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Centers according to availability of digital funds by type of fund and ownership of the center. Open Data

Collection of data on equipment, facilities, activity and material, economic and human resources of

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Centers according to availability of digital funds by type of fund and ownership of the center. details >

Centers according to the equipment and resources for library services Open Data

Collection of data on equipment, facilities, activity and material, economic and human resources of

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Centers according to the equipment and resources for library services details >

Centers according to the number of computers for users with access to the Internet according to the... Open Data

Collection of data on equipment, facilities, activity and material, economic and human resources of

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Centers according to the number of computers for users with access to the Internet according to the... details >

Centers according to the number of computers/computer terminals for users according to the size of... Open Data

Collection of data on equipment, facilities, activity and material, economic and human resources of

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Centers according to the number of computers/computer terminals for users according to the size of... details >

Centers according to spending on acquisition of library funds during the 2014-15 academic year. Open Data

Collection of data on equipment, facilities, activity and material, economic and human resources of

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Centers according to spending on acquisition of library funds during the 2014-15 academic year. details >

Centers according to the number of opening hours of the library in a normal week. Open Data

Collection of data on equipment, facilities, activity and material, economic and human resources of

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Centers according to the number of opening hours of the library in a normal week. details >

Centres according to type of fund and ownership of the centre Open Data

Collection of data on equipment, facilities, activity and material, economic and human resources of

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Centres according to type of fund and ownership of the centre details >

Medium diurnal grade formative cycles. Foreign students enrolled by country of origin of students.... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Medium diurnal grade formative cycles. Foreign students enrolled by country of origin of students.... details >

Medium diurnal grade formative cycles. Students enrolled by branch of studies and course in which... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Medium diurnal grade formative cycles. Students enrolled by branch of studies and course in which... details >

Medium diurnal grade formative cycles. Students by language studied and ownership of the center.... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Medium diurnal grade formative cycles. Students by language studied and ownership of the center.... details >

Medium diurnal grade formative cycles. Academic results by course and ownership of the... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Medium diurnal grade formative cycles. Academic results by course and ownership of the... details >

Training cycles upper degree diurnal. Foreign students enrolled by country of origin of students.... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Training cycles upper degree diurnal. Foreign students enrolled by country of origin of students.... details >

Training cycles upper degree diurnal. Students enrolled by branch of studies and ownership of the... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Training cycles upper degree diurnal. Students enrolled by branch of studies and ownership of the... details >

Training cycles upper degree diurnal. Students enrolled by ownership and sex of students.... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Training cycles upper degree diurnal. Students enrolled by ownership and sex of students.... details >

Training cycles upper degree diurnal. Users of complementary services. Municipalities Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Training cycles upper degree diurnal. Users of complementary services. Municipalities details >

Nocturnal formative cycles. Students enrolled by branch of studies and course in which they are... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Nocturnal formative cycles. Students enrolled by branch of studies and course in which they are... details >

Nocturnal formative cycles. Origin of students by sex. Regions Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Nocturnal formative cycles. Origin of students by sex. Regions details >

Nocturnal formative cycles. Origin of students by ownership of the center. Provinces Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Nocturnal formative cycles. Origin of students by ownership of the center. Provinces details >

Nocturnal formative cycles. Academic results by course and branch of studies. Regions Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Nocturnal formative cycles. Academic results by course and branch of studies. Regions details >

Turnover by geographical destination of sales. Sections and divisions of CNAE-2009. Year 2016 Open Data

New series of the Accounts of the Aragonese industry, with updated methodology according to the new

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Turnover by geographical destination of sales. Sections and divisions of CNAE-2009. Year 2016 details >

Sales figure of industrial products by product class. Aragon. Open Data

Figure of sales of industrial products manufactured in Aragon, spread at various levels of product d

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Sales figure of industrial products by product class. Aragon. details >

DIR3 Local Authorities of the Province of Huesca Open Data

According to Law 25/2013 of 27 December 2013 on the promotion of electronic invoices and the creatio

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DIR3 Local Authorities of the Province of Huesca details >

Registered contracts. According to modality and sex Open Data

Exploitation and dissemination of employment contracts registered in the workplaces located in Arago

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Registered contracts. According to modality and sex details >

Registered contracts. According to level of training and sex Open Data

Exploitation and dissemination of employment contracts registered in the workplaces located in Arago

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Registered contracts. According to level of training and sex details >

Registered contracts. By sector of activity and sex Open Data

Exploitation and dissemination of employment contracts registered in the workplaces located in Arago

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Registered contracts. By sector of activity and sex details >

Registered contracts. According to sex. By province Open Data

Exploitation and dissemination of employment contracts registered in the workplaces located in Arago

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Registered contracts. According to sex. By province details >

Accounts of the Aragonese Industry. All economic variables by activity subgroups (20 subgroups) Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, analysis and dissemination of the INE Industrial Survey of Companies for

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Accounts of the Aragonese Industry. All economic variables by activity subgroups (20 subgroups) details >

Decrees and Laws approved by the Government of Aragon by Legislature (1982-1995) Open Data

Decrees and laws passed by the Government of Aragon in different legislatures from 1982 to 1995

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Decrees and Laws approved by the Government of Aragon by Legislature (1982-1995) details >

Department of Economy, Industry and Employment (Citizen Participation Bodies) Open Data

Information and resources of the bodies of citizen participation, dependent on an area or Department

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Department of Economy, Industry and Employment (Citizen Participation Bodies) details >

Average duration of registered temporary contracts, according to form of processing and sex. By... Open Data

Exploitation and dissemination of employment contracts registered in the workplaces located in Arago

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Average duration of registered temporary contracts, according to form of processing and sex. By... details >

Distance education. Students enrolled by type of study and age of students. Regions Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Distance education. Students enrolled by type of study and age of students. Regions details >

Special Education. Students enrolled by ownership of the center and sex of the students. Provinces Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Special Education. Students enrolled by ownership of the center and sex of the students. Provinces details >

Early Childhood Education 2nd Cycle (3-6 years old). Foreign students enrolled by continent of... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Early Childhood Education 2nd Cycle (3-6 years old). Foreign students enrolled by continent of... details >

Primary Education. Academic results course and sex of students. Regions Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Primary Education. Academic results course and sex of students. Regions details >

Budget implementation 2013 Open Data

The budget is one of the main public management tools. However, the budget is still an estimate of i

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Budget implementation 2013 details >

Budget implementation 2015 Open Data

The budget is one of the main public management tools. However, the budget is still an estimate of i

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Budget implementation 2015 details >

Budget implementation 2019 Open Data

The budget is one of the main public management tools. However, the budget is still an estimate of i

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Budget implementation 2019 details >

Elections to Cortes de Aragón, year 2015, detail polling table Open Data

Results of the 2015 elections to the Cortes de Aragón. Results with detail level of polling table

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Elections to Cortes de Aragón, year 2015, detail polling table details >

Elections to Cortes de Aragón. Participation by municipalities Open Data

Results processes elections to Cortes de Aragón

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Elections to Cortes de Aragón. Participation by municipalities details >

Elections to Cortes Generales. Congress. Results by municipalities Open Data

Results General elections processes

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Elections to Cortes Generales. Congress. Results by municipalities details >

Survey on the implementation of ICT in Casas de Zonas Blancas de Aragón. 2017 Open Data

Dissemination of data on ICT use in the homes of the so-called White Zones of Aragon according to th

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Survey on the implementation of ICT in Casas de Zonas Blancas de Aragón. 2017 details >

Sports teachings. Students enrolled by type of study and ownership of the center by province. Open Data

Information on artistic, music, dance, language and sports education is collected.

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Sports teachings. Students enrolled by type of study and ownership of the center by province. details >

Foreigners registered in Aragon by sex. Provinces Open Data

Obtaining official figures of foreign population of all Spanish municipalities on January 1 of each

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Foreigners registered in Aragon by sex. Provinces details >

Foreigners registered in Aragon by sex and age groups. Provinces Open Data

Obtaining official figures of foreign population of all Spanish municipalities on January 1 of each

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Foreigners registered in Aragon by sex and age groups. Provinces details >

Foreigners registered in Aragon by sex and country of nationality. Regions Open Data

Obtaining official figures of foreign population of all Spanish municipalities on January 1 of each

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Foreigners registered in Aragon by sex and country of nationality. Regions details >

Basic Vocational Training. Students enrolled by ownership of the school and course in which it is... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

Issued on

Basic Vocational Training. Students enrolled by ownership of the school and course in which it is... details >

Geodata of tours of landscape interest the Five Villas C05_D14 Open Data

Maps of Landscape of Aragon.

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Geodata of tours of landscape interest the Five Villas C05_D14 details >

Geodato of Landscape Units Field of Borja C13_D1 Open Data

Maps of Landscape of Aragon.

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Geodato of Landscape Units Field of Borja C13_D1 details >

Average Mortgage, Average Interest Rate and Average Monthly Fee of New Mortgage Credits Open Data

Collection, preparation and dissemination of the registration data of the real estate market of Arag

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Average Mortgage, Average Interest Rate and Average Monthly Fee of New Mortgage Credits details >

Households by number of recipients of income and number of persons in the household. Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, tabulation, production and dissemination of data corresponding to Aragon

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Households by number of recipients of income and number of persons in the household. details >

Languages. Students enrolled in That’s English by age of students by province. Open Data

Information on artistic, music, dance, language and sports education is collected.

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Languages. Students enrolled in That’s English by age of students by province. details >

Voluntary termination of pregnancy according to the level of education of the woman and reason for... Open Data

Dissemination of statistics on Voluntary Interruptions of Pregnancy in Aragon. Data up to 2010

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Voluntary termination of pregnancy according to the level of education of the woman and reason for... details >

Investment by employment strata. Year 2018 Open Data

New series of the Accounts of the Aragonese industry, with updated methodology according to the new

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Investment by employment strata. Year 2018 details >

Investment by employment strata. Year 2019 Open Data

New series of the Accounts of the Aragonese industry, with updated methodology according to the new

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Investment by employment strata. Year 2019 details >

Liquidation of the municipalities of Aragon. Expenses. Areas of Expenditure Open Data

Budget and settlement of the budget of the previous year of the Aragonese local authorities, municip

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Liquidation of the municipalities of Aragon. Expenses. Areas of Expenditure details >

Premises by activity group (CNAE 2009) and stratum of employees. Open Data

Analysis, collection, preparation and dissemination of data for Aragon from the exploitation of the

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Premises by activity group (CNAE 2009) and stratum of employees. details >

Number of employees according to fixed or temporary status and sex. Open Data

Study resulting from the exploitation of the SIRHGA BD and the supplementary information sent by the

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Number of employees according to fixed or temporary status and sex. details >

Nomenclator. As of 1 January 2017 Open Data

Obtaining the relationship and population of entities and population centers updated on January 1 of

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Nomenclator. As of 1 January 2017 details >

Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, O3 MAX (2021-03) Open Data

The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum concentrations of O3 pollu

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Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, O3 MAX (2021-03) details >

Zaragoza, Prediction coverage winter holiday (current situation) Open Data

This dataset provides the air quality prediction generated by the GRAL model for a typical holiday o

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Zaragoza, Prediction coverage winter holiday (current situation) details >

Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, O3 AVG (2021-03) Open Data

The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the average concentrations of O3 pollu

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Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, O3 AVG (2021-03) details >

Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, O3 AVG (2021-04) Open Data

The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the average concentrations of O3 pollu

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Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, O3 AVG (2021-04) details >

Final adjudication cut-off notes from July and September. All the slots. Course 2021-2022.... Open Data

The allocation quota field classifies the data according to whether they participate in the general

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Final adjudication cut-off notes from July and September. All the slots. Course 2021-2022.... details >

Enrolled students. Sex, dedication and provenance. Course 2012-2013. University of Zaragoza Open Data

The locality field identifies the autonomous community of family residence indicated by the student

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Enrolled students. Sex, dedication and provenance. Course 2012-2013. University of Zaragoza details >

Final adjudication cut-off notes from July and September. All the slots. Course 2019-2020.... Open Data

The allocation quota field classifies the data according to whether they participate in the general

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Final adjudication cut-off notes from July and September. All the slots. Course 2019-2020.... details >

Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, CO AVG (2020-10) Open Data

The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the average concentrations of CO pollu

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Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, CO AVG (2020-10) details >

Zaragoza, Hourly air quality observation coverage Open Data

This dataset provides the hourly evolution during the day of the estimation of the observed concentr

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Zaragoza, Hourly air quality observation coverage details >

Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, NO2 MAX (2020-11) Open Data

The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum concentrations of NO2 poll

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Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, NO2 MAX (2020-11) details >

Zaragoza, Real time air quality observations coverage Open Data

This dataset provides a spatial coverage update every 10 minutes to contain a later estimate of the

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Zaragoza, Real time air quality observations coverage details >

Zaragoza, Historic air quality sensor raw observations (2020-05) Open Data

This dataset provides primitive non-calibrated air quality observation data for every year and month

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Zaragoza, Historic air quality sensor raw observations (2020-05) details >

Teaching staff. 2020. University of Zaragoza Open Data

It does not include extraordinary collaborators, honorary professors or research staff (Research sta

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Teaching staff. 2020. University of Zaragoza details >

Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, NO2 AVG (2021-01) Open Data

The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the average concentrations of NO2 poll

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Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, NO2 AVG (2021-01) details >

Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, NO2 AVG (2021-02) Open Data

The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the average concentrations of NO2 poll

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Zaragoza, Daily air quality observation coverage, NO2 AVG (2021-02) details >

Other FP/PCPI/Social Guarantee Training Programs. Centers by ownership. Municipalities Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

Issued on

Other FP/PCPI/Social Guarantee Training Programs. Centers by ownership. Municipalities details >

Registered unemployment. By sector of activity and sex Open Data

Applications for employment registered on the last day of each month, excluding those corresponding

Issued on

Registered unemployment. By sector of activity and sex details >

Pere by large age groups according to province of registration. Open Data

Exploitation of microdata and dissemination of variables on the population of Spanish nationality wh

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Pere by large age groups according to province of registration. details >

Staff by full or partial dedication. By type of library. Open Data

Exploitation, analysis and dissemination of the information contained in the questionnaires sent to

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Staff by full or partial dedication. By type of library. details >

Population with difficulties for household activities due to a limitation in activity or a long-term... Open Data

Module on health status, chronic diseases and limitations in daily, functional, self-care and househ

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Population with difficulties for household activities due to a limitation in activity or a long-term... details >

SAS user population by nationality, sex and large age groups. Health sectors Open Data

User population of the Aragonese Health Service according to the register of health cards provided b

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SAS user population by nationality, sex and large age groups. Health sectors details >

Common Agricultural Policy CAP 2016 Aragon Open Data

Data on applications in Aragon for grants under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European

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Common Agricultural Policy CAP 2016 Aragon details >

Budgets of the regions of Aragon. Income Open Data

Budget and settlement of the budget of the previous year of the Aragonese local authorities, municip

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Budgets of the regions of Aragon. Income details >

Ranking of industrial products in Aragon by sales figure. Year 2019. Open Data

Figure of sales of industrial products manufactured in Aragon, spread at various levels of product d

Issued on

Ranking of industrial products in Aragon by sales figure. Year 2019. details >

Educational Resource — FP Informatics — Unit 9. Resolution of incidents of a local area network Open Data

To finalise the module of local networks, a didactic unit aimed at learning techniques to solve inci

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Educational Resource — FP Informatics — Unit 9. Resolution of incidents of a local area network details >

Educational Resource — Common Primary First Cycle — UD15-Adventure Time. It’s time for change. Open Data

The course is over and it is time to take advantage and enjoy everything we have learned and we lack

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Educational Resource — Common Primary First Cycle — UD15-Adventure Time. It’s time for change. details >

Educational Resource — Common Primary Second Cycle — UD3-We reproduce Open Data

Important aspects of human reproduction will be discussed in this didactic sequence. We will learn t

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Educational Resource — Common Primary Second Cycle — UD3-We reproduce details >

Educational Resource — Primary Middle Knowledge — UD13. PREHISTORY Open Data

In this didactic unit it is intended that students work on the concepts related to the knowledge of

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Educational Resource — Primary Middle Knowledge — UD13. PREHISTORY details >

Educational Resource — Primary Physical Education — UD8- ORIENTATION Open Data

This didactic unit aims to make an approach to the sport of orientation, mainly as an ability to per

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Educational Resource — Primary Physical Education — UD8- ORIENTATION details >

Educational Resource — English Secondary Education — UD2.It’s delicious! Open Data

In this unit you'll work on the food and drink topic, being able not just to learn new vocabulary an

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Educational Resource — English Secondary Education — UD2.It’s delicious! details >

Educational Resource — Secondary Education Technology — UD3-Information and Communication... Open Data

Communication consists of the transmission of information from a sender to a receiver. In every comm

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Educational Resource — Secondary Education Technology — UD3-Information and Communication... details >

Registration of Aragon Conventions 2007 Open Data

Agreements registered in the Register of Conventions of the Government of Aragon during 2007

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Registration of Aragon Conventions 2007 details >

Aragon Convention Registration 2013 Open Data

Agreements registered in the Register of Agreements of the Government of Aragon during 2013

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Aragon Convention Registration 2013 details >

Trade sector in Aragon. Main magnitudes per activity. CNAE-2009 Groups Open Data

New series of Accounts of the trade sector in Aragon, methodology according to the Structural Statis

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Trade sector in Aragon. Main magnitudes per activity. CNAE-2009 Groups details >

Services sector in Aragon. Year 2018. Operating results by activity. CNAE-2009 Divisions Open Data

New series of accounts of the services sector in Aragon, methodology according to the Structural Sta

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Services sector in Aragon. Year 2018. Operating results by activity. CNAE-2009 Divisions details >

Services sector in Aragon. Year 2019. Main indicators by activity. CNAE-2009 sections Open Data

New series of accounts of the services sector in Aragon, methodology according to the Structural Sta

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Services sector in Aragon. Year 2019. Main indicators by activity. CNAE-2009 sections details >

Services sector in Aragon. Year 2019. Main magnitudes per activity. CNAE-2009 sections Open Data

New series of accounts of the services sector in Aragon, methodology according to the Structural Sta

Issued on

Services sector in Aragon. Year 2019. Main magnitudes per activity. CNAE-2009 sections details >

Summary tables. Foreign students enrolled by continent of origin. Regions Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Summary tables. Foreign students enrolled by continent of origin. Regions details >

Summary tables. Pupils enrolled in general education by sex. Municipalities Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Summary tables. Pupils enrolled in general education by sex. Municipalities details >

Summary tables. Rural centers grouped CRA. Municipalities Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

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Summary tables. Rural centers grouped CRA. Municipalities details >

Rates according to type, nationality and sex. Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, tabulation, production and dissemination of data corresponding to Aragon

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Rates according to type, nationality and sex. details >

Building Management Visas, Municipalities Open Data

Exploitation, elaboration and dissemination of data for Aragon of the Project Management Visas and e

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Building Management Visas, Municipalities details >
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