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Statistics on the transport of goods by road of the Basque Country. 3 rd quarter of 2016. Open Data

The Transport of Goods by Road Statistics is a continuous sample investigation whose main objective

Issued on 2016-01-16T23:00:00Z

Statistics on the transport of goods by road of the Basque Country. 3 rd quarter of 2016. details >

Statistics on the transport of goods by road of the Basque Country. 3 rd quarter of 2018 Open Data

The Transport of Goods by Road Statistics is a continuous sample investigation whose main objective

Issued on 2018-09-30T22:00:00Z

Statistics on the transport of goods by road of the Basque Country. 3 rd quarter of 2018 details >

Statistics on the transport of goods by road of the Basque Country. 4th quarter of 2016. Open Data

The Transport of Goods by Road Statistics is a continuous sample investigation whose main objective

Issued on 2017-03-13T23:00:00Z

Statistics on the transport of goods by road of the Basque Country. 4th quarter of 2016. details >

Statistics of homes started and completed. 1st quarter 2016 Open Data

Statistics of homes started and completed. 1st quarter 2016

Issued on 2016-04-28T22:00:00Z

Statistics of homes started and completed. 1st quarter 2016 details >

Statistics of homes started and completed. 1st quarter 2018 Open Data

Statistics of homes started and completed. 1st quarter 2018

Issued on 2018-04-26T22:00:00Z

Statistics of homes started and completed. 1st quarter 2018 details >

Statistics of homes started and completed. 1st quarter 2020 Open Data

Statistics of homes started and completed. 1st quarter 2020

Issued on 2020-04-07T22:00:00Z

Statistics of homes started and completed. 1st quarter 2020 details >

Statistics of homes started and completed. 3 rd quarter 2016 Open Data

Statistics of homes started and completed. 3 rd quarter 2016

Issued on 2016-07-19T22:00:00Z

Statistics of homes started and completed. 3 rd quarter 2016 details >

Statistics of homes started and completed. 3 rd quarter 2020 Open Data

Statistics of homes started and completed. 3 rd quarter 2020

Issued on 2020-04-07T22:00:00Z

Statistics of homes started and completed. 3 rd quarter 2020 details >

Packaging declaration statistics of the Basque Country. 2008-2013. Open Data

The objective of the packaging declaration stage is to verify the degree of compliance with the reco

Issued on 2015-09-24T22:00:00Z

Packaging declaration statistics of the Basque Country. 2008-2013. details >

Statistics on Flow of Materials from the Basque Country. 2005-2013 Open Data

One of the characteristics of today’s society is the production and consumption of goods, with the c

Issued on 2016-03-07T23:00:00Z

Statistics on Flow of Materials from the Basque Country. 2005-2013 details >

Real Estate Register Statistics 2012 Open Data

Quarterly data on real estate transfers and constitution of mortgages. The Registral Inmobiliaria st

Issued on 2015-05-05T22:00:00Z

Real Estate Register Statistics 2012 details >

Real Estate Register Statistics 2015 Open Data

Quarterly data on real estate transfers and constitution of mortgages. The Registral Inmobiliaria st

Issued on 2015-05-05T22:00:00Z

Real Estate Register Statistics 2015 details >

Real Estate Register Statistics 2016 Open Data

Quarterly data on real estate transfers and constitution of mortgages. The Registral Inmobiliaria st

Issued on 2016-09-14T22:00:00Z

Real Estate Register Statistics 2016 details >

Statistics of non-dangerous waste of the Basque Country. 2013. Open Data

Non-hazardous waste counted in the inventory includes any type of waste, excluding hazardous waste,

Issued on 2015-09-08T22:00:00Z

Statistics of non-dangerous waste of the Basque Country. 2013. details >

Statistics of Dangerous Waste of the Basque Country 2013 Open Data

As laid down in Article 3e of Law 22/2011 of 28 July 2011 on contaminated waste and soil (BOE: 29/07

Issued on 2015-05-05T22:00:00Z

Statistics of Dangerous Waste of the Basque Country 2013 details >

Urban Waste Statistics of the Basque Country 2013. Open Data

Municipal or municipal waste is waste generated in private homes, shops, offices and services, as we

Issued on 2015-05-04T22:00:00Z

Urban Waste Statistics of the Basque Country 2013. details >

Statistics on the transport of goods by road of the Basque Country. 2nd quarter of 2015. Open Data

The Transport of Goods by Road Statistics is a continuous sample investigation whose main objective

Issued on 2015-05-07T22:00:00Z

Statistics on the transport of goods by road of the Basque Country. 2nd quarter of 2015. details >

Statistics on the transport of goods by road of the Basque Country. 3 rd quarter of 2015. Open Data

The Transport of Goods by Road Statistics is a continuous sample investigation whose main objective

Issued on 2015-05-07T22:00:00Z

Statistics on the transport of goods by road of the Basque Country. 3 rd quarter of 2015. details >

Statistics on access to the Euskadi.eus portal network: visits and page views (2011-2018) Open Data

Statistics on access to the Euskadi.eus portal network: visits and Page Views

Issued on 2011-03-25T23:00:00Z

Statistics on access to the Euskadi.eus portal network: visits and page views (2011-2018) details >

Statistics on access to the Euskadi.net portal network. Year 2012 Open Data

Statistics on access to the Euskadi.net portal network. Year 2012

Issued on 2013-05-31T22:00:00Z

Statistics on access to the Euskadi.net portal network. Year 2012 details >

Statistics on access to the Euskadi.net portal network. Year 2013 Open Data

Statistics on access to the Euskadi.net portal network. Year 2013

Issued on 2014-05-31T22:00:00Z

Statistics on access to the Euskadi.net portal network. Year 2013 details >

Euskadi in the EU. International Environmental Statistics. Material flow statistics. 2005-2013 Open Data

One of the characteristics of today’s society is the production and consumption of goods, with the c

Issued on 2016-07-13T22:00:00Z

Euskadi in the EU. International Environmental Statistics. Material flow statistics. 2005-2013 details >

Evolution of inshore fishing auctioned in the EAC by ports Open Data

Contact: [email protected]

Issued on 2017-04-09T22:00:00Z

Evolution of inshore fishing auctioned in the EAC by ports details >

Evolution of housing on offer in the Basque Country. 2006 Open Data

Statistical tables with the evolution of supply and prices and rentals of homes, garages and premise

Issued on 2011-08-31T22:00:00Z

Evolution of housing on offer in the Basque Country. 2006 details >

Evolution of new homes for sale by historical territories. 2005 Open Data

Statistical tables with the evolution of supply and prices and rentals of homes, garages and premise

Issued on 2011-08-31T22:00:00Z

Evolution of new homes for sale by historical territories. 2005 details >

Evolution of new homes for sale by historical territories. 2007 Open Data

Statistical tables with the evolution of supply and prices and rentals of homes, garages and premise

Issued on 2011-08-31T22:00:00Z

Evolution of new homes for sale by historical territories. 2007 details >

Evolution of cattle stock Open Data

Statistics on ruminant and dairy production provide information on the number of Romanian cattle (bo

Issued on 2016-07-03T22:00:00Z

Evolution of cattle stock details >

Evolution of the average price of new homes for sale by historical territory (thousands &).... Open Data

Statistical tables with the evolution of supply and prices and rentals of homes, garages and premise

Issued on 2011-08-31T22:00:00Z

Evolution of the average price of new homes for sale by historical territory (thousands &).... details >

Evolution of the average price of new homes for sale by historical territory (thousands &).... Open Data

Statistical tables with the evolution of supply and prices and rentals of homes, garages and premise

Issued on 2011-08-31T22:00:00Z

Evolution of the average price of new homes for sale by historical territory (thousands &).... details >

Evolution of the price (thousands &) and rent (&) of housing on sale in the AC of the... Open Data

Statistical tables with the evolution of supply and prices and rentals of homes, garages and premise

Issued on 2011-08-31T22:00:00Z

Evolution of the price (thousands &) and rent (&) of housing on sale in the AC of the... details >

Evolution of the price per useful m² of homes for sale in the Basque Country (&) 2005 Open Data

Statistical tables with the evolution of supply and prices and rentals of homes, garages and premise

Issued on 2011-08-31T22:00:00Z

Evolution of the price per useful m² of homes for sale in the Basque Country (&) 2005 details >

Evolution of the price per useful m² of homes for sale in the Basque Country (&) 2006 Open Data

Statistical tables with the evolution of supply and prices and rentals of homes, garages and premise

Issued on 2011-09-30T22:00:00Z

Evolution of the price per useful m² of homes for sale in the Basque Country (&) 2006 details >

Evolution of the price per useful m² of homes for sale in the Basque Country (& 2007 Open Data

Statistical tables with the evolution of supply and prices and rentals of homes, garages and premise

Issued on 2011-08-31T22:00:00Z

Evolution of the price per useful m² of homes for sale in the Basque Country (& 2007 details >

Evolution of the price per useful m² of new homes for sale by historical territories (&). 2005 Open Data

Statistical tables with the evolution of supply and prices and rentals of homes, garages and premise

Issued on 2011-08-31T22:00:00Z

Evolution of the price per useful m² of new homes for sale by historical territories (&). 2005 details >

Historical price developments Open Data

Departmental Statistical Body

Issued on 2009-03-23T23:00:00Z

Historical price developments details >

Cattle holdings of the CAE by stratum of size and fitness according to Historical Territory Open Data

Statistics on ruminant and dairy production provide information on the number of Romanian cattle (bo

Issued on 2016-07-03T22:00:00Z

Cattle holdings of the CAE by stratum of size and fitness according to Historical Territory details >

Caprine holdings of the CAE by stratum of size according to Historic Territory Open Data

Ruminant and milk production statistics provide information on the number of Romanian livestock (bov

Issued on 2016-07-06T22:00:00Z

Caprine holdings of the CAE by stratum of size according to Historic Territory details >

Pig holdings Open Data

Departmental Statistical Body

Issued on 2016-07-05T22:00:00Z

Pig holdings details >

FAMILITUR C.A. of the Basque Country 2000-2014 Open Data

This statistic focuses on travel, meaning, therefore, the realisation of at least one overnight stay

Issued on 2018-08-29T22:00:00Z

FAMILITUR C.A. of the Basque Country 2000-2014 details >

FAMILITUR C.A. of the Basque Country 2015-2016 Open Data

This statistic focuses on travel, meaning, therefore, the realisation of at least one overnight stay

Issued on 2018-08-29T22:00:00Z

FAMILITUR C.A. of the Basque Country 2015-2016 details >

FAMILITUR. State tourists visiting the Basque Country. Statistical tables of Excursionists. 2020. Open Data

This statistic identifies travelers coming from the state whose destination is the Basque Country by

Issued on 2019-03-25T23:00:00Z

FAMILITUR. State tourists visiting the Basque Country. Statistical tables of Excursionists. 2020. details >

FAMILITUR. State travelers visiting the Basque Country. Tourist statistical tables. 2020 Open Data

This statistic identifies travelers coming from the state whose destination is the Basque Country by

Issued on 2019-03-25T23:00:00Z

FAMILITUR. State travelers visiting the Basque Country. Tourist statistical tables. 2020 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 1st quarter of 2013 Open Data

Statistics to know the grants and loans in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition,

Issued on 2013-06-12T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 1st quarter of 2013 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 1st quarter of 2014 Open Data

Statistics to know the grants and loans in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition,

Issued on 2014-05-31T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 1st quarter of 2014 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 1st quarter of 2015 Open Data

Statistics to know the grants and loans in number and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisit

Issued on 2015-05-05T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 1st quarter of 2015 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 1st quarter of 2016 Open Data

Statistics to know the grants and loans in number and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisit

Issued on 2016-05-04T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 1st quarter of 2016 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 2nd quarter of 2012 Open Data

Statistics to know the grants and loans in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition,

Issued on 2012-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 2nd quarter of 2012 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 2nd quarter of 2013 Open Data

Statistics to know the grants and loans in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition,

Issued on 2013-07-31T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 2nd quarter of 2013 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 3 rd quarter of 2013 Open Data

Statistics to know the grants and loans in nº and amount of Basque Government for the acquisition, p

Issued on 2013-10-31T23:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 3 rd quarter of 2013 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 3 rd quarter of 2014 Open Data

Statistics to know the grants and loans in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition,

Issued on 2014-12-30T23:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 3 rd quarter of 2014 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 3 rd quarter of 2015 Open Data

Statistics to know the grants and loans in number and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisit

Issued on 2015-05-05T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 3 rd quarter of 2015 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 3 rd quarter of 2016 Open Data

Statistics to know the grants and loans in number and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisit

Issued on 2016-08-01T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 3 rd quarter of 2016 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 4th quarter of 2015 Open Data

Statistics to know the grants and loans in number and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisit

Issued on 2015-05-05T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 4th quarter of 2015 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 4th quarter of 2016 Open Data

Statistics to know the grants and loans in number and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisit

Issued on 2016-08-01T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. 4th quarter of 2016 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 1st quarter 2008 Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in number and amount GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and reh

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 1st quarter 2008 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 1st quarter 2009 Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount that GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and re

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 1st quarter 2009 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 2nd quarter 2009 Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount that GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and re

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 2nd quarter 2009 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 2nd quarter 2010 Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount that GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and re

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 2nd quarter 2010 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 2nd quarter 2011 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, promot

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 2nd quarter 2011 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 3 rd quarter 2008 Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and rehabil

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 3 rd quarter 2008 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 3 rd quarter 2009 Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount that GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and re

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 3 rd quarter 2009 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 3 rd quarter 2011 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, promot

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 3 rd quarter 2011 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 4th quarter 2008 Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and rehabil

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 4th quarter 2008 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 4th quarter 2009 Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount that GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and re

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved 4th quarter 2009 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved January-December 2007 Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount that GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and re

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved January-December 2007 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved by credit institutions... Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in number and amount GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and reh

Issued on 2011-06-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved by credit institutions... details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved by credit institutions... Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount that GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and re

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved by credit institutions... details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved by credit institutions... Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount that GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and re

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved by credit institutions... details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved and formalised... Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount that GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and re

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved and formalised... details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved and formalised... Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount that GV approves for the acquisition, promotion and re

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans approved and formalised... details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 1st quarter 2009 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, promot

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 1st quarter 2009 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 1st quarter 2010 Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount that are formalised for the acquisition, promotion and

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 1st quarter 2010 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 3 rd quarter 2008 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in number and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, de

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 3 rd quarter 2008 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 3 rd quarter 2010 Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount that are formalised for the acquisition, promotion and

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 3 rd quarter 2010 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 4th quarter of 2008 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in number and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, de

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 4th quarter of 2008 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 4th quarter of 2009 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, promot

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 4th quarter of 2009 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 4th quarter 2011 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, promot

Issued on 2011-12-31T23:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 4th quarter 2011 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 4th quarter 2010 Open Data

Statistics to know the loans in nº and amount that are formalised for the acquisition, promotion and

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised 4th quarter 2010 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised January-December 2007 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, promot

Issued on 2010-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Loans formalised January-December 2007 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant recognised 1st quarter 2008 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in number and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, de

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant recognised 1st quarter 2008 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant recognised 1st quarter 2011 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, promot

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant recognised 1st quarter 2011 details >

Financing of protective actions in the area of housing and land. recognised grant 2nd quarter of... Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in number and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, de

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in the area of housing and land. recognised grant 2nd quarter of... details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant recognised 2nd quarter 2011 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, promot

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant recognised 2nd quarter 2011 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant recognised 3 rd quarter 2009 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, promot

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant recognised 3 rd quarter 2009 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant recognised 4th quarter of 2009 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, promot

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant recognised 4th quarter of 2009 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant recognised 4th quarter 2011 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in nº and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, promot

Issued on 2011-12-31T23:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant recognised 4th quarter 2011 details >

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant awarded January-September 2007 Open Data

Statistics to know the subsidies in number and quantity of Basque Government for the acquisition, pr

Issued on 2011-09-29T22:00:00Z

Financing of protective actions in terms of housing and land. Grant awarded January-September 2007 details >

Distribution of expenditure on culture of the public administrations of the EAC, by economic chapter... Open Data

The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo

Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z

Distribution of expenditure on culture of the public administrations of the EAC, by economic chapter... details >

Distribution of expenditure on culture of the public administrations of the EAC, by economic chapter... Open Data

The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo

Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z

Distribution of expenditure on culture of the public administrations of the EAC, by economic chapter... details >

Relative weight of each level of administration in EAC culture spending (EUR and %) Open Data

The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo

Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z

Relative weight of each level of administration in EAC culture spending (EUR and %) details >

Expenditure settled on culture in relation to total budgets, by level of administration (thousands... Open Data

The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo

Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z

Expenditure settled on culture in relation to total budgets, by level of administration (thousands... details >

Expenditure paid in culture, by cultural area and municipal dimension (euros and %) Open Data

The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo

Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z

Expenditure paid in culture, by cultural area and municipal dimension (euros and %) details >

Expenditure settled in culture, by cultural field and type of entity (EUR and %) Open Data

The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo

Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z

Expenditure settled in culture, by cultural field and type of entity (EUR and %) details >

Expenditure settled on culture, by economic chapter and municipal dimension (euros and %) Open Data

The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo

Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z

Expenditure settled on culture, by economic chapter and municipal dimension (euros and %) details >

Expenditure paid in culture according to the implementing departments of the same in the... Open Data

The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo

Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z

Expenditure paid in culture according to the implementing departments of the same in the... details >

Expenditure on culture of municipalities, by cultural area and municipal dimension (euros and %) Open Data

The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo

Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z

Expenditure on culture of municipalities, by cultural area and municipal dimension (euros and %) details >

Expenditure on culture of municipalities, by economic chapter and municipal dimension (euros and %) Open Data

The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo

Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z

Expenditure on culture of municipalities, by economic chapter and municipal dimension (euros and %) details >

Expenditure on culture of municipalities, by economic chapter and Historical Territory (euros and %) Open Data

The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo

Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z

Expenditure on culture of municipalities, by economic chapter and Historical Territory (euros and %) details >

Expenditure on culture, by cultural field and levels of administration (EUR and %) Open Data

The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo

Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z

Expenditure on culture, by cultural field and levels of administration (EUR and %) details >

Expenditure on culture, by economic chapter and levels of administration (EUR and %) Open Data

The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo

Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z

Expenditure on culture, by economic chapter and levels of administration (EUR and %) details >
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Operation and development of APIs are currently fully funded by company Apitalks and its usage is for free.
Yes, you can.
All important information such as time of last update, license and other information are in response of each API call.
In case of major update that would not be compatible with previous version of API, we keep for 30 days both versions so you will have enough time to transfer to new version. We will inform you about the changes in advance by e-mail.

Didn't find the API you need?

Let us know and we will figure it out for you.

API Store provides access to European Open Data via scalable and reliable REST API interface.
Copyright © 2025. Made with ♥ by Apitalks