with

Issued on

Reason for being unable to find work, by gender Population six years and over with a disability who... details >

Perception of discrimination due to a disability in high school or school by gender and disability... Open Data

Table of INEBase Perception of discrimination due to a disability in high school or school by gender

Issued on

Perception of discrimination due to a disability in high school or school by gender and disability... details >

Adaptations in the class or study center due to disability by gender and disability group.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Adaptations in the class or study center due to disability by gender and disability

Issued on

Adaptations in the class or study center due to disability by gender and disability group.... details >

Reason for never having worked by gender, age and number of disabilities. Population six years and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Reason for never having worked by gender, age and number of disabilities. Populatio

Issued on

Reason for never having worked by gender, age and number of disabilities. Population six years and... details >

Activities to which you would like to dedicate your free time but cannot due to disability, by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Activities to which you would like to dedicate your free time but cannot due to dis

Issued on

Activities to which you would like to dedicate your free time but cannot due to disability, by... details >

Harassment or cyberbullying due to their disability at school or study centre by gender and age.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Harassment or cyberbullying due to their disability at school or study centre by ge

Issued on

Harassment or cyberbullying due to their disability at school or study centre by gender and age.... details >

Difficulties que encuentra el cuidador principal por sexo y grupo de discapacidad. Población de 6 y... Open Data

Table of INEBase Difficulties que encuentra el cuidador principal por sexo y grupo de discapacidad.

Issued on

Difficulties que encuentra el cuidador principal por sexo y grupo de discapacidad. Población de 6 y... details >

Rate of population aged 2 to 5 years with some limitation according to number of deficiencies, by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Rate of population aged 2 to 5 years with some limitation according to number of de

Issued on

Rate of population aged 2 to 5 years with some limitation according to number of deficiencies, by... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to deficiency origin group, by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to deficiency origin

Issued on

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to deficiency origin group, by... details >

Positive assessment of health status by gender and number of disabilities. Population aged 6 and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Positive assessment of health status by gender and number of disabilities. Populati

Issued on

Positive assessment of health status by gender and number of disabilities. Population aged 6 and... details >

Comunitat Valenciana. Deaths by province of residence, causes (reduced list), sex and age. ECM (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Comunitat Valenciana. Deaths by province of residence, causes (reduced list), sex

Issued on

Comunitat Valenciana. Deaths by province of residence, causes (reduced list), sex and age. ECM (API... details >

Number of Chiropodists, by Autonomous Community, Autonomous City and Province of registration,... Open Data

Table of INEBase Number of Chiropodists, by Autonomous Community, Autonomous City and Province of re

Issued on

Number of Chiropodists, by Autonomous Community, Autonomous City and Province of registration,... details >

Criminal offences charged against the person reported by type of offence and age group. VGD (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Criminal offences charged against the person reported by type of offence and age gr

Issued on 2013-05-27T11:00:00Z

Criminal offences charged against the person reported by type of offence and age group. VGD (API... details >

Final judgements. Persons convicted and persons acquitted. VGD (API identifier: 49121) Open Data

Table of INEBase Final judgements. Persons convicted and persons acquitted. Annual. National. Statis

Issued on 2016-06-07T11:00:00Z

Final judgements. Persons convicted and persons acquitted. VGD (API identifier: 49121) details >

Weightings by class. IPCA (API identifier: 51069) Open Data

Table of INEBase Weightings by class. Annual. National. Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP)

Issued on 2022-02-02T11:00:00Z

Weightings by class. IPCA (API identifier: 51069) details >

Acquisitions of nationality by gender and age. ANES (API identifier: 52060) Open Data

Table of INEBase Acquisitions of nationality by gender and age. Annual. Statistics on Acquisition of

Issued on 2020-06-04T11:00:00Z

Acquisitions of nationality by gender and age. ANES (API identifier: 52060) details >

National indices by subgroup. IPC (API identifier: 53459) Open Data

Table of INEBase National indices by subgroup. Monthly. Provinces. Consumer Price Index (CPI)

Issued on 2015-01-30T09:00:00Z

National indices by subgroup. IPC (API identifier: 53459) details >
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