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Scenario 2050 RCP8.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (stockInd) Open Data

Scenario 2050 RCP8.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (stockInd)

Issued on 2023-01-08T23:00:00Z

Scenario 2050 RCP8.5 Minimum mean sea level rise (stockInd) details >

Employment regulation, ERE and temporary employment regulation files, ERTE requested and resolved in... Open Data

Employment regulation, ERE and temporary employment regulation files, ERTE requested and resolved in

Issued on 2023-01-02T23:00:00Z

Employment regulation, ERE and temporary employment regulation files, ERTE requested and resolved in... details >

Central Register of Penitentiaries and Rebels Open Data

Analysis and comparison of cases and number of convicted persons registered in the System of Adminis

Issued on 2017-12-31T23:00:00Z

Central Register of Penitentiaries and Rebels details >

Public Prosecutor’s Office — Occupational accidents Open Data

The specialised areas of the Public Prosecutor’s Office are analysed with the aim of carrying out a

Issued on 2017-12-31T23:00:00Z

Public Prosecutor’s Office — Occupational accidents details >

Rural houses Open Data

Rural houses, with indication of the locality and address.

Issued on 2022-12-20T10:34:08Z

Rural houses details >

Complementary services in non-university Andalusian schools Open Data

Set of data that collects the complementary services (morning classroom, school transport and dining

Issued on 2022-12-30T11:29:18Z

Complementary services in non-university Andalusian schools details >

2030 Agenda SDG - Spain has adopted sustainable consumption and production (SCP) national action... Open Data

ODS / Goals and targets (from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) / Goal 12. Ensure sustain

Issued on 2020-01-01T09:00:00Z

2030 Agenda SDG - Spain has adopted sustainable consumption and production (SCP) national action... details >

2030 Agenda SDG - Food Price Index (Identificador API: 18:251907) Open Data

ODS / Goals and targets (from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) / Goal 2. End hunger, ach

Issued on 2022-02-14T14:00:00Z

2030 Agenda SDG - Food Price Index (Identificador API: 18:251907) details >

2030 Agenda SDG - Total reported number of standard material transfer agreements (SMTAs)... Open Data

ODS / Goals and targets (from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) / Goal 15. Protect, resto

Issued on 2020-01-01T09:00:00Z

2030 Agenda SDG - Total reported number of standard material transfer agreements (SMTAs)... details >

2030 Agenda SDG - Total external debt (% GDP) (Identificador API: 235:292) Open Data

ODS / Goals and targets (from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) / Goal 17. Strengthen the

Issued on 2020-01-01T11:00:00Z

2030 Agenda SDG - Total external debt (% GDP) (Identificador API: 235:292) details >

2030 Agenda SDG - Proportion of refugees per 100.000 inhabitants (Identificador API: 235:320) Open Data

ODS / Goals and targets (from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) / Goal 10. Reduce inequal

Issued on 2020-01-01T09:00:00Z

2030 Agenda SDG - Proportion of refugees per 100.000 inhabitants (Identificador API: 235:320) details >

Graduados universitarios según el tipo de jornada en el primer empleo por CCAA de su universidad y... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según el tipo de jornada en el primer empleo por CCAA de s

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según el tipo de jornada en el primer empleo por CCAA de su universidad y... details >

Graduados universitarios según el tipo de jornada en el primer empleo por sexo y país o región de... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según el tipo de jornada en el primer empleo por sexo y pa

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Graduados universitarios según el tipo de jornada en el primer empleo por sexo y país o región de... details >

Graduados universitarios según hayan realizado prácticas en empresa mientras estudiaban la carrera... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según hayan realizado prácticas en empresa mientras estudi

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según hayan realizado prácticas en empresa mientras estudiaban la carrera... details >

Graduados universitarios que han realizado ciclos formativos o enseñanzas deportivas de grado medio... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios que han realizado ciclos formativos o enseñanzas deportiva

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Graduados universitarios que han realizado ciclos formativos o enseñanzas deportivas de grado medio... details >

Graduados universitarios según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su primer empleo... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su

Issued on

Graduados universitarios según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su primer empleo... details >

Titulados de máster según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que trabajan en 2019 por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que tra

Issued on

Titulados de máster según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que trabajan en 2019 por... details >

Titulados de máster según el área de estudios más apropiada de su trabajo en 2019 por sexo y tipo de... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según el área de estudios más apropiada de su trabajo en 2019 p

Issued on

Titulados de máster según el área de estudios más apropiada de su trabajo en 2019 por sexo y tipo de... details >

Titulados de máster según ocupación en el primer empleo por sexo y tipo de jornada laboral del... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según ocupación en el primer empleo por sexo y tipo de jornada

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Titulados de máster según ocupación en el primer empleo por sexo y tipo de jornada laboral del... details >

Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por CCAA de... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realiza

Issued on

Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por CCAA de... details >

Titulados de máster según el número de idiomas que conoce distintos de su/s lengua/s materna/s por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según el número de idiomas que conoce distintos de su/s lengua/

Issued on

Titulados de máster según el número de idiomas que conoce distintos de su/s lengua/s materna/s por... details >

Titulados de máster según sus habilidades TIC por sexo, tipo de universidad y rama de conocimiento... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según sus habilidades TIC por sexo, tipo de universidad y rama

Issued on

Titulados de máster según sus habilidades TIC por sexo, tipo de universidad y rama de conocimiento... details >

Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por sexo y... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realiza

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Titulados de máster según estén satisfechos con los estudios universitarios realizados por sexo y... details >

Titulados de máster según sus habilidades TIC por CCAA de su universidad y ámbito de estudio (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según sus habilidades TIC por CCAA de su universidad y ámbito d

Issued on

Titulados de máster según sus habilidades TIC por CCAA de su universidad y ámbito de estudio (API... details >

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio que abandonaron el sistema educativo en el curso... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio que abandonaron el sistema educativo

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Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio que abandonaron el sistema educativo en el curso... details >

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio según el sueldo mensual neto en el primer empleo por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio según el sueldo mensual neto en el pr

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Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio según el sueldo mensual neto en el primer empleo por... details >

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según el tipo de jornada laboral en el primer... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según el tipo de jornada laboral e

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Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según el tipo de jornada laboral en el primer... details >

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según ocupación en el primer empleo por sexo, CCAA... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según ocupación en el primer emple

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Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según ocupación en el primer empleo por sexo, CCAA... details >

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según el sueldo mensual neto en el primer empleo... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según el sueldo mensual neto en el

Issued on

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según el sueldo mensual neto en el primer empleo... details >

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior que han completado un máster según la rama de... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior que han completado un máster según

Issued on

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior que han completado un máster según la rama de... details >

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según hayan recibido cursos de formación del SEPE y... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según hayan recibido cursos de for

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Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según hayan recibido cursos de formación del SEPE y... details >

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 que abandonaron de nuevo el sistema educativo en... Open Data

Table of INEBase Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 que abandonaron de nuevo el sist

Issued on

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 que abandonaron de nuevo el sistema educativo en... details >

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según estudios en los que estaba matriculado en... Open Data

Table of INEBase Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según estudios en los que estaba

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Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según estudios en los que estaba matriculado en... details >

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según estudios en los que estaba matriculado en... Open Data

Table of INEBase Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según estudios en los que estaba

Issued on

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según estudios en los que estaba matriculado en... details >

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según estudios en los que estaba matriculado en... Open Data

Table of INEBase Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según estudios en los que estaba

Issued on

Alumnos que abandonaron la ESO en el curso 2013-14 según estudios en los que estaba matriculado en... details >

Average earnings per hour in the ICT sector by branches of activity of the ICT sector and period.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Average earnings per hour in the ICT sector by branches of activity of the ICT se

Issued on

Average earnings per hour in the ICT sector by branches of activity of the ICT sector and period.... details >

Population by municipality (with more than 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age (big groups) and country of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with more than 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age (big group

Issued on

Population by municipality (with more than 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age (big groups) and country of... details >

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by mu

Issued on

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with... details >

Main dwellings according to number of rooms by town size (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Main dwellings according to number of rooms by town size. National. Population and

Issued on

Main dwellings according to number of rooms by town size (API identifier:... details >

Main dwellings according to number of rooms by town size (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Main dwellings according to number of rooms by town size. National. Population and

Issued on

Main dwellings according to number of rooms by town size (API identifier:... details >

Tarragona by municipalities and demographic phenomenon . MNPD (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Tarragona by municipalities and demographic phenomenon . Vital Statistics: Deaths S

Issued on

Tarragona by municipalities and demographic phenomenon . MNPD (API identifier:... details >

Matrimonios de diferente sexo por edad de la esposa y relación con la actividad de la esposa. MNPM... Open Data

Table of INEBase Matrimonios de diferente sexo por edad de la esposa y relación con la actividad de

Issued on

Matrimonios de diferente sexo por edad de la esposa y relación con la actividad de la esposa. MNPM... details >

Nacimientos por Situación de convivencia, Nivel de estudios de la madre y grupo de edad de la... Open Data

Table of INEBase Nacimientos por Situación de convivencia, Nivel de estudios de la madre y grupo de

Issued on

Nacimientos por Situación de convivencia, Nivel de estudios de la madre y grupo de edad de la... details >

Births by province of residence of the mother, cohabitation situation and age group of the mother.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Births by province of residence of the mother, cohabitation situation and age grou

Issued on

Births by province of residence of the mother, cohabitation situation and age group of the mother.... details >

Births of mothers in their first marriage,according to residence of the mother by municipalities >... Open Data

Table of INEBase Births of mothers in their first marriage,according to residence of the mother by

Issued on

Births of mothers in their first marriage,according to residence of the mother by municipalities >... details >

Tasa Bruta de Emigración con destino al extranjero por año (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Tasa Bruta de Emigración con destino al extranjero por año. Provincias. Population

Issued on

Tasa Bruta de Emigración con destino al extranjero por año (API identifier:... details >

Tasa de Migración Bruta con el extranjero por año (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Tasa de Migración Bruta con el extranjero por año. Provincias. Population Projectio

Issued on

Tasa de Migración Bruta con el extranjero por año (API identifier:... details >

Vectors of key energy indicators (API identifier: /t26/p090/serie/l0/01003.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Vectors of key energy indicators. National. Cuentas medioambientales: Cuenta de flu

Issued on

Vectors of key energy indicators (API identifier: /t26/p090/serie/l0/01003.px) details >

Explotaciones con ganado que pasta al aire libre por tamaño según superficie agrícola utilizada... Open Data

Table of INEBase Explotaciones con ganado que pasta al aire libre por tamaño según superficie agríco

Issued on

Explotaciones con ganado que pasta al aire libre por tamaño según superficie agrícola utilizada... details >

Fertilizantes orgánicos y de residuos distintos del estiércol en explotaciones con ganado por tamaño... Open Data

Table of INEBase Fertilizantes orgánicos y de residuos distintos del estiércol en explotaciones con

Issued on

Fertilizantes orgánicos y de residuos distintos del estiércol en explotaciones con ganado por tamaño... details >

Seguridad TIC (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Seguridad TIC. National. Survey on the Use of Information and Communication Technol

Issued on

Seguridad TIC (API identifier:... details >

Production in the ICT sector by branches of activity of the ICT sector and main indicators. (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Production in the ICT sector by branches of activity of the ICT sector and main in

Issued on

Production in the ICT sector by branches of activity of the ICT sector and main indicators. (API... details >

Persons between 15 and 74 years of age born abroad, depending on their current knowledge of spoken... Open Data

Table of INEBase Persons between 15 and 74 years of age born abroad, depending on their current know

Issued on

Persons between 15 and 74 years of age born abroad, depending on their current knowledge of spoken... details >

Población por comunidad autónoma y provincia y año censal (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Población por comunidad autónoma y provincia y año censal. Comunidad autónoma y pro

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Población por comunidad autónoma y provincia y año censal (API identifier:... details >

Población por sexo, edad (grandes grupos) y lugar de nacimiento (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Población por sexo, edad (grandes grupos) y lugar de nacimiento. Provincia de nacim

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Población por sexo, edad (grandes grupos) y lugar de nacimiento (API identifier:... details >

Estimated number of vacancies by tourist zones and months. EOAP (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Estimated number of vacancies by tourist zones and months. National. Holiday Dwelli

Issued on

Estimated number of vacancies by tourist zones and months. EOAP (API identifier:... details >

Estimated number of establishments/companies by tourist sites and months. EOAP (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Estimated number of establishments/companies by tourist sites and months. National

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Estimated number of establishments/companies by tourist sites and months. EOAP (API identifier:... details >

Number of estimated bed-places by modality and month. EOTR (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Number of estimated bed-places by modality and month. National. Rural Tourist Accom

Issued on

Number of estimated bed-places by modality and month. EOTR (API identifier:... details >

Number of estimated open establishments by Autonomous Community and month. EOTR (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Number of estimated open establishments by Autonomous Community and month. Rural T

Issued on

Number of estimated open establishments by Autonomous Community and month. EOTR (API identifier:... details >

Occupancy rate of bed-places by Autonomous Community and month. EOTR (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Occupancy rate of bed-places by Autonomous Community and month. Rural Tourist Accom

Issued on

Occupancy rate of bed-places by Autonomous Community and month. EOTR (API identifier:... details >

Travellers registered by tourist area, origin of the travellers and month. EOTR (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Travellers registered by tourist area, origin of the travellers and month. Nationa

Issued on

Travellers registered by tourist area, origin of the travellers and month. EOTR (API identifier:... details >

Actividades informáticas (Grupos 582, 620, 631 CNAE-2009): por desglose de la cifra de negocios... Open Data

Table of INEBase Actividades informáticas (Grupos 582, 620, 631 CNAE-2009): por desglose de la cifr

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Actividades informáticas (Grupos 582, 620, 631 CNAE-2009): por desglose de la cifra de negocios... details >

Actividades jurídicas (Grupo 691 CNAE 2009): por desglose de la cifra de negocios según los... Open Data

Table of INEBase Actividades jurídicas (Grupo 691 CNAE 2009): por desglose de la cifra de negocios

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Actividades jurídicas (Grupo 691 CNAE 2009): por desglose de la cifra de negocios según los... details >

Assessment of health status by gender and age. Population aged 6 and over with a disability. (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Assessment of health status by gender and age. Population aged 6 and over with a di

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Assessment of health status by gender and age. Population aged 6 and over with a disability. (API... details >

Health services needed and not received in the last 12 months by gender, age and number of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Health services needed and not received in the last 12 months by gender, age and nu

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Health services needed and not received in the last 12 months by gender, age and number of... details >

Adaptations in the class or study center due to disability by gender and number of disabilities.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Adaptations in the class or study center due to disability by gender and number of

Issued on

Adaptations in the class or study center due to disability by gender and number of disabilities.... details >

Type of contract by gender. Population aged 16 and over with a disability currently working. (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Type of contract by gender. Population aged 16 and over with a disability currently

Issued on

Type of contract by gender. Population aged 16 and over with a disability currently working. (API... details >

Job search by gender, age and disability group. Population aged 16 and over with a disability that... Open Data

Table of INEBase Job search by gender, age and disability group. Population aged 16 and over with a

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Job search by gender, age and disability group. Population aged 16 and over with a disability that... details >

Places with public buildings and their surroundings which present functional difficulties for those... Open Data

Table of INEBase Places with public buildings and their surroundings which present functional diffic

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Places with public buildings and their surroundings which present functional difficulties for those... details >

Places with public thoroughfares which present functional difficulties for those with a disability,... Open Data

Table of INEBase Places with public thoroughfares which present functional difficulties for those wi

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Places with public thoroughfares which present functional difficulties for those with a disability,... details >

Social services needed and not received in the last 12 months by gender, age and number of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Social services needed and not received in the last 12 months by gender, age and nu

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Social services needed and not received in the last 12 months by gender, age and number of... details >

Absence from school due to disability during the previous year by gender. Population between 6 and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Absence from school due to disability during the previous year by gender. Populatio

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Absence from school due to disability during the previous year by gender. Population between 6 and... details >

Difficulties in the last elections to exercise the right to vote by gender and number of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Difficulties in the last elections to exercise the right to vote by gender and numb

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Difficulties in the last elections to exercise the right to vote by gender and number of... details >

Perception of discrimination due to a disability in the company or workplace, by gender and age.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Perception of discrimination due to a disability in the company or workplace, by ge

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Perception of discrimination due to a disability in the company or workplace, by gender and age.... details >

Assessment of the assistance or personal care received for a disability, by gender and disability... Open Data

Table of INEBase Assessment of the assistance or personal care received for a disability, by gender

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Assessment of the assistance or personal care received for a disability, by gender and disability... details >

Households according to Autonomous Communities and number of people with disabilities or limitations... Open Data

Table of INEBase Households according to Autonomous Communities and number of people with disabiliti

Issued on

Households according to Autonomous Communities and number of people with disabilities or limitations... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability according to disability origin, by Autonomous... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with a disability according to disability origin,

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Population aged 6 years and over with a disability according to disability origin, by Autonomous... details >

Reason for not receiving any type of health service, by Autonomous Community and gender. Population... Open Data

Table of INEBase Reason for not receiving any type of health service, by Autonomous Community and ge

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Reason for not receiving any type of health service, by Autonomous Community and gender. Population... details >

Activities to which you would like to dedicate your free time but cannot due to disability, by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Activities to which you would like to dedicate your free time but cannot due to dis

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Activities to which you would like to dedicate your free time but cannot due to disability, by... details >

Difficulty due to disability in being able to use information and communication technologies by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Difficulty due to disability in being able to use information and communication tec

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Difficulty due to disability in being able to use information and communication technologies by... details >

Perception of discrimination due to a disability during trips on transportation, by Autonomous... Open Data

Table of INEBase Perception of discrimination due to a disability during trips on transportation, by

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Perception of discrimination due to a disability during trips on transportation, by Autonomous... details >

Reason for change of residence due to disability by Autonomous Community, gender and age. Population... Open Data

Table of INEBase Reason for change of residence due to disability by Autonomous Community, gender an

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Reason for change of residence due to disability by Autonomous Community, gender and age. Population... details >

Difficulty due to disability in being able to use information and communication technologies by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Difficulty due to disability in being able to use information and communication tec

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Difficulty due to disability in being able to use information and communication technologies by... details >

Recognized dependency situation, by Autonomous Communities, gender and age. Population aged 6 and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Recognized dependency situation, by Autonomous Communities, gender and age. Populat

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Recognized dependency situation, by Autonomous Communities, gender and age. Population aged 6 and... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with disabilities that receives care, according to autonomous... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with disabilities that receives care, according to

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Population aged 6 years and over with disabilities that receives care, according to autonomous... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with disabilities that receives care, according to Autonomous... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with disabilities that receives care, according to

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Population aged 6 years and over with disabilities that receives care, according to Autonomous... details >

Main caregiver health problem resulting from care by Autonomous Community and gender of the person... Open Data

Table of INEBase Main caregiver health problem resulting from care by Autonomous Community and gende

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Main caregiver health problem resulting from care by Autonomous Community and gender of the person... details >

Issues with free time and family life for the main caregiver resulting from care by Autonomous... Open Data

Table of INEBase Issues with free time and family life for the main caregiver resulting from care by

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Issues with free time and family life for the main caregiver resulting from care by Autonomous... details >

Most important care received from the main caregiver by Autonomous Community and gender of the... Open Data

Table of INEBase Most important care received from the main caregiver by Autonomous Community and ge

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Most important care received from the main caregiver by Autonomous Community and gender of the... details >

Suicides by age, Spanish or foreign nationality and sex. ECM (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Suicides by age, Spanish or foreign nationality and sex. Deaths according to Cause

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Suicides by age, Spanish or foreign nationality and sex. ECM (API identifier:... details >

Defunciones por causa de muerte (lista reducida), mes de defunción y sexo. Años 2018-2022... Open Data

Table of INEBase Defunciones por causa de muerte (lista reducida), mes de defunción y sexo. Años 201

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Defunciones por causa de muerte (lista reducida), mes de defunción y sexo. Años 2018-2022... details >

Defunciones por causa de muerte (lista reducida), comunidad y ciudad autónoma de defunción y sexo.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Defunciones por causa de muerte (lista reducida), comunidad y ciudad autónoma de de

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Defunciones por causa de muerte (lista reducida), comunidad y ciudad autónoma de defunción y sexo.... details >

Hospital Morbidity Rates per 100,000 inhabitants by main diagnosis, province, Autonomous City and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Hospital Morbidity Rates per 100,000 inhabitants by main diagnosis, province, Auton

Issued on

Hospital Morbidity Rates per 100,000 inhabitants by main diagnosis, province, Autonomous City and... details >

Rate of Nurses per 100,000 inhabitants, by Autonomous City and Community of registration and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Rate of Nurses per 100,000 inhabitants, by Autonomous City and Community of registr

Issued on

Rate of Nurses per 100,000 inhabitants, by Autonomous City and Community of registration and... details >

Divorces according to the type of divorce by Autonomous Communities and cities. ENSD (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Divorces according to the type of divorce by Autonomous Communities and cities. Ann

Issued on 2014-10-22T11:00:00Z

Divorces according to the type of divorce by Autonomous Communities and cities. ENSD (API... details >

By size of the establishment and economic activity sector. EACL (API identifier: 49234) Open Data

Table of INEBase By size of the establishment and economic activity sector. Annual. National. Annual

Issued on 2012-07-29T11:00:00Z

By size of the establishment and economic activity sector. EACL (API identifier: 49234) details >

Victims (with protective orders or interim measures) by sex, age group and Autonomous Communities... Open Data

Table of INEBase Victims (with protective orders or interim measures) by sex, age group and Autonomo

Issued on 2013-05-27T11:00:00Z

Victims (with protective orders or interim measures) by sex, age group and Autonomous Communities... details >

Percentage of the population with income per consumption unit below certain fixed thresholds by sex... Open Data

Table of INEBase Percentage of the population with income per consumption unit below certain fixed t

Issued on 2019-09-11T11:00:00Z

Percentage of the population with income per consumption unit below certain fixed thresholds by sex... details >

Population by sex, municipalities and country of birth (API identifier: 33959) Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by sex, municipalities and country of birth. Annual. Continuous Register

Issued on 2012-01-13T11:00:00Z

Population by sex, municipalities and country of birth (API identifier: 33959) details >

Population by sex, municipalities and age (five-year groups) (API identifier: 33968) Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by sex, municipalities and age (five-year groups). Annual. Continuous Re

Issued on 2012-01-13T11:00:00Z

Population by sex, municipalities and age (five-year groups) (API identifier: 33968) details >
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