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Days not worked due to accidents at work with low depending on severity. Canary Islands and years. Open Data

Days not worked due to accidents at work with low depending on severity. Canary Islands and years.

Issued on 2017-03-07T14:57:08Z

Days not worked due to accidents at work with low depending on severity. Canary Islands and years. details >

Censuses, votes and voters by district and section of the 2007 municipal elections in Las Palmas de... Open Data

Censuses, votes and voters by district and section of the 2007 municipal elections in Las Palmas de

Issued on 2015-12-03T13:58:00Z

Censuses, votes and voters by district and section of the 2007 municipal elections in Las Palmas de... details >

Households according to poverty line and rate of people unemployed in the household. The Canary... Open Data

Households according to poverty line and rate of people unemployed in the household. The Canary Isla

Issued on 2014-10-24T09:43:42Z

Households according to poverty line and rate of people unemployed in the household. The Canary... details >

Households that buy Canarian food products according to reasons, sexes and age groups of the person... Open Data

Households that buy Canarian food products according to reasons, sexes and age groups of the person

Issued on 2021-08-18T11:16:39Z

Households that buy Canarian food products according to reasons, sexes and age groups of the person... details >

Homes according to types of housing by islands. 2013 Open Data

Homes according to types of housing by islands. 2013.

Issued on 2014-10-24T08:39:29Z

Homes according to types of housing by islands. 2013 details >

Population aged 16 and over according to 112 emergency services in the last 12 months, poverty line... Open Data

Population aged 16 and over according to 112 emergency services in the last 12 months, poverty line

Issued on 2014-12-02T11:23:42Z

Population aged 16 and over according to 112 emergency services in the last 12 months, poverty line... details >

Censuses, votes and voters according to districts and sections of the 1995 regional elections in... Open Data

Censuses, votes and voters according to districts and sections of the 1995 regional elections in Ten

Issued on 2014-07-02T07:32:43Z

Censuses, votes and voters according to districts and sections of the 1995 regional elections in... details >

Households that distinguish Canarian products according to frequency of purchase of Canarian... Open Data

Households that distinguish Canarian products according to frequency of purchase of Canarian product

Issued on 2021-08-18T11:16:37Z

Households that distinguish Canarian products according to frequency of purchase of Canarian... details >

Population aged 16 and over according to hospitalisation in the last 12 months, limitation of daily... Open Data

Population aged 16 and over according to hospitalisation in the last 12 months, limitation of daily

Issued on 2014-12-02T11:22:51Z

Population aged 16 and over according to hospitalisation in the last 12 months, limitation of daily... details >

Percentage of companies according to knowledge and application of the legal framework in the Canary... Open Data

Percentage of companies according to knowledge and application of the legal framework in the Canary

Issued on 2014-12-03T12:52:16Z

Percentage of companies according to knowledge and application of the legal framework in the Canary... details >

Tourists who come accompanied by children under 13 years of age by country of residence. Canary... Open Data

Tourists who come accompanied by children under 13 years of age by country of residence. Canary Isla

Issued on 2016-02-29T15:56:01Z

Tourists who come accompanied by children under 13 years of age by country of residence. Canary... details >

Tourists aged 16 and over who are accompanied by children under 13 years of age by NUTS1 of... Open Data

Tourists aged 16 and over who are accompanied by children under 13 years of age by NUTS1 of residenc

Issued on 2022-03-10T09:32:13Z

Tourists aged 16 and over who are accompanied by children under 13 years of age by NUTS1 of... details >

Population aged 16 and over that the cholesterol level has ever been measured according to reasons... Open Data

Population aged 16 and over that the cholesterol level has ever been measured according to reasons f

Issued on 2015-10-20T13:00:11Z

Population aged 16 and over that the cholesterol level has ever been measured according to reasons... details >

Beneficiaries according to marital status, sexes and types of pension in the Canary Islands for... Open Data

Beneficiaries according to marital status, sexes and types of pension in the Canary Islands for year

Issued on 2021-12-14T14:26:11Z

Beneficiaries according to marital status, sexes and types of pension in the Canary Islands for... details >

Tourists according to the advance in the organisation of the trip by type of accommodation. Canary... Open Data

Tourists according to the advance in the organisation of the trip by type of accommodation. Canary I

Issued on 2022-11-16T13:38:03Z

Tourists according to the advance in the organisation of the trip by type of accommodation. Canary... details >

Total population by sex and age group by island. 2004. Open Data

Total population by sex and age group by island. 2004.

Issued on 2014-12-19T12:02:23Z

Total population by sex and age group by island. 2004. details >

Work accidents with leave of work according to types of contract. Canary Islands and years. Open Data

Work accidents with leave of work according to types of contract. Canary Islands and years.

Issued on 2017-03-07T14:56:11Z

Work accidents with leave of work according to types of contract. Canary Islands and years. details >

Population under 16 years of age according to health problems suffered in the last 12 months, sexes... Open Data

Population under 16 years of age according to health problems suffered in the last 12 months, sexes

Issued on 2015-10-20T13:08:11Z

Population under 16 years of age according to health problems suffered in the last 12 months, sexes... details >

Population aged 6 and over with limitation of the daily activity that receives care according to the... Open Data

Population aged 6 and over with limitation of daily activity receiving care according to person who

Issued on 2014-12-12T12:49:44Z

Population aged 6 and over with limitation of the daily activity that receives care according to the... details >

Total population according to time elapsed since the last general medicine consultation in a health... Open Data

Total population according to time elapsed since the last general medicine consultation in a health

Issued on 2016-11-25T14:07:13Z

Total population according to time elapsed since the last general medicine consultation in a health... details >

Tourists who come accompanied by children under 13 years of age by country of residence. Main... Open Data

Tourists who come accompanied by children under 13 years of age by country of residence. Main touris

Issued on 2016-03-01T14:06:22Z

Tourists who come accompanied by children under 13 years of age by country of residence. Main... details >

Population aged 18 and over according to body mass index and social classes based on the occupation... Open Data

Population aged 18 and over according to body mass index and social classes based on the occupation

Issued on 2016-11-25T14:01:24Z

Population aged 18 and over according to body mass index and social classes based on the occupation... details >

Population aged 16 and over according to preventive screening, poverty line, sexes and age groups. Open Data

Population aged 16 and over according to preventive screening, poverty line, sexes and age groups.

Issued on 2014-12-02T11:20:58Z

Population aged 16 and over according to preventive screening, poverty line, sexes and age groups. details >

Accidents at work with leave of work according to risk assessment on the job, severity and gender.... Open Data

Accidents at work with leave of work according to risk assessment on the job, severity and gender. C

Issued on 2021-12-22T20:34:09Z

Accidents at work with leave of work according to risk assessment on the job, severity and gender.... details >

Households according to poverty line and main source of income. The Canary Islands. 2007. Open Data

Households according to poverty line and main source of income. The Canary Islands. 2007. Households

Issued on 2014-12-17T15:56:42Z

Households according to poverty line and main source of income. The Canary Islands. 2007. details >

Main accounting aggregates according to activity groupings (CNAE-2009) in the Canary Islands by... Open Data

Main accounting aggregates according to activity groupings (CNAE-2009) in the Canary Islands by year

Issued on 2016-06-27T10:44:15Z

Main accounting aggregates according to activity groupings (CNAE-2009) in the Canary Islands by... details >

Employed population aged 16 and over according to poverty line and occupations. The Canary Islands.... Open Data

Employed population aged 16 and over according to poverty line and occupations. The Canary Islands.

Issued on 2014-12-17T15:44:05Z

Employed population aged 16 and over according to poverty line and occupations. The Canary Islands.... details >

Population aged 16 and over according to state of mental health and relation to activity. The Canary... Open Data

Population aged 16 and over according to state of mental health and relation to activity. The Canary

Issued on 2015-10-20T12:26:38Z

Population aged 16 and over according to state of mental health and relation to activity. The Canary... details >

Population aged 16 to 74 that has used the Internet in the last 3 months according to obtaining... Open Data

Population aged 16 to 74 that has used the Internet in the last 3 months according to obtaining info

Issued on 2015-01-16T12:06:02Z

Population aged 16 to 74 that has used the Internet in the last 3 months according to obtaining... details >

Use of e-commerce for private purposes or for the home in the last 12 months depending on product... Open Data

Use of e-commerce for private purposes or for the home in the last 12 months depending on product ty

Issued on 2014-12-12T10:59:40Z

Use of e-commerce for private purposes or for the home in the last 12 months depending on product... details >

Unemployed population aged 16 and over according to situation prior to the search for employment by... Open Data

Unemployed population aged 16 and over according to situation prior to the search for employment by

Issued on 2014-10-24T09:25:15Z

Unemployed population aged 16 and over according to situation prior to the search for employment by... details >

Votes by candidacy according to districts and sections of the 1993 congressional elections in La... Open Data

Votes by candidacy according to districts and sections of the 1993 congressional elections in La Gom

Issued on 2014-07-02T07:44:35Z

Votes by candidacy according to districts and sections of the 1993 congressional elections in La... details >

Imports and exports according to CNAE 2009 activity groups. Canary Islands and periods. Open Data

Imports and exports according to CNAE 2009 activity groups. Canary Islands and periods.

Issued on 2022-12-19T13:00:58Z

Imports and exports according to CNAE 2009 activity groups. Canary Islands and periods. details >

Illiteracy rates among the population aged 16 and over by sex and age group. Municipalities by... Open Data

Illiteracy rates among the population aged 16 and over by sex and age group. Municipalities by islan

Issued on 2014-12-03T10:45:04Z

Illiteracy rates among the population aged 16 and over by sex and age group. Municipalities by... details >

Tourists according to ways of knowing the Canary Islands as a tourist destination by country of... Open Data

Tourists according to ways of knowing the Canary Islands as a tourist destination by country of resi

Issued on 2016-03-01T08:07:11Z

Tourists according to ways of knowing the Canary Islands as a tourist destination by country of... details >

Perception of economic impacts of tourist accommodation in private homes of the population of 18 and... Open Data

Perception of economic impacts of tourist accommodation in private homes of the population of 18 and

Issued on 2019-12-26T14:45:52Z

Perception of economic impacts of tourist accommodation in private homes of the population of 18 and... details >

Total population that has been hospitalised in the last 12 months according to types of hospitals... Open Data

Total population that has been hospitalised in the last 12 months according to types of hospitals an

Issued on 2016-11-25T14:06:13Z

Total population that has been hospitalised in the last 12 months according to types of hospitals... details >

Stays caused in any national hospital by patients residing in the Canary Islands according to main... Open Data

Stays caused in any national hospital by patients residing in the Canary Islands according to main d

Issued on 2020-04-14T11:47:23Z

Stays caused in any national hospital by patients residing in the Canary Islands according to main... details >

Candidacy votes by district and section of the 2003 municipal elections in San Cristóbal de La... Open Data

Candidacy votes by district and section of the 2003 municipal elections in San Cristóbal de La Lagun

Issued on 2014-07-02T07:54:16Z

Candidacy votes by district and section of the 2003 municipal elections in San Cristóbal de La... details >

Amounts played per inhabitant and actual expenditure per inhabitant on games of chance in the Canary... Open Data

Amounts played per inhabitant and actual expenditure per inhabitant on games of chance in the Canary

Issued on 2014-12-05T09:01:51Z

Amounts played per inhabitant and actual expenditure per inhabitant on games of chance in the Canary... details >

Population in family housing that has resided outside the municipality, according to years of... Open Data

Population in family housing that has resided outside the municipality, according to years of arriva

Issued on 2014-12-03T10:42:06Z

Population in family housing that has resided outside the municipality, according to years of... details >

Population aged 16 to 69 who has performed intense physical activity in the last 7 days according to... Open Data

Population aged 16 to 69 who has performed intense physical activity in the last 7 days according to

Issued on 2016-11-25T13:58:21Z

Population aged 16 to 69 who has performed intense physical activity in the last 7 days according to... details >

Persons benefiting from the minimum income allowance according to sex and age groups in the Canary... Open Data

Persons benefiting from the minimum income allowance according to sex and age groups in the Canary I

Issued on 2021-12-14T14:26:46Z

Persons benefiting from the minimum income allowance according to sex and age groups in the Canary... details >

Households according to housing deficiencies by islands. 2004. Open Data

Households according to housing deficiencies by islands. 2004.

Issued on 2014-12-19T11:59:00Z

Households according to housing deficiencies by islands. 2004. details >

Internet usage in the last 3 months according to frequency of use and sexes, age groups or... Open Data

Internet usage in the last 3 months according to frequency of use and sexes, age groups or nationali

Issued on 2014-12-12T10:57:46Z

Internet usage in the last 3 months according to frequency of use and sexes, age groups or... details >

Patients residing in the Canary Islands discharged from any national hospital according to main... Open Data

Patients residing in the Canary Islands discharged from any national hospital according to main diag

Issued on 2021-05-23T20:02:25Z

Patients residing in the Canary Islands discharged from any national hospital according to main... details >

Population that has come to the health center in the last 12 months according to assessment of the... Open Data

Population that has come to the health center in the last 12 months according to assessment of the c

Issued on 2015-10-20T13:11:27Z

Population that has come to the health center in the last 12 months according to assessment of the... details >

Households that buy replacement items according to frequency of purchase by regions of the Canary... Open Data

Households that buy replacement items according to frequency of purchase by regions of the Canary Is

Issued on 2020-05-22T07:04:54Z

Households that buy replacement items according to frequency of purchase by regions of the Canary... details >

Patients residing in the Canary Islands discharged from any national hospital according to main... Open Data

Patients residing in the Canary Islands discharged from any national hospital according to main diag

Issued on 2014-12-11T09:17:42Z

Patients residing in the Canary Islands discharged from any national hospital according to main... details >

Population aged 16 and over according to an accident in the last 12 months, equivalent income and... Open Data

Population aged 16 and over according to an accident in the last 12 months, equivalent income and se

Issued on 2014-12-02T11:22:04Z

Population aged 16 and over according to an accident in the last 12 months, equivalent income and... details >

Population aged 18 and over according to a phrase that best expresses their feelings, sexes or age... Open Data

Population aged 18 and over according to a phrase that best expresses their feelings, sexes or age g

Issued on 2022-02-18T07:58:19Z

Population aged 18 and over according to a phrase that best expresses their feelings, sexes or age... details >

Access tests. Presented in the same call for general and specific phases. Students enrolled,... Open Data

Access tests. Presented in the same call for general and specific phases. Students enrolled, present

Issued on 2022-10-05T16:49:24Z

Access tests. Presented in the same call for general and specific phases. Students enrolled,... details >

Average rating of recommending to visit the Canary Islands for intervals of overnight nights. Canary... Open Data

Average rating of recommending to visit the Canary Islands for intervals of overnight nights. Canary

Issued on 2022-11-16T13:44:18Z

Average rating of recommending to visit the Canary Islands for intervals of overnight nights. Canary... details >

Population aged 6 and over with limitation of daily activity as they go to a support center or... Open Data

Population aged 6 and over with limitation of daily activity as they go to a support center or insti

Issued on 2014-10-24T08:44:52Z

Population aged 6 and over with limitation of daily activity as they go to a support center or... details >

Patients residing in the Canary Islands discharged from any national hospital according to main... Open Data

Patients residing in the Canary Islands discharged from any national hospital according to main diag

Issued on 2021-05-23T20:03:13Z

Patients residing in the Canary Islands discharged from any national hospital according to main... details >

Employment rates by sex and completed studies (CNED-14). Canary Islands by quarters (since 2014). Open Data

Employment rates by sex and completed studies (CNED-14). Canary Islands by quarters (since 2014).

Issued on 2022-01-28T14:50:15Z

Employment rates by sex and completed studies (CNED-14). Canary Islands by quarters (since 2014). details >

Population aged 16 and over according to health problems suffered in the last 12 months by region.... Open Data

Population aged 16 and over according to health problems suffered in the last 12 months by region. 2

Issued on 2015-10-20T13:07:19Z

Population aged 16 and over according to health problems suffered in the last 12 months by region.... details >

Other poverty indicators. The Canary Islands. 2007. Open Data

Other poverty indicators. The Canary Islands. 2007.

Issued on 2014-12-17T15:41:48Z

Other poverty indicators. The Canary Islands. 2007. details >

Average stay according to the reasons of the stay. Canary Islands and periods. Open Data

Average stay according to the reasons of the stay. Canary Islands and periods.

Issued on 2018-02-09T09:28:26Z

Average stay according to the reasons of the stay. Canary Islands and periods. details >

Holdings, total area and UAA according to type of activity. Municipalities by Canary Islands. 2009. Open Data

Holdings, total area and UAA according to type of activity. Municipalities by Canary Islands. 2009.

Issued on 2015-02-11T11:52:01Z

Holdings, total area and UAA according to type of activity. Municipalities by Canary Islands. 2009. details >

Population aged 16 and over according to self-assessment of health status in relation to situations... Open Data

Population aged 16 and over according to self-assessment of health status in relation to situations

Issued on 2015-10-20T13:02:39Z

Population aged 16 and over according to self-assessment of health status in relation to situations... details >

Illiteracy rates of the population aged 16 and over in family housing according to economic... Open Data

Illiteracy rates of the population aged 16 and over in family housing according to economic activity

Issued on 2014-12-03T11:03:38Z

Illiteracy rates of the population aged 16 and over in family housing according to economic... details >

Population from 1 to 69 years according to the number of hours that usually sleep per day by region.... Open Data

Population from 1 to 69 years according to the number of hours that usually sleep per day by region.

Issued on 2016-11-25T12:51:43Z

Population from 1 to 69 years according to the number of hours that usually sleep per day by region.... details >

Total population that has been hospitalised in the last 12 months in public hospitals or arranged... Open Data

Total population that has been hospitalised in the last 12 months in public hospitals or arranged ac

Issued on 2016-11-25T14:06:26Z

Total population that has been hospitalised in the last 12 months in public hospitals or arranged... details >

Days not worked due to accidents at work with absence according to large occupation groups. Canary... Open Data

Days not worked due to accidents at work with absence according to large occupation groups. Canary I

Issued on 2017-03-07T14:56:51Z

Days not worked due to accidents at work with absence according to large occupation groups. Canary... details >

Average expenses for the Canary Islands according to intervals of time in advance of the reservation... Open Data

Average expenses for the Canary Islands according to intervals of time in advance of the reservation

Issued on 2016-02-29T15:51:59Z

Average expenses for the Canary Islands according to intervals of time in advance of the reservation... details >

Population of 3 and more years according to the frequency with which the teeth are washed by regions... Open Data

Population of 3 and more years according to the frequency with which the teeth are washed by regions

Issued on 2015-10-20T12:36:26Z

Population of 3 and more years according to the frequency with which the teeth are washed by regions... details >

Trend of the main factors of the progress of the business according to categories of establishment... Open Data

Trend of the main factors of the progress of the business according to categories of establishment b

Issued on 2022-10-17T10:33:35Z

Trend of the main factors of the progress of the business according to categories of establishment... details >

Population aged 18 and over according to degree of interest in politics, sexes and age groups. The... Open Data

Population aged 18 and over according to degree of interest in politics, sexes and age groups. The C

Issued on 2022-02-18T07:57:01Z

Population aged 18 and over according to degree of interest in politics, sexes and age groups. The... details >

Population that has conducted a general medicine consultation in a health center of the Canary... Open Data

Population that has conducted a general medicine consultation in a health center of the Canary Healt

Issued on 2015-10-20T12:28:59Z

Population that has conducted a general medicine consultation in a health center of the Canary... details >

Homes that buy fresh products according to frequency of purchase by regions of the Canary Islands.... Open Data

Homes that buy fresh products according to frequency of purchase by regions of the Canary Islands. 2

Issued on 2020-05-22T07:04:49Z

Homes that buy fresh products according to frequency of purchase by regions of the Canary Islands.... details >

Vehicles registered according to registration types by Canary Islands and periods. Open Data

Vehicles registered according to registration types by Canary Islands and periods: Vehicles register

Issued on 2022-12-15T10:36:42Z

Vehicles registered according to registration types by Canary Islands and periods. details >

Censuses, votes and voters by district and section of the 2015 congressional elections in Las Palmas... Open Data

Censuses, votes and voters by district and section of the 2015 congressional elections in Las Palmas

Issued on 2018-07-12T12:30:03Z

Censuses, votes and voters by district and section of the 2015 congressional elections in Las Palmas... details >

Homes according to household size by region. 2018. Open Data

Homes according to household size by region. 2018.

Issued on 2019-06-19T11:57:28Z

Homes according to household size by region. 2018. details >

Average and standard deviation of the weekly hours dedicated to the care of children under 15 years... Open Data

Average and standard deviation of the weekly hours dedicated to the care of children under 15 years

Issued on 2016-11-25T12:51:18Z

Average and standard deviation of the weekly hours dedicated to the care of children under 15 years... details >

Average ages at death according to sex and nationalities by year in the Canary Islands. Open Data

Average ages at death according to sex and nationalities by year in the Canary Islands.

Issued on 2022-12-14T10:00:17Z

Average ages at death according to sex and nationalities by year in the Canary Islands. details >

Employment indicators by sex and age group. The Canary Islands. 2013. Open Data

Employment indicators by sex and age group. The Canary Islands. 2013. Employment indicators by sex a

Issued on 2014-10-24T08:46:35Z

Employment indicators by sex and age group. The Canary Islands. 2013. details >

Park of guaguas in circulation according to number of squares by provinces of the Canary Islands and... Open Data

Park of guaguas in circulation according to number of squares by province of the Canary Islands and

Issued on 2014-12-19T09:37:10Z

Park of guaguas in circulation according to number of squares by provinces of the Canary Islands and... details >

Households according to employed and salaried. Canary Islands by quarters. Open Data

Households according to employed and salaried. Canary Islands by quarters.

Issued on 2022-01-28T14:49:40Z

Households according to employed and salaried. Canary Islands by quarters. details >

Tourists according to places of residence by islands of main destination and periods. Open Data

Tourists according to places of residence by islands of main destination and periods.

Issued on 2015-10-22T07:32:06Z

Tourists according to places of residence by islands of main destination and periods. details >

Communication services with the AA.PP. by Internet in the last 3 and 12 months depending on the... Open Data

Communication services with the AA.PP. by Internet in the last 3 and 12 months depending on the natu

Issued on 2014-12-12T10:59:37Z

Communication services with the AA.PP. by Internet in the last 3 and 12 months depending on the... details >

Votes by candidacy according to districts and sections of the 1996 congressional elections in... Open Data

Votes by candidacy according to districts and sections of the 1996 congressional elections in Fuerte

Issued on 2014-07-01T13:12:16Z

Votes by candidacy according to districts and sections of the 1996 congressional elections in... details >

Population aged 8 and over as they have had food problems and sexes. The Canary Islands. 2004. Open Data

Population aged 8 and over as they have had food problems and sexes. The Canary Islands. 2004.

Issued on 2015-10-20T12:51:23Z

Population aged 8 and over as they have had food problems and sexes. The Canary Islands. 2004. details >

Imports according to tariff chapters and main countries of origin. Canary Islands and years. Open Data

Imports according to tariff chapters and main countries of origin. Canary Islands and years.

Issued on 2022-03-07T13:39:06Z

Imports according to tariff chapters and main countries of origin. Canary Islands and years. details >

Population aged 6 and over with a limitation of daily activity according to types of public aid... Open Data

Population aged 6 and over with a limitation of daily activity according to types of public aid rece

Issued on 2014-10-24T08:44:37Z

Population aged 6 and over with a limitation of daily activity according to types of public aid... details >

Tourists according to age group and sex by type of accommodation. Canary Islands and periods. Open Data

Tourists according to age group and sex by type of accommodation. Canary Islands and periods.

Issued on 2016-03-01T07:54:18Z

Tourists according to age group and sex by type of accommodation. Canary Islands and periods. details >

Homes that do not have Internet connection according to intention to acquire Internet in the next 6... Open Data

Homes that do not have Internet connection according to intention to acquire Internet in the next 6

Issued on 2015-01-02T13:36:40Z

Homes that do not have Internet connection according to intention to acquire Internet in the next 6... details >

Population under 16 years of age according to the caregiver of the child by island. 2009. Open Data

Population under 16 years of age according to the caregiver of the child by island. 2009.

Issued on 2015-10-20T12:12:36Z

Population under 16 years of age according to the caregiver of the child by island. 2009. details >

Tourists according to the people who accompany you on the trip by country of residence. Canary... Open Data

Tourists according to the people who accompany you on the trip by country of residence. Canary Islan

Issued on 2016-03-01T07:54:44Z

Tourists according to the people who accompany you on the trip by country of residence. Canary... details >

Households according to the activity of the main person and general housing facilities. The Canary... Open Data

Households according to the activity of the main person and general housing facilities. The Canary I

Issued on 2014-12-19T12:16:10Z

Households according to the activity of the main person and general housing facilities. The Canary... details >

Deaths by sex and cause of death (reduced ICD-10 list) per year. The Canary Islands. January — May. Open Data

Deaths by sex and cause of death (reduced ICD-10 list) per year. The Canary Islands. January — May.

Issued on 2020-12-10T13:44:50Z

Deaths by sex and cause of death (reduced ICD-10 list) per year. The Canary Islands. January — May. details >

Average rating to recommend visiting the Canary Islands by type of accommodation. Canary Islands and... Open Data

Average rating to recommend visiting the Canary Islands by type of accommodation. Canary Islands and

Issued on 2022-11-16T13:44:09Z

Average rating to recommend visiting the Canary Islands by type of accommodation. Canary Islands and... details >

Total population according to number of general medical consultations in the last 12 months, sexes... Open Data

Total population according to number of general medical consultations in the last 12 months, sexes a

Issued on 2015-10-20T13:09:38Z

Total population according to number of general medical consultations in the last 12 months, sexes... details >

Population aged 6 and over with limitation of daily activity according to origin of the limitation... Open Data

Population aged 6 and over with limitation of daily activity according to origin of the limitation b

Issued on 2014-12-19T12:05:20Z

Population aged 6 and over with limitation of daily activity according to origin of the limitation... details >

Censuses, votes and voters according to districts and sections of the 2011 Cabildos elections in... Open Data

Censuses, votes and voters according to districts and sections of the 2011 Cabildos elections in Fue

Issued on 2015-12-02T11:52:09Z

Censuses, votes and voters according to districts and sections of the 2011 Cabildos elections in... details >

Affiliations according to employment situations, economic activities (A4) and nationalities.... Open Data

Affiliations according to employment situations, economic activities (A4) and nationalities. Municip

Issued on 2022-04-05T17:13:43Z

Affiliations according to employment situations, economic activities (A4) and nationalities.... details >

Deaths according to sexes and age groups. Canary Islands and years. Open Data

Deaths according to sexes and age groups. Canary Islands and years.

Issued on 2022-12-14T10:00:00Z

Deaths according to sexes and age groups. Canary Islands and years. details >

Internet usage in the last 3 months according to frequency of use and sizes of municipality of the... Open Data

Internet usage in the last 3 months according to frequency of use and sizes of municipality of the C

Issued on 2014-12-12T11:00:07Z

Internet usage in the last 3 months according to frequency of use and sizes of municipality of the... details >

Average stay of residents in the Canary Islands discharged in any national hospital according to... Open Data

Average stay of residents in the Canary Islands discharged in any national hospital according to mai

Issued on 2014-12-11T09:30:35Z

Average stay of residents in the Canary Islands discharged in any national hospital according to... details >

Open hotel establishments, places offered and rooms available according to categories by... Open Data

Open hotel establishments, places offered and rooms available according to categories by municipalit

Issued on 2022-03-29T07:37:55Z

Open hotel establishments, places offered and rooms available according to categories by... details >
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