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People according to severe material and social lack (new definition 2021) according to sex in the... Open Data

People according to severe material and social lack (new definition 2021) according to sex in the Ca

Issued on 2022-12-21T10:19:17Z

People according to severe material and social lack (new definition 2021) according to sex in the... details >

Budget expenditure 2023 Open Data

Budget of expenses per conselleria, chapter of the economic classification and group of the function

Issued on 2023-01-03T23:00:00Z

Budget expenditure 2023 details >

Scenario 2100 RCP8.5 Maximum Mean Sea Level Rise (vabServ) Open Data

Scenario 2100 RCP8.5 Maximum Mean Sea Level Rise (vabServ)

Issued on 2023-01-08T23:00:00Z

Scenario 2100 RCP8.5 Maximum Mean Sea Level Rise (vabServ) details >

Scenario 2100 RCP4.5 Maximum mean sea level rise (stockAgr) Open Data

Scenario 2100 RCP4.5 Maximum mean sea level rise (stockAgr)

Issued on 2023-01-08T23:00:00Z

Scenario 2100 RCP4.5 Maximum mean sea level rise (stockAgr) details >

Scenario 2100 RCP8.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (idxSin) Open Data

Scenario 2100 RCP8.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (idxSin)

Issued on 2023-01-08T23:00:00Z

Scenario 2100 RCP8.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (idxSin) details >

Scenario 2100 RCP4.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (idxSin) Open Data

Scenario 2100 RCP4.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (idxSin)

Issued on 2023-01-08T23:00:00Z

Scenario 2100 RCP4.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (idxSin) details >

2030 Agenda SDG - Población viviendo en hogares con baja intensidad de trabajo (Identificador API:... Open Data

ODS / Goals and targets (from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) / Goal 1. End poverty in

Issued on 2022-06-29T11:00:00Z

2030 Agenda SDG - Población viviendo en hogares con baja intensidad de trabajo (Identificador API:... details >

2030 Agenda SDG - Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans ratio (Identificador API: 235:295) Open Data

ODS / Goals and targets (from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) / Goal 17. Strengthen the

Issued on 2020-01-01T09:00:00Z

2030 Agenda SDG - Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans ratio (Identificador API: 235:295) details >

Graduados universitarios según el área de estudios más apropiada de su trabajo en 2019 por sexo y... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según el área de estudios más apropiada de su trabajo en 2

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según el área de estudios más apropiada de su trabajo en 2019 por sexo y... details >

Graduados universitarios según el sueldo mensual neto en 2019 por sexo y edad (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según el sueldo mensual neto en 2019 por sexo y edad. Nati

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según el sueldo mensual neto en 2019 por sexo y edad (API identifier:... details >

Graduados universitarios según el sueldo mensual neto en 2019 por sexo y país o región de... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según el sueldo mensual neto en 2019 por sexo y país o reg

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según el sueldo mensual neto en 2019 por sexo y país o región de... details >

Graduados universitarios según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios re

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por... details >

Graduados universitarios según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por sexo... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios re

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por sexo... details >

Graduados universitarios según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que trabajan en... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la qu

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que trabajan en... details >

Graduados universitarios según ocupación en el primer empleo por sexo, tipo de universidad y rama de... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según ocupación en el primer empleo por sexo, tipo de univ

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según ocupación en el primer empleo por sexo, tipo de universidad y rama de... details >

Graduados universitarios que han realizado otros estudios de grado / diplomatura / licenciatura... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios que han realizado otros estudios de grado / diplomatura /

Issued on

Graduados universitarios que han realizado otros estudios de grado / diplomatura / licenciatura... details >

Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su trabajo en 2019 por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su trab

Issued on

Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su trabajo en 2019 por... details >

Titulados de máster según hayan realizado parte de sus estudios fuera de España por sexo y país o... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según hayan realizado parte de sus estudios fuera de España por

Issued on

Titulados de máster según hayan realizado parte de sus estudios fuera de España por sexo y país o... details >

Titulados de máster según el número de idiomas que conoce distintos de su/s lengua/s materna/s por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según el número de idiomas que conoce distintos de su/s lengua/

Issued on

Titulados de máster según el número de idiomas que conoce distintos de su/s lengua/s materna/s por... details >

Titulados de máster según su ocupación en 2019 por sexo y tipo de jornada (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según su ocupación en 2019 por sexo y tipo de jornada. National

Issued on

Titulados de máster según su ocupación en 2019 por sexo y tipo de jornada (API identifier:... details >

Titulados de máster según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que trabajan en 2019 por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que tra

Issued on

Titulados de máster según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que trabajan en 2019 por... details >

Titulados de máster según el tipo de jornada en el primer empleo por sexo y situación laboral en... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según el tipo de jornada en el primer empleo por sexo y situaci

Issued on

Titulados de máster según el tipo de jornada en el primer empleo por sexo y situación laboral en... details >

Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su primer empleo por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su prim

Issued on

Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su primer empleo por... details >

Titulados de máster según hayan realizado parte de sus estudios fuera de España por CCAA de su... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según hayan realizado parte de sus estudios fuera de España por

Issued on

Titulados de máster según hayan realizado parte de sus estudios fuera de España por CCAA de su... details >

Titulados de máster según hayan realizado parte de sus estudios fuera de España por sexo y situación... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según hayan realizado parte de sus estudios fuera de España por

Issued on

Titulados de máster según hayan realizado parte de sus estudios fuera de España por sexo y situación... details >

Titulados en Bachillerato según consideren que han recibido suficiente formación para desempeñar su... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Bachillerato según consideren que han recibido suficiente formación pa

Issued on

Titulados en Bachillerato según consideren que han recibido suficiente formación para desempeñar su... details >

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio según estudios en los que estaba matriculado en el... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio según estudios en los que estaba matr

Issued on

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio según estudios en los que estaba matriculado en el... details >

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio según el nivel de formación más apropiado para... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio según el nivel de formación más aprop

Issued on

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio según el nivel de formación más apropiado para... details >

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según estén realizando otros estudios oficiales en... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según estén realizando otros estud

Issued on

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según estén realizando otros estudios oficiales en... details >

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según otra formación reglada finalizada posterior... Open Data

Table of INEBase Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según otra formación reglada fin

Issued on

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según otra formación reglada finalizada posterior... details >

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 que abandonaron de nuevo el sistema educativo en... Open Data

Table of INEBase Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 que abandonaron de nuevo el sist

Issued on

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 que abandonaron de nuevo el sistema educativo en... details >

Population by municipality (with more than 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age (big groups) and country of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with more than 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age (big group

Issued on

Population by municipality (with more than 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age (big groups) and country of... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... details >

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by mu

Issued on

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with... details >

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by mu

Issued on

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with... details >

Main dwellings according to number of rooms (API identifier: /t20/e244/viviendas/p04/l0/mun10_01.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Main dwellings according to number of rooms. National. Population and Housing Censu

Issued on

Main dwellings according to number of rooms (API identifier: /t20/e244/viviendas/p04/l0/mun10_01.px) details >

Main dwellings according to construction year (added) by number of rooms (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Main dwellings according to construction year (added) by number of rooms. National.

Issued on

Main dwellings according to construction year (added) by number of rooms (API identifier:... details >

Matrimonios de diferente sexo por provincia de residencia del matrimonio, relación con la actividad... Open Data

Table of INEBase Matrimonios de diferente sexo por provincia de residencia del matrimonio, relación

Issued on

Matrimonios de diferente sexo por provincia de residencia del matrimonio, relación con la actividad... details >

Deliveries by residence of the mother (capitals), multiplicity and normality. MNPN (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Deliveries by residence of the mother (capitals), multiplicity and normality. Nati

Issued on

Deliveries by residence of the mother (capitals), multiplicity and normality. MNPN (API identifier:... details >

Hombres de 18 a 55 años según el número de hijos que tienen y nacionalidad (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Hombres de 18 a 55 años según el número de hijos que tienen y nacionalidad. Nationa

Issued on

Hombres de 18 a 55 años según el número de hijos que tienen y nacionalidad (API identifier:... details >

Volumen de negocio (VN) de las otras actividades lucrativas (OAL) relacionadas respecto al del total... Open Data

Table of INEBase Volumen de negocio (VN) de las otras actividades lucrativas (OAL) relacionadas resp

Issued on

Volumen de negocio (VN) de las otras actividades lucrativas (OAL) relacionadas respecto al del total... details >

Estiércol exportado e importado, por explotaciones con ganado, por tamaño según superficie agrícola... Open Data

Table of INEBase Estiércol exportado e importado, por explotaciones con ganado, por tamaño según sup

Issued on

Estiércol exportado e importado, por explotaciones con ganado, por tamaño según superficie agrícola... details >

Ventas por comercio electrónico (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Ventas por comercio electrónico. National. Survey on the Use of Information and Com

Issued on

Ventas por comercio electrónico (API identifier:... details >

Análisis de Big Data (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Análisis de Big Data. National. Survey on the Use of Information and Communication

Issued on

Análisis de Big Data (API identifier:... details >

Inteligencia artificial (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Inteligencia artificial. National. Survey on the Use of Information and Communicati

Issued on

Inteligencia artificial (API identifier:... details >

Medios Sociales (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Medios Sociales. Comunidades y ciudades autónomas. Survey on the Use of Information

Issued on

Medios Sociales (API identifier:... details >

TIC y el medioambiente (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase TIC y el medioambiente. Comunidades y ciudades autónomas. Survey on the Use of Info

Issued on

TIC y el medioambiente (API identifier:... details >

Business Sector. Expenditure and personnel in intramural R&D by autonomous communities where... Open Data

Table of INEBase Business Sector. Expenditure and personnel in intramural R&D by autonomous communit

Issued on

Business Sector. Expenditure and personnel in intramural R&D by autonomous communities where... details >

Main economic variables/employment by period, type of indicator and high tech sectors . (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Main economic variables/employment by period, type of indicator and high tech sect

Issued on

Main economic variables/employment by period, type of indicator and high tech sectors . (API... details >

Innovative Companies and EIN companies in the ICT sector by branches of activity of the ICT sector... Open Data

Table of INEBase Innovative Companies and EIN companies in the ICT sector by branches of activity o

Issued on

Innovative Companies and EIN companies in the ICT sector by branches of activity of the ICT sector... details >

Persons between 15 and 74 years of age born abroad, depending on their knowledge of spoken Spanish,... Open Data

Table of INEBase Persons between 15 and 74 years of age born abroad, depending on their knowledge of

Issued on

Persons between 15 and 74 years of age born abroad, depending on their knowledge of spoken Spanish,... details >

Variations by destination Autonomous Community and Autonomous Community of birth (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Variations by destination Autonomous Community and Autonomous Community of birth. N

Issued on

Variations by destination Autonomous Community and Autonomous Community of birth (API identifier:... details >

Variations by destination province and size of the origin municipalities (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Variations by destination province and size of the origin municipalities. National.

Issued on

Variations by destination province and size of the origin municipalities (API identifier:... details >

Cancellations due to expiration by province of residence, birthplace and sex (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Cancellations due to expiration by province of residence, birthplace and sex. Natio

Issued on

Cancellations due to expiration by province of residence, birthplace and sex (API identifier:... details >

Balances by island, type of balance and sex (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Balances by island, type of balance and sex. National. Residence Variation Statisti

Issued on

Balances by island, type of balance and sex (API identifier:... details >

Cancellations by provincial capital, sex and five-years age groups (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Cancellations by provincial capital, sex and five-years age groups. National. Resid

Issued on

Cancellations by provincial capital, sex and five-years age groups (API identifier:... details >

New registers by municipalities, sex and continent of origin (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase New registers by municipalities, sex and continent of origin. Residence Variation S

Issued on

New registers by municipalities, sex and continent of origin (API identifier:... details >

Comercio al por mayor e intermediarios del comercio, excepto de vehículos de motor por desglose de... Open Data

Table of INEBase Comercio al por mayor e intermediarios del comercio, excepto de vehículos de motor

Issued on

Comercio al por mayor e intermediarios del comercio, excepto de vehículos de motor por desglose de... details >

Estimated number of apartments by tourist sites and months. EOAP (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Estimated number of apartments by tourist sites and months. National. Holiday Dwell

Issued on

Estimated number of apartments by tourist sites and months. EOAP (API identifier:... details >

Occupancy rate of bedrooms by Autonomous Community and month. EOTR (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Occupancy rate of bedrooms by Autonomous Community and month. Rural Tourist Accommo

Issued on

Occupancy rate of bedrooms by Autonomous Community and month. EOTR (API identifier:... details >

Percentage distribution of guests resident by destination, Autonomous City and Community of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Percentage distribution of guests resident by destination, Autonomous City and Com

Issued on

Percentage distribution of guests resident by destination, Autonomous City and Community of... details >

Percentage distribution of overnight stays of guests resident by destination, Autonomous City and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Percentage distribution of overnight stays of guests resident by destination, Auto

Issued on

Percentage distribution of overnight stays of guests resident by destination, Autonomous City and... details >

Estimated bed-places by Autonomous City and Community, category and month. EOH (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Estimated bed-places by Autonomous City and Community, category and month. Autonom

Issued on

Estimated bed-places by Autonomous City and Community, category and month. EOH (API identifier:... details >

Overnight stays of the guests by Province, country of residence and month. EOH (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Overnight stays of the guests by Province, country of residence and month. Nationa

Issued on

Overnight stays of the guests by Province, country of residence and month. EOH (API identifier:... details >

Actividades de limpieza (Grupo 812 CNAE-2009): por desglose de la cifra de negocios según los... Open Data

Table of INEBase Actividades de limpieza (Grupo 812 CNAE-2009): por desglose de la cifra de negocio

Issued on

Actividades de limpieza (Grupo 812 CNAE-2009): por desglose de la cifra de negocios según los... details >

Households according to the number of people with disabilities or limitations and existence of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Households according to the number of people with disabilities or limitations and e

Issued on

Households according to the number of people with disabilities or limitations and existence of... details >

Households according to the number of members in the household, the number of people with... Open Data

Table of INEBase Households according to the number of members in the household, the number of peopl

Issued on

Households according to the number of members in the household, the number of people with... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability according to type of disability and degree of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with a disability according to type of disability

Issued on

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability according to type of disability and degree of... details >

Reason for never having worked by gender, age and disability group. Population six years and over... Open Data

Table of INEBase Reason for never having worked by gender, age and disability group. Population six

Issued on

Reason for never having worked by gender, age and disability group. Population six years and over... details >

Reason for change of residence due to disability by gender and age. Population aged 6 and over with... Open Data

Table of INEBase Reason for change of residence due to disability by gender and age. Population aged

Issued on

Reason for change of residence due to disability by gender and age. Population aged 6 and over with... details >

Perception of discrimination due to a disability in consultations or health services by gender and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Perception of discrimination due to a disability in consultations or health service

Issued on

Perception of discrimination due to a disability in consultations or health services by gender and... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to deficiency origin group, by gender,... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to deficiency origin

Issued on

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to deficiency origin group, by gender,... details >

Current employment situation by gender, age and disability group. Population aged 16 and over with a... Open Data

Table of INEBase Current employment situation by gender, age and disability group. Population aged 1

Issued on

Current employment situation by gender, age and disability group. Population aged 16 and over with a... details >

Current employment situation by gender, age and number of disabilities. Population aged 16 and over... Open Data

Table of INEBase Current employment situation by gender, age and number of disabilities. Population

Issued on

Current employment situation by gender, age and number of disabilities. Population aged 16 and over... details >

Type of contract by gender. Population aged 16 and over with a disability currently working. (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Type of contract by gender. Population aged 16 and over with a disability currently

Issued on

Type of contract by gender. Population aged 16 and over with a disability currently working. (API... details >

Places with public buildings and their surroundings which present functional difficulties for those... Open Data

Table of INEBase Places with public buildings and their surroundings which present functional diffic

Issued on

Places with public buildings and their surroundings which present functional difficulties for those... details >

Reason for change of residence due to disability by gender and disability group. Population aged 6... Open Data

Table of INEBase Reason for change of residence due to disability by gender and disability group. Po

Issued on

Reason for change of residence due to disability by gender and disability group. Population aged 6... details >

Perception of discrimination due to a disability in consultations or health services by gender and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Perception of discrimination due to a disability in consultations or health service

Issued on

Perception of discrimination due to a disability in consultations or health services by gender and... details >

Perception of discrimination due to disability when exercising civil and political rights, by gender... Open Data

Table of INEBase Perception of discrimination due to disability when exercising civil and political

Issued on

Perception of discrimination due to disability when exercising civil and political rights, by gender... details >

Recognized dependency situation, by gender. Population from 2 to 5 years with some limitation. (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Recognized dependency situation, by gender. Population from 2 to 5 years with some

Issued on

Recognized dependency situation, by gender. Population from 2 to 5 years with some limitation. (API... details >

Assistance or personal care received due to disability according to whether it is provided by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Assistance or personal care received due to disability according to whether it is p

Issued on

Assistance or personal care received due to disability according to whether it is provided by... details >

Assistance or personal care received due to disability according to whether it is provided by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Assistance or personal care received due to disability according to whether it is p

Issued on

Assistance or personal care received due to disability according to whether it is provided by... details >

Care más importantes que recibe del cuidador principal por sexo y grupo de discapacidad. Población... Open Data

Table of INEBase Care más importantes que recibe del cuidador principal por sexo y grupo de discapac

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Care más importantes que recibe del cuidador principal por sexo y grupo de discapacidad. Población... details >

Care más importantes que recibe del cuidador principal por sexo y número de discapacidades.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Care más importantes que recibe del cuidador principal por sexo y número de discapa

Issued on

Care más importantes que recibe del cuidador principal por sexo y número de discapacidades.... details >

Households according to the existence of barriers in access to home or in the home itself, by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Households according to the existence of barriers in access to home or in the home

Issued on

Households according to the existence of barriers in access to home or in the home itself, by... details >

Households according to the number of members in the household, the number of people with... Open Data

Table of INEBase Households according to the number of members in the household, the number of peopl

Issued on

Households according to the number of members in the household, the number of people with... details >

Assessment of health status by Autonomous Community and disability group. Population aged 6 and over... Open Data

Table of INEBase Assessment of health status by Autonomous Community and disability group. Populatio

Issued on

Assessment of health status by Autonomous Community and disability group. Population aged 6 and over... details >

Assessment of the frequency of contact with relatives by Autonomous Community and gender. Population... Open Data

Table of INEBase Assessment of the frequency of contact with relatives by Autonomous Community and g

Issued on

Assessment of the frequency of contact with relatives by Autonomous Community and gender. Population... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability that uses aids, according to disability group and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with a disability that uses aids, according to dis

Issued on

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability that uses aids, according to disability group and... details >

Defunciones por covid-19, mes de defunción (Enero a Junio), sexo y edad. ECM (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Defunciones por covid-19, mes de defunción (Enero a Junio), sexo y edad. National.

Issued on

Defunciones por covid-19, mes de defunción (Enero a Junio), sexo y edad. ECM (API identifier:... details >

Number of Physiotherapists, by Autonomous Community, Autonomous City and Province of registration,... Open Data

Table of INEBase Number of Physiotherapists, by Autonomous Community, Autonomous City and Province o

Issued on

Number of Physiotherapists, by Autonomous Community, Autonomous City and Province of registration,... details >

Divorces according type of divorce and sex of the spouses. ENSD (API identifier: 49100) Open Data

Table of INEBase Divorces according type of divorce and sex of the spouses. Annual. National. Annulm

Issued on 2014-10-22T11:00:00Z

Divorces according type of divorce and sex of the spouses. ENSD (API identifier: 49100) details >

Offences according to type. CONA (API identifier: 49048) Open Data

Table of INEBase Offences according to type. Annual. National. Conviction Statistics: Adults

Issued on 2014-09-26T11:00:00Z

Offences according to type. CONA (API identifier: 49048) details >

Offences according to sex. CONA (API identifier: 49049) Open Data

Table of INEBase Offences according to sex. Annual. National. Conviction Statistics: Adults

Issued on 2014-09-26T11:00:00Z

Offences according to sex. CONA (API identifier: 49049) details >

Persons convicted in cases with final judgement by age and place of birth. VGD (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Persons convicted in cases with final judgement by age and place of birth. Annual.

Issued on 2016-06-07T11:00:00Z

Persons convicted in cases with final judgement by age and place of birth. VGD (API identifier:... details >

Weightings in each autonomous community by size of the dwelling. IPVA (API identifier: 50019) Open Data

Table of INEBase Weightings in each autonomous community by size of the dwelling. Annual. Autonomous

Issued on 2022-02-23T10:00:00Z

Weightings in each autonomous community by size of the dwelling. IPVA (API identifier: 50019) details >

Provincial weightings by house size. IPVA (API identifier: 50021) Open Data

Table of INEBase Provincial weightings by house size. Annual. Provinces. Rental Housing Price Index.

Issued on 2022-02-23T10:00:00Z

Provincial weightings by house size. IPVA (API identifier: 50021) details >

Main figures according to main activity (CNAE-2009 to 1, 2 and 3 digits). EEE:COM (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Main figures according to main activity (CNAE-2009 to 1, 2 and 3 digits). Annual. N

Issued on 2020-06-24T11:00:00Z

Main figures according to main activity (CNAE-2009 to 1, 2 and 3 digits). EEE:COM (API identifier:... details >
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